tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 5, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST
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a visual ally of the journey charter is locked in a sy battle with the us. when i, when ace makes the on one areas barbecue one out of there. ah, well, this is al jazeera. ah, hi there, i'm good vanelle. this is the news all my from dollars coming up in the next 60 minutes. grange president says he must su, talked with russia despite what he calls it. unforgivable crimes brushes, un ambassador, denies the allegations of atrocities in boucher saying. the images was set up by ukraine. shanghai unlocked on the child has been criticized for separating children
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who test positive for coven 19 from their parents. and prune poses a curfew after von and protests against high fuel prices, and the rising cost of living. and his full tanglewood suit set to announce if he'll be making his golfing, come back at this week's master's after more than a year out of the game, which is about to face the world's media to reveal his plans. ukraine's president says he expects many more civilian deaths to be uncovered in areas abandoned by russian forces. images of extensive destruction have come out of areas and towns on the outskirts of ki, of including an or pin and tin butcher. further to the northwest, vladimir savanski says the number of casualties in another town, but all the anchor may be even higher. russia insists that its troops have
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done nothing wrong. but we have run the bride standing by for us in the vain west in ukraine. we have heard from our bar there, ah, to give us the russian perspective for moscow instead, vasa is standing by for us there in brussels. but 1st it's bringing around cons, report from boucher and warning. some of the images may be distressing. surrounded by heavy security and the media president vladimir zalinski visited the town of butcher nick heave after witnessing the devastation, he made a promise that justice would be done. the new scholars last name is war crimes. i will be recognised as genocide by the world. you're here and you see what has happened. we know about thousands killed in tortured people with cut limbs. some women who have been raped in children have been murdered. that we know there's so much more. this is genocide. a march 10th people here began to bury the dead in a 45 foot trench dug in the grounds of a church, some 68 bodies at 1st,
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some victims of war. others who died of natural causes. the priest of st. andrews church says he had to negotiate with the russians who occupied boucher to allow the barrels. but as the war dragged on more barrels in total, a $130.00 were buried her and the mass grave was needed all across. boucher, the dead lay in the streets for days even weeks. even now they wait to be picked up by overworked, undertakers. at the burial site, people had wrapped some of the bodies in black plastic, a little dignity and death. the families took some solace in the fact that they were buried next to the church. many had come to be wed or attend sunday service before the war for her to the day. the men as will take the priest liens on his faith to deal with what his witnessed. richard, there is a lot of hatred and injustice that people feel, but christians should forgive me, but to forgive, it doesn't mean to forget the kind of judge only gut can judge. somebody's have
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been moved from the mass grave to morgues in and around the town since boucher was retaken by ukrainian forces. worse, more de, i'm here looking for my brother. we were close. we talked every day in your mouth, but until now i don't know where his body shop. i'm going to tie the mog, someone sent me a picture and told me i need to come to identify him with me and i hope he is there . this is likely to be one of the largest burial sites in the town, but it's by no means the only one. in fact, across this city, people were burying their dead wherever they could, in their back yards in common areas, anywhere where they might be able to give their dead some dignity. and some respect the grains attorney general and keep gathering evidence of potential war crimes is now the priority. we started now, investigations echo charlie from march 24th of february this year. and now we have more than 4000 jost dirk cases about war crimes and near
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2000 cases which are connected to war crimes. now these days all your to speak about board shall it appearing. how storming and in boucher justice for war crimes is a concern for the future. the dead of simeon war, but those left behind a desperate medicines and food are in limited supply. and what is available is quickly grabbed by those who have little of their old lives left him wrong on how deserve boucher run. a ride are joins us now from live in western ukraine. robb, i am presently. lance kately says that butcher is unlikely to be the only place where these apparent atrocities have been committed. that's our, that's our team here. say they are discovering more evidence of what they claim on russian atrocities and war crimes. and they are expecting
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a lot more in future as the foreign minister here is put it this. what we seen in boucher is, according to him that the tip of the iceberg as well as boot jed, there is the town of pain and other other towns and suburbs of the capital, keep from which russian forces have withdrawn. and as the cranium forces move in, they're also talking about this town of bothered yank of the prosecutor general is open the investigations into these alleged war crimes. and this town has been mentioned as, as having a more cases the boot. yeah. but of course, these are the territories that the ukrainians have. a take them back and taken over once more. there are still the frontline cities where there's intense fighting going on like matter. you paula khaki, where the residents will tell you that they have been targeted that effectively the russian forces, attacking those civilian areas, are also guilty of war crimes. and there are still the areas which the ukrainian authorities can't get to because they are in russian controlled areas. that those
