tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 19, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST
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ah, wherever you go in the world, one airline goes to make you feel exceptional. katara always going places to get. ah, this is al jazeera ah, over there, i'm to clog this is a news our life from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'm sure this will be a very important moment on this entire special of the rich. the russian foreign minister confirm some launch of the so called battle for don boss, but ukraine's military says sits foiled 7 attacks. russia sets another deadline for you, creating troops to pull out from the strategic port. city of maria, po,
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3 explosions near a school and cabal, kill more than a dozen people raising questions about security on the taliban rule. i if al who's a sri lankan are on the streets, demanding the government gives up power day after you cabinet has put in place. hi, i'm sorry hydro and in sports. barcelona slip pop again defeats at heinz could ease all but hands the spanish league title to arch rivals round the trench. so then as we begin this show rushes deadline for ukrainian soldiers and maria pulled to surrender has just passed. moscow said the lives of the troops inside a steel boat plant would be sped. if this is what it calls a senseless resistance, it is the 2nd ultimatum this week. russia's foreign minister said a lover of. so the new phase of the war is a major part of what moscow is called
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a special operation. this is the ration in the east of ukraine and aimed as was announced from the very beginning to fully liberate the near scott logan's, quickbooks. and this operation. oh will, will continue with this beginning. i mean, another stage of this sort of erosion is beginning, and i'm sure this will be a very important moment of this entire special of the rush. well, ukraine says it has repelled the number of russian attacks in the east. it's so part of moscow's new offensive dub the battle for don bus one at the moment. we'll have the latest from cube with el russell said, ah, but 1st let's cross to daughter jabar whose life was in moscow. a doss of her stuff . just tell us more about what 4 minutes that sir will survey love. rob was speaking to
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a journalist from an indian television channel here in moscow. and he was asked about ad russia's tactical nuclear warheads, whether the russian military would ever consider using those warheads in this conflict. and the foreign minister said that his country's military has no intention of using anything but conventional weapons as he called them at the far mr. saying that the decisions of are the different kinds of at weapons to use during this conflict is up to ultimately the commander in chief of the army. and that is the russian president vladimir putin. but as far as he understands that the military will only be using a conventional weapons. now, of course, are russia has, is believed to have one of the largest stockpiles of tactical nuclear warheads, which have never been used any conflict yet. and there is a speculation amongst an analysts that it could be use at some point,
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but really it's been ruled out by most officials here as a very extreme and scenario it if and when should it be used. now we've also been hearing from the russian defense minister circ, a chicago, who at a meeting with his officials in moscow said that the reason this so called special military operation is dragging on so long and seeking very long time is because the united states in western countries has been backing ukraine and it's military, they've been supplying arms as well as financial aid to ukraine. and they are really interested in seeing this conflict dragged out as long as possible. and until the very last ukrainian soldier, if he said, meaning that they want to be able to really achieve their goal, the walk from countries and that is to the stabilize russia. and we can, it's in the defense minister also said that these a deliveries that have been going into ukraine are really not helping just
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situation. of course, the united states government has so far funded the ukrainian government nearly $2500000000.00 in aid as well. as military equipment since this conflict began on february 24th. and the russian officials been saying that this is really one of the reasons that this conflict is dragging on full mock or the pitcher for moscow dose jibari, thanks very much. indeed. as we mentioned, ukraine says it has repelled the number of russian attacks. let's have a little more information on that now from the 4 suspects. the next create the lifecycle birthday. in the next 100 regions, some ukraine's defenders repels 7 enemy attacks destroyed 10 tangs 18 armored unit an 8 week old, one out of the system and a mortar unit. ukraine's air force has hit $7.00 a day before one plane for you avi's and to cruise, besides falling. well, let's get more on all of this from russell santa who's standing by for us in the crate and capitalism,
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keith and russell. tell us more about what you're hearing on the ground. well, there has been, or a 1000 attacks in terms of the numbers conducted by russia overnight across the country. it was a long unsupported, or parisian russian massive operation on the, the eastern part of ukraine. and you've just had started. so it was long and speeded because when russian forces retreated, they, they, they threw up in their regions around they have read, directed them across the eastern regions of, of ukraine. and now we know that particularly in hockey, that are really much fierce fight in the middle of that. so they have said that just over the last 36 or that had been at least 15 civilians killed. and they say that the russian forces are not only targeting the military facilities, but also the rest of the areas as well. in creaming, the fight is going on yesterday. we have seen the civilians who are trying to
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escape the city. they came on the shutting a several of them had been also killed. now across all the phone line, the growth, the, the don't bus region is, is now the hosting. the fierce fighting between the 2 forces you clean and the russian troops the nipple. so it was another point yesterday that the outskirts of the didn't even the town of the neighborhood the, the me pro also have been heavily, heavily shelled in you can ever is and other how support. we know that the civilians there waiting to have an access to the water and electricity seems weak, but here the symbolic town is the is the city of my, you pool. so the russia have the ukranian troops, instead of my, you pull to gather in a still work of those still still work and lay down their arms and to surrender. so far, the rain, you know, official, are seen that the troops refuse to start around there. and doesn't matter what
