tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 7, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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the end game looked like an in depth look at the war in ukraine, hooton's, blonde, or the west, and neglected ukraine, the seeds to whom on a just sita ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello, i'm rob matheson, this is the news i live from doha. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes, new video appears to show ukrainian forces killing detained russian soldiers outside key. my agenda is very simple. it has only 3 items on it. it's weapons, weapons, and weapons. and brothels, ukraine's water minister asks for more help while president zelinski dismisses new
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sanctions against russia. yemen, saudi back president, robert months or hardy hands, his powers to a new leadership council. and students in sri lanka, join anti government protests urging action on the worsening economic crisis. in sports, the 1st gulf major of the ma says t's off in a few hours with tiger woods making his long awaited come back. and karen, benjamin master classic israel, madrid. take control of that champion, he course a final tide against holders council. we're going to begin with new accusations of italy in the ukraine war. the coming from both sides video appears to show ukranian forces killing detained russian soldiers. the verified footage was recorded outside the village, madrid, a few kilometers south, west of butcher. it happened on march, the 30th,
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and its soldiers waiting ukrainian flag patches and blue arm bands chant glory to ukraine. a soldier thought to be russian as a jacket, pulled over his head and had shot 3 times. the bodies of 3 others suspected russian soldiers as seen nearby. and we're going to have correspondence in russia and ukraine in a moment. we're going to hear from him, ron con, in key 1st, we're going to talk to dosage of body and moscow door. so how is russia reacting to these videos? welders certainly, and making sure that this is front page news across the country. and we've been hearing from the russian ambassador to the united states, anatoly antenna, who says that it is really telling that the american media have yet to pick up the story. even though this has now been verified by the new york times in the united states. and he still refused to provide coverage of this story just proves how bias
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western media is towards the conflict in ukraine, where as in russia, it's very much a different story over the past 48 hours since this video surfaced on monday, the russian state owned media have been broadcasting the images that we've seen. and they are saying that this is another example of how the ukranian military has turned into a the islamic state. and they compare the soldiers belonging to the ukrainian army as nazis. this is of course, part of that narrative that we've heard from the russian government about how and why they are going into ukraine on, in the february. this is part of one of their goals is to as they call it, d nazi, the ukrainian government and military and this is according to them, another brutal example of that actually taking place. now we've also been hearing from the russian defense ministry who are claiming that to a number of russian soldiers that are captured by the ukrainian forces have been
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tortured in the urging the international aid organizations to get involved, to investigate the accusations. and they also said that they are, are waiting from a to the ukrainian side to hear about prisoner exchange, the russian defense meters. 3, say they have 251 ukranian soldiers. they want to swap with russian ones. but as a result of a number of issues from the key of government this a prisoner exchange has been delayed and they've also launched their own investigation into the ford edge that has come out door to thanks very much indeed . that's also the de body talking to us from moscow. we're going to get more on this from him on con, who's in the ukrainian capital, keep a moran door. so they're saying that russia is basically accusing ukraine of brutality. how was ukraine responding to this? well, there is no official reaction from the ukrainian government right now. it's likely
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that they're going to be looking at this video. they will be bouncing their own investigations, but they'll be very careful in delivering any message you will have to be coordinated with the president's office president vladimir zalinski. we'll be giving a press conference to morrow. we're expecting we'd lot. we're hoping that he may well talk about this, but in terms of actual news coming out of ukraine, i don't know if we're going to hey, anything today? no, i have actually been down the road to that video was taken on several times. in the last few days, we've seen the russian armored convoy that was completely destroyed on around march, the 30th when this alleged incident took place. but this incident wasn't part of that destruction that hit by the ukrainian forces. this was retreating, a russian soldiers who were ambushed according to the video by ukrainian forces.
