tv The Stream Al Jazeera April 4, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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political pression or pressure on russia. i assure you, i know, i'm sure that not many of you know above the russian military, but russian military is nothing and has nothing. what, what is being accused of in particular, in, in, in the having a cruel atrocities against the civil population. that is not the case. it will never be the case and it will never the case. we have factual evidence that the prose this point we intend to presented to security council as soon as possible . so that the international community is not misled by the post narrative promoted by kieffer and its western sponsors to this and the russian figuration request to go to the council meeting for be convinced at 3 pm new york, her time on april 5th date. to discuss this herb heinous propagation by the
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key version. i would like to emphasize that we did it as early as on 2 o $2.00. ah pm on sunday full 24 hours before the request meeting. so do keep our claims that we asked for a meeting too late is miss information. our efforts have been met with the fear supposition of the your key ah presidency with the support of other western delegation delegations, namely, you asked for an silent lawyer and albany. they had tried to invent an invalid and lame, but it takes not to come to me in this meeting monday, insisting that it should be postponed and used the u. k. and best of the keeps claiming and you could hear it at her breast, got one valenzuela to they. they said that they wanted to
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a more informed meeting with this un secretary. as a brief, this is ally. we have no objective of having a brief on monday, and the obligation of the presence to arrange, to arrange for the from our side. we didn't request to briefly during the russian presidency, we duly arranged for such meetings, at the request of the western delegations, even in the middle of the day or night, regardless of a very complex jeopardy to go context and want to constant pro occasions video. i would like to says the u. k. presence openly rejected our request to kind of in the meeting when that april post and they did it twice since the situation that on which it kept evolving. who one night? so they were requested the notion meeting an urgent meeting of the counsel at the 3 m. p. m. however, the presence of the liberty to fortify that there is no reason to kind of an
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emergency meeting. as they put the u. k. does not believe that the situation in which he's calling for immediate attention of the security council. this is a unilateral assertion of the u. k. presidency not to do so. decision of the council members. you can see clearly now what they are, all based order promoted by the u. k. and other western countries means in the real life, it means them imposing come for the bottles with total disregard of international law. and that was the rules of procedure of the un security council. these behavior is very illustrative and the reveals through attitudes of the west to the ukrainian people. while blocking the discussion on which are a clear cut vacation in classic classic gibber style, that is going to have serious implications for international peace and security of the western delegations. and asked to kind of mean a security council meeting on the educational wilson. i've guys done some time ago
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some time ago, so you can see where they are. priority is up. the reason why the worst and delegation of the lease is very simple, it would not be in a benefit. western course, if the security council meeting is convened by russia since this would shake and the russian narrative, the comfort of new promotion. the western delegations be thought to blend in the situation which are with the discussion of the community institutional the meeting . they come in tomorrow to shift the focus away from the states publication, whether key vision to this sent the gate by its own just discretion and with our agenda item, tomorrow's the moral briefing. we have never approved yet that yet another dissertation of the, of their behavior. i would like to recall 2 of the provisional procedure of the security council. it is explicit that the presidency should quote for a meeting at the request of any member of the security council. what was in now is
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a shameful and unprecedented abuse by the u. k. of the presidents, but are all good use. at the same time, this is a demonstration, a weakness showing that the western delegations had to resort to this important a to this maneuvering to try to shut the shut the russians voice. it only proves the point that there were some delegations here, neither about the real situation which nor about the counselor sort of abusive, con, descendant colonialist decline of the presence is undermining the very foundational . do you and we will yet to says the implications, the presidency is entrusted, where the chart that lead the security council, the u. k. failed to leave. it is a disgrace for the break bridges, diplomacy and, and i'm the enamel staying on it's a petition. you a negligence, so the you get present. so we decided to convey this press conference,
