tv News Al Jazeera March 26, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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story told line line or it's playing the role of bringing our differences together with exclusive interviews and in depth reports. this is norma. this is tyler. al jazeera, has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and live news ah, by the u. s. secretaries of state and defense sit down in warsaw with a ukranian counts pallets holding the fast joint meeting over the wall in the crate or ah, i money inside the sound, is there a lie from doha also coming up. are still on wall. i couldn't. which means peach equations president laudermill polanski addresses the doha form of the key note speech by kat, amir in which he denounced what he called an unjust anyway,
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who died. i'm owed $50.00 call thought a father are emphasized from positional to fate of cut off on the pronunciation of violence, intimidating civilians and assaulting state. sovereignty. emir tells the doha, for him, his country stands in solidarity with the people affected by what he called the unjust war in ukraine. a saudi like coalition, retaliate, santa yelman's, heathy rebels. his an oil facility, and jetta, close the venue of someplace one ranks. ah, he was president joe biden is in poland, where he is expected to send a clear message to rushes later. vladimir putin that he'll be held accountable for the invasion of ukraine. but, and will be meeting with the press of poland on plant duda,
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who's country has been hosting more than 2000000 ukrainian refugees ot and his g to make a major address in the next few hours. on the 3rd day of his trip to europe as go straight to a correspondent, kimberly hole kit who was lying for us in or so. so talk us through president biden's movements today. what exactly can we expect? well, already the u. s. president has had one official meeting that is with the ukrainian defense minister and foreign minister. he was accompanied by his secretary of state as well as his secretary of defense, lloyd austin. now the reason that there was this advance meeting that had a security aspect, focal point is because there has been some confusion and coordination in recent weeks between the united states nato allies. and specifically, poland, specifically when it comes to the issue of fighter jets pulling to come up with
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a proposal that simply blindsided the united states weeks ago with regard to transferring from soviet era fighter jets to ukraine. this is something the united states does not want to see. they fear an escalation if this were to occur. and as a result, this is something that the u. s. strongly discouraged. and so it was important for these leaders to meet to really try and get on the same page if you will, moving forward. so there is this unity that the u. s. president has been really stressing throughout his visit throughout this invasion. is that a counter to vladimir putin is invasion of ukraine now, moving forward, you asked me about what is to happen next. the u. s. president has a pack schedule on his final day here in poland. what we know is that the u. s. president is set to travel behind me in just a few moments. he will be traveling to the presidential palace where he will be meeting for a bilateral meeting with the president of po didn't do duda and as well later on.
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he is also going to be focusing on the humanitarian crisis, the united states this week, again, pledging another 1000000000 towards that effort for immediate needs, like food, shelter, water, medical aid. so that is something that is going to be discussed. but again, as you pointed out at the top of this show, the real focal point is going to be the president's address happening in the coming hours. a major address where the u. s. president is going to talk about how he believes this is a pivotal moment, a struggle between the world to talk, receive, and democracies, and why he believes the world needs to unite around ukraine in order to see that is democracy that prevails. i'm kennedy. how can, how historical, how significant is it that president biden has come to poland in this way, at this moment in time? i believe even mentioned at one point that he would have liked to go to ukraine, but oversee the security issues around that made that impossible. it is pretty,
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pretty historic, isn't it? for you as president it's definitely historic and it's also historic and, and important to this president in particular, you have to remember his background. he's previous to being a u. s. president. he was a vice president for 8 years where one of his top sort of policy objectives was foreign policy and really seeing that the world and democracy was advanced throughout the free world and beyond if you will. and then prior to that, the u. s. president has served as a u. s. senator, for decades where he was working to achieve these issues. so for him, it is personal. it is something that is important to him. it's something that he believes as he spoke to us soldiers, the 2nd airborne of the border of poland in ukraine, about 24 hours ago. he said, what you're doing matters it in his consequential because again,
