tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 26, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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the other stories thought too of abdur, is that gonna none that we ought to aim, we can bring in. all of these other qualities are not necessarily struck in the ways that we've been taught them. i feel like that's potentially a really exciting prospect studio be unscripted on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah, hello. this is in use our own al jazeera. i'm fully back to live for my headquarters in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the sooner we end these war, the better for the people, if you could earn for the people of the russian federation. and those far beyond. the un secretary general pushes for us to inspire in ukraine and pledges
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humanitarian support. to save those trapped in mario poll. a series of attacks in new russian backs break away region of chimes. this 3, imo dofer's president condemns. attempts to involve her country in actions that could threaten need to speak. oh, so this our north korea's leader came john urns sage is a massive military parade saying is strengthening his country's nuclear arsenal. and the well switches man has a new venture. but what does the future hold for free speech on twitter after in on mosques, by the social media? and i'm, he to same it with their sports matches the city and rail madrid prepared to face off in the champions league semi finals. and the boston celtics saw before a saw through round to up in vehicles of series whitewash the brooklyn lift.
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thank you for joining us. i push the piece and to save lives that the mess says united nations chief has been delivering in russia. antonio terrace has made his 1st visit to moscow since the thought of the ukraine war 2 months ago. his call for a cease fire while meeting. foreign minister said oliver, and also humanitarian corridors for the besieged, ukrainian city of mary. a fall to say civilians caught in the car. it is clear that there are due to different positions on what is happening in ukraine. according to the russian federation, what is taking place is a special me 30 operation with the objectives that were announced. according to the un in line with the resolutions fast by the general assembly rushes invasion of ukraine is a violation of his very thought of integrity and against the chart that of united nations. but it is my deep conviction that the sooner we end these
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war, the better for the people of ukraine, for the people of the russian federation. and those far beyond re shoshone will show issue control. this was happening as a result of the actions of the us and its allies and unipolar world. because as for our geopolitical sphere, it was done in the interest of containing russia and to that. and for many years green has been used as a springboard to restrain our country classes. i understand that the russian federation is many grievances. but un charter foresees a large number of mechanisms in which clearances can be addressed. and namely, with the 3 course to the international courts of justice or other other mechanisms if all the other ones foreseen in the charter faith. but that is one scene that is true and love views,
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and that's no arguments come change. we have not ukrainian groups in the 30 tory of the russian revolution, but we have russians groups in the territory of ukrainian feathers. meanwhile, in germany, defense and security officials from 40 countries have been meeting and assure strength and support for ukraine. they're discussing ways to increase the supply of weapons to keep the u. s. secretary of defense lloyd austin, has placed a continuous support for ukraine against what he called russia's lawless invasion. austin is you'd hold a news conference this sorrow which will bring to you live here on out here. and we've got correspondence right across all the devout men set by sin is at the ramstein air base where defense officials from around the world have been meeting. as i said, james spades is our diplomatic editor. he is at the united nations and will give us reaction and analysis to the un secretary general's visit to moscow and moscow, where we begin with daughter jabari, who's alive from the russian capital. the un secretary general dasa as met with
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very gay lover of the russian foreign minister, his due to meet also with the russian president. what's the general sentiment in moscow about this visit? especially after the secretary general said that he doesn't agree with russia stance on ukraine. yes, of course. the un secretary general is their highest level official to visit the russian capital since the start of russia. so called special military operation, which began on every 24th. but there seems to be a very warm reception from at least so far the russian foreign minister survey love that he said that he highly appreciated the visit by the secretary general. and that he is always happy to meet with you and officials and to discuss any of the situations i may be ongoing. i think it was very clear from there or just for
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internet. yeah, sorry, i'm going to interrupt you because we're going to go live to germany now where the u. s. defense secretary is speaking after that meeting with the defense officials from 40 countries that's with me and your team might play a role in that range. surely with that all day wrong with tomorrow, i really will remain handy and come home. we're
