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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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30 years on from the start of the wolves near the camp on al jazeera, ah, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera. ah, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters, and i'll find daddy navigator coming up in the next 60 minutes. the reported massacre and gucci resonates at the un, ukraine's president says, the security council should be dissolved if it can't punish russia for war crimes. russia's ambassador says his country has been accused of staged atrocities, and it's actually ukraine enforces who are committing the crimes dead before his
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baby is born. we talked to a 19 year old widow and families affected by a russian airstrike. in other news, china imposes tighter looked on restrictions in shanghai to battle its biggest coven 19 outbreak. mod i. sir lincoln's keep up with their demand for the government to resign as it loses a majority in parliament, amid rising shortages. and in school a tiger woods intends to make his gulf and come back at this week's moss is often more than a year out. he says he is ready for major return at augusta. ah, welcome to the news our punish your russia or dissolve yourself. that's the message from ukraine's president to the united nations security council. which disgust they allege of the atrocities by russian forces followed america. lensky accused moscow
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of committing the worst war crimes since world war 2. his use were supported by the american and european diplomats. the russian ambassador dismissed the allegations reiterating. the killings were staged. we have correspondence live and keep moscow on the united nations. but 1st, let's listen to what the russians on the ukrainians have been saying. b, or i did with black, middle grainy. we need decisions from the security council for peace in ukraine. if you don't know how to implement this, you can do 2 things. either remove russia from the council, so can not block decisions about its own war. the other option is to reform to secure, to consulting, to work for peace. if there isn't an alternative, then we should decide the secret council altogether more good. as a deluxe is we need to cut out the malignant nazi tumor that is consuming ukraine and would in time begin to consume russia. and we will achieve that goal. i hope,
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sooner rather than later because there is no other outcome. we are not shooting against civilian targets in order to save as many civilians as possible. this precisely why we're not advancing as fast as many expect a day. we're not acting like americans in their allies in iraq and syria when raising entire cities to the ground. they had no pity for them, but we thought great pity because these are people who are close to us. we kicked things off of chris salumi, joining us from the un headquarters in new york. so as we can see from the clips, it was a highly charged meeting. kristen talked to us about what was achieved well, this was the 1st time that ukrainian president vallarta married lensky address, the security council. and he not only accused russia of war crimes, but he challenged international community to respond. he started off by giving a very a grizzly account of what he had seen in boucher where he visited after russia's
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troop withdrawal. he talked about women being raped in front of their children. he talked about people in cars being run over by russian tanks. and he called for bringing russia in front of an international tribunal kind of like what was set up after world war 2. in the nuremberg trials that were held there, i saying that the credibility of the united nations is at stake, that russia's, vito power does not give him power over life and death. russia, of course, pushed back against these allegations of denied targeting civilians. they've accused ukraine of staging these videos, but they also looked to the un and accused the un of bias as well. so you and officials here, secretary general among them say that there is growing evidence of war crimes. and ne, 2 are calling for an independent investigation. so we heard that from a,
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a variety of un officials, some accusations of war crimes on the part of ukraine. but overwhelmingly accusations that russia has been acting inappropriately and needs to be investigated independently. and they also talked a lot about the impact this war is having beyond ukraine's borders. not only is the humanitarian situation for ukrainians increasingly dire, more than 1100 civilians killed. over a 100 of them children, a quarter of the population forced to flee their homes. but outside of ukraine as well, the inflation, the impact it's having on price is worldwide, particularly for fuel and for food is having a knock on effect. and that is particularly worrying for the most developed countries. countries that the un is often tasked with helping through these types of situations. so that was the backdrop, if you will,
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to the remarks that we heard in the back and forth that we heard. and the themes that we heard in the united nations security council. thank you so much. we're salumi reporting from the united nations. we cross to the ukranian capital cave and bring an enron con because president jalencia spoke to the security council for the very 1st time. and not only did he have strong words against russia as expected, but he also had strong words against the security council itself. im room that's absolutely right. it was something that no one here certainly was expecting . it was a surprise to many observers of ukrainian politics. they didn't think he was going to be as strong as he was. the social media that i've been seeing suggests that a lot of people are actually very supportive of his comments. the speech he gave was actually divided into 2 very distinct sections. of 1st one was a catalogue of all of the alleged atrocities and war crimes that russia ah,
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was accused of doing. and he talked about the fact that tanks had crushed people and crushed people in cars. and people have been shot and really methodically listed. everything that he said had the russians had done well. so, occupying territory in the north west of keeper, he also talks about other areas like mario polo, chinese cock eve, places where we haven't seen the level we haven't been given access to. so we haven't seen what may be happening in those areas. but then the 2nd part was where he really went after, at the international community, he was almost a fierce rebuke of what the international community stands. 4. he said, if russia gets away with this, then there is no international law. you need to act immediately. the security council needs to be reformed. the veto can't be the right to diet. my colleague that christians let me also mentioned that line about the veto. the veto is
