tv News Al Jazeera April 18, 2022 6:00am-6:31am AST
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i am a debate has been systematically supported the oil industry was a main bank roller or opposition to clock back to campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing more shoot to and did was here's the thing. absolutely. on, on jesse ah ukrainian troops and mario po vows a fight to the end, ignoring a russian deadline to surrender with multiple rockets headquarters give killing at least 5 people. the mayor of ukraine, 2nd largest city says there are no safe places to shelter in awe. time sam is a them, this is al, just they're alive from dell hall. so coming up violent
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sand, the rest said the alarm some mos compounded occupied east jerusalem. after his ray . the police entered this heavily side to facilitate the visit by jews. and better than expected, china's economy beats full costs in the 1st quarter of the risk of a slow down to assist. just now ukrainian soldiers have ignored a russian deadline to lay down their arms. the besieged city of mario full, moscow says its forces of almost seized the polt city. and what would be the biggest prize of the 92 month war, victoria gate and b reports. mary, a pole is a city almost completely destroyed and from where thousands of civilians have been unable to escape. the last major battle is happening here at
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a giant soviet built factory in an industrial district. the remaining saw, the cranial army and large group of civilians are basically, ah, encircled by the russian forces. they continue their struggle. but it seems from the way russian army behaves in mario vote, they decided to raise the seat to the ground. at any cost. bodies lie on the streets in the besieged post city, ukrainian forces ignored a russian ultimatum to surrender by one p. m. local time. on sunday, he cranes, prime minister says its forces will fight to the end. the outcome will likely affect talks to resolve the wool. the air positions are all in go in the opposite direction. out rush captures, marable because lensky made it very clear that of russia carries at another massacre in my apple was comparable to what was on boucher on the remaining forces . then they'll be basically a dead stop vertigo. she agency grinning foreign minister said that there's really
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been no dialogue between ukraine, russia over the vasta, 48 hours. russia's own slow continues elsewhere in the east. this is the aftermath of yet another russia missile strike in hockey. this mainly russian speaking city, ukraine. second largest, has suffered some of the was shelling since rushes invasion more than 7 weeks of the paramedics treat, the injured. but the danger isn't over yet. ah, he crane says russia has stepped up its attacks in the region as its forces prepare for a new offensive in the east. the president zalinski says he remains steadfast in his determination not to concede any territory, victoria gates and be al jazeera. now,
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samuel romani is an associate fellow at the royal united service. his institute, he says, the al common motto, paul will likely affect talks, resolve the wool? well, so hard to tell exactly when marable will fall, because it all depends on how long the resistance harold's out the as a slow still area. i mean, there are some people who believe that the entered force can actually last a fair amount of time. because the, as a sell still complex is designed with lot of fortifications is lot of ascii patches that the russians might fight hard to bombard. but then is the issue shortages of ammunition and food, which could lead, feel much more rapid surrender. probably over this coming week. the yeah, p civilizations are rolling, go in the opposite direction are fresh captures, marable. because lensky is a very clear that a fresh carries at another massacre in my apple. that's comparable to what we saw in boucher on the remaining forces. then they'll be basically a dead stop for negotiations. ukrainian foreign minister said that there's really been. ready dialogue between ukraine,
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russia over the past and 48 hours and believe also said that that massacre and mary paul again would be a red line and dead. the terms of the russians are pushing a holy, unrealistic from ukrainian perspective. recognizing crimea ascii crane to withdraw from being asked lou, hans, as he crated demilitarize itself, all russia thinks about seizing our surveys is hardly a foundation for reliable piece docs. unfortunately, it is very bad for civilians and that that's why this diplomatic stand up is incredibly bad for ukrainians with his back to mary paul. i mean, the cities been basically raised the grant, if you believe what that the foreign minister of ukraine just said to day and day, it needs to be reconstructed almost from the ground up. and the russians have come up with some plans the but making it bigger and better than ever before. as it in his pupils are published, you have sat by, they don't really seem to have any action plans. and one of the ideas that was being brush and russians, atv was bra, ukrainian, p o w 's, and to rebuild the country almost as slaves. the arab israeli rom party has
