tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 13, 2022 2:30pm-2:53pm AST
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and the pumpkin i met, attempts surveillance system would define call. i will have the capability to see far it will be on the toner, on the co wise offer exclusively economy zone and in rectal any vessel. guinea seems to be walking well for now. but because most of dark, sorry nigerian waters that are jared government is being urged to do more to keep the ccs from the pirate district committee grease out. sierra lagos, nigeria. u. s. comedian, an answer gilbert gottfried headed from the word disease that affects the ha ah, this is al jazeera, these you top stories. israeli forces have shot and killed a palestinian man during raids and the okay polity coming in the next few days. it
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is ramadan, as i explained, and the hope and general sense among many is that perhaps instead of an escalation of violence, there will be a kind of d taught a palestinian family say their teenage boys suffering psychological damage in an israeli prison amendment. astro was 13 years old when he was arrested in 2015 and ocoee parties to resume. he and his cousin were linked to a stabbing that critically injured to israelis. off to the attack, he was hit by a car and suffered a fractured skull. a tour his boss has collided with a truck in southern egypt, killing at least 10 people. it happened near the ancient city mass grave discovered an butcher near ukraine's capital key. ukraine says hundreds of civilians buried their french forensic teams on currently in boucher. they're gathering evidence of potential war crimes by russia, which it denies. flooding in south africa, quizlet natal province has killed at least 59 people. it follows heavy rain on
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monday, which is swept away roads submerged homes, and displaced dozens of people. several others are still missing, and mud slides have been hampering, rescue work. okay, those are you headlines and fly stories mixed? ah pakistan's, you prime minister is pharmacy to fix 50 economy and reveal ties with allies and bees elected jabbar sharif after iran con, lost a no confidence vote. but can he overcome bitter political divisions and address domestic and foreign policy challenges? this is inside story. ah
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hello and welcome to the program i'm fully battle. chabarise sharif has been sworn in as pakistan's, new prime minister. the former opposition leader is succeeding iran khan, who was removed from office in a no confidence vote. sharif will now form a temporary government until a general election can be have sometime next year. while he settles into his new office, tens of thousands of iran, con supporters are protesting against his removal. and more than a 100 m. p. 's from con, spotty, have also resigned in protest. we'll get to our discussion in just a moment. but 1st, this report from come out hydra in islamabad, after several weeks of uncertainty. and what was looking like a political rela, august on now had a new prime minister there 23rd prime minister, mr. bassetti for sworn in on monday evening. it is important to know that focused
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on that he can solve the outgoing party, decided to resign and mod from that parliament saying that a good option charges against them acceptable. and that they will not continue in a parliament that they consider to be an imported government. m. ron han had already been to 8 people to come out on sunday night across the country. tens of thousands of people came out. and what didn't endorsement of enron constance that there was a foreign conspiracy to bring down the government to award of no confidence. enron would be wanting only elections, but the new party that they didn't follow. and of course, this is an assortment and an alliance of 9 political body that have been able to unite on a single agenda to out them. ron han will be wanting to hold electoral reforms,
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something that m ron cons party did not agree with the next few weeks and months will be critical. the budget on that he can solve once i know the election. but it seems that this new government in islamabad may not be ready for that. this has come on either for inside story from it some a by while the incoming administration will need to navigate multiple attacks by armed groups have been on the rise in talks between the government and pakistani taliban have failed and it will need to improve relations with the west, which were recently damage when con, accuse washington of conspiring to topple him. there's also the kashmir dispute with india, security and of ganeth son, and the government will need to oversee growing chinese investment. well, let's hear what some pakistani had to say about their new leader and the economy is more liberal. he only che jacoby gorman role. people to not care whose government
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it is, whether it's pci people's party or muslim league, or they want his progress in his country. the man is bringing in our guests, all of whom are joining us from pakistan's capital islamabad. zilkey car buccheri was a special assistant to former prime minister imran con my university of modern languages . thank you for being with us on inside story. maria. let me sot with you. can prime minister, chabarise sharif, govern pakistan effective mandate to govern? what do you say? oh, when you talk about your support, then you know, always this thing comes into my mind or we are living in a dark almera and we must not forget how easy it is to manipulate the young minds because serv marcusson's daughter published 66 per cent population is of you and son who are, you know, to install their own agenda. and this is what we need today because the young people are just not being ready to understand the constitution of pakistan. and
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what does important of this one is a democracy, and whatever has happened in last few days, nothing has happened on a constitution. and by okay, let's allow sophie car buccheri to response over. com. maria says the millions of people who've come out, the young people who've come out in support of him, ron con, are being manipulated. what do you respond? i think what my girl, my colleague is trying to say is that boxes of people's party and peer men to build up is basically saying that nobody has come out for them. the youth is not behind them. and the public mandate is still with the ex prime minister in ron hahn. and she talks about vaccines, people's party doing so much, their chairman who has from send the province of send is still, i think you rightly hit the nail on the head when you started with that he may have got the norco vote confidence in the nation assembly by making every one against why wouldn't any prime minister who has come in now,
