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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST

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it seems that we are burning as one mental, but each has its own color temperament. in english, we've seen a lot of hate and cold heartedness during the pandemic, and i think the stems from a lack of respect for each other. if we are one community, paul, i mean, i believe we should recognize and respect each other and make a wish and become one pretty flame. ah, don't you lived there with me, so rosalind, don't reminder of our top news stories, russia and ukraine. se 20 civilians have been evacuated from the as a stall still works in mario poly, including women and children, are believed to be about 2000 people living in the network of tunnels and bunkers to one each. but there are 3 of the wood puts a wallet when level of the entire night enemy artillery was shelling the plot, which led to more rubble and destruction. the silence was supposed to begin at 6 am,
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but only began at 11 am. it's true now both sides are adhering to the regime. we've been waiting to be evacuation convoy to arrive since 6, but it didn't arrive till 625740. we 100 over 20 civilians who are able to be reclaimed from the rubble of their women and children. and we hope that these people will go in the agreed direction. namely to zappa regime and territory under ukrainian control. ukrainian soldiers are fighting village by village in the countries east. the hold of russian forces have been pounding the don bus region. but western intelligence suggests that russian troops are only making mind with frances, the offensive is days behind schedule. and other needs. israel says is the rest of the suspected killers of israeli security guard and legal settlement and the occupied west bank on friday is really all be video shows the men being detained in a palestinian town south of nobliss. how much his leader in garza has ward of heavy rocket far if that's just one more israeli incursion of the last and most compound
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it occupied east jerusalem? yes, it was that israeli forces deliberately provoked worship. is that the site, israel accuses him os of inciting violence and says security forces intervened at alex or to stop stone throwing. i still has came responsibility for above attack call impact mini bus. in the african capital, one person was killed and 3 injured in cobbles. the booty district is the latest of a series of attacks during the muslim holy month of ramadan. on friday, an explosion killed more than 50 people during friday prayers that a sci fi mosque. in campbell. i'm protested subset barricades and block streets incidence capital. they mocking the desk of more than 60 demonstrators in 2019. they were killed. one security forces, open fire to sitting outside the armies headquarters in county. as the headlines of people in ease of me in half an hour. next, it's inside story to stay with us. ah,
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india and pakistan swelter in a record breaking heat wave. hundreds of millions are endangered by intense temperatures. as everyone tries to keep cool, there's electricity blackouts because power stations, cans cold. how much is climate change to blame? and what can be done to reduce the impact this is insightful. ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm debbie. navigate up. scientists have long
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warned that climate change will lead to more intense weather, such as heat waves, floods, and cyclones. many point to a record breaking temperature is now in india and pakistan as proof engine swelter in the hottest march for a 122 years. and this month, many cities record a temperature is above 40 degrees for days on end. although heat waves are common and the region they don't usually start until may or june and pakistan meteorologist say, temperatures are at least 8 degrees higher than average. they could sort of 48 degrees next week and parts of sins, province of that, let me go lay what we have to go outside to look. it's very hot. when the water gaddy becomes kind, hard to bring, unless you don't even have enough that water for the 1st thing, it is, evan empties it has gone de high. and now it's really scorching. and i don't know what is going to come in the next few months. but don't we have come face with the children because it is very hot. this is the only way to beat the heat. what else
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is they to do? it is so warm already in this month. it's already this woman the beginning of summer. what will happen later, we had to beat the heat while the intense heat has increased demand for electricity and leading to power outages in both countries. some power station and in india only have a days worth of coal and reserve. the government cancelled 600 passenger train services to prioritize fuel shipments. electricity blackouts are expected at hospitals and to stop metro station services in delhi or the u. n's. intergovernmental panel on climate change says india must drastically cut greenhouse gases to avoid devastating weather events. at the cop 26 conference in glasgow last year, prime minister in remote, a promise to achieve net 0 emissions by 2070 india along with china, were accused of watering down the final agreements commitments to phase out coal. ah, let's bring in our guess, we're all in india,
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joining us as a room chandler, as a car, a journalist at carbon brief, that's a website dedicated to news on climate and energy policy. she's joining us from them by improving our roxy matthew coal is a climate scientist. the indian institute of tropical meteorology. and the new jelly is madura joshua, who's a senior associate at the climate change. think tank a 3 g one will come to each of you. thanks so much for your time with us on inside story. roxie matthew, call this year as we've been reporting, has been particularly hot, particularly early. how concerning is this heat wave? not only because of its timing, but it's spread as well. you know, dirty small, or, i mean you're very from the, she's not easy. and because the large region for the, you know, pakistan read, you ist starting from the northwest pakistan. good northwest india to roger spun, which are out. and then to st. louis india and north india to watts off southeast india and east india alive your students like what he shot and go under traditional
