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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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for all of these reasons, we look forward to continuing this dialogue and to reaching a understanding and a consensus of how best to deal with the the very many issues. and here again, i think it is going to be incumbent and important on the short term to deal with the pressures that might arise and the importance of vogue, restricting any earth role activity, but might agitate the current situation and to have an impact on the tranquillity or during a very sensitive and important time where we hope we can all direct your attention towards a higher cause rather than having to deal with crisis management. i thank you again for the opportunity and i welcome this dialogue. thank you. thank you very much. your excellency, i know i have the pleasure of inviting his excellency on mister nasa brita, minister of foreign affairs, african cooperation, american expatriates,
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of the kingdom of morocco. thank you, lisa. i would like to start by the year 2. 18 am moral cause strong combination. the terrorist attacks of the said they in had the other and present our sincere condolences to the victims and our wish of a coverage to all the injured in our presence today is i think the best response to such attacks. i'm very delighted to be here in negative and in this very historic and timely negative sunday to and i should say 1st like a summit and they would like to thank you. yeah. years for the invitation,
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for those of choosing this very nice venue and for the hospitality, i would like also to thank you a 24th to prison for the involvement or the commitment or donated states. or has been a reliable partner in promoting peace and your personnel. commitment to this endeavor is very important to us, her morocco's presence here. and the instructions of his measures seeking mohammed de 6 is meant to send 2 messages. the 1st one is to our wars and to the people of his way as his majesty him why, amid the sick said, when re established our relations. this is not an opportunistic morph. it's a move of conviction. it's a natural, a decision based on dis,
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longstanding, are relations between oracle, israel and the kings of morocco and the moroccan jewish community. you are saying here that's and may be every israeli has in his family, someone with a more complex. it's not only a joke, it's a reality, a learn to that, sir. 2 of the many years of the main cities in dom nega in the more not and the in the you will hum from moroccan origin and this shows of this very close phase. and between the kingdom and the population or since the signing of the toilets will declaration in december, i think we have achieved a lot, visits direct flights or ugly, immense, and connecting people which is also very important. very sunday would be
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a formal blood bilateral visits in the which i think we'll, we went and more our, our relations, including the diplomatic presence of morocco here in his way. the 2nd message is to the region and they think are we are here today because we genially sincerely and deeply believe in peace not so that's kind of passive piece where we turn our backs to each other and peacefully ignored each other. but to rather we believe in the thought all fruitful, but a dame shaping and the value of creating peace. the only kind of beasts that is a but a or waging. and they think our wordpress, a presence, is a message to that message, to our people, and a message to the people of the region it,
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we are here to create and to strengthen positive dynamic, to create a different narrative about the relations between our people and them come in from a country with a longstanding coexistence between people, from different feats. and if that model has been successful in moral or for centuries, it can also be possible here in this, in this region. this dynamic is not just, sir, or the diplomatic. it shouldn't be fungible, it should be felt by the people. and it should go into concrete positive action which improve the lives of the people and the open new horizons for the youth in our region. and that's why we had here we had here also to be course of peace and 1st 2 showed that's
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a for the israeli palestinian conflict. her a solution is possible and for his majesty king by mid to 6, the position is constant. we are for the 2 state solution, live in side by side with the palestinian state in the borders of 67 with is jerusalem as capital and a solution which will preserve the security and the interest of israel. i think a message to the region, a positive one, but also message to those who are enemies of these positive dynamic here in your region. also in north africa accent directly or through their proxies. i want a message should be that we are here to defend our values, to defend our interest, and that we are creating a sheet to protect this positive dynamic. oh, i think there should be a spirit of an f,
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a spirit which is go existence which is tangible results and which is and building for peace and challenging positively. those who are the inmates of this piece i hope will meet very soon in a difference. there there's but with the same spirit, i thank you. thank you very much, your excellent. see. i now have the honor to present of highness, shake abdulla being a minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation of the united arab emirates, to address us design of truth. let me start by thanking our host and yeah, you're, you're not only a partner, your friend, and we are so grateful for your kind hospitality words. but also let me thank everyone here. it just tells us all
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how much of a storage moment. this is good for everyone on the stage, but everyone in this room and beyond 43 years ago when egypt and israel made peace. unfortunately we lost those 43 years of knowing each other packer of walking together and of changing the narrative that many generations of his rabies and arabs had been living. i think what we are trying to achieve here to day is changing the narrative, creating a different future and building on better hope for us and for our kids and grandkids it's
