tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 25, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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but turn so focus to let just as of elections later this year. or on the front line in ukraine's east, where russian forces pushing towards the city of sloppy answers and unprecedented flood site clone some drought africa struggles to keep pace with the changing climate. i'm devin, us with sports. barcelona. looks like jumping more points as the spanish title is closer to him, round madrid, and formula one word champion, match the staff and dominate similar. so in the media for manya one pre, ah, my new micron has been reelected, french president for a 2nd term is far right challenge a marine le pen conceded defeat shortly after pole was closed in early estimates were released once official, the victory would make my crown the 1st french president and 20 years to secure a 2nd term. the run off between mcconnell, a pan,
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was held off to elections on april. the 10th failed to produce a clear winner during his victory speech, my crown called for unity. hello, yes, song good together we must have unity because only this way can we live in a happy away and rise to challenges in the coming years and be more secure because these years will not be calm, but they will be historical at home. and together we will be able to write history for future generations. it is a good one on the local, but we are, i know for many of our compatriots who chose extreme, write their anger and disagreement which led them to vote for that project. well, we must find a response was that will be my responsibility and the responsibility of those who surround me, mothers, because the voted the selection means we have to consider all the difficulties people have lived through and to respond to their anger and disappointment. my dear friend today i'll you made a choice for humanism, for ambitious independence for our country and for our europe visit. well,
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estimates suggest micron has 58.8 percent of the vote while his far right rival got a share of 41.2 percent else based on early counting. in her concession speech, marine la pen said the result puts her party in an excellent place for the upcoming legislative elections. are that in level why they mean what we've been declared dead a 1000 times and a 1000 times history has proven wrong. those who predict or wish for our demise in this defeat, i can't help feeling hopeful this result is proof of a great to fire on the part of the french people on that are leaders in france and europe cannot ignore. it's proof of a widely shared wish for a great change. the french people have expressed to nice a wish for a strong opposition against him on your own. i call one that will continue to defend and protect them way that or far left groups are also angry at the project of results and have been protesting in several cities across france.
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these are anti micron protests in the capital, paris, where ryan police abuse, tear gas to control crowds. there have been rallies in vain in north west france who has gotten a touch of butler who joins us now live from paris, sir natasha. of course this looks like when the final results come out, a pretty comfortable win for emmanuel, my chrome, but saying that there were most certainly some jitters in the micron camp. ahead of her these results. yes, it looked like a very tight race for a several weeks between a macro and le pen, but in the end it does look indeed as if it might, oh my god has a comfortable way and he will be the next person to fault for the next 5 years, it was interesting in his victory speech though, a macro. thank to supporters of course and set out some of his vision or for his coming presidency. but he also acknowledge the fact that many people who voted for
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him didn't necessarily vote for him because they support him, or because they support his policies and agenda, but they voted to block the far right candidate, or marine the pad. there's still a lot of feeling amongst voters in france that a far right presidency would simply be something too destructive and to defy. so for fraud, so you had voters who might normally be on the left for example, who decided to vote for micro really not something that they would normally like to do, but they have done so in order to support the far rights and macro has acknowledged those voters, he said that over the next 5 years, he will owe them a debt. and i think that's why he talks about things this evening like climate change, some social issues, women's rights. some of the issues that he has been accused of over the years by critics of leaving behind of ignoring some of those issues on the left that people feel that he is ignored in favor of issues that are more to the right. he has been seen as a president, that is a centrist,
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but it has moved right in the recent years, particularly, she's like security and immigration across a latasha. let's not forget that marina penn, despite not being the clear cup winner in all of this, has taken her party further than ever before. she very much feels that there was a fight yet to be fought. yes, fighting words form a marine, the pen more than 40 percent are all for the food she is putting a positive spin on this. she is saying that it is a big victory for her party. that may be so, but she has still lost this election and that is something she can't contest. it is her 3rd run at the presidency after all. she is though putting this positive spin on it because she is saying, look, this means that, you know, 40 percent of voters in france have backed me. 40 percent of voters in france agree with my far right agenda, and therefore what she wants to do is use some of that. some of that input to some
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of that motivation in a way, in the june parliamentary elections. these are the key elections coming up. they are often called the 3rd round of frances presidential election, because at that point, people will have to pick the a make up of the national assembly of the parliament here. emanuel microwave, the last 5 years has had the majority in the pollen that is allowed him to push through many of his more controversial at reforms. however, if he doesn't have a majority, he'll be a whole lot harder. and marine, the pen is hoping that she will be able to put many m p 's into the parliament that will reflect her result this evening. okay, natasha. thank you very much. well, joining us now from london by skype is philip malia, especially some french politics and professor of french and european politics at university college london. thanks so much for joining us. can i start by asking you about the evolution of these 2 political heavyweights? of course, this is a presidential election. it's not a parliamentary election, and there's been a tremendous amount of focus on the characters of le pen and my crime. but how have