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now that road is a tool near a village and it's, it's actually a place where it could easily take place. that's what we're being told. busy by russian source is russians, not just private source, but public schools. do i don't that you've already, my colleagues was voting. the russians put this on the front page where it's not being played out here. now you're asking for a reaction privately, some. ready people are telling us that these are 2 uniformed. ready with each other, it's not what the russians are doing, and the russians are actually killing civilians. they tell us, but this is just part and parcel of war. let's see what the actual official reaction to this will be from the ukrainians, but it may well be something like, yeah, we're talking about the reactions. the accusations are from both sides. the accusations against russia are growing as well. and absolutely right. let me just take you through one town as boucher where this
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incident actually took place. like i said, we've been there for the last 3 days. the 1st 2 days the civilian administration was in charge and it was simply over, well named now been disbanded, and the ukrainian military is in charge of that town. we saw i number of soldiers fan out across the city, not only goes people's houses, not only going into the woods, but going to schools kindergarten to try and look for bodies and they were finding them waste. we were there. on wednesday we actually came across a body ourselves and it was quite a shocking sight to see one of the soldiers and told us that the buddy who was found in the woods may have both just been on a walk. now ukrainians of all carrying around with them idea because there are a number of checkpoints and you do get checked very regularly when you're on the roads. hey, in ukraine, no matter where you are there be craniums. obviously looking for any russians have a toes that may take place. so we know that the man that was shots was
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a ukrainian civilian the as possible that we saw matched his face. and that really is something that the ukrainians and our focusing on. they're picking up as many of these dead bodies as possible is speaking to as many people as possible to get testimony. indeed, the attorney general of ukraine has said, there's nearly 4000 more crimes. a case is that they already have, and 2000 related to won't crimes that they'll be looking to prosecute eventually. well, as you say, we're going to be waiting for the you for any reaction to there. those videos that have been coming out, we're going to come back to you when that happens. but for now, enron, kon and keith. thank you very much indeed. well, the u. s. is imposing more sanctions on russian banks, as well as vladimir putin's adult daughters. president joe barden says moscow is paying a severe and immediate price for it's reported atrocities in blue chip or white house correspondent kimberley colquit reports don't do it is the latest u. s. escalation against russia in lockstep with e u. n. g 7 nations. new sanctions targeting russian financial institutions and
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kremlin officials. the u. s. president also introduced an executive order banning all american investment in russia. this ran our freshman is going to make sure that new money can't come in to rush you to replace what's left. some of those sanction now include russian president vladimir putin's 2 adult daughters and foreign minister survey. laugh rav, his wife and daughter. on wednesday, the justice department announcing actions against russian oligarchy, constantine malice, have for sanctions violations. and the seizure of a yacht docked in spain earlier this week, owned by another russian oligarchy, victor vac cell burke. it does not matter how far you sail your yacht. it does not matter how well you conceal your assets. the justice department will use every available tool to find you disrupt your plots and hold you accountable. the justice
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department working with the f. b. i also announced it had disrupted a malicious computer network infecting us. small businesses operated by russian military intelligence. the sanctions were accelerated following the images emerging of civilians killed in boucher scattered in the streets some with their hands bound behind their backs. the attorney general would not confirm his assembling a nuremberg style investigation, but did go out of his way to constitute the killings as atrocities the world sees. what is happening in ukraine. the justice department sees what is happening in ukraine. the white house is warning nations like india and china against the lining with russia to ease the impact of sanctions. but china accuses the us of exacerbating the conflict they were would. if the u. s. is serious about using the
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situation in ukraine. it should stop adding fuel to the far stop imposing sanctions soon to stop course of words and deeds, and truly commit to promote peace talk syndrome them. the white house says that sanctions already in place are having an impact. the russian economy is set to contract in 2022 by as much as 15 percent and inflation in russia is up by as much as 200 percent. kimberly hell can al jazeera washington, ukraine's leader as well conducts to sanctions but says more needs to be done. liberal d g 's, not bullish nor bucket will santibanez that i see if there is no painful package of sanctions against russia. and if there is no real supply of necessary weapons that we've asked on many times, then russia will see it as the permission to go further to attack, to launch new bloodshed in the dawn bus. seed bucket will hear day this packet of sanctions looks impressive,
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but it's not enough. it can't be called commensurate to the evil the world saw in butcher mia to the evil that continues in mary up all to the shelling of her cuba rule to rush the tempted to launch a loo, large scale bloody offensive him the dumbass, which i didn't know well, i mean there's the lens, he's going to have talks with european commission president ursa vonda land in key on friday. the in use preparing a 5th round of sanctions on russia, including a ban and coal imports. that's been under pressure from keith to impose an embargo and russian gas use top diplomat, joseph, but l is also expected in ukraine this week. brussels is hosting 3 major meetings on ukraine while the u. s. warrens, the war could grind on for years. in the final day of a 2 day series of meetings between natal foreign ministers, it of chief gen stalson berg says the plan to send more weapons to ukraine, stuart and bugs also going to cheer remitting of the north atlantic council that nato plus 8 additional countries he says that a security concerns about china's growing power and its relationship with russia
