tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 13, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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leave it the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise. because that's the only way we can try to solve any of these problem is together. that's why i'm 0 is so important. we make those connections. oh, this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm rob matheson and this is the news are alive from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. russian missiles had a ukrainian military base, used for nato drills near the border with poland. at least 9 people are killed. crowds, 3 times the key was rushing tubes edge closer to the ukrainian capital. we thought warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe in mario paul,
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new efforts to get aid into the city that has been left without power, food and water. and going concerns about europe's largest nuclear power plants. ukraine warns russia plans to come solid permanently. i'm joanna roscoe, with the sports full time grand slam champion. naomi. a soccer is left in tears on the tennis court. again of being heckled at indian wells. russia appears to have delivered a message to natal, close to ukraine's border with poland. around 30 missiles have struck a military training facility in java eve. now that's in the la viv region. just 20 kilometers from poland, a member of nato, and the european union. at least 9 people were killed in the attack and nearly 60 have been injured. ukraine holds most of its drills with nato at the base which housed us troops just a few weeks ago, or shortly. we're going to cross over to natasha butler,
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whose life for us in the very 1st of all, we're going to talk to jona whole who's near the average military base. jonah just bring us up to date with what we know about this attack. as we speak era tolerance going off in this area again, i'm just off the main artery. you can see it behind me that the road running west to east for the polish border, which is about 20 kilometers west of us over that leave 40 to 50 kilometers due east. you can perhaps see emergency crews ambulances and so on. talked up at this junction there on our way, and we saw loads of these ambulances screaming in and screaming out, taking in just to evolve of hospital, just down the road over that possibly also all the way to leave as well. and pretty grim descriptions coming about the extent of injuries suffered and as you said, 9 field according to local regional administration,
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$57.00 or more injured. and if i just thank you a little bit around here that we can't get to the military base. because of course, it is a military installation, but it's just a kilometer ought to down this road into the village of star. is she the center for international peacekeeping and security? the space is called it is a training facility reports that russian media in recent months have referred to this place as a sort of informal nato base inside the borders of ukraine. and that's because in the latter part of last year, it hosted pretty substantial military exercises involving $6000.00 forces from 15 country in countries including us forces. it is also known to have housed foreign military personnel providing training to ukrainian troops. the americans announced back on february, the 12th, not so long ago that they were putting out 150 of their military train. this is not known at this moment whether any foreign personnel were on the base. but this is a say was a secure military installation barracks, barrack blocks,
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clearly seen from satellite pictures, no civilians, all new space at that time. but a clear indication that russia is widening the extent of its attacks into the wes of the country. a warning on saturday from deputy, a foreign minister, so gay re up cough that supplies all military, a military weaponry that are known to be coming into this country frequently. now that have been so useful in bolstering ukraine's defense are considered legitimate targets. and that over there is one of several routes into the country foot, just those sorts of supplies. so a clear message here from russia that it is willing to attack incoming military aid . the, remember this route is not just for military supplies. it is also being used by hundreds of thousands of civilians fleeing this country, becoming refugees into europe, leaving what was hitherto a peaceful corner of ukraine. now no longer joan of thank you very much,
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donna hall talking to us from the java leave. okay, let's now take a look at the wider picture in western ukraine. natasha butler is life for us in levine and natasha up to this point to live. even the surrounding area have been relatively untouched by the conflict that's going on. but as we're hearing, obviously it's beginning to move closer. yes, we just had a series of air raid sirens, hey, in the vive, overnight there were ever 8 warnings. i repaired of about 3 hours. we now know we're in connection with that attack on that. so ukrainian military face some 3040 kilometers north of the city levine, where you just heard my colleague jonah how reporting from so people in this city are certainly feeling a lot more anxious. as the days past. we've had 3 nights that have been broken by air right. silence. a sense that something is in the air that perhaps the russian
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invasion, this war is coming in closer to the west. also overnight though, an airport in ivana frank is. that's a city south west of here is not far from the hungarian border, but also in western ukraine. that was kit we understand from ukrainian authority, but it has been pretty much destroyed. that is the 2nd strike at the airport in just a few days. the 1st right at the beginning of the invasion, but since then it had been a pretty quiet there. and then in the north west of ukraine and the town of lutes where we were there on saturday. speaking to people speaking to the mayor of the city who had just attended the funeral for 2 ukrainian soldiers because for ukrainian soldiers were killed as a russian, a missile strike on an air base just outside of the city. there the mail saying that people weren't scared, they went panicking for the time being he said that he was sure the ukraine would win. so he was suddenly in a defiant mood, but i have to say the mood is changing here. and again,
