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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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stay, ah, events have been held across the u. k to honor queen elizabeth the 2nd, the king of performance of happy birthday during the changing of the guard at windsor castle. the queen's jubilee and birthday are also being celebrated by toymaker mattel. it's released a limited edition barbie doll including elizabeth's likeness, well as opposed likeness. it's part of a barbie tribute collection, which mattel says honors important. historic female figures. ah, the top stories are al jazeera russian president vladimir putin has declared victory in the battle from are you pull in what would be moscow's biggest victory of the war? so far? ukrainian president laudermill zalinski confirmed that russia controls much of the
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city, but denies it has fallen. who had made the claim despite canceling plans to storm the as of styles still works. the cities last pocket of resistance. instead he ordered his troops to seal off the thousands of defenders and hundreds of civilians said to behold up there, mary, mary paul says there's an urgent need for a humanitarian corridor to rescue civilians. oh, you are brave defenders are trying to protect our city as much as possible at the moment. but despite all that were begging for the international community that we should be united with. one goal that all the civilians who hiding in the as of style still works, get an opportunity to get out and be taken to safety. at least for 24 hours. this humanitarian card or should be established with begging for it. our men are also ready to leave the as of style still works, but only with our weapons in the hands. but to day, we're still negotiating this 3 buses of arrived in the ukrainian city of separation . a carrying almost 80 evacuees from mary lupo. it came up to several unsuccessful
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attempts to free the besieged port city due to ongoing rush and shedding, sold around a $100000.00 civilians, remain trapped elsewhere you create an official says russia has taken $42.00 villages in the net screech and it's renewed offensive in the countries east. meanwhile, in the us, president joe biden has pledged another $800000000.00 of military assistance for ukraine, for weapons i munition and drones. and he said, you know, to ask congress for extra money because funding for arms as almost been exhausted. at least 18 people have been killed in explosions across multiple cities in afghanistan, the northern city, missouri sharif, the navy province of condos and the eastern province of 9 grandma were targeted. i saw his claim responsibility for the blast in missouri. sharif that killed 10 people. explosion near the airport in conduce, killed 4 people and in anger, how province for taliban members died,
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those little stories do stay with us now today or the stream is coming up next. i'll be back up to that one. i for the me. ah ah ah i anthony ok today on the screen we are talking about the n word nuclear. how big a role could nuclear energy play as we look for cleaner, sustainable forms of energy going forward? so we have on the ad team, a lot of experts, you know, a lot about the pros and cons of nuclear energy, use them as a resource. join us on youtube for your comments or questions into the comment section. be part of today's show. let's meet our panel, we have
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a mer and sean and cast eager to have all 3 of you with us. and may i please introduce yourself to our stream audience? hi, my name is mary, are fine. i re reporter a box. i'm all the science desk and i focus on climate change it to hattie. hello, sean. welcome to the string. please introduce yourself to our viewers. hello, i'm shawn burney. i'm a senior nicholas specialist with greenpeace east asia, mostly working in japan and south korea godaddy, and welcome casting with our audience no need to know about you who you are and what you do. hi everyone. i am kirsty and i work for tara praxis. i, which is a non profit organization focused on accelerating action for climate and prosperity . and really focusing on enabling really high impact, very rapid transitions for the toughest parts of our di compensation challenge. i say good to have all 3 of you with us. so a mer cast issue. i am thinking that this conversation about nuclear energy. i thought we've had this before. we've talked about the pros and cons,
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nuclear energy, didn't we just do that in the seventy's, the eighty's and ninety's in them pocket. and am i imagining that we're going back to that same conversation in a way that conversation has never really stopped? it's always been a perennial sort of thing that's been on the table. you know, nuclear energy has been part of the energy mix around the world since the 1950s, the united states has more nuclear reactors than any other country. and they provide about 20 percent of the electricity here. and there's always been a debate about just how much more we should invest, whether we should be keeping the existing reactors on line. but the contours of that debate have changed, you know, at the 70. the concert was the oil crisis and basically about energy constraints. and now the constrain the conversation has shifted a little bit more towards climate change. you know, how does nuclear fit into the equation when it comes to d, carbonite in our power grid? and so the contours i keep changing what the debate around nuclear is still, you know, always on the table. so when i talk about this confession, beginning of the, the 18th, the 19th into the 2000, you know, if you've been in it,