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they evolved since the last election in 2017 well it, it was a re match, and it's not a responding victory for my co author, although it will be pleased with the result he was reelected at some point in a pause and they were neck and neck, highways lost a lot of votes from 820172 point 1000000 and le pen as, as gain a 2700000. so that, that's really to put things in perspective. i think you'll be pleased because that will be his last turn. you can't run again in 5 years time. so i think he's got now kind of free range to try to implement is reforms if you can, if there's so if people on the streets allow him or, and as full a pen, she's still a relatively young leader. so in our acceptance speech tonight, she was quite willing to carry on the fight, so to speak, against against mccoy. and she might even consider are running again in 5 years
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time. so this is where we are now of course as your reporter, i was saying just a moment ago, i think the june election, the general election will be key because my call now needs to exit just to sort of concern is when by securing a majority in the house, so the wise it will be in, in a difficult situation. we're looking at pictures or a re run of pictures of her micron from a little bit earlier on stage there in central paris, a lot of e u flags. oh, to joy bait, openly and anthem of the european union playing in the background. is this very much a vote of confidence in the you itself, as well as a manual micro i will. i wouldn't think so. although mccoy's dedicated european is voters know that, and i, i think the all support at france as part of the you and as a sort of a dynamic are nation within you. however, i don't think you are of the, you played
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a major role in the selection didn't feature much. in fact, far less than 5 years ago. i think it's more the decorum issue like the setting tonight was just made in such a way that michael wanted. in particular that probably was a message set sent to other european capitals. were holding that threat or cit tonight, and very much a fearing a victory of the far right. because the pen, unlike a mac or is you're a skeptic and she would probably consider kind of faxes. and also it would make, or the relation of france with this partners and all the member states, much more difficult. am i call speech? well, it was quite interesting, wasn't it? because he talked about reaching out to all camps, presumably all political camps to all men and women. and he says it has a responsibility to address the anger that drove people to the far right disappointment. perhaps the drove people to the far right as well. do you think he's able to do that? considering his traditional voter base?
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i think we shall see whether is a ball a willing to do it. i think what he's words tonight he had to said that he had read to take into account the 42 percent who voted for that then by the way, that not necessarily fall right, voters natural far right voters. a lot of them express a protest vote against himself against mac hole and also, and he mentioned them in passing the 1000000 of a left leaning voters who voted for him. not because they, they wanted to support him or they liked his policies far from it. but simply because yet again, they could not contemplate the victory of a far right candidate as so you've got to take that into account because those 2 blocks on, on the left and on the far right are clearly at 22 sides. which are sort of pulling in different directions, ease the central blog, but they are 2 of the blogs and i think he's got 2 positions in the way,
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which is the sort of crazy situation of french politics today. there's no more kind of left and right dominated by a major santa last or an a major center i party. all that is gong and my home is larger, responsible for that because he's siphoned off that type of electorate on the center line than right now. what he's got to do is now he's got to choose on, on the, on the left and on the far right at 2 opinions. and i think that's part of the difficulty for him now because you'll have to look into directions. because those are parties and movements, of course, are very different political agendas. philip ali, thank you so much. you're welcome. let's take a quick look at some international reaction. both the german and british leaders have congratulated. micron will have shalt, says france made a strong commitment to european he's pleased to be able to continue to cooperate while boys johnson says france is one of the you case, closed system most important allies and he looks forward to continuing to work
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together on the issues which matter most of the 2 countries and to the world are al jazeera senior, political analyst, marin bashar, joins us live from paris, some war words there from johnson. i'm from schultz. what message does this, when from my chron send across europe and beyond a clearly a message of support for the european project, for a centrist or a more unified europe, one that does not take kindly to its far right. one is that in more interested in open borders than are higher walls between the different european countries. and clearly with briggs, it now underway in france, probably along with germany. we'll be able to chart new we've forward for european
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our foreign policy, which is akin are kind of indispensable in today's world, between rising china and sort of, you know, reinvigorated russia and the, and a dominant united states. europe is, is silent, is incapable of expressing itself when francis, silent and when germany is confused. but now with 2 leaders in berlin and paris fresh from the ballot box. clearly a prince macaroni is able to charge a new way forward and hopefully hopefully being able to once again, assert a more diplomatic vision for a solution for ukraine. multiple european countries and further field as well. we've seen this sort of a pervasive tension between far right far left and the struggling central ground. do you think this, these results in, in france will in any way set the tone for future elections in other e u countries?