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only showing up a decision by along with and i yes. and yesterday was the british government and brian brain with additional capabilities as well today. and it was a new brain, our view is less important progress we're seeing more every day. i applaud all the countries that have risen in our rising to meet this demand. but we don't have any time the waste, the briefings let today, laid out clearly why the coming weeks will be so crucial for ukraine. so we gotta
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move at the speed of war. and i know that all the leaders leave today more resolve than ever to support ukraine in his fight against russian aggression and atrocities. and i know that we're all determined to do even more to better coordinate our efforts. so i was especially glad to hear general walters encourage us all to make more determined use of you comes coordination mechanism. now that to ensure that we continue to build on our progress, we're going to extend this forum beyond today. i'm proud to announce that today's gathering will become a monthly contact group on ukraine's self defense. and the contact group will be a vehicle for nations of good will to intensify our efforts and coordinate our assistance and focus on winning today's fight and the struggles to come. the
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monthly meetings may be in person, virtual or mixed. and they all extend the transparency, the integration, and the dialogue that we saw today. and let me underscore another key point. we held an important session today on the long term support for ukraine's defenses, including what that will take from our defense industrial basis. and that means dealing with the tremendous demand that we're facing for munitions in weapons platforms and giving our staunch support to ukraine. well, also meeting our own requirements and those of our allies and partners. but it also means redoubling our common efforts to strengthen ukraine's military for the long haul. and i look forward to our discussions and the contact group and
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elsewhere about how to get that done right. let me gang thank all of the countries who came together today. they've done crucial work and they sent a powerful signal. we're going to build on today's progress and continue to reach out to nations of goodwill to help ukraine defend itself. and will continue working transparently and urgently with our allies and partners. and will continue pushing to support and strengthen the ukrainian military for the battles ahead. so we leave tonight, strengthen and so does ukraine. thank you, and i'll be glad to take your questions. thank you miss sector. our 1st question to you will come from. so we went on a p, a microphone. thank you and mr. secretary, actually i have
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a double question for you. and moldova is, is they being a bit security measures or after a series of explosions in the separatist region of just nasty? or do you think there is a risk of spillover of the conflict to more dover? and then my 2nd question is, after this big meeting about arming ukraine, are you, aren't you concerned that are put in may become a restless and threaten again to use a nuclear weapon well on the issue of spill over to mo, moldova, because of what we seen here, a reporting of a recent, a violence, we're still looking to the cause of that, that still, you know, still doing an analysis sir, so not really sure what,
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what that's all about. but we'll get something that we'll, we'll stay focused on. and certainly we don't want to see any skull over and, and again, and it's important to make sure that we do everything that we can to ensure that ukraine is successful. and that's the best way to, to address that. and your 2nd part of the question there, so be was well, you know, you, you heard a say a number of times that, that kind of rhetoric is very dangerous and unhelpful. nobody wants to see a nuclear war happen happen. it's a war that you know, or all sides lose, and so the rattling of saber sabers and, and, you know, dangerous rhetoric is clearly unhelpful and something that we won't engaging.
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our next question goes to susan. gail hard from the df secretary, what military a do you now expect from the gym and government and do you think the delivery of jackets tanks is sufficient in your opinion? you mean cheetos which is what that? yeah. so let me just say that, and i think you probably heard me say this before. as i visited germany, i consider germany to be a great friend and an ally. and, you know, we've served a, i've served in germany as a, as an officer and, and worked with german forces and, and i, it's, it's always been a real pleasure to, to work alongside our, our german partner, sir. now i think it's, it's significant that you know, germany announced that it was gonna provide 50 tito systems. i think that those
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systems will provide real capability to for ukraine. and in terms of what else germany will do going forward. again, that's a sovereign decision. one that you're that, that the german leadership will make and i don't want to speculate on that. i just believe that just based upon everything that i've seen in my interaction with the minister of defense and how intently she's been focused on making sure that she can do everything that she can to help and work alongside her partners and allies. that she'll continue to look for ways to be, to be relevant and, and provide a good capability till ukrainians as they continue to, to prosecute this fight. the next question visit john, is me new york times mister secretary, yesterday you mentioned that one of the united states is goals in ukraine. now.