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innovate in this city. it's important to know that it is so close to the polish border. it is become a hard for people fleeing from other parts of ukraine, fleeing the violence, flaying the shelling. hundreds of thousands are passing through this city, either to seek refuge here or on their way to poland, just across the border or to other new countries. it has been seen until now as something all the sites hazel. but you heard jonah, they mentioned also the russian deputy prime minister saying on saturday that some of these, some of these arteries that are leading from poland into western ukraine could become legitimate targets. because what russia doesn't want is for nato to be sending its hardware. it's weaponry across the border into your crane. that is what it is doing at the moment. aid is also coming in though, of course. but now as we hear from moscow, legitimate targets, people here extremely worried that out about like in the room. natasha. thank you very much. and what is intense fighting outside the capital key for air raid sirens
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have been heard. many people have been fleeing the russian advanced a ukrainian hell tones. this is a bill, a hot cup where cars and vans full of people have been arriving many have survived constant bombings and the running out of food and water. some say the road here was littered with mines. partially, villa shouted vanish. only 3, you didn't know who it is hard. it's hard to leave my home town under fire. i cannot speak, we will return. we know that we will return. we believe we will return soon. will you be more sure was one of them. i heard little throttle wall. it's very scary there. we slept in the basement with the children constantly in the basement of cellar shots, non stop. we came to cave and we'll get used to the fact that it's quiet here. constantly quiet. children are crying all the time. the situation with food was difficult. a lot of courses have locals, just lying in the straits. little m on cons in cave,
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where people are unsure about their next move with the city surrounded by the russian forces. emerson, just talkers through what the latest is from cave were in the last 2 hours. we did hear an explosion in the far distant background from where we are a could be that that was a russian attack. i ins one of the cities like athene or boucher, which have been under intense attack speaking to military analysts say, what they are telling us is that those 2 cities particularly are very important because if they fall to the russians, that gives the russians the ability to have a staging post to get armor in to get soldiers in for an attack on the key of itself. archive itself. now, i've been on the street sir this morning just taking a look around. ah, it's now a very familiar sight of yours was 0. i've been showing it to you last few days. again, very empty streets. we were at a supermarket where one man actually stops me. he was looking for an open at
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pharmacy, couldn't actually find one. i didn't know ragged marian, i couldn't help him out, but we did start talking and he was like, i'm running low on medicines. that is food and water in the shops are but i just can't find medicine for my kids. there are a lot of people, 50 percent of the city is still a inside. the city view set has been evacuated. but now the priority for are the authorities is to get people who have fled. those areas that are being attacked by the russians into care of, into the central station, and then get them out. let's take a closer look right now. a desperate scramble to get on a train out of keith. but most of these people aren't residents of the capitol. they've come from places like being and butcher on the outskirts of people. places that have seen the worst of the war so far in this region. they sit in shocked
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silence. women like svetlana, still trying to understand what they've seen of detail in those numbers. our home was destroyed, an explosion blew up the windows doors and everything. all the people who lived in the building ran to the basement. we moved to another part of the city to find a friend's house, but bombardments continued even there. the russian tags kept firing at our houses. and this is wonderfully, ah, andre's, a volunteer coordinator at the central station. his job is to make sure those fleeing from outside of keep can get help. most he says, show visible signs of psychological trauma or a priori now is a hot lion is air pin is a voucher, is a. busy ville is a gastorm and this line, okay, and. busy actually they are really shocked by all these things happening or they didn't expect the russian army to hit severe earns to hit their to it in houses.
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and they never believed it. but they really, under a fire and outside sex is destroyed, booked, it was so it houses many people's q. the cities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the war. the priority now is to get people from other front lines like boucher like a pin into keith and then into this station and get them out. in many ways keep central station has become evacuation central station tis of relief and sadness as the train leaves the station. besides what few belongings they can carry, they also carry the horrors of what they've witnessed. unsure also when they might see their home again, whether that home will still be standing. emron con our dessert. keep central station from his party as a former director of policy planning at nato, he's joining us from santander. good to heavy weather 7 al jazeera sh. if russia is
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delivering a message to nato and its allies, how should they respond? well with any quoting message. first, i think the supply of continue and not the stop because the moment we stop, we are getting critique. we are just respecting is red lines circle. we also fly with the consumer. what is the western ukraine is increasing b s. and the best way for the ukrainians to be able to troll and stop crazed to have effective nato paint. and i think this would be a much clearer declaratory push back on rush, because black men of using weapons of mass destruction being a much clearer statement to punish pretty no, that's makes interesting,
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but i think it's expected that it should be done at the nato level. because that like mesh would not be accepted if the west continues to reject active measures like enforcing and flies on or defending non nato countries, which it made very clear and they, they've given their reasons for doing that does not however give the impression that the west and nature and its allies are weakened and they are essentially restricted to simply reacting to what russia does. exactly. i think the more i mean we can because i think the more responsibility to support and defend yes. what be a master policies? and i think there's a broader strategy if we accept russia aggression in russia, including nuclear, black men, we are expecting to make them and what really take what, why, when i put in stuff that using really black metal and applied to potentially made
