tv News Al Jazeera March 24, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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shall banked governor of his country, norway, some suggestions that he will be asked to stay on in the job as a nato secretary general for another year, given the severity of the crisis. and to tell you more about the severity of the crisis, it's worth me telling you what some of the leaders said when they arrived here. for example, lack fears, president sang, russia must nots fail. lithuania, said no one in nato should be able to feel safe. now, and all also austonia saying there's no way that vladimir putin can win, or his appetite will grow and a nato country could be next. so that's giving you an indication, i think of how severe they see. the situation was telling you to rob that i've been speaking to a senior nato, a military official, who says that the situation as they see at one month on is with a great deal of losses for russia. they estimate between 7 and 15000 casualties,
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but they say when you taken into account, the number of that have been, have been wounded. the number that have been captured than the number of russian troops were no longer able to fight, could be 30 to 40000. and they believe the russian advance is largely stalled. so that's the nato assessment of things as they are now. but there's a big caveat, and that's mario paul, which of course is so strategically important in the fight because it gives the access to the coast from crimea to the dom bass. and at the same nature, official said, they fear that the city of mario called may only have days left. and clearly that would be very important for the state of the battlefield. and it would be an important but very barbaric victory by russia. but also that would have of effect, i think, potentially on morale of the ukrainian people and the ukrainian forces. so that i
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think it's is one of, along with the, the chemical weapons, biological weapons. that's one of the scenarios that they'll be preparing for here . if there is the fall of mary up, or how nato would respond to that, how they try and keep the morale of the cranium people up if that was to happen. and as i say this official said, it could happen within days, possibly weeks. they fear that mary, a pull will fall. james, stay with me for a moment because i want to just bring in viewers who might just be joining us is just gone past 9, g, m, t, nato, g at 7, and e u summit. so being held in brussels, that's what we're talking about at the moment. they're going to be pushing for an end to the warning ukraine, punishing moscow for its actions and strengthening europe, security u. s. president jor biden's just arrived at the natal headquarters, one month into russia's invasion of you train. what leaders again trying to find a way out, but in ukraine said is continue to be pounded. our troops are holding off russian
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advances around the capital is also widespread destruction across several regions. okay, let's go back to james bay's we saw am in the arrivals earlier on this was about 20 or so minutes ago we saw a french president to manual my call arriving or took his presence was a tie of our de one arriving as well. both of those are world leaders, part of an effort to try to find a diplomatic solution directly with vladimir putin to, to be able to bring some sort of end to the ukraine conflict. their problem that the, that nato and the europeans looking ahead to the european, the you meetings later on today. one of the key problems that got james is the fact that not everybody is on the same page and as much that whilst some are pushing for complete sanctions. complete blocking of c gas applies oil supplies from russia. there are other countries, like, for example, the u. k and certainly germany who are much more hesitant.
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yes, i mean i think you've got to a stage where the ukrainians clearly have many more things that they wants. they would still like that no fly zone. i think they know they're not going to get that . because all the nato allies are agreed on that. but there are other things where there is now real cracks in the alliance. and 1st was telling you that what we've seen in terms of the you countries is really a complete surprise compared with a month ago of a canceling of not stream to that pipeline. a complete change of germany's defense spending and defense strategy and the e u, providing a $1000000000.00 more than a $1000000000.00 to actually provide weaponry for ukraine. those are things that you really wouldn't have thought perhaps a month ago that the you would, would, would do. and the use gone much further. the many people thought perhaps they would . but i think you're going to see today they've reached the limit and i don't think even though there might be a 5th package of sanctions announced today or in the coming days. i don't think
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it's going to go anywhere, particularly new. it's going to fill in some of the gaps, but in terms of the key thing, and that is the energy sector and vladimir putin's government before all this started was getting a $1000000000.00 a day from the west for its energy. i don't think you're going to see that the, you join the u. s. in stopping all oil and gas coming from russia because the, the german chancellor said you cannot have sanctions that harm the you more than they harm russia's leadership. so they'll be looking for other things they can do clearly. they'll also be talking about the humanitarian situation. what they can do to leave the humanitarian situation. president of the international committee of the red cross is in moscow today. he is meeting with the russian foreign minister. so gay, love roth, and i'm sure they'll be talking about humanitarian co doors. they'll be talking
