tv News Al Jazeera April 16, 2022 1:00am-1:31am AST
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me when official line of the journey, ah, russia hates a military facility. me a key warning, it will intensify its attacks only ukrainian capital. ah. hello, i'm mariam newman in london. you're watching al jazeera, also coming up on the program. is there any forces, detain at least $300.00 palestinians off to entering the alex? i'm not compound and occupied. east juris resident described waves of modern
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rolling towards them in scenes of devastation from lacey province in the central philippines and twitch upper pads to defend itself against hostile takeover there by the world's richest man. ah, we begin with the latest developments in ukraine in our areas around the capital. keith have come under attack. russia says it's shoulder. you kind a military facility on the outskirts, the city just hours after the thinking of the flagship of its black sea fleet. always as moscow focuses on the eastern don bass region, and while the fighting is also continuing in the city of mario po, for the 1st time in the 7 weeks ege, russia is use long range bombers to target that poor city child stratford reports now from cave the russian ministry of defense as this destroyed
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building was ukrainian weapons factory in the south west outskirts of the capital. give moscow says the plant made anti aircraft an anti ship missiles. people living nearby say they heard at least 3 large explosions. early friday morning was over, lemme say annoy apology lest actually bought the car and the 2 rockets had at 1 am . so i did not realize that there are 2 rockets coming in. i. when i went out afterwards below, i waited endorsed for some time getting motion. when we saw the 3rd one coming it damaged the cars that were on the tires, hit the windows and was if he was afoot to him, it was fell out interiors. let me apologize. the attack came hours after russia said it's black see fleet flagship. the moscow had sunk while being towed back to port after a fire caused an explosion on board. the ukrainian military said it was responsible having targeted the vessel with ukrainian made neptune missiles. people gathered at
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a memorial ceremony for the ship in the port city of sebastopol in russian annex crimea. the moscow was the largest russian naval vessel to have sunk in action since world war 2 muscular dental plan any more, i will not even for those who have not been impressed, moscow was a symbol for every my nation. i give them all of our power, our hope, you know, the revival of the fleet in the 19. well, it is the symbol of engineering and scientific achievement. all comes to the force of our arms. ne, ukrainian army says it repelled russian army advances on at least 2 towns in the east of the country. russia has redirected its forces from cave, in an effort to seize more territory in the danverse region. a volunteers help ukrainian soldiers pack food to be distributed to some of the many thousands of people fleeing, although still living in the worst affected areas. i think. yeah, because with my form. and so we felt people delivering food, or chemistry,
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and our own just throwing her voicemail good. i don't know what to say. i want to move this drone footage shows destroyed residential buildings in murray or pool. the besieged port city on the as of c has suffered 7 weeks of bombardment by russian forces and pro russian separatists repeated attempts at secure and humanitarian corridors. to rescue thousands of people trapped inside have failed. the mayor of the city estimates thousands of civilians may have been killed in the fighting ukraine's ministry of defense as russia has for the 1st time used long range bombers to attack the city. or cisco fountain of clipping aden anastasia rush, an occupants keep carrying out aerial strikes, omari opal, though they use long range bombers over the enemy's land forces are trying to
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capture the seaport is full to the teacher. the strike on what the russian defense ministry describes as a weapons factory on the outskirts of kia is the 1st major strike by russian forces on a target around the capital city. since russian forces left the area more than 2 weeks ago, major military operations now for the time being have moved east, where there are increasing reports of an effort by the russian military to close in . around the strategically important city of sla vianza. the u. n says that more than 4700000 people have flayed the fighting and with no indication of any d escalation. that number is expected to rise. char stratford, al jazeera keith on a former ukrainian president patch up our shanker, has spoken to al jazeera and the capital key. he's called on the international community to give more weapons see crime, saying it's a shortest way to peace in. that's why, from being there. so could community,