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to align which you by one of them. so i think we have a risk on tomorrow. so we're told we're reporting earlier on about the fact that they this military training facility in java, we've had been hit there where we understand foreign personnel. we don't know where they are from. but i want to ask you this in the event that an attack like that happens again, and foreign fighters or foreign civilians and ukraine are killed. what response does that leave for nato and its allies? well, i think that that's the need. i need us to decide clear the true not lead to a lack of response. on the contrary, i think it shows that these, these coffee cannot be contained, that the illusion that somehow by not stepping, we are going to contain that conflict to ukraine, to day to territory is think of
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a flow. so i think you want think away and want to know that this conflict is more in europe and more. europe is not something you can get outside of kind of older. and he told us, and he's going to keep on getting us because simply we are putting this kelly. so we need to stop responding in a more possible way. i think that should be offensive a way to, to, to react to possible trainers or international trade years being tried this morning for the last couple of weeks al jazeera and other media outlets have, of course, been covering the way that ukraine has been responding to this crisis, but we're now hearing reports that civilians in multiples for example, i've been fighting each other for supplies. my colleagues around congress, you're talking about the fact that shops in kiva closed and they're beginning to run out of things like pharmacies and so on. what is the risk that that fight to
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survive and fight for basic goods could actually undermine any response that ukrainians might make russia did. this is obviously what russia wants. they have failed the, the 1st few days of the campaign to take the leadership and government. and now they're trying to bring the whole population which needs, including by provoking i'd like to describe which are to become your call being of the siege. so it's a terrible picture, and of course, this is a race against time here. and the population have to hold for a continue to basically exhaust this military campaign and be politically we come back home. but for that, come up and the ukraine location needs more support and the west kind of red staying outside of the red lines. we really appreciate you being with us. so i'll
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just here a family's party. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. the president followed me as lensky says, russia is trying to break his country apart, but he warns it'll face a fuse fight if he tries to occupy the capital. i'll just see this device and asked the president of. busy the mental strain he's been under after more than 2 weeks of war. my name is step foster from al jazeera english bombing, children's hospitals, maternity wards, residential areas. they seem to be part of the strategy to force you to surrender. this is clearly not working, but it must have an enormous impact on you mentally shuttle. so each day regarding the children and the beautiful mothers and what happened to them, how can any normal person react to this? well, it's simply inactive terrorism, another one. unfortunately, this is like a tragic tv series about acts of terrorism. when this is happened elsewhere in
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europe, like when there's been an attack on a metro station, everyone was shocked to day rule apparently used to it not. i don't want to be used to it already heavily guarded. the president has just left this room. but this kind of appearance of a very important not only for the ukrainian army, for the civil defense, but also for a lot of civilians who are staying behind here. in kia and in the rest of the country to fight this war, france says there's been no breakthrough in efforts to convince russia to end its war in ukraine. french president, william, i call, and german chancellor. all our shots spoke to russian president vladimir putin on the phone for more than an hour. they urged him to declare an immediate cease fire in ukraine as a condition for full negotiations. it's the 2nd time the leaders have tried to broker a deal in the past week. okay, let me show you what's happening across the ukraine. russian forces pushing into areas around ki, ukrainian military officials, say a convoy of people trying to flee a village near the capital was attacked on saturday, killing 7, including
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a child. the city of mario paul in the south continues to be targeted by russian strikes. the civilians have been fighting for the few supplies that are left. the claims president says is governance trying to get aide into the city. harding has more. dozens of buses stand ready to enter. merrier poll, filled with food and water. they're trying to reach one of the areas hardest hit by russian showing their only protection signs on the windows. people and ukrainian they tried to go in, but, or turned around was in the or is it say, i have to say this is painful and merry up or remains blocked by the enemy of the size of the russian troops did not lead out into the city and continued to torture . our people, our merrier residence. tomorrow we'll try again. once again and food, water and medicine for our city. for nearly 2 weeks,
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no one has been able to leave the city. and no aid has entered the road. we were trapped underground and 2 children died nor was able to save them. these people here are desperate for help. there are thousands and thousands of families trapped in the city who are running out of water. and then at that point what you do even our team, the international, pretty red cross team that isn't mario poll. they've effectively run out of water and they're telling us ok, now we go to a stream and collect water, we boil it, we drink it. well, how do tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people do that, especially if you're elderly. these satellite pictures show industrial and residential buildings, flattened fires, still burning, ukraine's foreign minister. demeter aqua says russia wants to capture the city at