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he believes that this is a tipping point. and the world needs to decide what direction it wants to go and, and to be clear, very quickly, the u. s. president isn't just talking about russia, but he's also talking about china. he's been very clear that he believes democracy will prevail. he knows he has differences with chinese president, she and vladimir putin, the russian president when it comes to this. but the u. s. president is going to lay out his case to the free world and hope that they see his message and by his arguments money. thanks for that. white house correspondent kenny holt has their 1st invoice so well ellia, ukraine's president, belgium is zalinski, urged the wells leading natural gas produce a cattle to increase its output to counter what he called the threat of russia using energy as a weapon. he was speaking here at the dough hall for him via video link from ukraine, the 1st thought to address to a golf nation since the war began. this is also a question of abandoning the usage of russian oil and gas. responsible states like
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the state of cuts are, are reliable and solid exporters of energy resources. and they can make their contribution to the stabilisation in europe. they can do much to restore justice. the future of europe rests with your efforts. it depends on your efforts. i ask you to increase the output of energy to ensure that everyone in russia understands that no country can use energy as a weapon. let's bring in mohammed val who's out but don't hold for him for us. so what else mohammed did he have to say in his unexpected address in the address? so i didn't see the issue of ukraine in general. how dominated the discussion? this is a form that has been said before the war on your came off on the main team was half formation to talking about defense 5 or defendants talking about security, talking about global warming, things like this. but today, most of the discussion dumped with ukraine and the rest of the course of the
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speech of the in the seat basically talks about the need for fun and not, not only here in the book, but also across the ukraine because you think the war, the wages on your plate is a war against the and democracy across the world. he says, but he can fail from what was happening in you can now to what russia did in, in syria, saying that the destruction of the 50 microphone looks pretty much like this fraction of both. he said he also talked about gun plan to teeth to the, to the, to the need. the religious needs of them has been here. approach the question of from about things ukrainian was in a fight you. so the last thing, the month of ramadan in peace and we'll see what she's, what should happen. so people here in the agent should, should look up the problem of you think of the older problem, just like, you know,
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russia is not on the waiting for what i said on, you can use bucketful on piece on, on the tranquillity, religion, on principles across the walls and he made sure to choose his word very carefully so that he can have a good audience in the middle east. i had just with us because i, i want to, i play out a bit of sink from a cat on the mere who spoke earlier. at the, for any work could either move to for though look or thought of further, i emphasized the firm position of the state of cut off on the renunciation of violence, intimidating civilians and assaulting state sovereignty. and all other acts may constitute a violation of human values and international laws. we stand in solidarity with the millions of innocent people and refugees who been victimized by this unjust war and geopolitical calculations. so vehement. how did the amir respond to that request
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for cats are to increase its output of gas? what's up now? this is in the discussion. probably more behind the scenes in front of everyone in the audience about discussing has also been going on for, for some time. now that you can use aware of the result from this because your peers and the american top already requested the same request to the companies. and they, they've been told not to cut out favorable requests, but it takes time to supplant or to compensate for the the got created by the, the options of the possibility of western countries. supplies of now comes out from what in general, meaningful spoke about other issues. he talks about vital signs. he says you should not forget qualified, a sort of a problem that he's be taking place for 70 years. now. he also spoke about islam of
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phobia and said we should treat it will be the same way with me saying that it's a national problem and it has to be pointed out that these issues also make part of the of the, of the kaiser. they are crises, the youth instability across the world. pretty much my problem and you can okay, thank you for that. and i haven't valid there for us at the home for me or ukraine's capital cave has a vote woken to more air raid sirens this morning. on friday. russia said the 1st phase of its military offensive is mostly complete. moscow said the focus now is to fully control the east and dumbass region that contains a territories held by rushing back separatists don't yet. and lou hands zulema, those non loses, i should be made objectives of the 1st stage of the operation have generally been accomplished with the combat potential of the armed forces of ukraine have been considerably reduced,