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we need 3 things, weapons, weapons. and once again, weapons, weapons number one. this is just the air up as necessary for your grain. for game changer. we need just 300, thanks. 1000 on personal carrier, and 100 dead fighter. this has completely changed the whole character of the war. or number 2, we need the sanction and embargo. and that i recoiled can play here very important role by increasing the oil production and to replace the absence of the russian oil on the road warble market. well, it's estimated that russia has lost nearly 3000 pieces of military equipment in ukraine and the military experts. but the loss is down to the advanced, unmanned drones anti tank and anti aircraft weapons. nato countries have given you a crime or so. so your reports now from case thanks,
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helicopters, personnel, carriers, tens of millions of dollars worth of equipment all destroyed. and these are just a small portion of the losses suffered by one of the most powerful armies in the world. when russia began is offensive, its hope to capture your brains capital here within days. what you please army risks with their souls ever rational and genic with moral, with its equipment, with its training and his doctrine. as a result soon, trans your question directly. russia has been defeated in the field to a point where it was effectively routed from the north of the country. ukrainian armed forces have taken advantage. often am boucher russian troops and columns in less than 2 months since russia invaded ukraine. it's military. he has lost powers
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of soldiers, according to ukrainian officials. it's more than the united states did in his 20 years afford in afghanistan, and nearly a decade in iraq combined. they say russia has lost at least 479 tanks, 496 infant fighting vehicles, 28th crafts for shapes. 32 helicopters, 784 tracks, vehicles and jeeps. in total, the russians have lost nearly $3000.00 pieces of equipment. and these are considered conservative estimates. the highest profile last to date was the mosque was the flagship of russia's black sea fleet, losing a plant shibley's enduring a war is well really bad. it said that p r, it's bad. it's going to expand, expand increase of the morale of the ukrainians at the time when they are on the
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verge of losing her, mary, who both, when many things can be said to have gone wrong for russians. general valerie says the grain and on forces had a secret weapon. no, it may be the you are not only brought him yet my shore, the mobilization of our society and people's resistance. our pilots who are older than 60 years old, come out and asked for jets. they retired from the armed forces a long time ago and asked, give us planes and we will destroy the russians. so moral is our formula for success. if any forces have employed new technical weapons given to ukraine by nato allies, chief among them are portable anti tank guided missile systems, such as the u. s. me javelin, and his lighter cheaper cousin. and lo, which have been used against russian tanks with their state in effect in the, in the turkish me to be to by dr. thrones have carried out both recognizance and
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strike operations portable single anti aircraft. missiles have also enabled you cleaning soldiers to take out lawful i, an aircraft as technical miscalculations, misjudgment of the ukraine, of resistance and low morale. how all contributed to russia, military vulnerability in this war. these weapons are leveling the playing field dress so say that al jazeera cheve, ah, now israel's prime minister of taliban is wanting his forces prepared for any scenario after violence of the alex and mos compounding occupied east jerusalem. around 300 palestinians were detained by israeli forces who entered the mos before the dawn. prayer on friday, as thousands people had gathered. they used tear gas and stun grenades while some palestinians threw rocks. tensions of been rising recently after deadly attacks in israel and palestinian death during subsequent rides in the occupied west bank.
