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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2022 4:00pm-4:59pm AST

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we're talking about pi american today we take on us politics and society. that's the bottom line. how social of social media platforms, if many young uses feel isolated, anxious, and depressed? currently there is a grand national experiment that is taking place upon our kids. why tech companies not sufficiently regulated? they don't want people to know what's happening on their class. mental health on al jazeera, they're raised to succeed, rodrigo da da da. as president of the philippines is heading into, it's by no stretch struggling what it's worth recess in years, the country, it's desperate for solutions. but what are the candidates offering and what direction will the philippines, big under you leadership, special coverage on al jazeera. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah, you're watching the news are alive from headquarters in delphi. i'm dreading obligated coming up in the next 60 minutes. south asia is missing spring. the region swelter is under record high temperatures as a heat wave leaves millions struggling to cope sheaves, mayor warns of more russia an attack soft of the ukrainian capital was hit with missiles during the un chief visits. more than 200 people are killed in a week of inter, communal violence. and through dawn we hear from survivors, and they call themselves the living dead. we meet one of iraq's most persecuted communities, fighting to live as equal citizens. in sports, manchester, united into rom manager, ralph rang, nick has been named new coach of austria's national side and a record breaking performance in the n b a. playoffs full house phoenix. some see
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killed a face in the western conference and he finally, ah, welcome to the news. our pakistan has gone straight from winter to summer without a spring season. a surprising and alarming assessment made by its federal minister for climate change. so a 1000000000 people across south asia are sizzling in a heat wave that's begun earlier than usual. take a look at the map there. most of south asia is going through what looks like a heat wave in april. so in parts of india, temperatures have gone past $45.00 degrees celsius, several degrees higher than normal. it's cause power cuts and put a strain on health services. farmers are warning, wheat, harvests might be effected. while temperatures and parts of rural pakistan are expected to peak at $48.00 degrees celsius and not a degrees higher than normal,
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it could lead to water shortages in a country where it's already a huge problem. most people in south asia have no choice but to work in the blazing heat. it can cause dizziness, nausea, headaches, and dehydration, and also muscle cramps, confusion and fainting. in extreme cases, heat increases the risk of a heart attack over to come on hider who's joining us from pakistan's, capital, islam, about how unprecedented is this heat wave come out? well, indeed, it did alarming big gods bugger. saunders not received the kind of rain that it normally gets in the winter months, and then the spring, which den heads fell all the red, the wide, which are needed for agricultural broad youth. so that was one factor also the fact that lock dear some bought of budget on like jacob bought gall temperature, shorting to 52 cell. that's a 126 fahrenheit. and according griggs,
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for any long duration of exposure to that kind of temperature, can lead to organ failure sort of august on the new climate minister time jane minister failure mon speaking yesterday warned that the government should take measures to mitigate the effect. although the previous government had gone beg on blanding a lot of trees, but bugger, thought net while notable bit god most of the river fled. but i started fed by glass years and a not and the rising temperatures. good made that don't mean that don't last years good meant that a foster aid and i've got to go so god, florida. so indeed an alarming situation, given the trend of climate change and global warming in this particular region. so then what measures are the government is the government taking to, to mitigate the effects?
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well, the government could not do much except to issue warnings. advisory like, if you remember, edwards and grande 15 owed 2016. that over to 1000 buckets on each died in the city of garage g. there would exports do extreme weather. so the government of gods will be issuing advisories for people to stay in doors to avoid exposure to the sun . but this is also a country where a lot of people depend on their livelihoods outside days a week or a holiday season coming soon. so i other than a sure why injury that not much the government can do and also to keep an eye on those black head up not to see that de mailed out dead. not got any damage and have dated that thread. that the 80 i should be warned well ahead of time in order to take evasive measure. okay, thank you so much. come on. hi dora. joining us from islam abides. so that was the view from pakistan. here's elizabeth parent,
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him from the indian capital new delhi where the temperature has been over 40 degrees celsius. the wrong kinds of record was being broken across the country. here in the capital valley, it reported to the highest temperature in april and 12 years at 43.5 degrees and not far from delhi. the city of good ground recorded its highest ever temperature at 45.6 degrees. this of course, followed march, which was the warmest march since the indian meteorological department began keeping rec, was a 122 years ago. and as well as the terrible impact of this is having on the hundreds of millions of people in india. and so many of those who work out on the streets, so lead to power demand reaching and all time high this week. and what we're seeing as a result of that is power cuts in a number of cities and power disruptions and states such as roger harvey on the an entrepreneur page of the was the be in 6 years here. and daddy,
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they have been how cut all through the day at night for the past few weeks. government is wanting it's residence to expect disruption to metro services and to hospitals. coal power plugs which supply around 30 percent of the capital electricity need, they're facing shortages. the government, the regional government, central government to send supplies, the central government, has cancelled hundreds of passenger train services as it diverts them to rush coal to different states. and of course, all of those have, once again highlighted india is dependent on coal. let's talk about all of this with china. cool. mar, who's the head of environment and green transition at the new economics foundation . he's joining us by sky from oxford. thanks for joining us on al jazeera. so usually peak temperatures in the region come in may and june and not just before the monsoon brains. but this year, as we've been hearing, is particularly hot. how concerning is a heat wave?
