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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2022 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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the most amazing things about visiting yank or what temple complex is to walk through the ruins almost as if you are the very 1st person to discover them in the jungle. but in recent years, with tens of thousands of tourists coming every day, that's been virtually impossible. there's no doubt the tourists will return with them the revenue that so vital to this country until they do this boss. temple complex is host to other playful visitors. eager to explore new words, mix soto, tony chang, l to 0, and co. what a ppo . again, i'm fully battle with the main developments on our the war in ukraine leaders at a g 7 meeting have urged present vitamin protein not to use biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons. their statement comes after nato summit held early in the city . the alliance has agreed to establish for new battle groups in europe. villain,
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georgia, granite falls flat, or should there be preparations for a false flag operation in order to use such weapons? this would be a violation of all international rules, agreements and conventions. it is our concern not only to point this out, but also to warn in the conversations we have don't do it. meanwhile, on the ground in ukraine, there's been more shelling in the 2nd largest city car keith. 6 people were killed and 15 wounded when russian artillery landed in front of a post saul center where people were thought to be queuing for humanitarian aids. the united nation says that in the 1st month of the conflict, more than $10000000.00 people became displaced, that's about a quarter of ukraine's population and includes half of its children around $4000000.00 and now refugees in neighboring countries. the head of the international committee of the red cross says it's difficult to get aid to people caught up in the fighting in ukraine. mario paul is an it is
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a city which has high visibility and attention from the international community. but i also wanted to highlight that it is not the only place of concern. and i see or see, is trying to make efforts to see the whole frontline and challenges and to have access andy evacuation modalities agreed upon by the parties. we have always highlighted. it's not possible to think about access or, or evacuation either in marty or paul or another place. if we don't have solid agreement and detailed the agreement between the militaries on the ground and and having is ethiopia, as government says, it will observe a chose where the rebels integrate to allow aid into the war torn state. the un says more than 90 percent of people need food and medicine. i, we're gonna take you now back to brussels, where the u. s. presidential biden is speaking after a meeting of g 7, an nato,
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a little says listening i of to day march 1 month says russia began, it's carnage and ukraine, the brutal and version of ukraine and her. we held an arrow summit the very next day. at that time, my overwhelming objective is wanting. that summit was to have absolute unity on 3 key important issues among our nato and european allies. first was to support ukraine with military and humanitarian assistance. second was to impose the most significant, most significant sanctions, economic sanction regime ever in order to cripple potent economy and punish him for his actions. 3rd was to $4.00 to $5.00 eastern flying of our nato allies who were obviously very, very concerned and somewhat at worried to what would happen we accomplish all
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3 of these than today were determined to sustain those efforts. and to build on the united states is committed to provide over $2000000000.00 and military equipment ukraine since i became president and i air systems and i armor systems, ammunition and our weapons are flown in ukraine as i speak. and today i'm announcing the united states prepared to commit more than 1000000000 dollars in humanitarian assistance to help get relief to millions of ukrainians affected by the war in ukraine. many credit refugees will well wish to stay in europe closer to their homes. but we've also will welcome 100000 ukrainians united states where the focus on reuniting families. and we will invest $320000000.00 to bolster democratic resilience and defend human rights. and ukraine and neighboring countries were also coordinating with the g 7 and the european union on food
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security, as well as energy security. ah, more to say about that tomorrow. we're also announcing new sanctions of more than $400.00 individuals and entities aligned with in alignment with the european union . more than 300 members of the duma oligarchy and russian defense companies that fuel the russian more machine. in addition to the 100000 u. s. forces now station in europe to defend nato territory, nato established as you already know for new battle groups and romania hungry bulgaria. slovakia to reinforce the eastern front. poon was banking on nato being split my early conversations in december and early january was clear to me. he didn't think we could sustain this cohesion. nato has never, never, and more united than it is to day student is getting exactly the opposite. what he
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intended to have as a consequence of going in to ukraine, we've built that same unity with our european, the european union, and with the leading democracies of the g 7 in the g 7. so i want to thank you, and i'll be now happy to take your questions. since there's so many people out there, i'm gonna been given a list. now how about chris to the associated press? first question i read. so you warned about the real threat of comma weapons being used. have you gathered specific intelligence that suggests that president putin is deploying these weapons, move in the position, or considering their use and what the us or at nato respond with military action. if he did use chemical weapons, you know, in the 1st question i can answer that. i'm not going to give you intelligence data . number one, number 2, we would respond. we would respond if he uses it, the nature the response depend on the nature of the use. ah, josh o,
