tv News Al Jazeera March 27, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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including the habitats of endangered native animals, but hoarse activists unless being hard to keep them arguing that their communities, lifestyle, and cultural identity is under threat. ah, russia is accused of trying to split ukraine into after failing to take control of the entire country. ah, hasn't he good this is, i just need a live from the halls that coming up. ukraine says a fresh round of face to face talk with russian negotiators will take place in turkey. the prospect of a deal in the iran and nuclear negotiations dominating us sectors. they enter the
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blankenships to israel. man mars military leader says no more negotiations and vows to destroy antique who demonstrates his fighting to end. his ukraine's military intelligence chief says russia wants to call that his country in 2, because it's failing to take it over completely. kitty low wouldn't off for has promised a long campaign of guerrilla warfare in the eastern and southern regions. russia and it separates his allies control shown here in red. no significant ground has changed hands in recent days, and after more than a year, more than a month of war, russia is yet to encircle the capital or capture any major city they are getting closer to seizing money. you pull, though, the port city has been all but destroyed in the process. many people, they are trapped in deplorable conditions. robert bride is life,
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was now in levin west in ukraine. so rob, this new face to face piece talks planned in turkey. tell us more about that. that's right, this is come a something of a surprise here this sunday afternoon. the news of these talks taking place. they will start tomorrow, monday in turkey are scheduled for 3 days. it was in turkey that the last round of face to face talks took place that was between the r a ministers of ukraine and russia in their respective delegations. they ended as we know in failure. they were said by the ukrainians to be very difficult. that was more than 2 weeks ago that was on march, the 10th, that have been no face to face talks since then. but we do know that 2 sides have been talking fairly regularly by video link and that we know in various statements from presidents lensky office. here in ukraine and also from the kremlin that they have been talking about what they can talk about basically going through the what
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the, the various issues that will be addressed by the 2 sides. if you like a kind of framework around which they can have these negotiations. so i think the hope would be that after what 2 weeks or so of talking back and forth. and then maybe they would have agreed on some basis upon which they could have these talks. so maybe a progress will be made, but that remains to be seen. and what else you know about these are for some ukraine military intelligence chief about russia's apparent plan to, to split the country into and, and use of a referendum in the separatist regions. as this is a interesting, this is the, i think the ukrainians, suspecting the russians are planning are all of already doing. the re drawing of ukraine's borders are effectively looking ahead to water. a post war, ukrainian map look might look like and carving out large parts of what is now
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ukrainian territory as their own as being a russian. so we have in their lohan screech, and there are plans or talks about holding a referendum there or whether those people wrote. but most of the majority pro russian pro speaking would want to actually formally join with russia. this has been dismissed out of hand by the ukrainians as having absolutely no basis in law and also that it would be rejected by the international community. it would further isolate or russia at. but if you do get a sense of that, there is something almost inevitable about this. a was vladimir putin who a gave recognition to both these broke away breakaway regions of lou hands can done yet just before sending in the troops and invading russia with, with the view to partly at least defending these imperiled regions as he saw them from the evil empire in key of jose, he described it. so at the does, you do get
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a sense that at once more, this is vladimir putin trying to use the same playbook that he used with the crimea of basically taking it by force of then getting the at that, that place to annex or with their russia and then formerly joining russia new, it's a think that that is probably what the ukranian suspect of vladimir putin of doing once more of formerly carving out these territories that i would formerly become part of russia in some kind of postwar ukraine fraud. thanks so much. rob mcbride in la viv are russia, reacted angrily to u. s. president joe biden's comment that led in a putin cannot stay in power and she had mara has more on that. over the last few days, the russians have been very critical of the statements made by president joe biden, to the point where they summoned the us ambassador, he said, brushing aside those statements made by white house about the military campaign in
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ukraine. the russians maintained that this is a legitimate military operation, taking place in the crate and don bus with the aim of protecting the prussian speaking population based particularly in don't. but look at it where you have the self proclaimed the guns republics. and also the doing the people's republic price president, latino putting in an address to the russian national guard. also praised what he described of courage, butler and the professionalism of the russian troops operating in dawn, both and in ukraine. and he said that he understand this is a very delicate task. the soldiers were behaving in a, in a very professional way in the face with a very difficult political and military landscape. and this falls within the same narrative that the buses have been portraying for quite some time, which is basically they say that they are facing an unprecedented misinformation campaign by the west and, and by nature are you a secretary said anthony,