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they're going to, we just do that, which then did the russian or fancy, however, they accept that date for says all blocked from all directions and they are running out of the ammunition. so wrestling civilians very much in the foreign line. what's the story with humanitarian colonels just in their city of my you for we know that more than a thousands of more than a 1000 civilians are waiting to be created and among them that are significant number of that of children's as well. today, the governor of law hands said that despite ukraine or russia could not reach an agreement to open the humanitarian corridors for the ever equations, they started to recreate civilians. he gave the example of a christina. yes. so they said that since the civilian could not escape could not be created. now it's, it's, it's been taken by the russia and this, at the residence of the city are being captured by the, the occupants. so in there says, is not to repeat the scenario we're,
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we're creating a recreate in people. although i'm one of the development significant development of today is that, that's at least 76 people have been exchanged between russia and ukraine as the swap of their prisoners. and the deputy prime minister of ukraine says that the 60 of them were soldiers, 16 of them were civilians, and 10 of them were the, the ukrainian officers just couple of days ago ago, ukraine officials were seeing that russia has taken a, did that the mayor of some of the cities and b officers, we do not know whether it is mayors and officers are among those who have been exchanged today. russell, thanks for that sir. russell. soda bare reporting from keith penny mostella had all the news are including a family named linked to an oppressive pass. but it's not slowing down the front runner to be the next president of the philippines. new measures to fight climate change a week after devastating floods. south africa's president calls for plan of action
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. we've got support coming up to steph curry starring for the golden gate in the playoffs. sada has yet to be 8. ah, at least 15 people being killed in explosions in afghanistan. capital 2 schools in the west of couple were hits. witnesses say hand grenades were used. many people in the neighbourhood belong to the sheer hazardous community that is often targeted by sunni armed groups. like the case id for jojo, and for those that we are close to the school, i quickly came to the sides when the 1st blast happened to see if everything was okay. i went to the top of my house to see what was going on. there was a crowd of people over there and i was standing on the roof of my house and called my children to enter the home. suddenly the 2nd blast happened and i got injured today. let's bring in, let fuller loved his in couple and a political unless the literally another dreadful attack. why do you think schools
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would have been targeted in this way? well, thank you. this is number one, is the soft target for the military or text for the tourist doctor x, i should say. and number 2 and it can easily be circulated and it can easily be fit into the mind or that people are to lose what you want to hope and that, that, that is still the error in among the people to harness that. no one is claim responsibility at this point. i. i know it's hard to speculate, but what's your feeling at this stage? one of the year does he re aged is lot he, she, i go minute could be via and really what i have to happen in the past, the ascii or bash was the 1st to claim the responsibility for that in yet somebody has to take responsibility. but the suspicion is that it may be in the day she's
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behind. yes. but do we have to wait and see? the tell about uncle say they have secured the country. it is pretty evident that the risks of a resurgent sea in militancy remains will develop. the under is to minutes the, the, the, the, the didn't want did it last year, but it didn't run. it's done. yes, there is a bit of relatively a bit of security and i've run into a lot of stuff across and learn is done. but the most important thing that we have to talk about and we have to consider is the franchise nature of the security can easily be disrupted. it was easy to be endangered as we have seen today. so therefore, i think a lot has to be done on the part of the taliban to, to, to provide if you please could 50 to the entire population. one is done, but it is going to be impossible for them. because if you see the economic hardship digits in for guys meant in the public discontent, that is going with,
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with your passing day, all those things combined together. i think it could be really difficult for them because of the end of it. and these are the factors which contribute to the, to the integral of the bike and say it in the context, right? so it is mitigating for the title one to claim, but they have provided a full fledged and full. so could you to the people at one time. and finally, to what degree is the fragile nature of security. and that's going to be made more fragile by these fractious board attentions between pakistan and afghanistan. yes, the barter digit is one of the a, the video which, which indicators the president of the security and the relation between the indicators, the future of the relation between the new reality on the ground in a valley sun, enough to pakistan. so dear it number 2, a, it is, it is yet deli barnett to cause form. it's, it's body into a fully functioning as a recap,
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people it responsible state yet is know for it. we'll definitely talk about basically look at that of the intelligence, the military defense. all these are still in the very national stage in parliament are working on that till that happened to their conform yourself in, quote, cabals kit i think needs, he couldn't do the men for jail in the people like that. you know, we, we don't have to forget that the dashed their hug. see, super sit in cobble, particularly in other pro. so what is them? so they can utilize the fort lines. the economics exploit the, the hardship disappointment in the anger, the piece in of, in the me, in a while, some right now, so it's going to be very difficult for the taliban. ok. all right, to look for the left, we appreciate that. thanks very much and it takes a hug. me thing shall anchor is heading towards another political crisis. i listen 24 hours of renew cabinet and sworn in opposition. parties are planning to bring down. the government's protest had been held daily,