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cities and the ukrainian suspect that they will find many more cases, president lensky is promising a to pursue war criminals working if he has to, with prosecutors in other countries in order to do so. rob, there are so much anger, so much sadness as well. about what has happened in boucher in a pin. how is this going to impacts pace talks? zalinski has said himself, you know he is extremely conflicted by all of this. there he is. a pragmatist. he knows that in order for their one day to be peace for the fighting to come to an end, russians have to sit down with ukrainians to hammer out a peace deal. but he said himself, there was all this talk in speculation. would he meet with vladimir putin across a negotiating table and he has set himself that, that looks pretty unlikely. now,
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how could he sit across the table from some one he regards as a war criminal? he is due to address the united nations security council very shortly. when all of this, presumably will be brought up, when he will try to further isolated the, the russians. and at the end it does put the russians in a very uncomfortable position. being a permanent member of the security council. it is meant to be responsible for global security for maintaining of rooms based international order and the ukrainians and president zalinski, i think want to add as much as they can to that russian discomfort. i rodney pride therefore i send of even weston ukraine. thank you. on the run up to the un security council meeting, western and russian diplomats have traded accusations about just what happened with chic. kristen salumi has more from the un headquarters in new york. the united kingdom sat a security council meeting on tuesday would focus on boucher amid growing outcry
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over alleged atrocities there. it'll be the 1st opportunity the security counsellors had to discuss the images that we've seen in boucher, which you've heard widely over the weekend. described both his war crimes and his genocide, so we really are facing the true reality of the appalling russian invasion of ukraine. but that wasn't soon enough for the russian ambassador who called his on press conference and accused ukraine of staging images of dead civilians. he pointed to social media video and boots as mer, smiling at the announcement of russia's troop. withdrawl said to be shot on march 31st. a day after russians pulled out in it. there is no mention of dead civilians . from the very beginning, it has been clear that this sir is nothing else but yet another state pro occasion aim the discrediting, and deacon realizing of the russian military and leveling political rational
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threshold russia. his claims, however, were seemingly undermined by a new york times analysis of satellite images said to show the bodies present before russian troops withdrew. ukraine has again called for an independent investigation. this is why myself and my fellow parliamentarians, we did everything was simple and impossible to get international journalists to woodshop and there for his date of liberation. so it would be not to us saying what happened there, but it will be representatives off all the media, all over the world. respectable journalists, war journalists, who seen things and who would say what they have seen in boucher. meanwhile, the u. s. ambassador called russia's presence on the human rights council, a farce, and said she would introduce a resolution to the general assembly to suspend them. un officials have called the images from gucci. shocking horrifying. secretary general antonio, the terrace,
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and the high commissioner for human rights. michel battling had each called for independent investigations to terrace will address the security council on tuesday as well. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski christian felony al jazeera, the united nations. he's been at ash mahabharata who is in moscow. hashem talk more about the russian response to what's happened in boucher kim, the russian government continues to dismiss all the reports of a russian involvement in boucher as fake and fabricated years. this is this, along the lines of a war of disinformation. with the aim of further undermining the image of russia. the chairman of the duma beauteous love bullard, in the domain, the lower house of the federal assembly of russia. so that report by the defense committee is going to be shared with parliaments of the world to give them an idea
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about what happened. that has been very critical of word leaders saying that the, some of them jumped into conclusions without seeking the whole truth about what happened in butcher. and this is exactly what has been said by dmitri pasco, of the spokesperson of the or of the kremlin. who said he had doubts that there will ever be an impartial probe into what happened in butcher. but at the same time, the russians remained. defy. and this see the fall out from what happened in butcher the decisions and announcements based may benefit many countries to expel bash and diplomats and the buses are saying we will also take retaliatory measures against all those decisions made by what they have been describing as unfriendly countries now is this something which will have the potential to further undermine the chance is of a, a comprehensive deal between the russians and the ukrainians. andrea danko,
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the deputy for the minister said that chalks are underway, although he said that he thinks is premature to rush into conclusions about a final agreement and identifying the, the in the countries which will be the govern tours of the settlement. he says, this is something which will have to take some time, but from a russian perspective, as far as they are concerned, they would take the opportunity during the united nations security council. they say to present more evidence or corroborate what they have been saying. they say that the suspect there's some elements in the way, an army of trying to stage, or that footage, or that visual material to further discredit. russia hash my about of their foss in moscow. thank you. well, nato sex general has called the pictures of bodies in boucher unbearable. he says the alliance with back an investigation into the accusations of russian war crimes