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any cost. mario poll is crucially important for our son because he sees control over the city. they will establish the rec, land quarter to 2 crime yes from. and they will also cut us off from access to other c. this is why we store fiercely and heroically defended. and this is why russia so ruthlessly trying to destroy the cd and capture it at any cost. ukraine says it will not surrender or retreat and attempt to reach people trapped in the city will continue. york e. the solace or look, watch me. we will try to morrow again to evacuate. people from mario polls. we will again do it tomorrow in front of the whole world in front of the politicians and leaders in front of the entire planet earth. but for now,
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these buses remain full of aid. but empty of people who want to leave leo harding al jazeera nieto in central ukraine, his elementary target for russian bombings and had previously escaped much of the result and had become a stuff off point for people trying to free ukraine. oh jesus, called out the hamid is there. ah, i went to another life short, the mounting tool of this conflict. now in his 3rd week, 21 year old alexander village go, was killed on the 1st day of the war. he was on the front line in guns region in the east of the country. it took 2 weeks for his body to be retrieved and brought back to his hometown. with forgive me, my son were the last words of his grieving father who wanted me
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to be shown. okay, lost a friend and a neighbor in the sun. and i was in touch with him the day before this happened, his spirits were high. it's difficult to describe the loss hard to express, the army didn't change him. he was the same. he was very kind, perhaps on being pathetic, but he definitely loved life. sounds ironic, now. visit in for the music lensky says about $1300.00 service men have lost their lives so far, but ki, ukrainian cities remained surrounded as russia seems to be extending is target around the country. it might take longer because the ukrainian armies actually putting up a fight, but it seems that the russian strategy is to surround cities like had given the north east all mar, you pull in the south, besieged them and bring them down to their knees before continuing the advance and
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people here i leaving because they feel that then the pro could be next. denise pro was targeted for 2 days straight for his rock is coming from the east, either from territory under separate his control or russia itself. this was an early warning miss. i intercepted over the city center that was caught on mobile phone chart. ashley etiquette the given router living is the natural earth excel on our air defense system is weaker than at the beginning of the war. the russians targeted it on the 1st day, they tried to destroy it. we managed to evacuate staff. it's working still, but not everything is smooth void. now they fight aimlessly from a long distance. they don't come close because we still have it a fence system, but they have capacity to hit from hundreds of kilometers away with. and we asked the whole of the world to close the sky, while ukraine's western allies are refusing to enforce and no fly zone is the families were left to live with their loss. alexander had married valero. yeah,
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less than 3 months ago. now she's a young widow holding died the colors her husband defended to his last breath, hoping it won't be in vain. and other hamid al jazeera, the need for ukraine. the u. s. as in ice and sending another $200000000.00 worth of weapons to ukraine had, builds on the significant shipments had sent in the lead up to the war. and on thursday, the u. s. congress approved an additional $13600000000.00 and emergency aid for ukraine. alam fisher's in washington dc. he explains what weapons the ukrainians, a prioritizing. yes, president joe biden is at camp david this we can, but we are told he is keeping across all developments in ukraine and he approved the release of these weapons. now the ukrainians have been asking for javelin anti tank and stinger anti aircraft missiles. we expect them to be in this batch that is released along with a significant amount of small arms at these will come from existing
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u. s. military stock, which means that they don't have to wait for the manufacturer to deliver them and then be moved on to ukraine. this, these can go almost immediately. and this is the 3rd time in 3 months that the u. s . military has done that part of $1200000000.00 and military aid that the u. s. has provided since january 2021. that's important, of course, because that's when joe biden became president. no secretary of state antony lincoln has praised the ukrainian, seeing that they are showing great skill i and will, and provide courage. and we know that congress is very much in support of what is happening in a tone in a city and a country that can be so often divided on party lines. there was bipartisan support just a few days ago when congress approved $13600000000.00 in aid to ukraine. but this $200000000.00. the next step for you as support of ukraine
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in the face of this russian onslaught. the come more in the ukraine won't come help and al jazeera and on the news, including preserving his patch, the battle to protect one of the world's most important areas of forestry. i'm to santa rinaldo reaches and other goals, funding landmarks joe's going to have that. and the rest of this coming up later this hour, ah, eastern year it's been much colder than it should have been for quite a long time. there was significant snow in the balkans in greece from last week and still warnings out of that cold weather suppressed underneath this area of high pressure. and nothing's really changing very quickly. but it's rather different story in western europe stretching from scotland stamps to south spain. is this system of weather which is windy. now certainly ahead of his quite warm winter
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temperatures in the center of europe are rising, but with it there is right in opposing wind directions. quite stormy weather looks likely in the south of francis's during sunday. some snow in the massive sun trial for example, but it's actually getting it. it was the significance now at the moment. that particular head a day from sunday into monday back in iberia. so spain and portugal we got yet more rain, snow at height and strong winds. now it's 20 degrees in power, but i'll be a windy day impala much, much quality doesn't look that cold. i have to say in this part of europe, but it is temperature still in the low side, it got up to 7 and keeping 6 in so fear briefly, things who warm up in eastern europe, temperatures do rise dollars. sustainable situation, the middle of europe, low temperatures are above where they should be. it's war right on the top. the ski slopes, not good for everyone. ah
