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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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taken without hesitation, thought and died for power. lines are, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with people and power. investigators exposed it and questions the youth and abuse of power around the globe on al jazeera this is al jazeera ah hello am fully by turbo with the news our live from doha. on day 26 of the war in ukraine, coming up with russia, says it's forces hate a shopping center in ukraine's capital because it was storing rockets,
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a t, a gas attack on protesters in care. so the only city under full russian control, ukrainian soldiers in the besieged, sassy south eastern city of mario bull, reject a russian deadline to lay down their weapons. and in our use this, our a passenger plane carrying a 132 people has crash in the mountains. there was you in southern china and i've had a similar to the school ref, an adult finally last dropping his 1st match of the year using to american taylor for the fall of indian wells. russia is justifying a strike on a shopping mall in ukraine's capital by saying it was being used to store and launch rockets. the russian defense mystery has released new pictures of the attack which killed at least 8 people. a curfew has just come into effect in case because
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city leave this fear more shelling, constant melissa, but those are the fort worth. ukrainian nationalists continue exploiting civilians and putting multi rock along systems and civilian areas and keith outskirts. they were putting those machines into residential areas. at the same time, the area around shopping centers was used to keep stock of ammunition and launch missiles. russia has the intel of where they were kept and destroyed one of the objects super precise long distance. nissan. algebra here is rob mcbride report on the days events in ukraine from live in. this was the moment the war came to a shopping center in a cave suburb and turned it into a smouldering ruin. instantly, with a multiplex theater, fitness club stores and fast food restaurants. it was a big drawer for surrounding apartment blocks, also damaged by the late night. miss al, strike early people in those blocks, left traumatized and wondering how their local mouth could in any way be
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a military target. for for some help result, i saw huge blast and lit up my room. i live just here in front of it. the blast threw me of the bed. some were too close to the blast. an explosion which sent debris raining down for several 100 meters all around. for many, there's disbelief at how a neighbor with such close, cultural and religious links could act like this limit, legible, one of it, the russians have exhausted my limits for love. we call as king david did with me for righteous punishment from ukraine's president another appeal for the world to come to his country's aid with economic retaliation against russia. laska, the school will not sin. please don't sponsor weapons of war for the country of russia. no euros for the occupies close all your ports to them. don't send them
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your goods. with much of russia's invading army being held on different fronts after a parent setbacks, it seems to be relying more on rocky to miss ayla tax. able to reach all parts of ukraine and the total per unit i percent missiles are super precise, very precise, and we destroyed underground ammunition socks when high percentage missiles were fired from 1000 kilometers. and only took 10 minutes in a rush and deadline for ukrainian forces in the besieged ruins of mary you, paul, to surrender was ignored. there have been continued problems for some of the thousands of people still inside the city to get out. but you, man, terry, and cora doors agreed between the 2 sides have been operating elsewhere in ukraine . still in the south, nikolai of remains a hotly contested frontline and a link to the far more strategically important city of a desa house there destroyed by shell fire. with more shells falling in the seas
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off a shore line that could become the next battle ground. in this seemingly relentless conflict, rob mcbride, al jazeera levies, and we'll get more from zane bas ravi innovative shortly. but 1st iran con, who's in ukraine's capital keys. can iran, 1st of all, what are you currently an official saying about these russian claims that the shopping mall, they hit early and keith was, was storing rockets well, there's been no official reaction from the ukrainian or anybody within the ukrainian government or the marines. your defense establishments, however, i have taken a look at the video that the russians are released by the tass at news agencies is not an actual time stamp on that videos. we can't confirm whether it is what the russians actually say is i can confirm. one of the claims made by the task news agency is that it was an empty shopping law. i can confirm that all the shopping
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malls and keys have been close to us since the beginning of the war. however, as this was a heavy artillery strike, an air strike or possibly were still haven't had confirmation on what type of munitions was used, but it was certainly very heavy. whatever it was, the destruction was around at least a half square kilometer. 8 people died in that attack. the russians are saying that there was a multiple rocket launcher there. oh, that was destroyed. how i got when not really hearing from the russians about whether they actually managed to destroy the rockets the allegedly were in that. and certainly when we were in that neighbourhood for most of the day, took a look around to quite close look at the site itself. we couldn't see any military establishment, any kind of military post. ah, and there's been an inconsistency pro russian sites. have also been saying that this was holding a run, a military vehicles, lindsay, any military vehicles as well. and if it was a gun,
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storing any kind of rockets or military vehicles, the ammunition used, the munitions used actually killed a people at 8 civilians and they destroyed most of the houses and the flat. so the didn't typhus or facade of the buildings close to that were actually ripped apart. the only reason with that though, casualties went higher is because it's a residential block that's actually still being built. and a curfew has just come into effect and killed. now iran that's exactly right, the streets are completely em. teams can go in the way and show you this every night or there's a curfew between 8 and 7. am this one slightly different? this goes to 7 am wednesday morning. so the scene all day tomorrow will look like that. um, the reason for this is not in, not been brought forward in any kind of public way by the ukrainian or ther 2,
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certainly the keys or authorities, but we have gone through curfews here in the capital before. now, there are russian saboteurs that the ukranian say are still operating inside the city there. and they say they're looking for targets. they say that they're active cells almost are waiting for the opportunity to attack the last curfew. are we a, was eventually told to us that actually it was a security operation to try and find some of these russian saboteur cells of still may be in the city. whether this has something to do with that. we're not sure the of the ukrainians haven't really told us, but what we do know is, is going to be another nervous nightfall ukrainians. the curfew certainly isn't helping them get any better sleep at night. and also you have to remember in the north of the city, people are actually sleeping in their beds anymore. they're actually sleeping in the corridors of their apartments because they don't want to be near any glass. because when that rocket lands, as it has done over the last 88 or 9 days,