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. this is unbearable brutality that europe has not witnessed in many decades targeting and murdering civilians. is a war crime. all the facts must be established and all those responsible for these atrocities must be brought to justice with their path in his life for us now in brussel step. so what else, sir, did sandburg have to say? well so most strong terms here by against oldenburg, of course, about what happened in boucher and other towns. and not only is he calling for an investigation and to were latched war crimes, he is also saying that natal will step up its efforts to help ukraine fight off de russian invasion. and that's exactly the reason why this meeting is going to be
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held here in brussels in the next coming days. foreign ministers of from nato, but also partner countries to nate or from the asia pacific, but also georgia and ukraine themselves. and foreign minister from ukraine will be physically attending these meetings to discuss how to react, and not only react to what happened in butcher, but also what stalled them both described as a new of fanciful had been prepared right now by russia. as he sat, he says that russia is planning to invade the whole of done by and, and, and to attract the whole of dumbass. and in this window, he called it a few weeks of preparation that russia will need to re supply and a re man, a natal, should eustace opportunity also to leave supply ukraine with anti tank weapons with anti air craft or weapons? he says he doesn't wanna specify what exactly i need to shoot sent, but he said they will definitely step up efforts. but he also made it very clear
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again that it won't mean that nato is going to invade into a ukraine and help ukraine militarily. and also, no planes from natal countries will go to ukraine. he says, because we have a responsibility to make sure that this conflict doesn't spill over into other countries as well, which would lead to many more death. he's out and the european commission is proposing new sanctions on russia. what more can it out on that front? i'm not exactly also for the same reason after seeing all these images coming from butch i. e. u has also now says that they gonna step up, there are sanctions. there were already talks about a 2nd round of sanctions after the very strong sanctions that were imposed on russia after the invasion started. well, this week there will be another round of sanctions announce and earth lavender lane has talked about a stove for a package of for more than $5000000000.00 euros involving
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a coal and oil ex imports would earn a cement and all kinds of other products. so that will, according to her hurt the russian economy even more than it has been doing in the last couple of weeks. but another very important issue, which was also brought up by the foreign minister of ukraine, who lay by yesterday, urging directly in countries to stop their gas imports from russia. well, that's not going to be discussed. it's not on the table at the moment or the foreign minister from germany has also said that if that would stop the war immediately, she would mad not hesitate to do that. but she says, even if we stop important gas right now, the war will continue. that was her argument. so that's not on the table, but our strong sanctions. we expect them to be announced to morrow, here in brussels as well. steadfast nelson brussels. thank you. andre cordon of eas, director general of the russian international affairs council enjoined. he joins us
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now from moscow. thanks for your time. how do you think these latest developments, these threats of new sanctions from the european commission, yen stone, burge, from nato, they're saying that nature wants to use this gap in the offensive from russia to resupply. are the ukranian side? how do you think these are likely to go down with the kremlin? well, of course, the allies that dangerous and you escalation. but i think that the decision has been made to complete, quote unquote the operation you don't boss. and then probably to get down to serious negotiations so you can yes, ukrainians are not ready to surrender. russians are not ready to stop. i think that the ending of these dramatic and deplorable conflict is
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likely to take place off to a new class in the west and part of the don bus agent. do you think that what we've seen in boucher so far apparent evidence of civilians being killed? some with their hands tied behind their backs with head claims and counterclaims about what exactly happened there. but do you think those images are going to change the game at all? are going to change the calculation for russia going into peace talks? well, i can only hope that they'll be appropriate investigation by yeah, independent to national agencies and those who are who are in charge of these awful locks, awful atrocities should be brought to justice. i think that unfortunately, these incident complicates even through the negotiation between us and be paid because of both sides, accused each other all foss stage. and the incident,
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i think it will take some effort on both sides to get over it and to get back to the negotiating table. i cannot stand that, that is difficult, but this is something that has to be done in the coming hour. we're expecting the un security council to be discussing what happened in boucher russia has said it will present to evidence that it was not responsible. is there any evidence you think that would satisfy the international community given there has been satellite images showing the civilian bodies in the street from weeks ago when russia was in control of the town. so do you think there's any evidence that would, that would satisfy the international community? well, i'm afraid that the presumption of innocence is not like that you're working these blue collar. in this particular case. there is a very strong attitude in many countries against that would be very difficult
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to change this attitude. of course, if there is compelling evidence presented that some clear gosh inside, it might have an effect. but i'm not sure it really depends on what kind of evidence there are. some sorry to that i did want to take on the role and the helpfulness i guess of the un security council in the current state of conflicts all in the end of the day the security council has to be enrolled. i think that to no matter how the conflict is result, the spend, the lucian has to be approved and somehow legitimized by the security council. but the security council is clearly a split on this issue. you have a rational and the one side. you have the rest on the other end, the china, which usually abstain from any vote supports and any resolution that would come
