tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 24, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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trying to present that vision to the people and they are 2 very different fissions . indeed, emmanuel macro pro e u. he has someone who wants to continue. he says with his reformist, in agenda. he is a believer in multilateralism. on the other hand, marine the parent who is going for a 3rd shot at the alyssa, she very much hopes to become francis. first a woman president, she also hopes to become the 1st fall, right. president in barely say she is anti you. she's anti immigration. she says that if elected, she would known to referendum on national identity in france. she had also been a muslim women from being able to wear a headscarf in public. i'm just going to look down to see if we got the results and i believe they might have come in. what i'm saying is emmanuel mat crawl on 58.2 percent. marine the pen on 41.8 percent. say 58.2 percent for a minute. micro amberin the pen. 41.8 percent. emmanuel macro is fraud,
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says next person for the next 5 years. so go to joining us now with a bit of reaction. is peer husky is a, a political commentator here in france and a veteran analyst of these things. and i know my craw, he has another 5 years, 58 percent. was your reaction? well 1st of all, we expected him to win but not with such or high margin. i think he, he must be pretty satisfied with this figure because his followers were fearing a. busy below 55, a very narrow gap with my my lip and would have been dangerous for the next few years because the country would have been split almost in 250. it is really a good margin for him and it shows that he has managed. he entered the campaign very late. a people were dismayed that he had such a low rating of campaign. but during the between the 2 rounds of the election, he really jumping hard. and he managed to get a,
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a 3rd section of the left wing voters to block murder in the band. not to support him because a lot of them don't like my course policies, but they would, they didn't want to see kind of any. there is a, that's going to be a potent st. louis and say, say the next 5 years, because he knows that so many people didn't vote for him. but they did say to block marine. and how is he going to manage that? and how is he can't also manage the fact that we had more than a quarter of french people. he decided simply not to go to talk, is a legitimate many people will raise the issue of legitimacy. because as you said, that they didn't vote for his program or, or they are abstain. but we're going to have a test very soon. we have the legislative elections for parliament in june only in 2 months time. and that's going to be a determining the future for us, because if, if a manual like one doesn't get the majority, it will have to have what we call in frost could be test your. that means of living
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together with a government from a different majority. and that's we've, we've had that in the past to fulfill the pool and jack shit, i had the club, retest, yolande, injection. i've also had a good that show with a socialist prime minister, but that would be quite unprecedented. and for the legislative elections, you'll have to count also with male shows voters that the far left so the game is back or, or to the center and, and we're entering a new phase of the political life. that's going to be quite just a minute. my call is 40 whole years old. he was just 39 and 2017. when he won back then he is a young lady as often as seen as dynamic. he's also made history and wait tonight because it's the 1st time that we had a french president re elected for 2 decades. i also imagine that there will be quite a few people in bras of your opinion. it might be breathing
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a sigh of relief that it is him. that is one and not bringing the pen. definitely, i think europe could not afford another crisis. provoked by the election of marrying the pen because her program is and she you it with a tar lies the european union. and don't forget that ross is still a charing the european union for another 2 months. so she would have been the chair woman of the european union next week, a which would have been a really a very tough in this time of the ukraine crisis. she had also had in their program to leave the military wing of nato, or which i was a big scare for, for many leaders. so europe is definitely relieved today or not another crisis on this ours. we have to talk about marine the pen. of course this is, was her 3rd shot at the lee say she wanted to be present for a 3rd time. she has failed in this. why do you think that she failed to capture the
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imagination of photos? what it, what is it that she didn't manage to do? i think there are 2 reasons. one, 1st of all we have to recognize that she did a better score than in 2017. not as good as she might have been hoping for, but it's still an increase on her. her previous score, but she has to handicaps. one is that's she's from the far right and they still is glass ceiling. the far right is, is still un unable to come to power and froze. and i think a majority of the people are still reluctant to let that happen. and, and secondly, there was this credibility gap that she failed to, to cover in 2017. during her debate with the manual, michael was a big failure for her. and everybody was expecting this year's debate which happened last week. and she didn't perform so well. she was, she had trained, she had a rehearse, sir, but emmanuel mccoy's a is
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a good expert on those issues. he, he knows every, every single issue by heart and, and she was struggling at to be at his level. and i think she still hasn't reached the level where a majority of the people would trust her, even though she softened her image very much over the last few years. i mean, they didn't change her agenda, which as you say, was a very far right anti immigration, banning the veil for muslim women in public, those sorts of things. but she did very much try to soften her image, tried to change, to appeal, to more people in france. and she, she had that advantage during the 1st rom is that there was a, a candidate that was even more extreme than her example. and he took all the, the lights afore the extreme ideas, particularly on immigration, on the slam, on the, on those issues. and, and suddenly after the 2nd rounds, she was on the 1st row and she couldn't manage to keep that