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look, there is no need. there is no doubt in my mind as a student of european history that france since the french revolution, as it were an counter revolution in the 1900 century has been a trend setter. in europe. france is an important country. it's a very strong, intellectually, it leads in more ways than one in the continent. and hence, i think what happens of france will have major repercussions and implications in your, in europe, including on the question of the far right. but that will also depend on how chrome will move forward when he now deceased and assessed as it were from talking about slamming or a stomach separatism in the country. when he start dealing with the muslim minority as he should with thought, the respect and, and with any quality because the test of any liberal democracy is not how you treat
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the majority is how you to the minority, religious minorities, national america and so on. and he needs to now give the french minorities there, right. and there are placed in the country after the assault by 2 very radical right. this opposition leaders look, pen and zimmer, and hence he needs to correct that pass for the, for french, most rooms. and that needs, as our viewers around the world understand, it's not just a french issue, it's a european issue, and it's a trans national issue. meaning it affects frances policy towards this minority towards might not, it is in europe and towards its mediterranean policy. and it's positive towards the arab and muslim world, and we're talking about something like $1500000000.00 people. so francis treatment over to muslim minority will have a major implication for its policy. and for research and the muslim world. and on
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that note, i should say the following. now that he is more experience and hopefully less indifferent. he should also reach out to more humanitarian and what the mechanic movements in the arab and muslim world and stopped a lying friends with the most authoritarian regimes in the arab muslim world and the sharp. okay, to talk to you as always. thank you. are coming up on al jazeera, this news, our ukraine's president delivers a message of unity and resilience as orthodox christians. mark easter sunday and in sport were gemma tennis. from so god where the women's world number one made it 4 titles in a row. ah, ukrainian officials say the u. s. secretary of state is in the capital key. if
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meeting with president zalinski, according to ukraine's presidential advisor u. s. defense secretary lloyd austin is also there why house hasn't confirmed the trip, but it's believe to be the highest level visit by us officials since the invasion began. zalinski has said he plans to ask the americans for more powerful weapons to defend ukraine from invading russian forces. all this, as russian forces continue there, offensive along a massive front line in eastern ukraine, shall stratford reports now from sla ganske in the east of the country. the town of lee man, which is about 20 kilometers and also here a town that we were literally unable to get to today because shelling was so heavy, we didn't have to speak to civilians coming out of it. they yeah, confirming what we could hear saying that they were families sheltering in bunkers . we smoked one person described a crater in the center of town that was believed to be changed from an as strike. we cannot confirm. busy that just as indication of the difficulties that people are
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facing here is this, as it will continues, there was a young family that will actually trying to get into lehman. at one stage we said, well, where are you going? can you hear the shelling? and they said, well, we have no choice, our home is there and we cannot afford to live in denise pro, and that's where they fled to. they flipped that every once before and now they were going into it. just as it seems, russian pools is all making a concerted effort to push towards the city of sloppy and see where we are now in other areas. we also know is ongoing fighting south east of here in a town called pop sana, which we understand is half controlled by the russian rules is heavily contested. and as i say is an indication of the russian army trying to surround savanski here as sofa so far, at least ukrainians, ukrainian pulses seem to be keeping. keeping them back requires president vladimir
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zalinski, his call for unity and resilience during an address marking easter sunday in the orthodox christian church, subdue celebrations have been held across the country. church leaders have been asked not to gather too many people together in case they become a target. alexi o'brien reports. he has an order shall, will go amiss. in the shadow of war, ukraine's president turned to a building signifying peace caves 1000 year old st. sophia cathedral, the setting for his latest video message marking orthodox easter sunday room will yours. christina crystal, miss show symbol is really believed easter symbolizes. the greatest victory of life over della each of us is asking god, only one thing. every one says the same words, the words of a great and united prayer. great lord, the save ukraine. oh, sunday also marks 2 months since russian forces invaded ukrainian authorities urged those celebrating the christian festival to follow services online. but some still
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made their way to church for easter blessings. oh for this is boucher outside cave . a town that seen some of the worst violence of this conflict in other parts of the country artillery fire could be heard as easter services were held. ukraine had joined the un and pushing for an east, a truce, but with no success is saunter severed. nearby, the sun is shining, and the sky is clear. but there's no peace in my soul. i very, very much want ukraine to have liberty love, and hope are yours, that the book is so clear. others in the eastern city of separation were too nervous to stay for math. 3rd one is one of them. we didn't enter the church, we did everything quickly. we received our blessings from the priest and we are now on our way home. the conflict has divided the orthodox church.