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down moscow. so unfortunately, the, from the members of the security council almost united in the, in the approach to the conflict. and of course, that limits the efficiency of the board quite a lot. all right, thank you very much for your time. there on the closing of the director general, the russian international affairs council warren ukraine, excuse me, has left many young families in morning that includes those in the west of the country, which has also been spared to fighting. but about 3 weeks ago, an attack on a military training facility killed 35 people. there was a patrol v went to throw batch to meet the families of one of the victims. it was too far from the front. nowhere near the parts of ukraine, where there was active fighting in the west of the country, ukrainian se they felt safe. an illusion shattered on the morning of march, 13th by 30 russian missiles. less than 3 weeks into the invasion of ukraine,
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russia attacked the yavari of military base, a training ground for new recruits and volunteers. the deepest attack into the country, and only 20 kilometers from the polish border. dozens of people were injured and killed. every coughing, carrying the weight of a grieving family. as the weeks passed, families across the country try to make sense of what happened. konstantin was a weapons trainer at the yavari base, sala me a widowed at 19, says all she can do now is be strong for her son, and that i am calling sir warner. he called me that morning and said, not to worry. he said they were being fired on, but he was safe. it was on another bass. he said that everything was fine. 5 minutes later when i called him again after new explosions, there was no connection. she knew her husband was gone. after seeing his name
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on an instagram post about casualties, grief stricken she was rushed to the hospital on the after the attack sala, me a move to the hobbit to be closer to family, to share the load of loss, a soldier's wife and mother to be still visibly numb, a soldier's mother, unable to contain her rage. there's ever, do you russia really think we'll forgive you that easily. we won't forgive you. i'll stand for my son. i'll take the weapons and we'll be shooting into your children. if you don't stop your sons, your children, fathers and husbands, we will all take up weapons and there be no place for you in this world will reach you and we will push your way to siberia so that you being the cold soil. but our bread, water, food, like our children, hungry, frozen, hiding in the shelters without medication,
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without anything. konstantin was raised by his stepfather, who says he will also be joining the ukrainian military and deploying to the same base where his stepson was killed. as the tale of the dead across, the country continues to go. absent all c fills many houses in ukraine where men continue to be called up to lay down their lives for the way and women are left to carry their memories. zene basra, the ultra 0 to hobbit's e u members have pledged more than 750000000 dollars in aid to help moldova. how produces dependence on russia. the funds will help europe's forest country to cope with an influx of ukrainian refugees. so far it's taken in 400000 people, but the e also wants to free multi there from its reliance on russian energy. all people have the right to decide their own future. no one should be at the mercy of their
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stronger neighbour. neither the people of ukraine nor the people of my job. and that's why we want to strengthen our cooperation with mo dover beyond immediate needs for the long term. dominic cane has more now from berlin. the german government is already said, it's going to help the moldova, in governments with tens of millions of euros in the form of credit, but also in the form of a grant of some kind because they say their stated aim. sco words of the foreign minister handling a bell book they want to boost. moldova is resilience. but also they want to try to reduce the level of influence that russia has in mold over the point to be made very clearly. is that by terms of by head of population, moldova has received more refugees than any other european country, and it is a small country. and therefore, any help that can be given is good to be appreciated greatly. clearly,
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this meeting brings together the 3 foreign ministers of romania, france, germany, but also the prime minister of mold over. and as i say, the stated aim here is this idea of bolstering mold over its resilience, but also sending a message to russia, that the level of influence that it has been exerting in other countries neighboring it a neighboring ukraine, while germany at least is very keen to reduce that level of influence as far as possible. a talk cycle has formed in the east and coral c as jeff with the weather update. hey, there. thank you for joining in sydney saw it's sunny a stay in 3 weeks. believe it or not, but of course the rain has danced back in and look at this. we got some heavier bursts of rain for the south coast of new south wales. and i think in the next day or 2 could see about a 100 to 200 millimeters of brain. tropical cyclone has formed in the eastern coral seas, so it's wobbling just to the west. savannah want to and new caledonia will continue
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to drift toward the west and this will become a story for australia in the days to come. meantime for new zealand, wet weather continues to slide north up both islands, but i suspect an overcast day in done eating. with the high of 18 degrees, the ne monsoon still doing its thing, given us some rain for northern central parts of the philippines and coastal areas of vietnam, getting striked with some pretty solid bands of rain in the south, around hutchins city. because it is hong kong, your temperature has been going up your up to 28 on wednesday a few days ago. you're about 16. so central southern areas are above average, but we've had a big drop in those temperatures for beijing. 15 degrees in some cloud covered there. meanwhile, those temperatures have been coming up in japan, so tokyo now above average, with a high of 20 degrees on wednesday. thanks for joining and catch you later. still ahead on al jazeera, a cease fire in yemen, but people are facing tough new difficulties and getting enough food,