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said lights on the west and beck publication of the keys as human, which i would like to present you to the real facts about which during the time that the time has been under the control, the rational forces not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action for as long as the town was under the control of the rush nom, forces locals were moving freely around the town and using cell phones. so they can post into social media, any photo and video or video footage on any surgical harassment. this where this case is, this was the case how however they didn't let me address the developments in the logical order for much 30 falling another round of talks in on her russian mr. defense cohen house, the withdrawal forces from a number of regions, including which, that fact was confirmed the next day, where the mayor of which a washer in the,
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in his video much you on much. so that goes to not only for the presented, there was the role of russian forces as victory of ukrainian army. interestingly, he had looked medicine any must, that was done by this killings, grapes or anything like that. it is hard to imagine that the city mayor can forget to address such a diverse stating scenario. let me show you the video post by mr. little. as you will see, he looks happy and smiling. it is hard to imagine that he is acting like this, against the backdrop of a massacre industries. with any, with his a
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money order you with all he upon the day. they are happy. great victory, said gray cleary in cable. i will not translated. that's in your opinion, but that's what i said. he is happy that the russian troops, the wind rush and also through and that is a great victory for the ukrainian army and nothing mesh mentioning about any of those just that happened to the sick. this video was posted on the ukraine 24 general on the 1st of april. and i would like to stress nothing and nothing about it. processes was revealed and april 1st. let me show a photo for 1000000 new individual, the ukranian parliament who according to his reports and social media,
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visited butcher after again and controlled by their graham gummed. as you can see, he also smiling. he is joyful. in his reports, he mentions no debt by this not a single reverence worth rosters. though it is. so i'm on april 2nd, the national guard of ukraine posted on official. this was a video from would you let me show you the portage? the video captures members of ukrainian armed forces entering which are the footage shows no dead bodies in the streets do. granted that he interviewed several people in different occasions. he caused it all. none of them said it was involved in a massacre or must giddings camera also captures videos behind these people was no doubt dead bodies inside
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for summit, that bird to summit, that poor. there are no reports of the atrocities future for which are accredited to russian military in watcher in witcher witcher, which happened or before ukrainian army or with the control of the city. or 4 days after the russian military loved the city, of which there was not a single sign, the width was, and it did not a single reference to it anywhere. the famous video depicting bodies on the signals on the beer on a bill said it is full of discrepancies and blatant place. according to its authors, the by his were lying on the states for at least 4 days. by the time the media was filled. however, the body is uno stevens come. how is that possible? it is against the law biology. the body is do not have science of decomposition
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long to forensic ex extra is including god hours, things they wound contain no blood. another point is stating that this figure is fake. the korean forces use either blue or yellow, ominous, or stripes because members of the grand munition do not always wear military uniforms. local civilians in which a war wide stripes on the support arms on their arms were when the russian forces stationed was stationed in which that was done to present to prevent miss identification of civilians. from members of the militia. when ukrainian forces entered the town, they fired the people with white stripes, killing the civilians. there is a video showing a conversation between members of ukrainian units. it was published in social media by the so called territorial defense, radical nationalist fighting. one of the radicals asks if he can shoot at the
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people with without blue stripes, the other kind of film. so this is permissible. i, russian speak us know that. but let me translate for the rest to leave a question behind the scenes that are folks without blue bents. can i shoot him? can i should them answer? of course, i hope the evidence would demonstrate today leaves you was knowing using the video simulated why they keep his him as a cold forgery. he doesn't stand, then he's quoting however, some western leaders, for example, john fatal chance to launch once a fresh press the malaria micron. and of course bridges, foreign minister, least us have already lined up to promote these false negative. what happened in which is exactly it false flag where the vision and its western sponsors, the possible goal of this pro occasion is horrifying and bring spec the night mass of the not sick. and i was due to the 2nd world war vitamins zalinski once he and i
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can, which are hinted that his incident that this incident justifies any uncivilized response by this basically he confirmed that the key. but as you can see, there's genocide as a method or what's a warfare. now the national has haven't been text to can meet that he will massacre or wins and innocence, ukrainian people executing them as traitors. we want the world to stay alert and we call on the consulate to let this horrific cleansing. to happen, to conclude, i would like to reiterate that the russian military forces act in state compliance with international humanitarian law. and donald, no not, not, i could see an instance of it in objects. if you were pursuing aggressive goals, like those of the us led guardian in iraq, the scale of losses and their station would be, was by digits like in rock and muscle that were won by the u. s. to ashes, getting thousands of students, including women and children,