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soft image that she had built over the years. and suddenly, the most controversial issues, whether it's a veil for women, for muslim women, or their links to vladimir putin came to the forefront. and we're really in the debate with him on your michael, really the, the do, the toughest moments. and she didn't win that argument. what do you think about the fact that emanuel my crawl internationally, is often seen as a leader in a positive light people he often is praised international for his efforts on his actual stage diplomacy. yet in france, so many people seem to dislike and there is one the selection of course, because some people all support him. some people voted against the pan. nevertheless, he has a something of an image problem in phones, daugherty. he has, he has, is seen as arrogant to be to, to, to, to make it in one word. and there were many instances in the 1st, in the past 5 years during his 1st monday, where he had this short sentences,
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his attitudes towards an for people or marginal people that were seen as social arrogance. and is seen as representative of the successful frost. you know, and our society, like most western societies that there is really split into between the inside those and outside. and we had that in the us with a trump, we had that with bricks it in the u. k. and that's the case in france and, and if you're my call may be due to the caricature, it is personifies this successful frost that is looking down on the unsuccessful one. and that as really been hard for him to get rid of that image. and in the next 5 years, it's going to be challenging or say for him, isn't it? because he is going to want to press ahead with some perform some controversial. he wants to change the age of a time. and here in france, for example, a lot of people haven't like that. it's not necessarily going to be an easy 5 years
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ahead. is a particular, you say got parliamentary elections coming up. he may not have a majority. what do you think we might expect in the next 5 years? he knows. i think that he's been a good to have a rough 5 years. it's going to be a rough ride because his legitimacy will be question every time he wants to make a major choice. for the country and maybe the 1st that would be the retirement age because that has been the most controversial issue proposal of his program to postpone to $65.00 the, the retirement age and the end. so he's, is it going to have to show skills to negotiate with the unions to, or to give this impression that it's a fair reform and not an unjust reform for, for the, the poorest them and those who have worked hard. so it is good to get gets even, it will have to govern on the left more than is done. and till now that's the only
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chance he has to survive in that period. but that's good to ask him. a lot of, i'm thinking against himself. we're talking about macro, we've talked about le pen, but you know, one of the other big themes of the selection has been the disappearance of the main political parties of, for so long dominated the french political landscape. the socialist candidate know it to be seen. the conservative candidate nowhere to be seen, or do we think that might change in the future? well, the both parties that on the right and on the left have local leaders, local mayors, residents of regents. and so, so they, they have disappeared on the national level. they have not totally disappeared on the local level. so the question for them is whether they can revive their national ambitions and programs on the pill or if they will also disappear on the local level. so the legislative elections will be in the way the ultimate test for them
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if they fail that test, if they disappear from parliament, they are doing or i peer, husky. thank you very much indeed for joining me to talk about those election results. so here in paris, as we have told you, manual micro, the centuries incumbent, no longer comments, i should say, because he is now the presence of france, the next 5 years marine the pen having lost this election is our 3rd run out of the elisa. but this time, it wasn't for her, the french have chosen a macro back to the touch of fantastic. thanks very much indeed for that's her from paris. and just to recap, once again, the polio agencies are projected a 40 for a 4 year old president micro winning a 2nd term. defeating a far right rival marine le pen. he will be the 1st french president since jacques chirac in 2002 to secure a 2nd term. and his interesting fact, as we look at the podium where macro will appear at some point a to give his victory speech. or the interesting fact is that she was massively helped by being
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up against very la pens. father john murray, whom he defeated in a landslide, and that was back in 2002. let spring in now deserves senior political analyst mowing bashar, who joins us also from paris, m r. and in the event a decisive 2nd round for macro. well 1st aid to certainly rather than 52 or 51 as many of the halls were expecting him to get so certainly there's darcy of relief and any say, just like there's a sigh of relief in europe in the west, in general, i would say in washington in brussel, there's definitely a deep, deep sigh of relief at that. the centrist, her incumbent, her has won the election. why this sort of a margin? it is not as high as the last time around in 2017, but clearly high enough for him to claim that he has a mandate. and for the centrist part,
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these or centrist coalitions in various capitals in europe, to claim that once again, there were able to box in the radical right? well, at least until the next her round of elections. now some would of course sir, you know, say that well he got 28 percent in the 1st round, 58 percent and the 2nd round that means he got more than a double of what he got in the 1st round. and that double that 30 percent extra has come from various parties in the center right and center left as well as, and especially are from the far left from the milan, shown are crowds. and hence, i think he will be asked once again to take his mandate, not to be 100 percent for his own ideas and agenda. but that of those who supported him and the political parties that voiced their support for him from the,
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from the very 1st hours or of, of, well, of monday, the 11th. and hence, it remains to be seen whether really a personal macro within the land. that to be a bit more inclusive, representing more and more of the french, as he sort of alluded to when he spoke about a few of their controversial issues and programs that he had in mind. a, he'd start straight away. disney had said in that sense, yeah. as opposed to being a new incumbent if you like his he's got a 2nd term so he has a difficult 2nd mandate is going to be little or no grace period as he gets stuck into his gender. well, this is the thing you see. i mean, on the one hand, he can claim to be a historical president, a transformative president because this is the 1st time since i did go in and back in $58.00, where the president, with our majority in parliament, is able to get the 2nd mandy. so not only did he, when the 2nd mandate st. schrock, 2002. it's the 1st time in 4050 years that a president,
