tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 1, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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stars population will swell by more than a 3rd. during the world come to assist with security. the turkish government is sending a team of 3250 people. it includes riot police, special operations forces, bomb experts and bomb sniffing dogs. it's also training about 700 countries, security personnel, no matter the outcome on game day cutters. national team has already logged several entries in world cup history and become the embodiment of the football aspirations of this country and region. natasha name al jazeera doha. ah, so this is al jazeera, these are the top stories and we're going to start with breaking news from serbia. first, an accident in a mine, in central serbia,
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has killed 8 people. and his wounded 18. the accident was in the sako. coal mine that happened early on friday, official say, an investigation is underway to determine exactly what happened at the socket. mine has had several serious, serious accident since it started operating back in the 1900s will bring you more in that as we get it. of course, a rush was accusing ukraine of a cross border attack talk to one of its fuel depos where it fires is still burning . videos appear to shoot to helicopters strike in facility in belgrade. on friday morning, the bloss set off a huge, far at the differ run, your treasury is other deeper in belgrade. and that middle he at an ocr and he, at an i loved to ukrainian helicopters at low altitude, have targeted huge oil depots with rockets in the city of belgrade. there is a massive blaze. it's might be the biggest of its kind in this region. belgrade is about 40 kilometers away from the ukranian border. fire fighting operations are ongoing to deal with the fires. according to the available information,
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8 oil containers are on fire and may spread to other oil storage facilities in the oil depot. local authorities have said that a decision was made to evacuate all civilians in the surrounding area. the russian emergency ministry said that 2 individuals have been injured and that the security level has been raised to maximum alert. how ukraine says russian forces are continuing to withdraw from errors north of keefe. moscow announced it would scale back its military operations in the area on tuesday. so important malaysia have reopened their borders. after 2 years of coven closures, anyone who is vaccinated can now visit without having to quarantine, as long as they have a negative covey test. thousands have already crossed the one kilometer causeway between the 2 countries has been closed since c prime. mimic began. yet though headlines. more news coming up here on out 0 right after inside story buffalo. ah.
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can pakistan's prime minister survive the biggest test of his career? enron con faces no confidence vote after some of his allies, which side to what behind the former cricket, sars fall from. grace. this is inside story. ah hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much of room? no prime minister in pakistan has ever completed a full 5 year term. it appears enron con, could suffer the same fate. the national assembly has begun debating
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a motion of no confidence with a vote expected by monday. cons opponents accuse him of corruption and mismanaging the economy. their attempt to oust him received a boost. when the main partner in his coalition government quit and joined the opposition, it believed con has lost the support of pakistan's powerful military. he says there is a foreign conspiracy to remove him, adding he has a letter of proof. his critics are confident they have the numbers in parliament to vote him out. the numbers are open and declared. we have way more than we need now to for him to lose that vote of no confidence. and now really he should just resign and that's the graceful exit. but if he doesn't, he's going to lose that board as the clock is ticking. and after that, pakistan will have to come together to stabilize the longer he stays in the longer he as government challenges, the stability and peace on the streets of the capital over the country. i think
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back a sand faces a growing a danger of instability. osama, bon jovi has more from his former bod in the last 3 and a half years. this is the biggest challenge that man cause government is facing. it is going to have to present a 172 members of parliament to make sure that if it says that this vote of no confidence can not go through because it still has the numbers parting the opposition, they have fall more than 172 and bees, not just because of disgruntled them being who are switching sides from m and con, spotty to words them. but also because of coalition partners that iran con, enjoyed the support of people who we've been speaking to tell us that iran has not been able to fulfill campaign promises, including drug stamping out corruption from the ranks of his own government. making sure that the price of basic commodities, inflation, etc. i'm the state of economy is improved and also try and stabilize the u. s. dot
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fog, you find the ruby against the us dollar. and all of these things combined it with the coalition support and the very important question of the pocket funding minute free support. the military stablish been a garden, ve opposition is now going to play a new 3rd, or it is no longer going to support him on han, and that is why people are easy. they're feeling it easier to change sides. this is going to be a crucial a few days in buckets on political history as this would have no confidence as debate has already begun the both of these sites say they have the numbers and the prime minister is now waiting for that vote. and during this time, new promises are being made. all the promises are being broken, new alliances are being formed and focused on holds. it's read to figure out whether a prime minister in focus on will be able to complete his 5 year term for inside story. this is a, some of the jobs will begin our discussion in a moment. first, let's remind you of how we got to this point. a popular cricketer and