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whether it's late at night or early in the morning, the windows are broken and it's just not worth being in that room where they're sleeping in their corridors. a very scary situation for those people in the thank you very much for that. a man can life, i say in key. now, the only city fully and a russian control is care san in southern ukraine would have been daily protest. it's impossible to enter the city to report on the situation, but al jazeera has commission footage from there for this report from stephanie deck. oh, her son is ukraine. they charged at the russian soldiers. the southern city is the only one russia has managed to fully occupy for weeks into this war. 6 we came here to demonstrate the curse on his ukraine. we will never give allan to some occupiers. now, upon him is the russians. we will be here regardless of the weather, rain, or snow. we will stay here to demonstrate the way here with fighting. we will never
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give them our lands. a protest against the russian presence here are taking place on a daily basis. on monday, for the 1st time, russian soldiers use tear gas and fired into the air. we spoke to one activist who was closely monitoring the situation in her son in for much to permission to know a little dinner as in there his name formation. there were shooting at people, but there was shooting in the air. one of the stung grenades exploded next to one person. i'm not in that person lost a lot of blood problems. there is information that some of the protesters with attain and taken away in the madonna o ha. russia took the city earlier this month. it has been spare destruction and there is no fighting here, but the people refused to accept this new reality. footage no one li, the soldier, tried to show outwardly that they accomplished for their nervous and they're trying to find some support young's. but no one has welcomed them, only no one is collaborating with them,
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or the population is treating them as if the island wanting. ah, her son is, are the major strategic importance to russia. it controls the water supply to crimea, and also crucial for crossing one of the main rivers, giving potential access to the south western and northern fronts. it may be russia's 1st ukrainian city to occupy, but finding support among the population is proving a difficult task. i came here to freedom square to express my concern because they are players are shelling our cities, killing our people. this is the 21st century. we are coming together to defend our city. right. heroes do not die, this man, yells, enemies die. the truth is with us, the people are with us, they chant oh and an amplified message. her son is ukraine. oh, the national anthem is sung again. and again,
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a message to the russian soldiers that they are an occupying force. and even if they do manage to take control and hold more land, it looks like it will be nearly impossible to control the people. stephanie decker, al jazeera in western ukraine. let's get an update on the situation in the rest of ukraine and speak to zane bas ravi in living zane. there's been heavy fighting in the southern cities. that's right. and the entire goal of that conflict there in the south of the country is eventually what many experts are saying? what were gleaning from the events that were watching play out? isn't for an eventual fight for odessa. now we've seen obviously murray off will become the worst effected city in the conflict so far in the south. we've also seen very, very targeted specific an accurate attacks against military base and nikolai,
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of an ongoing fighting there as well. a number of other parts of the southern region coming under consistent russian attack. and all of that is because, you know, especially murray awful is an important strategic port city in the south. and it would be a major victory, a major naval victory, a major strategic victory for russia. if they were able to take over marie opal and use it as a gateway, then to be able to move on odessa, which is what most experts, which is most, what most people who are watching this conflict are expecting to have happen. and what's happening in live, where you are saying in the 1st days of russian operation, it was largely sped, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. that's right. you know, we watch the information flowing in pretty much all day long. and at some point, it feels like a patrick of violence can be difficult to sort of get a sense of exactly what's happening. but we'll try to break it down. there's
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basically 3 very distinct fronts in this war, in the north, in the east and in the south, i should say, in the northeast areas, what we're seeing is most of the fighting that's been happening has been to try and get hold of the capital keys. try and control eastern cities and of course the south as we discussed now. as far as keith is concerned, russian forces have moved up about 30 kilometers outside of the capitol and they haven't moved much further in about a week or 2, which gives you a sense of the fact that these are sort of almost pitched battles experts are saying these are the battle lines are now pitched, they're, they're drawn and they're likely to hold for some time. but we're hearing from some experts is also that there continues to be a threat and perhaps a renewed threat of a new front opening in the northwest of the country where russian troops are stationed in neighboring bellies. that's always been a potential threat for people to be watching out for there's been the threat of russian soldiers that are stationed there, crossing over into ukraine along with their bell, rusty and allies now. well,
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what we've seen in the west is a consistent up taking the number of air raid sirens every day. we've had several throughout the day here in louise. it's been the same in western cities all up and down the western side of the country. and what we're seeing is definitely a sort of shift in how the conflict is playing out. in the last 10 days to 2 weeks, we've seen multiple missile attacks hit places like you offer of an air field near luke. we've seen another one further out from lucy earlier today, which was also set to be a military target, a very still no report of the impact of that attack. we also saw an attack on the airport just a few days ago. and of course, a very accurate hit on a military target, this one in the south. and nikolai, but certainly russian effort to attack specifically strategic military infrastructure, strategic infrastructure, where it comes to airports and not just in the south, and in the,
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in the distinct battle fronts. on the eastern side of the country, but also trying to open up the west. certainly the conflict hasn't been as, as, as violent and as brutal here. but an indication that russia wants everyone in ukraine to know that they can hit any targets they want. anytime they want. so, as this continues, what we've been hearing from a lot of analysts and military experts that we've spoken to, is that the pitch battle lines that are now drawn or unlikely to move as fast as they did in the early days of the conflict. but they will be pressure points that russia can use on ukraine potentially for years to come. and what the general staff of the ukrainian military is saying is that the information they have is at russia's preparing for a long war. which could mean that we are likely to see ongoing conflict as well as displacement for a long time to come. thank you for that same bas ravi lie for us there in liver. thank you.