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blinking is in israel where he's met farmers that yeah, le pete. both sides say they're committed to preventing iran from getting nuclear weapons despite differences on efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. an iran with a nuclear weapon or the capacity of bruce, one short notice would become even more aggressive. and would believe it could act with a false sense of impunity. the united states believes that return to full implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action is the best way to put around the nuclear program back in the box that it was in, but has escaped from since united states withdrew from that agreement. but whether there's a j, c, t o or not. our commitment to the core principle of iran never acquiring a nuclear weapon is unwavering. and one way or another, we will continue to coordinate closely with ours rarely partners on the way for larry force. it is in west jerusalem,
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he has more now on the us and israel and the fundamental split on their approach to iran. israel does not want to see a return to the israel, to the iran, the nuclear deal, the j. c. p o a. and when he met the prime minister, natalie bennett, there was a clear signal from bennett that he really wasn't happy with us policy. that he especially did not want to see the de listing of the iranian revolutionary god. cor, from the u. s. foreign terror organization list, which is something that has come up as a likely parents to be given to iran in any finalized resumption or renewal of the j. c. p. o, a lincoln. when he was question on that really failed to give an onset and there was some sort of frosting us even when it came to blinking pride praising the us ambassador to israel. thomas knives. those of us are caustic. yeah. he's great from
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the israeli prime minister. so assigned that behind the scenes, i think they've had a pretty difficult meeting. injury sla us secretary state antony blinking, went from those israeli meetings to talk with palestinian president the best in the occupied west bank. near abraham is in ramallah for so need a blinking talking a lot about repairing palestinian ties. any concrete signs of that what we've been hearing from palestinian officials has him is that palestinian, they americans want the palestinian us authority to issue a position against the russians when it comes to the war on ukraine. but as we've been hearing in the past few days, the on and off the records from palestinian officials that the palestinians are not in a position to lose russia over unfulfilled promises from the americans. when the bye didn't, administration came and has promised to re open the lows and presented the office
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in d. c. as well as reopening the u. s. consulate in east jerusalem. these things didn't happen and on the country we were seeing across the new building can talk about better conditions for palestinians as well as ensuring that is no attention when it comes to the upcoming month holy month of ramadan. and as many palestinians will tell you that they are not looking to better, they are conditions under occupation, but rather looking for an end to the radio occupation. we've also heard that correctly. lincoln mentioned the fact that they want to keep the prospect of the peace process alive and as far as the palestinian authority is concerned, they want to be engaging in the process too. and these really occupations and not just keep the prospect of it alive, they believe that this piece process has been put on. and if you talked about citizens on the street, they would tell you that there are disappointed that the way the us and also the world is dealing with their issue. they're seeing a lot of sympathy going on for the ukrainian people that are undergoing occupation
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. but they've been saying that they have been under israeli occupation for 70 years . they haven't been sanctioned. they haven't been seen seeing sanctions against israel or that the world is calling to better that condition. so there is a lot of disappointment in the street and there is obviously disappointment amongst south efficient as well. need a thank you. need that with him in ramallah are still ahead on the pockets. tom's prime minister rallies his supporters in a huge strength as he faces the biggest fight of his political career. ah, ah, look forward to burritos guys. with sponsored by cut on airways. here's your weather in a minute 15, northwestern india sweltering under
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a heat wave. here's the details. we'll get there in one sec. first for the rest of the countries and sundry downpours for a careless state. now we'll go to the northwestern india. we've painted the colors on here dark, the red, the higher the temperature. deli, 37 degrees on monday. but we're going to up this even more in the days to come. you'll lock into 40 degrees. the record is 40.6 of getting close, and there are no signs that this heat is letting go. next, stop southeast asian, our usual storms come in and go in here. some sunny spells across sumatra, sundry downpours for java, and i've got to get your rate to the philippines. rain is being whipped around from devout sebu rate into p. o till princess. in fact, there is a severe flight advisory in place, so that gives you an indication of just how intense the rain will be falling, getting striped with rain for that southeast corner of china, that sweeping rate into taiwan. so a soggy forecast for type pay $21.00 will be the number for you on monday and after japan. so a lot of rain that's now moved away. so we're seeing an improvement in conditions.