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grammar. it's a large region of legally, from pakistan that is being covered by this heat moves. and in the but to go aspect of this heat vegas that it has been here for quite a long time. and we see that with global warming, that frequency not only the frequency of the series, but they're in density and duration any are covered by this. you are increasing and so if you look at the data from the gentleman to partner, you see that the marsh, that is the last 1 march of 2022. was the hottest ear for india in the instrumental ripples. in the last 122 years. and if news not behind, it will show us a similar signature with some of the or best temperatures. right. so let me ask you, right? so since you bring up some statistics, i mean last year's intergovernmental panel on climate change report found heat
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waves globally had become more intense and more frequent with high confidence that human activity was to blame. but in this particular case, what we're seeing across the region, is there any specific research or evidence that you've seen attributing the recent he to global warming? or is it too early to tell when you put this heat wave down to? so if you want good guys. so each and every event be global warming, it may need inductor, search an attribution. but we are clear signature for these in the walk region. and the data and the statistics clearly show and our research to daily show this from the minister of science that they are shown a clear trend in the intensity frequency under additional needs. ok, and i today global warming. ok, great, thank you so much. let's bring in a room into the discussion serona. what's your take on this? i mean, what do you put this down to? to what extent is the heat wave currently experienced in the region exacerbated by
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climate change? um they, i mean in terms of attribution their various different live and scientists and research. i have pointed to a very clear language in signature, the heat waves that it is currently experiencing. and the fact that these are staying awhile and they are much more frequent. a lot of this is also, i mean, india is not and this region is not necessarily a country or a region of a deny list because this is very lived experience speak to anybody in the street. and they would say that they haven't lasted, haven't seen these kinds of deborah joe's in the months of march and april. but there are other factors as well for, for instance, again, looking at incredible development. lack of it is, but i mean there is a clear climate signal and therefore big meters, it's the same to that. we need to be acting now. this is india at 1 point one c, b,
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i do to see up to 3.5 c. that was the end of the century. we continue on our current emissions trajectory. ok, i think my 2 panels so far an agreement, the climate change has a big role to play here. but madura, let's bring you in and i know that you've done a lot of work on, on the call in the country. so to what extent do you think the domestic factors are playing a role in india because of course it's deeply dependent on fossil fuels to power economy. so how much of a role is that playing and what we're seeing taking place right now in india? what i would actually like to focus on is the back of the heat based on the sector . so we have yard if, if you see a huge publish shortage and has been a combination of multiple factors about the high dependence of call in the electricity effects at about 50 percent of both. and that have been several supply shortages have been a danger,
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different for the supply. what did you buy can demand because the heat with national supplied reception, they've been from policy issue and payment of your, of by with distribution companies. hence, they're not been able to afford the all, i would suggest doesn't do this a little bit more as the pointed out. so he'd be in the temperature in march and april have basically brooklyn on record. and this coupled with thing, going to me up the got me for that make has definitely let to much higher the bike than was seen previously demanded di thing up at the base and the for the for decade. and these cars not, this is constrained the ability of the body of the plans to build up the top of the flight. the supply for sort of coal has also been disrupted both because of international and domestic season,
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internationally priced while it's journey high. and even last year, in about september and october and yet seeing power shortages again, due to domestic and international supply, the suction of export ban by countries such as indonesia, which was that last year the rather than pretty the an extreme battling supply deception with nationally, right. i wonder if you can just tell us about some of the steps that the government has taken to alleviate this crisis when it comes to. the increase in power has left india as you've been saying, scrambling for coal and we're seeing some rationing taking place in several states . just tell us more about what the government has done and, and whether it's enough. sure. so one of the 1st things that the government have done in the band, there was a directive in december to reduce imports and keep them to bad. minimum essential that has been diverse, however, that really high prices stuff. they become
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a challenge. that is our directive to the states to try and increase the availability. there wasn't enough to look for long term for supplies internationally and for the best deal that is available, as well as increasing in the transportation because that's also been a bottleneck. since the demand, the by so much, but these are very shocked on measure from a long term perspective. i think that is a strong case international part. moving away from all, did you think that dependency cole and investing more in pain or energy saucer, which based less your, of the light assumption that the not in virginia ration stage. i'm speaking of clear energy. let me bring in, let me bring and roxy, roxy, because india is making the shift to cleaner energy with an ambitious target that was announced to draw 40 percent of its installed electric power from non fossil