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the russian patriarch and ally of president vladimir putin. his throne, his support behind the war, and used his sermons to justify it. that's angered church ladies in ukraine and alice, across the orthodox faith, its spiritual leader has pushed for an end to the fighting, calling it an indescribable human tragedy. rushes annexation of crimea led to a part of ukraine's clergy splitting from the moscow led branch in 2018. there. a fee. as the war could further rupture, the wider church president for laudermill lensky urged ukrainians not to let anger overwhelm them. vilegas out as a wooden you, today's great holiday gives us the great hope and belief that light will win over darkness. good will win over evil life will win over data. so therefore ukraine will win inevitably or g mailed to me. oh, a prayer for peace and hope heard and felt across ukraine. alixia brian al jazeera,
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the spiritual head of eastern orthodox christians, has called for humanitarian corridor to be set up for civilians fleeing the war. new crane, ecumenical patriarch, bartholomew says the human tragedies unfolding in the country are indescribable. give us another customer. let us ask the risen redeemer that this year's easter will be the impetus to open humanitarian corridors. safe passages to truly safe areas. for the thousands of people surrounded in mary, a poll civilians among them, the wounded, the elderly women, and many children. the same applies to all other regions of ukraine, where an indescribable human tragedy is unfolding to night on this blessed night. we call once again for an immediate end to this fratricidal war, which like any war, undermines human dignity and is a provocative violation of the lord's commandment. to love
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a fellow human beings. or cadre leech is a senior policy fellow at the european council on foreign relations. she believes the russian invasion we'll see. many countries want to come ties with a church in moscow. the ukrainian branch off amazon, the russian orthodox church, is in trouble. they have condemned verbal, but even so, their position is not most comfortable. but also, for instance, in in the baltic states in lithuania, varies a schism in the leafy nan or orthodox church of moscow. patriarchy ad, also, that head of church has condemned them all. but even so many of the clerics are one to break lim, moscow entirely and go and become so subordinate to constant and opal. so i think many, all for ducks congregations all over a world are going to rethink that relationship live moscow. russian orthodox church
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has traditionally been very close to us. they, they have hardly ever harbor totally different positions may be the exception of the height of bolshevik purges. but even so in 2014, when annexation of crimea was announced and celebrated in moscow to really made an effort to distance himself from, from but the little bit. because he knew that this will signify problems for his church in ukraine. now, however, they have almost given up to on, on, on, but attempt, and they are aligning quite clearly with the state another to use. u. s. president joe biden has accepted an invitation from israel's prime minister enough to ali bennett to visit. we'll make the trip in the coming months to lead his recently spoke on the phone about the stand off for the alex moss compound and occupied east jerusalem. this will be biden's 1st visit to israel as president silver come on. i'll just hear this news. our lavine is right wing prime minister face is
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a challenge by opposition. green liberals in its parliamentary election will have the latest update and in sport action from moses, i dobby, as liverpool keep that push for the premier league title ah with hello there. the weather wasn't very pleasant across the iberian peninsula over the weekend, but things are going to change its gonna dry up and we will see some sunshine, at least on monday, for the wet weather. well, that can be found across continental europe. up in the north, it's dryer, but a little bit cooler. we look to the north west for britain and island on monday, we are seeing some sunshine through the clouds. it is going to be cold. however, thanks to a cold wind blowing down the north sea. that's going to be felt across eastern areas of england,
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but still since sunshine to be enjoyed and the sun shines dominating for a lot of scandinavia, it is cooler here as well. but for the wet weather we have to head to eastern areas of europe. that's going to intensify pushing into western russia as well as best bella roost. by the time we get into choose day. now for the south of this, it is wessa for france as well on monday, some snow falling on the alps as well as northern areas of leasing, some of the heavy arrange to come. it does why up my thing. however, for the se, across the balkans, within a lot of won't come in for romania, bucharest, at $25.00 degrees. them a story for athens, as well as greece and turkey thing, a lot of sunshine here. and we're going to see the sun come back into madrid on monday, but it's going to be rainy from tuesday that she weather update. ah . as climate change heats up, the planet, one scientist intends to take his back to the ice age to save the permafrost below
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. he's reintroducing animals to the growth lands above. starting with the living creatures, the planning to resurrect and extinct species are good. this approach, they've all, wo witness. the zoom of hypothesis on al jazeera use from al jazeera on the go, a need to know out is there is all new mobile app is there for you. this is where we dissects, analyze what bring a lot. yes. so from algy, there is a mobile app available in your favorite app store, just search for it and tapped out the new app from al jazeera new at your fingertips. lou
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ah or my you are the top stories here on al jazeera and manuel. my crone and his support is a celebrating him from softer he was re elected as president as basal early estimates, giving him more than 58 percent of the run of boats. the victory makes my call the 1st french president and 20 years secure, a 2nd term. his rival marine le pen conceded defeat. shortly after the estimated results were announced, she picked up just over 41 percent of the vote. the far right leader says the results put her party in an excellent place for the upcoming legislative elections in june. the cranes government says u. s. secretary of state antony blinkin has been meeting president vladimir lensky . keep us defense. secretary lloyd austin is also there. zalinski is expected to
