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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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inflation rates that of last decades president alberto fernandez, has announced an 8th program to be financed by taxes and large companies, the government. so some firms have made unexpected profits from the war in ukraine, especially through graham exports in peru. more than 16 tons of cocaine seized over the past 4 months had been burnt. south american countries, one of the world's biggest cocaine produces for his own pedro castillo, who attended the incineration, says traffickers can expect more of this. ah, and thank you through some of the headlines here now to sierra now ukraine says it's repel the number of russian attacks in the east of the country. it's part of an offensive by moscow, dumped the battle for don bass after it failed to capture keith. not the reporting, the next group, the lines go. buffet in the region, some ukraine's defenders repels 7 enemy attacks,
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destroyed 10 tangs 18 armored units, an 8 wicked one out of the system and a model unit. ukraine's air force has hit 7 douglas a day before one plane for you avi's and to close beside the for when you israeli army says it struck camps used by us in gas or after rock. it was fired from the strip toward southern israel to massive, threatening to retaliate against israeli actions that they lost most compound unoccupied, east jerusalem. jordan's king abdullah has spoken with egyptian president of the c . c. about the violence like some of the compound since friday, a series of confrontations has taken place between palestinians and israeli police . both leaders called for an end to what they say are provocative is right reactions. paul's of close denise, to more in the presidential ralph that's being held the mid for the school instability and an economic crisis. nobel laureate joseph ramos also took the lead ahead of incumbent francisco. but that is in the 1st round. jessica washington,
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it's falling developments teja. carter, we do expect counting to start as around 10, g. so in coming hours and that is expected to take around 3 days. we could of course have an indication of who is in the lead, depending on the progress of counting in particular districts. as you noted in that 1st round of the elections, josie ramos horta put up a strong show and was able to secure a 46 percent of percent of the votes. of course it wasn't enough to secure him the presidency, but it does place him in a strong position for this run off to schools in the west of the afghan capital cobble have been hit by explosions. eye witnesses say they were caused by hand grenades. 5 people are 42, have been injured headlines. it's the stream now. so stay with us. why? why did what a toilet was decorated hobbs lee. the country in europe is la fraud investigation
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$1.00 oh $18.00. review. exploit about judge a police corruption. what out to 0? god. i as i me. okay, thanks for watching the stream. one of the biggest news stories of our time is our global climate crises, and that is why out his ear is part of a global correct. if of journalists call covering climate, now we bring you stories about time it all of the time. so you can stay up to date . one of the biggest scandals in the climate about to see is the doc money that is filtered in to climate action to either slow it down or stop it. it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's actually fat. and that is what we're delving into the day u. s. special interest versus climate action. we're going to be doing that with a guest. hello, miko rebecca, charlie, good see or fear of you,
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michael. welcome to the stream. please introduce yourself to our global audience. your thanks very much. i'm michael man. i'm a professor at penn state university and a climate researcher and also author of the new climate war get to handle. hello there, rebecca, welcome to the string bucket, back to the st. remind our audience. here you are. what day? hi, i'm rebecca lieber. i'm a reporter on climate change. i'd box get to have you and charlie. hello. introduce yourself to our global audience. hello, my name's charlie cray. i am with greenpeace usa based in washington dc. get to handle so you have made all of your panel. if you on youtube right now, add comment section is life your comments? your thoughts can be right here. this conversation is part of the coughing climate . now i'm democracy series that were linking up u. s. special interest with democracy. what is the problem? what if you are saying?