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wish to see russia weekend, can you explain more fully what that means? and specifically, what do you want to weaken and how you would measure success in that regard? yeah, john, so i think we've been pretty clear from, from the outset. but we do wanna make it harder for russia to threaten his neighbors and, and leave them less able to do that. now, if you look at what's transpired here in the 62 days or so that, that, that ukraine and russia, i've been, i've been involved in this struggle here. russia has, in terms of its land forces or land forces have been a trade it in a very significant way. casualties are, are, are pretty substantial if they've lost a lot of a lot of equipment. and they've used a lot of precision guided munitions. and they've lost a major surface combatant. and so they are in fact in terms of military capability,
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weaker than when it started. and you know, john, it'll be harder from them for them to replace some of this capability as they go forward. because of the sanctions and the trade restrictions that have been placed on m and. and so we would like to make sure again, that they don't have the same type of capability to bully their neighbors. that we, that we saw at the outset of this, of this conflict. next question goes to a, which spangenberg or from a r div question? oh hello. how can we guarantee a safe and secure crane in the future? is it possible that ukraine becomes men wealth natural? again, that'll be a sovereign decision. i think that a nato will always stand by his principles of maintaining an open door so
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that i want to speculate on what, what could come. i do believe that that you know, in the future, if the possibility exist, i think ukraine will seek to, ah, once again, a apply to become a member of nato but, but again, that's, that's probably a bit down the road and in speculation at this point is not very helpful. i think the 1st step is to is to in this conflict. and i think that though you know what needs to happen to cause a conflict to come to an end is mr. poot needs to make a decision to in this conflict. and he's the person that started it, it was unjustified. and, and of course i, it, it'll be his decision to deescalate and then and then go back to the negotiating table. and we really all would like to see that happen. again, last question to day mindful of our time, it goes to the address in from tv to denmark. thanks is the
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security, the russian foreign minister has warned that there is a danger of, of a 3rd world war and as real danger of, of nuclear weapons being used in the present situation. i another afraid that the conflict will somehow spin out of control and will had this euclid confrontation. well, we certainly will do everything within our power and within ukraine, ukraine on the same approach to everything with an air power to make sure it doesn't spin out the control international communities focused on that as well. again, i think there's any bluster about the use of nuclear possibility of use of nuclear weapons is very dangerous and unhelpful. nobody wants to see a nuclear war, nobody can window. and as we do things, and as we are, you know, take actions. we are always mindful of making sure that we have the right balance
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and we're taking the right approach. so there's always a, a possibility to a number of things can happen. but, but, you know, again, i think it's, it's unhelpful and dangerous for, for the rental savers. and speculate about the use of nuclear weapons banks. thank you all. that's all the time we have for today's press conference. we really appreciate y'all come to the us defense secretary lloyd austin, holding a news conference in germany there after his meeting with officials from more than 40 countries. a meeting was held at the ranch giant air base in southwestern, germany, the headquarters of the united mate, united states, air force in europe are the objective of the meeting was to rally support for army . ukraine are to help it fight our fresh as latest military assault in the east. b u. s. offense. secretary expressing confidence that ukraine can prevail against russia in this conflict. he said that the u. s. in its allies will meet on
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a monthly basis to talk about ukraine. let spring in set by fin hall is at the ran shine air base for us. this was a broad coalition said that the u. s. brought together beyond a show of unity and a powerful signal that austin said was sent. what have they achieved? what concrete pledges have they made for ukraine today? well, it's very clear also when you're listening to awesome that to the u. s. has traveled here to europe, so pick up this leading leadership role. what also saying is things need to be stepped up, but also speeded up, we need to move at the speed of war. he sat and basically he's sort of hinting at the slow pace in which germany has been reacting to the war in ukraine. germany has been heavily criticized. germany, of course, is the largest economy here in europe for not doing enough until yesterday. even
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germany was very reluctant to send heavy weapons. well, what the us and what often has achieved by holding this meeting is that germany has made this turn around just an hour ago. so the minister of defense from germany has announced that they will, will send you said gay par, she's out, tank's empty aircraft crop system still ukraine, which is a complete turn around in germany, was one of the countries very reluctant because of this fear that it would be a 3rd world war that would be nuclear attack. it's something that the chancellor has said just a few days ago during an interview. so now the u. s. is here, they're really making a big fist, bringing all these countries together and basically pushing also germany a bit further in the, in its actions towards helping ukraine. indeed, the us defense secretary saying that it's significant that germany has now announced that they would send these weapons system to ukraine. but with russia
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that warning that this is turning into a proxy war with moscow, with them warning of the threat of a 3rd world war, ave concerns there that perhaps too much support could fuel the conflicts go even further. absolutely, this is of course a very delicate balance and this balance has been sort of maintained in the last couple of months since the invasion started initially. also the us was very reluctant because of this fear. and now you see that of course the u. s. a really stepping up this military efforts, this military support and here in germany, but also in other countries in europe. there is, of course, this, this history of the cold war being in the middle between the u. s. and the soviet union back then, of course it is this of also this distance to the war to the war zone and ukraine that people get really worried here about expansion or spilling over into possibly natal country. so definitely there's always this question,
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is this balance still being maintained, or are we now stepping up the efforts to march on the nato side? so definitely this, this is a new new turnaround. basically, the us doing all this after making this big fist here in germany on european soil. thank you very much for that to boston, my force at devonshire air base in germany and more now on the un secretary general visit to russia. he has held talks, as we said, with the russian foreign minister said a law roof is also due to meet with the russian president vladimir putin. later and then the un secretary general will travel to ukraine's capital key for talks with the ukranian president. let's bring in our diplomatic editor, jamie space. was that the united nation for me on this? it's a very important trip, isn't a james for the un secretary general, a very tough diplomatic place that he finds himself in? what can he realistically achieve in moscow and key?