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it's new for i think at the leave and now her and myself to be in israel, this is our 1st time. so if we are curious sometimes and, and we want to know things and learn it because although israel has been part of this region for a very long time and dead with non not known each other a. so it's time to catch up to build on a stronger relationship. when i see 300000 israelis visiting the u. e, in the last year and a half and but at the same time i see 2000000 visitors visiting b is really pavilion an expo. and only the last 6 months. it says how
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curious and how much we want to know each other. and this is, while i think goes against what happened yesterday. it's by us standing together. it's by our people to people. relationship is by creating a better environment for our businesses to work with each other. that the way we can go after the narrative of hate, of incitement of terror, we will prevail, no doubt. it's going to cost us air, but it matters, it matters to us. and we can do better on so many areas that either words mentioned in the se, gathering air, or mentioned to day or yesterday. and it's clear to me that am
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there is a huge potential and everyone is excited about it. and santa eh, egypt showed us a leadership 43 years ago. thank you for that. and we are just trying to follow your footsteps and tony. your presence here means a great deal at the united states. deb not only being here to but encouraging gas to do more and building for a better stable and prosperous future fall, or thank you very much. thank you for your highness, ladies and gentlemen. this concludes the 1st leg of summit. i would like to think of our guest excellencies under delegation for coming here too, as well to the negative, and hoping and that is the 1st negative summit ah,
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which has taken place in israel. were foreign ministers from 4 arab countries. and the us of course, following the normalization of ties between israel and the u. a. morocco and buffering in 2020. just to recap what was said. all made mention of condemning the attack and dera, city, north of television, where gunman opened fire on the street, killing 2 people, i sold claim responsibility paid for that. are all of the lead is there talking about wanting to deter security threats as me blinking specifically naming ah iran and it's proxies. lincoln saying that the u. s. will continue to strongly support the normalization process. a few different leaders making mention of the palestinian israeli conflict, offering foreign minister saying that needs to be a viable fate for palestinians. the foreign minister of, sorry, foreign affairs minister morocco was saying that marco's, for 2 state solution,
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with the 1967 board is excuse me, let's cross over to our 4th and who is following the summer, tin today. booker, in native harry, run us through what the minister's foreign ministers said, and i guess what stood out for you. i guess the, the general tone of the meetings stood out. this was obviously a group of ministers who wants to make the most of the ceremony of this, of the symbolism of this. they are very going by their words invested in this normalization process. the 3 will recently normalized states, obviously the israel egypt accord, signed 43 years ago, but all of them were trying to make the most of this and what we had at the very end from the foreign minister. remember, it's saying that the others had missed out those 43 years. so i think trying to make some kind of course,
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between not between not extremely warm mood music. while in most cases, making pretty explicit reference to the palestinians. and the need for the viability of the 2 state solution, as you mentioned to be preserved is worth mentioning that policy in president of us is. bradley criticized the holding of this meeting. he did criticize the foreign ministers themselves, but he certainly said it was a harsh attack on the palestinians. this was taking place on how the student perspective remains that the israel palestine conflict has to be resolved before these sorts of developments and relations between israeli, another arab states in the re, are allowed to, to develop in this way. certainly that's a different message, not coming from lincoln. the us secretary of state who is talking about the need for these states to continue to work and help the economic and individual
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aspirations of palestinians support progress on the israel palestinian conflict. and to try to sort of engineer from outside and that is the opposite of the way that the palestinian authority of the pillow is always looked at this issue. and harry, a lot talk about working together to deter security threats. the raw nuclear deal talks returning to the iran nuclear deal with apparently now in the final stages. how will that be going down with israel and with the arab nations present worth? well yeah, i think that is one of the key things that's been going on here. obviously there is a real will to to try to cement the normalization issue. but there is also, i think, an attempt to capitalize both on the presence of anti lincoln out of time when israel has an extremely public beast with the united states is the greatest ally on
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how to, how to address the prospect to a nuclear armed iran. and wildly, the to say that they share the goal and that they will never allow iran to become a nuclear weapon states. this isn't just a minor policy skirmish. this is an entirely different way of looking at the problem. they don't want to see the israelis, the americans engineer, return to the deal, which they say will allow iran in due course to emerge with a nuclear weapon. they don't want to see the iranian revolutionary, god cor delisted from america's terror list. and while the other nations on perhaps as valuable on this issue, there was certainly an attempt to try to create a common front talking even in the future terms about a new security architecture. all of it pretty much ranged against iran. so it's clear that lincoln was almost said to be put under some pressure on this, whether that would be enough to really steer america's policy on a different course, i think is highly unlikely,