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let us know you're part of the shad. mike, i'm going to start with you because your recent book, the new climate war suggests that there is a battle going on. what is that wall? yes, so you know, the old battle was this effort by fossil fuel interests and dark money groups. conservative foundations concerning politicians and media outlets. this effort to deny that climate change is real, but people can see that it's real. people can see that it's happening now. and so that just isn't tenable anymore, that doesn't mean that the polluters and those promoting them have given up the battle. instead, they've turned to other tactics, delay, deflection, division, even do mongering to convince us it's too late. that's what i call the new climate or rebecca as your reporting mess. it sounds like a thriller a sound like a conspiracy theory, but we have seen this before in the tobacco industry and some of the same playbook
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tactics at being used in the fossil fuel industry to try and persuade the public that what they're saying is not what they're saying, rebecca, how do you, how do you tell that story? exactly. this is a very similar playbook to what big tobacco use. but i think the most important thing about it is it keeps shifting just like michael said. this is no longer just a, a debate that climate and i are trying to have over whether climate change is real or not. there are now shifting that to more obstruction and delayed tactics. and just like we saw with tobacco companies, oil companies are intent on delay in climate action. as long as possible. charlie, this some work that the greenpeace journalism did, which was they tracked down and found an exxon mobil lobbyist. and i want to play a little clip of how he described his job, what he was doing. and then he,
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you talk about the damage that can be down by lobbyists in the fossil fuel industry . as have listeners have a look festival. did we aggressively fight against some of the science? yes. how did we hide our science? absolutely. no, it just did me. did me join some of these shadow groups to work against some of the really efforts? yes, that's true. ok. but there is nothing. was nothing illegal about what you know, we were looking out for our investments. we were looking out for our, our in our shareholders. that's exactly the playbook. a minor part of it. and as doctor man described,
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lobbyist are crawling all over washington d. c. there's probably 10000 registered, corporate lobbyists and the fossil fuel industry and some of the other interests that i depend upon them politically, so to speak are, are some of the most powerful on the hill. i'm. we hear it all the time from senator white house and some of the other senators and leaders who are trying to get climate related legislation through and getting blocked at every turn. and. and so, you know, though, it's not surprising and in fact, it's not just these companies themselves, they often operate through very powerful business trade associations, like the u. s. chamber of commerce. wanted to share with our some of the places the money is coming from. i'm not sure at this stage whether it's don't money such as you can tell me when i say this to you, i'm garage makers, i want to do that in
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a quiet desert toss. charles co owner to trust her as coke foundation. so those 2 are, you know, i really primarily connected to charles coke and a whole network of billionaires and sent him millionaires who use these foundations as kind of passed through is to find a whole slew of non profits. other trust limited liability corporations and the money cascades down to a whole network. and what ends up happening is the ultimate recipient. you don't know where their ultimate source of funding is and that's why we call them dark money green because these, these entities don't really report their ultimate source of money. so donors trust you don't know who their real finders are. they report who they give money to, but you don't know who gave them the money to give them that. that's a good tourist organ. i didn't really appoint. wow. right. so as back without us. okay. yeah, i get that. let me just look then i'm michael. please help me here. the groups
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receiving this money. so we don't know, nessie, the source of the money comes from certain organizations and then goes to these specific groups, some of them, some of the big ones, tell us about some of these so that you understand the way the money filters through the system. sure, so you know, these are some of the usual suspects when it comes to climate change. denial ism, the heritage foundation, e. i, the merc kato center federalist society. these are essentially laundering outfits. and so the dark money comes in, presumably from folks like the coke brothers from exxon mobil and fossil fuel companies. it gets laundered through dark money to these organizations that serve as mouth pieces for promoting industry friendly propaganda, climate change, denial, propaganda. so rebecca, we have a in and i to say a newish administration, who said part of that mandate was to address climate action to address the