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demanding the resignation to prison. go to bar roger packs of phil anchors struggling with its worst economic crisis. does lead to power cut suit, shortages of food, fuel and medicine, and elfin. and as is more of those process now from colombia when i'm outside her, basically what is she lancoste largest specialist hospital for children and specialist needs of children. and this pretty much is the specialist staff. we've got doctors, we've got surgeons specialists and support staff that have stepped out here outside the lady ridgeway because they are demanding that proper medical supplies be provided for them. i did speak to a surgeon a short while ago and he said things like suturing materials which are vital for surgeries, are in short supply, forcing them to put off a number of routine procedures because there might be emergencies where they might need this material. there are things like honey as in newborns, and doctors are having their say to make critical decisions. and they are facing
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dilemmas because if they don't operate on it to day, it can become more serious in a few days. the children or the child might have been taken out of colombo, the parents would have to come with all the shortages. so that a critical issues. and this sort of sure, of protest by the medical community is just one of them. and that is something that is being a court around the country, a number of protest in 8 to 10 cities around the country where the mean talents have been blockaded because of fuel shortages and another massive increase in the price of fuel. let's take this home, we can speak to your 100 pereira, who's also colombo. he's executive director of the national peace council of sri lanka whisperer. welcome to the program. are clearly a very critical situation right now in sri lanka, what is it going to take to try to alleviate it? well, i think it is very essential that people should see that the government is responsive
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to what they are demanding. and what day the minute, no less than the president and the prime minister, both writers who are presently holding those positions. i think that if you use this crisis but not to really solve it, the president should step down because that's what, that's what the people who owns and the president himself has to not be able to show him on the leadership. and it doesn't necessary to, to go in the country to show his meal, to demonstrate leadership. but he hasn't shown any sign stepping down as a and a lot of pressure to do so. because if he doesn't, then these protest i want to continue because he's protest, i'm not also just out, you know, when you get an idea of the needs of the people,
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the hardships that people are going through that message. you're kind of not nines outside your stations. or people not blocking the roads and it really tracks because they're not fuel for them that so and why don't know that recently it is spreading throughout the country. now, if something has to be done and the but here really concerned is that the government might do down using the media of yahoo, that this will not happen, but it only aggravate the company because the very widespread feeling among the people it is not just the image and that's the government tries to make a spectrum at that time say listen to the middle class in the middle, the pharmacy, the pharmacy, the ones with several months ago when, when the president really unbelievably bang, chemical fertilizer feedback. and despite the please of our intellectual,
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our professor agriculture, he kept to the mac and a sort of jumping that. what about this offer that he's made to, to reduce executive power by amending the constitution. but that doesn't go far enough, judging by the reaction of the present let i think that lunesta, that reduction of the problem with which people actually supported it, believe it believe in the president didn't believe that he would make a difference. that he would mean that if he said he would clean up the corruption, he would find people on the basis of marriage. none on which it did. unfortunately, he, you know, made me feel because now hi, expectations are and so of wanting would need to reduce the cause of the pregnancy . but actually idea would be to defend entirely because the president sees too much in line with our traditional notions of kingship and everyone who has come to that
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position as it has not used in the way for the sake of the people. but it was the one when you and grand i was one of them and for the party. so i think that is absolute but as a 1st step, yes, but i think mr. president needs to resign and i need to do better remove the 20th and then reduce the hours of that. i didn't see need to follow all party government to take the country forward for the next year or so or can then hold the election. amesbury, we're going to leave that. do appreciate your perspective on this. thanks very much . jan. pair these ready army says it has detained 5 palestinians as part of what it's colon counter terrorism activities. another 72 people have been wounded in confrontations with israeli forces in the village of brook troops or supporting settlers on the march to the former illegals. huffman. to pro mesh is regulated in 2005 is part of israel. so called garza disengagement plan and let's cross now to
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needed abraham who's in ramallah in the occupied west blanca needed finishing with the latest. according to the palestinian red crescent, more than 70 palestinians were wounded. the majority of them by tear gas inhalation to rest. either where his bite of it could steal bullish or by being hit by the tear gas grill. now, what happened in the home area, which is, or used to be an eagle is when you settlement is from the 1978. when these reagan military sees diff until 2005, when israel has decided up as a part of what it's known, it's disengagement plan to evacuate settlements for them in the west bank. so it is set, the settlers haven't stopped coming. they are because they want to take, we claim marie take, let's say that land and it move it or turn it into
