tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 18, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST
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cameras, others beat him with rifle butts and threatened him. and the national intelligence has been alleged as involved in serious human rights violations, including abductions, killings of civilians. and this is what journalists are trying to reveal. that's why you say a lot of journalists being targeted. shamarka says after months of requests, please have finally opened the case on his shooting. the somali journalist syndicate says it's better than nothing, but that justice for journalist here is rare. malcolm web al, jazeera, mogadishu, somalia, ah, your challenge there with lisa hill robin in the hall, reminder of our top stories, ukrainian soldiers in mario paul have ignored a russian deadline to surrender. moscow says it's false is of almost take control of the besieged city. and what would be the biggest surprise of the nitty to month war? the source of her husband from keith, the ukrainian, or fisher officer,
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0 official here say that they have refused to surrender, and the fighting is still continued. so russell, for them to gather any of those toll stuart, which is a very huge steel company. indeed the largest in europe, but as i said before, now you can just hear in key of the fit or the fight is still continuing and the troops refuse to to surround the so much you for, for ukrainians is quite important because it has been as symbol of the resistance, almost in the for the early days of the war. the latest attacks and ukraine, 2nd largest city of khaki have killed at least 5 people. the more that doesn't others who are injured to multiple rockets at the center of the city on sunday. the mass as there are no safe places for people to shelter, and at least 20 palestinian worshipers are being forced to be displayed from the
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most compound israeli forces. say they were responding to palestinians to get barricades to prevent jewish boots from entering the holy science. mammals, military gender has released $1600.00 prisoners and an amnesty full the buddhist new year. but political detainees weren't amongst those freed thousands of protest as i've been arrested. entertain since the trend to cease to power around 15000000 people have died worldwide due to the cove at 19 pandemic. 9000000 more than previously thought, not according to a yet to be released. world health organization study reported in the new york times. hundreds of sir lincoln's have sought to the 3 day march to the capital colombo, to denounce the government's handling with the ongoing economic crisis. prices of fuel, food, and medicine of soaring and electricity blackouts. a coven! those were the headlines won't use on our website at all. desert dot com. i'll be back with law in half an hour. next it's inside story. with mohammed jumped you to stay with us. ah
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tensions. mouth on the left. some moss compound in occupied east jerusalem. dozens of palestinians are injured in confrontations with israeli police. could the violence escalate? and how should israeli and palestinian leaders respond? this is inside story. ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm hammered from jerome. the alex from mosque compound is wholly to muslims, jews, and christians. with amazon, pass over and easter taking place at the same time this year. tensions are running
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particularly high unoccupied. east jerusalem. on sunday israeli police fortunately dispersed palestinian worshippers who set up barricades to prevent ultra right wing jewish groups from entering palestinian sea, such visits as provocations. some were arrested. paramedics say they were blocked from helping the injured jews are forbidden from praying or performing rituals at the comp out but alter nationalist groups. want to change this? natasha to name explains from occupied east jerusalem. well, the $545.00 jewish visitors who came to the alex compound during their designated 3 hour visit today have left the compound as has the israeli police. but earlier, at 20 people were injured. 5 of them were taken to the hospital and a total of 18 people, according to the israeli police, have been arrested 4 of them for vandalizing the buses carrying the jewish visitors
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. israeli police say that early this morning, they went inside the compound because quote palestinian rioters were amassing rocks and stones and creating or attempting to create barricades that were would have prevented the jewish visitors from accessing the compound through the designated gate. these rallies actually have a key and do restrict access to that specific gate, but the police stress at no time during this tense period were muslims not allowed to continue or shipping. a note about the people who are inside, we saw men, women, boys and girls. these are jews who are settlers, who are members of ultra nationalists and zionist groups. they believe that they have the right to pray on the site, the temple mount a holy site for jews is also within the ox a compound. and in recent years,
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this group, once on the fringes, has been growing in numbers, has become more vocal and has even gained. the backing of several is really politicians. but for now again, they are only allowed to go inside the compound and wander around. they are not allowed to pray. so of the most volatile periods in the israeli palestinian conflict have centered around the manmade hill and occupied eastern slims. old city . muslims call it the how to machine leaf, or the noble sanctuary. because it contains 2 of islam. holiest places, the alexa mosque and the dome of the rock juice called the hill, the temple mount and revere the area at its base, known as the western wall. with so many important religious sites in a small space, the situation around the hill is off intense. any change to the status quo, or a threat to one of the holy sites can quickly lead to unrest. last year violence and the compound triggered missile attacks from gaza into israel, followed by 11 days of his really bombardment on the gaza strip. that killed