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when the 2nd them while having a majority. hence he could say, look, you know, i'm making history here in the country. and on the other hand, if it weren't for the thought of the collapse of the center, right, and the center left parties, the socialist and the republicans, he wouldn't have gotten this from the model that's going to jump in then he says, not just going to jump and marine, the panacea is just making a statement to, into feet less homelessness, strong power, something that is different to that. i mean manual. my. com while that faced with their threats, the purchasing power in public services and the social system. he finally faced with the withdrawal as an article he faced with in the insecurity of immigration yet and the judicial system. indeed, sla, i feared to night when all that signified me please not. if we tell people will not want to kill emanuel miko will not do anything to deal with what is dividing our
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country and our compatriots just as i can search a void resolve. this is more than ever. i will pursue my work for the french people with energy perseverance and the affection that, you know, i listen, they got me falling on these presidential elections. there be a great written political movement. you know, with the dominant field passes in parties, they faced with the elite of a mellow my coffee, several of which is you and the true. we are the true opposition to men because in a few weeks is that you, we will have the parliamentary elections. i can just put down
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with the voting. what is he in the system? we have which strengths and things are they are his parliamentary representative utility will be when it show executives is m l m. i caught having all the legislative cook and cutting of it the presidential, but the power which cannot be acceptable from a smaller pass 4th to france, a fleet went on. so those who claim to morrow to be the opposition, it will continue to re elect him. so soon we will be asked to do those with sincerity. that was not, it will be with your interests. so as a result, we see the great electro battle for the parliamentary elections coming forward. the man i said, but i will carry out this battle with all of those who have the courage to oppose emmanuel, my car,
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and with all those had the nation in their hearts. ah, any to you, knight. yes. all those who come together once you knight that strength upon the present day to day, to be present, or some port, candace everywhere, and in your constituency, and abroad, and in all the constituencies abroad, already, to support them with all your strength from the 12th of june, remind yourselves, dear friends, that nothing is pre destined. we must continue to keep a more yeah, hope and give us the means to defend them. historical score of to night, dixon puts us in an excellent position to have a large number of deputies in june. with the future that enlivens us with the greatest ambitions by only ambition which is worth considering and that is of
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france to night to night. surely, i am saying it again and never will. i abandon the french people long if the republic long if france. oh oh, that is emery le pen to the national rally party. a conceding defeat are now saying that she fears it tonight, sir, and mental macro will not do anything to deal with what is dividing our country. she says she will continue her work at parliamentary elections are coming out. the match is not yet over. she says, saying that's a, that's great. electoral battle is coming up in june and she will fight it for with
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all she's got. let's go back to morrow and bashar has been listening in mamma and what, what are your thoughts about marilla panella? is it game over for her? well no, no, absolutely not her nic. although she does sound a bit bitter, rather angry and vengeful. there were no kind words for her for her competitor. the only you would expect in such circumstance for her to be giving a bit of congratulations a bit the, you know, the french have spoken. and after all, she did get few percentage points one than the last time. but now i think she is already preparing for the legislative elections. she's rallying the troops is a call for arms political arms, of course, in order to organize for the legislative elections because i think both her and those on the far left already juxtaposition in order to gain as much seats as
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possible and the lisbon order for him. to have the so called private su, in order for them to be able to rule along with the president. but yes, as to your, i think indispensable question. looking forward, i think from her father in 2002 to her record in 2017 and now getting 42 percent in this election. i think if i were, you know, one of those needing a position in europe, i would be worried about the next elections because clearly the radical right is on the ascendance in france and elsewhere. and if they didn't, when next this time. well, we never know what's going to happen next, and that's why president macro and the way he leads in the next 5 years is going to be key because he can only serve to terms. and what happens after that with the center, right, and the center left being in such total collapse, one would worry about the future, france. now having said that, i just want to add one more thing because i kept an eye on social media. busy as we
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were listening to mary le pen, i just want to tell our viewers around the world that the 40 plus percent that voted for marina pen are not racist french. they are not near fascists. you know, people vote for different reasons in france and they don't all have their hand or their finger on the pulse of the racist distant races that in every single thing that body no pin a said or did or want to do a lot of french people vote because they are desperate because they are unhappy because they are bitter because they lost their jobs because they've tried that the center left the center, right, and this and the liberal macro and they don't find solutions. and they say, look, we've tried everything we might as well try to pen. so people vote for different reasons in this country like people in england, for example, what it for briggs. it's not because they are at racist. it's because they have things on their mind and i think europe and france in particular is in a bit of a malaise. that is a crisis going on in the country, economic, social,