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was by this were left on bitter for weeks and months. i think that they will hear from me more the more because more information is coming. and i think that i think that the, the truth of what happened in which it will reveal itself is. thank you fedor. thank ambassador for this press conference. some bianca found cover letter rebecca from anthony where services are so my question is, are, are, do you think that or what happened with the meetings in the security council that, that i didn't happen because day and i mean, great britain said no and the u. k. said no, and the fact that the united states in patient don't pursue russia suspension from their 4 day from the un human rights council. do you think that these actions can
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undermine the effort they negotiation? i for her, for you money, darian sees fire. and what time do next time you're planning, you're the u. n. a human rights counselors, not oh, no piece of cake. so to see where we are in another, in another 4 months, but facing that. so this is, this is again unbelievable what, what the worse than the rest are trying to do with rational today trying to exclude it from, from whatever a mountain up the multilateral forum. so we are heading to the world. but i think, yes, i am saying yes, 2 daughters saying this is again unprecedented them. and this will not, this will not to facilitate or garbage or
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b or be helpful to what is happening between russia and ukraine and pistols. thank you very much, mister ambassador. i'm on the other side, the ukrainians have presented footage um of people ukrainians who've said that their loved ones have been killed by russian troops. civilians are not doing anything at all. so they are footage the footage that's been shown on we've seen a little bit that you've shown. but um do you
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consider that the, the statements of these women ah, and family members who have watched their own loved one. this being killed by russian troops are fake look, this is a wolf and wolf, anything happens and you cannot. you cannot you can not exclude. the civilians are dying in the war and that is a separate fact of life. but the, the footage that was being presented was in particularly witcher on which i spoke to to not so does not give us any doubts. the death was a stage that was a stage and, and we will present more evidence from that to water. when was picking the security
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guns? i'd like to ask you one follow up question. the ukranian prosecutor general irina vented thought, today told ukrainian television that the situation in a town called borrow diarra may be worse than boucher in terms of, of people who have been found a killed i'm that town was also occupied by russian forces until recently. do you know anything about that? franklin? no, no, no. i just hear from you as you speak. yes. been wrong. thank you. about that or a. thank you peter. thank you. of answer for the briefing. is pamela far from cbs m
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. my question is about boucher there are pictures. there's eye witness evidence. what are you saying about how this happened? and you did show us pictures of 2 pregnant women who were fake photos and we saw one of them give birth and we saw the other one die. why do you believe that the pictures and the story you're getting right now and telling us are true about future. i just saw footage to day on the russian television of the, of the lady that gave verse in murray open her. and she, she admitted that that was a fake, she's an ukranian, braga named marianna, forgot her surname. she admitted that was a figure that she was made to make that footage. now if you look carefully
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at what you see in witcher about the corpse corpses that lie on the streets that will never existing. oh, before the russian troops arrived earlier left, sorry, before they left. and suddenly they appear on the streets laying lane one the on, on, on the, on the roads, one by one right and left. some of them are moving some of them. some of them are in signing, a, showing the signs all life. you can not escape from, from an understanding that, that these are, that there's a stage that there's a stage that there's a fake that this is a bro vacation. because as i said them the, you know, it perfectly welded. besides the warfare, we have an informational and the information war is an aging, is raging and we have are evidence that the, that was the,
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that was a pre, a pre meditated that was arranged by the ukrainian information information on the warfare machine. so to say that there are for your blaming the ukrainians for actually putting these bodies there. one thing you cannot deny is that the ukrainians are using people as a human shield. one, the hide behind them in, in building see in, in the what they call it in a residential residential buildings. which sure which sure they use talk all fire on themselves. the fact that this is the 2nd woman who is pregnant, by the way, did die. what the 2nd woman in that photo of did died and the baby.