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but certainly the case will be made. harry force it there for us, a negative thank you cross over to the iranian capital turnaround, where we have already hash them standing by law for us. so as we are saying the, the talks to return to the iran, you pay a deal, apparently nearing a conclusion now just days to go with her from some courses. how will turn on be viewing what's happening in negative welcome with sir, the israeli foreign minister, stating clearly that this summit is mainly to address iran as the main and common iran proxies as the main and common enemy of on threat of all those who are in this meeting at iran, currently with respect to the nuclear dealers, insisting on the listing the i r g c us how he said, and the i r g c itself with respect to israel from israel perspective is the main
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threat. so here is the dilemma. the don, him or the u. s. is facing at the dilemma the talks are facing because the iranians are saying this is a bricker prerequisite. to go for the deal, the listing, the i are jesse and lifting all the sanctions on the i r g c. the united states is in a way or another, a considering the idea of de listing. it didn't take a decision on, but raising the r, lifting the sanctions as an issue that's going to cause a real tension with israel. so the, the nuclear leaders right now on a cross road. so it's like a 5050 situation, whereas it's possible and it's not possible. but with this last point, remaining, iran are seeing this picture coming from. and again, we'll insist more more on a standing it's position with respect to the i r g c because it sees this is, it's only way to combat whatever threats it's going to face. now, there is a,
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an alliance, and iran has its own axis. so iran is going to continue with empowering, gets access in, in, in, in return to whatever is going to be done with respect to other axes. is that on a, facing your on? so this is the main issue now, just minutes ago a website linked to iran soup, a supreme national security council wrote a with respect to and i guess a summit. and this is the 1st semi official position that i came out from to her on, on this issue that it's not mainly on, on iran's nuclear deal or on the ukrainian issue. it's more about these parties, the united states, israel and the arab states that are assigned the abram accord having their own internal issues and internal problems. and there are right now meeting there in
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order to put a to be on the same page altogether. i ashan i fastened to ron. thank you. meanwhile jordan's king abdullah is in ramallah for a meeting with palestinian president abbas. the visit coincides with the negative summits and it's his 1st since 2017 and speak to need a prim who's in ramallah in the occupied at west bank neither. so while these other ladies are, are in mic, evan, israel jordan's king is gone to the palestinian territories. it seems quite poignant to an extent. let's not forget that. jordan is the custodian of the holy sites in jerusalem, who have heard reports that the jordanians were indeed invited to the summit, but instead decided to visit the palestinians. and it seems that the talks are going to be focused about the escalation, trying to avoid tension before the holy month of ramadan that will coincide this year with easter ad,
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with the jewish pop over the discussion that passed. unions want on the table now are not discussions about diffusing tension or having better life conditions for palestinians, but rather they want to engage in a peace process that and the occupation and leads palestinians towards a state. this indeed we've heard yesterday from president best has met with the cursor blinking that there needs to be a priority for a process, you know, on the street. there's a lot of disappointment amongst palestinians that not only are states normalizing relations with israel, but then now visiting it's holding some, it's there and there is a feeling that was the arab nations with the palestinians. they feel that they've been betrayed by the arab regimes. there has been a lot of emphasis on talks about security and about the escalation, but we can't forget that word cost is they haven't been enjoying any security on
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the country. we're seeing more people getting killed just as the beginning of the year in the west bank alone. these really forces have killed more than 20 palestinians. so for boston, is these folks seem like a luxury, so long as you are still living under these really occupations or maybe abraham law for us or mala. thank you. alice. bang and as is our senior political analyst man on the shower that joins the sunset. moran that start out with that. what the foreign ministers had to say after the meeting and make it, what did you make of, of what they said? you know, it's as usual with all sorts of summits there, there are 2 or 2. there are 22 worlds. right? there is rhetoric, there is reality. the rhetoric was caught, single combine. everyone's happy. i think i read about how it's almost contagious,
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right? it's saw a put a demick shift positive change. a positive solution was it of dynamic changes. they narrative, yes, judging that active towards hopeful future construct a future themselves of worth. while the reality is, people living on their occupation, there is security escalation, jerusalem is occupied and we have for our foreign ministers, or wasn't even dare go to the occupied person authority. that is partly out of shame, partly out of guilt, partly because they might be booed out of the proceedings. there, there is because they are normalizing relations with israel at the back of, of, of the better seduce. but as we've heard from our reporter, clearly what is rainy for the minister? the host has said it is more important than the b s that we've heard about hope and
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future this of that because it goes to the heart of the or the issue. the jew politics, why do 6 foreign ministers meet and find like this? well, because israel and the u. e and others want to form an axis against iran. so what they are preparing for behind the podium is a new cold war. the iran visit, the israel, and the u. e. r. actually both sides preparing a new cold war and i'm at least preparing for that. the after a nuclear deal assigned. iran is reinvigorated iran becoming gretchen boulder, but has better armed an order member that also they are not to say the whole truth of it. iran has been her conducting military naval exercises with the chinese and the russians. $34.00 of them since 2019 signed a 25 year deal with china. so one is preparing itself as well. and now at the u. e