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suspended its participation in the coalition governments of nestali bennett. following violence of the locks are most compound in the latest incident. 20 palestinians were injured after being forcibly dispersed on sunday. israeli police say they entered the sides of the palestinian set up barricades to prevent out for right wing jewish groups from entering. john holman reports from occupy the serious to them the the late his confrontations between israeli forces and palestinians. navy laxom most compound in occupied east jerusalem. sunday was the 1st day since the beginning of the jewish passover celebrations when no muslims could visit the compound. hundreds of jews did so with his ready for his guarding them. neither were welcome. bye bye. now. we were forced out of the election adorned print. then settlers started to enter. after we saw 2 groups with them,
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we started to change. the police tried to detain me. just israeli police said the palestinians who gathered stones and put up barricades the block to the jewish groups from arriving. and they remove protest is to restore order. the palestinian rick crescent reported injuries to 10 people. the lack so most compound islam stirred holy as place. it's also reviewed by jews, is the site of the original temple and along with tourists, national zine is visited regularly. those visits are always a source of tension, but especially this year with the muslim holy month of ramadan. i'm paul, so coinciding what to so added to the tension is a smooth extreme is jewish group calling for sacrifices in the blacks? are compound during passover, now that's a cool that they make every year. it's something that the israeli government bands every year, including this one. but this time around, it's got more attention from palestinians,
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worried that it might actually happen. is ro captured east jerusalem, where the i like to compound is located in the 900. 67 will not get patient that's been a source of anguish for palestinian since elizabeth new jersey. and the if what happened today is a crime because we can't enjoy our prius. we can't enjoy our worship afraid of our holy sciences. and we can't feel safe anymore. even in the holy sites we've been coming to since we were young children. and that's because of the occupation in israeli forces also arrested to palestinians throwing rocks at buses with jewish passengers heading to the old city somewhere injured only adding to the tension here. john, home and i would consider occupied east jerusalem. chinese economy has been forecasts in the 1st quarter of 2022. however, figures just really show it's also at risk of
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a sharp slow down. over the next few months. they james gross domestic product expanded 4.8 percent year on year more than expected by the facts of new cove in 19 locked downs and the ukraine war could put pressure on the economy. katrina, you is in beijing. so this is quite a slow down for this quarter, but it's still better than expected. so what's the bottom line? katrina, is this being seen as good news? bad news? well, the chinese government is definitely trying to emphasize the fact that this figure has beat expectations. 4.8 percent year on year, which is slightly higher than the 4.4 percent. many analysts were predicting and a lot of that they attribute to strong performance in china's economy, especially in the 1st 2 months of the year. but the thing is, this figure doesn't really tell the full picture regarding the health of china's
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economy. because of course, we've had 2 major things that are really affecting affecting it at the moment. one is ukraine war and 2nd is the biggest corporate outbreak that china has faced since the beginning of the year. and many analysts are saying that we're not really going to see the impact of those 2 things and to the 2nd quarter. so what we do know is that this figure that beat expectations, 4.8 percent. a lot of that is by new factoring activity, especially in the 1st 2 months, as well as infrastructure spending. but what we had in march was the lockdown of some major cities across china financially crucial cities, including the commercial center of shanghai, lockdown to cross joe, the manufacturing center of shen gin, tens of millions of people confined to the homes. so we really, analysts are expecting that the worst is yet to come unfortunately, and we are beginning to see hints of that in the older we've had strong performance in some areas. if you look closely, for example, at consumers,
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spending that taken quite a dive, it's negative 3.5 percent. that's the lowest figure when it comes to consumers, spending of domestic consumption since july 2020. the 1st year of the pandemic and the job, this rate here in china also rose to 5.8 percent in march, which is the highest the job rate has been since may 2020. so what's the bottom line? what does this mean for government growth targets? yearly growth targets is the country on track well, the governance person, a estimate of 5.5 percent for india, 2022. and that was during the national people's congress before we had the war and ukraine. and before we had this really big pandemic outbreak, which is kind of spiraled out of control, especially in recent weeks. and even then before these things happened,