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ok. let's take a look at the latest developments on the diplomatic front when it comes to ukraine . russia has told the u. s. envoy to moscow. the ties between the 2 countries are on the verge of being savage. this follows fred and joe binding comments last week when he called russian president vladimir putin, a war criminal hash him i had borrow has moved from moscow. first of all, the states miss my president biden widely seen hill is very critical of russian conduct during the mr. campaign in ukraine and targeting also president vladimir putting number 2 of the rushes are saying that the americans are not doing the necessary to put more pressure or ukraine to come to terms with a comprehensive political agreement that will be conducive to a cease fire. and, and then to the military operation, number 3, they saying that the americans and along with and they to have never been genuine
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about the need to address the concerns of russia, which has been saying for more than 2 decades. that the expansion of nato s. we're eastwards, is a threat to russia's national security. and this explains, for example, that sir gil, i've rode the russian foreign minister 2 days ago, said that it is absolutely no illusion among the russians that they can ever rely on the americans in the future. and that the russians, we never tolerate a world order dominated by the us because they say that if you look at what is happening in the region, the can connect the dots. they say that the i barrack is along with me to have been working for quite some time to under my rushes are regional and global war by moving forward with, with, with nato expansion. and this boy is boiling down now to, to this a bit of the threatens to further undermine the relations between the 2 key global players. because ultimately, in a deal about ukraine,
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we have to have both key players, the russians, and the american, and the americans on the same page. and our white house correspondent, kimberly how can says this training relations could put other u. s. policy objectives at risk is certainly strong rhetoric on the part of the united states. russia alleges that there has been kind of a tit for tat in that rhetoric. and also saying that on the part of the united states, when joe biden called vladimir putin, a war criminal. and the initial reaction was that if this was an unacceptable unforgivable rhetoric on the part of a head of a state whose bombs killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world. so their argument is, is that the united states really is in no position has no moral high ground. the united states, on the other hand, is accusing war crimes, given the fact that it alleges that it is civilians that are being targeted. so of course, this has legal implications, and the u. s. is doubled down on this,
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the u. s. secretary of state entities, lincoln, also citing examples of why they believe russia's been in your crimes naming vladimir putin specifically. and the reason this could complicate matters is not only the negotiations that are ongoing with respect to this conflict between russia and ukraine. but also the united states has been working with russia in order to try and revive that 2015 agreement to limit ron's nuclear program. also known as the j c p, away. and so this is another reason why this has grave concern. the fact that the u . s. ambassador has been summoned in russia and the fact that ties are not only strained but have, as the potential to be severed, completely could put a number of us policy objectives at risk. maria, we spoke to ukraine's former president petro parish. jenko. he says ukrainians have fought bravely to hold off the rush in advance, but desperately need more help from the outside world. throughout the country, ukrainian demonstrate
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a medical stopping the big russian army and them surprise the world. we here to fight for the whole europe to fight for the whole world. and we stop here. we definitely demonstrate the unique unity of the ukrainians. and we would definitely count of the unity of the whole world. and i want to thank all the. busy world for the resolution of the general assembly, united nation when one act, one countries vote for us is the way me nation in the. busy was one the small that be great, but we never give up and therefore be peace, not capital lace. and with death situation. if now we allow food him to grab your brain food, you do not stop who can go. busy as far as we the roil to allow them to go, and that's why to help you to assist ukraine to come to play,
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not by the money or military to help us to save the war. we need a pool embargo embargo and the crate. and this is the 5th package of function which is already on the table of the european union. and on the 24th, or for march. the president, by them will have a g 7 meeting will dissipate in the european union council meeting and will participate on their mate assignment. and with this situation, all 3 at world institutions would make a decision about ukraine, how to stop butcher. and if we do not increase the pressure on poor jim to bring a piece at their board will never and it, and the please do not put all the pressure just on the ukraine. we are here paying this huge price with the thousands and thousands of your grade in i was ukraine's former president petro poor, a shank, or the current leader for president,
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for me as lensky has called on e u. leaders to do more, to stop russia. she now, she seemed pretty, she vice, seamless, our values are the same as yours, ukraine, as part of europe. you can see our desire to be together with europe and part of europe, what we are fighting for it on the battlefield. you and you can find for this with your words, with your pressure on the politicians would germans, you have the power. europe has the power, which is more than any missiles and tanks without trade with you, your companies and banks. russia won't have money for this war. in order to have peace as soon as possible, you can do it just no one has the right to destroy people. while the ukrainian leaders commons come as e. u foreign and defense ministers have been meeting in brussels to discuss developments in ukraine. e. s foreign policy chief joseph barrell is holding a news conference right now. he said earlier that said the indiscriminate bombing in mary a poor could amount to a war crime. this isn't the officer who had to condemn in the stronger terms.