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a 2nd. now in december, palestinians have killed and is ready, settler de thing, the israelis to consider the area closed minutes, arizona, yet we're still seeing them a comp, petty settlers to the sites such as to day. they've closed down roads in front of palestinians, basically allowing those is wages settlers to re, besides, to go there while the palestinian, the actual owners of the land, according to lawsuits in israeli courts. the threat of i said these lands were built on private lands or these lands where belonging to palestinians, those plastic is every time they go to their land, their band or either attacked by israeli sefner. there has been a big optic in settler attacks in the recent years, according to the un since the beginning of the year. more than 170 attacks where
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documented against palestinians by is brady settlers and those incidents have heard more than 340 palestinians a 3rd of those autumn. but which is the village where the confrontations are taking place. today. the tensions clearly very high. one of the risks at this time there is a 1st of all it let's give you some idea of how many supplements are there in the occupied was according to piece now organization. we're talking about more than 680000. a settlers living illegally according to the international law in the west bank is moving between settlements and outposts. we're talking about more than 280 settlements and outputs across and palestinians will tell you that they feel like they are living in islands in between these
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settlements. they enjoy infrastructure resources. they take palestinian researchers such as porter as such as the lands obviously. so up there, it's already ascension, on the ground as a result of the current is really escalation and the intensity of how many palestinians were killed and wounded since the beginning of the year. so all of these elements, in addition to the settlers, raising palestinian aside centralised indian villages and lands that palestinians cannot access. all of that could, could, could contribute to hight intention and more escalation or i need it. thanks very much. did abraham reporting well, a 17 year old palestinian girl shot by israeli forces during a raid in the occupied westbank has now died. highland hoarder was injured on saturday, and mother says she'd been on her way to an english class in the city of jenny. at least 21 people have been killed during his reading operations across the west bank
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. during the past 3 weeks. is rarely army says air strikes of hit camps used by her mass in garza, after a rocket was fired from the strip toward southern israel. no casualties have been reported in either attack. rocket was intercepted by israel's air defense system. a mass had warned it would retaliate against his reactions. at the alex and most compound in occupied east jerusalem. many palestinians were wounded by as ready forces there over the weekend. and the way back home lie, i view with utmost severity, the remarks accusing israel of the violence directed against us. and they are those who are encouraging a rock toying and the use of violence against the citizens of the state of israel. this is unacceptable to us long. this is that have ought for the fighters, especially hamas, which are trying to ignite violence, injurious. lemme, we will not allow this to happen while in the state of israel will continue to parade far and safeguard the dignity of all of us to enable everyone to celebrate in jerusalem. and most of all our forces will continue to provide security for the
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citizens of the state of israel. no demons who the rebels have agreed to end the use of child soldiers who have fought during 7 years of civil war. the hu thies signed a deal to stop recruiting children in armed conflict and also attacks on schools and hospitals. the u. n says the who thesis committed to releasing the child soldiers within 6 months, south africa is declared in the national disaster after a storm killed. hundreds of people, president, so rum, oppose. it says more needs to be spent showing up defenses against the effects of climate change up to $400.00 millimeters of rain fell in the province of quasi new natal last week in 24 hours meter miller. as this, the heavy rains have stopped, but the crisis is still unfolding. south africa's national defense for says 10000 troops will hit the quote zullie natal province to help clear out the devastation left by days of flooding. more than 400 people were killed,
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dozens are missing. this risky team is looking for one of them. la before, oh my god, we're out here helping looking for our neighbor. we're sure she was swept by the river because we found her son's body nearby. but she is still missing. families are left to wait and manage one painful struggle after another is the most singular cooling. this is up to about the situation is bad. her son is already at the move. but since we haven't found his mother yet, we don't know where to lay his remains. landmark, the floods left thousands of people homeless. it also knocked out power and water services. president, ceramic wasa, says climate change feel the disaster and new measures and needed to prepare for extreme whether we need to increase our investment employment adaptation measures to better safeguard communities against the effects of climate change. the government has declared a state of disaster with nearly $7000000.00 allocated the relief efforts with
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communities hit hard, risky teams say it will take more than time and money to fully recover. hundreds of thousands of children are due to attend to school on tuesday after the easter holiday weekend, but authorities warned for many that won't it be possible for me to mila al jazeera or i, let's get more on the weather in south africa, his car. hello there. let's start in southern africa and there's good news. the eastern areas of south africa conditions have cleared up. it's looking a lot more settled after those devastating floods in cause zulu natal cities like durban, sing lots of sunshine and clear skies. welcome relief from that wet weather. the much of the rain has pushed to southern areas of mozambique. we are going to see some drenching down. pause for one of the bob way in the days ahead and look at that heavy rain pushing into north eastern areas of madagascar. now further north of this was seen the usual storms and showers rolling across,