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a warranty or does it a reminder of our told stories this out of russian air strikes have had a ukrainian military base close to the border with poland. a governor of the live region now says at least 35 people have been killed. intense fighting is raging outside the capital chief, where air raid sirens hoping to hurt many people have been fleeing the russian advanced and ukrainian held times. a new attempt has been made to send aid to the besieged city of mario pole. it's enjoyed intense russian bombardment has been cut off for 13 days. the mayor says 1500 people have been killed. sell a car that wraps up the latest developments. the latest targets for russian forces,
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ukraine's biggest military base in the west. the international peacekeeping insecurity center in ya or of is used to train ukrainian forces. it was hit by several missiles it was shelled $57.00 people are injured including civilians. 9 people have died. now the fire is being put out. the kremlin appears to be widening its net toward ukraine's western border. the base where joint nato military drills are usually held is just 20 kilometers from the polish border and then 3.4 weapons aid from the west to support ukraine. on saturday, the u. s. approved a further $200000000.00 worth of alms for cave fronting warnings from moscow. the corridors being used to transfer foreign weapons into ukraine, all legitimate targets. nearly 3 weeks in russia's bombardment of ukraine is
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intensifying by the day. it's hard to keep track of the amounts of damage caused, but the criminal on sunday said it's destroyed more than 3500 military facilities so far. these are the same corridors being used by those fleeing the war. as russian troops advanced close, it's ukraine's capital keys. daily evacuations from the city surrounding it have doubled in the last 24 hours. this is mary pole in the south east. relentless shilling has killed more than 1500 people there so far. for nearly 2 weeks support city has been besieged. no one can leave and no aid can enter. thousands of people feel trapped. water is running out. rushes military has admitted the situation in some ukrainian cities is catastrophic, but blamed ukraine. so this is alicia. when you thought, unless you thought it was really what the most difficult humanitarian situation has developed in mario poll,
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hundreds of thousands of people including foreigners. these are forcibly held by nationalists who threatening physical violence stop any attempt to leave the city on the ground. the accounts of those fleeing tell a different story. soon a half 1000000 people have fled to neighboring countries already. and that number keeps on rising every minute of every day. which shocked with children, rockets fell 20 meters from us. we have no food or water, nothing. we escaped in, in trying to save ourselves another bombing campaign. another city flattens ukrainians. continue to fight the russians in von of our car city and on yet skin the east, where russian forces are increasingly taking more territory or bringing less or visit them with the usa. we've been hiding here for days. women cook the meals and distribute them to the needy. when we help, the nightmare will end soon. i had no idea it would be so terrible, but it's okay and we'll get through it. while food and water supplies run low
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across the country, resilience remains high. in a war that appears to have no end in sight. so to hide it, i'll de zera the you and your clear watchdog says is concerned about the safety and security of ukraine's nuclear facilities. the zeppelin ship plant is under russian control. it's europe's largest with 6 of ukraine's 15 reactors parlance to the facility of the damage in hockey or facility housing, a research reactors being shelled repeatedly. hamilton, etzky and levine, power plants in south ukraine, are still in government control and operating normally national nuclear side hasn't had any active reactors war than 20 years. but large amounts of spent fuel and radioactive waste remains on site. it's power lines were cut last week, diesel generators are providing back up power. andrea's procket is the director of energy programs at the ukrainian institute for the future. now we're not disclosing
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as location for safety reasons. me doesn't trust what the russians are saying about the plant. the only source that i can trust is ukrainian government and you bring in the public company who are saying that russians are trying to establish control then nuclear power plants. the same as they did with try mobile and then under the commission, which the region but still was in high threats for, for many countries. in the case, if anything happens in general, i would say that there were more incident because rushes where shooting or where the biggest in europe, nuclear power plant, they buy ship shooting, nuclear facilities and reactive storage is key in how to give. so in general, citation is, is very bad. the truth is that the ukraine do have enough qualified specialists
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to operate this power plant without any russian. this, this de assistance. and we, we can do this at the level. and if russians did it the way ukraine in the beginning did we waited and they are offering some technical assistance that sounds crazy. ukrainians are moving as far away as central america. these were some of the 1st to arrive in guatemala on friday. the government says they're being admitted on humanitarian grounds and meticulous experiment with the little petals. i don't know what awaits us in the future, but i hope the wore in soon. it's difficult to express the pain in my heart for my father and mother who are in the ukraine, or they can't leave because they have 40 kilometers from russia. every day they see weapons, and lots of russian soldiers gathered over some other news now talks between chance transitional government and armed groups are underway in kata may im to resolve a long running conflict between rebel groups and the interim government. but some