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political and so on, so forth. and hence, at times a good number of people are voting randomly in order just to see what could come up that helps something better next time around. or i'm our leave that for my own thanks for that's a moment, bashar they in paris that bring in that natasha butler who's also as standing by for his him, paris and natasha. we heard from marina pen that rallying supporters are for the upcoming parliamentary elections. and straight a work from macro to try and ed have a good result out of those as well. yes, marina pen talking about the parliamentary elections. he's already looking head towards some people in france called the 3rd round. if you like a moment where people, then i have to choose the make up of the parliament and that will determine how much a power frances, on going preston, you present a minute. micro actually has a marine, a pen all. so saying that the wind for macro was stone to be divisive for fraud,
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was going to be a destructive for frauds as well. the things you would expect her to say. she had no kind words for her arrival. i'd like to bring in now nicholas a vic book he is a professor at. so bon university here in paris nichol. i thank you very much indeed. or for joining us. first of all, i'd like your reaction to these results. mano micro 58 percent at marine, the pen, 41 percent. well, a further, it's already a good thing that there is a clear decision on were for the selection or narrow margin would have been quite difficult. you manage. the result is much less her than no 5 years before, which means that definitely there's some kind of unpopularity of my call and regarding his policy especially, or the result outside of the metropolis. i mean, we had some earn clues from the internet. was really, really a positive for the pin, which chances overseas terriers, yes. and that revealed that there's different cleared gap within the french
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population. because even though there were, there were not largely important debates or even though you know large programs differently, there are 2 visions of friends which were challenging there. one or i would say open minded to at least, oh, which fits with the globalization. the other one which is to retreat on the front with the frontier and that what she named, national or national preference, even though that i'd difficult to explain exactly what it is so differently. what 2 visions of the site isn't when you get into results in the days to come with with even more rebuilding on the foot. so of a real division between the lead yorba young society and the more traditional one. and that makes it quite difficult to figure out exactly what will happen now. 2 months from now. because as you, as you have mentioned, she is already running for the licious latifah elementary and a plan that went with janet. and as you may remember, parliament is why poor fool at least in time of a position when the stronger position where what surprise,
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what was quite so by being like could be pursued when your prime minister from a different site than the president. and we realize that finally, the prime minister is more powerful than the president himself. that the difficulty the ambiguity of the people. because in my room, i called the last 5 years had to r o his party had a majority in the parliament, the bank gave him a lot of power. and what we're saying now is if that shifts, if that changes, if he doesn't mind your staff majority in these are june parliamentary elections. it's going to make life a lot more difficult for him. and not any that he knows that many people simply didn't vote for him, only voted for him in order not of a flurry in the pat. yeah. the last time, well, twice we had that situation, at least with jack, she hoc in ponder. virgil now you have been then 5 years ago, each time the president claimed the electric prison claim that you would understand that everybody was not voting for its program, but against dependence on the talk. but nevertheless,
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he did whatever you wanted. because at the strong majority, at this time we have to fade the situation with a party which is quite young. in fact, by just a young, which it's not so much for the sion which is quite intricate with people were coming from the left before where coming from the civil society or the ones where i consider t. people seem to be more and satisfied with the current policy while with c, traditionally, the presidential when the election width the voluntary election, and as well martin, this time it might be more difficult for michael and he would, might need to work with the coalition. which brings back more to the 4th republic than to the 5th of that something which would be very, very new. and with figure out exactly how political mccomb he is. in fact, my call presents himself is considered a centrist candidate. but as the last 5 years, many have said he is moved more to the right with some of his policies on security
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on immigration, things like that. he has had though to try and attract photos from the left over the past few weeks. now vote for him in order to win this presidency, do you think we might see a shift in some of his policy in some his agenda to the left to some of the issues that he's been accused of ignoring things like social issues. but the real question, in fact i've been talking with students as well. i with friends and colleagues over the last 2 weeks, some were claiming that he was coming from the lead. that in fact, he ruled whither to part of the right because it needed so. and would be more free during the 2nd mandate. so it, we maybe go back to social issues. i'm, well, i'm not that sure about that sir. is human nature doesn't seem to be that sir. that's socially open at this when you remember so many sentences. so i wouldn't be surprised where we have the clue, official speaking castillo, we look live his position in the prime minister yet back from minister within the
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couple of days. and we knew exactly what would be the philosophy of his next mandate. because he would have to choose a new broad minister and then went to clear indication on, well a figure will be more in the continuity than in that quite reversal or i. so of course there is still so much to decide. thank you very much. indeed for joining us glass, i pulled from the softball university and behind meal city. you can see the eiffel tower, of course, and that is where i emanuel my call was holding his celebration this evening as he goes on for another 5 years in daily. say back to you. the touch of thanks very much. indeed. natasha butler, there in paris. say yes indeed, their projections are that in the 2nd round of the french election, mental macklin wins 50 ape senate vote. marine append 42 percent mental macro winds a 2nd term at the elise a palace more as the evening goes on. the celebrations for macro supporters and the recriminations and, and where we go from here as we approach the upcoming parliamentary elections now