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which makes it possible. i am so as at once again to focus our coy if it's on achieving the main goal, their liberation of dawn bests as go to hashem alberta who is live for us. and moscow had him talk us through this late statement from the russian military, to what extent is this about managing the narrative back home? so basically they're saying that a, i mean if you look at the statements for the missile defense over the last 24 hours yesterday, they said that they have managed to make had ways when it comes to cutting of kia her cough so me, nick, alive and all also a churney. gov and that sort of poor g m i. so was that up was years under their control and her son is totally under their control. now they're saying that they are moving forward to work. expanding the gains they made in antonia square. they said that 50 percent of the territories under their control, by the aiming to see their own or forces loyal to them. further expand those territorial games. they have also added that they have continued to shall,
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or to target areas in ukraine to further undermine the military capabilities of the ukrainian armies life, such as aiming at or i munition or deposed rocket launchers. they've destroyed and to aircraft systems. and also the earth took down 3 fighter jet and many drones that for the russians. this is a, quite a, quite a cool, quite an important moment because they have been basically saying that the reason why they have lost this operation is basically because they want to the international community and the granules to understand that their concerns with which have been going on unanswered have to be met, hasn't over a 1000 russian soldiers have died so far in this war. how officials explaining that to people i mean when you, when you listen to the, the statements from the officials,
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i'm in from day one of the weather. describe here in russia as a special operation in ukraine until today. they're saying that this was not something that was dictated by an impulse to los an operation. in, in ukraine. they said that there was a problem in ukraine while the russian describe as a nazi group. so this is a reference to what they call the nationalist operating in ukraine. and they said they said those people were committing atrocities against russian speaking communities. and they said to the ukrainian government, he had to reign or, or, or, or those people. and they said that we presented them with a list of demands. those demands were never met. the americans and nature were never genuine about the need to help us overcome those differences. and then when we took the decision, it was about time for russia to move forward with that me to operation. and they're saying that ultimately they are willing to negotiate a settlement. this explains why the, i say they are talking to the greatness once the ukrainians,
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answer those demands do not if occasion, which is waiting on the nationalist in ukraine. number 2, recognizing crimea as russian and also the ganske and junior asked as independent states. like when you listened to day to the demetri her to medford of the deputy chairman of the security council. he said that though the narrative of the west, the sanctions imposed of us will just ultimately consolidate and strengthen russia forward for interesting. okay, thank you for that. has somehow bought out there for us in moscow. still ahead on our da, 0, a death in a french prison that outraged corsican they pay tribute to their national hero. and the oscars identity crisis could its future be global, confined to one? 0,
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i look forward to blue skies, who with sponsored cutoff airways. hello there. the wet and windy weather is dominating the story across east asia. we've had that area of low pressure work. it's way across the korean peninsula, pull into japan, and it is still going to be rather windy up in the north for a condo on sunday. now we're seeing some recovery in tokyo, the temperature picking up. there is a bit a cloud cover. we're also going to have some cold winds blowing down from the north east of china, and that's gonna knock the temperature down at the start of the new week. we'll see some recovery insole and some recovery in beijing with temperatures on the up for the wet or whether we have to head to southern areas of china with hong kong, anti one seeing a lot of wet weather in the days to come before shanghai. it remains rather settled, the temperature, touching the mid teens. that was a move to south asia. it is a very settled picture, lots of pre monsoon heat dominating the story in india. and in pakistan we've got
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temperatures touching up into the forty's in the north, west, and western areas. if you showers creeping along the western gats and some thunderstorms for sri lanka. but for pakistan we are going to see the heat build in that southeast corner. the temperature in karachi expecting to continue to climb with lots of sunshine in the days the head. that sure weather update. oh, the weather sponsored by casara always or china in the u. s. sleep walking their way to war in the struggle over ukraine. here's the test for president joe biden with ms. really trying to do is rewrite the security architecture in europe. it's your personal united states. you seriously got a walking through gum at the same time, your weekly take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. a diverse range of stories from across the globe, from the perspective of unmet. let's journalists on al jazeera
