tv The Stream Al Jazeera March 18, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm AST
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20 years the u. s. has been blocking this kind of work, refusing to provide this kind of information. indeed one of the question which the representatives of the us have time and time again been and she's not providing us with all of the facts i received today. on the 11th of march, only the tip of the iceberg. ministry of defense is receiving more and more material and analyzing that we will continue to keep the international community informed about the unlawful activity carried up by the pentagon on ukrainian territory. thank you for your attention. as good women had the rules yet to be any times the representative of russia for his statement and give a far till obeying. ya. thank you mister president. let me express, i shook on the southern passing away of a colleague of ours message him kelly the pure of ireland. and a seasoned diplomat. they conveyed her irish colleagues and to jim's family are most heartfelt condolences on this terrible loss. the president,
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we thank you you commit to for providing us the same information last friday on this matter. we heard nothing new from the department of disarmament affairs of the united nations because there is nothing new we take issues of weapons of mass destructions. very, very seriously, but still there needs to be an issue mister president. we heard last friday and it was repeated here. the united nations is not aware of any alleged program in ukraine, inconsistent with international c obligations, including on chemical or biological weapons. so what are we doing this morning? what are we talking about here? for non existing chemical weapons programs in what ukraine developed in non existent laboratories and find out by non existent programs person claims and will listen to the statement remain and verified, unsubstantiated uncorroborated,
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and not independently verified in a word, not credible. it is hard not to think then and believe that today's meeting comes as a last minute replacement out of an easy pick up drawer is therefore a loss of time in abuse of the council. we are afraid to find ourselves in the best case scenario with an attempt by russia to try to shift attention from its crimes and the stalling invasion to by sewing fear, with the dreadful prospects of chemical warfare or of the worst. given russia struck record of accusing others of the recurrence that they have been perpetrating, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of its own citizens. russia intends to use this information tactics as a pretext for further escalation and possible use of chemical or biological weapons . in ukraine. we have seen more than once that the we have seen that the more
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the invasion stalls, the deadlier, the messiah attacks and bombardments become. this is the real issue and the series one. let's remind ourselves, colleagues, that russia has been saying one thing and doing its opposite that roger is blatantly breaking international law. and what whenever they speak about ukraine, they are just distorting reality. claims need to be properly and fully investigated . and we know how this is and can be done. russia should 1st agree to an immediate cease fire through the territory of the grain. it should withdraw all military forties within a radius of 40 kilometers of suspected locations. asked that the un security for the secure, 40 kilometers of radius to allow diagnostic research teams to conduct proper investigations. instead, we have the impression that russia speaks itself to colleagues with a sore exception of russia. every one are on this table,
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every one without exception. as well as 100 foot 140 members of the u. n. g. a. have been clear on the absolute necessity to respect the sovereignty and 3 tal integrity of grain to stop the war, to protect civilians and to deal with issues and concerns. not by bombarding indiscriminately, not by killing innocent people, not by destroying a country, not by working economic havoc to the entire world, but through negotiations and through diplomatic channels and mechanisms. this is what needs to be done. this is what russia should be doing, not abusing the councils with pop up subjects, some convenience trying to create the illusion of truth out of repeated lies in bush's words, colonial slander, slander. something will always stick the world looks for the security council and for good reason for hope and solutions as the budget responsible for peace and
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security. it should not be abused for propaganda and foolish finality. and i thank u. s. good morning that had bonnie, i thank it, the representative of albania for his statement, and give the floor to their preventative the usa. thank you, mr. president. and thank you. hi representative. now commit sue for joining us to day to repeat what you gave us. it's the exactly what you gave us last week. and last week we heard from the russian representative a tirade, a bizarre conspiracy theories. this week, we're hearing a whole lot more where that came from. things that sound like they were forwarded to him on a chain e mail from some dark corner of the internet. president biden has a word for this kind of talk. malarkey. as i said one week ago, ukraine does not have
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a biological weapon program. there are no ukrainian biological weapons laboratories, not near russia's. busy order not anywhere. they're only public health facilities proudly. and i say proudly supported and recognized by the u. s. government, the world health organization and other governments and inst, international institutions. in fact, it is russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law. it is russia that has a well documented history of using chemical weapons. it is russia who is the aggressor here. it was russian operatives who poisoned alexia, novel, ne and sergei and you'll,
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you'll scruple with nerve agents. it is russia that continues to support the assad regime in syria, and she'll it from accountability when the u. n. and the o. p. c, w, have confirmed that assad has recently used chemical weapons over the past several years. let's not forget why why we are really here today. we're here because russia knew it's cynical ploy to pass in a cup of sculpture. tory resolution had failed. this meeting is the result of their isolation on this council and on the world stage, we're not buying what they're selling, literally or figuratively. and i will reiterate the united states deep and serious concern that rushes calling for this meeting is, is a potential false flag effort in action. russia has repeatedly