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in france, he creates president is appealing to allies for more powerful weapons and voted med zalinski, says the u. s. secretaries of state and defense are expected and keep within hours to discuss the need. whitehouse has not confirmed the visit to lensky, also again called for meeting with vladimir putin to stop the war. despite saying he doesn't trust the russian leader is warned, that the talks won't happen if you cry in soldiers defending the proceed. city of mary pope a killed shall. stratford has more from the frontline city of slo vianza in easton ukraine on some of the desperate journeys many civilians have been taken. the town of lee man, which is about 20 kilometers and also here a town that we were literally unable to get to today because shelling was so heavy we did, however speak to civilians coming out of it. they yeah, confirming what we could hear is saying that they were families sheltering in
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bunkers. we smoked one person to describe the crater in the central town. that was believed to be changed from an as strike. we cannot confirm that. and just as indication of the difficulties that people are facing here is this, as it will continues, there was a young family that will actually trying to get into lehman. at one stage we said, well, where are you going? can you hear the shelley? and they said, well, we have no choice, our home is there and we cannot afford to live in denise pro, and that's where they fled to. they played that every once before and now they were going into it. just as it seems, russian forces are making a concerted effort to push towards the city of soviet square. we are now in other areas. we also know is ongoing fighting south east appear in a town called pop sana, which we understand is half controlled by the russian rules is heavily contested. and as i say is an indication of the russian army trying to surround savanski here
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as so for so far, at least the ukrainians, ukrainian forces seem to be keeping, keeping them back while you crowds, president volume is landscape cold for unity and resilience during and address marking orthodox easter sunday, subdued celebrations have been held across the country. a church leaders were asked not to gather too many people together, in case it became a target. and next year brian has this. he has an order, so we'll go and miss in the shadow of war. ukraine's president turned to a building signifying peace caves 1000 year old st. sophia cathedral, the setting for his latest video message marking orthodox easter sunday room will yours. christina crystal, his shaw symbol is louis, believe easter symbolizes the greatest victory of life over death. each of us is asking god, only one thing. every one says the same words, the words of a great and united prayer: great lord to save you. crane. oh,
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sunday also marks 2 months since russian forces invaded ukrainian authorities urged those celebrating the christian festival to follow services online. but some still made their way to church for easter blessings. oh, this is boucher outside cave. a town that seen some of the worst violence of this conflict in other parts of the country artillery fire could be heard as easter services were held. ukraine had joined the un and pushing for an east, a truce, but with no success is saunter severed. nearby, the sun is shining and the sky is clear, but there is no peace in my soul. i very, very much wants ukraine to have liberty love and hope her years that the book is so . others and the eastern city of separation were too nervous to stay for math. 3rd one as a whole of so we didn't enter the church. we did everything quickly. we received our blessings from the priest and we are now on our way home. the conflict has
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divided the orthodox church. the russian patriarch and ally of president vladimir putin. his throne, his support behind the war, and used his sermons to justify it. that's angered church leaders in ukraine and others across the orthodox faith. its spiritual leader has pushed for an end to the fighting, calling it an indescribable human tragedy. russia's annexation of crimea lead to a part of ukraine's clergy splitting from the moscow lead branch in 2018. they are a fee as the war could further rupture. the wider church president for law to me as a lensky urged ukrainians not to let anger overwhelm them. vilegas out as a wooden you. today's great holiday gives us the great hope and belief that light will win over darkness. good will win over evil life will win over data so little.
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therefore ukraine will win, inevitably ga, mailed to me. oh. ready a prayer for peace and hope heard and felt across ukraine. alixia brian al jazeera to civilian. now we're exit. polls in parliamentary elections suggests the opposition liberals, a leading with nearly 36 percent of the vote. a high turn up march, the selection, the races between right when janice answers a 3rd party and the environmental as the freedom movements the young. so came under you scrutiny, amid reports of pressure to pose and public media at let's cross to al. deserves it gospel you bit who's live in the capital, louisiana gasper. so tell us about the significance of this it was supposed to be a tight raise, but the key to understanding of the selection is turn out. so a 9 election is the 2018. there are 53 percent of flooding and coming out to the
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elections. now some analysts say that it will be around 70 percent, so it would go up who is head of the liberal party freedom movement not to call. not only took some worlds from last 3 parties, but also new, so new new new people came to the curb. so diane polo so that this is the key for the election. the 11 thing that jonathan fell in a lot about is that the good the economy. but on the other hand, there was 2 years of his roles during the epidemic measures. that was also one of the great things to each actually in front, the resolved, because people were protesting against measures during this 2 years. every friday we had the process. one of the things is also that civil society rose up