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bloomberg. i find your voice out of my like the ladder. a alarm. thank you. can you talk to with 2 things or one since your conversation with president she of china? have you seen any indications of action or lack of action from china that has led you to believe whether they will intervene and help russia either with the sale of arms or, or the provision of supplies that support this war and ukraine? and secondly, i can say whether the conversation as they turn to the subject of food shortages and what the u. s. will do to address wheat shortages in particular as a result of this for thank you. on the 1st question relating to president cg, king of china. i had a very straightforward conversation with she now, i guess it's 6 days ago,
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7 days ago in that range. and i made it clear to him. i made no threats, but i made it clear to him that make sure he understood the consequences of him helping russia as had been reported. and as, as money was expected. and it, i made no threat, but i pointed out the number of american and foreign corporations left russia as a consequential. there. i'm back barbaric behavior. and i indicated that i knew how much he, because we had long discussions in the past about his interest in making sure he had economic relations in economic growth with europe in the united states. and indicated that he be putting himself at significant jeopardy. and those in those aims if in fact he were to move forward. i am not going to comment on any detail about what we know or don't know as
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a consequence of that conversation. but tomorrow as tomorrow or next monday, that ursula is having that conference with china. michelle. the 1st on april, 1st, we've had discussions. he was, i think that a china understands that it's economic futures much more closely tied to the west than it is to russia. and so i'm hopeful that he, he does not get engaged. we also did discuss today that there's a need for us to set up nato to set up and, and the you to set up a system whereby we have an organization looking at who has violated any of the sanctions and where and when and how they violate them and that's something we're going to put in trade. not done yet. so with regard to on
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she i, i have nothing more to report with regard to food. sure. yes we did. right. so i talked about food shortages and, and it's got to be rail. the price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon russia. it's imposed upon off lot of countries as well, including european countries in our country as well. and because both russia and ukraine had been the bread basket of europe in terms of weight, for example, this good one example. but we had a long discussion in the g 7 with um the, with both the united states, which has a significant, the 3rd largest producer of wheat in the world as well as canada, which is also a major, major producer. and we both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more
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rapidly foods, food shortages, and addition to that, we talked about urging all the european countries and everyone else to and trade restrictions on, on sending limitations on sending food abroad. and so we are in the process of working out the european friends what it would be, what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to our food shortages. we also talked about a significant major u. s. investment on others in terms of providing for the need for humanity sharing assistance, including food as a move forward on terena of the wall street journal, which i like to hit and ahead there. now mister president, in your view, does president zalinski need to feed any ukrainian territory in order to gain
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a few fire with russia or is that completely off the table? and then also, do you think that russia needs to be removed from the g 20 on the latter point, my answer is yes. that depends on the g 20. ah, i read that was raised today and i raised the possibility of that can't be done. if indonesia and others do not agree than we should and my view asked to have both on ukraine, ah, be able to attend the meetings as well as with basically ukraine being able to attend the g 20 meeting. observe. with regard to was a 1st question that is a total judgement based on ukraine. nothing about ukraine without ukraine. i don't believe that they're gonna have to do that, but that's
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a judgment. there's negotiations that are discussions, i should say. they've taken place that i have not been part of including ukrainians and it's a, it's, it's their judgment tonight. ah, sicily abc they are. oh, i am sir. you've made it very clear in this conflict that you do not want to see world war 3. but is it possible that in expressing matt so early that you were too quick to rule out direct military intervention in this war could boot and have been in bold and knowing that you are not going to get involved directly in this conflict. no and know that and to clarify on chemical weapons could if chemical weapons were used in ukraine, would that trigger a military's response from nato? it would be, it would trigger response and kind whether or not you're asking whether nato would
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cross. we'd make that decision at the time. and my final question, because you're heading to poland tomorrow, do you think that getting a 1st hand look at the effects of this war on these millions of ukrainians who have fled their country could change the way that you might respond? i don't think so because i've been to many, many war zones. i've been as refugee camps, i've been in war zones for the last 15 years. and it's, it's, it's, it's devastated. and what the thing you look at the most is you see these young children who see children without parents that are in those camps or in or refugees . you see women and husbands and men and women who are completely lost and have no, no you see the look that blank look on their face, that absolute feeling of my god. where am i? what was what's going to happen to me? and so it what it will do and will reinforce my commitment to have the united
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states make sure we are a major piece of dealing with the relocation of all those folks as well as humanitarian assistance needed both inside ukraine and outside you credit. for example, this is not something that poland, or romania or germany should carry on their own. this is an international responsibility. the united states is the leader. one of the leaders in the international community has an obligation to be engaged, to be engage and do all we can to ease the suffering and pain of innocent women and children and men for that matter throughout, throughout ukraine and those who have made it across the border i plan on attempting to see those folks as well as i hope i'm going to be able to cease. guess i'm not supposed to say or i'm going, i'm on. but anyway, i hope i get to see a lot of people. oh, marcus said their spiegel