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that 5.5 percent figure was seen as ambitious. so many analysts are saying that that will be almost impossible to hit that the government really have to bruce some sort of stimulus spending when it comes, especially to infrastructure, especially that consumer confidence is continuing to take a blow with these look downs that have no end in sight for many of the city. so analysts have revise that target down to perhaps 5.5 percent for 2022 and many are expecting even slower growth for china this year. all right, thanks so much. katrina, you. the shanghai has reported 3 deaths due to go with 19 on sunday. shanghai has been ramping up its efforts to fight the pandemic within flight of labs and testing up to a 100000 samples a day. the city announced the 14 day and locked down on friday. shanghai reported around 20000 new infections on sunday. still ahead of al jazeera
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send the money home. how the government in the poll is appearing to work is overseas. help solve its financial nightmare. and welcome to babylon, how tourists are enjoying your routes. cultural stretches again. ah, hello, there for north america. as one weather system pushes its way east. we've got another one coming in behind it. much of the weather action however, is going to be in the southeast corner of the u. s. in the days to come. but if we do take a closer look to the north west pacific, where you can see the next winter storm is ready to roll in, bringing snow and rain to places like british columbia, edging down into washington and oregon as well. and even touching into northern areas of california says and welcome rain coming here. it is gonna remain rather
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hot and why for the south of this the desert southwest seeing hot and dry conditions and of course a critical fire risk with that. but if we had to the east coast, this is where the action is. you can see those storm swirling away from the lower mississippi valley. edging into the mid atlantic, we could see some flooding rains here. and of course, a wintery picture across the great lakes. now ahead of that for new england, it is finer and dryer. the have a look what happens is we go into choose day that's going to sweep its way further east. taking a lot of the wintry conditions to canada and we're going to see a cool down for much of the east coast of the us. if we look at the 3 day for new york while it is going to be cool with showers. the sunshine however, will be back in by the time we get to wednesday, that she, whether ah gotta one of the fastest growing nations in the world while need cars on needed to
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oakland and develop it whole into national shipping companies to become a key middle east and trade and wanting skillfully knocked down 3 key areas of develop, who filling up from connecting the world, connecting the future while need? cato castillo's gateway to whoa trade blue. the me welcome back. you're launching out this year. let's recap headlines now. the cranium soul doesn't matter. you pull up, ignore the russian deadline to surrender. he is vowing to fight to the end. moscow
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says its forces of almost thieves. the port city in one wouldn't be the biggest prize of the war. at least 20 palestinian worshippers has been forcibly dispersed from the amongst the most compound israeli forces say they're responding to palestinian setting up barricades. palestinians say they're responding to attendance by right wing jewish groups to enter the occupied side. china economy grew faster than expected in the 1st quarter, expanding 4.8 percent year on year. however, figures show is also at risk of shop low down over the next few months to kind of 19 restrictions on the war in ukraine. churches across ukraine have been holding services for easter sunday despite the threats of rushes invasion. many of the countries, 1200000 roman catholics have been forced to flee their homes, but others have remained and the war is dominating their thoughts and prayers. charles stratford reports from the capital key if there is
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a cold silence before easter sunday service at this catholic church and cave worship was neil and crossed themselves as they come in some take confession. while the congregation gathers many of the people here have family members and friends fighting in the east, most never expected. they would have to live through war. this is i see south, i see the other one is living through their own personal plane. and they know some of the people they know may not come hodge. and we're coming here to look for belief and hope because maybe there will be nothing left oh, there are more than a 1000000 roman catholics in this predominately orthodox christian country boxes of
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donated, food and clothing, stay along the aisles. ready for volunteers among the worshippers to distribute to those in need. father. pavlov. the scope sky prepares to give communion the congregation wait in line. oh, i see where i need several, only gets you. when the war started. i started coming to the church more often because of the anxiety. when i hear the father's preaching, it gets easier. i find more faith in myself in our society, and our victory of the better man. in a corner of the church stands a moral of an army post with ukrainian flag. recently, services of had to be held on the ground in the church crypt until a few days ago. church services in recent weeks have been held here underground because of fear of potential russian shelling. now, despite the fact that russian forces have withdrawn from areas around kia,