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this is a war crying, a massive war. crimes happening in the city will be completely destroyed and people will be odd buying what we will continue working, supporting ukraine with all of our resources. we'll continue talking about what kind of centers we can. one thing, again, more especially rated with energy our diplomatic editor james spaces in brussels. he says you officials are c a c considering imposing tougher sanctions on russia. some of this preparatory work because we've actually got their bosses coming in later in the week. we have all of the heads of state and all of the nate, nature, state and government coming here on thursday, president biden making a trip to europe. and i think they'll be showing us show of unity and also thinking
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what else can they do and particularly on the issue of sanctions. that's a difficult one. now for the european union, they surprised everyone i think by the stringent nature, the sanction some of the toughest sanctions they've ever put in place. but they've got to the point, i think, where they going to find it hard to go any further and find consensus to go any further. and particularly there's a disagreement on energy on cutting, rushes, oil and gas imports into europe. europe relies the u. about 40 percent of its energy comes from russia. that would be a very big move, but it's opposed by some countries, notably germany is among those countries. so talk about sanctions again, and maybe they will find some of the loopholes that might be there in the existing sanctions and put in another package of sanctions. but i don't think it's going to go as far as the ukrainians want and deal with the energy sector. and ahead on the news hour we'll be looking at the days either use and what now for the ro hang
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after the us said attacks by and large military amount. 2 genocide, facing a historical test hearings began for the 1st black women to be nominated to the highest 40 my face and in support. fire stops, play will tell you about heating counting the dashboard only. ah, here's your weather in a minute 15 and we're going to be in, in the middle east. were plenty of sun, really the name of the game here and high temperature as we'll go in for a closer look around the golf. and we're talking about temperatures in the thirty's, not just on tuesday. i'll put this for it. we'll put the colors on dark, the red, the higher the temperature low to mid thirties by thursday we take a look at the forecast for re add. we know what goes up must come down, those wind shift from southerly to northeast and that's gonna kick down that
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temperature to $23.00 degrees is also been high heat for areas of pakistan. we've got temperatures in the forty's here are 344, karachi, and 30 in islam. about cooler air though, can certainly be found not only in the levant, but we've got this northerly wind cutting across the black sea, the boss 1st straight through into the g. and so establish just 9 degrees here. and we'll see those winds crank up to about 45 kilometers per hour on tuesday. now for central africa, you know, we had seen some flooding for eastern portions of the democratic republic of congo, but now there is concern for western areas. and off to southern africa, we go out, we can see some rain falling across. so western portions of madagascar, but it's a nice stay in bill, a whale with a high of 25 on tuesday. that's it too soon. ah . as the warn ukraine groins on al jazeera correspondence bring you every angle,
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there is a relative in price. it erupt in on multiple fronts. if not only managed to escape the water, but also the flash of light on the russian occupation. troy street totally destroyed. keep central station has become evacuations, with russian forces coming closer, pensions are going up by the hour. stay with al jazeera, for the latest developments with jealousy grade book. she doesn't quiz it very glamorous. it's part of our culture to, to look our very best for a special occasion for that people who spent money, everything you see on the cut will they do with it, is going to be longevity, jones, have to come in and tell things around the my, my jury on our do their lou
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ah ah, you're watching the news out on i'll just, you're out with me for the back to go. a reminder of the main development scene ukraine. russia is justifying a strike on a shopping mall in the ukrainian capital that kill it. me said people saying it was being used to store and launch walking. the curfew has come into effect in the key . russian troops have fired warning shots and t a gas that protesters in care saw, at least one person was injured in the demonstration. keshawn was the 1st major city to come under russian control. and the u. s. envoy to moscow has been told by russia that ties between the 2 countries on the very being severed this holes, job items common last week, hauling running footing
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a war criminal. now russian court has been social media platforms, facebook and instagram, after calling their parent company an extremist organisation. that's after meta, relax its rules on calls for violence against russian soldiers. the company says it made allowances for political expression in light of the war in ukraine. let's turn our attention to other world news now, and china's president, changing paying has ordered an investigation into a passenger plane crash in the southern gone g province, 100. 32 people. one board, the boys, 737800 katrina. you has more from beijing. none of them. oh no critic footage, verified by chinese state media shows the aircraft, nose diving to the ground, the remote southern province of gong. she's the passenger plane operated by china. eastern airlines departed from the city of cooney just after 1 pm local time. it was headed to the city of gong, jo,
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a route which should have taken less than 2 hours when it suddenly lost altitude dropping more than 6000 meters in just 2 minutes. the 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members are feared dead. hundreds of emergency workers have been dispatched to the site. president sheet in ping has called for an immediate investigation. analysts say the bullying model, 737800 aircraft, has a good safety record. the 737800 has been work course. and i believe that to china east and have over $600.00 jet aircraft. and i think they've got turn somewhere along the lines of a 13737. so it's a very reliable aircraft. and it, sir, it's quite a amazing story that of an aircraft and crash on a new our plan. the boeing 737800 is a predecessor of the 737,