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and foreign ministers from the g. 7 will also be meeting the world's largest economies. so they may consider imposing harsher sanctions on russia, nato, at the center of much of the diplomacy today it's head jest oldenburg, says ukraine's allies are planning to provide more weapons. nato alice has tried that supporter for ukraine for many years sir. chain, the denser thousands of ukrainian troops under now i'll, i, sir, are providing equipment support to you to or pulled you right for self defense arrived, which is enshrined in that you and shorter and or it is an urgent need to further support ukraine and her at our meeting later on with the nato foreign ministers, i'm certain that we will address the need for her more air defense systems. so, and to thank weapons cert lighter but also heavier her weapons, and many different types of support to ukraine services. life for us in brussels at
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step. so we got 3 big meetings happening to day i taught talk us through with the agenda is going to be well this morning, the ukrainian foreign minister who actually travelled personally to brussels, has been addressing the nato meeting plus the partners. so partner countries like japan and australia and he hats most like he made a very strong plea for more military fire power as it's been called to you, ukraine from a nato. salzburg has also said that we need to step up military support to ukraine and not only because he was wanting for a new russian offensive in the east. and he says, this also will be a very long war, but also the alleged war crimes in blue china and not our towns set are set to be a game changer. so ukraine has asked for stronger weapons. so far, nato has provided more lighter versions of weapons like these anti tank,
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javelin missiles that have, according to salt and back, been very successful. but ukraine is asking for fighter jets for weapons against vessels for tanks. but as so far, ne, to has to deliver this is what the ukraine and foreign minister demitra caliber sat this morning. my agenda is very simple. it has only 3 items on it. it's weapons, weapons, and weapons. we are confident that the best way to help ukraine now is to provide it was all necessary to contain put in and to defeat the russian army in ukraine in the territory of ukraine. so that the war does not spill over further. but this is a very crucial moment in there. this is a very crucial moment in the war in ukraine and nicola, but also said this difference that nato countries have been making between
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offensive and defensive weapons are. it's hypocritical. he says, because the ukraine war is by, by definition, a defensive war. so he also called out to germany for not doing enough. he said germany could do more, or they have specifically asked for tanks, which are considered offensive weapons of, from germany. but germany has been delaying any decision on that. and on the other hand, you can see that another natal country back to check republic has quietly been sending thanks to ukraine. it's not officially been confirmed, but you can see that the unity that against dalton burke, nato chief, has been asking for, is a getting some cracks here and there within this a lie. and so in the next few hours, we hope to hear from this, this, this meeting, what will come out of it? what is actually going to give, be given to ukraine? and what can ukraine expect from nato severson and talking to us from brussels, where those 3 meetings are taking place or between the g 7,
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the nato and nick were chiefs and also the north atlantic council. i want to bring in families potty. yay. who's in brussels? he's chief executive officer of rasmussen, global it's a strategic advisory firm. he's also a foreign farmer for policy director at nato. good to have you with us, sir. and over the last few months, we've seen a variety of different emphasis if you like that term, nato has been putting forward as it's been coalescing around, some sort of strict strategy am for the following the russian invasion of ukraine. how do you think it has changed? what is nato like now compared to the way it was when it started a figure, it is much more openly supporting the ukrainian government and the ukrainian forces . it is quite telling to see that there are recent statement by the name, just a group that it's aurora does recognize the importance of all the supply, all movement to ukrainian forces that was done in
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a much more discrete rhetorical way. some weeks ago it's, i think, the summit with joe biden, 2 weeks ago, i really had to count beliefs the nato's voice, collective wise on support to ukraine. given the fact that the, the russian strategy in this conflict has been changing as well. do you think that nato now has a clear indication of how it's going to be dealing with what russia, what it thinks russia is intending to do? a female operating with assumptions that are based on what we see on the ground, which is a kind of we deployment of the russian forces from china to basic. he sees or most of the major cpg pretty chair, to a re deployment towards the eastern part of ukraine, the dumbass as well as the sauce. and the assumption here is that means days going to be the war is going to enter
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a new phase. the more aesthetic phase and well become a wall of a tree sion and this is why the nato supported ukrainian has to change in quality and quantity. we have now to provide the kind of weapons to spend said ukrainian need to win back wolf a tree. shondae, the russians are starting to be we heard, we mentioned earlier on the nato chiefs, jen stoughton bag says that nato is planning to send more weapons to ukraine. do you think that nato is clear about the types of weapons that it needs to send, given the nature, the changing nature of the russian offensive in ukraine? i not sure is the program of clarity. i think that the needs of the ukrainian poses are pretty, pretty clearly stated by the premier leadership tanks at different systems fighter jets draws. so, and the small problem of political,
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if there is no political will within the allies, especially in europe to provide a kind of weapon system that the ukrainians asked employ, need to, to prosecute this war. i want to ask you about that, that political will, because that is key to all of this, isn't it? this is what that, what nato has been striving for, that it to show determination and cohesive force. if this turns into, as you've described a war of attrition, a long time conflict, are we likely do you think to see that that level of determination, that level of cohesion is going to start to fragment? well, it's an important question, and one that applies not just on the military supply we provide to the ukrainians, but also the sanctions. how long will we be willing to hold on that? i've never been to 5 to that to that extent that impact on the european economies.