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not only because if it's timing, but it's spread as well. is extremely concise like i, i grew up in and i know the country fairly well in terms of whether it was only made you and i was sort of hunker down and not try and go out often and that the heat, extreme heat would last probably about $6.00 to $8.00 weeks and that's about it. this is extremely unusual and very worrisome. and this is what climate scientists have been telling us for quite a long time. they've been wanting us about extreme heat for wind now, and this might be the new normal. and that's why it's quite concerning the might see more of these heat waves quite regularly, in fact, probably every year, over the course of the coming decade and 70 kids in the future. so we'll have to prepare for this now because this might be the new normal. okay, we'll talk about the preparation in a moment. but so what you're saying is this extreme weather in parts of south asia is perhaps a sign of what's to come for climate vulnerable countries. absolutely. yeah. extreme heat is one of the things that we know is, is
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a climate in. but if in the southeast region, besides that, obviously we have things like sea level rise, which is also a major worry. but extreme heat is unfortunately something we've predicted climate scientists have predicted and it is, it is coming to pass. yes, i know this is a bit of a broad question, but what is it that the governments need to do right now to prepare you were talking about preparation a moment ago. what do you need to see? i think i think we'll have to sort of ensure that there are very widespread public health advisories, going out to the public going up to businesses, small businesses, medium businesses, talking about how extreme the heat rate is going to be and how to sort of prepare for that it is, it, you cannot expect people to sort of go out on the streets and join on their living when they're extremely wonderful and susceptible to heat strokes. you know, government has to sort of insure health advisories to hospitals and create spaces for people coming in with conditions that are related to heat strokes. for example,
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to public health, i think should be the number one response in the most shocked response. in most the longest job i'd say, really thinking about how to sort of design your cities better and showing that there's more gland to cover entering that there's more spaces to cool down to sort of half shade to be able to sort of a stay away from the extreme heat, this is all thing things we need to do with a longer term, but in the short term, public health advisory is i'd say, and number one. and on the issue of public health, in particular, when you say you were saying that you, you grew up in india, this can really take a heavy toll on the health of a population. tell us a little bit more about the, about the consequences there. yeah, i mean, if, if you are someone who is, you know, that's the pandemic, perhaps isn't working from home, has an air conditioner then probably not see the back to fit as much. but you know, some of the workers in the informal economy, which is the largest sector in india,
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they are the workers that are most impact to make their living day to day after work outdoors, construction workers come to mind farmers. those working on factory flaws, for example, on certainly street vendors, you know, we're all aware of hundreds of millions of them street runners across the country. i think they're suffering the most and they're paying for it through, you know, the heat trucks and finding it difficult to cope this extreme heat. but especially rural areas. if you think about it, we've already seen use of public cuts. rogers on a big state. invest in india has, is basically announced that they have for our focus every day for rural areas. we're talking about area. this is very difficult for anybody living in this point. ok, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us from oxford on the al serra news our now a poor start to the rainy season and the horn of africa has added to fears of worst drought in decades could have catastrophic results across the region. a 1000000
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people there have left their homes and more than 3000000 livestock have died. her with hasa reports from the some border region in northern kenya. melissa daniel has been walking for hours. his animals need water and he's finally found some. he says giving up wasn't an auction heard as in northern king, i have lost thousands of animals because of recurring droughts because his garritano i younger, i'm now always out here with the camels help doesn't reach us. but i know in the villages, at least the government is giving people some water pots of king, ethiopia, and somalia are suffering the dry as conditions in more than 40 years. harvest a ruined animals, a dying. more and more families are going hungry galaxy. yeah, i used to have 250 camels, the drought has killed most of them. i only have 3 left. it's hot breaking. a 4th failed rainy season in the region is now
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a growing probability. so situations those improve, you're going to see mass, death of lifestyle. and when we talk about mass of livestock, what do we, what that means is, people's livelihoods are completely destroyed. assistance from agencies and king as government is coming. but it's not enough. this both of august and the pension, like physical protection program, bank will believe by the government it has to do with the given cache one out of a household. we still have a huge population in that needle $48.00 who, which, if nothing is going to be done about it will end up with a other stuff is the only way to survive. for many, if you keep moving, people here have been walking for days, looking for food and water for the animals. first, they were told their supplies in that direction about a 100 kilometers away. but when they got they, they thought nothing, not the heading towards the mountains, another 100 kilometers away with them i,