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something that is increasingly becoming frustrating for members of the permanent scared council. because each one can use it to cancel out the other, whether it gets reformed or not, is a whole other conversation. now he also went on to say the people who gave yoda must be brought to justice. this has been reiterated by the legal community here. we spoke to the attorney general and she told us that if they can't get international support for those tribunals, what they're going to do is they're going to try people in ukraine itself and in absentia. if can't get them to you. crank still still going to try them air. ah. and then he went on to say that though the world security system needs to be transformed. ukraine has a moral right to propose a reform of the system. and if you call it reform, is you the un security council, then remove russia. if you can't remove russia, then you need to dissolve the security council. it's certainly a very powerful speech, but it comes just 24 hours after he visited the town of butcher. we were there the
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same day. he saw exactly the same things that we saw. he sold those bodies lying on the street. he saw that destroyed buildings. he saw destroyed allah, both russian and ukrainian, that must have had an impact on his speech on the way he delivered his speech at the un security council. okay, thank you so much. and ron kon reporting from keith that's got the view from moscow and bring in how some i had that others joining us from there to talk us through the rush and responds to and the allegations of what's transpired in butcher hashem . the reason for the russians, the allegations are force fabricated and manipulated him. this explains why her vassily, and eventually are the russian ambassador to the un was heading back at the ukranian presence village immerse. zalinski saying that on the 30th of march,
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russian troops decided to put out from a key of region and churney gulf following progress in the talks with the acc radians in her stumble, and they want her to give stood strong indication that the are committed to the escalation a day late on the, on the 30, the 1st of her of march, the mayor of the region came out in a video saying that this the, the, the area is now under their control with no mansion of atrocities committed a, i guess civilians. this is, according to the russians. now they say that it took 3 days for the ukrainians to come out and say something terribly wrong happened in butcher. now from a russian perspective, this is something done by the nationalist, why they describe as nationalists and nazis in the ukranian army. and they say, these are units operating within the army, and the vast sol road is to discredit or russia with what were the disinformation
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campaign. and if you look half way through the year through, there is a statement by the russian ambassador who was headed back as zelinski, asking him, you should forget above the waist because they will abandon you. because ultimately you will have to deal her with us. and then he was telling him about the russian position when it comes to the conflict in ukraine. he said, thou sure has been having grievances when it comes to the nationalist, the nazis, the atrocities by that, as i've been describing as atrocities against their russian speaking communities. and the problems in dom bus where you have the self declared republics of la guns and to the us when those grievances were not answered. the russians say they took action a while ago. the minister of foreign affairs are glover old said that this whole report and bring him back. the issue of butcher was sorely for one reason. thus, according to him to the rail, talks between the rushes and ukrainian rushes across the political spectrum have been saying that the thing, this is something that has been manipulated by the west to undermine the chances
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for any breakthrough in the talks with ukraine, the dis spokesperson of the kremlin bitterly pasco said that he does not trust that that will ever be an impartial investigation into exactly what happened in butcher . and this gives you an idea about the widening mistrust. now, between russia and ukraine, between russia and the west, the americas. in particular, from a russian perspective, this is a critical moment and they believe everything you see on the ground. he's coordinated between the air nato, the us, the e. u. for one reason to undermine what russia has been describing for quite some time. genuine concerns about why the describe as gwen, a fat tears national security. thank you so much hash. i'm hassam al, about our reporting from moscow. now the, when secretary general turning the terrorist said that russia's invasion of ukraine
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threatens world peace and international order. the ward in ukraine is one of the greatest challenges ever to the international or that. and the global besotted texture founded on the united nations charter because of its nature, intensity and consequences. we are dealing with a full fledged invasion on several fronts of one member states of the united nations, ukraine by another the russian federation, a permanent member of the council, in violation of the united nations charter and with several aims, including redrawing the international, recognised borders between the 2 countries, the chinese ambassador told the security council that the images showing civilian deaths were very disturbing, but the russian allies of the circumstances should be verified. i conditions of war should be based on facts. that was on home to me and olga under international
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law. civilians should be spared any forms of violence in armed conflict and attacks on civilians are unacceptable and shouldn't occur. the reported images from boucher of very disturbing any. and all accusations must be based on facts before conclusions are drawn. but satellite images of the ukrainian town of which i have appeared which were taken 2 weeks before russians left the town. so images provided by macs, our technologies seemed to show that the civilians were killed when the town was under the control of russian troops. at least 11 of those bodies had been on the street since march. the 11th, the causes of death are unclear. the bodies were scattered over nearly a kilometer of blown sco streets, and these are just some of the bodies discovered after ukraine retail control of the town. so while the world condemns the killings in ukraine, russian television is telling a different story. i sandra got out of the landscape yet new
