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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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just like we say in the south, china say actor well, smith has issued an apology to chris wrong for slapping him during sunday's oscar ceremony. the comedian made a joke about smith's wife shave, had shaved head, yet have been get smith has alopecia, which is a medical hair loss condition. the actor said the joke was to my chin. he reacted emotionally. the academy has condemned his behavior and says, is launching a formal review of the incident. ah, this is al jazeera and these are top stories. russia says it will reduce its military activities in northern ukraine, including near the capital. keep. the announcement came after the latest round of negotiations with ukraine. any sample go to brooklyn, we agree to move the negotiations to the practical level. in order to build trust, the ministry of defense has decided to decrease military activities in keys. and
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trinity school was the ukranian delegation has proposed adopting neutral status in exchange for international security guarantees. if there is progress guarantor countries will join talks to finalize an agreement, which was of the study she do them. and we want an international mechanism of security guarantees where guarantor countries will act in a similar way to neutral article number 5, and even more firmly. meanwhile, on the ground in ukraine or russian rock, it has hit the regional government building in mich alive, at least 9 people were killed and 22 others wounded. the southern port city has been under heavy assaults for weeks. in other news, nigeria is army chief, has ordered soldiers to find the gunman who attacked a passenger train around a 1000. people were on board traveling from the capital of butcher, took a do 9. the north witnesses say some were killed, injured or killed. now, by the attack, as known, locally as bandits had when an airport was attached to we a few days ago. border officials in uganda said thousands of refugees have cost
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from northeastern democratic republic of congo. it follows an attack there by the m $23.00 rebel group. the uganda nami says there'll be no restriction. so people fleeing the violence. the us secretary of state antony blinking is in morocco always been meeting nasa brita security issues on the agenda as well as the export of on cherry and gas europe. last year. she is top supply and gas to the use for morocco. after tensions about the long running western sahara separatist disputes and police in the u. k. will issue fines for at least 1020 south from the prime minister's office for attending parties that reached, called in 1900 locked on both investigation related to 12 events last year and the year before where restrictions may have been violated and your up to date with the headlines on al jazeera, that's it from me fully back. he bowed during obligate. i will have a news are for you right after the stream to stay with on april 3rd, some gary ends will vote and parliamentary elections for the war. and ukraine has
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changed the political landscape. prime minister victor orbit has long been an ally of vladimir putin. his opponent says that poses a security risk for hungry. so will peter mark is always policy good enough seats to will stay with al jazeera for the latest developments i have i have for me. okay, you're watching the stream saturday. it was the anniversary, the 7th anniversary of the civil war in yemen, beginning the biggest casualties have been civilians and also lost in peace process . today we're going to look at the desperate need for humanitarian aid, especially as a lot of focus right now in the world. it is on ukraine, the war there. and the impact of the war on ukraine means that there's less available last available resources for the people of yemen. i want to start with abdur yoga. he has been displaced in yemen in his own country. and he talks about
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how he manages survive with very little 8, have a listen of luck. i would, i don't give a said or anything of the sort. last year they gave us a little bit a rice and a little bit of wheat and one canister of oil. then we never saw them again. that god. we survived with the help of our son who collects empty plastic bottles and metal cans and sells them. we survive and the kindness of the people who come here and give us donations than god for everything. we are exhausted, but this is our fate and we will have faith in god. bless him, allah. some of the images that you will see during the next 25 minutes will be really hard to watch, but i want to stay with this program. this is such an important topic. i'm going to say hello to david to samar to appear. thank you for being part of our program today. david, please introduce yourself. you're really well known as was the yemen, conflicts can said, but for our international audience, please let them know who you are and what you t. well, thank you very much. it's a pleasure to be with you. i dave aggressively imagine coordinator for the united
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nations, but also for the broader humanitarian community in. yeah, thank you. good to have you. hello. some are please you, my audience, who you all get to have your back on the screen. thank you from you. i'm. i'm danny . i'm a senior country expert and tell assistance and i'm, i am a political analyst. i've been working on yemen for 12 years and i've been providing analysis on the conflict since its inception. a appreciate your insight to day and a be a welcome to the street. please introduce yourself. thank you for having me. i may be at a time for the senior spokeswoman would be united nation wealth was program, have been going in and out of yemen since 2006. and since i joined the united nations. all right, so those are, i guess, would you like to talk to them? what would you like to ask them if you're on youtube right now? you can do so. youtube comment section is life. but your comment, your question here be part of today's program. let me set the scene for where we, i told you today that we're talking about the humanitarian crises in yemen. how big