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lou. oh, watching out as a reminder of our top stories, this, our you as president joe biden is in poland where he met the defense and foreign ministers of ukraine in the coming hours. he's expected to make a major speech aimed at showing western unity against russia and its invasion on crime. ukraine's president has urged the wells leading natural gas producer, that is cassandra, increase its output. speaking to the doha foreign via video link, he said that would stop russia using energy as a weapon. ukraine's military says, russian forces have entered the sissy of flour, pitch north of cave. they used
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t gas to disperse residents who were protesting the presence of russian troops. whitening officials say the mayor of flava church has been abducted if they, russian forces have also seized the city's hospital. her royal ukraine and russia have agreed on 10 humanitarian corridors on saturday. the people in multiple we'll have to leave and private cars, as russian forces are not allowing passes through their checkpoints. emron column has a details from came in maria poll. it's incredibly dangerous to leave the city as fighting still continues there. and the russians are actually allowing, as you say, bus drivers to take people out in big a number. so people are relying on private cars on their packing, those private calls with what literally gate they can take out. and with people as well, some of 9000 people have been able to leave last a couple of days. but mario poll is still a very, very dangerous area to even travel through to get to the edge of the city to then
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get into that humanitarian florida. and get out of the city, but you've also got to get aid into the city as well. and that's proving incredibly difficult, particularly as there is still some confused is what the truck drivers will be allowed to drive in aid themselves. now that's the situation in mary. pull in, keep all blocks the key that region. there have been a number of towns where humanitarian corridors been set up. but we were speaking to one person who was in that town who was trying to, in one of the towns that it was trying to get out. and as he was trying to leave, there was a shilling taking place. now this has been a constant complaint of the ukrainian authorities who are negotiating with the russians over these roads. hearing horace doors, they say, every time we negotiate and humanitarian corridor, the russians break the agreement. and the was the war still continues. there's no c spy, and it's incredibly difficult for people. now the may of ukraine, 2nd,
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because city concave says a 3rd of its population has left us at beg reports from concave, where russia has again been accused of using cluster munitions. this is the moment a russian strike hit a line of people killing for humanitarian aid. 6 people died one day on this 4 more deaths and 3 injured in a similar strike. outside this clinic, the crater, the strike left small, shrapnel and ball bearings shattered the windows leaving bullet like holes. taking a picture, it's alleged to russia is using cluster munitions, supervisor wallace, a few 100 meters away. we find evidence. they are right outside of school. this rocket still in the ground for machine you both for mission you much all subs. thrill how was inside. i was in school below. the shilling has started. i could see through the window, it was all read this. it was going on for about 10 minutes. will is finishing when
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i came out. you see that cluster? yeah. exploded down there on the pavement. we all know ought of shrapnel hit the building or wall smashed the windows of the school. i don't know where it came from . when i was inside school, that's where the bomb exploded. when we did the what the new school or not there's no military in this area. it's residential. one of the impacts was here right in the middle of the children's playground. and you can see the damage that's been done across this children tia can see in the woods on the stairs, but also look what it's done to the metal on this slide is cut straight through. no children were hurt, but this could have been fatal. we found these small pieces of metal scattered and lodged into the play space. neetha, shrapnel that has no place in a residential area. let alone in
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a children's playground. i said big. i'll just ada keith. that's bringing some of the news yelman's who the rebels have launched a series of attacks on targets and saudi arabia no injuries have been reported. but oil storage facilities were damaged by barrels of drones and at least one ballistic myself. the attacks come on the days after the us patriot missile intercepted to saudi arabia, the following urgent requests from the kingdom. my kind of reports smoke rises over the jet skyline, the apparent target, the massive oil complex on the outskirts of the city. saudi authorities confirmed what they called a hostile operation. over a period of several hours, there were also reported strikes and a number of other saudi cities. booty rebels based in yemen, claiming responsibility is there that one shot i am coverage. it does aramco facilities engender as well as vital facilities in the saudi enemies. capital re
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ard were targeted with a barrage of winged missiles. russ tentura and rubbish. oil refineries were targeted by a huge number of drones us sent what it said was a significant number of patriot missile interceptors to saudi arabia earlier this month. nearly a year after an urgent request from the kingdom, which said that supply was running dangerously low. the bite and administration denied holding up the delivery of its sharp tension and the relationship between the 2 countries. the saudis are particularly angered by the administration's decision to remove hootie rebels from its list of designated tara groups. bureau estate department was quick to describe the attacks as unacceptable as did the national security advisor jake sullivan, who issued a statement condemning the who teased for what he called the terrorist acts and