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the farmers are gathering, it's a long journey. and when they eventually get the, there is no guarantee they will find what they are looking for. how to matessa out their northern king are getting reports off an explosion at a mosque west of afghanistan's capital capital. the interior ministry says at least 10 people have been killed in at least another 15 have been wounded. will bring in more details as they come in. a russian missile strike and cave on thursday came shockingly close to the un secretary general. that's according to members of his staff. antonia good terrorist described ukraine as an epicenter of unbearable pain during his 1st visit there. since the start of the war and chappelle as the latest cleaning up the debris from a russian strike, people are happy to be alive and only dealing with blown out windows. thursdays,
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explosions and keys were loud close. an unexpected error were football of the football. the 1st one struck on that side, it was really loud bull watching blanca. i thought it fell somewhere near my office after about 10 seconds. the 2nd one hit here, blue on the sick one just but it until after i that i realized this one was even closer. the elder thumbs. i shut myself on the toilet. i closed the door and i thought there would be another one. but thank god, there were no more reminder the war could grow closer to home at any time. a constant threat that's too much to bear. scovella you will be, well, they've killed so many people. it's really difficult much obliged to you. we are brothers, thanks to them for our freedom. they won't leave anything standing. i can't take it any more, sir. you must rush his defense ministry called it
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a high precision strike on a space rocket facility in the heart of the capital. it was the 1st time the city was hit in several weeks and happened less than an hour after you and secretary general antonio baterri sh. wrapped up a news conference with the ukranian president. proof says the lensky, that nothing can be negotiated with russia, without security guarantees. he shouldn't order as well to say the lot about russia's true attitude towards the global institutions, about attempts afresh, authorities to humiliate un and everything that the organization represents soul. therefore, it requires corresponding fall for reactions did rescue workers recovered one body from rubble beneath residential tower block. as operations began on friday, the u. s. funded radio liberty says a producer was killed by the strike. 10 people were treated for injuries. the mayor says safety cannot be guaranteed, use fewer benches, ways and for this keeps those feel good target. but roger,
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the attack shattered a relative calm, which had drawn many residents back to the city. no one knows what missiles bombs or other messages could be sent by russian forces, regardless of who's in town. enter chappelle, i'll da 0. her dad, but hemi to reports from keith, you can see behind me the rescue o workers and, and the repair the emergency service actually sifting through to robert. now, earlier this morning they did find the body of a young woman. she was a journalist with radio liberty as she she was buried under this trouble somewhere here in this apartment block. and we are really in the city center of a key. and now this attack happened just after president zelinski had wrapped up his meeting with un secretary general antonia a good terrorist. the 1st reaction really came because of that misaligned tire here
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in downtown, keep with many members of his government and president zalesky himself again underlying the fact that russia did not have any respect in their view even towards due un secretary general and making a point that it was, this attack was done purposely and very well timed to coincide with his little lot that witnesses ahead of his visit. not only because of the timing and the way he decided to go to moscow person come back here. but also because of the role of do you and so far it has been a lot of frustrations in the weeks leading to the war. and there's been a lot of frustrations throughout the war. 2 months in many other leaders have showed up here in cave and then he comes at the back of it. so certainly a difficult position for the secretary general who is trying now to just push forward. do you many italian track overhearing from the ukranian president's office
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that an operation is, is planned to get civilians out of the as of style steel plants on friday. they haven't given any details on how they will do it. it's estimated a 1000 people and 2000 ukrainian soldiers are surrounded by russian forces. drone pictures show the extent of the damage from russia's bombardment off the plans. many more civilians are still struggling to survive in your pole. the city council says 100000 people, there are in danger. russia declared victory in the city last week. but shalon continues. the ukrainian government says there is a catastrophic shortage of food and water board and trash me. yeah, it was a massacre. i mean, it was a scary thing when the shelves were flying over, shells, rounds and everything. you can't brave it out and we enjoyed it. computers. ruth?