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max. a model that has been banned from commercial use in china after 2 crashes within months that killed 346 people in indonesia and ethiopia. the crash is china's worst aviation disaster in years. it safety record has been among the best in the world for a decade. though experts have questioned the reporting of safety lapses. china, eastern airlines says it's morning the loss of doors on board and has grounded all of its boeing 737800 aircraft until further notice. katrina, you are the 0 dating well as last week to aviation specialists, alex, my chairs, his here in doha. alix. very good. have you with us on al jazeera, where does the initial information you've seen and you've heard suggest to you about what happened in this? gosh, what fully, what we've seen from the initial data that's available because at some hawks of the
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flight the aircraft is connected oh to mentally to the internet. and so i was able to provide software with updates of his attitude. that issue data is, is tragically nothing showed horrific. it shows what was a very ordinary flight until around an hour and a half into the journey. a cruising altitude where the i crossed fell around 21000 feet before briefly recovering, and then continued to fall before impacting into that mountain range on the route. it is unprecedented for us not only to see a net crop and in this way and descend some dramatically. but also it was captured on various cctv given how strong on china roaring tons of surveillance footage confirms that knows life. i mean, it's incredible and, and just horrifying. the images we've seen and you know, that picture of the plain nose diving i was going to ask you whether there were
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other instances where when this has happened to an aircraft in what could lead to an airplane. having such an extremely and sharp descent in the way this one day with the unexplained nature of today's incident has re sent shock waves across the industry. not least because it involves very reputable established boeing 737800. they're off 5000 of this exact, they're in of 77 operating globally. but it was because of the nature of the accident. typically the cruise phase of the flight that's when the icon is cruising altitude is among the safest of the entire part of the john. and so for something to have a cut and have in presented to the flight crew. so suddenly, is itself unprecedented for that to be followed by that dramatic food. we haven't seen this in recent aviation history. and if we have, if we have seen this before, we haven't seen it. i'd be asked to that. is that cross was that in the cruise?
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so this is why investigate is now a scrambling such for that black belt, which will hold some answers. tell us more highly x by the aircraft involved in the crash to boeing 737800. which is different, of course, from the 737 max. absolutely, and you're sensible to make that car vacation because the 737, max is suffered. so publicly, but this is not that i call this is the 737800. it didn't have service this exact aircraft with the airline just 6 years ago. so it's very young and china operate a young fleet of airbus and boeing. but this, that crawl has an incredible impeccable safety record. it is the white house of the sky, this in service, everywhere it is. it makes up the entire fleet of ryan it. it flies with american airlines flight by quantum, ethiopian, and so on. and so it is unusual for an aircraft that hasn't had any new technology implemented, or any recent structural changes to ultimately be involved in such a catastrophic incident. but of course, for boeing,
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this is another chapter in what is quickly becoming a 737 saga because this family of that crop of now suffered so publicly. right. and, you know, how long you know, alex until we know what caused this crash. i mean, it's going to be a while for the investigators, isn't it? well, the important thing is to establish the main contributors they need to be able to rule out that it wasn't the aircraft is so because there are thousands of even across in service everywhere. so the race is to find the black box made up of the cockpit voice recorder and the flight day to recall. done that who didn't investigate the initial knowledge as to what situation the pilots were presented. read that led to that doubtful. alex, thank you so much as always for, for being with us on august era. annex ma cherice editions specialist joining us from dough. i thank you for time. thanks for now the u. s. has determined the violins committed against me on mars. muslim rowena amount to genocide and crimes
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against humanity. more than 730000 rou. hang f. read the western look kind stating 2017. when the military staged a crank down rice groups have could documented the burning of villages and killing of civilians. the attack against him was widespread interest a matter which is crucial for reaching a determination of crimes against humanity. the evidence also points to a clear intent behind these mass atrocities the intent to destroy will hindrance in whole or in part. that intent has been corroborated by the accounts of soldiers who took part in the operation and later defected, such as one who said he was told by his commanding officer to and i quote, shoot at every sight of a person. and bern, diligence rate, and kill women orders that he and his unit carried out. daniel garry is a lecturer in international law. i will hampton university. he says the us exploration is better late than never for the rain. international law bestows upon states the
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obligation to prevent and punish acts of genocide. and in this situation that the united states is now called a genocide. the signs of it were very clear in the run up to 2017, but human rights activists and human rights lawyers were ignored. as the international community insisted upon a narrative of. this is a good news story. me and mar is open for business. but what have, what does this declaration has, has done is his will bolster the case that the international court of justice by key. the key difference here is that we're talking about international crimes that have individuals responsible have responsibility for these crimes. so they're the united states as pointing to the military and saying these individuals should be held accountable. whereas the case at the international court of justice is holding