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pledging to fully support saudi arabia and its coalition partners. in the defense of their territory, saudi authorities insist its life as usual, despite the flurry of attacks and the formula one grand prix due to take place in jetta on sunday. we'll go ahead. the organizer saying very look forward to welcoming fans to a weekend of premium racing and entertainment. mike hannah al jazeera washington, the u. s. has told the un security council now is the time to take action against north korea after testified its biggest ever intercontinental ballistic missile. a group of 15 countries except china and russia, released a joint statement urging you and members to tighten sanctions on pyongyang. whitehouse national security advisor james sullivan says north korea likely has more in store this latest task as part of a pattern of provocations. analysts say young young's missile is built to strike
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anywhere on the u. s. may not hundreds of people have paid tribute to a course, a can nationalist who died after being attacked and a french prison. even colonaze death spot to wide spread condemnation and revive nationalist sentiments. nicholas hack reports from the village of cautious. a tiny village on the edge of the mediterranean carries the weight of an island in morning draped with the corsican flag or the remains of eve, uncle luna, the village shepherd who defied the french state. he was killed in a french prison by a fellow inmate colon i was serving a life sentence for the murder 24 years ago. of the top french government official on the island. hundreds gather relatives, friends. nationalists as well as members of the corsican mafia goes to you, believe the french state is responsible for his death. no such malicious. we feel
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a sense of injustice. and this is mobilized people on the island. we feel a sense of solidarity for this man who died fighting for us outside the pact church . the silence of prayer is broken by the course again. chorus chanting jo via salvia the genie and anthem, to the nationalist combs. calling for victory against the enemies of corsica. here the enemy is france. the view french authority as a colonial power, exerting its will on this small island, far removed from the french mainland where the continent as they call it. oh, he is on every street corner. even cooler now has become since his death, a symbol of corsican nationalism and resistance. this is something that both the nationalists and the french states did not anticipate this outpour of emotions.
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now, for the 1st time, the french interior minister is talking about discussion of possible autonomy of the island. perhaps an attempt to appease emotions here because beneath the morning anger is brewing with fearing protests president emanuel michael has called for calm. but this is the people that does not like to be told how to act or feel for them. colonna is a martyr to the corsican, cause they now seek to defend nicholas hall, gallenger's iraq. gorgeous corsica. on sunday, hollywood will celebrates its biggest night. the 94th annual academy awards, the mo, flashing entertainment, has round the world mean the american film industry has had to rethink that business model. hottie. j. castro. explain. i do the academy awards
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exist for hollywood to show itself off to the world. or do they exist for the world's best films to be shown off in hollywood? that's at the heart of the oscars identity crisis. a departure from the award shows straight forward purpose. when the curtains 1st went up in 1929, in many ways you could see the oscars as p r as public relations for hollywood. it's hollywood, kind of showcase to the world. here are our greatest products from the past 12 months. and you're our greatest starz international directors were historically sidelined and what little oscars recognition was reserved for your pin films. but that's changed in recent years. the korean film parasite became the 1st non english v to win best picture in 2020. this year, the japanese film drive, my car has been nominated for best picture, best international film, best director and best adapted screenplay. i'm on surprising. i a few. it's like
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a dream. what i mean? do you, lou? nana a yak in the classroom, is the 1st film from butare to be nominated for an oscar streaming has enabled films from all corners of the world to break through the distribution barriers of the past. a transformation, aided by pandemic, theater closures, and film industry experts say the academy of motion, picture arts, and sciences, which puts on the oscars is responding to the changes their audience is beyond delay. beyond america, their membership needs to be international. their viewership is international. and so the films that are nominated should also be international and giving international film there do is another arm of the os version attempt to make the awards show more relevant to diverse audience. last year, more than half of newly invited members to the academy or from outside the us the new.
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