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climate emergency. how is not going? has us special interest disappeared? because you have an administration that is saying that it's committed to climate change kind of action. yeah, this is doc money in auction basically because we have a bill that it represents the most historic level of spending we could have in this country on climate change in over a decade. that's built back better, but that bill has not passed the senate and not is largely because of a single sen, joe mansion of west virginia. i'm now going back to the video that you showed earlier that some obvious, i believe it was in that same video where exxon was also brought me about it's access to jo mansion in, in helping block this bill. so we still have not had this legislation passed into law, and you can trace that back to the money that's been spent to
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delay this legislation. shape the public messaging so that it doesn't pass and also pressure. lawmakers like joe mansion into not voting in favor for this. so i'm really glad you mentioned joe. mentioned because i was 2nd to say, so go ahead. you can just, you know, we can let the republican party have a pass here. i mean, mike lofgren, who was a 30 year staffer for a senator from ohio, wrote a book called the parties over pub, came out before trump, and essentially described the republican party as in india illogical cult. and what he means by that is that, you know, they don't take a stand on issues, they don't evaluate the facts. what they do is they've, they're likely tribal heard that follows the logical agenda. and so what happens is
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you can always count and then devote against climate legislation. and so you have to get every single democrat lined up. and when it's a thin margin, someone like joe mansion steps and becomes incredibly pivotal. and credibly obstructive. i'm going to share something with, without wanting to just my but my question is that you've got something on your mind. go ahead articulated before i share this with i would answer. sure, sure thing i, you know, i agree with everything. they're both rebec and charlie said, here in what's remarkable is that we've normalized the republican party. we take it as a given that they are going to oppose any efforts to do anything meaningful to address the climate crisis. it sorta remarkable that it now falls on every single democrat, and indeed, if just 2 of them, not just joe mentioned, but kristen cinema in this case, wish to block the climate agenda. they're able to do so right now because of this republican obstruction. i am going to share something that i found on rebecca's timeline on twitter and also charlie's timeline on twitter. it was the co baron
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blockade. so we've been talking about the stark money in the climate emergency climate action disrupting it. but there is a way and there are ways that citizens can say, hang on a minute, we need to organize. so you can talk about joe mansion. he's a very well known figure in the democratic party. but he also is in west virginia that has a lot of coal mines and there's a lot of special interest to make sure those coal mines stay producing co. that's the set out. now have a look at the push back. oh sure. he does not care about his future as a millionaire, and as in all regard, oh, with the wind to keep their minds. a
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coal mine with no alternative user be a seems of reason to rent that home. we have a dining and a dirty clothes with their entire community. usually we are seeing because you are blood on your hands. said charlie, here i am thinking about what you rebecca, michael had been describing which so the full sense of doc money. ok, i'm losing proposing to thought is, what was it a dollar money that a really derailing what is possible in climate action. but then we see a campaign like the cold, barren blockade. how effective can that be? what is the all the t dot money in climate crisis? well, well, we've seen in the course of history in this country. anyway. it's that organized people can beat organized money. and that's,
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that's exactly what starting to happen here. it's what we share with the sunrise movement, many, many other groups. i'm also going to bring in my cook as michael part of your book is not just explaining what the ways, but also how the battle can be won. help us with that. explain. yeah, no, i agree with what charlie just said with collective action is extremely important. here we have a voice today in the age of social media, we have these amazing platforms for speaking out and organizing and look the forces of darkness. and i'll call them that the forces of inaction. i call them the inactive as in the book, the polluters and those doing their bidding are very organized and they have tried to hijack social media as a cause for the promotion of misinformation. in disinformation, we've got to take that back, we've got to use our voice. we've got to speak out in every way possible to hold
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those policymakers accountable. and i'd like to just point to some other examples of the way people can take part. i think doing things that support healthy democracy are certainly one step to fighting dark money and politics. of course, i think ever it's familiar with voting with, with expressing or free speech, but also there are a lot of different ways you see climate action come through. it's not just happening at a federal level in congress. you can take part in your local community to push for climate progress. and one campaign that we've seen really replicate and proliferate around the country is fighting for clean electricity to power buildings. and that's something people can, can fight for at the more local level. and i think is a great example of ways people can take more ownership in the climate crisis if i have ads and he's on youtube right now, watching this discussion. and adam says,