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shows are reporting the kremlin statements. the images are bodies scattered on the streets of boucher, our fake. waco is the these are fake atrocities which the russian army was immediately accused of. and western media began to repeat the accusation with symbol tenuously and without a break for sleep in. let's make to patrick kane and he's joining us live from champaign. that's in illinois. he's a human rights, an international law expert on a professor of law at the university of illinois. welcome to al jazeera patrick in . and so to, you know, as we're seeing their claims and counterclaims from both sides. but to what extent do you think that the satellite images that have now emerged refute claims by russia, that ukrainian forces plays dead people in the town in sort of a stage provocation after russian forces had already withdrawn. i think go, satellite images are very important pieces of evidence and as a lawyer, 1st, as a prosecutor, where you have to do is to prove that war crimes took place or whatever the alleged
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crimes are. and so there will be a lot of evidence and, and it's not surprising that russia would deny these claims. i think the satellite images and other images from ordinary civilians. those are really strong. i think powerful evidence that demonstrate that these atrocities took place. no, it's a legal question as to whether they're crimes, but i think goes satellite images out to refute any false denials. yes. so these satellite images then for what you're saying are critical, then in seeking to document the progression of the war in ukraine and, and in order to gather evidence off of war crimes in the region. i think this is absolutely critical. and i think it shows a trend that we're seeing we saw 1st in syria. now we're saying really prominently in ukraine where satellite images and the images, and recordings that come from ordinary citizens are being used as evidence of
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crimes. so the international criminal court has set up a portal, so individuals can upload their stories and upload images. the government of ukraine has set up a similar portal to gather evidence so that it can be used for later or crimes or other trials. and i think the satellite images go into that category because it's common in our conflict to have the 2 warring sides, claiming the each side committed atrocities. and they both might be right. but independent evidence can be harder to come by. i think the satellite images provide independent evidence and i think that the images that can be verified from ordinary citizens, they can provide another kind of independent evidence that can make a very strong case. once the prosecutor goes through and verifying the credibility of all this, that talked to us about the jurisdiction of the international criminal court in particular because an infant investigation into possible war crimes and ukraine had been launched. and this was before the events of boucher but is it going to be
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challenging considering that both re ukraine and russia are not have not ratified the rome statute of the i c c. yes. so there's 2 parts of your question. one is the legal question. one is the fact question. so legally ukraine has accepted the jurisdiction of the international criminal court to common investigate. in essence, ukraine invited the i c. c. several years ago to come and investigate work crimes. and they didn't put an end date on that invitation. so the international criminal court, the prosecutor still has that invitation, still has jurisdiction. so whoever is committed war crimes in ukraine, the prosecutor can investigate. the fact question is a harder question. so the legal question is easy. the i c c has jurisdiction over war crimes. there and can investigate the fact question is harder, it's hard to investigate during an ongoing armed conflict. i think it's no worthy and i think it's very important that the prosecutor is already started to gather
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evidence. it's also noteworthy and important that civilians are submitting evidence and that there are satellite imagery, this being retained, all of those things can help the case. so i think that the legal question has been resolved fairly in a straightforward way. the fact question about investigation that's difficult, but the i c, c is their experts. and so i think they'll be able to do it. ok. thank you so much patrick, in on for joining us from illinois. thank you. now ukraine's president has he expect many more civilian deaths to be uncovered and areas abandoned by russian forces. there's particular concern about another town near keith and russell. sars are, is there we are in the town of board young cur, in northwest and ki, if the russian forces just left the city, the scale of destruction is just now being revealed. as we came into war junker, they have seen many buildings heavily shelled and called last the one bedroom and
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was so heavy that one of the residents that they have spoken to. she said her brother had a heart attack and died from the, from the fear. so as we were coming into the city, we have seen that humanitarian it is just a being received and the toilet is, are conducting the rescue operations here. the heavily shall the city. but there is a past past ahead of them because or toward his saying that the people are steal beneath the rebels. the worn ukraine has left many young families morning and that includes those in the west of the country, which was largely been spared the fighting. but about 3 weeks ago, an attack on a military training facility killed 35 people, 0. the investor avi traveled there to meet the family of one of the victims. it was too far from the front. nowhere near the parts of ukraine,