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me m r as a state accountable. if the united states is serious about this declaration has to be coupled with action. there has to be either the use of the national guard, some kind of tribunal, but what about the international criminal court? which is designed to deal with this precisely, this issues of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. the united states needs to support the investigation is going on at the international criminal court and the independent international mechanism for me, emma, that is investigating other crimes associated with the acts committed against different minority groups in mia mark to the us now way confirmation hearings for the 1st black woman to be nominated to the supreme court are underway. judge catan g brown, jackson was announced as present joe biden speak last month. she said to succeed judge steven briar, who will retire in june. let's go live to she. every tansy on capitol hill for you, so the hearings have begun. what have we heard so far? and what are we going to be seeing?
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you think in the next few days in the next few hours, hopefully we'll hear from judge judge jackson her so we well count as about 4 more sentences including the speaker currently to give their opening statements on monday. and then on tuesday on wednesday, we'll actually have the, the q and a, the questioning of john jackson and her record and her judicial philosophy. and that's where we may see some, some, some drama. although what we keep on hearing from the republicans is they don't want this to become a spectacle, as they say. the confirmation hearing of judge bret cavanaugh was a few years ago. for example, when he was accused of sexual misconduct. they say that they don't want that to happen, although we have seen some of the parameters off the attacks or the least a critical questioning. she will be facing in the coming days. first of all, that she was once a public defender, that is a lawyer who is given to an accused person. if, if that person can't can't get
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a lawyer themselves. so therefore, the information is constantly what she's soft on crime. she's also on the independent sentencing commission which reduced the sentences for some drug offenses. so again, it's while you see your but soft on crime out here. however, it's rather difficult to maintain that argument given that you have the endorsement from none other than the fraternal order of police the most, most the most cogent of defenders of what you know, what many others would call police brutality. even so that, that kind of tends to die. but then we also see more pops a more general argument that, but she's part of a general move by the democrats against law and order itself, which is like a theme moving into the mid term. so i think that's really what, what they're looking at here is, is we'll continue with theme because in fact, jackson's nomination is all that assured, the democrats don't need any republican votes or insult. in some ways. what we're going to see if that's what a grand standing we've, we've come to expect. thank you for that. she advertise the live there on capitol hill. now 2000000000 people across the world don't have access to clean water
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delegates at the world. water for an infinite gal working to change that nicholas harker. for some the car it's an a basketball stadium on the outskirts of the capital of the car that people are gathering not to watch a game, but to discuss water in a country where it hasn't rains for months in a neighborhood where there is plenty of new construction, but little infrastructure for people to have access to water and that's going to be the main topic of discussion here. how this precious resource is being used. come with me. here they are very solemn affair. on stage was the president of the yoke. yeah. the issue that is being discussed here, water as a human, right, this is all the challenge to say, oh, this century, billions of people do not have access to clean water. people in the more advanced
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economically countries or so on, the ones that may be waste. so they have the water, but they use much more than they need and they waste that for the rest of humanity that if it were distributed in a more critical. so who's to blame for this crisis in water? well, will leaders in this forum sake, climate change holds responsibility for the growing for city of this resource. but environmentalists say we collectively have a responsibility because we consume too much water. for example, this cup of coffee took a 130 leaders of water to make it or their shirt that i'm wearing 2500 liters of water. this form at heart raises the issue of how we consume water and how this has to change. in order to preserve this very precious resource,
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i still ahead on al jazeera, we look at the unique ways to persian new year is celebrated in the mountains south, nor them iraq and barcelona. as resurgence continues as a flash ray on madrid in our classical highlights. just had in sports with us back after the break. ah
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ah whole ah ah, welcome back. millions of people around the world are mocking no rules this spring festival and persian new year. more than 3000 years,
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communities in the middle east and central asia have marked no rules with special rituals, mahmoud abdougla had re for some across in northern iraq. the mountains of volcano a, an he like have been decorated. the city is a destination for goods from over the region to mark no rose ah, the spring festival. they celebrate the rebirth of nature. no rose means a new day in the persian language. it's a family gathering occasion. hannah came with her relatives from cooper city. for them no rose presents resurrection and fertility departments. their man. yep. it was gonna cut off. we used to celebrate no rose every year. now i'm central to this year. we've come here to our cra because it's the capital city of no rose. we remain here until tomorrow and we'll do the rest of the rituals. the event marks
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the 1st day of the spring. it starts on the eve of march 21st every year. it is celebrated in several regions with colorful traditional outfits participants, light flares. no ruse has been added to the list of unis cuz intangible cultural heritage of humanity. these lay of symbolized victory of light over darkness and liberation over oppression. the un has raised no rose for promoting peace until the dorothy between generations. this year's facilities are significant because hostility and destruction are on the rise around this region. in the morning, families re unite with nature by hitting to the nearby fields.