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repeatedly accused other countries of the very violations it plans to perpetrate. we continue to believe it is possible that russia may be planning to use chemical or biological agents against the ukrainian people. we aren't going to dignify rushes disinformation or conspiracy theories, but we will continue to sound the alarm and tell the world where we think russia is heading. and we will remind the world that russia has repeatedly, repeatedly lied to this council over recent weeks. despite all the evidence we could see with our own eyes, it told us that it was not going to invade ukraine, that it was engaged in war games. that it was interested in diplomacy. i
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asked the russian p r. where are the 100000 troops who were sitting on the russian side of the border? now? sadly, i think many of them have given their lives in this senseless unconscionable war against the ukrainian people. russia lie to its own people as well, shutting down media to try and hide the truth. and i will not repeat the slurs and false accusations that russia has hurled against the ukrainian people and the united states repeatedly at this table. but we know that russia's this, this information is a sign of his desperation. that's the truth. and we will continue to insure the world sees it and hears it. thank you mister president. as good. i thank the representative of the united states for her statement. i've
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been listening there to herb i have 2 very different narratives of what has been happening in ukraine, visit the allegations and claims of biological weapons programs. the russian ambassador saying how the russian federation had detected activities in ukraine that were, as he put it, a real threat to the by security of our country and the whole region. we heard from the us ambassador a complete denial of that and a statement that ukraine does not have a biological weapons program to start off with. let's go to kristen salumi. she's live for us at the united nations. kristin, this is if you came to this briefing, expecting another dueling of narratives, you wouldn't have been disappointed. right? this is as different as it gets. again,
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it is. and the frustrating thing is that in this forum i, it's difficult because the united nations expert who spoke as she represents the disarmament affairs division of the united nations as you me knock a meet 2. she said that the un has certainly no evidence of a biological weapons program in the ukraine, but she goes on to say that they also don't have the mandate or the capacity to investigate such a thing. so if you're hoping that the united nations officials were going to give some clarity to these arguments that the you can interpret what they say either way . and we're seeing russia in the west interpret them in, in their own ways. if you, well, we did hear from the russian ambassador, this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that russia has come to the security council to
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make accusations that the united states was funding the research of biological weapons in the ukraine. the united states has flatly denied that, but where it gets tricky, excuse me, is that there are biological laboratories in the ukraine that the united states has worked with. these are our research facilities, medical research facilities, the united states, as there's nothing nefarious about these at all. what was new that the russian ambassador presented, which we haven't seen ourselves yet, but they aren't say they're presenting new security council new documents that they shouldn't say shows contracts between the department of defense and the ukrainian health ministry in these areas. and he suggested that the research that they're doing into pathogens and some of these pathogens which occur naturally in the region. i have the potential to be very dangerous and the suggest the accusation, the outright ac asian from vassily, the banzai,
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the russian ambassadors that the united states, i, you know, was allowing these to work that he was funding this research there that they could be used to to be and least on the population. i and it would look natural like a naturally occurring thing, but it would come out of the lab and this is close to russia. this is why they're concerned that this could pose a threat. they searched, he cited a tuberculosis outbreak in the region that was suspicious and so on and so on and so on. ah, the united states says this is all just an attempt to this is probably another false flag operation, or i in the words of president joe biden, malarkey, or the lieutenant linda thomas greenfield. the u. s. ambassador, quoted joe biden, in calling the russian accusations malarkey, as she says it's, they are the ones who have a history of using biological weapons. they pointed to a poisoning of opposition leader alexis divani. and i,
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they also talk accused russia of wine to the council when they said they weren't going to invade ukraine. and then of course, they have invaded ukraine. so the united states fighting back with their accusations and pointing to the misinformation that's come out of russia. so far in relation to the war, i'd in an attempt to discredit these allegations. and kristin, there is a lot of information here, right? and i'm just trying to break it down and simplify, you know, help us to help the viewers to understand what is going on when we hear the russian ambassador referring to a 2005 agreement, a $32000000.00 a package for a particular laboratory something called the flu flyaway project in how to come. i mean, there's a lot of detail here. i went and looked up. i found the was in the green in 2005,