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in a way. so there was a lot of, lot of mobilization even before the elections. so this is the key to understand this results are thanks for that. so thanks for that update the gasper limits, thanks very much. did i not to shoot on where we're hearing a number of people have been killed into foot during clashes between rival groups and recent days? and let's cross to have a morgan who's live in the capital. i called him him. what more do you have 1st on this? while the reader of west are for, has been witnessing inter coming on violence between the ethnic arabs in west are for in the region of korean nick, which is about 80 kilometers from the capital janina. that's the capital of west are for now, the mas elliot tribe that to non arab ethnic tribe in west are for accused the arabs of raiding them on friday and attacking them,
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killing at least 8 people. the situation was largely calm on saturday. but on sunday morning, the my satellite accused the arabs of rating the area. once again, they say that our armed men came from all directions and burned villages. displacing people in the area of korean, again, which is about 80 kilometers from the capital janina, that's the capital of west dar for now, west r for and r for generally has been witnessing inter communist violence despite the fact that a peace agreement was signed between the transitional government, an arm groups in 2020, with the aims of ending the conflict that started into 2003. the intercontinental violence between the arabs and non arab tribes have displaced tens of thousands over the past couple of years, especially over the past few months. that's largely because of resources. now, when we spoke to the other 2 to the displaced people or to the refugees or coordination, they say that they blamed the transitional government. they say that there was supposed to be a joint joint security forrest from
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b r police from the military and from the rapid support force that is, that has to, that has a role of protecting civilians and displaced people in west r for an in the door for region generally, but that no protection was offered and that tens of thousands have been displaced. it's not clear yet how many people have been killed as a result of the attack on sunday. but the displaced the people who spoke to say another say dozens were killed and they say that the death toll is likely to be high once the violence subsides. ever will be though, thanks for that update. who are morgan reporting there, from call to at least 12 people have died and another 10 are missing. after 4 boats carrying 120 migrants and refugees sank near tunis. yeah, the coast guard rescued at least 98 people off the coast of se, facts. it's become a departure point for people seeking a better life in europe. security forces in lebanon have filed into the air to disperse protests as angry at the sinking of a boat carrying migrants and refugees. stones were thrown at an army checkpoint in
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the northern city of triplet survivors and relatives of the victim say the lebanese military deliberately rammed the vessel military have not commented. charles was among 6 people killed when the boat sank overnight. dozens of others were rescued. argentinian farmers, blood roads in the capital, in protest against export taxes on agricultural products to raise a boat. has this report now from borders. us an uncommon site in the city of win, aside as tractors from across the country came to argentina's capital to protest against the government of alberta for madness. and that it me less traveled from the province of santa fe. he explained why he and others like him are at risk not required for those he is on it. we cannot produce like this. all of us end up renting or forums because small scale farmers end up renting their lunch or international corporations who can afford to bear that enormous stocks. birds or we have food prices are rising worldwide driven up by the war in ukraine.
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this has put argentinean producers on alerts. farmers say taxis export taxis, drought and exchange rate controls are hurting their capacity to produce and fear the government could increase taxes even more. thousands of people accompanied the farmers to the center of a city to protest against the administration of a lot of the farm. and as they say, they're tired of the inflation rate. it was close to 7 percent last month, end of their difficulties. they pay every month, they're saying that the government has no economic plan and they will grow chrissy and the restrictions implemented by the administration building. 2 argentina's productive sector. last march, the government increased export taxes on soybean flour, annoy, seeking to control local prices and stabilize the price of wheat to what it was before ukraine's conflict. it also says farmers are overreacting and there are no
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plans to increase export taxes again, at least for now. but then also i didn't see on it. we haven't increased export taxes under producers. so damn arching, just in case they're marching against the project. it on know or imagined the could happen. so we have no doubt this is a political station that a has to do with other inches than defendant advice of the pharmacy. that is a good journalist like might be along on he say, the situation in flames. already long running tensions between the government and the agricultural sector. gamble and the are ethan ery. taylor as the farming sectors. them a strange situation because like most countries in the world where they produce more food than they consume, that is a chance to make profit. argentina has a surplus of food and it could export more grain, milk and meat pots and argentina's case. the bitter prices don't always benefit the farmer as well, just as the constant trouble between producers and the government. and that's why farmers thou to continue with their demands. lacy government assistance would help
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them to produce more, something they say would benefit argentina's economy and the whole world really so as to see that when a fight is devastating. floods recently in south africa have highlighted concerns about climate change and where the neighboring countries are doing enough to combat the threat. millions of africans have suffered both floods and drought. and the last 6 months alone from either miller has more nor from johannesburg, unimaginable destruction homes and lives destroyed or lost as floods ravaged parts of quizlet natal province in recent weeks. and in the aftermath, beaches and streets lined with debris and pollution. at least 443 people were killed in the floods described as the worst in 60 years. when 2 months worth of rain fell in just 48 hours, closing mud and land slides. we need to increase our investment in climate adaptation measures to better they've got communities against the effects of