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the terrible. it's like when they show you the last days of the planet, we were hungry. my child was crying because the shells were hitting nearby. we were thinking, this is it, it's the end. it's indescribable. all the people who are here could understand the experience. i can't put it in words. it's horrible. well, ukraine says russia has intensified it's offensive in the east. there has been fierce friday in the dawn boss region with the russian military, taking these 2 towns in the area. they're also heading towards lehman and papa not sure city is being defended by ukrainian troops on the front line. many people had stayed in layman hopeful. they could resist arrest and take over authority, se ukrainian fighters are still holding their positions, but civilians are now leaving. some believe it's inevitable, their town will fall. and i think the active attack phase around lyman is starting around. there are the villages of staff key drove
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a shelf uncertainty. and as far as i understand the force he gave the monk, and if i gave up, it means that it's too late for him. i miss program of the thermos in a difficult moment. we understand the value of life, of a relatives of our loved ones. i ask all of you that are listening to understand that i loved ones are the most valuable things. appreciate every minute of life. appreciate being together. try to live every moment as if it's your last one because he might not meet again. troll stratford is near the city of marietta with the latest on the fighting in the east. throughout the morning were hearing sporadic but very heavy shelling seemingly quite close quarters. shelling when was st. we think the motors are being used because the time difference between the 1st outgoing blast and the impact is so short, mary anchor, there's another blast there. marian can very close to where we are, as i say,
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we have been visiting here a hospital and one of the villages. very disturbing scenes. seeing some of the elderly that have been pulled out of marianne in the last day or so. one lady 92 years old. blind. she taken a big chunk of shrapnel to her leg, obviously couldn't walk. deeply distressed, she being pulled out by her daughter, they're being treated in hospitals around this area with emergency treatment make shift hospitals before being taken for further treatment and hospitals further back from the front line. also relatively close to here. we're also hearing, there's been heavy shelling in the town of, of the, of the is north of maria. and again, very close to don't ask one of those towns where since the beginning of the war. surprisingly, there hasn't been much of a push by russian forces. instead, them concentrating their offensive further north towards lou ganske and indeed
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further south of course, towards the besieged city of mary opal. russia defense ministry says it used a submarine in the black sea to launch missiles ukrainian military targets. it's the 1st time it's reported using submarine strikes since the war began. on thursday, the u. k. defense ministry warned russia could still reach ukrainian targets from the sea despite the thinking of flags of last cruise or earlier in april. ah, thousands of people who died in the past week fighting between the arab or they got a non arab masala. tribes has killed more than 200 people. the government has pledged to send more soldiers to the state, al jazeera, hey, morgan reports. this is what the town of good nick, infidel, west are for state looks like now where home wants good ashes. now remain some
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tried to find belonging to salvage, while others sit and wait for help to arrive after they lost everything going on. they attacked us during ramadan. people now have nothing, not even food to eat. they burned down homes. it's the aftermath of fighting last week when ethnic arabs from there is they got tribe launched an attack on chronic authority say it was in retaliation for the killing of 2 of their tribesmen by men . from the non arab moth, had the tribe which dominates clinic, the initial fighting, killed 9 people and wounded more than a dozen. then it's escalated killing at least $213.00 people and entering many more . it lasted for 3 days and reach the state capital janina. many who were already displaced by the door for conflict which started in 2003 were forced to move. once again, survivors blamed the paramilitary rapid support for the attack. you appears to show members of the paramilitary group hours before the attack on kranick domino said it
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is. the home was gone. the rapid support forces came and burned us and killed. they ripped bodies and left women as widows and been told we haven't. we can't stay like this. how did the government should do its job and protect us if they can't? and then we can't continue living like they get the fighting is the latest in a series of attacks in west are for that has killed more than 400 people in the past year alone. it's the result of long standing tension between arab, i'm known, arab tribes, overland and resources. here official stand in front of a mass grave for victims of the latest fighting with us of cities. we regret what we see, but don't agree on people saying they want to leave. we provide aid, a medical assistance to the people here and in the capital, and will form a committee to see to those effected. those who lost belongings will be compensated . but those responsible for violence must be held accountable. a peace agreement was signed in 2020, between the government and rebel groups in the region after the overthrow of them
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then government. but local officials say things are still the same. mind up you. when there was a change in government in 2019, we thought there was a change that with and the bloodshed caused by the former regime. but west are for, has been witnessing violence since 1995 until now with no change from military reinforcement has been sent to separate the 2 sites. but for the people of clinic that were inforcement comes too late and little remains to be protected. he but morgan august 0100 to me. tons of thousands of muslim worshippers, or they'll exxon last compounds and occupied east jerusalem for the last friday. prayers of the fasting. month of ramadan. these pictures are from the bethlehem gates where women and children were chewing to get in. there were some scuffles and merely ours between is really police on the group of young palestinians. the red crescent says at least $42.00 palestinians were injured. over the past 2 weeks,