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banks, mister president on, there's no presidential election coming up in 2024, and as you know, there are white. yes sir. and they are widespread concerns in europe. that's a figure like you're pretty says, or maybe you're pretty special himself. my to get elected president again. um, so are there any steps, anything that you're trying to do and nato is trying to do here these days to prevent what you're trying to do are becoming undone to just from no, no, it's not how i think it is. i've been dealing with foreign policy for longer than anybody is involved in this process, right. i have no concerns about the impact. i made a commitment. when i ran this time, i wasn't going to run again. and i mean necessarily, i had no intention to run for president again. and until i saw most folks coming
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out of the fields in virginia carrying torches and carrying nazi banners and literally singing the same vile rhyme that they used in germany. in the early twenties or thirties, i should say. and, and among the gentleman you mentioned was asked what he thought in a young woman was killed a protester. and he asked was asked what he thought. he said they're very good people on both sides. and that's when i decided i wasn't going to be quite a new owners. and when i ran this time and i think the american press, whether they look at me favorably or unfavorable, acknowledges, i made a determination. nothing is worth, no election is worth my not doing exactly what i think is the right thing. not a joke. i'm too long in the tooth to fool with us any longer. and so we're
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a long way off and elections a long way off. my focus of any election is on making sure that we retain the house in the united states senate so that i have the room to continue to do the things that i've been able to do. terms of grow the economy and deal in a rational way with american foreign policy and lead the world lead be the leader of the free world. so ah, but it's not, it's not a logical question for someone asked. i say to people in home. imagine if we sat and watched the, the doors of the bundle stag broken down, and police officers killed in hundreds of people storming in. or imagine if we saw that happen in the british parliament or whatever. how would we feel? and one of the things that i'd take some solace from is i don't think you'll find any european leader who thinks that
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i am not up to the job on. and i mean that sincerely, it's not like, whoa is that said the point is that one? the 1st g 7 meeting i attended like the one i did today was a great britain. and i sat down and i said america's back and one of the my, one of my counterparts colleagues is head of state said for how long for how long. and so i don't blame, i don't, i don't criticize image. you're asking that question. but on the next election, i'd be very fortunate if i had that same man, right? yes, thank you. with a 2nd please. i was supposed to be an hour ago at the european union meeting
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as a space not thank you. so someone i haven't called on before you who are you. ok, 3rd to turns didn't work. what makes you think vladimir putin will also course based on the action you've taken to that, let's get something straight. you remember if you covered me from the very beginning, i did not say that. in fact, the sanctions would deter him. sanctions never deter you. keep talking about that. sanctions never deter the main is of sanctions, the maintenance of sanctions increasing the pain. and the demonstration why asked for this nato meeting today is to be sure that after a month we will sustain what we're doing. not just next month, the following month, but for the remainder of this entire year. that's what we're studying for. as now, when i said you play the game with me,
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i know the answer is no. i think what happens is we have to demonstrate the purpose . the 2nd most important thing, as for us to say, unify and the we're all continue to focus on what a brew this guy is and all the innocent people's lives are be lost and ruined. and what's going on, that's the important thing. but look, if you're pulling and you think that the, that europe is going to crack in a month and 6 weeks or 2 months. why not you? they can take anything for another month. but we have to demonstrate the reason i asked for the meeting. we have to stay fully, totally, thoroughly united. thank you. how it meeting we can have every once they see it in. okay. us reson joe biden. and wrapping up his news conference in brussels. there after a meeting of nato and g 7 leaders, this phase, they on the war in ukraine emergency meetings in the belgian capital. i diplomatic
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editor james space is there and so is kimberly how can our white house correspondent begati james 1st president biden. the key phrase there for me, i think was natal has never been more united. yes, certainly a show of unity is what they're trying to to demonstrate to the world here at 3 different some, it's all taking place in one day. i think it was interesting in the beginning where he said on the day, immediately after the invasion, they had a summit, they showed absolute unity and that's what they're doing now. but then he named 3 things that he said they'd achieved. he said they $4.00 to $5.00, the eastern flank of nato. they brought in many more troops. that's definitely true . that is a major change. i also said that they'd imposed very significant sanctions. they all very significant sanctions. yes. but really put them against what the ukrainians, what it,
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what presidents zalinski once he won't sanctions on the energy sector. there's a division among these allies. europe will do that. he says one day, but it's not ready to do an hour. and the other point that he made is that they are fully supported. the ukrainian military, i would, we monitor the ukrainian people with humanitarian military assistance. again, present zalinski when he spoke to nato liters to day and said, no, i want more. i'm not getting clear answers, i'm very clear requests of rocket system use or she asked of her tanks or to be supplied. and no one's given me a clear answer. in fact, they're not supplying me one month on. so what he says is a clear response. does not meet the standard of presidents lensky to other quick takeaways from me. i really food shortage. clearly that is going to be a growing issue. i spoke to the had the well food program recently in brussels. he said its own real real problem. other emergencies around the world, he has no money and of course like that shortage of weight that her present by the