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where there was active fighting in the west of the country, ukrainian se they felt safe. an illusion shattered on the morning of march, 13th by 30 russian missiles. less than 3 weeks into the invasion of ukraine, russia attacked the yarber of military base, a training ground for new recruits and volunteers. the deepest attack into the country, and only 20 kilometers from the polish border. ah, dozens of people were injured and killed. every coughing, carrying the weight of a grieving family. as the weeks passed, families across the country tried to make sense of what happened. konstantin was a weapons trainer at the yavari base, sala, me a widowed at 19, says all she can do now is be strong for her son. i said i am calling still warner
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. he called me that morning and said, not to worry. he said they were being fired on, but he was safe. it was on another bass. he said that everything was fine. 5 minutes later when i called him again after new explosions, there was no connection which i was at. she knew her husband was gone after seeing his name on an instagram post about casualties. grief stricken, she was rushed to the hospital. at that, after the attack sala, me a move to the rehab which to be closer to family, to share the load of loss. a soldiers, wife and mother to be still visibly numb. a soldier's mother, unable to contain her rage. there's ever do you russia really think we'll forgive you that easily. we won't forgive you off. i'd stand for my son. i'll take the weapons and we'll be shooting into your children. if you don't stop your sons, your children, vargas and husbands,
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we will all take up weapons and there'll be no place for you in this world. we'll reach you and we will push your way to siberia so that you be in the cold soil without bread, water, food, like our children, hungry, frozen, hiding in the shelters without medication, without anything. konstantin was raised by his stepfather, who says he will also be joining the ukrainian military and deploying to the same base where his stepson was killed. as the tale of the dead across the country continues to go. absent o, c, phil's many houses in ukraine where men continue to be called up to lay down their lives for the way and women are left to carry their memories. zane basra, theology, 0 drawbridge. russia has condemned the expulsion of around a 150 of its diplomats by e. u. countries in the last 48 hours and has promised that will retaliate. italy,
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spain and denmark joined other e allies on tuesday by expelling diplomats and made increasing outrage over the legit atrocities in ukraine. the you also announced that it will holds all fossil fuel imports from russia without giving a concrete date. yet, the import of coal from russia to the block is worth nearly 4 and a half $1000000000.00 a year. for russian president vladimir putin says the western allies, actions on energy and economic issues is worsening. things you should do exist when you see the situation in the energy sector is deteriorating and putting pressure on gas pom in some european countries. we're witnessing another attempt by our western partners to shift their mistakes on to russia that trying to solve these issues at our expense. we're also hearing official statements about the possible nationalization of some of our assets that would take things to fall. let no one forget that these measures are a double edged sword. while nato secretary general has called the pictures of
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bodies and boucher unbearable, he says the alliance would back an investigation into the accusations of russian war crimes. this is unbearable brutality that europe has not witnessed in many decades targeting on murdering civilians. is a war crime? all the facts must be established on all those responsible for these atrocities must be brought to justice stuff, authors, and brussels, and has more on nato's reaction. well, some very strong words used by an sultan berg and they do chief here in brussels after images of that civilians emerge from butch. i called it a war crime. and he also said it was one of the worst in european recent history. there will be a meeting here by foreign ministers of nato in brussels,
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in the next coming days, but also partner countries. so from the asia pacific, australia, japan, but also georgia and ukraine will be represented here. personally to, to discuss further steps ne, to wants to take to a militarily, ukraine further in new offensive assault. and burke has called it that russia is according to him, planning in the east and south of ukraine. he says russia wants to concord a whole of don bass, but it might take a few weeks to read a man and also re refuel all the troops. so he says this time period, this window, nato should also use the nato countries to also send more help and more military support to ukraine. but he's stressed again that it won't be any interference, any military involvement directly into ukraine and also no military plains, us even more data. he said. but 1st of all,
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he also said that there must be an investigation into what he has called these war crimes. in butcher, the ones migration agency says more than 7000000 people are internally displaced in ukraine as a result of the war. international organization for migration says more than a 3rd of the displaced families have been without income since last month. over half of them have children and the elderly living with them. still ahead on the al jazeera news, our a ceasefire in yemen, but people are facing new difficulties and getting enough to meet the young volunteers getting their hands dirty to clean up the tigris river. in iraq, it's for the quarter final stage of the european champions league is about to kick off. so now we'll have more on that story a little later. ah, richard, he has begun. the,
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the full world cup is on its way to catherine book. your travel package today looks like we're going to add more folks to the 40 degree temperature club. hello everyone. here's a snapshot on wednesday. so we got heat through the levant iran right across the arabian peninsula. medina, 40 mega 40 and i think dell has going to see it 1st 40 degree day as we head toward friday. also a lot of heat through pakistan. we got temperatures in the forty's here as well, but the average through afghanistan, her rights, 35, the number for you. sure. as we've got you in for 29 on wednesday, still some pesky wet weather across the northeast black sea coast in turkeys that it's driven down the temperature and tribes on 211 degrees. and speaking about this, what, whether we've got pulses of it through the central african belt as so it's going to be damp weather for bungie as well with the high of 33 degrees. and some more what weather can be found around cameras. as we side toward the south, cool air has flooded in for south africa that's driven down the temperature in cape