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about medical facilities. the world health organization said in the last few hours, the $64.00 hospitals have been targeted. since sort of the invasion, not targeting a hospital under the geneva conventions, which the international committee of the red cross govern. that's the war crime. and so i think you'll hear a lot of talk about the war crimes that they, that nato and the you say, have been committed in the last month. well, before all of those meetings take place, we're waiting for what's known as the family photograph to take to be taken, which is when all the leaders line up on the stage, the viewers can see in front of us. now it's an empty of course of the moment we're waiting for those leaders to come in. i things develop, james, of course we're going to be coming back to you, but for now just the magic editor, james base and brussels. thank you very much. i want to bring in rob mcbride, who's joining us from western ukraine in the city of live, rob james was just explain, explaining to us the diplomatic side. he's also talk to us about some of the
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situation in the ground with particular with regard to the concerns about the city of multiple talk us through what the latest situation is on the ground there. that's why we have a developing a military situation down or on the south coast, but they talk here in their ukraine today. this is the one month anniversary or of the invasion and for vladimir vladimir zelinski, it is a continuation. it seems of his or international charm offensive. he has called for this day there to be a day on which people come out to show their support. they're solidarity with the ukranian cause and not only here in ukraine, but also internationally. as zalinski has shown, he is extremely deft, tailoring his messages. you know, when he was talking to the u. s. congress, he of made references to 911 when he was talking to the germans. he spoke about the berlin wall or when he was talking to the british parliament, he made all sorts of war time. sure chilion at references. it, it,
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he delivered to his messages to call for this international show of solidarity in english for the very 1st time. it seems his want his work. he wants as much reach as he can, especially with the a western democracies yet. you know, he, i think up with their russians when they 1st began their, they wanted and intended to control the narrative where their alleged dis information, their troll farms and all the rest, the russian version of events of what's taking place here in ukraine may play fairly well, domestically maybe a majority of russians still believe in the righteousness of the cause, but it doesn't seem to play internationally. i think the russians one month then are scratching their heads on how to handle this. yeah, a parent secret weapon of the ukrainians in the form of their president flooded me as zelinski. he is still in power and on the ground, the russia, the ukrainian military are claiming with some justification that they are not only holding the russians, but are actually pushing them back with counter offensive in a number of places. we've seen that a near the west of the capital cave,
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down on the south coast there in the city of burg dance. there is a developing situation there. interestingly in the last few hours and a video has appeared on, shall media showing explosions and fires. that's on the dock side at this important port city. but dance has been in the control of the russians since the air close to the start of the conflict next door in mario paul, of course, that's where we seen it. intense fighting, continue at butter budget, but dance has been in russian control. there have been russian ships in that port. there have been explosions. we think either on the dock side or in a vessel close to the doctor or tied up to the dock. it's difficult to tell, but the ukrainians are claiming that they have hit as a ship. they're called the oars kit is an amphibious landing ship. they claim that they have managed to destroy that ship. now the russians are not commenting officially, but we do know from russian state control television that say a shipper, the oars
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a was in that airport as recently as 2 days ago. so that does develop. it remains a diverse developing situation to see indeed if there this ship has been destroyed, we do know from the same a video images that at least one other vessel has been seen leaving at that at that dockside. so the whole of the southern front, from a desert all the way through to marry awful remaining, extremely volatile and extremely deadly. rob, thank you very much. indeed. they're talking to us from levine and western ukraine . that's rodman bride, or let's go back to i diplomatic editor james phase, back into nato headquarters and brussels. that is where this so called family photo of all the nato member leaders of the military member countries are gathering to have their photograph taken prior to the talks, negotiations that are going on. james, you've covered a great many of these things. one would imagine that the negotiations are going to be directly amongst the leaders, but of course, there is the opportunity for down for talks and negotiations on the sidelines as
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well. and sometimes those are the negotiations where we are possibly likely to see more movement rather than the public statements that are made. certainly there will be people, albany loving people on the sidelines. that's how these things work. the actual sessions, although we don't get to see them, i'm told by diplomats are often very stayed informal, each leader giving a speech. but the new ideas come on the side lines up given that they're at the north atlantic council. that's what they are when they meet around the table. they're likely to be briefed by senior military officials as well, giving them the latest intelligence picture, giving them the latest view from nato commanders on the ground. they're all, as you can see in these live pictures, gathering, gathering, shaking hands and standing on their marks. so they have this picture. it will be a very somber picture because it's a very somber mood. it's an extraordinary summit for an extraordinary time. the