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so you have an important point here, but we have to understand the use of bicycle survival of the largest country year of ukraine, which is really pato. he story and culture and hopefully he can february. so if he needs a long 5, we just have to be prepared for it. and i think nato leaders have to be better prepared, their population for the kind of cost that we are to be willing to take in order to get the ukrainians to we always appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise in the southern pro here. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. plenty more ahead on the news are including a tight race in france. polls suggest the competition. the next president is closer than expected. we're going to look at white people and lebanon, are going to court to try to get access to the money. and later in sport formula, one returns to australia for the 1st time since the covet 19 time and it started
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ah, well in other world news, there's been a big political shake up in yemen just days after the start of a 2 months cease. fire will toothy rebels evans, president abs or a dry boom months or heidi has delegated power to a new leadership council. saudi arabia is advising the new assembly to start negotiations with the hoodies. we had plans to give yemen $3000000000.00 to rebuild its economy. and we've got a team of correspondence covering the story for us. we're going to get the reaction from inside yemen shortly when mohammed the latter been center. sh 1st. let's go to say that with heifer in riyadh. say to talk us through what has been agreed. well the year i think the year and the decision of the president, the hon months or had he has a little bit taken the focus or from the,
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the talked here in the, in the area. the decision i would say is a little bit confusing. at least for us not may before the president and the many is because the president did not say he is stepping down or he is resign in. he said that he is delegate in a powers to a presidential. our a leadership council which according to the constitution and also in air and an attempt to help the u. n. lead efforts to and the war the in the president, as i said, did not say he's stepping down. so we don't know what is the, the next step the, the talks are still and that way here in the, in the, in the yard may be at the, the beginning of this afternoon. we would know more about this decision and how the talks will egg go further. the, the problem i would say is, or how this will it had been in a stop in a 7 years or war in yemen? not now that we know that there is 8 personalities order leaders in the leadership
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council, which means these people we know at we don't know how they will work together because they have opposing views. and also the, the who these are not taking part in this or talk. so we would wait until this afternoon may be and the, the picture. would it get clear? we, it, we don't know if this is something that will help in or going further into these or dialogue, or it will be a step backward here in the talks. say, thank you very much. indeed, that's a book heifer talking to us from reared. let's bring in muhammad allotted, who's talking to us from the center. so you just making the point there that even though the president appears to have moved some of his powers or most of his powers to a leadership council, he's not said or confirmed that he is actually stepping down. how is this going to be greeted in yemen? and particularly amongst the hoodies yes. these for the,
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for themselves, the don't consider any move by the international government. they say that the, this, this move that baseless according to their words. the say also that the, the, the, that the president had the hold, the responsible, the for the, for the worry the, some of the observers believe that this is a move that to, to shoulder the responsibility on the casualties. and also the, the, all in the impacts of the war on the international ignited governments with the, especially with this move the, that the call the, she doesn't have anything to do with that. with what happened over the 5th 7 years . said that her, these believe that the, the, the, the not you don't have anything to do with the latest. moved by the president of global mon, sorta heidi's formation of a presidential council. we were when he replaced his vice president sinner was
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the the one of the powerful pillars for the, for my regime that was run by the le sada, when he was overthrown by the v. you through pollution, peaceful revolution. he were the, i'll send was the, the powerful per defects it from the, the camp of dollars to join the, the, the campbell, the revolutionaries against his regime. so far this move open the new open, open many questions. the, the, were the, the, the international of the international government has made it clear that this is this move up to making get peace coding that has been also coincides with the, with the, with the saudi to the quality with during the meeting with the members of this presidential council, these said that this is the hold, this council would make paved the way to words peace. allister will for now,
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but were with the host these, they don't have anything to do the this seems that the, via some of them says, says that this is the, maybe the, the, are the get trying to re or reorganize their, the international finance governments, or before the versus the whole, thes from the other side, the, the hope is that the control much of the north of yemen, accept mocker and merab. so many, many hope this move with her open a new chapter of humans. history, especially yemenis, have been her, are now now fed up of the continuation of the war that her, that have a great impact on their livelihoods. and on everything they have talking to us from santa mohammed, our latter 100. thank you very much. and he took, his court has transferred the trial for murder. jonas yamaha shows e to saudi arabia. the saudi critic was killed inside the kingdoms istanbul.