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there is still great fear that that shelling could start again the head priest. he says that he estimates up to 80 percent of the worshippers in this parish of fled. since the war began. the priests resisted government prussia to close the church on february the 24th, when the russian army made it. last of those days were started. official stoled us, we had to close the church, but refused because we kept to support the people we have since helped evacuate children and the elderly from areas of the parish outside ski. the atmosphere in the charge has changed. since we started, people are more united and we help each other more. as a priest collects the money to go towards renovation of the church damaged by fire last year because without this place of worship, many of the people here would find living through war even harder than it already is. child stratford al jazeera keith now plans by far ryan group in
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sweden to publicly burn copies of the koran of the 3 days a violent protests in eastern north shopping. police find warning shots, which they say may have hit. one person in the leg was also violence. and several other cities including stock, whole, malmo, and re bra, danish swedish politician rasmus follow the leads, the anti immigration and anti slimy hardline movement. though a riot, the head of a rally are intended to burn the stomach text hundreds of shoreline khans. it's down to the 3 day march to the capital colombo to denounce the government handling of the ongoing economic crisis. it's a 57 kilometer walk from the southern city of water, the mostly supporters of the opposition national people's power party prices of few food and medicine are soaring. electricity blackouts of common fuels had to be rationed in the stock exchange temporarily shop. to put up some gold,
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basically the large number of people whose never tightened parking practice before gathering across the country express their anger. what we have to do is to go beyond the protests form of government that would spend at the country's economy and maintain the supremacy of the law. government with that corruption and fraud need the government that will come, prescribe property, both a tribe rate and corruption and punish them. one of the paul's guffman is asking work is abroad to deposit their money in domestic banks as concerns mounts about dwindling foreign exchange reserves. the government insists it's not facing an economic crisis, like sure lanka on the outer limbo reports from captain do in this bustling market in downtown. got my do it. business of usual shoppers. crowds stores at the beginning of the new year, but experts was behind all the activity. and economic crisis is looming. the, the economic recovery that we have seen is much less compared to other
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countries, you know, who were similar to hit by. and for example, last 2 years, our growth was on the one percent compared to our normal long term average off, you know, 9 percent that we should have got to in 2 years time. during the pandemic, the number of tourists fails. the amount of money sent home by nepalese working abroad also dropped significantly. nepalese international vit isn't particularly high, but as ballooning imports and high oil prices depleted foreign currency reserves experts warn the country could be headed towards an economic crisis. if the government doesn't step up in time, and there are other pressures, i'm going to say the guy, there's been a hike, an oil prices leader of petrol, that cost around $100.00 rupees. now cost $160.00 rupees. nepal central bank has taken action to manage import and increased foreign exchange with some kind of the
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challenge in the economy, particularly because of the import of some of the items. for example, the vehicles and the petroleum products, which are on a large portion of the board in nepal. so how we can manage that? that's one of the issues that is struggling in the present context. reducing by dia, import cars and heavy duty equipment to nepal, and she says it's important for businesses to work with the government, the central bank and business community. we being completely him import oriented economy. we have a huge trade imbalance because we have nothing being exported from here, or at least a little being exported from here. so every small change in the world on the globe impact. and that is why we have these you know, these panic situations every now and then as nepal absorbs economic shops,
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experts say it needs to act fast to avoid a full blown crisis from the liberal geneva cutter and do the death toll from south africa was devastating floods has risen to $443.00 morgues are reported to be struggling to process the day and also the heaviest rains in 60 years. the disasters caused almost $700000000.00 of damage. route 40000 people lost their homes, and the others are without running water or electricity. they see divers have been down to check. the wreck of a tank of a league software sank off the coast of to nicea. know pollution has been spotted so far. fishermen are especially concern like sale bryan reports hitting out into the mediterranean sea from the chin is in port city of gave us the dive team's part of efforts to prevent what activists warn could be an environmental catastrophe. they were sent to inspect the hall of the sunken tanka,