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eat the young volunteers, getting their hands dirty to clean up the tigris river in iraq. and awesome will stumble in their bid for top for finishing the premier league. and he has the action in schools. ah ah, a mis destruction and despair, a group of friends resist rescuing books from the rubble, they build a refuge for freedom and democracy. a secret library of hope from which they endeavor to rewrite their story and back to their country. witness daria and library under bombs on al jazeera in 2018, a journalist lead 40 days of civic action against the armenian government. and
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president sockets yann's grip on power. i'm going to labor cuz we're a new documentary follows he's known boiling campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, astonishing outcome with revolution. i am not alone on munious velvet revolution coming soon on al jazeera. ah ah, you're watching all jazz there. as a reminder about top stories based on your grades, president says he expects many more civilian deaths to be on call in areas abandoned by russian forces whose particular concern about borrowed yank up. another town in the regions rounding cave is growing outrage after allegations that
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russian troops killed civilians and the town of butcher video shows streets scattered with bodies. some would bound hands, grains president says vladimir putin must be tried for war crimes. marcia continues to deny that troops have done anything wrong and says it will provide proof for the un security council meeting later on tuesday. and e u is proposing new sanctions against moscow, european commission president to us lavonne, de leon says that russian atrocities in ukraine cannot go unpunished. we are proposing to take our sanctions a step further. we will make them broader and sharper, so that they cut even deeper into the russian economy. this 5th package has 6 pillars. first, we will impose an importer ban on coal from russia. worth 4000000000 years prettier
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. this will cut another important revenue source for russia. second, a full transaction bank on 4 key russian banks among them v t b, the 2nd largest russian bank. while the world condemns the killings in ukraine, russian t. v is telling a different story. i klemperer. it's got over the landscape absolute movie the yet come with the news shows the reporting, the kremlin statements that the images of bodies scattered on the streets of butcher were staged. we waco, with these are fake atrocities which the russian army was immediately accused of. and western media began to repeat the accusation with a symbol tenuously and without a break for sleepy. and i say more in this now with nikolai petrov, he is a senior research fellow in russia and eurasia program at chatham house, and joins us now from london. thank you for your time. ah, given the
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a clamp down on media freedoms, how do russian people view what is happening or what has happened in boucher a festival lens a little bit strange. although middle school dependent media, social matters. busy as well, russian from, again is. busy been much focused on what did free a health plan. i would say them preferably general is taking these positively and their rates that kind of it ways treat ordinary russians. not eager to lisa, this is something which goes against their expectations and the games they have these. so they do believe that russia live at raise your
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premiums from novices from fisheries. and that's why they am so easily. the watch, roger again is even try to thing because, i mean, i know i know there is that government now i 7, if you, if he done to align with, if you don't tell the line you can get in trouble as a media outlet. but i mean this social media, right, this disco channels, people have family in ukraine. so there must be other sources of information. it's not that much of a difference of information coming into there. it's more about sales, psychological so well, ordinary russians to prep the other them sales from what goes absolutely games this them,
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what should force them to think about their own leadership? what criminals and to force them to make some actions them to be in more active ways, much easier to say your sales then everything is going on more or less in the right direction. and this is wes, conspiring against. and when you do your grade, ok, how many independent media outlets are left in russia and cost? so for the last year, almost all independence media, i would say all the independent media gym clothes, not only in sample, even regional media, but it's possible to find information in there. but when i'm looking for my colleagues and friends in social networks,
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i see that many of them are persons are well educated well, rather balance with regard to russian government. i need to be the idea what this is just the kind of aging. and these are all of this were made by ukrainian novices rather than the russian. right. once you a sense of how the crime that is likely to communicate that ongoing piece talks in any possible resolution to this conflicts. you know, i'm interesting in the messaging here coming from the claimant. i sam called the graham, he's a completely different from one side. they should somehow just invite the war a and they should demonstrate certain of what's coming in the results. and they are shot in buying this in
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a new months, trade something by this time. so they are changing their strategy. you know, if not, who feel they need them at least as much as it's possible around one was. all right, i thank you very much. your now says nichol, i petrov, a senior research fellow in russia and eraser program at chatham house. in other news, shanghai will remain in lockdown. his chinese authorities review calls in 19 test results for the city's entire population of 26000000. but there is anger and officials for separating covered positive children from their parents and sending them to quarantine facilities. adrian brown is covering developments from hong kong . china's financial center has been like this for 9 days. the scenes in shanghai