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consulate in 2018 turkey, put 26 people on trial in absentia all. so the nationals, the prosecutor said the case couldn't be conducted properly since the suspects could not be arrested. rights groups say the decision ends. any hope of justice for hi susie. students. the latest to join protest in shoreline ca, calling for the president to resign because of a worsening economic crisis. but president called me, or roger poxy has refused to step down despite weeks to protest against high prices, food, fuel and lengthy power cuts, the governing coalitions lost its majority. after 40 politicians put, no fernandez has more from colombo, the legacy group of witnesses, as you can see students, these are students that have had when delayed. they can't study because of 1013 apo across all of them, basically taking to the streets. now they're rallying cry. give us back our futures
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. i mean, that's what lots of these banners say. it's all about what kind of country they want, protected and secured for them that he saw that he saw a future not been done all the 21574 years. they have like destroyed the country, the quality issues. so we should come forward. now the government is facing a huge problem today. the 3rd day in parliament, the debates continuing to do the government and the opposition. the finance minister, the new one. that tough for just 24 hours early submarine saying that they had been discussing the need for debt restructuring. the need to allow the repair to float against donna. 3 all of these things that it had been discussed for a long time. the opposition gave them short shrift. they said, if you had been discussing it, why didn't you do that much, much longer? why did you allow it to come down to such a crisis and hit rock bottom? and these are issues that are happening, that all of these protest says,
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are talking about today. and what they want is basically someone who is able a team that's able to address the problems of the country and not just look at cheap, short term political again. so analogy zera for refusing to stay silent. an orchestra from eastern ukraine has reunited in the west of the country and in sport action from the champions league, including a surprise loss from one of the competition favorites. ah, well, here's the thing. it's not going to be a great day for northwestern parts of europe. hello, everyone. we've got this weather makers spinning around the nor see that's going to generate some snow for that scottish hills rounds of rain western france into the
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low countries and also western germany. and you're going to feel those winds as well at times, guessing up to about 75 kilometers per hour from places like amsterdam. meantime, another shot of snow for a stock home with a hive. 3 degrees now. that wet weather is also dropping down further south into the northwest of spain. but south of this, the beauty of the day in seville with a half 22 degrees and you know, those thunderstorms we had over italy have transferred across the adria attic, see running into the balkans and that struck down temperatures there compared to what they were about 24 hours ago. also a wet day for it's stumble, 18 degrees, a high for you and now we're off to africa. we're talking about some record heat for western areas of molly close to the border was senegal hitting $44.00 degrees. and we may have our 1st 40 degree day of the year for cairo. got yen at 39, but i think it may do it for southern parts. south africa, cool pool of air here. cape town, 18 degrees. but check this out by sunday 29. but it chilly day in johannesburg. 12
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degrees and somewhat weather for you. see later, ah, harmful pathogens are increasingly affecting our lives with terrible consequences. a new documentary asks why that we've learned any lessons from the h. i. v. epidemic in the fight against coven 19. how we ignore the global. so to put profits before people. and it won't cost awe time of pundents on old african stories from african perspective isn't well yet i said, well then he also got plans with key bay shore documentaries, from african filmmakers from mommy and synagogue for you. she met is your goal need
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on little rush, your to rig mama, my lovely luxury, the mushroom, the adventures, awful, but car, and lead to africa di rights on al jazeera. oh, a reminder of our top story is this. our new video emerge that appears to show you cranium forces killing the chains russian soldiers as importantly short outside the village of miss rifka. a few kilometers south, west of boucher on march 30th acquaintance for ministers called for more weapons to fight for russia to me. so the labor was speaking in brussels, had of a natal plot. anything a block says it's trying to prevent an escalation,
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and the conflict demons president has transpired power to a new leadership council. the 8th member body is going to take over all presidential duties and fitting piece talk with the rebels. what were joined by elizabeth candle, who's in geneva. she's a senior research fellow at oxford university. she's also the chairperson of a youth organization in eastern human. good to have you back on. i'll just get a moment. thank you very much indeed. what's driving this decision? do you think? i think this decision is driven by the recognition that change and reproach with who fees was never going to happen. and the leadership of president patty, it's worth remembering that he's now being in power for just over 10 years. what serious question over his support, based on religious machine, when he was voted in in 2012, it's worth noting that he was a sole election candidate on that he wants the former president, sol,
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as deputy said he didn't really represents a transition on his tom routes. and 2014, at least his electoral time. and of course finally, he resides in riyadh. so he's had 7 years of war to try to resolve this issue. and, and he hasn't probably also the, the arrival of presidents lensky in ukraine. and his very articulates an active role and trying to solve the crisis thus through president, head is incompetence and to shop relief. and that was a realization that good leadership is what's required to galvanized forces on the ground. and that's when i talked to the school. if i understand what you're saying correctly and sounds like this was not necessarily president had his own decision that this was something that's been forced upon him. i think most probably reich's, he have stuck around for 10 years in total. and he has not been a popular president,
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so he's been really quite difficult to get out of power. but i think that a lot of things have happened recently. and international politics have really focused attention on needing to resolve the war. the international community would like something to happen and that it can, it can consolidate its bandwidth to focus on the war in ukraine, and also, humanitarian disaster just gets worse and worse. so with wholesale, the pressure on, on wheat supplies coming from ukraine and russia to the amount that was set to be a massive humanitarian spiraling. the crisis if something big didn't change. and i believe this is that something big correspondence. i did. ok, so we were talking to andrea just a few minutes ago was saying what is not yet clear is whether or not even though we've transpired powers to this, this council is not yet clear whether or not how he himself has actually step done . well, what's your reading of the situation?