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nato sec general said the most serious situation since world war 2, and they're all gather, they're waiting for present biden and for yen. stilton berg, the secretary general of nato, to join them for that family photo. and then they go into this into the session and i can tell you now that those 2 are the secretary general and the president and now walking in to take their places for their family photo. this is the image they want you to see today. they want to do to see this image of unity. they want to see that vladimir putin may have hoped to crack this alliance show splits in this alliance. they want to show that they've taken unprecedented measures so far in 1st month of this crisis. the reality though is that there aren't that many more steps they can take, where they would have unity. you'll see a family photo from this meeting. you'll see one from the g 7 when 6 of these leaders are joined by the japanese prime minister and another one from the european
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union when president biden joins the e. u leaders. not on this occasion joined by some of the other european leaders who not aunt in the e. u. in the some question behind the scenes is that whether the british prime minister boris johnson upset the you leaders or when he referred to the ukrainian struggle as being close to like a kinda breaks it. and there are some thought that offended some of the leaders, another of the norm that you lead as president trudeau will be addressing the european parliament this afternoon. as you see there now all posing for that photo and then we'll adjourn rob to formally start behind closed doors. the north atlantic council. and my understanding is the 1st order of business is to hear directly from ukraine and directly from presidents landscape who will be briefing not just here at nato. he'll also be briefing many of the same leaders in another part of brussels in the headquarters of the european union when the european count
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union and the u. s. meet a little later james, thank you very much. and here we can see the leaders there. as you were saying, as stepping off the podium, they're going to starting to head into the meeting sessions to discuss the situation or in ukraine. let's bring it in, ron can, who's in the capitol cave for us. m run. keith has been under pressure since almost since this conflict began. just bring us up to date with what has been happening, what you've been seeing over particularly the last 24 hours or so full of last 24 hours. so a 2 major attacks that took place in the north of the city. one of those, actually, our colleagues are al jazeera arabic witnessed 1st hand. they were on the scene of a bombing that took place the previous day was one of the biggest attacks that had taken place so far. at least 8 people have been killed and the damage was across a massive area was a shopping mall on my colleague, my colleagues were actually stood there about to go live when a shell hit
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a car ah, killing one person inside that car we've been speaking to the arabic team that were there, they said the shelling came out of nowhere. they had a loud bang. and then on they heard a huge explosion on the ground. and that was where they saw a person who had actually died. that was one attack, not far away from that shopping mall about a few kilometers. there was another attack where allegedly, a russian journalist with a killed. now this russian journalist was an opposition activist. she had connections to the opposition activist alexi. nev only who is a key russian dissident a. she had connections to him. she was also killed in that attack. her organization, the insider, a very vocal about the fact that they suggest that she may have been targeted. we have no idea where that she was or not this morning we've heard several of selling
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come from the butcher and at a pin areas. now i'll bring you through the geography is a little bit complicated, so bear with me. there are 2 key areas mark had eve and a pain in the north of north of the city. rather, those 2 areas ukrainian say they've managed to take back from russian forces. near those areas are boucher and osterman, boucher and austin belt. the ukranian said they've surrounded the russian forces and they pushing them out on the ground offensive there in all 4 of those sounds has actually stalled and ukrainian say they do have they upper hand right now. we all waiting for independent confirmation of that for the ukrainians are very confident that they can mount this counter offensive that they're doing right now. but as they do, they're on the ground. although the russian offensive has stalled from the air, they still have the ability to fire cruise missiles was in a number of those over the last couple of days. we're also seeing
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a lot more increased shelling and rocket a missile launches. so it looks like a change in tactics and that tracks with what we're hearing, not just from nato, but from brit intelligence, but from a number of independent assessment or as, as well. so it looks like there is a continuing offensive, but on the nato tools, there's a lot of disappointments within nato. one of the familiar refrains you hair is closed. disguise the appeal for nato to actually impose a no fly zone. nato don't want to do that because it seen as an escalation, this nato summer, and you just saw the family photo. there is incredibly frustrating for a lot of ukrainians, very simply. senior people, a, within the government itself, been very public about this. they say, look, their meeting to day, they're having this nice meeting. but what about, what about ukraine, or the world needs to know that nato's board is don't stop a certain point and they won't want to help anybody else. and ukraine is a perfect example of that. m m. thank you very much indeed. dad's imran. com.