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is that crisis? let's take a look. the number of people right now relying on humanitarian aid, most of the population, 80 percent of people right now in yemen, are looking for humanitarian assistance. the number of people facing food insecurity, which means that often they're going to bed hungry. they don't have enough to eat 17400000 and in fine a, the number of children who acutely malnourished, were looking over 2000000 people there. david were, you know, these figures you're really aware of what is happening. if you could suggest to the world what they need to do, what we need to do as an international community, how do you solve that issue of humanitarian aid? well there's, there's $33.00 major problems. i mean, we have to start with the conflict itself, which is the approximate cause for all the suffering that we see there. not only
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the direct impact war, but the indirect, which is destroyed the economy. most people have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, and their means to to purchase food and the central commodities. we see a steady decline in the economy over the last 7 years. i see it on the ground everywhere i travel. i've traveled almost every government now in the country and the suffering is there everywhere. so the 1st order of business is solve the political and so the conflict crisis, they need peace. secondly, rebuild the economy and you will solve the manager in problem. but until those 2 things are done, the humanitarian situation will continue and continue more importantly to deteriorate every year we see more people in need, whether for food, water, shelter, you saw the higher speaking earlier i've, i've had so many conversations with men and women, mothers in particular who describe what they face day to day to,
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to help their families survive. it's not, it's not easy to witness this. and it's even more difficult when we don't have the full means to to address the humanitarian situation on the ground. w. s p which will be speaking here in a moment, will explain more detail, but they're running out of they've run out of funding. and the number of people that they can feed is declining rapidly from a peak of 11 and a half war than 11 half 1000000. people may be down to 2000000 people on the scene that you just saw earlier with the higher will repeat, be repeated in many places throughout yemen in the months to come. if assistance doesn't, doesn't come of the last thing i'll say in this introduction is the, the response globally was not very good for the last pledging. coffman's really got $1.00 out of over $4000000000.00 that we had asked for to meet the full needs. that's only a 3rd. and so many donors who contributed last year gave generously again this year
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. others didn't contribute at all. and i think it's extremely important that those that have yet to contribute, come forward now and put the funding so that we don't see these scenes. not only repeat but get worse in the months to come. thank you. i pay, i will if i can come in. yeah, i have a bad so i think here man is one of the worst food crisis in the world. we're talking here about nearly 2 thirds of the population will. our food is secure and hungry. as we speak, 17 and a half 1000000 people are put insecure and they don't know where their next meal is coming from. before the end of the year is going to be close to $920000000.00 that 2 thirds of the population. and i think it's one of the few countries in the world and some of the, you know, one of the worst hungry cases where you have to, you know, feed an entire population. so,
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and the situation is not likely to get better. we're seeing now you clean and the impact of that on the you know, it's, it's another blow to yemen, driving food and fuel prices. further up yemen depends entirely on the food and foot input with 31 percent of its sweet coming from your clean over the past 3 month. so basically we are going to see even the situation getting worse. and with this, as david mentioned, the funding crisis that we have the lack of support. i mean, we've had the support from the international community, but this is been, you know, going for 7 years and i was seeing don't fatigue. we're seeing shortages in funding . and before the end of the year, we mean not too long, actually we will see possible reduction in the number of people receiving assistance. since the beginning of this year, we have to reduce the size of the food rations that we're distributing to
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$8000000.00 people to half that really, you know, and it's already a very limited foot bus could because the funding so we're going to see a very big impact the theater on the food security situation and 5 pm. and i think you clean as adding a lot the to that you money 30 and community. and if with, with the increasing fuel prices, the economy, everything is pushing millions of people with severe hunger. i'm just going to bring in garage shavanne. he spoke to us a little bit earlier. he's a human rights researcher. i'm going to put this video comment to you, sir. mark of, i'd like you to build of it because baran is talking about the number of militias that are in yemen, making the, getting to the variance so much more difficult than it used to be. have a listen, have a look in human. it's not a problem by itself. you choose the consequence of the state institution. so