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groups have refused to participate, chance faced decades of conflict since a military coup in 1991 mohammed was joining us from the talks in doha. and is the other hopes that these talks can actually produce any sort of a result. if some of the on groups aren't taking part. ah, robert, if you ask the participants here, particularly if you ask the organizers the company government envoys here, they tell you that this is a unique charles for the champion rocks and the government to meteor in dough had to day. and particularly that, you know, most of the groups have you represented. yes. as you said, some of them refused to participate. and a few or so walked out from the, from the opening session, even before the closed session started. and they said they were asked one, they were asking for a for be given the chance to talk in the open session. and to they have been
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shocked by the she and number of groups that they have never heard about before. it's about the estimates here. it's about 59 groups here in these talks. and to these people who have walked out, they said they've never heard about these groups and they think that the government has just created them so that they is war splintering more divisions among the charges so that they can control the situation. but there are high hopes everyone here saying that this is a huge gutting. never seen before, among the war insides in child. and that's why there should be a prospect, at least for some kind of results. and also it's not about child, it's also about the region that the foreign minister of libya and is now and my goose just talked to 0 about the importance of peace in charge for the region to take a listen. stability and chad is priority for us. oh sahara is
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a huge desert and huge land what it's very difficult for us also to control our borders. so we need to engage together to work together. and there is actually also agreement has been signed in 2008 between now for countries and ged, libya, sudan and chad, which required share board controls between only these regions. and we are working so hard to activate this agreement because will effect and we have a very positive outcome in peace and within that region. and i mean, the people here are saying that, you know, there must be autism. optimism must reign in this in these talks, because not only that, that the, i mean, the groups are willing, most of them are willing to have talks with the government, particularly since the killing or the assassination of the, of the later it's debbie and the exception of his son, they are now,
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are willing to talk to, to the, to the new president. so that's not on the only reason, but also the out that isn't the heart high confidence in the state of cutoff and they came here. no, we've got that cut that has a fit degree in facilitating consultations or piece talks. they did it in between. editorial did show up here. they did it in either areas in doc for and they think that the categories are serious about their attempt to bring all sides together and to facilitate a kind of agreement between them. mom and thank you very much. i know we're going to be coming back to as those talks progress, but for now, muhammad vol in doha, thank you. of the people in charge who witness conflict. they hope the talks will lead to permanent stability ship. morgan reports from charles capital and germano. window maker, ma'am at huddled hath on this shop in chat capital for 30 years. he says many historic events have happened during that time. but one event stands out that he can't forget. february, 2nd, 2008. when a rebel coalition entered jemina and fighting reached the presidential palace
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unless way of soil, it was the worst day that we were all afraid that we were not going to live because there were bombs being dropped on us and on our neighbors. some of our neighbors died and others were displaced. people were running with their belongings on their heads. i saw military planes flying overhead. we were so afraid off what she did. hundreds of people were killed on that day before the rebels were pushed out of the capitol. chat has been locked in internal conflicts for most of the past 3 decades . they've displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians, mostly in the 8th of the country. various groups took up arms with the aim of removing the countries on the president it res. debbie who came to power in 1991 in a military cool. he died from injury sustained in a battle last year. his son, 37 year olds, mohammed debbie took over and had a 15 member military council. he wants to talk to the armed groups in the country. now arthur is acting as a mediator between the 2 sides. but some opposition groups are critical of the
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talks. even before it's launch, can man, oh my id, but you know what we see happening between the transitional, military counselor and the so called arm groups will not bring any results and is a waste of time. the military is not serious because the timing's wrong. and the military counsels not sending any one of its 50 members to dialogue. it's sending former officials who are not neutral and of sided with the military against the armed groups. man. 12 armed groups will be part of the talks, but they're not the only ones currently active in chad. frank, for change and conquered the group. the government was fighting when president re, baby was killed, has set conditions before it begin. think with the asians, several of the group are also not part of the top window. how accusing the government of trying to strengthen its grip on power. that it was in italy to the government, which had hope to bring everyone who didn't negotiating table. some analysts say the resistance of those groups is the threat to chat long term stability on mobile
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hazard. aden. so for the one, things may go the way the military won't just, but if the talks and don't fail, the groups that have refusing to recognize the military council continue to do so. the country will enter into a new conflict. they have sizeable forces, if not weapons. and chad is surrounded by countries that are unstable. so without reconciliation, chances of sliding back to a major conflict as high. mammoth, fierce conflict too, but helps negotiations and utter can lead to long term peace and security in his home land. he bal, morgan al jazeera jemina, still had in sports, raphael and the doll pulls off. another impressive come back to keep his unbeaten start to the year intact. ah frank assessments for china will benefit from the 0 call it strategy if the rest of
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the world cannot get to get informed opinions at all costs luckiest on needs and on fridays thought about stable critical debate migrate would claims that native constitutes existential threat to russia. but it's precisely his actions that's rated this insecurity in the region. in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera, with, ah, ah ah