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philanthropist. he won his 1st world cup against india in 1992. 2 years later he would create the 1st and only cancer hospital in pakistan at the time. in 1996 con, establish the pakistan to rica in soft political party, also known as the p t. i. 6 years later he was elected as a member of parliament. in 2018 con claimed victory in the general elections, but faced allegations of vote rigging the p t i emerged as the largest party in the national assembly a month later, the p t. i nominated him to be prime minister after defeating his opponent. iran con, became the 22nd democratically elected prime minister of pakistan. alright, let's go ahead and bring in our guess vital router joined us from islamabad. he's a former federal minister for water resources and a member of prime minister emron cons communications team from london were joined
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by far as on a shake. she's a specialist in pakistan's politics and foreign policy and an associate fellow in the asia pacific program at chatham house. international fairs, thinktank, and also in london we have sharon parisha, a professor of journalism and a specialist in the affairs of pakistan, afghanistan and central asia. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story for us on a let me start with you today. what exactly is behind this no confidence vote? what i think um, it depends on who you are, who you listen to. i mean, the prime minister, of course is claimed that it is a result of an orchestrated const, international conspiracy against his government. opposition parties who are bringing this vote of no confidence against frantic staying round con. i have insisted that in fact it is the results of his governments,
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ah gross incompetence and mismanagement. so as i said, there are 2 radically different interpretations of what's behind this vote of no confidence. if i saw your heard for as another talk about the fact that prime minister con has said that there is a foreign conspiracy afoot to remove him. a prime minister con, also had added that he has a letter to show as proof of that conspiracy, but he has not produced that. why has he not produced it? and will he thank you for inviting me or let me explain con, 1st for a few seconds. you know, you somebody who is a visionary. who's ambitious, who the go getter, a tour, an achiever, have dignity, self respect for his country, and an honest young talk. and somebody who always stood focused on. so number one, the, the biggest issue is that he is not allowing others to play on the ground for their
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own incentives and for their one the treatments. number one, number 2, he's somebody who did explain islam and sorted the issue that we're not extreme assistant not to do with the religion. number 3 is that he, i mean, i can ask you a question, you know, you know, more than i know, give me one country, one country in the world was sacrificed 80000 lives. we did forget about the collateral damage and financial damages. if the 1000 deeper quote shared because of what they have bought, why we will not allow that. and you know, you need to understand for us, you know, they need to kill us to stop us. we are unstoppable. you think that we will allow them to sell our country? so, i mean, there people, these crooks as united opposition has done what they have done to progress london thus 35 years apart from looting this country. they've been blaming abusing my institutes, my army with, with the generals currently working. they've been black mailing the j traditionally
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. they've been making tapes of the judges. i mean that kind of focused on we want never, no education background, no education institute there for, for the people to focus on no medical facility nor nothing. this time things were different. we did not compromise on this how gravity said respect and dignity of focused on that's a, that's our, that's our issue. and we would not, i mean, there were brutally raping my country for the past 3540 years and look at the optics again. the same people will be abusing my institute, who, when up technically they are representing a representation is off the people from the for international human the, to present this, diamond da national players does not meet anyone they have in shape of these united on. but i soon as their i'm seen and i swear that happening if you don't align, if i so i'm sorry to interrupt you, but i do want to ask again, it's such
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a critical time at such a perilous time for the prime minister. he's saying that he has proof and at one point he indicated that he would share that proof. why has he not? and do you think he will i mean that the tech to go to issue with that you know there the secrecy act, you know, which we need to follow. so we have, we have a finding a way out, technically through, through lawyers, the how to go about it. but we do want to share everything with the country. they should know that he stored he did not sell. i mean, for us, even as if i'm right now and i'm talking to you, we have an offer by the players that you know when it all been down, agree and accept what they want and everything is going to be all right. but the answer is no, get lost, and that's the attitude we have. and yet then understanding the elite sylvia fall full, we have more strong. when we have no seat, i mean for the bad sake of their boss to view of even are and let them believe,
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you think that we will allow we will compromise on a country. no, never. number 2, number 3 is that they're giving us pain, but i assure you and i getting to you that they're going to be a lot of suffering from our site to was them. and in order to project back us on and i have just not, and the people who focused on people have understood the game. you know, nobody can play these games anymore. and on top of it, not only a change of regime his life is under danger, his life is under threat. we've been told by the friendly and neighboring countries . have you been alarmed? we haven't diligence reports. so you know, it's already 10 situation in the country. and, and the international players are achieving what they wanted to achieve, but they're not realizing that to be being without seat a very strong we have the right like golf hitting fight my so let, let me, let me get to that point with you. if it is spotty and bugger side at the moment, right, i'll get back to you on that point. i do want to ask shiraz from your vantage point, do you believe that enron con, can actually survive this?