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bringing yourself today's from the capital cheese. i want to take you back today and some pictures from the inside of the main meeting room, which is at nato headquarters in brussels in c, a. u. s. president joe biden there and who has derived lastly, the leaders have just had what's known as the family photograph, which was taken outside, in fact, just behind president biden. don't if you can see him as a u. s. secretary of state antony blinking. clearly there and also you k, m a foreign secretary, las trus who was there in a red jacket. all is leaders meeting together to discuss the situation in ukraine, bring each other up to date with where they stand on the the situation. but to as both emron and our diplomatic correspondent james base was saying earlier on, not a tremendous amount of hope within the ukraine that these talks which are going to be followed by talks amongst the e you members and also g salmon members are actually going to lead to anything significantly tangible or greater than what is being offered at the moment. well,
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let me bring you up to dave's given what a man has told us about the situation on the ground as well as our correspondent robin bye. let me just bring you up to date with showing you in some maps, but the situation is like on the ground areas in red here are held by russian forces and the separatist allies, ukrainian forces in muddy up all that the port city to the south are holding out more civilians have been evacuated from neighboring towns from there, and ukraine says it's pushing back against russian forces near key verse a man was just talking about. it's troops have also held the ground in the southeastern city of makalya of now the city of cart, he has been under constant bombardment for weeks. ukrainian forces are fending off russian troops. but as i said, beg reports from a hospital there is coming at a cost. let me give you a warning. this report contains images that viewers may find disturbing. a desperate attempt to save lives overstretched, an overworked,
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medical staff at hockey regional clinical hospital under unprecedented pressure. the intensive care unit is filled with the victims of this war. yes, your name pam, which is typical when you haven't treated civilians with combat injuries before. i'm overwhelmed with the amount of cases, sometimes we receive 10 people from one location, but we've learned to do it quickly, provide aid. it's our experience accounts to promote the work under constant threat to their own lives. we're standing here and listening to the sound of shilling, i don't know where it will hit the hospitals impala cleanser chip or destroyed in those over the hospital is don't work anymore. we don't know what will be today. if the bomb lands the hospital will no longer exist, the children's hospital is destroyed. the center for blood donation operates from the basement. many of these people were in their homes when they were hit by
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shrapnel shilling was intense, then it stopped then it started again. 3 people were killed immediately. i'm the only one that survived, but have all these injuries. one of the kind of injuries that you're seeing downstairs they are more patient is one of the most sashes leg has been amputated. you know, actually there was a lot of patients with serious injures right here, but the, this boy is the most strong well from all of them because most of them are crying, asking for saving their legs and arms. but he was the only one who said, just do what you think you need to do. so this is a real warrior, still heart. and he has one message for the world, close, the sky, emotive, green. these words are filled with casualties from this war. here most of patients are after artillery. it's not because most of patients was wounded by
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or tillery is just because most of patients after aircraft are dead. though this is the most hard patient. in another ward, we find you have guinea telescope. he threw his body over his 8 year old son when he heard explosion from his son was unharmed, travelling above his chest and then go out. here. he was struck by shrapnel. the piece of shuttle that we see here were shown pieces of shrapnel by the stuff. this tiny piece killed the woman custom of missed him. we deal him by stay. and here we are defending our families and work of a victory. we are together. we are in a common cause. this is my bed. one for the staff here. this is their life. they sleep in the corridors to stay close to their patience and hope the walls were protect them. if the hospital is hit for and you sleep guard. yup. patients like
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sasha, a medical staff her have all asked for the same thing. oblivious of the politics around it. they want the air space over ukraine and this city closed because if the damage turned from the bomb dropped from planes, the causing the most casualties. i said, bake algebra, her fif ah okay, let me bring you some of the days. other news now political leaders in the u. s. a paying tribute to its 1st female secretary of state, madeline albright. she died at the age of $84.00. president joe biden said she turned the type of history was one jordan looks back in her life and her career. any mental madeline albright made history when in 1997 she became the 1st woman to serve. as us secretary of state discharged the duties of the office discharged the duties of the office on which i am about to enter on which i'm about to enter. so