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ah, ah, because it's a vast areas of forest and north east. india are under threats, but the government says the amount of forestry in states like money poor have increased the past 2 years. findings that are disputed up, the metal has more. joseph gunnar, i always say this is done when he leaves home. he says he's been attacked 4 times the campaign against illegal logging. despite dangers he stopped to investigate. when he sees logs, that would well have to go grab it because there's so much a legal log holla for to survive. this area in which we are talking used to be a natural forest, but the trees have been chopped off to convert this into what of a plug be. should the ne is home to nearly
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a quarter of all forest in india and also some of its greatest by diversity. but changing methods of farming, natural disasters, and growing populations have significantly reduced it. more antum lawyer number has been preserving this patch of land in the state of money poor. he started doing plants and his 2 decades ago. now it's a lush forest that both of dozens of plant and animal species, brain season, there was 3 or 4 while fire used to common, you know, destroy the whole place. so now initially the, like i used to clear, clear, clear all the land to 9 is the blonde and slowly i phone or other trees are which is which used to be there is started going also official, see the needs to balance environmental concerns with developmental needs plantations, like these have become a popular way to do it. who are bianca for peers will have ordinary from florida. so we're having in this fertile field. so we have to start somewhere. so there was
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a solution which was not perfect, but it was better than having the print. the government says these efforts are being off and its recent report shows forest are growing, but some experts are skeptical. what it does is it, it, it great natural for us, with blond patients, no blond patients could be monarch out of land patients are plantations, could be a double blank patients. it could be apple orchards, all of that. so it isn't, it's important to distinguish. there are laws and policies to protect forrest in india, but many conservationists like georgia, dana thought of believed as little political will to enforce them. bargaining that, that al jazeera knew, denny was talking to the sport. his jo broke. thank you very much. full time grand slam champion naomi soccer has been left in tase after being heckled at indian wells. the japanese tennis star said it reminded her of racist insults that were directed at serena and venus williams at the same tournament in 2001 veronica with
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despite data shouted at naomi you sought after she'd lost her 1st game against veronica code or mentor over in a 2nd round, a sock i who's struggled with her mental health, asked the umpire to give her the microphone, so she could address the crowd, but that request was denied. it left her visibly shaken and she went on to losing straight, says, a soccer said on caught off to the last to explain how she felt struggling. i brought a video of unison serena getting her group here and it even never watched it. you should watch it and i don't know why, but it went into my head and i, it got replayed a lot. oh you trend her, but i just wanted to say thank you and congratulations. you just thank you. hi. will the highest ranked player in
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the draw arena, sibling because of the shock defeats in the 2nd round, the bell russian playing as neutral, took the opening, sat against jasmine, po, lini, but the italian think back to when in 3 sets for her 1st career victory over top 10 player ah, in the men's tournament, raphael adel came back from the brink to keep his unbeaten start to the year, playing at indian wells for the 1st time since 2009. the dal cruise through the 1st set against sebastian quarter that the american up to his level in the 2nd take. he convincingly 61 quarter who named one of his cat soft and down was quite to up against his idol in the 3rd set and twice served for the match. but just like he did in the australian open final, the dal turn things around winning the despite on a tie break, to take victory off to nearly 2 and a half hours. and because i was very lucky today because i, i, bro, lab, lead one of the wars matches of the year. i know that he blow well,
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very aggressive. his ball was very difficult to wonder all bud is one of these days when the things are going the proper way, like the beginning of the season. some thank you very much. like did i'm feel i feel sorry for him now because he deserve probably more of that me that much of the day it was straightforward. so the tournament for dental medicine in his 1st match as well. number one, he beat thomas my hutch of the check republic in straight set to reach the 3rd round. russian is competing with neutral but his country because these countries but from team vents like this, like david. well, recently retired tennis place said case, the whole sky is among a number of athletes who traveled to ukraine to join the resistance efforts. he left his wife and children and hungry to return home to help defend his country and has been speaking about what he said. his family before he went. i didn't tell my kids, they're fairly young and i just, i don't believe that. and any of it, my wife, but she never asked the direct question. i never,
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never told her directly. so when the moment comes, we actually i told him leaving and she started crying out. i don't have a word to describe it. we never imagined in my mind that it would come to us that i would be in my home city ah, trolling midwest with the gun in my hand. the routine is ah me, joseph shifts 6 out of us in the 6 hours of rest, i usually do get out to the city and trying to facilitate different different henry and terry know causes as delivering, taking ouch, driving in. i have pretty much good connections in terms of understanding what the situation is wrong given what are the best route to get out even from the zones which are highly, highly intensified gunfire. it's,