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john holeman reports ah, the scenes inside the alexa mosque in occupied east jerusalem early friday morning . fighting between stone throwing most men, israeli police who fight stung grenades and t. guess around 150 people were injured. this palestinian camera man, was there something wrong? they brutally emptied the compound. they were attacking the musk stuff on normal people, elders and young people. one of them, there were many injured people. they fired trouble bullets and said alexa must compact. they were beating everyone, even the paramedics, they hit the israel's foreign ministry, tweeted, dozens of moss men carrying hamis and p. a flags marched into alex and mosque. the crowd collected stones and large rocks. police were forced to enter the grounds to
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disperse the crowd. ah, the alexa mosque is his lamps, 3rd holiest place. it's also revered by jews as the sites of the original temple. as such, it's often an epicenter, the tension between israel, which controls movement to the site, palestinians, especially during the muslim holy month of ramadan. this time last year, fighting around the most and axis restrictions led to an 11 day war between israel and palestinian armed groups and gaza. so far this year, a series of attacks within israel of left 14 dead and his railey security forces killed 20 palestinians during grades of the occupied west bank. after the violent confrontation, israeli forces restricted access to alex a mosque within a few hours later they did reopen the damascus case, where we are now, which is one of the main entrances to the old city. alex a most uneasy compound,
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a deeply important and symbolic and we've ramadan, easter, i'm paul, save us all happening right now. tensions in this city and it's holy sites, a set to remain high. john holman, audi zeta occupied east jerusalem. so i had for you on the program, a domestic he produced and reliable, but that's not why does he, coal is going to stay in germany or rat open descent in china. second biggest city where john out coated lockdown is pushing residents to dispatch. ah, now the western pacific is still active for storm systems and you see circulations
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here, but most of the activities down north of the equator. so despite the fact we've had some heavy rain recently and use it and we like it a bit more burst of australia nest. now getting used to these systems coming to the byte is winter approaches. so that'll be a series of co, fred 3. they're not that cold yet purse at 25, or if you scattered shouting rest australia, that line and stretches. justin to victoria, and probably tasmania of the both australia looking foreign dry as in the immediate future is all of news, even with temperatures at least average one to place a little bit above. the rainy season is sort of coming to an end in both ballets units. these are now ready ceases, as you know, was a good scattering of rain. charles, with an increase in thailand, loss, cambodia, and vietnam. not so much in central philippines though. there is, course, recent flooding is currently pretty much normal and i'm looking at the wind change running out through the bay of bang goal here. a hint, maybe the start of the eastern arm of the monsoon. don't see it yet,
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but there are shout running up here and carol and up into under pradesh. and a dish was big shouts, the north that in bangladesh and north east india. but for the most of it near just increasingly hot, ah. on counting the costs, latin america's inflation nightmare returns come governments bring prices down, lebanon reaches a draft deal with the i a map that will the nation implement reforms in west africa, worst food prices in a decade. oh fun. the much needed aids. counting the cost on all to 0. what happens the in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again. ah,
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ah, ah, welcome back. the main stories now. russia is saying it's destroyed a weapons factory on the outskirts of ukraine's capital. moscow says the plant made antea croft and anti ship missiles. and it's wanting that it could step up a tax on keith multiple explosions or heard in the city earlier on. and around 300 palestinians have been detained by his writing forces, who entered the alex so most compound and occupied east jerusalem. just before people had gathered for the dawn, pray on friday. take us and stung grenades we used while some palestinians threw rocks. well now we go to the philippines because the number of people who die during tropical storm maggie that's risen to more than a 150 though 200 others are missing. cycling hovered for days and that's hampered.
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rescue efforts. jemila allan doug and sent this report from later province contact most was a typical bureau village of a few 100 families. it had rice fields, a church and his school. now it's the scene of some of the biggest devastation in the philippine province of lee. oh, but oh my god, what a grandmother would go under but sounded like an explosion. we ran up to the hill to see what was going on and because it was awful. we could hear people crying, calling out for help and tropical storm. maggie brought incessant reams in the eastern vist science region. many areas of lost power and communication lines, but can diagnose was the most devastated survivors. here tell us, there were 2 landslides. the 1st one was at around 5 am, which gave some time for some families to evacuate. but the 2nd one,