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what changes can the us make to limit or prevent corporate loping in support of oil and gas tele, wasn't you that said that with $10000.00 low yes. registered lobby so that you have on registered lawyers, p r firms. i'm a whole suite of consultants. i mean it's, it's, you know, as you of corporate influence in washington dc. and it's kind of a frankenstein monster that deregulating campaign finance. as well as, you know, the growth of think tanks and other frank groups that corporations find. so it's, it's quite, it's quite a jog or not, you know, for instance, dark money itself, which is political spending on campaigns. i think the statistic that i read recently is that there was about $5000000.00 spent back in 2006 through dark money groups on that cycle of elections in the latest 2020 cycle,
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always up to $1000000000.00. we taught the, the woman in the blockade video, mentioned oligarchy. and she's absolutely right. well, we have people talk about oligarchy, from russia and other countries. what we have are $700.00 plus billionaires in the united states. many of them are fossil fuel, billionaires multi billionaires, like charles coke. and when you think about it, these are people who like, you know, al guards who hide their money off shore through secret accounts and various structures. these guys are hiding their money through channels to influence politics and policy. and essentially they too are clipped kratz. but in this case, what they're stealing is democracy and our chance of a livable future. that's how you thing that this is so bank. it's too difficult to tackle. no, we have, you know, this is why they oppose the freedom to vote act,
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which i was a very strong bill pro. it's been called the strongest civil rights bill in 50 years. it again, jo mansion wasn't, you know, an obstacle to it, but that bill is an amalgamation of some of the greatest policies we can enact, including public financing of elections, which is already the case in about 14 states in over 20 cities or towns have public financing and election, we know what the solutions are, you know, better registration. you know, the kinds of things that we have seen pioneered in states across the country. so it can be done again. it, it's a matter of political will. yeah, i'm just looking at it yesterday. yes. rebecca then michael. oh just just like charlie says, i think the supporting initiatives that support healthy functioning democracy is really crucial. 9 i, i think just to connect the dots,
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why democratic initiatives are so important here. majority of the public in the u. s. certainly supports climate action. the what we see repeatedly for decades now is it's a minority of concentrated special interest where the wealth is that are fighting to block these, these kinds of flaws. so if we have a better representation in the system that we have better access to building, that means we have, we have a better shot at climate action, michael. yeah, what rebecca just said is, is right on point. you know, look, we have a situation right now. we have a system with the filibuster, where a minority of politicians and reflecting a very small minority of the american people can prevent any action on any of the items that we've talked about. and in particular, legislation to rain and dark money sen, sheldon white house, who's been
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a real leader democrat from rhode island has been a real leader here. you know, has produced no legislation, but it needs now 60 votes to pass the senate. and so to do anything about, you know, dark money, we now need 60 democratic votes or 50 democrats who are willing to find workarounds to deal with the filibuster problem. and right now those to hold out that we talked about joe mansion and kristen cinema have been obstacles to changing the filibuster rules so that again, that small minority cannot prevent action on any of these items that we're talking about. so once again, the solution is collective action. it's people turning out to vote in every election, not just the presidential elections or the mid term elections, but the off term elections. so that we get the representation necessary to move these sorts of bills forward. and, you know, take back our, our, our system from polluters and moneyed interests. you know, family,
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i wanted to point out because your audience is international and we've been talking about it, you know, united states government. but it struck me back when the paris record was being negotiated. that when john kerry was taking it there, they had to turn it into an agreement and not a treaty. and why is that? because he knew he couldn't bring it back to the united states where the republican controlled senate and get it ratified as a treaty. so that's why, you know, when we talk a lot about the u. s. congress as an institution that really is obstruction, global action on climate change. we really mean it. i want to pick up on that thought because we go, john paul has a he, we spoke to, he's a climate and environmental justice advocate. he's based in india, and he looks to united states as being an example, a model for climate action can achieve. and to date, it hasn't been