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i'm just trying to do whatever we can on 247 basis because otherwise you're going to go crazy here. it crunch him. that 6 team has found itself far from home. having just competed in an event in kathy of the gymnast have extended this day in the gulf nation because of the war in that country. so i have magic reports pulling off move like this takes concentration. but staying focused when your family back home is suffering because of a military invasion, is far from easy. that's the challenge facing ukraine's autistic gymnast. what training and katara after a recent competition here? but then ma, who is an limping gold med list. he tours with ukraine's competitive as a judge and is doing his best to help them through these difficult time. what i think this week has been a bit easier than last week. we were giving the youngster's work to distract him from the thoughts that for the moment we are unable to return home. we are trying
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to make sure that they are not thinking about problems. there's been some controversy during the ukrainian stay in katana participants from russia. we're allowed to compete at last week's event in doha, as neutral, one russian gymnast stood on the podium next to a ukranian with the letter that on his chest, a symbol of the port for the russian invasion of ukraine, cordially for the plan. what he did is his issue, our goal is to compete on russia has been forbid and used their logo and ask them because of what they are doing against our country. this is all there for us. we are trying to convince, decently, guitar has paid for the gymnast to extend this day in the country. and the local ukrainian community has also offered that support by our physician or the ukrainian community. we do our best to support them, at least in some free time. during the week, it's absolutely impossible. they do have a whole the training session. and for them it's no possibility to rest or to see
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the city. so on the sunday, we want to organize our community and to show them the city, the ukrainian gymnast so relieving cothren a few days for our competition in egypt. but the real big one is the world championship in liverpool, which begins in october. they'll be hoping that by then there will be peace back in their homeland. to have malik al jazeera doha well, number 2, squash player alley frog has spoken out against the war and ukraine, but also condemned the situation in palestine. speaking to his license victory in london hayes, what the gypsy had to say, never been allowed to speak about the policy for both of them now it's allowed so that we are allowed. i hope that the people also look at the patient. do it in the world. i mean, the proceedings have been going through that for the past 7040 years. and and what i did was i guess because it doesn't fit that out of the, of the,
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of the me job. the way we could talk about that, but now that, that so we can talk about the team, we can talk about that and keep that in mind. thank you very much. christina and elders had another cray landmark, as footballs. all time leading scorer with 807 goals. rinaldo school to hatchet for manchester, united in a 3 to premier league went over tottenham. you will time go school record is a tricky one. as if it doesn't keep an official record of the well governing body estimates when all those near thrive lives, auster check player joseph fits on his code. 805. go back in the 30 forties and fifties, brazilian legend pelley scores more than a 1000 goals. the many came in games that have now been classified as friendly, livable as close the gap on legal aid. as mentioned, the t 2 just 3 points. colombian forward lewis d. s gave the liverpool bleed away at brighton, taking a painful blow to the head in the process. mom and sullivan set up to school his 20th legal season. if finish to know from 11 of gears scored his 29th and as
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a goal of the season, it came in by meetings 11 draw against hoffen haim by and have a 10 point lead of a bro settlement at the top of the german lee was another rough day of weather at the event known as goals. 5th major the play as championship. strong winds in florida, blow away the storms that attack the tournaments, but there were major delays. english go for tommy fleetwood who led from the 1st round manage just 3 holes and remains on 6 on de paul. he and others will resume their rounds later on sunday. that's like many with an anxious wait among them 2019 champion, rory mcelroy. his at to over paul and currently set to mr. cox on a, distilling with the chance of winning rugby 6 nations championship. they beat england $3215.00 it twickenham, but france still taught the table going from one round again to be doing. all right, that is all your sport for now. we'll have more we later rob, thank you very much indeed job. navigate is going to be here in
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a couple of minutes with more on all today's stories. i'm on my office and thanks very much indeed for being with me. good bye. ah. a story of laws, deception life and death, and israeli spy, operating on the deep cover in syria. knowing that discovery would meet certain death. algae 0 well tells a gripping story. most at spy, eli coleman, operated on the cover in syria, in the 1960 on odysseus career that ended in public execution. eli cohen must have agents, $88.00 on al jazeera, ah, each and every one of us had to go to responsibilities to change our 1st place for the middle. oh,
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i just said that we could do this experiment. and if bite of us could increase just a little bit, that wouldn't be worth doing. anybody had any idea that it would become a magnet who is incredibly rare species. they are asking for women to get 50 percent representation in the constituent assembly here and getting these people begun to collect the segregated, say the re saying business extremely important services they provide to the city or we need to take america to trying to bring people together and trying to deal with people who could love beyond living in a war zone is a risk not worth taking for most but for a 10 year old boy, there is nowhere else to go. in the absence of his parents, his grandmother dedicates herself to his upbringing. never knowing whether the next
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explosion will echo one step closer to the place they call home the distant barking of dogs. a witness documentary on al jazeera. ah, russia missiles had a ukrainian military base used for nato drills nearer the border with poland at least 35 people are killed. ah, you're wanting. i was there alive from headquarters in sal. hi, i'm debbie and abigail also a heads. crowds, fleet towns near cave is russian troops edged closer to the ukrainian capital warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe. and maria pole and new efforts to.
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