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more than 250 palestinians had been injured after is really raids into the exxon last compound. stephanie decker as more friday prayers have now ended, and people are screaming out of damascus gate according to the walk of which is you slamming buddy that runs the sites around. a 180000 worshippers have made their way into the compound today. it is the last friday of ramadan, and you can see now people coming out these ladies coming out to sell vegetables, they're prod you, some people are still fostering. so i'll be waiting for the next couple of hours to break their costs. and of course it will be announced also in the next couple of days. now we've seen tensions over the last couple of weeks on the a lot of the most compound, particularly when it came to the entry of more and more groups of visa, ultra nationalists, traditional center calling for the right to prayer, attempting prayer on the site. why is that controversial? why is it per box to palestinians because under the status quo agreed on between jordan and his role,
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jordan is the custodian at the site. only. muslims can pray there. a non miss rooms can visit and job. there has been somewhat of a blind eye turned by the government to this increase. people will tell you, but interestingly enough, now we're hearing that jordan, israel will be meeting after need to address the status quo. why? because it is that much of an explosive issue. everyone will tell you and even reported here, nothing has the capability to mobilize the amount of people as yolanda moscow. but certainly you can see now on the last friday of ramadan businesses usual huge amount of people having come at midday pressure. well, it's also international. it could stay or jerusalem day when people around the world protest against israel's occupation of palestine. demonstrations took place this morning across iran. these pictures are from much head and head on where a crowds chanted in support the palestinians, the revolutionary guard showcase new missiles, the rally into ron, that's according to state media. here with the news,
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our analogy 0 time for the weather here is everson. hello, the weather's been a little disturbed. the cross parts of the middle east, recently, our normal service will be resumed as we go on through the we can this massive cloud clearing 3 brightest guys coming back around the arabian peninsula. there was some trade him away into work this morning at san his way. our brightest guys do come back him then some showers air into iran, pushing up towards the black sea. the caspian sea easing over towards turkey. hot weather. they're just around the levant jerusalem at around $32.00 degrees celsius, around 10 degrees above average on saturday aft no normal service resumed for sunday, winds coming in from the west. so $22.00 celsius at that station. as you can see, it is lottie troy, across your ray ban peninsula, marty dry to across the northeast of africa, hot sunshine continuing hair. if little on the dusty side or the wet, they're still into where central parts a tennessee or northern parts of algeria and the showers continue around the gulf of guinea. so good part of nigeria now seeing those showers a shower,
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extending across garner. i re coast lobby area into sierra leone edging the way a little further northwards. joining up with the heavy rain that we do have across central parts of africa for much of southern africa, it is set fair over the coming days. just wanted to shout into eastern parts of south africa. but any drive by sunday still had on the al jazeera news hour. i'm gonna die makes it difficult for people to own guns, but the taliban is exempt. why there's joy. for millions of indonesians, as mass travel for 8 celebrations is allowed for the 1st time since the pandemic and, and sport, we build up to the biggest fight and female boxing history at madison square garden . that story is coming up with jemma. ah, the story goes that the statue of an ancient greek god, hidden beneath the waves for millennia, until a palestinian fisherman on earth,
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the priceless relics. ah, the story continues, that as the world's attention was drawn to casa mysteriously, the deity disappeared. once again. the apollo of garza on al jazeera when the war on ukraine commenced. people in power reached out to inhabitants of hockey. the nation's 2nd city, less than 40 miles from the russian border. as the carnage on falls, a handful of civilians document their experiences as they try to survive and maintain some normality in a reality. turn upside down. a rare glimpse of life under the bond ukraine. a city under siege on just either o
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a gun. the reason the algae or news our, the un secretary general on 20 good terrorist as described ukraine is an epicenter of unbearable pain. after meeting president logan reza landscape, russian forces hit key with numerous off strikes. log a terrorist was in the city. president lansky says an operation will begin on friday to get civilian out of the as a sell still plans and received an estimated 1000 people are trapped there along with to 1000 ukrainian silver. tens of thousands of muslim worshippers gathered up some compounds that occupied east jerusalem for the last friday. prayers of the holy month of ramadan. there were some scuffles in the early hours between israeli police on the group of young penny and the former world number one tennis player
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boris becker is due to be sentenced after being found guilty by a british court floating the terms of his 2017 bankruptcy. so he was charged for transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars from his business account and the failing to declare a property and his home town 5 to jonah hall is joining us from london. so any sense of what sentence becker might receive, jonah, i think it's distinctly possible that boris becker may receive a fairly stiff custodial sentence. he was convicted on 4 counts under the insolvency act, each one of them carrying a possible maximum sentence of 7 years. specifically, a jury earlier this month found that he had failed to declare his ownership in a property in germany. as you mentioned there, he failed to declare shares that he under the tech company try to squared away hundreds of thousands of dollars into bank accounts owned by his ex wife and his estranged wife all together,
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trying to hide some 3000000 or more dollars from insolvency investigate is following his bankruptcy in june 2017. now, the last couple of hours in court behind me, arguments and mitigation, and against to been going on ahead of sentencing. we expect that to take place, potentially in about an hour's time. remember, boris, becca accumulated a fortune in excess of some $50000000.00 during the course of his play in korea. 3 time wimbledon champion, 6 times grand slam title winner. and almost all of that fritter away by his own evidence on a lavish lifestyle. very expensive, divorce child maintenance payments, disastrous financial mismanagement, and you can add to that now deceit as well. boris becker in his own defense said that he had given his affairs over to insolvency lawyers. he signed papers without reading them that would have otherwise informed him of his responsibilities. he