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some snow over the hills of how carto though, on monday, and picture perfect weather for the korean peninsula. 14 degrees for sol on monday . that's it says in the the weather, sponsored by katara ways. every day in the pool, at least 3 mothers died while giving birth in remote areas. one 0 one east, please. the bright medics and piles. saving the lives of mothers, and then you build on out to 0. frank assessment, what are the political risks banning works for the gas for western leaders will sanctions on russian energy exports. that's a recipe for social in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera. ah
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ah. but again, you're watching as a reminder of our top stories this out. ukraine is accusing russia of trying to split the country to create specific areas controlled by moscow. they had a military intelligence, says they'll be a guerrilla warfare soon in regents, occupied by russian forces and russia forces of use tear gas to disperse, protest this in the southern ukrainian city of hudson. it was the 1st big urban centre to fully to russian forces in the initial state of the invasion. us sect you say, anthony lincoln has been meeting israel leaders. both sides say that committed to preventing iran from getting nuclear weapons disagreements remain over the 2015 nuclear deal. anger is growing on the french island of corsica after the recent death of a nationalist in hospital. even
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a colona died after he had been attacked in a french prison. nicholas hot joins us live now from corsica. so nick, what's happening there? and right now. well, right now we're in busta, which is the 2nd largest city in corsica. and what you see right behind me is the main police barracks in this area. and all you see around us is the police had just fired tear gas just earlier on. and you can see tires burning in the distance wire . there is so many people here. well, there are protesting because whilst there was the funeral of the corsican nationalists, even colona video appeared on social media showing french police officers singing the french national and them and then saying at the end, we got him, we got him, him being evil couldn't up. now thou caused up for here. so the people that you see gathered here, there's corsica. nationalist has been calls from political parties here to gather.
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there's really through the death of this nationalist, something that has just changed here, where we've seen young people in old taking to the streets, really showing their own corsican identity. it's interesting what we're seeing has them. this is where inside a french island and there's an anti french protest going on, such as the level of distrust that you have between the french state and the french authority, and the people here on the island. awesome, thanks very much. nicholas hock life or stare in busty. i in corsica. back now to events in the middle east, antony blinking visit to israel and palestine. let's bring in and just here's senior political analyst, matawan rachada to talk more about this. so my one, the usa secretary of state meeting a palestinian leda mahmoud abbas. what's the significance of that? while the significance is to maintain appearances, aw, are not
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a certain activism and the revival of of diplomacy. ah. but that contrary to the appearances, none of it is happening. in fact, a secretary of state is simply paying lip service to the palestinians because he has nothing. not an oral photo though, he has nothing to offer the person. yes, but it's important for the, in our system in dain, the appearance, all of our, you know, immediate that of a sponsor over negotiations that don't even exist appro apiece, process that's been dead for a long, long time. but in order to, you know, create the impression in the grid that middle east, that the united states is a sponsor of some sort. it being lip service to the palestinians also helps israel ment insecurity in the policy and 30 so in some way the american officials buying palestinian silence is buying the palestinian silence because right next door he is
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holding a summit with arab and israel foreign ministers to talk about regional issues, what palestine doesn't even exist in that process with less talk more about that this. this is then again summit with that he's ready for missed out a hosting or his counterparts in the u. e. bahrain, as well as morocco and egypt. how important is that? how that is on the other hand, that's were, that's quite important. first to was the 1st time that it happens on this level on this density 6 for ministers, mid thing in israel. by the way, this is the same date, 27th of march, 2220 years later, when our thought was under siege in ramallah, then palestinian a president. and when the arabs presented their peace initiative about 2 states for 2 people, there are no 2 states palestine remains occupied, but the arabs have normalized relations with israel. and here they are meeting at