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sent that central band of africa. we're going to see wet weather for the northwest corner. thanks to a weather system plaguing iberia. then that's going to push its way further east, bringing some pretty intense winds. we could see some sandstorms as well for libya and cairo, which is in a cool down. we'll start to warm up as the winds change in the days to come. now for the event we've had some yo yo temperatures here, they are going to pick up again as that unsettled weather pushes east across turkey will see temperature pick up once again in places like jerusalem. but for baghdad, there is a bit of a cool don, thanks to a wind blowing down for lot of the heat, we have to head further south react, touching 40 degrees celsius on thursday. so hey, there are now 0 hacking at the highest levels of government. the digital watchdog issues of wanting to you, k officials, mosques, no longer required us just changes the rules as infections are on the rise, and in sport with sorrow,
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the la dodgers are inspired by some vacating stock. find me 2022 ah. full of struggles full of pleasure. mad at them. i would i lena left with the same team. huh. you me lose. you may go and megan legal, why they from india was only her, me an intimate look at life in cuba hero been done. don't know what again was a prison look again, angela said, as a daughter, what are the more my lead my cuba on al jazeera, the stage is set, and it's time for a different approach. one that is going to challenge the way you think was wor, inevitable. i just want to started to please don't it. they're not doing the right thing. let's leave simplicity to the headlines. join me as i take on the lies,
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dismantled misconceptions and debate. the contradictions do we have a real democracy here in the united states, the snob or political 40? it's a rhetorical insurgency are mark lamond hill, and it's time to get up front right here on out 0. lou. ah, but again, you're watching out 0 reminder. our top story is this hour and rushes deadline for ukrainian soldiers and maria paul to surrender has passed. moscow said the lives of the troops inside a still works plant will be spared. if he sees what it calls a senseless resistance, the crane says it has repelled the number of russian attacks in the east of the country. it's part of an offensive by moscow dog,
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the battle for don bass after it failed to capture key. it's real anchor is heading towards another political crisis less than 24 hours after new cabinet was sworn in opposition. parties are planning to bring down the government u. k prime minister prose johnson is expected to apologize to parliament of being fined by police for breaking his own government's coven 19 lockdown laws. it will be his 1st appearance before mph since being penalized last week. let's go straight away to john hall, who's standing by for us in london, jr. what are we expecting this afternoon? as you said in a couple of hours time this afternoon, barbara johnson will stand up in the house of commons and address m fees for the 1st time about the fine that he received during easter recess. lower one of a number of fines handed out to senior figures including the treasury secretary richie sooner he got one as well until recently thought to be the man most likely to succeed boris johnson. fines of course,
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handed out by the metropolitan police in the context of their ongoing investigation into a series of alleged rule breaches. parties that took place in downing street during periods of coven locked out at mister johnson, according to spokesman, is expected to offer, quote, a full throated apology. he will say that people were entitled to expect that they deserved better from their leaders. the people who made these rules, would it be enough for his critics? well, that seems unlikely. we believe the apology will form just a few lines in a much broader statement about the war in ukraine, about spiraling energy costs here at home as one inside. it is reported to have described it. it will be a plea for perspective. yes. rules were deemed to have been broken. no, he didn't at the time, believe he was breaking the rules. but that now overall is not the time for leadership contest, not the time for change at the top. and so,
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given all of that is johnson's job under threat, still. the danger certainly hasn't passed for bars. johnson the short term it seems possible. it's not likely that later this week he may folk face a vote in parliament over whether he should be subjected to formal parliamentary investigation into whether he lied back in december. when he said no rules had been broken. there were no parties. that's not a vote that he's likely to lose, but things could spiral further at any moment, frankly, if the metropolitan police issue new fines possibly to mister johnson again, there are at least 3 further events still under investigation at which he was thought to have been present but as a formal sort of coo within his own party, to oust him those letters that m. p. 's need to send in reaching a sufficient level to trigger a confidence vote in him will. that is thought to be on hold until local elections
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in may. when the conservative party is expected to do very poorly, if that is the case, it could then be held up as the public's judgment on bar johnson. and at that moment, while his position then could become quite tenuous, never a dull moment. thanks very much gentle reporting that from london a digital rights group has worn the u. k. officials at electronic devices connected to the highest levels of governments appear to have been infected with spice software citizen lamb says the spyware is known as pegasus, and it's a product of the israeli cyber arms dealer en, eh, so group. the watchdog has linked the hacking of devices in the u. k. prime minister's office and the foreign office to en, eh, so clients in the united arab emirates, jordan, and to india. none of those countries has commented and the u. k. government says it doesn't comment on security matters and also denies the allegations. while adam shapiro is a director of israel, palest in palestine advocacy at dawn, he says,
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some intelligence agencies need to catch up with software being used by companies like edison cruise. it should be said that citizen with him before has a long track record of credibly proving its allegations with the evidence that find on the devices and what, what is significant about this in this case, although it really isn't surprising, is the extent to which even european governments are using the spyware against their own civil and against political target. we've seen that authoritarian governments are using this. ready fire against political or get. ready stylists, tonight's defenders, people like to know if the shogi founded on. ready the person but what's the government seems to be doing to and not using it to fight crime or to me trafficking. ready other things that the government, the government and the company said this by. ready was useful, i do think that a bit of catch up by some of these intelligent agencies who believe that they have