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under something called the cooperative threat reduction program is it is basically what we're talking about here. that there is a cooperation between the u. s. in ukraine. but we've got to narratives about what that relationship and what that corporation program is. the russians are suggest that the u. s. is very clear in saying that this is basically help for the ministry of health and ukraine to to help protect public safety. and the russians are saying, no, this is something else. and we've, as they say, we have evidence that there is something else going on. right. is that basically what it boils down to? absolutely, and they, the russians to be fair, i had said in the counsel that they will provide these documents, they invited journalists basically to i look at these, don't lose any question. i just asked your question. yeah,
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i'm gonna have to interrupt you because now the u. k ambassador to the u. n. is speaking, let's listening to what she has to say. so thank miss snack, mitzi, for her briefing to day missed president only yesterday, this council discussed russia's invasion of ukraine. we heard from you and briefers, the devastating impacts on ukraine. it's people and it's cities on the region to which 3000000 refugees her fled, and on the wider international community facing higher economic prices and the consequences for countries in need of this councils attention. today however, we've had a rehash of amateurish dish and dis information which we discussed and debunked last friday. it was nonsense then, and it is nonsense now. as i said, then, the borrower treason, ukraine,
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carrying out research on public health hazards are not a threat to public, to international peace and security. by contrast, president putin's a legal and inhumane invasion of ukraine is the most significant threat to international peace and security. we faced today so today's shirad is really not worthy of a permanent member of the un security council. the only thing this council needs to hear from the russian federation. we didn't hear it yesterday. we haven't heard it today. the only thing this council needs to hear is that russia's troops are leaving ukraine. ukraine does not want war
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russians and ukrainians, soldiers, civilians, mothers, children are dying. russia is isolated, diplomatically isolated economically and bogged down in ukraine. so we urge russia to stop this invasion now before any more damage is done in ukraine and also to russia. i thank you miss preston. as i thank the representative other u. k for her statement. and hey, it's emily anglin, here with the rest of the news. our sammy has finished up for the day. we are watching at the un security council session that has been called min across back now to our correspondent christian salumi, who is live for us at the united nations. hello, they kristin. a quick change of present is. it's may now tell us a little bit about what we've heard from the u. k. representative there.
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yes, the united kingdom's ambassador barbara woodward, speaking after the united states and albania, ah, basically accused the russians of rehashing misinformation from last week. she said, research on public health hazards are not a threat to ukraine or the region. she says, the biggest threats to the world right now is russia's invasion of ukraine. so again, a continuation of nato, a line countries attempting to isolate russia in the council, odd discredit, the allegations that are coming out of a of russia here i, it's interesting to point out that initially there were supposed to be a vote on a humanitarian resolution to day, but the council has been unable to agree,
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even on the most basic concepts of moving forward with humanitarian leave at west france, mexico presented a humanitarian resolution. russia countered with its own resolution, there was no way to come together on that apparently. so instead, the russia called or the united states called a, an emergency briefing, and then russia called this briefing. and basically we're seeing these doing narratives coming back and forth back and forth between the 2 sides with the united states and western allies. again, attempting to show that there's no credibility to what russia has to say. i think part of what may be fueling this latest display. in fact, the russian ambassador suggested as much yesterday is that there are some media outlets in the united states. and some on the far right here that have seized on
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the narrative of bio labs in ukraine. that the united states was involved in developing the weapons. and so on, and they've raised question. so perhaps the russians see this as an opening to so more doubt in the west position here at the united nations. and they claim to have new evidence. we'll have to get a closer look at that and see how that bears out and what it shows us. but the russians now claim that they have the contracts between the pentagon and the department of defense in the ukrainian health ministry. and they are asking why, if this is a medical facility, it would be with the department of defense. i personally do not know if that standard opt. you know, these are things that will have to be investigated going forward. but again, the russians attempting to so doubt and in the needle and countries pushing back hard. okay, that was our un correspondent,
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kristen salumi live for us in new york. let's just get a summary now of what's been happening in the last sort of 50 minutes to an hour. we've been watching a shed old un security council session in new york. russia has again raised allegations that the united states has biological warfare labs in ukraine. washington denies these claims describing them as part of a potential false flag operation by moscow. the session obviously comes as ukraine inches. it's 4th wake of war and we will cover all developments coming out of new york as they come to hand. but in the meantime, let's head back to ukraine now, where russian warships have been shelling odessa, which is bracing for an invasion. ukraine's 3rd largest city is on the black sea coast and is home to more than a 1000000 people. what a abdel hammett is following the situation in odessa, these russian war ships have been seen off the coast approaching and maybe sort of