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well, i think the people around the secretary general 1st will be a little bit relieved. a one senior official had said to me before the visit, where it worried that the russians might spring a surprise on this honest a particularly mister latter off who's a very county international diplomat may have had some new proposal up his sleeve. he didn't that the secretary general, i think a pretty narrow focus. they believe that after 2 months of war, there is though, the possibility of some movement on that narrow focus, which is humanitarian and you, humanitarian contact. brute group bringing together ukraine and russia and the un and a specific focus with the you and, and the insertion committee, the red cross on trying to do something about the desperate situation in mary or pull coast to go to get the ukrainians on site. this as well, and the ukrainians not entirely happy that the sacred general went to moscow. first presence lensky himself, as said, it's simply wrong, no justice, and no logic in this order. the sex general. and we think mr. lensky are on thursday in keys. so they will have to, i think, a deal with the ukrainians being
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a little bit upset at the beginning on this. but i think the cranes probably we pleased that the secretary general was quite tough in his comments in moscow. he said there were 2 clear positions on this. there was the russian position. then he said, nick, i thought was going to say the ukranian position, but the russian, you position and the u. n. position, making it clear as an international position that believes what russia is doing is against the un charter and against international law. and the russians of course, say that the world is been gang up against them. and it was interesting that mister love roth, when he spoke, said that, that, that vote that was so against russia in the un general assembly only came about because russia had been so, or other countries had been threatened by the u. s. to change their votes. and vote against russia, and he seemed to suggest that was because i'm also because ambassadors live in the
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united states and that children go to us schools and universities suggesting perhaps that the, that they believe that there has been threats against the children of ambassadors. that's something certainly we'll put to the un, but certainly i've heard no allegations of that sort. russia certainly in the general assembly has been, i think, surprised by the support for ukraine rusher, of course, keeps an advantage in the un system, which is that it is a permanent member and it has a veto. an important bit of news on that veto russia lost across the street on the 25th of february. well, in the last hour the un general assembly is come up with a new motion. next time a country cost is vito. it has to come and explain itself in the un general assembly. why it costs that veto. that's a new development just happened. i thank you for that same space that if america is a life or i say at the united nations and the u. s. secretary of state has said that washington and its allies well continued to provide ukraine with military aids,
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antony blank, and tell the senate foreign relations committee that the us and ukrainian governments are in agreement about what's needed. their success is primarily because of their incredible courage. and determination, but it's also because we were able to equip them with what they needed for every tank that the russians have had in ukraine. we've managed with 30 allies and partners in one way or another to provide about 10 anti armor systems for every plane that the russians have flown in the skies. there been about 10 anti aircraft, munitions, of 100, another. but we're doing this very quickly. and in the past, it's taken from the time a president made a draw down decision to getting equipment into the hands of the people who needed it weeks. now often it's 72 hours come on this life. so our job here is roseanne jordan on capitol hill. so ross, just how much money is still being your mom to help with aden weapons? well, the latest to draw dale, which is a supplemental announced over the weekend,
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is $165000000.00 to provide a non nato ammunition. ammunition that would dough work in soviet era weapons, equipment that the ukrainians own and know how to use that is a being of passed along to the ukrainian military in order to defend territory in the east and the southern parts of the country. now several $1000000000.00 have been spent on military equipment since our last september. but this is a case where the administration says that it's going to be preparing a supplemental, a budget request strictly for arming the, the ukrainian military. those numbers have not been calculated yet, but there certainly is going to be a good idea given the meetings this weekend. and keith with the president of lloyd mere zalinski and with the contact group meeting, chaired by the defense secretary, lloyd austin, to j in germany. this is of course,
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a situation where the u. s. is very much aware that this solid changing war between russia and ukraine is changing in terms of the dynamics. it's changing in terms of, of the kinds of assaults that the russians are launching on ukrainian territory. and certainly the u. s. also has an interest in seeing ukraine carry out some of its own offensive measures in order to protect its territory, not simply respond to an another russian, a bombing or air strike. thank you for that. rosalind jordan lived there on capitol hill in washington. now on the ground in ukraine. russian rockets have hates a commercial center in the city of separation, killing one person and injuring another is to last large city under ukrainian control in the southeast. so 5 been the destination for ukrainians, fleeing the front lines, but reinforcements are being sent and trenches being dug in expectation of an assault and ukrainian forces that confronting the russian military. busy in the east,