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better system than the private sector and especially in this case within so groups there will also promises made by the group years ago. ready saying that the technology couldn't be used against us phones or israeli. ready phones or u k. ready phone oliver is improving to be bogus. for rights conspiracy. peddling u. s. media company in for was, has filed, filed for bankruptcy, protection after losing defamation lawsuit is founder alex jones has been sued by the families of children who died in a 2012 mass shooting. he said what happened at sandy hook elementary school was a hoax, but he since conceded it was real, a jury will decide how much they should pay. it could be the millions white house as it is disappointed with the court ruling that has struck down a nation wide mask mandate on public transport. a federal judge in florida rule, the u. s. centers for disease control and prevention had overstepped it so
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authority comes as new cases are increasing. john hanjin reports now from chicago with new cases rising along with cove in confusion mask mandates in the us or more muddle than ever. in florida, a federal judge appointed by been president, donald trump, on monday, struck down a mask requirement on planes, trains and buses across the us saying the biden administration exceeded its authority. it doesn't matter to me what they do of florida. i'm still going to be, where am i some travellers say they're happy to mask last medical. the white house is it's reviewing that decision. so this is obviously a disappointing decision. the cdc continues recommending wearing a mask and public transit. as you know, this just came out this afternoon, so right now the department of homeland security who would be implementing and the cdc are reviewing the decision. and of course the department of justice would make
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any determinations about litigation. the federal government last week extended the transportation mask mandate until may 3rd. the biden administration has not said whether it would appeal. most people are still wearing masks with the airport, but the biden administration says it will no longer enforce the transportation mask mandate. airlines are happy, they've been fighting against this rule, and now they want to return to pre pandemic business. as usual, the news comes is covered cases surge with a new sub very and called b a to reportedly 30 percent more contagious than previous variations following a 2 month long decline in cases. just feel like not mandates or something like people at my school are getting like every day that has philadelphia reinstating its indoor mask mandate at the university of connecticut. once again, masks or mandatory. oh, we all want to be healthy. we all want to go back home. wow. and not get disturbed
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during the exams in new york, most broadway theaters are still requiring theatre goers to mask up even as much of the rest of the country goes mask lists. john henderson, al jazeera chicago. hong kong is one of the few places in the world, is maintaining 0 cobit policy. tens of thousands of people have been under quarantine and that driving to pollution and waste problems in the territory priyanka to explain remote controls, pillows, cutlery, almost everything in this quarantine hotel in hong kong that can be touched by people's hands is wrapped in plastic. the government is determined to keep the krona virus out, seemingly at any cost. every single one of the staff members here was so p, p, you know, the gowns, the glass, the cheese, the hats, and that every staff member and on every school. even just that in itself,
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the huge amount of wasted, a huge amount that is being thrown in, you know, to the been and none of that is able to be recycled. hong kong comes more than $2300.00 tons of plastic waste every day. most of it is disposed in these landfills . since the pandemic, disposable waste has been piling up, even along its white, sandy beaches. the possibly o for recycling, right. while profit ah scrap. it's about 11 percent versus more presented. and so to worse, nearly 90 percent, all your project ways is either and up in our own field or you end up in the later these hastily made quarantine facilities cannot be used long term for housing and are also adding to the problem. everything is known
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standards, the ground formation decide formation is non standard, doesn't comply with any particular building standards. we have in hong kong. the structure set up place on top are temporary, so they have a short lifespan. and then already we have seen issues when the risk heavy rain, we have flooding issues and so on. last week, the golf mas environmental advisors suggested ways to change hong kong throwaway culture. but many are concerned the pandemic and the territories 0 corporate strategy. me heard those efforts, blanket the i'll 0 accord and pakistan is sent in 6 men to death for the lynching of a sri lankan man, accused of blasphemy. 88 people were convicted and given jail terms, 9 of them for life. did you learn to attack and mess l got last year led to outrage the victims beaten to death and body set on fire. attackers were identified through mobile phone videos uploaded to social media. polls have now closed in the final
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round of east timor presidential election ages, newest nation that's face political instability in recent years to run off kinds of it's blame each other. nobel laureate josie ramos horta received 46 percent of the votes in the 1st round of march up against incumbent francisco. ted, as the next leader will be sworn in on the 20th anniversary of east timor independence. in may. jessica washington is following developments from jakarta. we do expect counting to start at around 10, g. so in coming out and that is expected to take around 3 days. we could of course have an indication of who is in the lead depending on the progress of counting in particular districts. as you noted in that 1st round of the elections, joseph ramos horta put up a strong show and was able to secure a 46 percent of percent of the votes. of course, it wasn't enough to secure him the presidency, but it does place him in a strong position for this ronald. however, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that it will be. he will be victorious in his run