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reminiscent of those 2 years ago in wu hang, where coven 19 was 1st detected during a mass testing of its 26000000 citizens, which was now concluded officials reported a surgeon local asymptomatic cases. medical workers from across the country have been pouring into the metropolis to help the success of this mass mobilization will partly determine when shanghai can reopen or for how much longer it'll remain shut . what is clear is that the government is still not prepared to follow other countries by living with kobe 19, says one prominent chinese commentator overall will china is the only country inkwell to day, which still pursues this 0 policy. and i think eventually china will be the winner tallies on the winning side rather than on the routing side. but that policy
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means separating children from parents if they test positive, a practice that is raised anxiety levels among local as well as ex patriot families . oh, state medias responding to the wide spread criticism of the practice. this report with a soothing soundtrack appears to show parents and children who tested positive being admitted to an isolation facility. but it's unclear if that means the policy's been scrapped. unlike shanghai, people in other parts of china, a mocking the ching ming festival. this is when people traditionally sweep the graves of their ancestors. there is an added poignancy to the festival here in hong kong because of course, so many people have died from cove at 19. this time a year ago, the death toll stood at just over $200.00. to day it stands at more than $8000.00 adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. the 1st trial addressing atrocities in sudan star for
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conflict has begun an international criminal course. ali mohammed ali albert of harman, a suspected leader of the government, backed john to lead prices. faces $31.00 charges of war crimes, which he denies. a 4th conflict broke out from 2003 when rebels took up arms against who don's previous government un estimates around 3 100000 people were killed and more than 2000000 were displaced. and we will do our best efforts are given where we are in the proceedings to highlight cases of sexual gender based crimes, to the best of our ability to uranus determine relevance and the responsibility of mr. abdomen. and also understand the depth of suffering that has been caught. not even infants were sped retaliating the attacks in could doom and been dizzy
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with her. it would, oh, i had the minute i reject all of these charges. i am innocent of all these charges . i am not guilty of any charge ill for the president has imposed a curfew in the capital, lima of divine and protest killed. at least 5 people. residents have been banned from leaving their homes in an attempt to curb a wave of demonstrations against the rising cost of living. marianna sanchez has more. the protesters clashed with ray of police and several cities around the country, burning tires, looting locking highways. the rising cost of living is affecting many peruvians, rocketing fuel prices have directly impacted the basic food basket. people are blaming it on precedent because look us to use policy when we have supported him and how is he paying his back? he's raising the price of sugar flower. when is it been like this? our children are hungry, there is no work and we want a solution. farmers blocked the pen american highway to protest against the
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threefold increase in fertilizer prices. the government says, fertilizers, fuel and green imports from russia and ukraine have shut up because of the war last week. getting your anger protesters thing there will be paid to protest. farmers and truckers responded by blocking the crucial central highway, which is the main supply line for the capital that in turn, cars, food shortages, the president has forgotten the people. everything is expensive. he should put on his bands and dublin bell. if not, he should go back to his home. government officials struck a deal on saturday with one faction of protesters, the post a 5 day deadline to address their demands. and on sunday, another deal with truckers. but that didn't piece people now rallying nationwide. thousands of jobs last to the pandemic have all confused discontent,
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or given me. most of the people already against the war comically and castillo produced a revolution of expectations under normal circle. chances inflation would have produced these effects later on. but the pandemic worked as an accelerator in the face of nationwide protest the government. this do thing to buy social tranquillity with little money, if the ways the minimum wage and we do some taxes on fuel. but, and only thing that may not be the solution. and only seek us to use populace measures could eventually bring some piece, but they see a major crisis looms ahead for the precedent. last week, gasdio survived a 2nd round of impeachment proceedings after 9 months in office spearheaded by his political foes in congress. but no, it is the people who 1st supported him who are demanding him to fulfill his promises or the medina, such as i'll just see that lima, the door to sri lanka now where the governing coalition has lost its parliamentary
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majority of to protest against a worsening economic crisis, parliament convened for its 1st session under a state of emergency imposed last week. and you finance minister says he's resigning a day after he was appointed. he's among 4 ministers, sworn in by president, got a biology poxy or to his cabinet resigned on sunday. the opposition refused an offer to join the government. legal people in yemen are causing back on how much they eat, even after a day of fasting during ramadan. is because of food shortages and soaring prices. cutting off as hot reports this market and humans capital santa is soft with food. most people can't. before rising food, prices have become more evident during the month of ramadan. when traditionally muslims break their fast after sunset with large meals, grandmother, navigate among critical to st. oh ramadan, this year is different from other years. price is a crazy. in the past,