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town to just 17 degrees, some showers around durban. his wall warmth can be found in vin hook, though at $27.00. now in terms of cape town, don't worry, this is going to be short lived. here's a peek, heavier 3 day forecast. we get you up to 27 degrees on saturday with wall to wall sunshine. so that is above average. thanks for joining in catch a later i saw air with visual of the journey. in 20 a journalist lead 40 days of civic action against the armenian government. i'm president sock your fiance, group home power. i'm going to labor cuz we're a new documentary follows his non violent campaign to bring down the corrupt regime, astonishing outcome with revolution. i am not alone on munious velvet revolution coming soon on al jazeera african stories from
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african perspective. isn't well yet as a day, short documentary from i can feel maintenance from miami and seneca a little bit now because she's not sure. the adventures of a car and lead to africa direct on al jazeera lou . the, the color we got the top stories on the i'll just do are news. our current president volunteers the landscape address the us council for the 1st time. he accused russia deliberately killing and torturing and raping civilians. landscape
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all the un security council that it should either dissolve itself or reform and hold russia accountable. russian ambassador, so the obligations of atrocities have no merit vaseline. and ben c, i said they have evidence, is actually ukranian troops who are committing the crime. the u. n. says at least a 1400 people have been killed during russell's invasion of ukraine. it said it's received credible claims of russian forces using cluster bomb. in the northeast of the country, russian forces are continuing to bomb ukraine's 2nd largest city car keys. 7 people were killed and the latest attack. just a warning, some viewers may find images and as a bigs report disturbing. another day. another attack and more death. a rocket hit this playground in ukraine, 2nd largest city hall. keith came to people as they sat on a bench. all that remains is blood stains on the ground and bread on the bench.
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look at a story. it was intentional to hit residential air, it impacts civilians. there are no military objects around her, wasn't even going somewhere critical to them. mirage in the waiting, one resident recalls the moment, the rocket hit, it was from the city. i was sitting by the entrance. then i went upstairs and then it hit. if i hadn't got upstairs, i wouldn't be here right now to be hit on the other street. the shell hit one after the others. a couple of 100 meters around the corner, the cleaning up the damage of another impact. now it's the familiar process. affording up windows. 73. 0 gregory critical says he's had his russian made louder for over 40 years. it survived everything except the russians were, well, those are shown here while the other was little bubbles from your motion junior, when i heard the sound of the rocket ship, when we heard another one, i said, let's get down. i hit the ground, but my friend was a little slow and got wounded and the seems to be no method to the madness of
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what's been targeted. it's a residential area for also this damage to civilian infrastructure. and in this bust, epo, every bus seems to have some thought of shrapnel damage borrowed off strikes, hit a large area, a child's playground, multiple blocks of apartments and buses at their depot. it's a surprise, more weren't killed or injured, you know, back at the playground, summer traumatized so broad died when and warmer died. he says, why, what did they die for said bake. i'll da 0. her keith. ah, it's very newsome that is other news and shanghai will remain in lockdown as
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chinese authorities review. covered 19 test results for the city's entire population of 26000000. but there is anger at officials for separating coven positive children from their parents, and sending them to quarantine facilities. adrian brown is covering developments from hong kong. china's financial center has been like this for 9 days. the scenes in shanghai reminiscent of those 2 years ago in wu hang, where covey 19 was 1st detected during a mass testing of its 26000000 citizens, which was now concluded officials reported a surge in local asymptomatic cases. medical workers from across the country have been pouring into the metropolis to help the success of this mass mobilization will partly determine when shanghai can reopen or for how much longer it'll remain shot . what is clear is that the government is still not prepared to follow other countries by living with kobe 19,
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says one prominent chinese commentator overall with china is the only country in the world to day, which still pursues this 0 policy. and i think eventually china will be the winner tallies on the will. it means that rather than other housing side, but that policy means separating children from parents if they test positive a practice that is raised anxiety levels among local as well as ex patriot families . oh, state medias responding to the wide spread criticism of the practice. this report with a soothing sound track appears to show parents and children who have tested positive being admitted to an isolation facility. but it's unclear if that means the policy's been scrapped. unlike shanghai, people in other parts of china, a mocking the ching festival. this is when people traditionally sweep the graves of
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their ancestors. there is an added poignancy to the festival here in hong kong because of course, so many people have died from cove at 19. this time, a year ago, the death toll stood at just over 200 to day. it stands at more than $8000.00 adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. the 1st trial addressing atrocities in sudan star for a conflict has begun at the international criminal court. i, the mohammed ali, abdur, a man, a suspected leader of the government backed genji. we'd fighters faces $31.00 charges of war crimes, which he denies to our for his conflict, broke out in 2003. when rebels took up arms against su. don's previous government, the un estimates around 3 100000 people were killed and more than 2000000 were displaced. and we will do our best efforts. i am given where we are in the proceedings to highlight cases of sexual gender based crimes, to the best of our ability to uranus determine relevance and the responsibility