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climate change. the government is calling such natural disasters the new normal, attributing it mostly to climate change, but environment experts say the devastation may not have been as bad is what government has done more. here in the township of alexandra and johanna, thousands of people live alongside group of bank flood prone areas. while there have been local and global pledges, who would you see you say, perform a change? many of those promises have not been kept. it would say countries like south africa needs to build this houses, road and drainage system to accept the climate change and keep people safe. x would say africa's west indian ocean region is vulnerable to extreme weather shocks. parts of madagascar recently been hit by intense tropical psych loans. while south east of the island drought has decimated crops, killed animals,
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and displays thousands of people. closing widespread food shortages, drought has to ravaged parts of zambia, zimbabwe and south africa. in fountain, madagascar, for example, you have 1.5 to 2000000 people who suffered acute hunger because of drought issues. you have over a 1000000 carcasses from life livestock, heard us, etc. and now, with the storms that we have seen about 3 very significant storms happening, a quizlet natal in the space of about 7 years. and who has suffered the most. it is really the poor and vulnerable who have only dangerous places to put up to houses in we are going to continue to see this trend happening all across the african continent. it's estimated it will cost billions of dollars to fix the
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damage caused by the latest flooding in south africa and environmental groups say severe weather has killed half a 1000000 people in southern africa. in the last 6 months alone for me de la ultra 0, johannesburg, south africa. marcella had her down to 0 gone, spoke coming up her full time in a row for the well tennis number one. gemma will have the action from the stuttgart grand prix. ah. the climate change every year for millions of years, decades of talk, but little action is all about, distract, create confusion to create smoke and mirrors. the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically supported. the oil industry was a main bank roller for opposition to clock back to campaign against the climate. do you think that's
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a decisive winning lead over his rival marie le pen in france's presidential run off. let's take a look at the numbers. the up micron has an estimated 58.2 percent of the votes. marilla pen the national rally party, 41.8 percent of the votes. the 53 year old campaigned on strict to immigration policies and on lowering the influence of the european union on france in her concession speech, marie le pen said the result, but her party in an excellent place for the upcoming legislative elections. are there any reason why they mean what we've been declared dead a 1000 times and a 1000 times history has proven wrong. those who predict or wish for our demise. in this defeat, i can't help feeling hopeful. this result is proof of a great defiance on the part of the french people on that our leaders in france and europe cannot ignore its proof of a widely shared wish for a great change. the french people have expressed tonight a wish for a strong opposition against
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a manion. my call one that will continue to defend and protect them so that that's different. but as with now, he's at the macro victory celebration in paris, without only showing them as just the ports of the i pulled our microphone supporters of cow that they were here for the result. when it came in, the chair went up, and now the waiting for the president come and gave is victory. speaks the 1st month's president 20 years, the get the 2nd run, the present, the residency. the last ones are keep. it was just character micron one. despite concerns that is the loo style, with label he's been lumbered with stop, where the president of the rates would help marine payment at the end. this victory over the fan, or was clear micron benefited perhaps again from this idea, very republican from the idea that everybody who go to the other candidates in the 1st round should come together to stop a candidate from the fall right. getting into the early se policy that seems to
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work again a challenge. the macro in the next 5 is he's trying to unite what is clearly a very divided country. right. the 1st commercial flight from yemen and 6 years has been postponed. the aircraft, due to fly from sana to jordan, didn't receive operating permit, so the pilots couldn't take off the empty government, blamed toothy rebels for shutting a ticket. sales outlets and said tickets that were sold only went to passengers with passports issued by the who feeds the coast guard in northern japan says 10 people are confirmed dead after a sightseeing boat were missing in bad weather. helicopters and patrol boats are continuing to search the coasts of kato island for the 16 others who were on board . the crew sent out a distress call on saturday, saying the boat was sinking high winds, and waves had been reported. water temperature hope was around 2 degrees, govern safety inspectors are investigating the vessels owners as our crime. shanghai after government workers built fences around homes, shops,
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and restaurants. the latest lockdown restrictions aimed at stumpy out cove. at 19 infections. 25000000 people in china's largest city been ordered to stay in doors for weeks, and he say they're suffering from shortages of basic necessities. and the army commanders in marley, say at least 6 soldiers have been killed in 3 separate attacks. 20 security force personnel were injured as unidentified gunman, targeted military bases with bombed laden vehicles. molly has been repeatedly attack since fighters linked to al qaeda. sees territory in the north, tennessee. all right, thompson's corner is jemma. thank you, nick, a formula one well champion max for stoppin has his 2nd race when if the season after victory at the amelia ramon yet grand prix, mercedes struggles, they continue to invalid the law season. they when they connect for the ty. so but here the stop and go to lap lewis hamilton would finish down 13 ferrari's and shaniqua. miss 1000. the podium finish off the he spun off into the barriers,
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became sick, but still needs the drive. the championships by 27 points, the stipend led home a red one to alongside teammates such a perez. i'm the norris was 3rd maclaren. the next race is in a fortnight when the teams will compete at the 1st miami ground pre. already yesterday and the day before you know we were, we were on it and i think it was like a larger storm weekend today. you never know where the weather or how competitive you're going to be, but i think as it did, we did everything well and i think there's one to reserve deserve my. so g p, well, champion february a quarter, all right, one, the portuguese groan, pray for his 1st victory. this year, the yamaha ride a started from 5th on the grid and he over 6 is your keys at john male lap full to lead a race for the 1st time this season. with 6 laps again. mia and you counties. jack miller was battling for 3rd. when mila took down mir, but off ahead of what aurora cruised to the wind finishing more than 5 seconds ahead of 2nd place your hands off to take the lead and the championship alicia