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international community are hearing about they should help the framework that would be in the countries is fusion and prevent the over station situations it starts to 14. and now there are many militias across all provinces across the country. yeah, of course everything that i said is accurate and of course the other speakers looters that are specifically seriously. he mentioned that there's a political issue and economic issue to solve before we can actually go in and sell the humanitarian crisis. because as far as the humanitarian crisis goes, it's so severe it's so detrimental. but all you can do is provide people with a lifeline. when it comes to the political situation tomorrow in deal to saudi
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arabia. there is a gemini conference that's supposed to take place and it's building on efforts that the you and envoy was doing. and i'm man where he was also meeting with many political figures and people have to do with the conflict there. and it sounds like there is a lot of momentum happening politically. so outside of outside of the escalation of the conflict that we're witnessing in the past week. we know that the western community and the international aid communities finally aligned. everybody is now talking about the economic recovery of young men 2 years ago. that wasn't the focus that is now in a central focus of what's happening. and unfortunately, at the same time, while the international community and the world is ready to c, p. m. and while gemini is inside of yemen are most desperately in need of peace and i've been asking for it for years. what we see an escalation is an escalation of conflict. so also in this past week, there were attacks that the militia has launched into saudi arabia and we saw
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a huge effect in jetta where we saw a fire burning, of course, before that the, his were able to also send attacks into the united arab emirates, double lobby and it seems like what they're saying is that this war will keep going . interestingly enough, 3 days ago, the unsettled lot of the cooking wish i had mentioned that they are going to have unilateral cease fire for 3 days that expires tomorrow. just as the piece talks begin in saudi arabia, what's interesting though is no so far, if in the z m a d m, and he talks, we don't know that these are gonna participate in an officially. we've already seen sweden's foreign minister attend this morning, thought area is foreign minister had a call with the united states for with so the saudi foreign minister also had called with, with that a governmental figures from the u. s. and with blink and specifically. and so, and it seems like they're building momentum now to to have the g, c, c, sponsor,
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some sort of a cease fire in yemen. so the hopes are to announce a ceasefire during the month of drama long. that was the plan. however, the escalation of conflict continues to signal that we're shifting away from there . and so the mocking reality is, can i, can i just add something because you said it was shifting away from the idea of a ceasefire. even as we're approaching ramadan, which is a few days away, i want to show our audience. they said that they, they, they are reminded if they don't see every day they're reminded of what is happening . so this is a police officer talking about an attack that happened and civilians, and i believe about 7 people died in this attack. this was on saturday when there was supposed to be a ceasefire. let's have a listen. let's have a look of use them on the south side of the one was a 3 30 in the morning. the 1st miss oil hit that house and the residents were all mounted. only the head of the family who was not present and an 8 year old child survived. a 5 month old boy is missing. he must have been burned. oh, blown up
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a. so this is in santa so just a few days ago. so if there is any kind of ceasefire or peace process, it is not happening for the civilians down on the ground. some are just finish up here. this makes it incredibly difficult to do anything. let me show you one more thing here on twitter, we asked our audience, how can people when yemen be helped? i'm going to scroll down here. this is what barbara shows says, more funding from donor agencies. how does more funding from donor agencies stop civilians from being attacked? more funding from different agencies does not stop civilians from being attacked. and as a matter of fact, now we're starting the 8th year of conflict in yemen. and human has had funds coming in and the largest operations of humanitarian aid are now taking place in yemen. and nobody's really talking about the corruption that happens around the distribution in yemen. but again, whether the 8 is going on or not,
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it doesn't stop airstrikes from coming in yemen or a strikes from going outside of yemen. and so the only way to settle this is to come to the, to the negotiating table and for the political parties to come to an agreement on a ceasefire. and to come to an agreement until what the next few years will look like. even if there is a cease fire to a cease fire today in yemen, the humanitarian situation of people in yemen are gonna continue to suffer. and that's potentially where the role of aid can come in to kind of help elevate what's happening there. but when you have a whole country in a standstill with, you know, increasing gas prices, the collapsed health care system. and the reason it's not mentioned everywhere is because a lot of the emmys are trapped inside of yemen. you don't see photos of, you know, of refugees of empty or fuji's anywhere because a lot of them are actually inside of there. and, and so for am, and the 1st step is really to come to a political deal 1st and then to, to look at how to resolve all the other issues that they've, you know, they've,