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i knew to as well come to show your thoughts. why are we here again or why we continuing to have the debate? yeah, i'm getting a little bit older and little bit tired of this, declared reinhold day. i wasn't so much. i was in shorts in the seventy's, but the seventy's they had exactly the same to be as, as omar just said, which was about energy security and nuclear was not able to grow substantially for most of the united states, for example, because the economics killed nuclear power so in that sense, we are having the same debate and it's driven by an industry that is fighting for survival and has been it's funny you say that because actually the, the oil shock in the 1900 seventy's led to france, for example, and sweden successfully the carbon eyes, incompletely, their electricity grids, which is actually what climate success looks like, having a completely emissions gree, very reliable, very low cost of electricity grid. and then actually, although, you know,
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we're saying that it's like a groundhog day. in fact, the climate has changed very significantly, the world has changed actually, even in the last several weeks, given the sort of, you know, energy crisis we had last summer, given the, you know, the failure yet again of cop 26. the climate conference that happens in glasgow this year to come to any meaningful decisions or conclusions about actions on climate change. compet emissions continue to rise here on. yeah. and now we have, you know, the, the terrible invasion by russia of ukraine leading to, you know, an exposure of the folly of over dependence on imported gas, which actually has been at the heart, frankly, of our so called clean energy transitions. but now it's very enlightened, you know, recent events, it's no longer tenable. so i really don't think it's, it's fair to say that it's the same old debate that we've always had. in fact,
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people are leaders and citizens are looking again at nuclear energy in light of these emerging crises that are affecting all of us all at this point that we're actually seeing a lot more urgency. now i think that that's one of the issues is that with the recent report from the intergovernmental panel on climate change, they said that if we want to meet or a climate goals, you know, trying to keep warming to century, to below $1.00 degrees celsius we need to be on track roughly cut global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. but not only that emissions are rising right now. we have to peak emissions and start declining before 2025. and so there is sort of a time crunch to all this energy development as well that we really haven't had in the past. i'm a suspension cause if i make is not to respond from god. yeah, i think there's absolute correct. there's no disagreement that we need to d corporate as fast as possible and 20252030. i'd be interested for my, my co presenters here. how many reactions are going to get built to the car blinds
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in the next 5 years? 10 years? 25 years, because if you can present a credible argument that we're going to have 20 new reactors every year for the next 30 years, or how many are you actually talking about? because that's part of the problem. the industry has promised for decades and has not delivered. we had the nuclear renaissance. you may remember, remember that less than 20 years ago, the declarations was going to deliver. there were 24 reactions put on order by u. s. utilities for were actually started construction to which in south carolina were abandoned because they were corrupt, they were billions over budget. the customers in south carolina can be painful. as reactors, even a little bit will never generate one kilowatt about tricity. and the 2 remaining, the bogle plant in georgia, again billions over budget years behind schedule. and at the same time,
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some of the poorest communities in the north america are going to be paying those rates. so yes, industry can deliver, bring it on. i don't see that there's no that that is like this. they're very like big moment to have spokes person for greenpeace, saying that if nuclear energy can prove that it can deliver, then bring it on. let's, let's how i spend tastic movement because nuclear energy is delivering, has delivered and will continue to deliver. and actually, well as we move away from traditional construction of, you know, mega projects much more towards the sort of advanced small, much of the reactors that come, that being commercialized. now, we're moving away from project based approaches to a much more manufacturing based products based approaches. then we will start to see a rate of deployment. that's really significant. but you know what's really surprising, which is that actually nuclear energy is all is proven time. and again,
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to be the fastest way to the carbon isaac grid, francy carbonate. it's whole major, whole change. you'll say for my rent, i just interrupt you for it. just bring it in on youtube. we have some confusion from our audience because when you say nuclear, they immediately think of certain things and, and they may not be thinking exactly what we're thinking. so just very quickly, you know, a long, long explanation. all right, so we have here common wants to know is nuclear energy cost effective? one line answer answer from you am as a dentist. so, i mean, it really depends on the context of, you know, if you measured over decades, possibly. but nuclear is the one form of energy that over years has actually grown to be more expensive rather than cheaper with time. okay? and this one was from sahara. here is wondering if you have a nuclear power plants tank countries then trying to build nuclear weapons from