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didn't believe he was doing anything deliberately wrong. the jury, though in that trial in the southern crown court behind me, found that his actions had been dishonest and deliberate. and later on, thank you so much. don't hall reporting from london. after more, after nearly rather a month, more than 12000000 people in shanghai can finally leave their homes. the government has lifted restrictions from areas where there has been no cove in 1900 infection for 2 weeks. in some neighborhoods, residents are only allowed to leave their apartments, but cannot leave their compounds. infections have been falling since the government imposed. they strict locked down on it's economic hub earlier this month. but in the capital, beijing restrictions are being tightened further. 49 new cases were detected there on thursday, or beijing's choice as the next leader of hong kong has unveiled his manifesto, vowing to establish a new chapter for the territory. john lee says he wants to unify society and make
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hong kong more competitive. he's so far the only candidate in the race to take over from carrie lam for it. climate reports from hong kong. say james, only pick the hong kong next lead a john lee with a pledge to keep society stable and strengthen governance. well, that didn't go, my policy platform was full component and the 1st is to strengthen the government's administrative abilities. lee is expected to be elected on may 8th by a small circle election committee, made oper, baiting loyalists, who will take over from current chief executive, carry lamb on july 1st. oh, the former security chief and lead the response to the 2019 pro democracy protests said he was pushed to legislate. the article 23 sedition more. at an appropriate time, the controversial legislation was shelved in 2003 after huge public backlash authorities of previously said article 23 is still necessary to plug any holes left by the 2020
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national security law. li is sanctioned by the u. s. for his role in overseeing thousands of arrests under the security law libel li also said education would be enhanced in order to raise a sense of national consciousness and identity in hong kong. young people missed out what is national security. the core value of the hong kong government, as articulated by john lee, is law and order. and that means security is going to be the number one priority. that means more prosecutions of those people who were rounded up for 2019 or 2020 national security violations or public order violations. lee has been criticized for his lack of busy credentials. he has formed a $150.00 strong team of business leaders, including hong kong, richest madly caching. john lee as a policeman. so we have a policeman in,
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in this position. he's very different from the sorts of people, but we had before who came from the business community, or the elite civil service? li on friday, promised to increase hong kong competitiveness. many here fear, coven. 19 policies are causing a brain drain and damaging its reputation as a global financial hub. latex on the job is hong kong remained isolated by strict pandemic border policies. you'll have to navigate between opening up the border with mainland china and answering the business communities call to open up to the rest of the world. brick clinic al jazeera hong kong. belgium has granted asylum to the former ecuadorian presidential failed around a quote or had requested his extradition to face allegation that should not bring on corruption. korea has been living in belgium since leaving office in 2017. he says the conviction is part of a plan to exclude him from politics. at least 20 people, including children,
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are dead after a search and gang violence and haiti's capital. 2 gangs began fighting for control of some areas of port au prince. on sunday. 12 people are reported to have been injured. thousands were forced to leave their homes last year as assassination of the president has left a political vacuum and the gangs have tried to expand their influence. the taliban is facing a growing number of iso attacks against civilians, less than a year after taking control of guns. its own forces are being threatened by armed groups. so it's prompted the taliban government to make it harder for people to own a gun. zane bus rob reports after centuries of conflict of gun astonish, synonymous with war. before the u. s. pull out. last year there were more guns in private hand than the off god police and the military combined. the actual number of circulation thought to be in the millions, but estimates likely fall short. a reality inherited by the taliban.
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the new government began confiscating weapons and has introduced license requirements to own and operate guns and armored vehicles. joanna asl hill, very good. so license can be given to any individual who feels unsafe and insecure . for example, businessmen, you, hardy leaders and anyone who feels unsafe can have the license for weapons and bullet proof car. so come after taking over the taliban release, prisoners and jails across the country and rising levels of crime off, gone. se is a major concern moist a lot in the heart that are never jonah. i want to get the zip. and so my personal security and my company security, we got these happens because our license on the 3rd by kidnappers and thieves. because the security situation hasn't been 100 percent maintained. other ok, artic pull out saw us and nato forces leave behind and i watering amount of weapons
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and military equipment and you know, guards at all. i could just grab an unchecked, it could fuel instability in have gone on and the wider reach the previous government. they have distributed thousands of guns out of what we're close to my wallets to people, to the tribes at necessities or to the religious or for political friends. and through this disarmament, the process is going to collect all those illegal distributed weapons and armor cars from people who are not responsible for the security of the country. the government says security has improved, but people who feel threatened can have guns if they get a permit. a 3 year license for an a k $47.00 or pistol is just over $500.00. 10 times the average monthly income in couple licenses for armored cars start at