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i should forces pushing south and advancing north from done yet that's controlled by russian back separatists. not faith in their how own home families are trying to find shelter where they can, including in be purpose, industrial buildings out there is chance. traffic reports from near her left car in russia back separate is controlled east ukraine. this bunker is built under a soviet built brick factory and it's typical of some of the joint great cavellas spaces under ground. underneath many of the soviet built industrial plants in this region now it's being used as a place of shelter for around 4 families. so far, they tell us that they came down here a couple of weeks ago when the shelling in this area got particularly bad. you can see one of the areas where they stole their food. he, he come through this in here is the main living
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area where people sleep where they eat. now the reason why nobody is here is because people are afraid of going on camera. they are that nervous about being identified and potentially being targeted. and bear in mind that we were speaking to the people here earlier, and the majority of them are pensioners. but such is the degree of fear and paranoia that this russian invasion is generating amongst people. as you can see, there's a lot of food here that has been brought down by very brave volunteers, men and women that drive into this area every few days, delivering food to people in bunkers like this wall. and this is absolutely fascinating. these was gross diagrams who put up during the soviet times and they are basically civil defense morning's advice given to people who may have to be may have had to have come here in the event of
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a nuclear or chemical weapons attack by the west. i'm fascinating. to see that they still hear, you know, possibly more than 40 years. 40 years later. now, in all the news, we are hearing reports of heavy shelling and street to street fighting in the towns of rubia and papa santa polka sna. i apologize. and we know that those areas a very heavily contested and we understand that russian forces controller at half the, the town of pasta, and have been heavy casualties there. a lot of ukrainian soldiers have died. we know that having visited a field hospital in the area recently, the ukrainian military also saying that sir, at least 3 children, died of their injuries as a result of shelling of the town of leman. that is north of slim janski's last night. and the shelling there,
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we understand ongoing part of the russian forces attempts to push on into the area around the city of sloppy. ernst and cremmit tossed ukrainian military so far saying that they are managing to hold their positions and repel those attacks from russian forces. as i say, the families here have put the word out to other villages in this area. this is a place of shelter and they say that they expect many more families to come in the calling days, 3 explosions have taken place in 24 hours in the break away. moldova region of trans nicea, they targeted to soviet iraq radio antennas and a military unit. the antennas were used to broadcast ration radio from the village of my act. on monday, the ministry of state security in to rap sol was also hit on overs present says the attacks on attempt to destabilize her country. did you send employer then we can
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relate to what's happened in the past 24 hours and the reason of dance nestea as an escalation of tensions. i would like to remind you there for a few weeks. there has been several bomb alerts in the region in schools and medical institutions. while jovan authorities are following with caution and a visual and see events that are happening on the territory controlled by to ross pull. our analysis indicates there are tensions between different forces within the region. we're interested in, d, stabilizing the situation. we condemn any provocation or attempts to involve moldova in actions. that could be threatened, the country's peace. and still ahead on this news our how the war in ukraine has sent vices spiraling on supermarket shelves in libya. and in sports why no rancho cove h will have no trouble getting to defend his title at wimbledon. peter has the story stated. ah
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hello. they will sat in southern africa and southern areas of madagascar are expecting some very heavy rain thanks to the remnants of tropical cyclone jasmine. now we are expecting to see that where the creep up, the east coast bringing some heavy falls here. but as we go towards the end of the week, it is going to skirt off further east leaving behind a lot of dry weather, particularly for eastern areas of south africa. as well as the cape, tell me, seen the temperature touch up to 30 degrees celsius. the sunshine, extending all the way up to that central band of africa, where we are seeing some fierce thunderstorms roll across the congos. cameroon, edging into coastal areas of nigeria. you can see those fierce thunderstorms they will by the time we get into thursday. they do is the way it's going to get wet and windy a for the north, west for morocco and algeria. but it's all about the wind. when it comes to libya, we are expecting some gale force winds that are expecting to lift the sand and
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create some sandstorms here. now talking about sandstorms as we move to the middle east, we've seen some very unsettled weather for southern areas of jordan, as well as q 8 and saudi arabia, sandstorms expected to continue here with a few showers popping off across southern areas of saudi arabia. the temperature in riyadh dipping down to 34 ah. witnessed with his bravery. witness, freedom, witness, slavery, witness. people, witness, power, witness and lifetime. witness in our witness, my witness. witness prejudice. witness. peace, witness. love witness. paul. witness the world. witness. next door witness live with