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the z low. it went down on saturday along with 750 tons of diesel the vessel flying the flag of equatorial guinea was sailing from egypt to malta. it 7 man crew issued a distress call on friday evening and sought shelter from bad weather. but the vessel began taking on water. the crew were later safely brought to shore june as he is environment ministers helping oversee the response. she said is the situations under control and getting his own the muscle tone. this is cargo of fuel oil or diesel. it's very different from oil in the fuel. oil is much less dangerous and tends to evaporate fairly quickly. we think the hall is still water tight and there's no leakage at the moment. no little she authority say barriers are being set up to limit the spread of fuel. and any spillage would be mopped up. but local fishermen angry,
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their livelihood relies on the waters where the tanker is lying. the world wildlife fund says the areas of fishing ground for $600.00 sailors with the white gulf providing jobs for around $34000.00 others. i think we demand that specialists go down into the sea and unload all the materials inside. if a leakage occurs, we will not have anything, as we already only have a little part of the sea left to live on. to nicea says several countries of offered to help out to prevent any pollution. alexia brian al jazeera, a container ship, the length of more than 3 football fields has been re floated a month after they got stuck in the us. 5 tug boats, 2 barges and the highest spring tide helped the 330 meter long ships to finally stop moving and chesapeake bay virginia. the ship belongs to a marine corp company owns we have a given which ran a ground blocking the suez canal for several days. last year. tourism is making
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a comeback in iraq despite is of war invasion. and the destruction of ancient archaeological sites that says are returning to see the remaining cultural trashes . one destination is proving popular and what's being known as the cradle of civilization. from babylon, i'm going to, i had reports in the ancient city of babylon, tourists are trickling back. that follows the iraqi government, ending the need for pre arrival, visa from dozens of countries. this is erica of babylon, as it's thought to have looked like in 600, b. c. little is left of the original structure, but tourist is are fascinated by 4000 years old mister patel, me as a cultural heritage. a lot of people back in ireland don't even know that babylon is in iraq. they don't even know it's still a real place. you know?
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so it's so incredible to be able to come here. this is what remains of the hanging gardens of babylon. one of the 7 wonders of the ancient ward. the original and renowned as tar gate was shipped off to berlin by european archaeologists. at the beginning of the last century, archaeologists say numerous historical treasures are waiting to be discovered across iraq. here in this area, for instance, there are ancient ruins beneath these surrounding pol mcgrooves and villages there threatened by oil pipelines running through them and encroachments by local residence. all was the cultural, half land of ancient mister per tamia. it's revealed as the birth of the place of prophet abraham and gained international attention following last. he is a visit by the head of the catholic church. papa frances. yeah,
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i think even more from from my parents, they were, they were quite nervous. they were, they asked, why are you going to iraq and am, is going be safe. and, but the people been so friendly, very welcoming. and so for my point, we had a great project of at us, thousands of priceless artifacts have been looted or smuggled out of iraq ancient temples, palaces and tombs either destroyed by i sell or damage it under the watch of consecutive governments over par alysia, fill happy periodical cultural tourism was blooming before the 2003 u. s. live invasion. but we've recently received several western excavation missions that have helped a lot on discovering and protecting mini sites. they've also highlighted the importance of or as the center for inter faith and destination for tourists from various backgrounds that he searches of tourism means creating new development projects and job opportunities for many. here. i assad her for harl center,
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rocky. these pieces, a hand crafted by young people who have no other jobs to do so we count on the government to help bring to respect so that we can keep the business afloat. dorothy othello, a shirt jojo, and continue to maintain the immortal memory of ancient monsieur per tamia. even though much of its magnificence has been lost to decades of case and neglect mahmoud up through a head. l g 0 in babylon, city centrally rock. ah, let's take a look at some of the headlines here on al jazeera. now, in ukraine soldiers, mario ball have ignored a russian deadline to surrender. moscow says it's forces of almost taken control of the besieged city. by peer of says its troops will fight to the end or ccv sca what lucian.
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