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hundreds of people. the alex attentions add to rising violence between palestinians and israelis. since march 22nd, holla, simeon attacks in israeli cities have killed at least 14 people. israeli forces responded with more raids, shootings, and arrests in the occupied west bank. at least 16 palestinians have died. ah. all right, let's bring in our guests and occupy these jerusalem, the ed abuse, a yet lawyer, an political analyst. in ra, nona and israel nimrod novick, former senior policy advisor to former israeli prime minister shimon peres. and in durham, i'm at a 1000 professor of middle east history and anthropology at shawnee state university. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside stories he had. let me start with you today. how far might we see the violence escalate? well, as a government and is ready to go to the kind of
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a government taken hostage by, you know, right now trying to change this a, allowing the jewish or not they're still brought to the court judge of the most. and just, you know, right, there was a violent attack inside a simply so and that's right garment continue. this action is i'm afraid that it is now a lead to more or less. this is something which one of us was not sick. i should try to try to get to nimrod. are you concerned that this is going to get worse? yes, of course. i mean i lead through previous moments of tension, did it. the escalated and got out of control just a year ago. we all experienced 11 days of terrible violence. so yes,
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i'm afraid that the extremist on both sides are feeding on each other. and that even a government that i think has been conducted conducting itself quite carefully and learned lessons from previous occasions. even that might not be enough. i'm going to, i just want to take a step back. why are things so contentious when it comes to the actual mosque compound, why or why or tensions often so high there? could you just walk our viewers through that a bit? i think yes, of course. and, but i think it's important to understand it's not just the temperament it's, it's the whole concept of the city itself, the city of jerusalem. and it's always been politicized from the moment he was the founded essentially by david david chose that side simply because it happened to be convenient, politically convenient time to unite the northern tribes of the southern tribes. if
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you move up to the, the time of islam and you know, the after the conquest, obviously, i've been malik and full, but this would be a good way for him to use the, the location lou use the site to build a dumb of the rock and to build the l u c m. and then that very important sort of monument there as a means to counter his own troubles with elizabeth who was in rebelling against him in a check him out of mecca. and then if we move to the more modern period and we consider how designing even themselves you jerusalem, originally, they were very indifferent to it. they were not attached to it. they did not see it as essential to the foundation of their state. and in fact, many of its most important founders, for example, had just heard. so would write that he was shocked by the filth and been going, didn't visited for the 1st 3 years. and for the most part,
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it is often in the city. and obviously it's most important, it's centered around the temple mount f for the for the, obviously for those of the jewish faith. and for muslims, it's the dumb of the rock and the alex a mosque. it's always been politicized. and it comes in to play every time and there is a, you know, some conflict or issue over the politics of the place. nimrod, from your perspective, how should is railey and palestinian leaders respond to all of this? look um, this is probably the hottest spot on earth, a convergence of the 3 more basic religions. and you know, regardless of factual basis in history, i wouldn't dare challenge the faith of others and will not accept others challenging my faith. so we have 3 of the leading religious in the world
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considering these as they're one of their most precious. our place is not on the globe. i would we have a moment when the 3 religious also have 3 holidays converge. you really have the makings off and exposing situation as long as there is no political solution that defines what is what and who's, who's i and we have failed in accomplishing that over the past decade. and i hope that the next generation of leadership would be wiser than all of us. but at that moment, i think that to all leaders all over the place, i should call for calm and should i point out lash edge and deal ah fiercely with extremists
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who are trying to ignite the situation. ah, given their own an exclusive approach to what should be shared z at a from your perspective, is there a constructive way that israeli and palestinian leaders can respond? well of course, of course, i must say that since the 2002, there was a system ethically policy, which again as you start to try to change the situation. and i'm sure you allow jews to come to the us or the how to ship it and then let allowing them to just send us this policy is actually like to play with them. i don't agree with that. that is extreme on both sides of our side. it's a popular reaction that touching on