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well, that's right, it's not yet clear. but what it does mean is that there's a dilution of the leadership. it's going to be spread out more equally. and i think it's, it's worth noting some striking and unimportant elements in the new presidential council. it has 8 members, half of them from the north hall from the south. and it includes significantly the heads of the southern separatist group, the southern transitional council, either as a bady, that's very important to get in the united arab emirates. and it's locally engaged force is on side in the south. they never favored haji and perhaps even more significantly, the new council excludes the former vice president. i live in alabama. and he was a very controversial figure on popular in the south, but also a complete showstopper for ever reaching some kind of rapprochement with the who's these because he was largely considered responsible for the 6 boards. but the
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yemeni government waged against the he's these in $242010.00 so, so that at least presents the removal of a major obstacle to piece, i guess in short it does have potential to be a game changer. yeah, the obstacle, i, as you say, the obstacles, some of them at least are, are being removed, but the talks are still going on and via the who things are not engaged with those told as yet do you think that this is going to have any significant impact on being able to move some sort of negotiation between the hutus and, and the coalition forward. yes. such is the key question. i think that in the short term, the who's are unlikely to welcome this because it stands to weaken that position by uniting the anti who's the forces against them. but that said, you know, the status quo was going nowhere anyway. and i think over time that these could become more open to a political process, especially in the face of stronger opposition. i think we need to look out the box
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3 things and how this new presidential council hands out. is it going to be successful and consolidating support amongst the anti use the count? is it going to be willing to compromise with the who sees and will it be able to produce a clear and accountable program for govern in yemen? it's going to be an interesting few months elizabeth candle. thank you very much, and if your time you're welcome. while the collapse in lebanon's economies for some bank customers to take legal action to try to recover their savings. but only a few have been successful. the banks are being accused of shifting their losses to customers by offering checks worth a fraction of their deposits. dinner hot reports would be route more than $100000000000.00 remain stuck in lebanon's banks since 2019, when the financial system collapsed. depositors have been facing limits on withdrawals at unfavorable exchange rates. now,
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some banks are closing accounts of mainly british powersport holders. after a u. k. court ordered a lebanese bank to give a depositor his money depositors. they. they are offered a check for the balance, but they are worth less than 20 percent of their value. manager of the bank told me that i can take my check at the notary's and wonder around and see who can accept a banker's check. bank say they are shorts of cash and fears. if depositors continue winning legal challenges, they will have to declare bankruptcy. they say the answer is for the political authorities to pass a law that would regulate the outflow of foreign currency. capital control measures that would have even the level playing field for all the positives, it would have prevented all these accusations against banks of favoring certain the
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positives over others have voting. politicians over regular citizens. banks have been accused of helping to politically connected transfer their money abroad. many of them are shareholders, lebanon's largest banks. critics called the financial system a ponzi scheme for decades, banks lent to the state of high interest rates, while successive governments largely plundered funds and piled up debts until capital inflows slowed and the economy collapse. and experts believe much of the money is now gone. with people locked out of their savings as they struggle with high inflation and poverty. so there are many challenges in order to get the money back. we cannot just get it back by doing individual lawsuit. and also we have to see a restructuring of the banking sector and the public that and this is what's not happening . those in power have so far failed to reform a system that they long benefited from them to shift the losses to the people who
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withdraw their money at around 30 percent of its value. already depositors have lost billions of dollars. sen else's eda balte. i follow canada. marilla pan is holding her final rally of the french presidential election campaign. later on thursday, all suggest the race is tightening with le pen an increasing stride to president emmanuel morales chances of reelection. the sasha bottle reports ah, at the ukranian cathedral in paris, the war is never far from people's minds. and super october, it's unbearable. just all full of all those people that are dying with you know, to them is only planning before ukrainians are fighting for peace. not only for ukraine, but for, you know, you really should, you of the was one of the key issues in france, his election emanuel,
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my cross diplomatic efforts have played out well. and opinion polls suggest that he's leading the presidential race. but the conflict is also fueling anxiety over inflation. at places like monta town, northern france, people on spending like they used to. when did the marquis client expect certain prices, but they say what's happening and because they are struggling financially, they are counting the penalty. every one that we spoke until he says that they're worried about the war in ukraine, the coven pandemic. but the number one concern is the cost of living. in a bar, a group of friends is talking politics. members, was there at work at the office? there are 3 categories of people in france, poor wretch, and the people in the middle. those in the middle struggle most because the poor get state help, but people in the middle get all the texas often. i don't believe i'm full and you're making sure it's the people in the middle of fall right. party leader marine,
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the pen is targeting the focus on the cost of living has shifted the spotlight away from her anti immigration agenda and broadened her appeal. she's widely expected to face my cry in a final round run off, but many voters are still undecided. 3rd, may not vote at all, you know, brought been running an informal poll in central paris for several months, but it also has on get it on any people have very engaged in this election but completely lost from one week to the next. it changes a lot. the only constant is people who say they don't know this week, even more people are visibly in the don't know color. oh, difficult choices in uncertain times, french voters will go to the polls at a moment of crisis in europe. whether they choose debility and continuity, or something different, is, is unpredictable, is the conflict that's overshadowed this election. natasha butler, al jazeera monte tale france. i demonstrate has been shot and killed by police in