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offer more weapons to fight the russian offensive. the white house so far declined to comment. oh, william courtney is a former white house senior director for russia, ukraine, and eurasian affairs and former ambassador to georgia. he joins us now from washington. d. c. with him, thank you so much for your time. first, i stopped by asking you what entity blink adams presence in key if will add more than perhaps the other queue of european leaders that we've seen passed through key of in recent weeks. visits of the western leaders have shown some support for present soleski and cranes really courageous a defense of the country. but they've also shown a measure of confidence that ukrainian government has made k of secure. so there are 2 purposes there. now a 3rd purpose is to get
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a measure of zalinski as a war time president. you know, he's become a war time winston churchill, to the surprise of a lot of people. a lot of western leaders have not mon zalinski in that context. they're getting a personal feel for him and for the figures around him is an important step walk in the united states and other countries support or ads by way of military financial support to, to ukraine without over stepping the mach without aggravating button. well, the worst says move to the red line if you will. throughout this year, at the beginning, the west is emphasizing that it was providing all the defensive equipment, including javelin, at the armor and stinger angie air systems. but now as the fight has changed, its move to the east of ukraine where there is more open country. so longer range
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or hillary tanks are more useful there. so the west of stuffed up the kind of military equipment that was provided earlier, the u. s. president turned down the big 20 and i'm transferred from poland to your crime, apparently thinking that might be provocative. but if that issue were to come up today for the 1st time, you might have a different response. now, you know, of course, a lifelong diplomat full. my boss is that a georgia, another country that has been in pops on the wrong side of russian aggression, notably in the 2008. so was that what can be done to make sure that diplomatic channels remain open? with the credit men want the same time sending a united fund message to vladimir putin? there is a difficulty in maintaining diplomatic channels and sat there are channels of several kinds already. it is easy for a secretary blanket to be in touch with russian foreign minister law, for example,
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has never been difficult and actually having the channel. the question is, is there a dialogue that can be productive if it can't be productive, then it really doesn't serve any purpose. it doesn't bring a solution closer to bear to the problem. and thus far, russia has looked as if it wants to fight, rather than negotiate. ukraine is ardent and defending his country green wants to resist. so i think probably your brain would hope that russia's decision at the end would be to retreat. and ukraine does not seem prepared to negotiate an agreement which would leave russian forces on ukrainian territory. and the west is not likely to lift the sanctions on russia. if question, forces are still on the printer, or do you think it's helpful for diplomatic efforts for president joe biden, to have colds of latin made peace in a war criminal without that being any conclusion to legal investigations into all
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of that is of any wonder that meeting doesn't appear ready to talk to western countries. those things, you know, calling names isn't time to be awkward, but in this situation the aggression has been so blatant, the atrocities have been so significant and so visible that calling of veins really pretty secondary issue. what is mobilized, western and international opinion is seeing the evidence of the atrocities that boucher elsewhere. that's what's really driving, mobilizing western support, including europeans providing more military support than they have planned on before. last, they want to success look like for the united states, and you can total withdrawal of all russian troops from your great or that may require regime change may require regime change the more liberal direction in russia. but ukraine's credits are fighting very effectively. the west is imposing
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sanctions that are incredible by any past measure, including voluntary pull out hundreds of international companies and the west controls over $300000000000.00 worth of central banks of russia's central bank assets. so the worth of 3 important sources of leverage. russia is facing a real economic devastation if you will, which is going to come out quickly faster than other sections i have in the past. and so there is not a probability that ukraine could actually prevail and have russia pull out sources . william cody great to talk to you. thank you. you're welcome. both the international monetary fund and the world bank group have meant for the past week to consider the global consequences of the war and ukraine. they've also been discussing what's called the debt distress of many low income countries. people
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worldwide, a grappling with the rising prices. an increase in shortage is caused by the pandemic. and which made worse by the war. vicky price is the chief economic adviser at the center for economics and business research. she says military bodies before costing high inflation, even before the russian invasion began. we had seen prices on prices and freight charges for transporting anything from anywhere around the world. going up very significantly and that had been leading those people to downgrade their forecast anyway. so it was expected would happen. but the interesting thing is it happened with a vengeance. if you like, in the sense that they had to add to the in front of the war in the ukraine. and additionally, of course, they did this huge uncertainty as to how long the one, the brain will last. and what will happen after. because why the world bank has already announced its $170000000000.00 support fund. that is a crisis fund which they had something quite similar during the code crisis. but
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they've got this one now which is going to be so slowly building up over the next year or so for the poor countries, which are indeed going to fall into serious debt crashes. those countries that do not have those sort of luxury of being major a food producers or food export, just they are the ones that are suffering quite significantly. so the world bank is worried that something like 60 percent of the countries are looking at are going to be falling into serious debt issues and they're going to have to step in how long this will last is the real question. because on the food side, you know, want to see what is happening with 30 lies a cost going up significantly. farmers are not going to use, specializes as much as they would have done, otherwise they're not going to put down, you know, the crop. so they would have done otherwise. so the problems with good security may last a lot longer than those for energy security. selenium is in for a political change of the early result showed its ruling. conservative party was