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a very sensitive which is a show you. so the people who are acting on friday and various. and there's a reason why there were a average against a center or to divide the most as they did a me. and i have one of their lead us can do, i think with respect to that the school which was agreed upon says m, 5455, a 2 man a rule. and each religion has control over its size. and when it comes to where you are by the court, right, is that have control over the was what kind of in front of what happened. and i did
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6 to 7 with the whole clark. i was just a neighborhood, it was demolished and it was then to expand in front of willing to work. so we can do a stage. what's happening now is that they're trying to take part of it. i think it's, it's naive and just your bit to think that they can change the situation and they can pick back up inside a a this changes the leaders must try to avoid any
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friction between muslims and jews. i'm sure avoid this conflict from and i shouldn't conflict between a. a conflict between religious fanatics, we should avoid that and we should not live that i'm doing now. it's, it is good jen. it is a national contract. it is a political question, but there is a change in massive change within those writers will say that they are sure thing was the right. the last name is and this is now the i c. i'm sorry you can go outside the government. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i do want to get back to a point you were making in just a moment. but i, i want to ask comment about the fact that what i'm a bond pass over in easter or all converging this year. and how much more volatile does that make this situation? oh, usually extremely vol to let me a when you have 3 very,
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very important religious holiday ceremonies, events all at the same time. and you have that in a highly politicized situation. it, you know, because the not only is the, are the religious, let's say that the location is highly politicized, but you also have extreme, it is tensions associated with that. these a religious set of ceremonies as well. and m, the convergence is almost inevitably going to produce the kind of scenes that we have been watching on t v. m. the last few days. and it's very important that i know. and again, i repeat, i think the politicization of the religious dimension to this, to, to the location to decide is what is making it so difficult in
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a jews and muslims and christians have managed to share and live side by side for many centuries in different periods. so when they don't, it is generally due to a reason that is associate with palletization rather than the fact that somehow as humans were incapable of sharing a nimrod, that this violence that we're seeing at the alexa mos compound, as well as the recent spate of attacks in israel, how much of a challenge has that been for this very fragile coalition, a prime minister, been its government? how big of a challenge is it for the prime minister? know joe, just like, on the ground. one extreme elements sees the moment and try to ignite the situation. the same happens in politics and opposition. of course. on the
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right, he's all over the prime minister and the minister of defense and in day come and government that they're not tough enough on palestinian challenge for jewish rights . where is the government? and here i think issue with with my colleagues where the government was, it was doing everything is good and i think quite well with some exceptions that i take issue with. but overall that the strategy was was, i think i meant to bring a column in to restore the stuff that has been infringed on in the previous administration here in israel, over the past 34 years. this battle school which basically says that on how to actually implement muslims pray are, there is vision and there were a jewish extremist who are not willing to accept it. they cannot pray were muslims
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can and they are still trying to do so. and anyone who echoes their voices that tomorrow morning, they're going to establish a synagogue or other nonsense that tomorrow morning. they will do sacrifices of lambs on a temple amount. it will never happen. but those who echo their rates in their intense are intensifying the tension between the community as to political consequences. obviously, we have a new coalition here about a year old. and that has for the 1st time ever in our party and, and he slowly wanted it's not under tremendous pressure on notice thing the coalition because the government, again nice being the q being tough on muslims and not on jews, which i think is not the case we'll then we spend pressure and we will see another day when these a quite interesting and refreshing coalition will continue to function. i have no
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u. z ad. how big does the disconnect remain between palestinian leadership and palestinians and just how frustrated are palestinians right now with palestinian leadership? well, i must be frank with you. i don't think that the leadership has under control over what is happening inside a us happening inside the mos. i'm not a anyone else if there's a spontaneous reaction of that paper now, or if we want to change the situation and we can, we can say, let's go, we were living together, who was muslims and christians and there were no friction with no problems. but as i said earlier, they are trying to change the situation. there was a time when there was a quote there, they're saying that you can go to them last,