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a humanitarian contact school between russia and ukraine. her tears has met the russian foreign minister in moscow and says, lies urgently needs to be saved in the see cities like my, your poll, the u. s. defense secretary lloyd austin, says washington and his allies won't hold monthly meeting to discuss army ukraine. the u. s. has been hosting tulsa be lunchtime air base in germany, focus on helping ukraine defend itself. and to 4 people have been killed and several others injured after a suicide bombing outside the university of karachi, pakistan, please say a woman set off her explosive breast that van as a band or ukraine is investigating more than $500.00 suspects for committing thousands of potential war crimes evidence is being gathered across the country. oh, dabbed of army travel to villages north of keith. and has this report for ever since the russians pulled out a few weeks ago. detective victoria namir rover and her team have been zooming
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bodies at least 10 day leave a task she never thought she would be doing when she 1st joined the police. a few on this time. her team is unearthing the body of a person buried in the backyard of her house. they carefully big, carving around the body, trying to figure out how it's positioned kidmore to whom these are the feet. so the head is over there. she says. at 1st assessment reveals it's a man who appears to be in his sixties. it's only when they flip the body over that she finds a clue into the cause of death. more. what awning on your thumb lamp affiliation. each a senior. he's got a wanted the back of the hat, most likely it's from a bullet because he had blood coming out of the mouse. the body is the composing and the skinny, stuck to the clothes. so in order not to damage it more, right, we will take him away and then the forensic expert will investigate further. we
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found his fawn, we will charge it and hopefully find out more about him. both the full scope of what happened when the russian soldiers left the towns north of keith is still not clear, but the trail of destruction left behind is evident. civilians have been telling about how they were diagonally targeted as they were trying to flee. they had bullet holes all over this windshield, but this car was hit by some large caliber ammunition from the side here. and you can see still the remains of what appears to be a white flag marking the fact that they were civilians in this vehicle. and then here on this side of the car, you see the point of exit, of where the ever rip through the car. and inside it may harm. you still actually have blood stains everywhere. and in the middle of all that, a passport it belongs to
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a young man who was born in september 1990 children who, who killed all our business number and char children. but again, we don't. it's another example of a ledge war crimes. among the thousands of cases that investigators have been documenting says, ukraine's prosecutor general. she has dispatched teams around the country to gather evidence. here and bro junkyard, they set up in a classroom and is full of people telling their stories. again, killen civilians, samo them over after tortured torture civilians. we are now started to prosecute sexual crimes raping. we see eat, unfortunately with the then they talk what property or surveillance. oh we see again there they bombed again and again they bumped civilian transaction. hospitals came to honda and schools, more than 1000 into kish or institutions destroyed in ukraine. what is this?
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of course it's military, it is what crime nearby boucher do. mortgage overwhelmed refridgerated trucks are also overflowing with bodies. olga finally found her husband after coming here for several days. he was killed while she was away in poland. i put to move her sister there for the lowest of the neighbors called and said me, he was shot on march 22nd. he was going to the garage to get some food to russian. soldier saw him ran after him and shot him twice. the russians didn't allow the body to be picked up for 3 days from her denies committing any atrocities suggesting they've been staged. but do you and human rights offers says, there is growing evidence of war crimes committed by russian soldiers and fears. many more could emerge as the fighting continues in the east and south of the
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country. put up with hamid elder z route north of keefe. let's turn to other world news now and came john own phase north korea will develop nuclear arsenal at maximum speed. the leader was speaking of military parade to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of its army. she is the parade showcase the country's largest and us intercontinental ballistic. miss young young says it could put the us mainland well within range. north korea says it's successful, launch a weapon in march, 1 of 13 tests this year to sri lanka now where the main opposition party has begun to fix the anti government protest. march said g. premier da size leading hundreds of protesters from the central ton of candy who march old way to the capital, colombo at over 100 kilometers, accounting for president to buy a roger pass and his government to resign. to main shanker government for the country, the worst economic crisis in recent history. beijing is expanding mass testing for
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most of its 21000000 resident federal authority struggle to contain s virgin corona virus cases. people have been panic buying at supermarkets, talking up when food an essential like in china's capital, has rolled out strict measures under the countries 0. call the 19 policy. now reaction to non masks purchase of twitter has divided social media. us republican politicians are welcoming the move, but some democrats say it's dangerous for democracy to twitter, the board unanimously approved the $44000000000.00 deal to sell. the company gave a lease on the re for some new york. the deal is done the month long saga of who will own twitter appears over in one of the largest and most unusual tech acquisitions ever. the board of directors and twitter unanimously agreed to sell the social media company to even musk for $44000000000.00. up until the deal was