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that's part of the rituals to will come to the arrival of a spring. they sit around with traditional means, but the food varies from one country to another. people from other nations have come here to shave the event even trying on local, traditional outfit. well, i hope ha, that this curtis sher new year will bring more ha, better times for people. because people and la in here have suffered a lot on their arm in the yard, the problems with ices and other political problems. and the people they want to live freely for the people in iraq's kurdish region. no ruse also refers to rising up against tyranny. hardware criminal, missouri, her. it's a festival for all areas. people in each nation, marx, it according to their heritage and traditions. for us, it's very special because it's the top national holiday. she was there. it's been
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a difficult year for many here. last winter. devastating floods caused substantial damage. and some young curds whose so to bitter the life abroad, died of the cold weather on the bill, a russian polish border. now the burdens of the cold season are being replaced by spring. the freshness union between nature and culture is a message conveyed by these ancient rituals. ma'am, without that were had al jazeera, in our cry, city, northern iraq, tom novice force, his pizza, folly. thank you. rap on the bells. perfect star to the tennessee isn't, is over. he was beef and in straight sets by taylor fritz, and the fun at indian wells and california had brings to an end, a 20 match winning streak by the spaniard for it's actually rolled his ankle in the semi finals the day before. and they would doubt that the american would be able to take part, but take what he did,
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and some style to the 24 year old beating that l. 6376, become the 1st american to win the indian wells title since andre agassi in 2001. the bell will now race and miss this week, the master's event in miami, with a focus on being fit for the french open in may. we join now by a tennis channel commentator john worth, i'm john. good to talk to you again. good ref is incredible. starts of the year end up taking a big toll on his body for the rest of the season. yeah, i was communicating with his team within the last hour so and it is going to go home, see a specialist in ross a don't think necessarily that the small law up and his season because you say it really was extraordinary start to the year and now the get ready for clay, where he usually does his damage, so that there's guarded optimism from the camp there waiting to see how serious this is chest injury and not really sure what it is. but unlike a knee or
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a back boat, which he struggled with, he's had a foot injury, which is why he missed so at last year, this is a different type of injury. and there does seem to be disconnected as of that with some ras. they'll be ready for his assault on play. i can it's talk about about taylor fritz. he's now 13 in the rankings. are we finally seeing the promise that he showed earlier in his career? yeah, i think that's a good way to put that. there's always been this promise and it just, it hasn't happened it the biggest matches. he always had a very nice ranking, but that did not pump because of his breakthrough at bakers or events like indian wells like yesterday tina smaller vents. and it does seem like some of this is my fitness belong. this is just the, the old story about conflict. and there is a level of self belief that wasn't always there. it's just funny. we thought he was an id require. ah, he had an ankle injury in a semi final and it turned out that his ankle was fine and he ended up winning the biggest title of his career. so a big breakthrough and he, he ought to be at the top him quite soon in the women's game. egos,
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fiance is now on the opening to w. j. 1000 events of the season is clearly proving that, that french open victory in 2020 was no fluke. yeah. and she usa, she, she is not as windy, but with them i popping scores. she's no virtue in the world now. she's only 20 years old. and depending on what the number one player, what integral player ash bardy does, who won the australian open the 1st day of the year. but depending on her schedule, it's not at all beyond the realm of possibility that is frantically 20 years old. we'll take over the, the number one spot. so we received some players break through it. big events, and sometimes they, i, it's, it's a jumping off point. another type out of a lightning in a bottle one, hit wonder, and it seems very clear that die ega context case that french open titled as you put it very well, that was no. so let's stay with the women's game and look ahead to this week, sir. miami, open, miami or soccer returns after cheerful exeter, to indian wells, and, and given her struggles with mental health over the past years,
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or how do you assess her immediate future in the game? it is a great question is, is a question that vexes a lot of people, i think not least by o b, a soccer field, rec number 77, which is i know 76 spots lower than the writing. she had not that long ago. and i think, you know, she's going back to miami it's, it's a familiar term to her and know your location. it's actually an event run by her management agency. so i think there will be a level of comfort there. but the question is, just is she in a place where mentally playing tennis is the best thing for her right now? we know that, you know, vacuum based on skill and athleticism. she's the joke. you might be the best player in the world, but it has seemed recently, most recently in indian wells, it's just, it's not a great time for her to be a professional athlete. and i think we're all kind of holding her breath to be honest with i'm always nice talking to you. thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. any time or i'd boss atlanta, boss. chevy is not ruling out
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a remarkable late push for the legal title and salary side thrashed rail madrid full. no. in our classic o. p. m. eric obama young made his classical debut and the governor strike a gave the away fence. something to cheer about when he headed vasa in front of junior, had a chance to level things up at last the footing. well, trying to go round the ball, the keeper and a pewter dive, also went to know before time or ronald out hold, found the target off a corner to put the visitors in control at the break. i'm a young flick, fit of federal torres, because my food early in the 2nd off for as intern provider, as a bummer, young chipped in. he 2nd mex, a foreigner and secure boston. and the 1st when ever emma didn't. 3 is also not unbeaten in 12 games. and food in the table, but they do still trail round madrid by 12 points on especially women.