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and israel, but betting selves along with some ups. what do you make all that the palestinian presidents? he basically resisting pressure to criticize russia because he saying, well, that to double standard, how can these nations be willing to come to ukraine's aid, but not to the aid of the palestinians who are under israeli occupation actually can. i would love. i mean, you know, they would say in the movies they say, let's close our eyes and imagined the following scenario. secretary said, blinkin meets with foreign minister, love for all. in moscow, as russia occupies ukraine, he brings along for european foreign ministers. they meet in stalingrad, in russia, and this and their sink on by our and they asked the ukranian not to escalate because it's easter time. that's exactly what we have. we have 6 foreign ministers,
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4 of them arab meeting at bingo, yawns, farm bingo, and the man responsible for the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. in 1948, they sink on by r y. the palestinians are under compassion and the i should speak of coordination, cooperation and they speak of alliance against original power. while their own brethren, presumably the palestinians, are under. okay, fish. why is that? i mean, i know this is a big question. maybe we don't have enough time, but why is it that these nations view the threat of iran as so much is so big is so much more important than i guess what is happening in with the palestinians. why is it that they feel so under the u a. he and other goes countries or argue that israel is too far from them, that the threat is actually coming from the one. some of them say it's emboldened. you're on that is close not and their feet is close to the fire. as aware of course,
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other gods considers like cutter kuwait and others would say, would argue for yes, iran is a bit of a challenge. but let us bridge a just like there they're trying to bridge with israel. why don't we bridge with iran ones we try to find common ground with you on your wine is not exactly literary to day occupying arab lance. it is interfering various that of countries, but it's not occupying out of that. so there is an argument for why some out of countries want to stand up to iran. the question is, why if you want to stand up to iran, don't you do it with the united states on god knows on why are you doing? particularly with is read, that literary, occupy another at a people, the palestinians. this is the question. more importantly, i think, is what is the sticking us in the sense that if in fact, iran is free from the sanctions, iran is, is, is a major country like russia is a major country in europe. and it is able and capable and has proven to be
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a destabilizing force from lebanon to syria, to yemen, to iraq, and so, so forth. so the idea is, do you actually launch another cold war? but basically, hitting up and destabilizing the region, or do you try to arrive at some sort of an understanding some kind of a different if you will, because iran also wants to build its economy or ons. people are also suffering from the sanctions, from malnutrition. and so on, so forth and would like to get on and, you know, i have a prosperous life as it were. but what would seeing is a dynamic by the israel and the, and others to raise the tensions. iran would be raising the tension on the site and what we will have is the region been crippled, not only under dictatorships, but also under the threat of work. how awkward dandy think those discussions would have been with the us, which of course is nearing the end of discussions around the new around nuclear deal. returning to that 2015 deal,
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i 60 se. antony blanket said bad is the best way to put iran back in the box as he said, but that doesn't seem to be the stance of the people he's meeting that. that's that, that's true. i think they're not to states has a different view, a more global view of the world than israel, the o e. it's that as an imperial view and for the time being, the man challenges are coming out from rising china and emboldened russia. and those 2 are the ones who are supporting iran. so in the united states wants to take on the global challenges and wants to, is it up on the local challenges? now, in this meeting, i am almost certain that the anthony blinkin would be asking his, our 5 of their counterparts. we need your support condemning russia, supporting your ukraine. there would be as setting back we need your support against iran because iran is our main threat. you say russia is not only
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a threat to the united states and ukraine's effect traverse on the world. we say iran is a threat not only to us, but to the region and the rest of the world. so the argument on the carry on, once our government on the united states is saying, wait a minute, why are you accusing us being absent? we have tens of thousands of american troops in the gulf in the region today deployed for protection of the u. e. so with european others and israel of thought . so the united states might be absent minded because of russia, but certainly not absent in the middle east. and anthony lincoln's visit to israel is a proof is a demonstration that in fact, the united states remains unconditionally supportive room, israel and fully supportive of arab dictators. while the u. s. lectures, russia and the rest of the world about democracy. it is sitting standing side by side with
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a bunch of arabic autocrats. i think it was the defined minister fire and we're saying we want to continue this normalization process. we want to continue down this road. what is that going to look like? do you think? you know, it's, since the abrahamic, a courts were signed up under the auspices of a trump administration. the, in fact i have been evolving them in, evolving for one important reason. i think there is a major popular opposition to them in the arab world, but most of the countries involved them are not democracies. they're not even normal authoritarian considered worthy are sensitive to public opinion. when these people would meet with israelis, when they meet among themselves, they don't exactly show up talk press conference and think questions from out of journalists. you don't see that americans being rous, you know, accountable to model to the model can population. you don't see the egyptians that morality is on so on, so it's being responsive to their public opinion. so they're getting away with it