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the farm of israel's founding. father bunker yawn into the booker, which is a thought of slap in the face. in fact, many slaps on the face to the palestinian people. be that as it may, secretary, blinkin would like to so to preach american gospel about hatred to quit or to russia, condemnation of russia. sir dorothy with ukraine, which is fine. but israel and that u. e. are lobbying against the united states, deal with iran, the nuclear deal, and they're picking ambiguous position on russia. what the u. e in israel are kind of standing behind. they can ambiguous position on russian occupation. they're totally in support of occupation of palestine, but decimal, the story. why thinking a critical position of america's diplomacy or america's iran nuclear deal? so they're hoping the arab foreign ministers in israel to pressure on the
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2nd are state on easing up. we're talking about human rights because as we know, all, all these arab countries don't exactly, you know, are not accountable to their, at a public opinion. and they want great support visibility on once than you could deal the site. all right, man ron bouchard, thanks so much. how iran said government says the revival of the deal is imminent said canal and as he is a senior advisor to supreme leader, i told ali how many speaking the doha forum. he said some issues are still on result. there are other issues that has to be resolved, including guarantee dead her dear american solution would not be destroy any more in the future. and other issues i told you that there are 500 names entities and personalities who are listed and sanction. and most of these have
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economic impact on european relation. we do western countries. i r g c is very important for in onion. dig down are going to compromise on that, and that is something that has to happen has to happen has to be removed from the lease. a pakistan prime minister emma con has be speaking at a huge rally in islamabad. as he faces the fights of his political life, hon. expected to face a no confidence vote in parliament in a week's time. and that comes at a time of economic crisis come odd, has moved from islam about the border of the budget on derek and tom have been working on your plum abad after the buggers 90. 5 minutes there made a comment short report for the ruling party, saying that this is better for the future to focused on enron con game, to follow
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a few years ago with the promise that they were read the country of good option. and he had no adamant and said that he will allow the addiction who have been marked or read outside focused on, i knew, have north dixon, this country. and most of them, of course, have been accused of massive corruption charges. we've been speaking to the people as to why they're so excited about this particular rally. the current situation of the country viewed in doldrums, particularly, and i think there has been a cause. the issue created by the position of your tank, put to them for the, getting it up. and because the non con has already come out victorious as you can see, the number of people who have come from all over the place. and that's in coming like when it comes to ron khan and media and their dental name it on there. they're basically just making a use ella,
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this international inflation just creating a hype and using it in the life. the sensation has always been there. the message going from the ruling far did, did. one of the strongest parties within the country. despite the fact that a major political parties have good word a singular jenda to get rid of a bron con, the prime minister. on the other hand, thing that is not ruling out anything. buckets on earlier election, the operator and said that they're going to be able to do much people in parliament to make sure that the water confidence against him on gone to kid. but on the other people burning their hopes on the government hoping for the right the next few weeks will be critical for budgets on political job. one day, you're quite certain that everyone on it's not going down without a fight. a john,
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his biggest city, shanghai has announced plans for a staggered, locked down fishes had earlier set a full look down would be to damaging to the economy. so starting sunday, the eastern half of the city will be put under locked down for 5 days. and people in shanghai, western half will face similar measures at the start of april. infections of surged in recent weeks with authority struggling to contain the sharp rise in cases of investigators in china. so they found the 2nd black box in the passenger playing the crashed last week. sirens bled along the mountainous area where the plane went down to move the 132 people who are on board the china eastern flight. no one survive the crash and southern china, which involved a boeing 737800 aircraft in me, anmarita headed the army has promised to wipe out opposition to military rule. he made the comment in his speech on armed forces, day and event meant to mark the foundation of me and was military. but as long as