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all round. one of the challenges that his competitor francisco good terrorist faced in the 1st round with some fractures within his own party, which basically diluted his level of support for the 1st round means to be seen now with this runoff round, the final round of the elections is whether the people who voted for those all the candidates will who they will end up supporting in this round that remains to the things we've heard from both of the top to contend is that they do intend to engage in a dialogue and that they go with ultimately stability for team or less state. now, it is a team will say use asia, the youngest democracy, but it has grappled with some concerns from young people in particular that it's political system continues to be dominated by the old god. and, and the rivalry between the candidates and parties tend to take up more focus than
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the actual issues that impact the daily lives of the people of team or less. de michael leach is a professor of politics and international relations at sweden by university technology. and he says, the outcome of the vote could affect the upcoming parliamentary election with thing context between 2 people from the 75 generation when team project same over the, came in dependent shortly thereafter was invited by indonesia. there was a 24 year resistance. and the 2 presidential figures in this right, he figures in that 24 year resistance to the end of a price of $1.00 being the head of fanatic resistance. jose ramos horta, who a lot of people around the world and the current president, the incumbent lu, over terrorist that was part of the military, found them. so a lot of respect for elders and team res society. in traditional society. little respect for the all the politicians,
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the respect. ready for their resistance generation in the veterans. but people are asking the question, how long can this generation dominate politics and melissa, there is that this might be the last round of elections in 2022 in 2023. where this group from 975 to dominate the elections that they are doing. now, this is the presidential election, very important. the position of president, it's important one in appointing governments and under the circumstances dismissing government, so dissolving parliament. but the prime minister is the more powerful route and currently that how i'm, if you'll actually schedule the mid 2023 to the rooms. what is chief backlash? not a good. now he's saying, i want to say that alimentary election come forward to this year. and of course it candidate a perfect candidate elected president tonight. that would be a potential step in that direction. the son of a former dictates rooster favorite to become the next president of the philippines,
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ferdinand bung bung. marcus judah says he wants to return the country to its former glory, milan, and duncan reports now from manila. ah, well, not a bonbon mark as junior is the front runner in the presidential election in maine, but for some one who is running on the platform of unity, he is seen as the most divisive candidate. that's because the marcus named conjures up images of corruption, decadence and oppressive rule. many say it was the day when democracy died. on september 21. 1972 martial law was imposed by former president, ferdinand marquess thousands were jailed, tortured and killed. that brutal rule lasted for 14 years, and it remains to be the darkest period in recent philippine history. but 64 year old born is the only son of the dictator ferdinand marcus senior. he died in exile
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in white after the revolution which toppled him in 1986. it may seem surprising to many now, but the marcus political resurgence didn't happen instantly. political observers said the marcus as have spent years using social media to rewrite history. oh. 6 despite widespread outrage in 2017 president rodrigo to 30 allowed his predecessor to be buried in the revered hero cemetery in manila. many see the rehabilitation of the marcus image is in the early complete. micro simply wants to preserve his families and gotten wealth and one's got and bid, that he probably left things beyond bills, but more interested and more self interested people. it to be a continuation of the old regime. despite his political pedigree markers junior has
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been merged with cases and debts both here and abroad. he was convicted of facts, evasion, his family's multi $1000000.00 estate tax to remains unpaid and he is facing the largest ever contempt case, filed by a u. s. court al jazeera requested an interview with the marcus campaign team, but we didn't get a response. the candidate has also missed other media interviews, and most of the presidential debates, but bongo marcus junior says, all he ever wants is to return the country to its former glory. for many filipinos here. all they see is a son desperate to leave the country that others accuse his parents of ransacking jamila lin, dog and al jazeera manila. a still head heron out, 0, got school coming up. the dallas mavericks level up there series with in utah. just shara, with
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pool ah ah ah, with the sports or thanks for the make. well real madrid within touching distance and spanish league type loft or another surprise slip bought by nearest rivals. barcelona. they lost one nail at the new camp on monday to kadijah decide who a bottling relegation at the bottom of the table. this defeat for boston came just days after they were dumped out of the europe a league of buying frankfurt. now they remain 2nd in the league with still trial, real madrid by 15 points with just 7 games to play as a mom,
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but i'm not blaming you are those, but we are very angry. the players are the 1st to be angry and disappointed. we lost a golden chance to give ourselves a difference from the rest of the teams wanting a champions league place. and we are practically saying good bye to the lead. i'm personally angry and disappointed, and we had to play with much more desire. this is not enough, we have to do more well to make fossilize problem was before the game fans protested outside the stadium. very angry with president john le port and how he's running the club. there also frustrations as well at why so many of the many rather visiting german fanciful ticket last week shot exit in europe. now, league falls obtained from the spanish football federation have read night to allocations on how the spanish, the cup came to be moved to saudi arabia. now it's came, the company owned by barcelona defends, a gerard, p. k is being paid nearly $26000000.00 for his part in the renovations back in 2019 audio recordings claim spanish football. present luis will be allison p. k. made