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at a improving relation with israel, against the will of their own people. so that's one reason. second reason is because the united states is sponsoring it. it might have started under trump. but president by them is more than happy to continue with it because it creates some form of a pax americana backs. america means american peace. that includes as many countries as impossible, and that has been america's program for the past 25 years. they called that the peace process. then it became a brad mccork court. but the principle being the same, the united states is responsible for original order to sort whereby those white involved in america speech process or the moderates, those who are not involved america speech process. or of course, the extremists, i will have to leave it there. thank you very much for that, that salazar's senior political analyst morrow, the chart ukraine's
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deputy defense minister. it says russian forces regrouping, but are unable to advance in any city. how to mattie are says russian troops and not able to break through the defences of key is to capture the capital. but civilian evacuations installed on to russia did not agree on humanitarian corridors . separation governor says spouses and trucks with humanitarian aid, a stuck. the region is an important hub for those who fled from areas in the east. st. petrovic joins us now. live from live and west in ukraine, or zane just bring us up to speed. what's the latest? what's happening in mario, paul? what's happening with the evacuations? well, we have the leaders of russia and ukraine planning to engage in talks to try to bring in negotiated settlement of this conflict. those talks are expected to begin today in turkey. we're expecting people to arrive in istanbul later today, talks in earnest beginning to morrow. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski has
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said that he wants peace without delay. he is willing to make compromises as far as her demands from russia go. but only if there are security guarantees by a 3rd party country for his country turkey, perhaps one senior, ukrainian official before talk saying could serve in that role. but the most important thing is that delays are already happening. they are already affecting people on the ground. though, deputy prime minister announcing today that after more than a week of, of negotiating negotiations, leading to humanitarian corridors, that it had that of allowed thousands of people to escape war torn cities, there are no humanitarian corridors open. today we went from 10 to 7 or 8. now to day of the day, the talks are due to begin in istanbul 0 hm. mandatory corridors open. no one is officially able to get out with government help from war twin cities. now we have been hearing from the mayor of murray awful,
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the worst effect of city in this conflict. still that continues to be the case. and he says that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in that city. a 160000 people are stuck there without any power. and he says that his city must be completely evacuated. this as reports of russian soldiers on the ground continuing to move closer and closer into that city. and people are still blocked from getting out of mary, opal's officials, as well as ukrainian officials, accusing russia of blocking the way out for people that are trying to escape the ongoing violence there. all right, they must not be there for us in the v. thank you and president of a lot of evidence. he says he prepared to discuss the neutral sanctions for ukraine as part of a peace deal with moscow. as a said, russian and ukrainian delegations are due to meet in turkey on monday. moscow is blocked the landscape interview with independent russian journalists. give these apartments to easterly security guarantees and neutrality,
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non nuclear status of our states. we are ready to go for it. this is the most important point. it was the main point for the russian federation as far as i can remember. and if i remember correctly satisfy they started the war. we will not sit down behind the table if we talk about some kind of demilitarization, some kind of denot indication. i simply do not get these things. yeah, i understand it's impossible to force russia completely from ukrainian territory. it would lead to a 3rd world war line. i understand it, and that is why i am talking about a compromise. go back to where it all began and then we will try to solve the dumbass issues to the complicated dumbass issue. or so sir dar join us now from istanbul, wrestle also president landscape, said ukraine, taking a neutral stance is suddenly stopped for discussion. does that impact hopes for these talks well, did yesterday present that one of turkey and the russian president vladimir put in to have a full. busy and through that phone call,
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they have decided what i agree to hold the next round of the told in turkey in a stumble. so today we are expecting the russian delegation and ukrainian delegation. both arrived tonight to istanbul and the tools are likely going to start tomorrow. early in the morning, however when it comes to the complications off the. busy t or the success, the potential success for the told the turkish officials here said that it's quite depends on their negotiate and parties flexibility. so to say that russia has some tough conditions, such as a neutrality of ukraine. demilitarization denotes vacation and also ukraine to recognize crimea as officially as part of a rush and also because nice the separatist republics, namely don, yes, and law hands. so that took, you shall feel, says that regarding the neutrality, which means a ukraine officially announcing that is not going to pursue the goal of been a member of nato in return,
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asking for security guarantees from companies like turkey and france. and also in terms of the didn't demilitarization of ukraine detoxification says that the green inside is showing some of the compromises or the willingness to for the concessions of evan. when it comes to the dinners vacation, it's not clear what russian means by that term because very much uncertain terms, and particularly when it comes to the territorial integrity of ukraine. the touch officer says that you range so far has not shown any willingness off. rick glucose, ny zene, crimea, as a part of russia or the to separate this republics long and don. yes, as an independent companies. so turkey at seems a, a favorable company for both parties, for both keith and moscow because it is only the only add that nato member who still is able to keep the good, delicious, both with moscow and key. if the rationale gosh, are still welcomed in turkey,