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announced, there was doubt on wall street. that musk could cobble together the financing needed, but he did. must help pay for the deal with $25500000000.00 in debt financing by a group of banks lead by morgan stanley. in a press release announcing the deal must talked about improving the platform by getting rid of automated spam accounts and making its algorithms open to the public and authenticating all users. but for musk buying twitter is about free speech, or at least his version of it potentially ending twitters current content, moderation, or stopping the platforming of users to break the rules you on mosque is not buying twitter or financial reasons, although he thinks he can make some money on it, he's buying it for ideological reasons and i think that's the really important part and all this. and that's ultimately what's scary with musk in control. they fear
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a return to the unruly spread of disinformation on the platform. so as today, a good day or bad day for twitter users, that is probably the most important question here. and i think it's also the question that's going to be hardest to answer. i think that if he does a lot of the work that has been done trying to protect against sort of normative lee, bad speech, such as information and especially his speech that's going to be a bad day for twitter. but you know, there's a chance that he takes over and does in sort of have quite a sweeping of a reform agenda. as he said he's put forth in over the last couple it's been a to mulch you assessment for twitter. the saw must take a 9 percent stake in the company, making him its largest shareholder. he was then offered a seat on the board of directors, only to have it abruptly revoked, followed by his cash offer to buy the entire company all within the last few weeks
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. ultimately, elan musk got what he wanted to not only be a twitter user, but to also be its owner. gabriel's ando al jazeera new york. now ramadan is his spiritual time when muslims around the world fast during the daylight hours. but in libya, this year, it's been a difficult period for many, libya has africa's largest crude research. but a decade of conflict has devastated is the economy and food prices are rising. malik chain, every for some tripoli. it's ramadan. the holiest month in the islamic calendar, muslims around the world are fasting from sunrise to sunset. in previous years, it's been the busiest time for markets and libya, but shop order mohammed booming geo says prices for basic goods have doubled and that means business is not great. is it the purchasing power for people? this ramadan is much less than before. prices arising every day and that's had an
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impact on our business. last year, the average customer was spending around $7.00 for their daily needs. this ramadan, it's $13.00 to $15.00. many can't afford that rama vaughan is also a chance for family members to spend time together and share a meal to break their fast. but rising prices have made it difficult for many to meet their basic needs. lavonne they are. i ask that god helps us, or during this blizzard month of ramadan, the situation is dire for many people to, to the kinetic circumstance or country faces. those of 4 or 5 kids are really struggling to feed the families. libya imports at least 650000 tons of russian and ukrainian wheat, or about half of what the country needs at the moment. there isn't a shortage here in libya, but prices for bread have increased if russia's war in ukraine continue,
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countries in this region, including egypt and tunisia, may soon run out of red. if authorities here don't act soon, libya compared to the same problem. i crammed rebekah is head of the economic committee for the city of tripoli. he says the government has a 6 month strategic wheat reserve and is working to increase domestic production. evansville air, asthma to last, prices for good, the soaring globally due to the russian ukrainian war, especially the price of wheat before basic goods like wheat, oil, rice, and tomato paste, were subsidized by the government. but that stopped due to the political crisis and conflict, or according to the un, more than 800000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance. in libya, the average income is less than $200.00 a month. if prices increase further, many more may find themselves struggling to cope. while trina, o g 0,
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ah ah ah ah, his me to thank you very much, boston celtics saw the 1st team through to the 2nd round of the n b, a playoffs of the competing a for no series whitewash on monday. it was a must win home game for brooklyn. it's to keep their hopes alive, and kevin direct lead the way with betting on points of the celtics were able to stay out in front of the game for grace jason tatum,
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school 29 for boston. and the crucial moment came at the end of the final quarter with 22 seconds on the clock. on the next training by 2 boys to rent missed a 3 throat attempt, which the celtics converted into a school of their own. finished 100. $6112.00 boston await the winners between the milwaukee bucks and the chicago boom. tonight was a close our game. just the hardest thing when in basketball, in our stressing is garza bow to pressure was on us for us to finish. and that's q was big, you know, as big for the competence of our group for my so i think that was fantastic. elsewhere in monday's game said, all god ra the he said as the dallas mavericks took a 3 to lead in a series with the utah jazz, the visitors were struggling to contain luca, dante. she was in great form for the manse with 33 points. in this 10277,