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people were able to at least buy the basics. but this year they're completely helpless. i just couldn't. i access to fuel is limited in yemen, a 2 month ceasefire between who the rebels and the saudi coalition was to bring relief by easing a blockade. and by allowing feel shipments to rebel held areas, but the impact has yet to be felt. ah, a lot of the value, the price of food is ridiculous. people are crushed. some of them can't afford to buy the basics. it's a catastrophe about 7 years of war have devastated yemen, pushing millions of people into hunger, and not being able to purchase basic food. staples has had communities particularly hard during ramadan. the grandmother of amazon, how to set out by him, were started ramadan with great concern this year because of older high prices. limited to us made everything more expensive. the ceasefire went into effect on
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saturday. families here recognize it will take more than a few days to ease a years of damage caused by war. katya low priscilla young al jazeera, pollution garbage and untreated sewage should be parts of her aunt's tigris, rhythm, more toxic than ever. the watery lifeline extends 1400 calamities flowing through baghdad where it's the main source of drinking water. from there, muffled up, oh i had reports on the people trying to turn things around. these volunteers want to regain the last to beauty of their city. there are more think rubbish littering the banks of the tigris river in baghdad to make it cleaner and healthier. we will keep going until everybody gets the message until people realize that it's our civil responsibility to take care of our public places and to protect
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them, to not throw trash that throwing trash on the street in the river is an offense even if currently the law doesn't penalize you for it that we should use, have our own morals and our own discipline to, to protect these places. the river banks are a breathing space for many here in iraq. c capital specially those in its suburbs. but with the rubbish pining up in several cities along the river and with it becoming increasingly polluted, groups like this or out to get levels of waste down. this amount of rubbish can also be reduced by you making people more aware of the river is important to ecology and for recreation that could help reduce littering. but the river would, is still remain contaminated by other activities,
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like waste water with neglected infrastructure toms of garbage and waste fall into the river, including metals and debris, and even dead animals. some ways to breaks down and forms harmful micro plastics. safe transfers. passengers between the river banks on his boat. it's a family business he inherited from his father, but it's now in decline. we are defining not. it is my 2nd home, but i feel bad every day when i watch all these polluters around it, people have become less attracted to boat towards our and tourism is now 01 with population growth and urban expansion in by the dead. more sewage and waste is being discharged into the river. healthy facilities, oil in installations, factories and laboratories,
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all dump toxic waste directly into the tigris of who should say the amount of contamination is alarming. it though it starts to kind of lisa, there are 25 huge plants impact that discharging directly into the river without treatment. a permanent solution to this requires transformation of the whole sewage system in baghdad. that means a lot of money and effort. it could take years now did not the tigris is a main source of drinking water in baghdad. and these volunteers want to restore its clean lenise and vitality and encourage others across iraq to do the same. would have to go ahead and 0. but that sports is coming up off the brake. is the golfing well the way the decision from tiger woods, the head of this week's moss is telling me that ah
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ah ah ah what andy, thank you so much came well, tiger woods is keeping the golf world guessing on whether one also play it the 1st major of the year, which starts on thursday, the 46 year old, still recovering from that coll crush of 14 months ago, left him in hospital for 3 weeks now. on monday, i hate thousands of fans watching the 5 time master's champions by 9 holes at augusta with longtime meth. friend fred couples alongside him. now saga has remained silent. couples i believe's. he is likely to play the songs. well, i mean,
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what impressed me the most, you know, is saw he was bombing it for want if you want to talk golf, he was bombing it. um, you know i, i never speak for tiger, so i'm not even going to get into, you know, he walk 9 holes. i guess he played 9 yesterday, but as a friend and in the way he looked it's, it's very impressive to go what he's gone through to you know, whatever it is 14 months ago to be playing today. and i, i hope everything keeps going tuesday and wednesday, and i'm sure he's gonna t it up thursday. will talk to is scheduled to hold a press conference in just over an hour's time. and it's not just the fans who are excited about the prospects of was playing this week, speak to any player in that sally. the game is better off when the 15 time major champion is competing. very, very excited. have him back, chris, a lot of hype and whatnot, and shoot from the driving range. we could hear the loud roar when he came out of
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the club house of that 1st he that was pretty stressful to see him. or to hear at least have land long ago. i never doubt the guy. i mean, if he, if he can get around, which seems to be the question, he can't doubt his golf. but i was in somewhat of his shoes. ah, you know, try and last year for 2 weeks after surgery, i suppose in exactly an easy walk. so understand what is up against and it'll be difficult. now, liverpool to fan the verge of van dyke says the club is targeting an unforgettable season. the english steamer in portugal for the 1st like of their champions, they cause a final against been fe. can they have a chance of winning for trophies? this campaign liverpool have already lifted the lee cup and the still in consumption to win the premier league and a fake up as well. we just want to make decision, hopefully unforgettable. one for us, for us as place for the stuff, but as a whole club, you know, i think things the things that have been going on at the moment at liverpool is