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louis reports, much of the country won't be celebrated. o. a grand parade in the capital navy don't armed forces day is a day of pomp and circumstance for the mere non military. but for many others, the celebrations masked a brutal reality. these are images from the northern sagal region. people here say soldiers from the myanmar military came to their village in mid march and set fire to their homes, are sure, and one soldier said burn the house on another side. don't burnett. i asked them where i should go if they burnett. and they told me to sleep underneath a mango tree, i had no time to take anything from my house. my whole body was shaking. the giant who has previously denied its troops committed arson. instead, it's accused antique who opponents of starting the fires in, dang, gone. the hustle and bustle of city life has returned with
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a few tell tale signs of military rule. and teacher inter resistance may not be obvious, but it's there. most people are afraid to speak publicly, either there is no institution that we can compare them with. they are committing the lowest and most brutal acts acts though we can't even imagine for the assistance association for political prisoners says more than a 1700 people have been killed by security forces since the king. many protesters have fled to jungle training camps to take up arms against the military. that is one big miscalculation that the hunter maids. they misjudged their own people. thinking that if he killed many people, all the resistance will die down. it has not happens a so it shows that they don't understand their own people and they don't know how to, in this prison conflicts in his speech on sunday, military leader may not lang vowed to annihilate those fighting to overthrow
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military rule. many political analysts say they fear the crisis and violence in myanmar is likely to continue. florence louis al jazeera. a multis prime minister robert abella is claiming victory in the country's parliamentary election is the 3rd successive win for the labor party and bellas. first, he took over from joseph moscow 2 years ago, quit during a political crisis, sparked by the murder of an investigative journalist. low to turn out was the lowest in decades. the indian government wants to bring back centuries old arts and crafts in indian administered kashmir. at least a 100000 people make their living from weaving and carving. but as elizabeth parent reports now, sales have jumped sharply in recent years. oh, it is a shopping experience with a difference. tourists and indeed administered kush. me is main cities, trina,
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go take boats to visit arts and crafts shops along the scenic the lake. the city is as known for its picturesque landscape as far as carpets, shoals, and woodwork. last year the united nations added srinagar to its creative cities, met work, recognizing its industries as a big factor in its development. but that hasn't been enough to help businesses devastated by decades of conflict in the region. and more recently the pandemic over the hugh mission way. system haney book. the corporate industry has also been taken over by machine made carpet that we're introduced by china is on and toki, which has badly affected our business, then came call it an international tourism stop as a snow. i will need 20 workshops operating compared to $300.00 workshops per decade . the regions handy cross exports have dropped from 216000000 dollars and 2011 to 83000000 last year. and that's had a big impact on wages layer of
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a strategy and i'm at target, excuse me, but i've been doing this for the last 30 years and i'm consistently earning amiga some of less than $4.00 a day for 18 years to help provide the industry the government has been taking groups of social media influences to operations and even university students on visits to workshops. it hopes del, spread the word about the regions attractions. it is, in fact a big, huge industry like every other person in downtown you see some of the other associated with arts and like we had in this area, you see families are into it and you get to learn a lot from them. and you get to see a lot and it is my responsibility as someone who will fall on social media to showcase this, to a vital audience. so that you know, the generations to come will know that you know what we have. i designs an expert say the survival of the regions. handicraft industry is at stake. room complex iteration. not just the door open thing. it is loss of skin. it is also
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loss of employ of mohammad, but hope the government initiatives make a difference. but he says he won't pass on his knowledge to his children unless they can make a living from it. elizabeth, paran, them al, jazeera new delhi. ah, it is as 0. let's get around. now the top stories, ukraine has accused russia of trying to split the country to create specific areas controlled by moscow. they had a military intelligence says they'll be a guerrilla warfare soon. in regions occupied by russian forces follow suggestions by a local leader in the separatist control region of new crowns that a referendum on joining russia could be held. russian forces abuse t.
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