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defeated and parliamentary elections, political new come, robert golub, who leads the opposition. liberals is expected to form a coalition government. he's a former energy executive and head of the environmentalist. freedom movement. party polling had him neck and neck with the incumbent. prime minister young as yansa, who has been criticized for the suppressing opposition voices were gasper lou base is following events in the civilian capital. louisiana. this is supposed to be a ty through between robert get up from freedom moment and prime in your study, honest down shot by robert, go up one in a landslide. one of the reasons is that he has a lot of new orders who weren't went to the election before. on the other hand, pianist, the answer was criticized for suppressed and neither for suppressing civil society and the organization. so she was society, we're going to the 3 people for 12. so the very high. so now is
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one of the key issues in the collection in 2018. there was a 53 percent walters coming out. now it's very close to 70 percent is we expect that the robert of the operator for my government with other left and parties. on the other hand, yanna, sasha will staying a position. he's a political veteran. he's, he will be waiting for his next chance. he was prime minister for 3 times and he couldn't do it the 4th time. so we are expecting that the parliament will have for less parties. it would be easier for rather go up to form a government. i'm groups of attacked military bases in both burkina, faso and marly killing soldiers and civilians. attackers radiate a military unit in gaskin day in northern burkina faso on sunday, killing 5 soldiers and at least 4 civilians. other soldiers are wound it in the door and attack. and there were similar rays at around the same time and
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neighboring marley gunman stormed 3 different army bases, and killed 6 soldiers. marley's army says 11 of the fighters were killed but hasn't said which group stage the attacks. there's been renewed violence between rival groups in sedans. dar 4 region has killed a number of people. number people been killed rather both sides accused each other of triggering it. the fighting began on friday and started again on sunday military . reinforcements have been deployed to the region. hebert morgan is in the capital cartoon. with more. while the reader of west are for, has been witnessing inter coming on violence between the ethnic arabs in west are for in the region of career nick, which is about 80 kilometers from the capital janina. that's the capital of west are for now. the marcellus tribe, that to non arab ethnic tribe in west are for accused the arabs of raiding them on friday and attacking them, killing at least 8 people. the situation was largely calm on saturday,
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but on sunday morning, the muscles accused the arabs of rating the area. once again. they say that our armed men came from all directions and burned villages. displacing people in the area of korean, again, which is about 80 kilometers from the capital janina, that's the capital of west dar for now was done for and on 4 generally has been witnessing inter communist violence despite the fact that a peace agreement was signed between the transitional government, an arm groups in 2020, with the aims of ending the conflict that started into 2003. the intercontinental violence between the arabs and non arab tribes have displaced tens of thousands over the past couple of years, especially over the past few months. that's largely because of resources. now, when we spoke to the other 2 to the displaced people or to the refugees or coordination, they say that they blamed the transitional government. they say that there was supposed to be a joint joint security forest from
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b r police from the military and from the rapid support force. that is, that has to, that has a role of protecting civilians and displaced people in west are for am in the door for region generally. but that no protection was offered and that tens of thousands have been displaced. to noisy as coast guards says 17 people are now known to have died in multiple ship breaks on saturday. 3 bodies have been recovered for boats carrying more than a 120 people from different countries in africa. sunk off the coast near the city of the facts, the majority were rescued. the migrants were heading to italy, crossings on the rise and dozens of drown trying to make the perilous journey. meanwhile, at least 6 people have died after a boat carrying refugees. a migrant sank off the lebanese coast overnight on saturday, lebanon's navy says one of its ships crashed into the small ding e after the smuggler in charge. try to evade the military. they're around 60 people on board, all lebanese, or syrian,
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many lebanese refugees living there are trying to escape the economic crisis by heading to europe. a national day of mourning has been announced from monday. ah, like williams toys. and blissfully ill. now, it's a tragedy on all levels. for all, tripoli is a family and i can't express the feelings. the media asked me about nationalities. this doesn't matter at all. what's important is to save lives. we now have $45.00 survivors, one girl died, and the search is still ongoing. the glasses for me, lebanon is a village, and we're all family lives. threesome floods that have devastated large areas of south africa, highlighting concerns over climate change. environmental groups in southern africa are concerned governments in the region and not doing enough millions of people have suffered both floods and drought. the last 6 months alone. for me, the miller, as more from janice burg, unimaginable destruction, homes and lives destroyed or lost as floods ravaged parts of quizzes due natal
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province in recent weeks. and in the aftermath, beaches streets aligned with debris and pollution. at least 443 people were killed in the floods described as the worst in 60 years. when 2 months worth of rain fell in just 48 hours, causing mud and lance lights, we needs to increase our investment employment adaptation measures. to better safeguard communities against the effects of climate change. the government is calling such natural disasters the new normal, attributing it mostly to climate change, but environment experts say the devastation may not have been as bad if the government had done more. here in the town of alexander and to hannah's bud. thousands of people live alongside river banks and po areas. while the have been local and global, that is to reduce the effects of climate change. many of those promises have not