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they've had to face in the past. you know, we leave it in front up. we lived with shawna that lucille that you just showed, landed 30 meters from my apartment and blew out all the windows of my own apartment . inside is this is real. and as long as the years trace continue, it's terrifying. to the population, they don't know whose next, what collateral damage it could be that would affect them directly. so what needs to happen on the ground? it's pretty clear. the offensive operations have to stop including in morrow. there has to be opening of the port of data to let fuel cooking gas essential supplies in the airport needs to open. that means me sensation of hostilities and the party is just have to agree to this. if we're going to find a way for to give everybody at least breathing space to start rebuilding their
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lives. in the absence of that, this conflict will slowly destroy yemen. you go into your 8 year 9 year 10 in this conflict. every year we see it worse, the institutions are falling apart. publics, civil servants are not being paid there, drifting away the human capital that help yemen together is disappearing in front of our eyes. the what i think the number of the last economic growth in the countries $126000000000.00, which is not which is, makes the food assistance loop. minuscule solve the political problem, solve the security problem, get a cease fire in place. the truce in place and other, some discussion you can hear, and i agree, there is some momentum going on here, but it's coming in a very high price and that price is being paid every every day. so it's extremely important that that compromises be reached. now,
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if you're going to spare the population from continued care from the fighting, as well as deprivation of their, of their families from access to basic food and other other commodities. really, it's been david act and for everybody to come together on this. well, him and is also is, is really a part the very good fire. the circling the globe where millions of people are on the brink of foundation. conflict is the main driver of hunger and food insecurity in this country. i mean the that is very strong correlation between hunger and food insecurity and conflict. so conflict keep hunger and you know, in return on. so hunger leads to food to, to conflict. and we're seeing this in the m and this country had reached some level of security few years before the conflict. and we're seeing get no push being pushed to the limit, the only solution to the you know,
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how to severe hunger. and this crisis in yemen is actually to have a piece of real long lasting piece, and then a major investment in the development of this country. and on the feet, the country is experiencing one of the ways this is one of the worst human is that he in crisis just because of the, of the conflict, the continue and conflict in the country appear. this is, it's really unusual when you, when you have a discussion and everybody is literally on the same page here. have the conflict, have to stop for the people to be out of each and live and go about their daily lives on the ground. this is basheba omar, he's a spokesperson for the international committee of the red cross. that is what he told us area human people need the attention of the international community to end to find an answer for this conflict. of these conflicts belongs for more 10 years, then we will be there will be every reversible consequence as if this conflict
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prolonged for 10 years. then we will be having what we call last generation industry generation, and there will be damages will not with that the whole will, it will not be able to fax. i have questions for you guess from our audience. so i'm going to share these around with you. if you can do prompts and efficient offices, we can get for as many as we can. hi, this is a quick question here from p a. i'm going to put this one to you a bit. is there a lot of corruption or is that your monetary aid really getting to the people that can sometimes be an issue in a complex situation? appear? aids is food assistance is getting to the people. but with an operation of that size, there will be some gaps. but when we look at it is it is food is getting and assistance is getting to everyone who needs it and it's getting mainly to the most vulnerable. not every one. i mean, the,
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the needs are much more than the resources for sure. sometimes it will be left out . the focus is on the, the team 1000000 who are directly put insecure. 5000000 are on the brink of ation. the other 8000000 who are in the assessments at emergency food levels. these are also getting assessed at the same level at the 5000000. so when you look at this, at the needs like 17000000 and we're only assisting, maybe assisting 13000000. some people will be left out. ok, this one i'm going to put you david on youtube from iris. sure. why all the powerful nations in the world? wasting chief resources i munition, but pay less attention to her monetary aid is so much more in the world. but piece is what humans need. that is i a chose perspective, how would you respond? david, when he gets a problem, we see in many, many places the difficulty at parties in conflict is building the trust so that