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she has been sworn as prime minister. does no one on the road rejoicing. there's nobody on the streets said he asked and his own countrymen, but why? and if, if you know, if the opposition wants to keep this government in his prime minister honest, why not world wide? it was the sky high. yet the, the p d. m movement could not gather themselves to remove and topple. are a government? what has happened in the last 30 to 60 days where this i would even call it a super glue. but this magical glue has gel them altogether to top of the government. when that got them altogether and topple of topple it when they weren't even at their lewis. when we, when our government would, as was at as low as in terms of opinion polls or public polls, they still couldn't manage to do it. why we're not asked last bit why we're not participating or, and resigned from the assembly is simply because we feel it's an illegitimate government and us sitting in the assemblies with what we feel
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a foreign intervention. we'll legitimize you, if you injured a med government, you have enough that there was for an intervention. you maria, i'll allow you to respond to what we've just heard from your colleague mister egbert. i mean him, ron con, as we've seen, fairly commends. they're fairly large audience. especially among young people with seen millions take to the streets in recent days. and even among members of the military, the young members of the military does it matter what he does next. if these massive protests continue, are we likely to see the military step in as it has in the past? but the military has its own constitutional. there has been some allegations level by the box on that he can stop and the new prime minister, mr. shamar should have just pointed out in his 1st speech that we're going to make commission parliamentary security commission and everything would be best. and he was bullied enough to say that even if an iota of indication is coming towards us
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that plays into the hands. then he said that he was ready to resign at that point and we must all understand that this was the democratic process. and if you count the number of boards, it was the parties which was previously the p t. i and now they have joined hands with the opposition parties, namely pml and box on people's party. so it is, it is only both parties be the so called members of the box that you can solve who are not considering their policies in the correct way. they have not voted in this in this vote of no confidence such a democratic process. and mr. chavez has said that we are going to go again to any, any been debt order or are making against a gleick against anybody. so if you can shop and his party considers that they should come out on the street, it is their democratic, right? if there's, if it is within the right of the political domains under the law of the land,
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they must together, they must raise their weiss and if they are able to muster that support and the stabilize the government and then push them into the new elections. so be it, but for the moment we must all accept the democratic process and the law. all right, so we must accept the democratic process. you say, maria, let's talk about the 1st big challenge for this new prime minister and this new government. and that is the economy, the i m f program has been suspended the countries facing enormous deficit on the fiscal side. how will he stay? the country prime minister sharif will be economy, take a different direction from under in mom con. yeah, that's what i wanted to apply because my fellow billy says a time for a celebration. so i had, nobody is supporting sebastian at the moment because of my dear everyone celebration time is over. nobody has dancing on the roads. i knew mon and anyway. so you know, the crust metric for a handsome prime minister and all that. this is betty outdated jones,
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which is our openness is being using because it's about the life of 3220000000 people because it's not a tater or a movie or we're not seeking for any drama in this country. we have to be very serious about you know, how we can move forward. and, and mr. i'm sure i heard the conversation in maria policy crisis. yeah. let's try to move forward the conversation now because you, you will disagree with waivers or the car on this. how do we address the biggest challenge right now, which is the economy? how does he, the new prime minister? go about doing that? yes, of course. a new prime minister has his own policies. of course today, yesterday he has taken the old now with their band them into the missions will be form for nick funding me. and i'm sure that will be in favor of pakistan because the previous he was been serving as a cm of been job. and so i've been, job is a bid, the half of the population of pakistan is been residing in is the biggest province
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economically, but, and job. it has a lot in the economy as well. so i'm sure they have their own policies, which we will see in the coming days. now at the moment we think in not on economically, but gotten policies also being at disaster. so what would the disaster that is government has left, i think is the biggest challenge for the people who has just taken off yesterday and is the biggest challenge for back, isn't people's body be emmelyn. and all that i learn is because is a huge responsibility. the common burleson has been expecting a lot from them because a b d eyes up order of the day of stomach was full. they had bank accounts is full, their bachelor banks is full today has nothing to do with the common person. bombers and challenges in focus on is very different and for that will have to be a person democratic person will understand the faucet. you sure i let to la mrs. or the car is part of married till to respond to very little to respond. so we have
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a new prime minister now in place that the protest, i mean, i don't know what you feel they're going to achieve, but isn't it in the benefit of all pakistan is to move forward now and address this urgent issue that is a tackling and propping up the, the economy, what would you hope the new prime minister will prioritize? i think the, the new prime minister has his hands full a. he's come in on an international conspiracy mandate, which you said that we haven't proven. i just want to clarify that that's completely incorrect. okay. thomas hall causes household. the note this to i, the national security council was called it has all 3 chiefs, the navy, the army, and the air force chiefs and the opposition leaders at the time who are now in power. were all invited to that council to the national security council. they all refused to come. all 3 serving armed chiefs signed off that they feel that there was a,