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been kept ex, let's say countries like south africa need to build better houses, road and drainage and fall support systems to adapt to climate change. and key people say, experts say africa's west indian ocean region is vulnerable to extreme weather shocks. parts of madagascar have recently been hit by intense tropical cyclones, while south east of the island drought has decimated crops, killed animals, and displaced thousands of people, causing widespread food shortages. drought has to ravaged parts of zambia, zimbabwe, and south africa. in sodom, madagascar, for example, you have 1.5 to 2000000 people who suffered acute hunger because of drought issues you have or, or what a 1000000 carcases are from lice, livestock heard us, et cetera. and now, with the storms that we have seen about 3 very significant storms happening
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in causal natal in the space of about 7 years. and who has suffered the most. it is really the poor and vulnerable who have only a dangerous places to put up their houses in. we are going to continues to see this framed happening are all across the african continent. it's estimated it will cost billions of dollars to fix the damage caused by the latest gliding in south africa and environmental group. se severe weather has killed half a 1000000 people in southern africa. in the last 6 months alone. for me to mila al jazeera johannesburg, south africa, the japanese coast guard is searching for 16 people, still missing. after a sight, seeing boat went missing, and bad weather off the northern island of kato, 10 people have been confirmed dead most were found on nearby rocks or in the water . the crew sent out a distress call on saturday during bad weather. the water in the area is not much
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above freezing, and would likely affect people's consciousness after just a few minutes. an investigation into the operator is underway. japanese drug maker says the, the experimental treatment is developed for coven 19 is showing promising results. the company says is anti viral treatment has shown rapid clearance of the virus during the 2nd phase of clinical trials. the drug makers set it plans to launch a global phase 3 trials for the drug. with us government support. there's been more unrest in china's largest city, shanghai, where many residents are angry at strong cove lockdown measures. this mobile phone footage reportedly shows people tearing down fencing which had been erected around their apartment block in order to see lit off their reports of similar actions in other cities. most of shanghai is 25000000 residents have been ordered to stay indoors since the 5th of april. many say they're suffering from shortages of food
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and basic necessities. still to come here on the news hour. there's no escape from elk trousers the spanish teenager wins yet another title this time in barcelona. as coming up in sports. ah, during the debate there is no he job bad credit union. i mean, if anyone here talks about women that i was a, does this, the, somebody seemed of then says notes. so he gets off the table. we were taught to see abortion as a one way ticket street to help all of the companies. they deny any responsibility, even though they have the resources and the power to fix it, where a global audience becomes a global community. the comment section is right here. the part of today's program, this team on out is iraq.
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lou lou lou i've worked out their english since it's law should as a principal presenter and as a correspondence with any breaking news story, we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voice is heard on an international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud off was when we covered the depaula earthquake of 2015, a terrible natural disaster on the story that needs to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time oh
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oh oh good bye cool else promise his gemma with all the sport. thank he nave of former to one, while champion at max for stoppin has his 2nd race. when if the season after victory, the immediate ramana grand prix, mercedes struggles, they continued at emma la la season, they were neck and neck for the title. but he at the stop and got some lap louis hamilton, who had finished down in 13th for arissa, shaw mccloud, missed out on the podium finish off the. he spun off into the barriers. he came 6th, but still leads the drivers championship by 27 points. for stop and lead home, a red one to alongside teammate serge perez lando norris was 3rd from mclaren. the next race is in a fortnight when the teams will compete at the 1st miami grown pre already
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yesterday and the day before, you know, we were, we were on oops, and i think it was like a larger storm weekend today. you never know where the weather or how competitive you're going to be, but i think as it did, we did everything well and i think there's one through is very deserve my. so g p well champion of february quarter, all right. when the portuguese grand prix for his 1st victory this year, the yamaha ride has started from faith on the grace and overtook suzuki said: jo ann mia on the lap for to lead a race for the 1st time this season. with 6 laps to go, mia, and do kathy's at jack mila battling for 3rd. when mila took down maria, but off a heads caught him or re creased to the wind and finishing modem. 5 seconds ahead of 2nd placed their hands. okay, to take the lead and the championship. elation barger, i was 3rd ran madrid at need just one point from that last 5 games, 2 in the spanish league title. after another slip up,
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my nearest challenges boss. alada, they lost again at home. this time it to live table riah cono. i was very garcia, got the only goal of the game after 7 minutes. boss, selena couldn't find a way back and found that that defeats in a row at the new cap rail. a 15 points clear at the top and can clench a record extending 35th league, a title on saturday when they play espanol at the side of bay. like liverpool, close the gaff on premier leaders, manchester sissy off the beating everton and the muzzy side, w unfilled. every dropped point is crucial at this stage of the season. and after another hour for the home funds and the roberts in pounds, livable in front of you know, when it was wraps up in the closing stages i did with the reading level, just a point behind says he seems having 5 games left to play ever tonight they dropped in the relegation. places also been be decisions in terms clear for us. no, no news. no,