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the gas export is still in place. trade is still continuing, and the turkish air space is open to the russian plains. on the other hand, turkey is us feel mutually supporting ukraine. turkish drones are showing very much, been effective against the russian armed forces in ukraine. so both the leadership in moscow and kia, they said that they appreciate turkey's balance position regarding the ongoing war . and that's why turkeys becoming more and more favorable, a place for them. however, picture official says that they are not expecting any imminent deal or any breakthrough. it's a process. and mostly it depends on their negotiate in parties flexibility. i so said are in a stumble. thank you. rushes find ministers, a guy lamp, rob says a meeting between ukraine and rushes needed should only take place after both sides . the closer to agreeing on key issues was also newcomb. danielle guzzles,
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president. putin has not refused a meeting with president zalinski. he just wants the meeting to be concrete. do you, greening crisis is proving for so long that it's counter productive to just meet an exchange opinion squeezes they offered to have negotiations, which are continuing to will resume and stumbled. and we are interested in the results as can now to her samantha who's in moscow hash. i'm just going to the russian perspective, if he would, going into these talks welcome. this is what is happening each time you have talks between the russians and the ukrainians. and the potential, whether this is going to bring about a settlement and until the conflicts thought of a comprehensive agreement between the, all the parties, the russians take the opportunity to stress their demands. and this is exactly why today, for example, when you to send to the municipal affairs. so good luck was talking about 2 key
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issues from a russian perspective that need to be addressed and accepted by the ukrainians to go forward. demilitarization and not in the nuts. if occasion, when it comes to demilitarization, the russians say that the pumping of advanced weapons into grain has been taken going on for quite some time, even before the military operation. they see it within the context of what they say is an attempt by the americans. and by the nature of the expend, why they say the north side belt of bound russia. and they said this has to happen, put that to happen. the military potential of ukraine has to be significantly reduced to do it that you can do with the 2 options demilitarization. and by extension neutrality status, which means that the acquaint won't be able to diagnose nature and, and therefore won't be able to expand its military process. on the 2nd issue of dean, it's dena vacation. they say that there is what they describe
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a nationalist movement in ukraine across the board for all the slows of the society, government and military, which is hostile to the russian, to the russian speaking community. in your great to change that man set that needs to be a crackdown to do that, you have to change the constitution to protect the buttons. speaking communities integrate here is a problem from a creek arrangement. the spec to the needs to be a referendum of those issues for that to pave the way later on to a constitutional change. the buttons are saying this is a stalling tactic. the ukrainians have to all those demands. therefore, there will be a cease fire and there will be a comprehensive agreement on all the key issues that will be conducive to tony in the chapter of the conflict and starting a new one. and this is exactly why we're having a rush and concerns about the progress of the talk. they say, we are like, we are, we're, we're looking for to see success, or for the time being of is exactly what the kremlin spokesperson. dmitri mitre
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prescott is saying, we will, we don't have any indication that there is any progress whatsoever. the talks between the russians and the ukrainians as mahabharata in moscow. thank you. china's largest city in financial hub. shanghai is going to lockdown. it's happening in 2 phases to carry out a city wide cove at 19 mast testing. it's china's most extensive one. yes. since the lockdown. and we're hon. 2 years ago. katrina, you has more from beijing in shanghai, supermarket, 2 men, get into a fight while shopping for last minute supplies o tensions are high. since the announcement of the phased corbett 90 locked down the 1st ever imposed in the chinese commercial center for monday. those living in the eastern and southern parts of the city are being forced to stay harmed. public transport has been suspended, and mast testing has begun. the locked on will be lifted on friday when the same
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restrictions will be applied to the other half of the city. earlier this month, authorities reassured the public. there would be no mass shut down in shanghai. but infections of the highly contagious on pecan variant continued to rise all the chimera agents and got a shorter dirt. we have the parked in emerging fractions after several rolls of screaming. so the situation we're phasing for, it's the gears and complicated was, the city has documented more than $10000.00 cases in recent weeks. most of those infected have mild symptoms or none at all. but officials are determined to maintain what they call a dynamic 0 corvette strategy. shanghai is china's name, financial center, and heavy restrictions are likely to impact the country's economic growth. the city is hurt. 25000000 people is also where the headquarters of many chinese companies are located. chinese dogs have fallen at the news. the cities shipping port remains
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open, but some factories including tesla. the electric car manufacturer have temporarily suspended operations. the biggest impact is on the consumer confidence are the inc . rose has already a collapse since the start of 2022. and now add unemployment e in the city services act. a andrarios actor is quite a wide spread on the market. confidence is quite low authority. c, food delivery supplies are adequate and medical facilities will remain open for doors needing urgent care. but some have complained about the poor management of lockdown restrictions. on wednesday, the shanghai nurse died from an asthma attack after the emergency department of her hospital was closed for disinfection. katrina, you out a 0. they ging, opposition groups in pakistan are calling on protest is to come out and demand the