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they can actually find a way to resolve it. it's not easy when you're fighting and, and the desire to get to when, of course trumps, in many cases the desire to, to provide the kind of support that we meet here. so i think just to summarize what we need are 33 approaches here. one is the full funding, i think you may have terry and response. we need a 4000000000 dollars to keep everybody going in a dignified way, number to address the economic problems that are holding everything back from the, the restrictions on entry of essential goods to restrictions on business economy and so forth. people need jobs and they need decent prices if they're going to recover from this and funded mentally find a solution to the piece, get some sort of a truce or a cease fire in placed at least put a pause on this. so people can start rebuilding their lives while people talk about
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a political solution. absent those 3 things. this situation will continue. yeah. all right, i'm going to put this one to use some very simple from new fi it. and on youtube, why do you think the school has received less attention from western media? i mentioned before that i think that the yemen conflict is not covered in western media as much as other conflicts. i think also the fact that many countries that are involved in trying to resolve and fix the conflict are also contributing to the complex. i think this also is part of the question that was asked right before this one. i think when it comes to the will to piece in yemen, the many people are not seen as humans. they're not treated as such. if you think of a place where people have in dirt 7 years of an air strike it's, it's very difficult to think of that kind of modern warfare taken place today. i think when it comes down to it, we have to think of what's happening in the region and between the saudi or on new parks to war and how yemen and the people have, you know,
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they had to pay the direct price of the conflicts. and they will continue to do so now the, the international community as more ready for peace, saudi arabia, signaling that they are ready for serious peace. and so at this point, all we can say at the end of the conversation is that the, any parties that are involved in the ground that are, you know, fighting day and day out, they have to be also looking into this conflict and all the, all the parties engaged in the conflicts have to be held responsible for what they do in the conflict. i think having accountability and the lack of having an accountability of conversations is the reason why the war continues this way. a b, i just have a, just literally a lying nephew. i'm just wondering what the toe of the ukraine war is. having you mentioned it earlier on what is happening in yemen fo civilians just in a sentence so that we are able, are we able to concentrate a more than one conflict at a time a bit. just wrap this up briefly. thank the clean conflict has, you know,
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2 sides to its 1st of all the crisis inside you claim the fact that donors, of course are supporting and this is a crisis happening inside europe. so that is a lot of support that would, that will go to inside your clean and to the refugee crisis. but also the other side is that you clean was producing food enough for 400000000 people. so many countries in the middle east and north africa, including yemen, are dependent on input from you clean increasing foot prices will push many people in the circle of hunger just for the welfare program operations. it adds $10000000.00 to the cost of our operation in yemen with the increasing food prices from ukraine. thank you for the important context of some are david. we really appreciate you. i'm going to end here on my laptop. let me show you. this is how we're going to go out some of them many, many, many discussions we've had about yemen over the years. why the world was tomato
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carrying crisis ignored and so on. we will continue to cover the story. thanks for watching. ah. april on al jazeera frontline reporting and in depth analysis. we bring you the latest on the ukraine war and the unfolding humanitarian crisis. immersive personal shorts. documentaries, africa direct showcases african stories from african filmmakers. the campaign for the philippines president the end to hit final fast, but with the country facing it's worth assess it. in years, we expanded, it will emerge as a front runner time of pandemic sauce. what the world can learn from the global h. i. v epidemic in the fight against building 19 emanuel micron is expected to be re elected as president. that what will the 2nd term mean for france and the you?
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april on al jazeera al jazeera well meet some extraordinary women who are making things happen. they're away with the following, their daily struggle to survive for their families, to thrive with egypt swim in st. sailors on al jazeera, iraq, a nation riddled with land mice and an expert dedicated to defusing them, one by one. equipped with only a knife and a pair of wire touches, he faces death every day. but does his work make him a hero or a target? witness? the d minor on al jazeera
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ah, allow government al jazeera where ever you with know this is al jazeera. ah, you're watching the news, our live from a headquarters in delphi, i'm getting obligated coming up in the next 60 minutes. russia says it will drastically reduce its military operations near ukraine's. capital key is another round of talks are held in istanbul, ukraine offers neutrality in exchange for international security guarantees. a russian rocket hits government headquarters and the ukranian port.


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