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but when the game you have to change things. that's true. we knew where the threat is coming from. so could not always defendant in the 1st place. that's how it is, but in football we don't take risk in a football game. so that's how it is. and i was that it was obviously easy to improve today from the 1st half. and we did all that in the london darby, west ham. look, just the kid points when chelsea is giorgio, so he's late penalty say that in the last minute of the match. chelsea wanted thanks to christian thick west have missed the chance to get back into the top 6 in the table. speaking of late when is that was a last gust, injury time winter in italy, from sandra denali. for ac milan, back on top of siri, an issue and victory. latso takes them at 2 points. cliff into in the table. the ladder played at one gay more than that's how to rivals as they chased their 1st championship since 2011. it's for titles in
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a row and $23.00 matches. i'm beta now for english. v on tech. after has success. at the stuttgart grand prix. the world and abroad from poland, creased to victory and the final against every net sabbath lanka. she dropped just for games in straight sets when she on tech is on a great run. having picked up titles that the cat, open, indian wells, miami, and now a big clay courts high to andre rib left denied world number one. never joke of it . a 3rd title at his home tournament, the russian one that final at the serbia open. rib levitt took the 1st set, dropped the 2nd, then went on to wrap up the final set 6 love. it says the title of the season. spain's carlos al carouse is also celebrating a 3rd title of the year after winning the barcelona ivan, the 18 year old beat friend and mentor public career booster in straight sets is expected to climate to number 9 involved rankings on monday, making the youngest plan to crack the top 10 since ra found
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a dallas 17 years ago. and if you're wondering how he gets fired up for matches, he listened to the song i of the tiger from the rocky 3 soundtrack. before we might say, i tried to loosen that song while the ready me is dog fighting spirit bucket thing . set you apart this week from the rest of the field? yes, of course. i mean, when i listen the music, i remember day the movie i'm day or it's, it's amazing day. this is lead by that they're only ha, sunday everything i trying to to have done disputing day every mars the 2019 n b a champions. the toronto raptors have kept their hopes live in the 1st round of this year's playoffs. thanks to a 110 to one or 2. when over the philadelphia 70 sixes. toronto came into this one trailing at 3. nothing knowing defeats would eliminate them from the post season. that pass galaxy uncle was in assume pub performance for the home. seeing the cam
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radian 4 top scored with 34 points to help his team, a series alive bobby reno. we reach on a again, make it so far. um, obviously we know is a tough provision and it's got to be a t muscle like, you know, i'm and i think that um, that's kind of like what you have to do in order to give ourselves a chance. utah jazz tide there series, where the dallas mavericks, thanks to a narrow 100 to 99 when and game for this late school. really go back one it in the other games, boston celtics took a 3 no lead over the brooklyn. that's and minnesota timble rules leveled their series with the memphis grizzlies. the top team in the n h. alice at a new franchise record for consecutive wins. the florida panthers defeated, the toronto may police at 32. so they didn't need over time to wrap up their 13th when in a re brandon mom told scoring the game winning goal. that was a slice of major league baseball history for miguel cabrera of the detroit tigers.
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he joined an elite club as he made his 3000 career head in their game against the colorado rockies. venezuelan is only the 7th player to achieve that feat as well as strike 500 high runs. it's just the late is accolade for cabrera in a decorated career which included a world series when with the florida marlins. in his rookie season back in 2003. chicago cubs hammered the pittsburgh pirates $22.00 and nothing was the final school with on a great day for chicago batters you had $23.00 hits in total. they are suzuki habits sorry, of labor. and there were violent scenes in new york. yankees fans halted at cleveland guardians, outfielders with bottles, cans, and other objects. you think they were angry about a heavy defeats, but no, in actual fact, the yankees won the game by full and that is all your sport from me. i'll hand you back now to leave in london. okay, thank you jim. a bob,
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sit for the news hour. thanks for joining us. don't go away by much more news and just to wal mart for now. ah ah, along with full of struggles. i allude job in my mind with normal i'm and what i mean all on all that i'm walking up on full of pleasure. we go. hello martin. i'm the guy who is a drama in baran, noise to an intimate look at life in cuba today. as it was a,
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i don't want to walk on, but i, yeah, daniel, daniel, advisable. mike cuba on al jazeera from the ruins of mosul, music as re emerged. these are some of 40 musicians who make up the weather orchestra in iraq, 2nd largest city, despite being banned, when mosul was occupied by i so the melodies arrived 3rd, been christian curd, arab so need and she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq, to be able to hear music, i mean, the ruins of mussels also the feel strange. but it brings home the resilience of residents who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. when the war on ukraine commences, people in power reached out to inhabitants of hockey. the nations 2nd city less
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than 40 miles from the russian border. as the carnage unfolds, a handful of civilians document their experiences as they tried to survive and maintain some normality in reality. turn upside down. a rare glimpse of life under the ball. you crave a city under siege on just either. ah, my new micron is re elected president for the 1st french leader in 20 years to secure a 2nd term. is far right. rival marine le pen concedes defeats but turn so focus to legislative elections later this year. ah, by me, parker. this is al jazeera live from london,
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