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something that no one should take for granted. therapy can spend seeker who knocked out. i acts in the last round, but they trail pulled so by 15 points in the portuguese title race, amongst their ranks is the moroccan for idle to rat. he spent much of his career playing in england. knows all about livable strengths. i think they have done went on, they know each other very well. at my time, liverpool was little bit inconsistent. him many player was changing comment her out, but it was already great. tim, but obviously that this one is it's more stronger. ok, let's have a look at the full line of of the quarter finals defending champions. chelsea plate rail madrid. i'm on tuesday. the march on tuesday is villareal against by munich. she stays outside. well, that's manchester city versus athletic o madrid. city. remember, i've never won this trophy and on the e v again, there manager pet claudio was asked if he had
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a tendency to over think his tactics in this competition every pay half the mother and father, you know, in a mother and father have a different personalities a different type of place in had to adapt in a just that way. i loved to over thing and great, stupid tactics. again. tonight, a thickening tradition, and i'm going to do an incredible tactics to morrow. so we play with 12 tomorrow. now in the english premier league austell missed a chance to move into the top full, and the champ kinsley qualification spot for next season. they will be in 3 mill by crystal palace after lunch, mcculloch's apologize to his former thing. it wasn't good enough. and the theme deserved to be criticized for the 5 african seems coming to the world cup in council. i currently have coaches from the tournament in 2018. i need 2 african
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coaches. my finals in russia, senate goes elia, se, se will be the manager of his national team for a 2nd straight world cup. he says the sports governing body is helping to raise the standard of coaching in africa. are you boarded coaching? when you board is on printer, in terms of coaching and coaches, we realized that we had to progress as we weren't good enough to coach in europe or be in charge of our national teams. in that regard to. if you look at the number of foreign coaches that the 2019 of con, compared to the 2022 competition. you notice that the number of homegrown coaches has increased. i'm here to day, along with a dozen, maybe even 20 coaches. they will be the future coaches in charge of the national team. so our role is to share with them our years of experience in football was players and coaches. i think that's the route we need to follow because when you have great trainers and coaches, it enhances the coaching of our youngsters, players and future professionals. the fact that fee for keep supporting the development of our coaches here is a really great source of pride for us. it proves the african football has really
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taken charge of its affairs. and there was a historic come back in the final of the men's college basketball championship in the us, kansas overturning a 16 point deficit against north carolina. no c. and other one is taught again before the training by that many points in the final seconds north carolina missed the chance to send the game. it's over time. and this winning the n c, the black cycle for the 1st time in c. c. okay, but it's a sport looking for now. thanks sandy. i waldron and ballet stars, one from ukraine, the other from russia have got together to help victims of war. ah, longstanding dance partners, dennis, to reach carol and maria jak of lever performed in the italian city of naples. raising money for the red cross is part of monday's stand with ukraine event. got a performance featured other bad, a stars have left roster and ukraine since the war began. nearly 6 weeks. go there
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with us on the back and just wanted more places season i o intelligent social and playful. this vulnerable species had been caught in the wild, sold online and smuggled illegally by criminal syndicates from southeast asia. one of the main markets is japan. in recent years, a new phenomenon has been sweeping through this concrete jungle animal cafes, by customers, by a cover charge to sit in the cafe and pets, a number of cute, domestic animals, but his businesses compete for customers. this being disturbing shift to ever more exotic species. we want to find out more about how offers it being taken from the
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wild and sol, justina gar, remark, it is a spooling hops, the animal trade, a plethora of exotic species. seat and tiny metal cages. distressed and sweltering under the hot sun of all my friends and co workers who were detained, i am the only one who survived. they were all waiting for news of the menfolk and was only one word on their lips. warmus, with his saw a boy killed in his father's arms. i saw man kill mexico, his son, i have only once in my life, seen men who are scared to death. 30 years old from the start of the wall balls near the camp on al jazeera, i enjoy bringing my neighbors, my labour children, so they can see and get more comfortable. fives. children are at the heart of america's love affair with weapons. fact that the barrels fell. nominate for
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require a live there from the machine. and it's fun. but a new generation is fighting fire. with the reason we're fighting for voices to be heard because we don't want to see any other movie get her. i never again part of the radicalized. you'd series analogies. iraq, lou, the un security council meet sounds. russia stands accused of war crimes, and ukraine crashes. ambassador says he'll prove the alleged killings for a hoax. ah, hello again. i'm kid vanelle with continuing coverage of ukraine's war this is unbearable brutality that europe has felt witnessed in many decades.
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