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of mr. abdur rahman, and also understand the depth of suffering that has been caught at not even infants were spared brutality in the attacks in could doom and been dizzy with her. it would, oh, i had the minute i reject all these charges. i am innocent of all these charges. i am not guilty of any charges. hebert morgan has more from so don's capital, harder to while the trial was the 1st of its kind for those who have been accused of were crimes and crimes against humanity. incidents, western region opt out for come just the year after the pre trial hearing with $31.00 cases of crimes against humanity were confirmed against an equal shape. now this is significant because people in dar 4 have been demanding accountability since the war started. they've been recounting the horrors of the word that is something that we heard in the opening statement of b, prosecutor general, who,
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who brought back the account of witnesses who saw that, who said that they saw people being killed, women being raped, children being burned, all those testimonies, and he says that witnesses will be as well as talking and recounting them themselves. so lots of horror. so people in dar 4 have a thing, demanding accountability, not just against an equal shape who has been, who was arrested in 2020, when he handed himself over to the international criminal court. and central african republic after he fled from sudan. but people in da for having demanding accountability for war crimes committed by other leaders as well. other leaders of the government backed militia. the jango eat, as well as the sudan armed forces, especially the head of the armed forces back then who was also the president bashir of me as capital as marking the 30th anniversary at the beginning of the siege of sarajevo. more than 12000 people were killed in the siege that lasted for nearly 4
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years. the longest and modern history. several events are taking place throughout the city during this week to mark the anniversary, tara durham. mister rich reports from sorry, evil. sunday was the hall, which is behind me is a symbol of the seas of salary because it testifies to the barbaric nature of the serbian forces which held survival under the siege. because when this building was destroyed back in the summer of 992, it wasn't just the city hall. it was the national library containing more than 2000000 books and manuscripts inside this building. the kind of conference was held to commemorate 30 years as the beginning of the siege of south able the siege, which was the longest in the history of modern warfare 3 times more long than the sea, just selling rod during the world war 2, inside the city during the siege, food was cars only 169 grams per day. every sorry we had during
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those 4 years. during those 4 years, more than half a 1000000 shells and projectiles fell on the city. there was no safe haven in the city cues for bread cues, for water cues for humanitarian aid, were targeted by the soviet forces which held the siege. it should also be mentioned that the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia convicted for person for the siege of said i am among them are radical march the general commander of the bosnian serb army and the other one cottage, the war time president of the republic scott, people in war torn human or cutting back on how much they eat even a day, even after other a day of fasting, during ramadan. that's because of food shortages and soaring prices, catch a lobe for ian, has more market in yemen. capital santa is soft with food. most people can't afford. rising food, prices have become more evident during the month of ramadan. when traditionally
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muslims break their fast after sunset with large meals, no more than other animal. don't go to go to santa ramadan. this year is different from other years. price is a crazy. in the past, people were able to at least buy the basics. but this year, they're completely helpless. just couldn't i. access to fuel is limited in yemen, a 2 month ceasefire between who the rebels and the saudi coalition was to bring relief by easing a blockade. and by allowing feel shipments to rebel held areas, but the impact has yet to be felt. i was out of a, the price of food is ridiculous. people are crushed. some of them can't afford to buy the basics. it's a catastrophe about 7 years of war have devastated yemen, pushing millions of people into hunger, and not being able to purchase basic food. staples has had communities particularly hard during ramadan cigar. another milan has sent us back and we're started ramadan
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with great concern this year because of older high prices that limited you has made everything more expensive. the ceasefire went into effect on saturday. families here recognize it will take more than a few days to ease a years of damage caused by war. caught cielo priscilla young al jazeera. for the 2nd day pakistan supreme court has suspended a hearing on whether prime minister in wrong cons decision to dissolve. parliament was legal, it happened on a day of no confidence vote was to be held leading to a political crisis. the court could order parliament to sit again or call for a new election, but it may also rule. it cannot intervene in parliamentary affairs to sir lanka where the president has revoked the state of emergency which came into effect on friday becomes the ruling coalition. last, that's parliamentary majority and made growing protest against the worst economic
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crisis in decades. on monday, the opposition refused an offer to join a unity government. after roger pox out dissolves his cabinet. there is anger against the government handling of the economy. dyslexia, shortages of food fuel and long power cuts, peruse presidents is imposed the curfew in the capital, lima after a violent protest killed. at least 5 people. residents have been banned from leaving their homes in an attempt to curb a wave of demonstrations against the rising cost of living. are you on a sanchez has more. the food testers clashed with re a police and several cities around the country, burning tires, looting locking highways. the rising cost of living is affecting many peruvians, rocketing fuel prices have directly impacted the basic food basket. people are blaming it on precedent between us to use policy when we have supported him and how is he paying his back? he's raising the price of sugar flower. when is it been like this?