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the arrangement despite saying at the time that no commission would be paid. he k. as denies any wrong doing in 2020 the spanish see if the car came before team tournament being hosted in saudi arabia, 60 years old rivals the pool a man to the united face off in english, premier league on tuesday bought united will be without the man christiane, rinaldo, now they've confirmed, he won't feature in the much a field after the death of his new baby boy, rinaldo and his partner georgina. though driggers were expecting twins bots, announce on social media, the only that daughter has survived. united are still targeting champions league football next season. walden pool can top off the table manager ralph ryan. nick knows many of the play as well. from his time in germany. i didn't say that how much influence i had on those playlists, but it's, it's pretty obvious that
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a big club like little one of the best clubs in europe for the last couple of years . or they have 6 former players of us, of either shot here from time slots. let's see. so it's probably the highest number of players that, that nobody knew by the time we had assigned them all the that they gave the abuse to be came to massive game to biggest clubs in the world. i would say maybe in spain to will say it's different that differently, but 2 of the biggest cups in the world for sure. face each other. a massive history around big, big, big fights in the past to pan has been named, is replaced that high speed station football championship in july, china is due to stage the tournament bought restrictions and locked down. caused by the coven. 19 pandemic may have been forced to withdraw. the chinese men's and women's sides will still take part in the competition. in japan. steph curry is
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returned to form help the golden state warriors be denver in game to their series in the n b a. playoffs. as he makes his come back from a foot injury car contributes. if that's the whole point of the war is cruising to victory and monday's game and gets going down a $126206.00 golden state. leave the best of 7 series to know the 1st i have for now lopez, my step son, bobby felt good. so they were to kind of get some sparse and make certain shots. it feels a little different. a little bit more know launch more, more emotion kind of comes out and especially you know, that would that lay off so's nice for them. the dallas, my right. several best series of utah jazz science. re high point 441 by jaylen bronson mass, taking this 10200 for the same lease in game 3 of the series on today.
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and the philadelphia 76 is taking control of their cash before they need the series to know, and that's thanks to 100 and so points to 97. when on monday, joe and be with the home side with 30 points on the night. now moving on to major league baseball prefer the freeman has quits quite so it's a rather against his former team. as the later on. dodges took over on the atlanta braves freeman who played for 12 years. the price was given a warm reception by his old colleagues after his shot and showed the reigning walls . serious champions brought the missing, hitting a home run for the villages in the whole victory room. his efforts helping to go to 7th street. when for the tenants, well, number one, asheville t a fuel speculation. she'll try for a 3rd top level sports and career by finding out for gulf i can varies with 3025 year old. made a shock decision last month when she quit tennis shortly after winning her grant.
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simon australia policy paid professional cricket for queensland and brisbin heat in 2015. and she's also now writing a series of children's books. and the 1st event of the golf i've home series takes place in new jersey. at the end of june. canyon run is once again dominated the boston marson evans tibet, one the men's race in 2 hours, 6 minutes and 51 seconds to compete. on canyon podium and the women's race won by a kenyan for a 2nd straight year. her as jet chair chair, overtaking the field in the final run to the line to take the title around $28000.00 runners. took part in the $126.00 staging of the race in boston, which is the world's oldest 15 marathon. well, that's it from me, but i will be back in a few hours by its unit. sorry, thank you very much indeed. thanks very much and let me just not you in the direction of our website al jazeera dot com is address all the news we're covering back, especially the latest new situation in the east of ukraine. back with more of that
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in just a couple of minutes. we'll see that ah, in the 13 lans of former mesopotamia, where the 1st settlements formed the cradle of civilization, iraqi people who depended on the tigris and euphrates for centuries can no longer make a living on rivers blighted by will and pollution. out of their world reveals how the man made decline of one of history's most famed ancient environments and leaving its peoples struggling to survive iraq's dying rivers. frank assessments, what are the political risks of panic? russian oil, a gas for western leaders, pull sanctions on russian energy exports. a recipe for such informed opinions, france is not abandoning to fight against yet is still reserved media debt. going
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to be attaching from nisha and from chad critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera in the run up to worth day al jazeera showcase, his live discussion programs, and special documentaries, exploring the issues behind human caused climate change climate skepticism is entirely dependent upon the promotion of doubt. whitney screens a series of inspirational films. stories told for the eyes of those at the forefront planet. s o s. visits greenland. to investigate how local communities are adapting to the alarming rate of melting ice. never before in human history has the months, prestige, environment of the arctic. food in such peril, al jazeera world documents the devastating impacts of climate change on
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a lake and center goal and rivers in iraq. and the st asks how societies can respond to global warming. the climate emergency a season of special programming anal josie ah, i'm sure this will be a very important moment on this entire special of derision. russian foreign minister confirms the launch of the don bus offensive, but the crazed military says it has foiled 7 attacks. ah, our mccloud davis is out there a life and go ha, also coming up 3 explosions near a school in cowboy kill more than a dozen people raising questions about security on the taliban rule.
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