tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 27, 2022 8:30pm-8:54pm AST
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visual's point to the case of harvard university chemist charles libor convicted of lying to federal agencies about his tie to a chinese talent recruitment program. failing to disclose the chinese bank account and tax evasion. they say there's good reason to focus on china. there is no country, no country that present worth or the case of ming chang, shao marks the latest test of whether the anti spying program will survive public scrutiny. john henderson, but longer than italian from the european space agency. on a 6 law commission with $200.00 experiments on there to do this ah, off they refuse to pay it state and gas company and rubles, or gary says is made alternative arrangements. paula maintains its energy supplies are secure. i did, they have to know rushes response will be swifter and faster. we have all sorts of
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tools that the west cannot obtain key and we will not post of our weapons, but we will use them if need be. and i was as appalled by the killing of at least 213 people in sudan since monday. michelle ballet, the u. n. c. human rights chief is calling for an investigation to the debts. well to program is wanting. 20000000 people are at risk of starvation in the horn of africa. if trump continues for 40 consecutive year, crops and livestock has been destroyed and humans, a campaign called india out, it's critical of you that is military presence and political influence in the country. but what's behind this campaign, and what does that mean for the close ties between india and the bodies? this is inside story. ah, cultural and other ties. a coalition of opposition parties led by a former president of the les, i mean, accused the government of signing secret deals with new deli, allowing indian troops to be permanently stationed in the bodies of this also
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a wider geopolitical site of this as the mon, through media and across social media platforms using the so called india outs. logan alleging that bilateral corporation between the governments of bodies and india, undermines the national security and sovereignty of wal d's support provided by india. an area such as search and rescue capabilities, casualty evacuation, coastal surveillance, and maritime reconnaissance directly benefit the body of the people. india's presence in the market is, has been so far limited, while co operation between the 2 nations goes years back. new delhi had donator to helicopters, and donia aircraft to mile deals to help with medical evacuations, and see surveillance. 75 indian personnel are stationed in mall. these are the
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moment to maintain and operate the aircraft. the 2 countries are also working on an intellect radar chain to secure their own shawls. ah, let, bring in our gas. joining us from molly is ham dan shaquille. he is founder and editor at multi is news network. oh, de chandler is assistant professor of government at georgetown university, doha. he joins us from split in kuwait area. and joining us from near delhi by skype is near turn go card a ceo and editing chief at strategic news global. welcome to the program. ham. done this ban on india out. is it a and at and by the government to prevent hatred speech, or is it politically motivated? oh, thank you for her. i think the india oh can pain. i think it,
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it's a bit more complicated than simply just a political movement ah, the movement back presses its origins all the way back to 2009 when india fust decided to expand bare defense grade to encompass event, the mulligan mold is free janitor. so i, it cannot be deemed as a simple movement and are most certainly the current goal is a juncture until portrays as such and are, and in the process. quarter, ill, some fundamental rise in the attempt to or trade in and political movement, which is detrimental to the bilateral relations with countries. but i'd left, i don't think i used it would be if you were to say that the 2 under, by the chance as for the lay me of the opposition leader ahead of the next
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presidential elections. i think there is some truth to it, but i have to say that in more detail, as in sri lanka, there are these small states that are the island states are trying to counterbalance india and china. and so i think for each of these governments and even if the government changes, you see as in sri lanka, you know, they have to kind of milk both eyes. they have to play both sides. it's the and the govern. government been more of these because if it was initially india military out, starting 201220138 merged into a sort of walked into india campaign. and i just want to know the domestic book, but it is meant for the upcoming elections is the view and it also does not will this a school wide spare? although of the india, our campaign is their biggest concern about describe is the growing military
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presence of india in the archipelago. is this something which is justified or do you see it more of an exaggerated attack by the opposition to blow the presence of india and the country out of proportion? i don't think it is. i will have to put on that as a, as, or know $31.00 word to the printed want to want the defense minister marlene a t t allegations that the current government is allowing india to indignantly station them with a true personal and they are molded. send i like other, we understand that i need other day insurance. we weren't, they are offering a live true basis, or which ah, which does attract the vessel which independence. but what we have to understand here is that i, in this context mall, this is the unique in that we are