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when utah resorted to some heavy fowling to stop the big slovenia later in the game, which led to some angry moments. this one saw her son whiteside and reggie block, ejected more news as was nothing i tried to duncan was a successful successful bo, this last man is this things happening, but i was just trying keep my as a who had the right uniform on out of there and, and at a home away, just a physical, you know, this. the playoffs, you know, you know, everybody is excited to preserve, you know, right. fighting for inch was not a big deal. the rafters kept their series with the $76.00 is alive, not have to buy it or want to afford precious to you are scoring the basketball equivalent of an own. go pascal, see i can with 23 points. and the rep is now trail 3 to philadelphia offense had seen enough. well, before the end russian president vladimir putin has insisted he's country will
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continue to host wolf sporting events and only invite it's true partners. he made the comments on tuesday in moscow as he congratulated members of the russian team who took parting february's winter olympic games among them. it was controversial, teenage figure skater, camilla valley eva. russia won the women's team events in beijing, but no metals were handed out after it emerged sheet failed, a doping test ration skaters are currently banned from taking part in international events because of the invasion of ukraine. the chairman, sorry, excuse me. the chairman of wimbledon as defended its ban of players from russia and belarus at this year's championships, saying it was the only viable option. the decision has drawn criticism from a top players about the politicizing of sportsmen and women. we can recognize that this many players will be affected by this and we sincerely hope that the player
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community will recognize the very challenging position wherein and this is not an easy option. is it is from like we believe that we have taken the right decision, which is the proper decision for wimbledon in the whole circumstances. and i, i don't think i want to speculate on particular courses of action when you, when i'm asking for life. it is not discrimination in the form. that term is being said. it is a considered view. wimbledon have also confirmed that a coven. 19 vaccination will not be mandatory for players competing at the 2022 tournament. it means novak shock of which will be able to defend his title, and there will be no repeat of his deportation from melbourne when he arrived for the australian open matches the city manager pay. guardiola says he sighed, need to exceptional games to get past rail madrid. the primary leaders take on the
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top team in league i in the 1st leg of the champions league semi final at the it's he had stadium on tuesday, said he had ever won the competition. whereas rail have lifted the trophy a record 13 times while if we had to compete with a surreal, you will have any chance they are better. so is to speak for itself. so mo, had the, you know, desire to compete in them. ah, for us blake, and they are married, is incredible. there's some proof and and we won, i won a trite rails coach column ansolaski. he says, nobody expected he signed to reach the last 4. and although angela, he says it's he, my apprehensive about facing city, he is not phased as normal term. we're very close to playing another final and the most important competition in the world. and we're worried because we're facing a very strong tame like we used to this because in the see as champions league with faced very strong opposition and things went away. so we'll keep fighting. no
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doubts, lee will road cycling champion. julian, ella felipe says he hopes to be fit in time for the tour de france in july of to sundays, horrific crash. he remains in hospital after suffering, a collapsed lung and broken bones when he fell into a ditch during the liaison bust. tanya classic in belgium, his coach said the rider was still in a lot of pain. phil mickelson has asked for permission from the pga tour to play in the 1st events of the saudi back live golf series. monday was the deadline for players to formally request leave for the tournament in england. in the 2nd week of june, it's reported that 15 players in the world's top 100. i've signed up so far for the 1st of these new big prize money events. the 1st tournament will split $20000000.00 between a field of $48.00 players. that's what we'll leave it for now. most bolton is on the way again later, we're better. thank you very much for that, that set for this news our on al jazeera,
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but do stay with us. we've got plenty more of the day's news coming up very shortly, including the latest developments on the floor in the crate. do stay with ah ah. well, temperatures reach minus 35 degrees celsius and mountain roads become barely possible . one small, many bus serves as a lifeline for a community facing environmental and cultural change. out, is there a well joined the regulars on board? turkeys?
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she and kaya bus on al jazeera in the vietnam war, the u. s. army used to heidi talks to cover side with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge brang something they didn't even see the kid foot 2 women are still fighting for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agent orange on al jazeera, the heart wrenching goodbyes, loved ones, not knowing when they will unite again. women and children heading west to relative safety, often leaving been behind among them. foreigners also trying to give out train rise of a free, but it's on a 1st come, 1st serve basis here at the bus station there only a few rides available and that's only to the surrounding villages. so people like
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for me and rose, now need to find another way to get out of the city. but for now they, like many others, would have to return home, hoping tomorrow is a better day. ah, the sooner we end these war, the better for the people of you crime, for the people of the russian federation and those far beyond un cheese pushes for a cease fire in ukraine and practiced help to save people trapped in marion. ah, i'm fully back the boy you're watching al jazeera live from doha or so ahead. a great job. we are within.
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