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the coastal peruvian city of ego, where farmers and transport workers have blocked highways for the 3rd day. yes. and is for, are those morals of jill jury anti government protests that began on monday against the increasing costs of living? please have arrested more than a 1000 people for defying an 18 hour curfew. scientists have found a micro plastics deep in people's lungs for the 1st time. something previously thought to be impossible because airways in the lungs are very narrow. the lung tissue of 13 patients was checked during surgery. 11 contained tiny particles commonly found in packaging. they were discovered in human blood for the 1st time last month. and that's raising concerns that could move around the body and lodge in organs with full effect on our health is not yet known. but researchers have found micro plastics, damage human cells and workers exposed to high levels of developed diseases, poll hobbies and environmental scientist. he says research about humans breathing
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in micro plastics is new, but it's extremely concerning. particle size is so small that there is a good chance that people won't actually be able to see those plastic particles in the environment around them. and that's really scary. and actually one of the findings of this study where exactly the article being lodged in the lungs and they getting to places where really particles shouldn't be able to reach. there is a bit of a shift going on a moment globally. i certainly here in australia where i'm headed to move away from those single use plastics that perhaps we really don't need. and those include a plastic bag that we often get from a supermarket. but that being said, but there's a lot of work to do in that space. and i think like plastic bags, even drink bottles and other bits and pieces that have a really short operational last short working life. as a, as a resource product,
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we really should be looking globally to move away from those members of an orchestra who side from eastern ukraine have gathered a concert in the west. and if you've leave, as well goes on celebrating ukrainian culture through music has become an act of defiance and a unifying force. i'll just see it as, but my bride reports from the o in the majestic setting of the beefs organ hall, a performance by a bras on sombre that includes members of the lu hands, philharmonic orchestra located in east in ukraine. they found themselves in the path of invading russian forces. now they can rehearse and perform once more in the relatively peaceful west where they've sought refuge along with thousands of others . richard is near more to i have mixed emotions. on one hand, we are very pleased to be able to perform as musician was almost a month or so. but there is the worry of playing in front of
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a different audience and not as a full orchestra. ah, the venue is a former church that dates from the 17th century, and that can boast the largest organ in the country. it's one of the architectural treasures that makes levine, the cultural soul of ukraine. the building was just starting a major renovation when the war broke out, bringing work to a halt, but not the business of making music. with john carter shouldn't be silent. we need to say, we're not afraid we exist. we are here. that's why this concert is very important for the musicians, an audience to boost people spirits in the audience. many people who were also evacuated from the east, the fate of the orchestra, representing the shared experience of all ukrainians. of the nearly 100 members of the orchestra around the doesn't have come to the vive with about the same number
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remaining in lieu hands. the rest have been scattered in cities and towns mainly across west in ukraine, with some even going abroad. this concert keeps alive the hope that one day they'll come together as a full symphony orchestra. once more. more concepts already being planned, hopefully involving both musicians as they pick up instruments again and take to the stage. wall. all know will rub mcbride al jazeera, the beef sports coming up after the break and not long, not before tiger woods. returning to competitive golf more on that shortly with janet ah
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a time for the sport is gemma. thank you rob. karen benson that made it back to back champions. leak hat tricks as rail madrid. beach halsey, 31 to take control of that quarter. final tie. the holders found themselves a go down after 21 minutes and i'm heading into the 1st of the night to give rail the lead at stamford bridge. around the french strike, i didn't have to wait long for his 2nd. he scored another header just 3 minutes later. another great header, it will say that the 13th time european champions, it's unit of chelsea pool on back just before half time. a 3 cry habit. but immediately after the break, i mistake i chelsea goalkeeper, edward mandy was pounced on by ben's ma. you made it back to patrick's and the torments also. he also got 3 against sasha in the last 16 seconds of the 2nd half.
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well, he's from adrenal. he gets bitter every day, like wine hall, every day he becomes and even better lay down and feels how important he's for the team. and for the club, we clearly have the lead, but the outcomes still open. the fact that the away gold rule is gone is an advantage for chelsea. so far off our, our level in absolutely everything with a game demands that you, you kind of expect the result from this kind of performance. first of all, we need to play south hampton, and if we don't get our heads and leg straightened and our mentality, right, we will not win in south hampton. and then this is not a life if things change, maybe. but how many, how many clubs in world right football one was was, what was we need 3 goes difference. like chelsea, i've been meaning to come from behind in that high effect for make it to the 7
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files they last one again. spanish find out on out. done juma. that was the winning goal early in the fact it couldn't even why the by and how to be around manage the school to great chance later on. they also had a disallow colors. well, this is the german champion, best way to feet in the competition since 2017 tiger woods will make his unexpected return to competitive gulf today in the opening round of the masters, the 5 tom champion has overcome a serious leg injury suffered in a car crash almost 14 months ago. thousands of fans watch tigers during his final practice session. i guess the national is return come 25 years off. the victory of $997.00 mosses. that was his 1st major win target will play his i think, 2 rounds alongside east haven and watching niemen. yeah. me, i really get a chance for me. obviously here to go on. no worry about was going to happen with the crowd or whatever. oh, is this going to be nice thing with him?