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a us small island nature with very little, ah, ah, natural resources we have very little are all this is a so again, okay, so this, this is the main hot sun that your position is raising, and i'd love to just, ah, highlight that, ah, that india old campaign as it is in fact, ah, the largest fully to political honor manner. though i say campaign, the wall use since 2018, the lat largest, for i least in the oldest, has been a part no campaign. so, ah, there is public support toys. and i remember they were in full floor in more leaves when the wizard of the lamb in was in bottle. and he was completely out of the way. i mean of orders are to come into a bar again. and this is one way of trying to make their way back to work in sales and leasing my no, no, no, this is the chinese funds, her movement,
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no lively financed by the end is if not go a back door ro physically then oh, as of physically part as a bigger go by a chinese in wiley. oh day the well knows them all the archipelago as a tourism harm, but many a wandering. how could this place become a battle ground for a china india revival re in the region? ah, well, you know, the chinese have a string of pearls strategy which they've tried to implement it's proteins. sure, lanka, the mom needs are the number of other countries. it connects with their broader interests in east africa and the gulf and tuning to buy and so on. and so i think india is a bit late to this game. it's realized that it has to kind of compete in a certain way. ok, this is not a military competition or directly economic competition, but there is
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a geopolitical kind of strategic dimension to it. it also has to do with, or the governments are friendly to one or the other regional power. but you can see that there is a u. s. backed india as a counter in too i needs interest, which is you know, in some ways in parallel to the belt and road initiative. bitch. people have written much about it. okay. had done the in india has always had this privilege status with the, with the mold is all that came to an end in 2013. when of the law, yameen came to power and said, is going to be dow shina 1st than 2018 mohammed by himself comes to power and that he says, no, it's going to be now india. first, this shifting dynamic in the country with at each president coming to power,
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is this something that could potentially undermine stability in the montes? i don't think it was necessarily that it was a char. are china 1st policy under president lloyd army? because ah, as far as i recalled school, it was under president of the current administration back there. go want to all these ah, i'll try it out. that it would pay for side batteries, little politics. up until that point of the maldives has had maintained an unreliable mind in regards to our regional policy expired just or did our president ob lloyd army go you flag ministration. i prefer trading the china yesterday, but i according to, ah, the people i have in to you and met so far. ah, the mold is,
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did seek out our altitude trade, but most including japan and a few banks in germany at. but what the chinese offer, in terms of her interest threats and your terms, it was just follow, ah, ah, appealing dan, but i, india, japan, and other countries offered. so obviously, in an attempt to maximize the in such a door, much needed little sitting justified by his prisoner la are chose to partner with china. but that that that does not mean that ah, it's all our one mouldy the other one ah, even up until he's ah and of his administration. he maintained diplomacy and he maintained bella lithia even bother our situation. possibly all countries due to their singular fact that at the indian r a go montrose fuel sto removed,
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her ladyship personally, the more use or even after repeated requests by a polish foreign reaching he, mom was defense ministry. and according to this recently are league documents ah, the indian ministry bustling, the all use attached to the indian helped us both formally cluster too. i really am soaked and took. and now falling down refusal they were, they all use us for even a lawyer. and us to our plato leave, but they did not. so these are the extent that ah, india attempted to maintain been pleasant with them. all leaves at the disciple of the boat had gone little. ha, okay, ha. i see a point nittany you've just heard what hampton has been saying about this growing sentiment in montes about the need for the indian military personnel to leave the country. this is the country where the,
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where people are proud about their sense of independence and the seamen, through presence as something that undermines their sovereignty. isn't india running the risk of losing the hearts and minds of the people in the maldives in the future? well, i don't think so, because if you look at to be a little military exchanges that happened military exercises joined patrolling off of the season on one of these military exchanges between the 2 armed forces and the number of people who trained one in the armed forces with a mental train in india, in the main dinner distributions, i don't think the risk of losing hearts and minds of the people exist. because one section of the population, which is the winter, which is the photo, probably the current opposition might feel that way. but the indian military personnel in military platforms are in one of these,