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our children are hungry. there is no work and we want a solution. farmers blocked the pen american highway to protest against the threefold increase in fertilizer prices. the government says, fertilizers, fuel and green imports from russia and ukraine have shut up because of the war last week. getting your anger protesters saying there will be paid to protest. farmers and truckers responded by blocking the crucial central highway, which is the main supply line for the capital that in turn, cars, food shortages, the president has forgotten the people. everything is expensive. he should put on his bands and double and if not, he should go back to his home. government officials struck a deal on saturday with one faction of protesters, the post a 5 day deadline to address their demands. and on sunday, another deal with truckers. but that didn't piece people now, rallying nationwide,
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thousands of jobs last to the pandemic have also has content or giving me most of the people who are already against the war comically and castillo produced a revolution of expectations. just under normal circumstances, inflation would have produced these effects later on. but the pandemic worked as an accelerator in the face of nationwide protests, the government. this do thing to buy social tranquillity with gold money. if the ways the minimum wage, i will do some taxes on fuel. but another thing that may not be the solution and only seek us to use populace measures could eventually bring some piece, but they see a major crisis lose ahead for the precedent. last week, gasdio survived a 2nd round of impeachment proceedings after 9 months in office spearheaded by his political foes in congress. but now it is the people who 1st supported him who are
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demanding him to fulfil his promises. or the medina, such as i'll just see daily my bidder. in hungary, at least 5 people had been killed when a train had a van as it crossed the tracks. several others were injured and the train was derailed. police say all the victims were passengers in the van. the state railway servo says vehicle drove on to the tracks, ignoring a flashing stop sign ion volunteers in iraq's capital or try to clean up the tigris river as pollution reaches peak level. it's a lifeline for the country. extending 1400 kilometer is flowing through baghdad, where it's the main source of drinking water. 1100 reports. these volunteers warm to regain the loss to beauty of their city. that are moving rubbish, littering the banks of the tigris river in baghdad to make it cleaner and healthier . we will keep going until everybody gets the message until people realize that
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it's our civil responsibility to take care of our public places and to protect them, to not throw trash that throwing trash on the street in the river is an offense. even if currently the law doesn't penalize you for it that we should use have our own morals and our own discipline to, to protect these places. the river banks are a breathing space for many here in iraq, c capital specially the was in its suburbs. what with the rubbish, pining up in several cities along the river and with it becoming increasingly polluted, groups like this or out to get levins of waste down. this amount of rubbish can also be reduced by making people more aware of the rivers, importance to ecology and for recreation that could help reduce glittering.
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but the river would, is still remain contaminated by other activities, like waste water with neglected infrastructure toms of garbage and waste fall into the river, including metals and debris, and even dead animals. some ways to breaks down and forms harmful micro plastics. safe transfers. passengers between the river banks on his boat. it's a family business he inherited from his father, but it's now in decline. we are to fanny, now. it is my 2nd home, but i feel bad every day when i watch all these polluters around it, people have become less attracted to boat towards our and tourism is now 0. with population growth and urban expansion in by the dad. more sewage and waste is being
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discharged into the river. healthy facilities, oil installations, factories and laboratories, all dump toxic waste directly into the tigris. officials say the amount of contamination is alarming. it though it starts to kind of bizarre. there are 25 huge plants in baghdad discharging directly into the river without treatment a permanent solution to this requires transformation of the whole sewage system in baghdad. that means a lot of money and effort. it could take years now did not the tigris is a main source of drinking water in baghdad. and these volunteers want to restore its clean lenise and vitality and encourage others across iraq to do the same without the go ahead and jesse era, but that still had only al jazeera news. our,
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the sports news and tiger woods says he's ready to play at this week's master. his son will be here in just a moment and she'll have much more on that story. ah ah, with
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a whole ah ah ah, i'm for the sportsman's her son. thank you very much. during while tiger woods has he intends to play at the 1st gulf major of the year, the masters that which starts at augusta national on thursday. e 46 year old. that hasn't played competitive leave for 14 months after being seriously injured in a car crash last year. speaking of the course on tuesday would said,
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as of right now i am going to play. he admitted that he was still in some pain, but thinks he can win the torment with thousands of fans have watched the 5 ha masters champion at play practice holes at augusta. well, as of right now, i feel like i am going to play right now. each and every day and that, that's been the the challenge. do you think you can win the voucher suite i do and what have you seen in your preparation that leads you to believe that i get it just fine? i, i don't have any qualms about what i can do physically from augusta point that style walking so hard part, you know, send me to also so long road and it's going to be a tough challenge and the challenge and i'm, i'm up for when i decide to hang up when i feel like i can't win any more than that, that'll be it. but i feel like i can still do it. where it's not just the fans who