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not a couple of wild sport. okay. i'm very happy for the players because some of them are going through difficult times in their careers. they were criticized and judged, and they proved they are wonderful players, they have personalities and bold, and this is the way forward, you know, a matter to go out. and i have not made a good strategy and trying to defeat barza. bozarth played beta and they deserve the victory, and it's not a problem to take on the responsibility because i didn't prepare for the game correctly. sometimes you do it correctly. sometimes you dug. i failed in this game, but i am not making a drama out of it. from our classic o to declare he could in the netherlands with x and fine old. and they were worrying seen in amsterdam as a fire broke out before the game. part of the stand behind the go caught fire in the young christ arena. it appeared to be started by a banner accident, the being set ablaze by fan flay. i x one x 3 to and in origin tina it
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was the super classical between beth arrive of river plate and buck, a genius river, where at home for this one and the defense is mistaken. the 2nd half opened the door for bucker, one mill. the final school party thought to claim their 1st when that a women's cricket would come for 13 years and delta blow through the west indies semi final hopes. the match in hamilton was delayed the heavy rain and reduced to just 20 over the side. focused on spinner need a door, took a career based form for 10 to restrict the windy to 809 for 7, paying her 1st match in the competition better money. but ali had 3743 bowls as pakistan chase down a target to win with 7 bowls to stay. there was a dramatic finish in the n b a as the san antonio spurs be the golden state warriors. the schools would side with to 2nd place when the 1st miss a free throw. but luckily for them, kelvin johnson with school,
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the rebound. i met when the game 11108 feet off the war is the 10 and a half games behind that the n b a is leading, phoenix, suns, american gulf of san burns and successfully defended the title of the vows ball championship in florida boone finished at 17, on the part, but compatriots and overnight liter davis riley joined him on the school after a booty at the 17th. 3rd went to play off and on the thick and extra hole burns rolled in this huge pot from the edge of the green. the 23rd title in 12 months is also moving 5 will top 10 for the 1st time in his career. a rational m p and has been stripped of the gold medals she wanted the london 2012 games because of doping, race walker, yet in the last month of one, the 20 kilometer race 10 years ago in london. but she's now been handed a 2 year ban for the use of prohibited substances. that's what the 2012 middle. she'll also lose the gold she won a year later at the world championships in moscow. that's all the sports needs for
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now. i'll be your again, with another updated laser for liter. thank you very much for that, that set for this news. our on al jazeera from me for the bachelor and the whole team. thank you very much for watching. we are live next to my london news center with barbara stanley. ah, new zealand, he's a boot watches paradigm. but this south pacific nation has one of the worst extinction records on earth racks and other interviews. president have decimated the nike bird population. the decline is still ongoing. if we let it roll for another 50 years, they will be much left to restore. now you zealand is leading the world with an extraordinary goal to why pat the countries with peers, by 2050. there is nowhere else on the planet like this. and we now have the technology, the well in the know here. do you take those spaces?
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finally, after 2 days of 36 that we made our 1st k waiting. both birds will join 14 other key. we released key in the last few mom. it's a vital step in saving while t we, which were almost walked out across the region 2 decades ago. this feels like represent colson of who i am. and what i want people to remember me by boxing is my get out to is not even just mots against the people around like got to when i'm telling the story about my life is going to take 50 future to do a don't so bad with you deep award winning documentary with on out his era, a sanctuary for journalists. it was a haven from the war and shelter for civilian refugees. were like scattered into
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the garden during cambodia as bloody st. off imploring us to leave, and suddenly we were turning up, axel, the clear rouge had taken anything of value out of the hotel, cambodia. let them know a new episode of war, hotels on all j 0 o 8 people are killed in a russian rocket strike on a shopping center in ukraine's capital. moscow claims the building was a military target. ah, hello and barbara sarah. this is al jazeera alive from london, also coming up ukrainian forces refuse.


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