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that. there is no direct connection. is that or is that a mag quickly go at? there's always a concern about proliferation, but that's mainly on the enriching the uranium fuel side of the equation. so not every country that has a nuclear power plant makes their own fuel. and that's why uranium enrichment is something that a lot of countries are working at very closely more so than the nuclear energy itself. all right, so let's get, let's just move on into the climate crisis. and when you click and it'll fit seem to that climate crisis, if i told you i want to bring in junk co cat hair. and john is a senior vice president of policy development and public affairs at the nuclear energy institute. this is what he told us area nuclear power has a really important role to play in a meeting. our climate challenges alongside growing shares of other clean resources like wind and solar, as well as things like energy storage technology. the role that nuclear can play is
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because it's available around the car, 247418224 months of the time. it can compensate for the fact that wind and solar are always available. as a result, you can get to a clean energy system that's more reliable and more affordable matters at the end of the day is the current housing in a way that people can afford in nuclear is key to making that happen. so this is where i'm confused gas generally confused because i am looking at going piece is website and i found this article here. so let me look on my laptop. 6 reasons why nuclear energy is not the way to green a peaceful world. i'm just showing that talk to you, see then you can go look for that article and then on the chair of praxis website, energy in the face, innovation for a prosperous planet, tara learn about the role of nuclear beyond electricity for reaching net 0. can both of these be true? shown you start, kirsty, you follow i think will agree that there is
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a climate emergency. when i 1st turn greenpeace, we just published the 1st book of green piece on the climate emergencies is back in 1089. at that time, the nuclear tree was saying it has a essential role to play in removing dependence on fossil fuels. the reality is we are now 3033 years on and we're not moving fast enough. we're not going to be our targets for reducing emissions, which means we've got years to change. and there's just no way based upon any historical experience that nuclear power is going to deliver. and i'm interested in, kirsty referring to the commercial, small, modular reactors, exist. where are they? where the licensed, where are they getting built? what's the timeframe? because the departure of energy talks about 203020402050. so absolutely. the ambition to de carpet lines is everything that we are committed to doing.
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there's no argument here. the reality is we have to do it as fast as possible. if we're going to stand a chance, which means the new clerk to be is a distraction. kasey, i was understand what's more, modular, react his off, just shown a, an image here on our, on my laptop. so i would, it's can see what they looked like was the contact me find them well essentially that they're smaller and easier to build. that's the key, that's the key thing. and in addition, they have some sort of special functions like for example, they can produce higher temperature, heat, and higher temperature heat is incredibly valuable for making hydrogen, for example. and because nuclear plants have an incredible energy density, which means essentially that they have a tiny environmental footprint for a very large output, which is one of the, one of the reasons actually why. even though nuclear plants traditionally take much
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longer to build, they tend to be very large. they have, they produce a huge amount of power. and so in terms of the overall contribution towards the colonization, even though they take a bit longer, they do make a very large impact how much i can complete be. so we can see just, just because we're learning us as dual, showing you information with us on the stream and how much is creating a huge amount of power. what does that mean for consumers? it's like a 1000000 times more dense than coal. let's put it that way. so, you know, if you have, you can have a, it's really interesting to look at a map actually and see that, you know, as sort of relatively small footprint like, you know, a couple of football fields, for example, with produce the same amount of power as you know 5050000 square meters of solar by contrast. so you know, there's, there's a very,
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very large power output with a very small environmental footprint. and i think i agree completely with what shown is saying that we should really be focusing on the, on the, on the end, not the means. we should be confusing the means at the end. and we can learn a lot from the success in the you know, driving down costs and increasing rates of deployment that we've seen with wind and solar and apply that learning to driving down costs and increasing rates of deployment for other clean energy technologies, including including nuclear energy and that would be very complimentary to the contribution that wind and seller is making towards the colonizing our grid. but particularly because nuclear energy can help contribute towards the cop and i think other really tough to be carbonite sectors. in particular, heavy transport, shipping innovation, as well as industry. i'm just going to make you come in. i'm just looking and i'm gonna share this with review and then, and then you can just bounce over the thought that you had in your mind that don't