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they say they saw how waves of mud came rolling down the mountains varying hundreds of civilians. this is all what's left of it now. ah, on the other side of the hill, 4 bodies have been pulled out from the rubble. government responders are doing the best they can, but their efforts have been hampered to buy more rain. the mud is at least 5 meters deep, so they will have to wait before they can bring in heavy equipment. all busy boiling up either barren or we could only get bodies in the barry. pity because it is dangerous. it been for our men. i think this process of betray buddy will pick pain flowers and incense a raw for it all and to prayer for those who remain buried and un accounted for. lent is meant to be
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a week of gratitude and grace for millions of philippine families. but for the survivors of the landslide inc and badness, this period will now remind him of their overwhelming grief. to melinda, again, i'll g 0 by bailey, to province central philippines. how germany will no longer phase out so called dirty coal because of the war in ukraine ministers here. there's not going to be enough energy to coat with bitterly cold. winters of coal is so called a source locally, is than scraps. this is after the e u. band, russian imports set rosner ports from barnes and bug on the impact it could have midnight of brown coal has long been at the center of environmental protests called the dirtiest form of coal. the test providing power to the german economy and households for decades under pressure from the green party, the new government announced it aims to close these open minds by 2030. but that
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was before russia invaded ukraine college by guns. it gave a terrible war ukraine means we are realizing, but electricity supply in germany wasn't and isn't very secure. and those several possible risk factors applies to gas oil and to hot cold too. and, but of course, some who are now thinking domestic energy source, which will always be available, as well as wind and sun, of course. and that's the night to make sure there's enough energy and future winters. the regional government and brandon book has asked permission to keep some late night power plant on stand by to have the necessary supply for the coming winter season. and that hopefully without any dependence on imports from russia. that problem has it's still not been solved and inter, as, as i'm coming from the field of industrial safety, i would prefer to have a situation with belt and parachute, and so it would be worthwhile to keep them available. ukraine has accused germany
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of financing, russia war because of the dependency on russian gas, oil and coal. the u has decided to ban call in ports, which will cost russia around $4000000000.00 euros a year. in comparison, a ban on russian gas and oil would cause the country, $80000000000.00 euros. this is one of the few poet stations in germany, not depending on imports from russia domestically produce lick night is one of the most reliable sources germany has, but also one of the most polluting. it was unthinkable just a few month ago that the new government in which greens play an important role would even consider using coal. but the war and ukraine has changed everything. and the climate could be and not a victim. more c o 2 emissions instead of less an uncomfortable reality for i a mental groups who have long campaigned for an end to call use germany for a long period of time have gone through the rush and redeem the fall. of course, russia and had put russia in a position to find them that war. unfortunately,
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we cannot get rid of that dependency. it's obviously a pic appeal. we have old quote, power plant that have to get back on the grid. but we have to accelerate the build of renewables. this need some years that the german industry now has a clear target that its future is based on enable them so that building wind farms and solar panels takes time and germany is under pressure to act. now that pressure will only grow if terrible images continue to come out of ukraine, and you decide to go further and then russian, oil and gas steadfast and al jazeera and brandon both. now president joe biden said last month, united states would welcome up to 800000 ukranian war refugees in march, just 12 have arrived via the refugee program. thousands of others choosing to cross the border from mexico, from where the money rapper la, match some of them. he reports from tijuana. oh ukrainian refugees being
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welcomed at this shelter in tiquana. olga arrived just this morning after traveling more than 9000 kilometers with her cat snips. she's now being looked after by ukrainian american volunteers who have assigned her a numbers. the number represents a spot in line to plead her case for refugee status to us authorities. she tells us the whole experience feels surreal. you feel happiness, and then you have another wave of emotions like yourself, you're reading all the time, you. so it's, it's totally different reality right now, and it's hard to, to get to the point when you fill that happiness as you used to feel before. so it will take a while. of course, as many here have been traveling for weeks, the arrive tired, hungry and confused. most don't speak spanish or english and are relying entirely
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on help from volunteers. first of all, they all nervous because lots of of them didn't know about in mexico. they know that the quantities ventures place, so when they come into the airport, little bit nervous. if we try to call them and build and relax, where will we will help you? how we get, we will help you. there are also dozens of families here with young children. 6 that they spend much of their time listening carefully increase their numbers are called though many seem eager to cross the border into the united states. others tell us what they want is to go home. i'm fell ah, very tired. of course, i hope that soon i will come to your crane. i'm not gone on to stay in the safe along. ah, i hope's ads in summer. i can come by to my country to my family,