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navigating around according to satellite imagery to be at least 3 fleets of russian warship, including landing ships. so this city is bracing himself. the beaches have been mind if you go around the city, this checkpoints everywhere, all the historic center of the city. just behind me there has been completely filled up. if you need a special permission to get in then only. busy residence allowed to get there and then behind me here you see you have this volunteer center you money, terry and aid being gathered and dispatch. this is actually usually a food market as food whole for tourists where they can try all the the salad. well, if you go inside, it's really distracted activity, collecting medicine, water, food maps, blankets, all sorts of things that can help. what if indeed, there isn't a thought on a desk,
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but the also to be said to nikolai of which is about an hour and a half or know, 2 hours, i would say at least drive from here to the north east. did the russians and the ukrainian army there they've been fighting overnight from what we understand. the cleaning army is still holding ground and the rushes are not advancing quite as a quick pace, but people watching what's happening there because there is a feeling that after nikolai, if it falls, then it will be or that cistern britain has switched off. the russian government to obtain news channel the kremlin, says the decision to revoke ortiz broadcast license is madness. britain's regulator off. com says cannot be considered a fit and proper broad cons to the channels. coverage of the crime war was subject to 29 separate investigations into what critics describe as state sponsored propaganda report in a day. baba is in london with more in this story. artie itself has been fined in
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the past 4 breaches of impartiality rose. now it's been off the air here in the u. k, because if you sanctions imposed over the invasion of ukraine, but it's still maintains a presence online and that's ongoing despite this rolling by off. come that a i know i know tv, which is the licensee behind r t is not fit and proper now the, the watchdog. so i teach new laws in russia, which in its view, effectively criminalize any independent journalism that departs from the russian states. news, narrative, and off come says that means it appears impossible for our to, to comply with the impartiality rules. here in the u. k. that did reference those $29.00 investigations going on as you were talking about saying that that was a fairly unusual situation. it did go to pains to stress that they had taken into
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account people's rights to a range of information and free speech considerations. but having to balance that with the importance of keeping public trust in the broadcasting regulatory system. now also you have responded that deputy editor in chief and belkin a had said that off come with this judgment has showed that despite a well constructed facade of independence, it is nothing more. busy than a tool of government bending to its media suppressing. will scott griffin is a deputy director at the international press institute. he says, the move is a blow to the kremlin from our point to view any time media place is bad or sanctioned in this way, the very, very serious position. no matter the circumstances and any type of decisions such as the one that i've taken should be subject to very strict scrutiny. but even if
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there are a precedent. having said that, i do think it is important to point out that the job to look into whether broadcasts have the license of hold basic standards, including the issue of impartiality off. com has concluded that that is not the case for russia today. it's new, but it is in principle, legitimate for independent regulators. these issues come to the decision. now that is a different question of whether the decision itself is grounded and the right one in the circumstances. there is no question that russia today extremely closely made to the russian government, which is much more of aggression on a neighbor. and what is also true. as i pointed out, environment for media freedom independent journalism in russia, is under immense repression. it isn't d all impossible to carry out. it depend in journalism within russia. ready on the
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basis of this that com has decided that russia today i cannot be considered. ready in a position to. ready partially ruled ok, i'm emily anglin way will have all of today's valid developments including live pitches of these un security council meeting over the ukraine crisis will have a full news hour in just a few moments time said to stay with us. cold response, nato long plan to military all pick act the 5, the largest since the cold war has taken on new significance as the war rages in ukraine de without, as they are for the latest development. as 35000 troops from 28 nato countries demonstrate their abilities in a region already edge from international politics to the global pandemic. and everything in between. it did not respect poor people and pure our planet promised to ensure the safety of women. what happened? the doctor 15 got pulled back,
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that people actually have more feel. why is the u. k, so hostile to try and see if the mysteries all of us join me. if i take on the live with man or the misconceptions and the me the contradiction, carmen get up front on al jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of culture across the world. so no matter when you call home, we'll get you the news and current affairs that matter to you. revisit trying out greasing land is shrinking in some roots long used by wildlife for migration have been blocked by human settlements. to deal with all this, kenya needs more money for conservation. and with the koran of ours, pandemic keeping many visitors awake revenue from tourism isn't enough. here at the outset national park, an annual ceremony has been launched the ha parisha than individuals pay 5000 years dollars to name an elephant. the aim this year is to raise $1000000.00,
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much of it for conservation initiatives. this is a region that is rapidly developing, but it's one also that is afflicted by com. let me pull up the walls. we'd try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the ugly, and eve, the people who allow was into their lives, dignity and humanity. asking to tell their stories. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm emily ang window. hi, you're watching the news hour and al jazeera is contin.
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