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at the invitation of them all these govern. so when the government will say that we are getting from the, going to do plan similar back to exist with the united states where there is no protest against the provisions and the, the act of the back to the u. s. a similar backed up with a collision because it has a history with the indian government, a gas, as it were and leads to the situation develops effective in more lives. the government subsided with one a, china and in india comes back in. do with influence that continues in small locations around india and in the event of this day. so you have this been on india
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out campaign before that the government was adamant about the need to introduce a new legislation which was going to at which it was going to been any organizational campaign seen as a threat to mall. dees flooring policy. all of the countries florida are relations with funding countries. i. we hear dealing with a government determined to continue to clam done or freedom of expression. ah, i am not sure i would, i would necessarily ah see it in those terms, but i think yes it is a freedom of expression in all of south asia at this point is a massive concern. and this is a concern because people are upset, they're expressing their grievances and towards governments that do not deliver on democratic mandates. and so we've the point where we had democracy's,
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at least in name elections happen and regular cycles. i'm but regardless of who comes to power, a set of grievances persist. so oh, we find this now you see it is to lancaster. you see it parked on recently. you see a different situations where on the political system is unable to deal with the demands that are coming in are there are grievances which cannot be met. and then there are crackdowns on decal expression speech or day. i'll the les, i mean, when, when he was president of montes took all the measures to stifle dissent, clamped down on his opponents. isn't there a risk that he could be just triggered in the campaign to further his political ambition? a secure, a come back to power. i agree with that assessment better. this is really his back to power. but let's keep in mind that he can launch this campaign because there
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exists a certain body of n p india sentiment within the model today. and he's able to tap into this, it's not something that he's creating out of know out of finance we, we have to realize that the islands divided just like the political parties are divided into, you know, india and china facing kind of camps. and, and i think that with a lot of younger people in the more be i think there is a sense that the long pending kind of ties with india need to be reassessed. you know, china, of course, one factor. but i do think that there is a broader kind of rethinking, also with respect to more of these big okay handed. this is a country that historically knew how to navigate its way surrounded by some geopolitical power houses. now you how the american stepping in 2020, with
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a defense framework agreement, is this the opportunity for the people of them all these to say that now faced with a chinese, the indians and the american is about time to reinvent the way we have to deal with great powers i think that the world is changing and ah, the whole whole of soak ish, joe b ah, a key point of interesting the coming years. and so, yes, i do believe that i'm all this a self leads to we assess its foreign policy of our nonetheless mind to our as and assess whether we need to take it, if it side or in, ah, in the out broader. oh, we or the world it deal with that potential, delicious. but, but i'll head into your on the subject of the indy dog to pay itself. i'd left it not, ah, well, hold on to to what i, mr. newton has. i noted,
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we been in the old campaign is not our talking about the bah, defense car corporation within our both countries where they start talking about india and modest contacting joint military exercises. it is talking about, ah, a serious of military agreements which under the current constitutional, all east is illegal. and yet the current administration, with just to adopt transparency and reveal to leave our palo as asked to collected in article 251 c of the parliament. ah, pushed it use of morse which states that, ah, nor for a madman should be it not her tales. the morlocks may be used by a foreign blue tree, without the express of report of the majority of the parliament saw, ah, at the beat. this is where the real issue is, is not, i'm not, ah, and indian sentiment singer in the was been,
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are created all night. this is not about, i ha, i want more even speak english, seaman b i against people of india origin. this is about a singular issue, the session of i'm a little personal lives under our questionable our circumstances. unfortunately, we're running out of town how to leave it there for the time being had dance, shaquille o day chandler and knitting go card. i really appreciate your insight. thank you. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website as is, you know, dot com for further discussion goes on facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter, i'll hand it is add a j in say story from the house about a bottle. and the entire team here in doha buy from ah
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