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to my mazda browser, us and all at last. here the more than 7000 ukrainians have arrived in p one and since the start of the war in february, since mexico has not imposed any restrictions on ukrainian travelers, more arriving every day. conditions may seem crowded at this refugee camp in the city of t, one right on the border with the united states, but new arrivals have actually declined in recent days. local authorities, however, tell us that the population here is likely to grow significantly in the coming weeks. the us border officials are processing about 50 ukrainian refugees every hour while ukrainians arriving in t one and only stay at the shelter for a few days. new arrivals are quick to take the place of those who leave. though there is concern the sports complex being used to how's refugees could soon overflow. state officials say a 2nd shelter could quickly be made available if needed. but manuel wrap
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a little al jazeera, he went to mexico in china. authorities of putting the city of jean into a partial covey locked down from saturday for the country 0 tolerance policy, which is also effective commercial hop shanghai that been growing signs of discontent in china. second city after 3 weeks of lockdown. katrina, you reports on this from bay. jane. police in protective gear, struggle to control an angry crowd. the shanghai residents, a protesting against being pulled from their homes. their apartment blocks are being turned into temporary quarantine centers. some are kneeling on the ground, begging the police not to take them away. this city of more than 25000000 people has been brought to its knees by the worst corn of ours outbreak. china's face since the beginning of the pandemic. 300000 infections have been recorded since march a lockdown, which was supposed to last a few days,
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is now stretching into its 3rd week with no end in sight. the once bustling commercial center is now quiet and empty, with most of the city's population, forced to stay home. supply chains are frozen. many say they're going hungry or lack necessities. great chen has appealed for help online to get access to urgent, hot medications for her father. is it, we know it's a difficult period in the pandemic. we're willing to cooperate with the government and with each level of city management to fight the pandemic. or we also hope that our lives can be respected restrictions in some neighborhoods east on tuesday. but with kate is continuing to climb. people allowed to go outdoors are being coursed back inside. this community worker bloss allowed speak of repeating the words, return, horror. those who test positive are sent to make shift hospitals, conditions and slides. some appeal bleak and crowded families authority say they're
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released thousands of recovered patients this week, but thousands more remaining quarantine. beijing has mobilized other provinces to help get more fresh food and other necessities to shanghai. the situation in shanghai is seen as a disastrous failure of china. strict 0 proven 1900 policy, but authorities sticking to it. despite growing calls to change this approach, president, she just paying has called on the country to strengthen restrictions in order to win the battle against the virus. katrina, you al jazeera aging. now twitter is saying is unanimously, adults are the so called poison pill plan that could blog ill on must $43000000000.00 takeover bed tester and space x on a recent increase to stake in the social media platform to 9 percent to us as a move would follow would allow existing shareholders to buy new stocks, a substantial discount flooding the market. it's
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a very uncomfortable division when the world's richest man says he doesn't have confidence in the management team that specifically that's probably a pretty uncomfortable position for the c e o to to be and, but he's, i think done a nice job, at least in his messaging to twitter employee think look, there are a lot of distractions, but our day to day job hasn't changed. we have customers, we have a product, we need to keep doing what we're doing. and it's easier said than done for sure. but ultimately, you know, this is a little bit of a slide show. it's an enormously consequential slide show, depending on how it turns out. or it could just turn out to be nothing. and you know, one thing we have definitely seen about 11 months because he loves the spotlight and he's shown the ability to effectively hijacked the new cycle by doing these things, making the tweet, making these offers. and i think he's very much enjoyed being the provocative in that regard and twitter is not defenseless, but they're, they're certainly at the mercy of whatever you want is going to do. they're going to have to react. no archaeologist say a mysterious sarcophagus discovered in parse is not today. cathedral has been where
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it's going to be opened. workers discovered this well preserved thing last month during efforts to rebuild the churches ancient spire. the discovery was buried 20 meters under ground near brick pipes. bodies believed to be from the 14th century. it's been 3 years since the 12th century gothic landmark was partially destroyed by fire, and that later a massive reconstruction projects. ah look at main stories. now. russia is wanting that is going to intensify attacks on cave after accusing ukraine of targeting russian border towns. it also says it is destroyed a weapons factory in the outskirts of the capitol. moscow says the plant made antea craft an anti ship miss.
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