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but the police will decide if they can go or not depending on the public order and all the time the time. but you said ok if we're allowed to work with them us, then we'll be just that that was the public or the public security. so we're not going to go to the most on this was ok we're, we're not coming to the mosque and there were no credits. now we see the police escorting them and we see the police are trying to impact the way there was a pay us in order to grant bank that is right used to breast that they are sort of the most which are from i'm a point of view that part of the most because from our point of view, the look at the most is not only that bridge area, but it's all a quality house which we call them. most of the most of these are when compound. one of them was
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if there is a government, somebody is fine, i think and i look, our problem isn't with the jewish religion. i was talking to a buy from what i thought, elisa, to me, i'm against going to the most. my religion tells me that i'm not allowed to put my finger between the stores of the waiting one from the outside of them. this is a, is there was a jewish alcohol, not allowing to support most. now this is a nationalist, they're not religious. they claim of themselves, i think, you know, they're trying to achieve in as you know, gone from going to the most. it is not in this case and who should not allow these fanatics been to be and i don't smoke and all this guy which will not allow them to
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the future of the relations between us and those writers. that is a franchise situation. we should try to avoid any lashes. i mean that bloodshed, i'm trying to see as how we can find a solution which make us the other side by side. dominant is not to go with that can do it. unfortunately, we see that, that, i mean, is all the time having more and more. and that brings us to an area where we're going to be i'm a jews are forbidden from praying or performing rituals at the compound. but there are alter nationalist groups that want to change this why? i mean, obviously as, as you heard, this has everything to do with the effort to attempt to
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follow. you know, push a, i'll turn nationalist, an exclusive this agenda by a certain members, israelis, or israel groups. and they use an extreme, perhaps, or a more fundamentalists interpretation of their own sort of practices to say, i can, you know, by praying here i've somehow laid claim to something. and i think that's why they're doing it. now. obviously they're going to be divided views amongst the jewish community as to how to address this. they were and you know, we know that for example, the whole issue, you know, of really religious devotion and to the city was not regarded as involving any duty or is not connected to regaining sovereignty over it. this was something that
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was developed later as part of a political ideology and not as part of necessarily a religious doctrinal one. and it's important to separate these 2, the doctrinal side from the political ideology side. and i think that's what's missing. and i'm, we only have about a minute left to let, let me just ask you, are there certain concrete steps that could be taken immediately that could, that could calm the overall situation? i think it is certainly obviously separating the parties would be a good start by respecting those boundaries. you know, then there, there is an appropriate place for i used to go and pray during the holy period. and i just, this is, there is a, a, you know, and is place for the muslims to go and pray. there are holy air that period as well . and ensuring that this separation is maintained and then try to build
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some sort of them confidence building measures. you know, try to tell both sides that hey the, these are the boundaries and it's important for the, for the civil bees that we maintain the boundaries and neither side feel that somehow it's rights are, are being attacked or i are under threat. and in this case, unfortunately, the thread is coming from the jewish israeli side and not the other way around. and i think these would be very constructive ways that the current israeli government could follow if it wish to sort of ensure that it's these kinds of events and on repeated whether they can given the political fragility of the coalitions. it was, he's another matter. all right, well we have run out of time to we're going to have to leave the conversation there . thanks so much to all of our guests yet. that was a yet and broad novick and amazon and thank you for watching. you can see the program again. any time visiting our website at 0 dot com and for further
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discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. our handle is at ha, inside story from him. how much enjoying the holding here, and uh huh. bye for now. ah ah ah, holding the powerful to account as we examine the u. s. is row in the world. on al jazeera, the world is warming, and green lens ice sheet is melting,
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a lake and center goal and rivers in iraq. and the st asked how societies can respond to global warming. that climate emergency, a season of special programming anal, jesse ah, what you have deserve me. so robin doe, heart, reminder of our top news stories, ukrainian soldiers and mario paul have ignored a russian deadline to surrender. moscow says it's false as of almost take control off a passage city and what would be the biggest prize of the nitty tube of all. but ukraine's prime minister says it's false is we'll fight to the end. mary pole has been described as a red line in the path of peace negotiations. city steel is not fallen very, steal our, our military force.
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