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resignation of prime minister in one con, emotion of no confidence in con is expected to be presented to parliament. shortly . i will kick off a series of debates and vote on the prime minister future. on sunday, huge crowds came out from the capital to support and run con escalon to his mom about now and speak to some a binge of aid osama. the vote doesn't happen straight away, does this well, not really. today is the day where it is expected that the motion will be tabled. although there's been quite a few days that have gone by. it has gone beyond the 14 day limit to which the motions had to be presented. and because there was an organization of islamic countries summit, there was some renovation in the assembly. and people of on the opposition as calling out of the speaker, saying that he was not true to being the custodian of the house, being an impartial arbiter. so he has not called the session in time, but now the motion is expected to be tabled in the next few minutes at the assembly
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behind us. lawmakers have been arriving, including the ones who are expected to vote against the prime minister, people from his own party, and just a few 100 meters of a at the supreme court. there is a session under way where the government of pakistan has asked the supreme court to interpret to law where all those defectors should be banned for life or not. so there's a lot happening politically on the ground here in the country. as you mentioned, they were protested in their thousands who came out to support him around con. but they're also protesters in the thousands who've been gathering in islamabad, we saw them last night belonging to a religious party, and others heading from other parts of the country as well. converging in is all about tonight to show deer street power to show there is there also a have a say and they are adamant that they'd be able to bring down. and ron con, now it is not going to be easy. elections are scheduled for the next day and a half. and the way this no confidence motion is going to work is that now, if the bill is table to day and that motion is going to be debated for at least 3
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days. and then within 7 days, the parliament has to convene and they have to vote against or for enron con, now to back and forth horse trading as the government. busy busy that is happening, a government allies are being offered positions. they're negotiating with the opposition parties on what's going to happen to them if to switch sides. and the government is trying to woo them back as well. but it is the biggest challenge yet, that enron con faces after 3 and a half years in power, and the country's economy and public opinion to think away from him. why is it that the opposition and his critics feel that he's failed so badly in his duties? but there was a huge list of promises that enron con, made hundreds of thousands of jobs. millions of homes, making sure that there was equality on the streets. there was rule of law and all that seemed to not been fulfilled according to his critics. they say that iran con, over promised and so far,
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has under delivered the jobs have not been created. the economy is in doldrums. he's changed 3 finance ministers and also most importantly, the military establishment, the very strong, powerful lobbying that b. c from the military seems to be absent from enron. cons back now. and that is something which is void, this new confidence motion against him. this is something that your position has been calling for for the last 3 and a half years. but now they say in quotes that the empire is now going to be neutral . and im wrong hahn is on his own. and when he's on his, on the opposition can joined rights and bring him down from some about some of enjoy aid. thank you for that update on the 94th academy awards in hollywood was back to its pre pandemic glamour. with a full house of facts that a he, guests, and tested nominees and presented the not will likely be remembered for its unscripted drama. how did you cast her reports from los angeles?
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are you excited to announce beth i? askar goes to okay, koda, the independent film. it was the underdog winter of the best picture. oscar breaking new ground as the 1st film produced by a streaming service to wind, best pitcher, and with its mostly deaf cast, including troy cuts, sir, who made history as the 1st deaf man to win an oscar for best supporting actor. i just wanted to say that this is dedicated to the death community, the kodak community and the disabled community. this is our moments extra dune won the most awards with 6 g. i jane to can't wait to see it. but the talk of the night was when after will smith punched comedian chris rock over a joke about smith's wife's hair. wow. we'll snip the snack out
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of it. g to think it smith has alopecia, a medical condition that causes hearing loss, then of visibly shaken smith. one best actor for his work include, richard, i want to apologize to the academy when apologize to my all my fellow nominees. in this business, you got to be able to have people disrespecting you and you got a smile and you pretend like, gosh, okay, it was awkward, it was sensational, it was dramatic. and though it was unplanned, it may have been just the thing that the oscars producers needed to make this show buzz worthy. once again, this was the 1st year that the oscars have returned to the historic doby theater since the pandemic and the producers have been desperate trying to find a way to get back those last viewers. thank you, kevin. that was very dramatic. other notable wins,
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jane campion became the 3rd woman in film history to win the best director prize in arianna dubose became the 1st openly queer woman of color to win best supporting actress, even in his weary world that we live in. dreams do come true. the oscars attempted to recognize the suffering in ukraine with a moment of silence and ukrainian born actress. me lacuna is who's helped raise $35000000.00 for ukrainian refugees briefly addressed what she called recent global events. one cannot help, but be in all of those who find strength to keep fighting for unimaginable darkness . people in florida, we're going to have a day light. the shoe was over all fun and light as the producers had promised, with 3 funny women moving things along. it was a night hollywood shines once more and where drama was in spades. heidi jo, castro, al jazeera los angeles. ah.