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a very good model here. yes. in the middle off, a long delay in a climate action, even the slightest possible actions are considered us a turning point in the fight against act. lemme crisis. this action springs hopes to people who are impacted by climate crisis in the everyday life, especially those for mobile mobile regents. this is where low being comes as a surprise strike in delaying our hampering the progress in immediate climate actions, which tend to ensure our glamour justice. when such a law being a comes from a so called global leader, the title of polluter sewage than most than being a leader. so mike, i'm just thinking about how many u. s. has ministrations, has said that we are committed to climate action and fail to deliver and there was the one trumpet ministration said we are not and we are not delivering. and they will weigh more successful than in the administration said yes,
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we do believe in climate change. and we do believe we need to actually take action . so it's michael. well, i mean, during the trip years we saw states locality step up. in the absence of any leadership, donald trump literally became the only head of state to threaten and indeed follow through and pulling out of paris agreement. so that was a huge set back from the previous administration. the obama administration had sought seen some real successes, bilateral agreement with china. that led to the paras agreement and led to some actionable commitments from major polluters of the world to, to really do something. and then there was this setback when the united states refuses to lead, as we saw during the trump administration than other countries like india and china . you know, they eas up in their efforts as well. and so american leadership is essential. we're seeing that under the obama administration. the problem right now, of course, is obstruction by congressional republicans and
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a very small number of democrats who have enabled their efforts to block the bided administration's agenda on climate. and so once again, it comes down to turning out in elections and electing politicians who will act on our behalf rather than on the behalf of polluters. one other point i'd like to make, we've talked a lot about the united states, but there are some other petro states, russia in particular, which is, you know, built on its wealth and its influence off our reliance on their fossil fuels and, and europe's reliance on their fossil fuels in their now using that as a cudgel to prevent any sanctions from being being taken against them over their actions in ukraine. so this is really a reminder the that we've propped up these petra states like saudi arabia and russia is reminder of one of the other real costs of our continued dependence and fossil fuels and why it's so important for us to get off fossil fuels. one more
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thought hear from you chief, and i'm going to ask you to do this very quickly for me, charlie fargo says this conversation is not that simple. all companies are energy companies and they're using oil profits to day to fund renewable energy projects for our future. i have heard that so many times, charlie, your instant response back is what it's pennies on the dollar. i mean, it's true that some of the companies invest in um, let's say coke industries. the largest private oil and gas company in the united states is investing a little bit in batteries because they know that the market for oil and gas is going away and transportation, and they better hedge their bet. all right, charlie and rebecca and michael, thank he for resting with his complex subject on the stream. the really appreciate you audience have a look here, my laptop. this program was part of the covering climate now series. you can follow it always and coughing, climate now are all for the latest on the climate crisis. thanks for watching.
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ah in 2018, a journalist fled 40 days of civic action against the armenian government, and president sockets yann's grip on power. i'm going to liberate this, where a new documentary follows his non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, astonishing outcome with a democratic members with i am not alone armenians velvet revolution on al jazeera african story from african perspective mint condition. that's one that is cause you with. ready wondering if it short documentary from african filmmakers from booking a fossil antennae. for me,
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it's really important to deacon's as it comes into something that i can be causing the paint. and she himes stage africa direct on algebra. in the run up to worth day al jazeera showcase is live discussion programs and special documentaries, exploring the issues behind human caused climate change. climate skepticism is entirely dependent upon the promotion of doubt. witness screens a series of inspirational films, stories told for the eyes of those at the forefront planet. s o. s. visits greenland. to investigate how local communities are adapting to the alarming rate of melting ice. never before in human history has the months prestige environment of the arctic. food such peril. al jazeera well documents the devastating impacts of climate change on a lake and center goal and rivers in iraq. and the st asked how
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society's from responding to global warming. the climate emergency a season of special programming. anal josie ah, your crane spirit tree says is fall back against russia's offensive in the east by falling 7 attacks. ah, i'm sammy's a them, this is al jazeera alive from dell hall. so coming up israel says it's hates camps used by hamas off to our rock. it is 5 the gaza strip.


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