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so if that is the case, i'm sorry i'm, i really am you. you may believe a bad part of the question is then the bigger picture martin griff has just came from moscow. is there no resolution to there? is there any possibility of a cease fire? and the question is of from which hence she died by the way because because they claimed that the, it was the rush. now strike. well, the evidence shows that the, the building doesn't sure the, the evidence of their strength that it was, or that wasn't exposed. but in any case on marketing good, if it's on the resolution we offer the resolution last week, which they rejected. they said no, because russia as and they got us, i cannot offer anything. we are trying to get people out of out of
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the cities and provide them with with career migration which, which they also deny. they say no ukrainians can only leave to the west. they cannot leave to russia, they have no right to do so. despite the fact that the half a 1000000 ukrainian soul wanted english. and believe me, there isn't oh, that there is no xena forbear to ukrainians in russia. and it has never been, despite what is happening with russians, was the russians and all the worldly, perhaps less here, but let's be, let's be frank and i'm grateful to, to the americans that they're not. so they're not to, you know, up to that. but what is happening in europe, how they treat russians only because they have russian passports. that is incredible, that that is unbelievable. i leave aside the issue of sanctions, which are we show beyond any understanding,
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but the way they are teaching the people in europe. the russians is something that goes beyond any understanding, but since you brought it out, why should thank you. thank you, mazda for doing this, just to question, sir, would you, would russia, for example, welcoming an independent investigation? you talk about the misinformation was the fog of woods difficult to understand who is giving you facts and who's not. right. so would you agree to an independent mechanism to investigate the atrocities that we both can agree are happening in ukraine and then it's a 2nd part. so what is that we grievous about the 24 hour delay to help us understand this meeting that you requested for today is happening tomorrow. so what is so outrageous about this delay? look, the question is, who is doing the so called independent investigation? we've seen lots of independent investigations which were not in the independent at
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all because they are politically motivated, biased, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. what, what, what, what about the meeting that, that there's a absolute, clear what, what the aim and the, and the idea is about it is not bullet asked to present our views and the to go ahead with her on the interpretation of the situation. but i'm afraid for them that the by the morrow many things will come to surface, which they wouldn't like to hear. so perhaps they are the are the last time not to have in meetings to day and postponing it till tomorrow's secondly, certainly rather a look. i do not take all not just in my memory here, but in the procedure and tradition and the rules of the security council that the presidency would. would that the may a country a meeting whenever he wants to?
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because the cut the, the council should meet sir, if that's an emergency meeting in 3 hours after the nancy after the announcement. and i've been on this occasion much. okay. we've been listening to the russian ambassador to the united nations, especially when the us conference in front of the un, the immediate giving his version all vote. what led to the atrocities in the town of boucher on christmas, louise ly, for a said the un and kristen, you've been listening to what he was saying i. i picked up one inaccuracy where he said the video. you know, the notorious reflect video that we've all seen emerged on the 3rd of april when actually networks like awesome many others were already playing it on the 2nd. so, when an accuracy there, what did you make of what he said? what we've seen. i russia continue along this pattern of denying any
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targeting of civilians in ukraine, and he again insist that russia has no policy of targeting civilians in terms of the bodies that we've seen in the streets in in, in this city. i a, he accuses ukraine flat out of staging. this are these atrocities i, he says not a single resident had suffered under russian troops when they were in control of the area. he said after russian troops pulled out they showed of he showed a video of the mare, of boucher looking happy that the russians had laughed. he said that the mayor did not make any mention of these bodies at that time. and he also showed another video that presumably showed ukrainian forces entering the town. and we don't see
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any bodies on the street in this video when they are entering the town. it does look like a different vantage point and it could very well be of different area from some of the other video that we've seen showing up civilians would appear to be civilians lying in the street bodies with their hands tied behind their backs and so on and so we have the, the russian ambassador again, claiming that this is staged, the evidence that he presented is pretty much what i told you there. but he said that they're collecting more evidence. they want to submit that to the security council. he spent a lot of time complaining that the security council did not answer their call for a meeting today. the reason that the united kingdom gave for not holding that emergency meeting is that they are planning to meet to morrow tuesday. but russia described this as a grave breach of security council precedent because they had requested this and they didn't want to wait for another day or so. here again,
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we see russia repeating a pattern. whenever there is negative news in the region, they're very quick to respond. they're very quick to call a press conference and i and give their response and deny deny, deny. and that is what they are doing. they are the did produce, give us some video evidence, but it's impossible based on that evidence to make any conclusions, which is exactly why the knighted nations officials from secretary general to the human rights chief are calling for independent investigations going forward. kristen salumi with analysis. so of that news conference of the u. n. a. kristen, thank you. well, let's go back now to kito roodick, a ukrainian and p and leader of the horace party who was in butcher earlier today been listening to the russian ambassadors, news conference. she joins us now from keith. madam of course you and i were speaking walk about just under an.
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