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spoke called and then the other thing and i think kimberly can answer his a bit further. he seemed to allude to what we've all been speculating, a gap in his schedule when he goes to poland or the suggestion there is he going to go as the secretary of state antony blinkin did to the border? possibly even like lincoln did step over into you, craig. i james, thank you very much. well, put that question to. kimberly. now our white house correspondent, kimberly, at present biden, in brussels, but also heading to poland, as james said, there, what is the u. s. leader hoping to achieve where this street i don't think the u. s. president was even alluding or suggesting as a person who covers a president bite and dan and day out the president. all that confirmed, he will be going to the border. that is, if the secret service still allows him, because typically you don't announce these type of movements in advance. that could be some security concerns that may not hose a bit of a problem. you heard the president talking,
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i'm not supposed to say this in advance, but it sounds as if he is intending to go to meet 1st hand those that are fleeing the conflict. as a result of latimer putin's invasion of ukraine, this is on route to a meeting saturday where he will be meeting with the leader of poland, president duda, that was on the schedule very quickly. some of the other headlines in that have made news from that press conference with the joe biden there. the u. s. pres, it was asked a couple of times, what will happen if vladimir putin chooses to use chemical weapons in ukraine? if you, as president did not speak to having any intelligence to prove that that might be a concern. and of course, this is a sensitive issue back in the united states, given the fact that the u. s. government has a history of making this claim in the past, only to find out that it was false. so americans are skeptical the u. s. president, not offering any evidence this time. only thing if they're used, that they will have a response in kind and also very quickly, we've heard
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a lot in these meetings, series of meetings, newest president headed over to where i am standing now, where he will be having the 3rd in a series of meetings today, talking about how there is a need to push back against shinine any sort of desire to work with russia to kind of give oxygen to the military effort from the financial side. and the u. s. president saying that in his conversations with president she, it was his belief that president, she realizes the future of his economies tied with the west and that he is likely to be discouraged against doing so. there. and another interesting, a common from present biden was the russia with russia should still be a part of the g 20 and the u. s. president said he doesn't believe that it should be involved in the 220 moving forward, but he also expects that there will be pushed back some of those member nations like indonesia, for example, he expects, will make the argument that russia still should be a member. and as a result,
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if that is the case, then the u. s. president says, so be it. but ukraine should be president present rather at those meetings as well . and also one other headline that i think it's important to note in there is there are a lot of questions given the advanced age of president by the fact that he is one of the oldest, if not the oldest u. s. president. so at least in modern history, a lot of questions about his longevity and whether he'll be able to run again in 2024. you heard there one of the reporters asking about that the u. s. president saying he's not focused on that right now when he focused on the upcoming congressional elections so that he can continue his agenda and can tell you from someone who covers the news in the united states that will be difficult for him. those congressional elections are critical, give it as a co, equal branch of government, right. if he does not have democrats when both the house and senate in november, it will be a challenge for him in the final. kimberly, this is frankie say thank you very much. we'll talk more about this news conference and everything that's happening in brussels in just
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a few minutes on ology 0. do stay with to stay with us. sorry. we back out to this racial brain. ah. april on al jazeera frontline reporting and in depth analysis. we bring you the latest on the ukraine war and the unfolding humanitarian crisis, immersive personal shorts, documentaries, africa, direct showcase, african stories from african filmmakers. the campaign for the philippines president the anticipate final strength, but with the country facing its worth, especially near which candidate will emerge as a front runner time of pandemic sauce. what the world can learn from the global h. i. v. epidemic in the fight against cauldron 19 emanuel micron is expected to be re elected as president. what will the 2nd term mean for france and the you?
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april on al jazeera every day in the pool at least 3 mother died while giving birth in remote areas. when i, when i read the bright medics and piles, saving the lives of mothers and then you are now to 0. so coveted beyond well, it will take him without hesitation. fought and died for power . lines are, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with people and power. investigate, exposed it, and question the youth and abuse of power around the globe. on al jazeera water scarcity has become a major global issue. the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down, turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded for profit, just because it's life. i mean,
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it cannot be priced. what about the guy that can't afford it, and that guy still needs water? al jazeera examines the social, financial, and environmental impact of the war to privatization notes of water on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello, i'm fully battle with alex. here is extensive coverage, one month into the war in ukraine, taking a stand against russia invasion of ukraine. the u. s. president says nato has never been more united. russia says it welcomes the efforts of the red cross in facilitating humanitarian corridors, a new crane, but doesn't believe ukraine will meet. it's on the.


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