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all right, let's get some world comp action with far up him. thank you so much for canadian football fans or celebrating after securing their place at the world cup for the 1st time since 986. their whole application for cats are 2022 with quenched with a for now went over jamaica on sunday or, and smith reports the canadians that waited 36 years to see them in the same reached the world cup finals and expectations for high in toronto, the players had failed to put their ticket to cattle with defeat in costa rica on friday. but any nerves about another slip up will come early on when kyle learns slotted in the opening on canada with 2 up before her time when hey joan buchanan scrambled in the 2nd and the party could get going when to go wrapped up a convincing when junior jolla stepped home the 3rd before. oh,
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go rounded off for no victory. big celebrations at the final whistle for the team and their english coach john herdman. only one of the canadian squad had been born when the country lost reach the welcome. 986. i think once we see that was cut drawn, we kind of see we're going up against the perspective when you realize, okay, you know what know in, in november i could be going up against harry jane for example, or, or someone like that. so it's stuff like that, i think once those kind of moments and really, really help whatever perspective at the moment. we're still kind of just in dreamland for so many disappointments through the through the years. and this is a new canada, new brotherhood. new family knew everything you know, and for the fan, she's waiting so long to see that scene play in the finals a moment to savor and time to plan that trip ha, to make sure now into the research. now here is the whole building. solver is
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fireworks going out there. o. kennedy were ranked $94.00 in the world when coach herman took charge of the team 4 years ago. and now they'll be mixing with the best world footloose biggest stage. lawrence smith. i would just be a sales looks set to take one of the automatic qualifying spots. they were 51 winters over panama and florida. captain christian bliss edge or to hatch re us superior gold. difference in the group means they're virtually assured of finishing the top 3 with the final matches to be played on thursday. we made a big step towards our goal of qualifying for the world. come, we know we're not there yet. despite with that banner might have said, we know we still have a game to go, and it's a difficult game in costa rica, mexico 11 nail in honduras, thanks to a 2nd, have full from edson alvarez. mexico only need to draw their final quote,
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fire at home to el salvador on thursday to be sure of qualifying. there are 3 points out of costa rica going into the final round of matching. kyra irvings 1st home game of the n b. a season with spoiled of his side, the brooklyn. that's last of the charlotte hornets. irving finished with 16 points in the game. the next star was not vaccinated against covey. 19 has not been allowed to play in brooklyn, because of new york city mandate on unvaccinated athlete. although through were listed on thursday, right, irving presence and that went on to lose 119100 10 the horn and so now tied with the nets and the race to quench the 8th and final playoff spot. and here's the year hill fire. i don't take it for granted where i've been to night it was historic. i'm grateful that i got a chance to be out there, my brothers and me, i'll just leave it all out there. not the result we wanted. and then shoot as well as i wanted. and basically none of the things i had hope for going well tonight
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just didn't happen in this just flow basketball. now after race, weekend of drama on and off the truck, it was raining f one, the world champion match for stop and he took the victory at the saudi arabian grown. pri is a red bull teammate sergio present. started on cold, but a crash for williams driver nicholas t. t lead and a flurry of pit thoughts and threads last the lead. the far east sharp to their stop and got past the frenchman, and the final last claim. his 1st victory of being 2020 the season. you failed to finish the opening race in bahrain. yeah, the battle, i really enjoyed with the, with charles was not easy to get boston, but in the end we did it. and we can be very proud and lucky for check today with, with the for the car, but i'm sure we're plenty of race to make up. okay. and that is all yours popping out back to you. ken, thanks very much that far. what is the news?
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all don't go away though, marlene said we'll be back with you in just few minutes with more of the day school season of ah mm and a frank assessment. what are the political risks of panic rushmore? the gas pool western leaders will sanctions on russian energy exports. that's from recipe for recession. in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera, coveted, beyond well taken without hesitation, fought and died for power defines how well we live.
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here we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with people and power investigate exploded, and questions they used and abused of our around the globe on out is there nazareth, the home of jesus christ has long drawn pilgrims and visitors from around the world, hundreds of years. it's old city, rang to the sounds of shopkeepers and crops. people. this entry though sounds of dwindled, a handful of businesses struggling on. but hearing that splashes of color show signs of a fight resign. zombies are done, he decided to renovate an old warehouse and to work and live in the old city with a mission. if me and another person opens the work that can be here, we'll start here organically. it will open by itself. young palestinian is really designers, and entrepreneurs have been moving in,
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inspired by earlier artists to let them on once there were 450 businesses operating in the old city. now there are just 50 the old cities always be in the heart of nazareth. now a growing group of residence wants to get it beating again. it will come back because the city still have very much for ah, israel jose summit of foreign ministers of several arab countries and the u. s. and the negative does it, and says that building a new regional architecture to counter iran. ah, i money in science, this is out there a live from dough also coming up. a city on the brink multiples lay affairs, the city is on the verge of the humanitarian catastrophe. and once the hunt.


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