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around $680.00. the majority of off guns who are struggling to feed themselves are priced out. but members of the taliban are exempt. st basra v l dizzier. the fight for equal rights goes on for one of iraq, smallest and most persecuted, minority groups. the caliah or romano mad su arrived centuries ago. but life for many of them now lies in ruins. some have been job aid reports from do any year in southern iraq. in the dusty village of her children have returned to school after a 14 year break. these are the cavalier aroma people scattered in isolated communities across iraq. on this one says the faith derogatory treatment and her children have no future after decades of persecution. so i will live in my
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office. we were out with rockets that want gypsies, among them, people hate us. we don't have water. we have to buy water or houses are old and falling apart. i don't know why they deal with us like this, aren't we? human beings. most homes in the village are disappear and many are jobless. how he says he and his friends fought in the iran, iraq war and liter, alongside iraqi forces in the battle against eisen. he calls his community, the living dead worship, and the rocky state just doesn't care account without a while. we're sophie if the school, the clinic and electricity, these were not provided by the government agencies and n g o is provided these basics and you asking me about all future after the u. s. envision 19 years ago, aid from saddam hussein's government ended on groups accused the cavalier of being heretic and prostitutes and destroyed their village. no one dares says that on
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camera did afraid of the police guard the only entrance to the village and restrict access. i don't go off, i wasn't going out. yes, we used to have dancing and singing were visited by officials at that time. we're not living in poverty. things are now upside down. the government denies new id cards discriminate against the caliah or bus father i on who will and son, it has this, nasa who has there were some issues with people and now they are more accepted than before. they are like others, they can apply for any job they like, but the unemployment and poverty rates are high in this province. it is true, they do not have fresh tap water, but water delivered to them by tankers. but many villages cannot afford to pay the daily war to charge, though it's meant to be musicians and dancers came to the rock from india and other middle eastern countries more than a 1000 years ago. now the musical instruments have been replaced by pictures of clerics in their homes and the fingers have replaced happy songs. its religious
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hymns of a tragic theme shot below the room of people of roxy, because of discrimination. that excluded from a normal life and opportunities. and the question is that after generations have lived in this country, what can they do to be treated as equals iraqi citizens, with all of a job, the other there are the veneer southern iraq. for the 1st time since the pandemic began, millions of indonesians are traveling to their home towns for a little further to celebrations. the restrictions now easing its estimated around 85000000 people will make the journey. most europe. jessica washington reports from jakarta at bass, arson and station in central jakarta. thousands of travelers awaiting to see their families. mama, my mother. i am so happy that i can travel again, i've missed my mother so much. the annual homecoming travel before eat is
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a tradition in indonesia, the world's most populous muslim majority. country ah millions, leave the major cities to spend the holidays with their families. i look at them and again, my friend, the situation is so different from last year on 2020, when the curve in 19 cases were high, traveling was limited. but now we actually need to provide extra trains. health workers at public transport hubs are providing vaccines for travelers. but again, mo would many passengers get vaccinated here because they know they needed to travel back to their hometown. last year, the government banned hometown travel because of concerns about soaring, coven 19 cases and deaths. but this year it says the country is in a very different position. now if we had talk a competitor to had the 70000000 people, oh any denisia debt is already like a 70 percent audio receive the flesh of vaccination. and the i like 61 percent
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already have the 2nd shot. millions will spend hours in traffic as they try to lead to contact one of the world's most densely populated cities. but many say it's worth the trouble. something any family has a 12 hour mini bus ride ahead of them. yet their band. i want to show my youngest daughter to my mother. she has never met my baby because of the pandemic. i'm so happy they can finally, but not holden, 14000000 people are expected to leave greater jakarta in the holiday period. it's the 1st time since the pandemic began. that indonesians have been permitted to travel back to their home towns for each celebration. local authorities are just allowing the travel but facilitating it as well by providing free transport. options is a festive atmosphere as the travelers start their long awaited holidays and begin to re unite with their loved ones. jessica washington out 0 to carter,
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still had only al jazeera news hour of action from the n b a playoffs. as 3 more teams progressed to the conference, any finals about stories coming up with jama and sports? ah
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ah ah ah ah ah. top of the sports news heres drama. thank you. during the manchester united intern manager, ralph rang, nick has a new job. he's been named head coach of austria is national side the job and has signed a 2 year deal. but if the team qualifies for your a 2024, it will be extended for another 2 years. reineke will take over once the, probably
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a big season it finishes in may. but that might be the end of his time at united as he's staying on in a consultancy role. there was a record breaking performance in the m b a. playoffs a chris paul literally couldn't miss. as the phoenix suns, sir off the new orleans pelicans to reach the western conference semifinals. david stakes reports. oh, there was no stopping chris paul on thursday night. the phoenix sunstar was up against his former team, the new orleans pelicans. and every time he shot, he scored, oh we're gone, was it 8 days short of his 37th birth date, he set a new m b. a record on the court. he used to call home. he ended up with a perfect score. 14 out to 14, becoming the 1st player ever in the playoffs to make 13 shots or more without to miss his unprecedented 33 point performance. helped the sons when by 6 to take the series for to overall. oh,