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are excited about the process over woods returning to action this week. here's what some of his fellow players had to say about the possibility of the 15 time major champion competing. very, very excited to have him back. chris a lot of her height and whatnot, and shoot from the driving range. we could hear the loud roar when he came out of the club house served at 1st he was pretty special to see him or to hear at least have learned long ago. i never doubt the guy, i mean is he? if he can get around, which seems to be the question, he turned out his golf. like i was in somewhat of his shoes. ah. you know, china last year was 2 weeks after surgery, i suppose in exactly an easy walk. so understand what he's up against and i will be difficult. right? as football federation had dropped his appeal over fif as decision to suspend them from the 2022 world cup football as well governing body, impose the ban after russia's invasion of ukraine. but they will continue to fight
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bands that are from other sporting competitions, including russian clubs at playing in european football tournaments. liverpool, a defender virgil van dyke says the club is targeting an unforgettable season. the english team are in port to go for the 1st leg of their champ. his lee caught a final against ben feca and have a chance of winning for trophies it. this campaign report liverpool have already lifted the lee cup and also in contention to win the premier league and f a cup. we just want to make this season, hopefully unforgettable. one for us, for us as place for the stuff, but as a whole club, you know, i think things the things that have been going on at the moment it livable is something that no one should take for granted or been forgot knocked her eye axa and the last round, but trail portal by 15 points in the portuguese title race. the american forward
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either let her to has spent much of his career playing in england and knows all about liverpool strength i think to have them went on they know each other very well of my time the report was distributed consistent im many player was changing. coming out but it was already grated but obviously the better this one, it's more stronger or as the fall line up of the quarter finals defending champions . chelsea play real madrid on wednesday. tuesdays are the tie is manchester city versus athletic or madrid. city have never won this trophy on the eve of their game manager pep. guardiola was off if he had the tendency to overthink his tactics in this competition. everybody has a mother and father, you know, in a mother and father have different personalities. a different type of place in a have to with up in a just that's why i love to over thing and great,
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stupid tactics again. tonight, a thickening simulation, and i'm going to do an incredible tactics tomorrow. so we play with 12 tomorrow. oh . are there was a his sorry come back and the final all the men's college basketball championship in the u. s. kansas. all the time. the 16 point deficit against north carolina. oh no team had ever won the championship game after trailing up by that many. in the final seconds north carolina missed a chance to spend the game into overtime, kansas winning b and c double a title for the 1st time in 14 years. and the perils of being a, boxing referee were laid bare at about a mexico reverie his to so could i. neither was a, was accidentally punched in the chest by one of the fighters that during this contest ref initially stayed on his feet. but did then have to receive medical attention. he did recover after treatment in
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a 1st aid room and didn't need to be taken to hospital and that's it for me. dary. thank you so much center. thank you for that update. and before we go, let's just tell you about the world reknown renown valley stores that is one from ukraine, the other from russia, and they've got to help victims of the war. ah . so these long standing dance partner is dentist. church, vito and maria. yeah. can live forms in the italian city of naples. they were raising money for the red cross as part of monday, stand with ukraine events. the gala performance featured, other valley stars who left russia and ukraine since the war began. thanks for watching al jazeera for news. ah news,
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news, news, news, news, as all my friends of course were detained. i am the only one who survived. they were all waiting for news of the menfolk and was only one where a little much saw a boy killed in his father's. i saw a man killed next to his son. i have only once in my life, seen men who are scared to death. 30 years old from the start of the wall. near the camp on al jazeera, full of struggles full of pleasure. no. so the rewards was over and over, even with mrs. he, i'm with me. she blew in with me boy. and when i get a, our,
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a brownfield, an intimate look at life in cuba, me for us own thought, micro sucker, my boss, hang on me. when i hear mom, but also to me why me hang the my cuba this time on al jazeera, new generations, this indigenous community has lived off of what the rain forest provides. but when they discovered that their territory was being invaded by gold mining projects all along their river, the community brought a lawsuit against a po, doors government. you've won, you wanna, the unprecedented ruling, apply just the state to consult communities over oil and mining projects that impact their land and to seek their consent. the tiny cine annoy community has won a huge battle, but you may know necessarily have the last word. since the court ruling does leave room for exceptions in the name of overriding national interests, ah,
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in his 1st address to the insecure to councils ins, russia's invasion present, roger may zalinski says russian leaders must face accountability for war crimes, as he won't look more atrocities a likely to emerge. ah, hello, i'm sorry, i'm to my z in london. you're watching al jazeera also coming up on the program. widowed by war, we talked to a 19 year old whose life changed an instant after a russian asked strike.


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