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but yeah, i'm here to compete and try to have my best week out of the mood change when he is in a group. it's a busy, it's much easier to play with him and play behind the problems because it's everybody's watch entire. he's actually one of these guys to play with over the years. a very simple guy to play where he plays golf says gotcha. only when you hear. gotcha, you know, there's no, no, no mess around. no rubbish about. it's just, i've always found them very easy to play with. and as i said, it's very difficult if you're a group ahead of them. it's very, very difficult because the crowds are watching him. tiger also had some fun skimming his ball across the lake at the 16th hole during one phase past 3 contests . he didn't make the green on like one of his playing partners for the 46 year old is confident he can win a 16 major fights on sunday. the possibly contest returned to absent because of the pan demik. the family friendly event allows players to have some fun accompanied by
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that partners and children who are also allowed to have a few shots. there is also a serious side to the events american jason crack gave his kids a memory that i don't remember a whole in one at the for, for the last champion, mike with mackenzie hughes were declared joint. when is the bad news for the pat? no one of the possibly contest has won the masters in the same year. nick carrie also making the most of his wild caught entry at the u. s. clay court championship a day after winning his 1st match on this surface in almost 3 years. the fumbling of the got past american tommy pool in straight areas, reaching his 1st atp quarter fine, long place in 2018, which was also about this event in houston. he's a very good player and young and he's already showing what he can do and who he can be thought to be locked in that i knew that well, also one of the better methods. i don't claim my career. so i'm pretty happy with the way up. i'm out. today's went down and i went to work in the m b. a kevin rand
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inspired the brooklyn net to victory of a city rival. the knicks drawn drunk, had a triple double with 2 points 11. and this and 10 rebound help for that. come back from 21 point down around. haven't lost the game against the next 9 years brooklyn . and i was in a game of cleveland for 7th place in the eastern conference for me. no one returns australia for the 1st time in 3 years following cancellation of the last 2 races because of the private 19 pandemic. and it's a new new track it out, but park in melbourne, including a redesign and resurfacing like her favorites. daniel ricardo had input in the changes to corners were removed, and 5 others widened to offer more overtaking opportunities. drivers will get there 1st crack at the circuits and fridays opening session. yes, basically all the states have a have a d r a zone. so all the taking will be seeing the, and clever racing can make a big difference here. it's going to be extremely tough. i think,
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looking at how the layout is now going to be some big racing. you know, for the zone new car, my know bumps different curves. it just looks like a bit of a different truck. what we're used to here in the past. so open minded into the ones here. the car feels the, the driving around here that the r s force level. and finally the shirt worn by football legend dig madonna during the match in which she scored the infamous hand of god. go is heading for auction and could fetch more than $5000000.00. argentina will that alternative 3 shots against england in the 1900? 86 walcott quarter find in mexico. i were done a school twice in that much before helping his country when the tournament and the latest from them off the thing round has been delayed because of bad weather. when else starts at midday, gmc, you will have more on the master's a little bit later on. i give you another update on the jenna. thank you very much
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indeed. and i was going to be here in a couple of minutes and more on all these to, thanks very much indeed for being late. i'm not madison you'd like ah ah, with it's the largest war with europe since world war 2. this president, putin reclaiming what belong to russia. was natal coming to close? and what does the end game look like? an in depth look at the war in ukraine, hooton's bland, or the what? the collective ukraine receives a rule on
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a just, you know, mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights. in every water scenario, there's always a push to simplify. narratives. nuance is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war, the listening post, delve into the news, narrative, and dissect them. there's not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera generations. this indigenous community has lived off of what the rain forest provides. but when they discovered that their territory was being invaded by gold mining projects all along their river, community board a lawsuit against a po to us government. you've won, you want the unprecedented ruling, apply just the state to consult communities over oil and mining projects that
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impact their land and to seek their consent. the tiny seemingly community has won a huge battle, but it may not necessarily have the last word. since the court ruling does leave room for exceptions in the name of overriding national interests. ah, new video thanks. he may appears to show ukrainian forces killing detained russian soldiers outside of ki. my agenda is very simple. it has only 3 items on it. it's weapons, weapons, and weapons in brussels, ukraine's foreign minister asked for more help while president dimansky dismisses new sanctions against russia. ah.
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