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you leave me. no, no, to me. 20, now they may be like a hare tom. i last am i need to shoes local here, but throughout a gang for me, i'm literally managing the day the sons of the top seeds in the western conference and i'll now face the 4th seated dallas mavericks in the semi finals. dallas came through a tight game 6 against the utah jazz will look at don church and jayla. brunson, both scoring 24 points in salt lake city, jayla watson with the bronsons late free throw. put them 2 points ahead with just seconds remaining. a bow jam broke down the bitch missed a chance to force the deciding game 7 for utah. would unplug it today, but everybody was fighting him, but he was staying together and just keeping keeping a right to where was the kid on his knee. i was over in the east,
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the philadelphia 76 is thrash the raptors in toronto to put their series to bed the bed, which really had won the acting 3 games. but last the next to they didn't mess around on thursday though. jolen bead led the way with 33 points. harvey's max, he got $25.00, including $53.00 pointers. and james hardon finished with 20 to the 76 is cruising to victory by 35 points. i was one of the top is like series are clearly a plane in just because of they are switching in their athleticism or lace. ah, it or different differences or shoe box on warrenson jones and just they just mess up the game at why things are likely to get tougher for philadelphia. they faced the top seated miami heat in the semi finals starting away from home in game one on monday, they be stokes al jazeera, one of the biggest events in us ford house, begun in las vegas, the nfl draft. and this was the moment 21 year old college player treyvon walker
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had the honor of being chosen as the 1st pick in 2022 in a bill dra the jacksonville, jaguars, would tray them. oh, lose fuel cap was snapped up by the jacksonville jaguars. off to help in georgia when the national college championship is usually a quarterback who goes 1st pick, but walker is a defensive player. and in fact, for the 1st time in 31 years, no offensive player went in the 1st 5 picked this time around. no quarterbacks went until the 20th i look like to start off with this begun the whole upstairs organization, owner from the own gm co, just everybody this with this great opportunity and i promise you, you won't you all regret it. ready to work? so there's a lot of expectations behind that. what i'm, what life is just again for while beyond, just wanted see dora be door gives it mars again i love there's just one day to go
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until what's being billed as the biggest female boxing fight in history. irish lightweight champion katie taylor will put all of her bouts on the line on saturday against the american 7 wait while champion amanda serrano. rather than $200.00 media outlets accredited to cover the event. this is just a gray box to match this is in just the best there are fema watermark. garrath. a davis is in new york for the fight and he says it's unlike anything he seen in women's boxing before this in new york city. this week, media from all over the world's coming to attend this event. and i think it's because it's a seismic moment full women's boxing. so many historical factors bringing that pre sale tickets a huge. and it brings together the irish of puerto rican camille. all these things,
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it's perfect timing. it was gonna be arguably, the biggest women's fights of all time is crossed over. i, it's not just a sports media or boxing media. it's crossed over into news media. you know, these guys belong, good morning, america. and he hunts can get boxes on that show in general, i think as just a, as a said, as a residents around women sports, it's not tokenism. here we have a viable, genuine, brilliant fight between 2 women, amanda serrano 7 weight divisions as a well champion, way undefeated. ah well champion. they all 2 extraordinary women. they've got incredible respect for one another. this involvement of jake pull the youtube bows . very influential with young people getting behind the madness, serrano seeing that she was only just 5 to 10 k, a u. s. dollars per fights and just thought it was
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a disgrace to this one that achieved so much wasn't getting the, the, the residence and the pay that she, she deserved. it's got everything this fi and it's got the magic of new york, manhattan. and the very hallowed mecca for 5 nights of madison square garden. well, number 2, john rom is in a share of the lead after the 1st round of golf, mexico open. the spanish is looking for his 1st when since last year's u. s. hyphen home, this huge fought for an eagle atlas 7th. he didn't drop any shops as he finished at 7 on the path highlands. accommodation, hockey, bon rats as 3 days after his 1st 2 holes, they undid some of the damage by making a hole in one at the fish. incredibly, it wasn't the only one to eat that whole american scot, gitovski also did it. that helped keep him right in contention. that is a real sport for me. for now, i'll be back with more a little bit later during k. thank you so much, john. thanks for watching the news. our on al jazeera, we'll take
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a short break and we'll be back to with much more of the days, news, and all the days late as headlines here. minute, bye bye. ah . from the front lines al jazeera correspondence continue to report every angle of the war ukraine been given access to this special unit, making sure there's no threats behind those front lines. there is almost nic complete destruction fighting back a russian assault, holding background forces. the scale of destruction is just now being revealed as we arrived. nikolai, there is panic. a russian warplane is suspected of being close by. stay with al jazeera, for the latest developments. short films of hope and inspiration for a series of short puzzles, stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. ah,
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al jazeera selects me why did one of toilets, my stick right and cops, lee the country in fear of his law in a 2 part investigation? one, 0, 18th, reveals explosive allegation, a police corruption on out to 01 from the ruins of mosul, music as re emerged. these are some of 40 musicians who make up the whether the orchestra in iraq, 2nd largest city, despite being bound, been mostly was occupied by i. so the melody survived. 3rd, been christian curd are absent even she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq to be able to hear music. i'm in the ruins of mussels, old city,
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feel strange, but it brings home. the resilience are presidents who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. ah, a desperate for any form of shades. millions of people in south asia struggling to cope with record high temperatures and thirsty for more water. the horn of africa has worse, drought and decades has hurt or is walking for days to keep their animals alive. ah, you're watching al jazeera life or my headquarters in del hi. i'm debbie.


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