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all right, wielded her power, indirect and controversial when enforcing the un economic embargo against a rock. despite iraq's present weakness, the future threat has not been erased. iraq's behavior and intentions must change before our policies can change. otherwise, we will allow the scorpion that bid us once to bite us again, pushing u. s. allies to back a military strike on a rock in 1998 because of saddam hussein's refusal to let you win weapons inspectors into the country. we have said many times that we prefer to have a diplomatic solution, but we need to resolve this problem. and or we have also said that we will take what necessary means in order to achieve those 2 objectives. and supporting the u. s. bombing of kosovo in 1999 to protect bosnian muslims. what
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was happening in the former yugoslavia was a far away place with people with unpronounceable names. and i felt that we did have to do something and of what people, what i'm proudest of is what we did in bosnia. and what later when our secretary state we did in kosovo. madeline cor bell was born in the former checklist. slovakia in 1937, the daughter of a diplomat, the corps bell family fled to the u. s. after communist took power and prague in 1947 after university horrible married joseph albright and raised a family. at each $39.00, she completed her ph. d and launched her foreign policy career, including serving on the national security council under president jimmy carter and serving as us ambassador to the united nations under president bill clinton. to day we begin to cleanse the hatred that has torn apart. the former yugoslavia albright
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was criticized for pushing a tough policy on a rock that led to children dying of hunger and medicine shortages. and we have heard that half a 1000000 children have died. is the price worth it? i think this is a very hard choice that the price we think the price is worth it. and albright failed to broker piece between the palestinians and israelis. she also couldn't stop north korea from selling ballistic missiles to other countries. nation in her later years, i albright set up a consultancy taught future diplomats and became something of a pop culture figure in the united states. she wrote a book about the messages behind the broaches she wore. i am so sorry to keep you waiting. and albright appeared twice on a t v drama about a fictional secretary of state jericho mean more than anything? madeline albright will likely be remembered for holding an unvarnished view of the world and willing to confront challenges head on recovery,
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cruise and china. i was searching for a 2nd flight recorder from a china eastern airliner that crashed earlier this week. katrina you has moved from vision. recovery crews are working through wet weather to find a 2nd black box of flight. and you 5735, which crashed in quote, she provence on monday carrying 132 people. the 1st black box was recovered on wednesday. it has been sent to bay jane for analysis. this recorded the final conversation between the 3 pilots of the plane and it took it will give vital clues as to the reason behind the crash. now, recovery in this remote mountain is area has been very slower. some personal items such as wallets keys and forms have been found among the rubble as well as human remains. now this bowing, passenger, jet 737800 had been on the domestic journey of 2 hours from the city of couldn't
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being too long. jo, when it suddenly north dodge from an altitude of about 6000 meters on monday. now the flight data does show us that it temporarily recovered before again, finally plunging to the ground. officials care say the pilots of the plane will healthy and experienced and whether at the time of the dissolved was normal, nurse of ivers have been found the body of jail causing a nationalist figure. yvonne cola has been moved to the french island following his death in hospital earlier this week. cologne had been in a coma after the assaulted by another prisoner, the attack spawns violent protest. we've demonstrated holding the government responsible. nicholas hark has more more procession to honor even call us in the franchise. capital very is the body of the even color, not the course that can nationalists. this wasn't organized or pre planned.
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thousands of people have come to the streets in what is a spontaneous funeral procession for a man considered by the french government as a murderer, responsible for the killing of a french administrator 25 years ago. but for the people here, he's a hero. he's a symbol, a monitor of the course that can national cause, and you'll see many people here carrying the national flag. his death has really united part of this islands. and it's the circumstances of his test that has really shocked people and has caused riots in this city and other places on the island. he was killed by a fellow inmates and then in a coma for 3 weeks. and people here hold the french government responsible for his death course that can nationalists currently held in the mainland will be now returning back into prison in corsica. this is a move from the french government to tease the situation,
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but it will take much more than that. there are many questions that the course that can people gathered here. one answer, not just on the circumstances of even nice death, but on the way that this island has been treated by france with some here saying that in fact the i may need some more autonomy and the french state has failed to provide. and to fulfill its promise to provide that me to the people here. so it's much more than this man and it's funeral. it's about where corsica is in relationship to france. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories u. s. president joe bonds in brussels for a special meeting of nato g 7. and e. u leaders are going to look at ways to push for an end to fighting and strengthening europe's security. our diplomatic at, at a james base.
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