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i mean, come if we look at the numbers and it is technically he has lost the majority in the house. it's just a matter of time and formality. but what astonishes me is emron con, hanging on to car for so low. and this process is picking back which time i should remind you and your ideas that in august on, in the past and there were prime ministers who had heard was already in the parliament. and they were quite powerful. and they had a full parliamentary becky. but egypt, they were disposed to wait easily, her course and true presidential and who other meet. on the other hand, in brown hon has a pin, majority is slim majority and that also prov, other parties, his allies, who had brought to him by the military establishment. and this hybrid regime was
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created. i would like to find out what mr. vessel water said about mr. ram, honda, integrity and honesty. there are now very serious questions about mr. iran has integrity and his honesty. he has, you know, turned his back and he has taken so many you does on all his promises. he has broken promises. he has broken commitments. and this rhetoric is really nonsense. it's very bizarre when they are now creating a storm in a cup of tea by saying that there is some international conspiracy. we know that in round, con is one of those politicians in pakistan who has a deep relationship with western elite and restaurant governments, particularly with the british establishment in brown ha, was a politician to one of his close friends up. but es bubble at his will not oppose
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him. he, he said that it, hon won't store him that he wanted to use his father, wife jamal, much to my eyes, to have connections in the white house in grand hon did not support it for august. bonnie, a book back hispanic bus driver in the london or in the lectures called miracle london. and he went especially to england from bucket on the board his parlour rather than not. goldsmith, who was better or whether you might not goldsmith. so he was in grand hon. is very close to the conservative party, a light wing by which a believe in, you know, which is still has the imperialistic thinking and you know, a party of logs in round hans. the 4th, a limited party in ron han has connections in the west and in ron han has ended due august on to i and in ron hahn has made a, b, i m f,
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which no urologist packet by the government to write on friday. my house is not going to fix it in wrong one says that he wants the united states as a guest. you. when he came back after meeting donald trump, he said he has a he is evil. so happy as if you want to work for us on a let me ask you, assuming this happens, let's say that the no confidence vote happens and that iran con does not survive it . what is the immediate aftermath and when it comes to the opposition, does the opposition have any plan going forward beyond this plan that united them as far as just removing the prime minister from office? what i think, i think that's, that's the read worry, you know, i mean, but at present we know that a prime minister in wrong does not have the numbers to win a new confidence vote or to remain in power so, so the chances are that,
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you know, he will be made to resign. on the other hand, you know, he might was survive. i mean, the unexpected has been known to happen in bought the song. but i think either way, it's fair to assume whether he stays or whether he goes bar hassan is in for a very, very turbulent target and period a head. and you know, the opposition, of course, must also take some of that responsibility because it is an opposition made up of strange bedfellows. who in the past have exchanged a very, very vicious recriminations against each other so that there are many and bob hassan who worry about about the opposition. and it's the parent one point agenda to oust the prime minister. but that it may well
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be well without a coherent program to, to, to, to see buffy song through to the next elections which are scheduled for 2023 fight . so what is the prime ministers relationship like right now with the military? because there are many out there who believe that the support from the military has been key to his political success. or there's loss also a lot of speculation out there right now that that relationship has been fractured . what is the relationship like right now between prime minister con and the military? you see re love and respect the army and the sacrifice. what they gave for the country. number one, we were, we were always there to support them and send them there working under the constitution. that's about it. you know, when it comes to, when we will have got elected, the narrative was that there will be a behind us. and now something is working for the opposition and for the international players, the subtly the same army by them is neutral. so in that regard, i mean,
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they were the other people who been abusing generals, they were the other people to be, you know, blaming the army. the institute blaming the judicially black, wailing the judiciary, attacking the judiciary again, the judges taking, getting orders on the phone. so what i'm saying is that they're given bane to my country. we give them suffering. you think that is going to be easy for them to lead goal us without seat at just for an argument sake. if they boss to you thing, but one of them beat that them, i'm them says country allow them to do whatever they want. what they did in the past prime is a story for pakistan. what is the issue right now? what is the problem? the problem is they need a yes from him. they want to bend number, we bend on for know a lot, not humans, and we don't want to been known. we will day got get on next off. redeem is of a small thing. government is of a small thing, like i said, my punchline is kill us to stop us. we an unstoppable,
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we are going to protect focused on and that interest and the people to focus on and the noise in the. and that's the reason the popularity graph is hitting the sky fight. so i was going to be easy, these groups together to go to run the country by join. i'm sorry to interrupt, you know, because you're talking, we are thing that was her wife. i'm give you 4 months vice, i'm sorry to interrupt you again. we are starting to run out of time as she roused . let me ask you from your vantage point, where does the military and pakistan stand with regard to the current political crisis? i think the military must be feeling. the generals must be feeling very embarrassed because iran was their darling and it is the. the common perception is that the military was behind the price to power behind the iran's rights to park and was groomed by a security agencies generals. unlike general, i mean general vermont general m a to jap ayesha generals the heroes long and