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forget what you were thinking. so i'm just looking at energy dot golf. so this is the u. s. energy website for the common administration, they are describing nuclear energy is clean and sustainable, and they are very much focused on how do we have a green, a more sustainable future for the united states. so that, that idea been clean as sustainable. i'd love to explore that for us to matt, but go ahead, put what's on your mind. well, what i want to do is just sort of draw distinction between existing nuclear plants and plants that are under construction. and that's kind of what sean and christy were both getting at. and so the existing plants that we have here in the united states nuclear prides about 20 percent of electricity. but it's about more than half of the clean electricity that we have a of the electricity that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. and from a policy perspective, these are sometimes treated differently. and i think rightly so, the plans that are already built. those are costs that are already sunk. we've already invested the money, the concrete and all the resources. and what we've seen is that as we've
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decommission nuclear power plants in the u. s, a lot of that void has been filled in with fossil fuels. and so the biden administration, i think just this week announced a $6000000000.00 bailout package for existing nuclear power plants. basically what they want to do is keep the plants that are already running, still running for the foreseeable future to ensure that we keep those points on the board and we don't lose any ford progress. now in terms of building new nuclear power plants, i think sean is right to point out that, you know, despite all these ambitions, we have not seen the pace or progress that the industry has promised. an nuclear again, as i go to earlier, is one of the few energy sources who's learning curve is moving in the wrong direction. it's actually getting more expensive over time. and so there really need to, man, invest a lot more in terms of the research and development to actually get the cost to come down over time, like we've seen with wind and solar. so if i make, and i saw with one of your colleagues, reports on mrs. green pace in france and as a nuclear reactor in a france, it cassie was talking to us about the,
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the progressive of nuclear panic at how i in france. and because if the a few crisis and many years ago, so this a few, at with energy part, the new plan is upon, is costing more than 8 was believed that it would cost. and sam can i leave the reported to pick up from that point as have a nice and have a look mom, i looked out the family of lamar, the reactor, as proof that the myth of cheap nuclear power is not true. the flam on the reactor was supposed to cost $3000000000.00 euros, and we know that the bill to day is more than $19000000000.00 euro. so it's a cost that has increased $6.00 folk. and it's probably not over yet because there are many uncertainties on the other hand, renewable energy continued a 4 year after year, and they are increasingly competitive. so that's, that's a challenge, isn't it? how do, how do you, how do you, how do you approach that? because one of our audience members is watching right now has shown that greenpeace
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is really good at pointing out what the problems are. but what are your solutions than if it's not nuclear energy? what are you suggesting? well, for then to do could movement, which predates my life. they've always talked about demand site reducing energy demand. and we've not talked about efficiency and how that contributed to d, carb raising in the amount of fossil fuels being used, but also the amount of overall energy being used for the situation in france. there in an absolute crisis at the moment about a 3rd of the reactor fleet is currently down not operating. which means that frances, even more dependent upon importing, including dirty l. c from germany, from coal plants, which are cranked up to produce electricity for france. so yeah, that the solutions are clear. there's more than enough evidence from the international energy agency from think tanks from harvard from stanford across the world that renewables can deliver. a 100 percent of our elders can be renewables.
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i'm from scotland. we currently have a 100 percent of rails just being generated from renewables. we're also operating to nuclear reactors, but they will be shut down relatively soon. so it can be done. germany is on track, maybe slower than it should have been because of the policies in the last few years . but by about 20302035, germany will be 100 percent renewable electricity. now as well. so this germany is the energy transition has failed. i lived in. busy worked in germany for years, i was directly involved. busy with chancellor merkel back in 2011, committing to the phaser. yes, there are massive problems. how do you d, carbon ice, the 4th largest industrial power on planet earth. that is not easy, but i'm far more confident about germany getting its energy policies right. as it does with industry policy, compared to the island i having to live on,
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or even the united states, that gamble to take, considering there is no modern and realized economy is no more than industrialized economy that is running entirely on renewables. light spending hundreds of billions, 500000000000 years that germany has, has already spent on, on wind and solar. it cannot reduces dependence on not only that he late night coal, but also imported russian gas. in fact, it was being reported in the financial times today. but we cannot live without gas cost me a couple of questions that are coming up on youtube and curious about the elements of nuclear energy. so andrews is suggesting that nuclear energy can be part of the climate crises solution going forward, more sustainable fuel, etc. but he will say said,