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spank right was that liverpool closed the gap on premier league laden manchester city after beating everson in the mercy sides ob, it's unfilled, every dropped point is crucial at this stage of the season. and after another hour for the home fans, andy roberts and pounds to put liverpool in front. a to know when was wrapped up in the closing stages, thanks the difficulty. liverpool are just a point behind city now with both teams having 5 games to play everton though they dropped into the renovation. places often been beaten in the london darby west hamlet of secure to point. when chelsea's georgina his late tennis is saved thoughts in the last minute of the match. chelsea wanted thanks to christian music, west ham and miss the chance to get back into the top 6 inch table. spanish web arrival batches and celebrating their 1st trophy in 17 years. they faced valencia in the final of the copper delray and they took the lead after just 11 minutes will
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high glacier scoring you can go to match, but valencia fall back and they will eval after half an hour you go do wrote making it one 0. and that is how it stated right until the ends in the penalty. she's out, it fell so fun miranda to slot high. the women won't kick joy for bess's. then as they get their hands on a trophy after knitting 2 decades with exactly one adel georgia, we get only if you ever since we left the hotel, i knew it would be difficult to lose this game. the support was amazing. the roads were crowded and the players were motivated. com, convinced and focused on the game, went on until the penalties, but i thought we deserved to win earlier than harrison. it's 4 titles in a row and 23 matches unbeaten now for egos, v on tech after success in stuttgart, grown pre allowed number one from poland cruise to victory in the final against arena sabot anchor. she dropped just for games in straight sets when she and jackie is on a great run. having picks up titles at the cas open indian wells, miami,
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and now a big clay caught title in europe as well. andre replies it denied at well, number one, know that job is a 3rd title is home tournament, the russian one that final ada serbia open rebel ever took the 1st set dropped the 2nd, then went on to wrap up the final set. 6 love. it's his 3rd title of the season. explains carlos alk ross is also celebrating a 3rd title of the year after winning the barcelona open. the 18 year old to be countryman am mentor pablo corranio booster in straight set policy is expected to climb to none. the line involved rankings on monday, making him the youngest plan to clack the top 10 since raphael. about 17 years ago . the 2019 and bay champions, the toronto raptors have kept their hopes alive in the 1st round of this. she is playoffs. thanks to a 111 to win over the philadelphia 70 sixes. toronto came into this one trading 3. nothing knowing defeat would eliminate them from the post season. pascal,
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it's the aca was in su, hug form for the hunting, cameron and forward top score with 34 points to help his team keep the series alive . i. we know we reach on a again, make it so far. um, obviously we know is a tough coverage and um, it's got to be a team effort like, you know, and, and i think that i'm, that's kind of like what we have to do in order to give ourselves a chance. utah jazz tide. they're serious with the dallas mavericks. thanks. when not a 100 to 99. when in gainful. it's late school from rudy. go back one. it's in the other games versus out. it's a 3 no need. i'm for the group in that san minnesota. tim bruce level there series with the memphis grizzlies. the top team in the n h l, a set a new franchise record for consecutive wins. the florida panthers defeated at the toronto may police 3 to on saturday. they did need overtime to wrap up the 13th
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when it arrived. brandon lum tools. gordon came winning gal. that was a slice of major league baseball history for miguel, a cabrera of the detroit like a tigers. i should say. he joined an elite club as he made his a 3000 career head to leg game against the colorado rockies. the venezuela is only the 2nd by its were chief that fee as well as strike $500.00 home runs, is just the latest accolade for cobra in a decorated career which included a world series went with the florida marlins in his rookie season, back in 2003 the chicago cubs amid the pit pirates, i'm the one. nothing was the final score on a great day to chicago basses. you have $23.00 hits in total and there were violence scenes in new york as yankees fans pouted at cleveland guardians, outfielders with bottles, cans, and other objects. you think they were angry about a heavy defeat with actual facts at the yankees, won the game? fine for that is only a sport for now i'll have fort later. jimmy,
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thanks very much. and dave, more microns electron victory from our lovely colleagues. deep walker presenting mainly crockett's good bye. for now. ah. talk to al jazeera, we ask, what is the time table in your mind? when do you think you can be off russian gas? we listen or, and i have seen and played football with these refugees. i look at them and they're happy, they smile and we meet with global news makers and talk about the store, restock matter on al jazeera, do the whole ah.
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when the war on ukraine commence, people in power reached out to inhabitants of the nation's 2nd city. less than 40 miles from the russian border. as the carnage unfolds, a handful of civilians document their experiences as they tried to survive and maintain some normality in a reality. turn upside down, a rare glimpse of life under the ball. you crave a city under siege on it just either. ah,
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al jazeera, with relieving eco friendly solutions to come back dress to our planet on al jazeera. ah ah, celebrations in france as estimate show in my jo macaroni has won the presidential election with more than 58 percent of the vote. hard like rival marie le pen concedes defeat, but turns her focus to legislative elections later this year. ah, bunny parker, this is al jazeera live from london, also coming up where on the front line in ukraine.
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