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an intervention. and that the words and note used in the meeting held in washington were unacceptable. and hence, the foreign office has written back the da marsh, back to them of talking about regime change and not willing to work with them. ron hahn and but if, if the government is removed, then all of bach sons are false would be admitted. so this is, this is something we're all 3 chiefs have signed off to and has gone to the supreme court. it was given to the national and national speaker, the because it's a confidential letter. there are certain rules and requirements that need to go about, but they didn't want to see it. they wanted to make sure they avoided it. i'm glad they're in power now, and i think go through it. and if they can find a way of making it public, it should be made public so. so to say that his fault is absolutely wrong because has gone through the highest level of security council with everybody sitting there
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. and i repeat, the opposition who is speaking now, refused to turn up for that meeting. the thousands and millions of people you see on the roads, not only impacts on when probably every single country across including door, including a cutter, right? including u e. r. people who are not accepting them when we talk about a democratic, this is a democratic movement. no, it's not. this is an alliance of people who are either on bail or have run or, or their brothers are run away as convicted criminals sitting in london. his brothers, now the prime minister, who is on, on bail himself at the moment, the leader of less boxes, people's party, p. be, these are le alliances have been historically at log loggerheads. it has to be said with competing interests. how are they going to say united until elections respond to what we've just heard from mrs of a couple. of course when b d and moment started in back in september 2020. that was the to find child to be said about gladly that we will enforce and in the main foster fusion we will need
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parliament status. don, him as we will, we believe and see me as a political worker that in the coming days we have to start from the little, you know, in the, in the years of dying when they're, what they're all there is a, using their opposition. now the opposition who has taken over and the board, people are very happy. people love the, they fancy it, but we need to respect that in the one day time. been so many things have been happening. so is the baby government is the just it's they have it is 90 days. yes . ok. let. let me bring by the divine. i'm sorry mrs. via a valid for keeping you away for for some time. now, let me bring you back into the conversation. we've heard from mr. dorothy cobbled, how much damage has that done? you've been to relations with us and how difficult will it be for the new prime minister to men size? well, if you ask me to be fair, that some damage might have been done because if you are getting into the of
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domestic politics international, claire's and i must say that this is a very, very dangerous line that a government has stood up on it. and you've been very difficult, not only for this government, but maybe next time in the next collection, if you have in that action than to get back into the government and buckets on off the country for the election, or whenever the elections, future elections are held. it's going to be very difficult situation for them to handle, as well as the allegations to all be politicians are concerned. let me say that almost everybody has guesses against them. even the premise wrong con ex premise i'm wrong on had some cases against him. so is the case with the other leadership in the country. so if i'm not getting into the blame game here, whitehead, a box funding situation is very, very precarious. situation has been pointed out. there are of foreign exchange problem. there is an inefficient problem. the common man particularly hit by the
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corporate and all the economic meltdown in pakistan has literally broken their box . it's time to get together. it's time to get some sort of stability into the things. it's time to get out of this historical things. it's time to get together and see the things how they are for the betterment of the people. i must say that the media has all the right to come on to the be to peaceful and if they are saying that whatever they want to say, and there's a freedom of expression on them that must have all that. i to say that, but the government has come out of the opposition and know it is their responsibility to do what they have to do with the economic house in the order. some of the indications that mike, what he has pointed out is just one day. i'm not too easy to jump onto those early conclusions because it's very early days. but there is a very difficult beta go ahead. distribution and buckets. funny economics by 5 not say that's crisis like, but it is pretty precarious at the moment. the foreign exchange rate is a very, very alarming. let me say that some of the policy is adopted by the previous
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government. they were really not advisor, but hence they change the 3 from finance minister over the frame of not more than 4 years. so something has been done which was not advisable at that point in time. hence these, these economic conditions got out of the had and everybody accepted the leadership in punjab even now they are accepting when they're nominated for the delay for the premier trip up and job. so everybody knew that the, the leadership and punjab was not delivering and i agree with this job is more than 60 percent in terms of so if you are not delivering in job, you're not delivering in focus thought some soul searching through how to go into the previous government, they may claim that they have not been hand, but there must look and i think that they come back into our should not repeat those mistakes which they have been doing or the last 4 years are still. all right, we'll leave it there. unfortunately, we've run out of time,
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i wish we had more time because it's quite a lot to discuss. so thank you so much for joining us over a couple curry maria bouts have on our end. so bear it out. thank you, and thank you for watching. you can watch this program again any time by visiting our website on al jazeera dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page at facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle . is that a j inside story from me fully battle in the whole team? hearing doha, thanks for watching. bye for now. ah . a,
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