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nuclear is clean until it isn't. then what do you do with the waste company? what do you do? yeah, so we right now the store spent fuel very well in a very well managed, very contained way. in fact, the, the, the sort of special scientific advisory body for the european commission was asked recently to look at this very question, is nuclear energy sustainable? and with a particular focus on the question of the waste. and they found that actually nuclear energy is the greenest of our technologies, including with regards to the spent fuel because it doesn't produce any emissions. it doesn't pays any, any hazard to, to people or the environment because it's extremely well managed because we do have a permanent solution for disposing of it. unlike unfortunately, the coal pants and fossil fuels which contribute to $7000000.00 premature deaths
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per year. the world health organization cause cause pollution. the biggest environmental threat facing us and outs for ounce, co lashed, could emit so much more radiation into the environment than any of the nuclear spend fuel. so we really have to sort of put these risks into context and really consider the material effects on public health and environment and then make our choices. question i've got to be because you put up the w h o you without risks and safety. i don't know if we're watching this is the international community. there are certain places, certain names that we know of that we know have had nuclear energy disasters. i'm going to bring in linda pants gone to here. man. haven't listened to linda and then respond from what you understand from the reporting that you've been doing over the years. he's linda festival. you would certainly hope that the dire and long lasting health and environmental consequences of chernobyl and for cushion would have been
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enough to put us off nuclear power altogether. but that does not seem to have been the case yet. now we face what you rightly describe as a climate emergency. so we must turn to the energy sources that are not only safe, but which can reduce the most cob and the fastest. and at the least cost, and that is renewable energy combined with energy efficiency. you get more carbon reductions from new renewables than spending that same money on keeping an existing reactor running. and new reactors are still just designs on paper with many safety uncertainties, and they never get here in time, or in enough quantity to do anything, a tool for the climate crisis. and make i had well, which is great to note that you know, there are some major disasters that have caught the public's eye. but if you adjust for the amount of energy that nuclear produces and compare it to other sources of energy, remember no energy source exists in a vacuum than you know, that denominator becomes huge and that
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a new her ends up becoming one of the safest energy sources there's a reason why every nuclear incident becomes national or international news. it's because they're so few and far between all leaks from coal ash, ponds on natural gas explosions. these things happen all the time and it, it kill and injure workers and cause a lot of damage to the a local and regional environment. but with nuclear, i'm editing as christy, like a rightly noted, like a lot of that waste is, are contained. now one point i would push back on is while that waste is contained right now, most of that is done in temporary fashion. there's only one country in the world that has a permanent nuclear storage facility, and that's finland. every other country in the world is right now doing way storage on site in these temporary facilities. and so far, yes, they've been very safe. they haven't had any leaks. but again, this is a temporary solution. now, some people would argue that, you know, this is a political problem, not a technical problem, but political problems are the biggest problems that we have and without a permanent waste storage solution. you know, it's really hard to think about nuclear over the very long term. i've learned so
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much from yet a mass showing and casting, even though we've been having this nuclear energy conversation for many, many years. the debate is not other than it's very clear, but in mass shown casting. thank you so much for being part of the shout. a day. thank you for the excellent each of comments and questions. i see you next time. okay. ah. ah. with a toilet was decorated hobbs li, the country in the fear of his lofty pot investigation. one 018 review explosive allegation. a police corruption, one out to 0,
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the res to succeed. that was 3 go. the 3rd to as president of the philippines is heading into its final stretch, struggling what it's worse. and he says that in years the country is desperate for solutions. but what are the candidates offering and what direction will the philippines think on there? you leadership, special coverage on al jazeera, mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights in a water scenario, there's always a push to simplify. narrative nuances is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war, the listening post, delve into the news, narrative, and dissect them. there's not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera. for over 15 years, i've called for the armed conflict, the natural disasters and the political a people in the philippines,
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parents tell us they walked for hours with their children just to get those stories of orphans windows, rebels and soldiers. during witness to not only their suffering, but also the hard one victories of ordinary people. as a filipino, as a woman, it is the rare privilege to tell the stories of my own people to a global audience. ah . hello lauren taylor and under the top stories are now to 0. russian president vladimir putin has declared victory in the battle for mary po, in what would be moscow's biggest gain of the war. so far. speeches made the claim, despite canceling plans to storm the as of style still works, the cities last pocket of resistance. instead, he ordered his troops to feel off the thousands of defenders.


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