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current general by and personally. and when iran on 50 and in a very controversial elect shoes, the results were contested. but the military was behind him and even has a very famous punch line was, and it has been until recently that the military and his regime on the same page. so in round hon was the public face of the gene, which was the, you know, patronize the and, and supported by the military. and now in round because of his book upon this because he could not deliver because he could not the full his promises. because what the thought he was mickey and the creation of you pakistan, he couldn't do anything. and the people became, you know, they for sticking the anger against him, run hot in the masters, this much deeper and white spread. the masses might not support the position as much, but they're very frustrated in non huh. and this anger is now the laundry run on
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season. it is directed to work the military and it is the perception is that the, it is the military who brought pakistan to this. this situation. pakistan has not the, the highest of foreign debt which runs on the day run on has taken the government has taken the previous government has taken that much foreign debt so that the military must be feeling embarrassed. but there are signs, as i said in my, was in this boss nicholas question, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, i like so did his thoughts, empathy, still in the as guilty as the go to sentences, but even on hide by his mandatory establishment. and that is why he is the hanging on for so long. otherwise he has lost her number's majority and wendy. suddenly there will be working on the, on the, on the look on it as well. you can go back now. oscar happened that was on there. got it by his for santa, i wanna kind of zoom, zoom out and take
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a look at another aspect of this, which is, um, how allies of pakistan are, are reacting to what's going on. and i want to ask specifically about china from your perspective where it is china, which of course is a, an economic and geopolitical ally to pakistan. where does china's stand in all this, with as much invested in pakistan as, as they have? are they concerned? how concerned are they when he does it simply, you know, a political instability and political turbulence in a country as strategically important as far saw is found to worry the international community. china. in addition, of course, as a major invest investor in the china focus on economic corridor must have additional worries off its own. and i think one of the, one of the points that you know,
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needs to be made is that in recent months there have been reports that many projects on the c, peg i have tended to slow down have tended to store. and we know that, you know, some of the issues relating to this apparent slow down as surface to during the prime minister in ron hahn's visit in february to china when he, when he met our president. she, now, you know, there have been suggestions that the government of premise to iran, hom simply has not been able to deliver it's part. and it's side of the bargain on, on c, peg which has led of course, some analysts to believe that in fact a china was probably happier working with
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a government led by former prime is rosanna, shirley, which was known to be much more, much more competent for and, and, and, you know, sort of economic management at its source on it for is on it, sorry to interrupt you, but we just have about a minute left. i just want to ask one last question. do you believe that there's a chance that all this political turmoil could actually transform into violence or more instability? oh, well, you know violence are there. there is always a risk of violence. are in boxes at the moment. i think, you know, we just have to wait and see how the situation pans out, but there's no doubt that politically the atmosphere is extremely dense. and you know, we really do need a cd resolution in boxes or if the situation is not going to deteriorate. all right, well we have run other times we're gonna have to leave the conversation there.
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thanks so much. all of our guest spicer vowed for us on a shake and shiraz project and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com, and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at ha, inside story for me my, how much i'm doing the whole team here in doha pfeifer now. ah ah, the stage is set at its time for
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a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want the started to please don't it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies this man with the misconceptions and to meet the contradictions. do we have a real democracy here in the united states? there's not a political party that's a radical insurgency, mark lamond hill, and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. the latest news, as it breaks the russians were met with fierce ukrainian resistance to punish her to keep their if character is historical. with detailed coverage as the u. s. and other countries imposed sanctions on moscow. russia has been offering oil and other commodities to india and other impulses from around the world. elliptical opposition needs 87, both and for that. they need members of your own political party to turn against them from the world's most populated,
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re check in den and untold stories across asia and the pacific. to discover the current events with diverse coaches in and conflicting politics. one 0, one east. on al jazeera, the heart wrenching goodbyes, loved ones, not knowing when they will unite again. women and children heading west to relative safety, leaving men behind among them. foreigners also trying to get out train rise of a free, but it's on a 1st come, 1st serve basis here at the bus station there only a few rides available and that's only to the surrounding villages. so people like for me in rose, now need to find another way to get out of the city. but for now they,
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like many others, would have to return home, hoping tomorrow is a better day with revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet. on al jazeera, ah, this is all 0. i'm getting obligated with a check on your world headlines. russia is accusing ukraine if a cross border air strike, targeting a fuel depot video appears to show to attack helicopters flying over belgrade. the cities governor blames ukraine, ukrainian leaders, havens claimed responsibility. the kremlin says the attack complicates talks to end . the invasion reporter at anya, greedy is at the depot in belgrade. com at middle, he at 10 o'clock and he attend to ukrainian helicopters at low altitude,
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