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fuels by the year 2030. that is something that was announced by the prime minister . where do you think in just sounds on a climate commitments? is it on track to meet them and is it on the right track? in fact, well, i would say that, oh, from oh, very very, in terms of solar energy power or to nobody. we are coming along the way. but are like any other countries, you also have made a strong commitment a large commit. well, and really to strike a bit more stronger in that way, but i would say none of the countries better it is, you was euro or the other kind of these, like china. the committee commitments from any of these countries are not sufficient enough to keep the temperatures below 115 degrees such as by 2040 or below 2 degrees celsius by 2060, so on a global level of it. so we need to work together to enhance our commitments
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and enhance our investments in green energy, so that'll we can bring the carbon dioxide emissions to a lower level. so that this heat bills and global temperatures gone shorter. because what we're seeing so far is a response to that one degrees celsius. and we see that by 2 degrees celsius we can't even imagine that he goes on the flags and the psych ones that we might see in the future in the near future within the next 2 decades. right? but just one more thing before i move on to it's a ruin. i mean, when mowdy says that india will reduce the emissions intensity of its economy by 45 percent. you don't think that that is likely that will actually have an impact on limiting overall emissions. so what you're saying is you want the government to do to be doing more yeah. all governments because whether it is heating or any other extreme brother event, the responses from carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide, how this property,
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it's well spread. so no matter whether india moves or china cabinets or us or europe emits the in back to spell every year and, and the carbon emissions the chopped, this solar energy and we will how it impacts everywhere. so we need a global level ashan, rather low income binding commitment, so as to reduce this carbon emissions. ok, i, rona, to it. do you agree with us that this needs to be more of a, of a global issue? i mean, we do see conferences like the piracy of the paris conference and so on and so forth. but in terms of india, you know, a lot of people say, well, it's share of global greenhouse gas emissions. in fact, a significantly lower than countries that roxy was just mentioning, like the u. s. and like china. so it is india paying for the excesses of the developed world. do you think is paying for the excesses? so in terms of historical responsibility,
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a dues have on doing their fair share and there's a long list. they may be promises that got and of course, that they are the colonizing their own economies. and of course, i think now the water ukraine has also really actually exposed the sort of fossil fuel dependency of the western world. and we're seeing how those shifts are happening. and at the same time, we're looking at a country in there has an incredibly ambitious pledge on paper, but it doesn't really necessarily add up because at the same time, the last 9 years have seen an extensive environmental deregulation. more and more on minds have been put on the auction block. we're also not necessarily seeing the rationale for the sort of shortage that is being seen in, you know, where at the same time we have a record amount to production. but at the same time,
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there is seems to be a project problems with justify more import. so it seems to be feeding into a cycle where the harder it gets, the more the demand. and of course, this is also been cited as something which is economic growth, and yes, it does have its fresh out of the budget. but at the same time we've been seeing as well or policies being the regulated at an extremely body scale. deforestation being on the rise, many of the core districts as well, which are in which there's mining going on at full speed, are amongst the what is districts we're looking at, but then gender food in my rush. i was just seeing amongst the highest temperatures on good in the places that are providing for us to keep the nation's lights on an air conditioners on. so these places are seeing the worst followed that environmental justice, which is where you the most oh, for no, i mean, which was these, are you the most of all policies?
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i focus over the years on the lack of consent and consultation of local communities, especially indigenous communities and leave it on these lines and live in the forest. and especially for gold mine expansion. so if you're not given, giving the people directly back to the jobs or voice to be able to be hard on our to be able to exercise their consent. that do we have seen significant drawbacks in laws around consultation and seeking people's consent for a lot of up and executive mind companies as well. they're not obliged to it, they can use eminent domain, ours to a guy, and that was my right. i'm a mentor. i see you nodding along with, with what's a ruin i was saying, and also let me put this to you. i mean, this is a statistic from the international energy agency, which has a population of more than 1300000000. of course, in india, the energy needs are set to rise more than any other nation over the next 20 years . so given the nation's heavy dependence on it does a call free future seem
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a long way off to you? i don't think that was the future is a long day all all just to sort of be to read some of the boys to meet at the same time. and do you think that bunny 15 of the percent of non to be, be well, to be met, that in as a people anybody do? the future is basically looking at the gigawatts of the $500.00 gigawatts of clean energy by 2030. and if the stock is met, they're looking at basically anywhere between 60 to 65 percent off and on. watson to base generation in electricity alone, and then get those committed to call them if they're going to be easy. definitely not. but i don't see the share of called reducing, and i think the current situation and the volatility that they're seeing in the market, what does the prices under supply destruction make it even
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a stronger case just from an energy security perspective, but also come in does multiple objectives of does not make good affordability to invest much more and foster ends in uses. they are cheaper from, from an electric point of view. they're cheaper new to new, cheaper than most of that are, be bob in addition of balance, particularly newer pipelines that are coming on right. your and your traditions and also been significant. but there is a lot that needs to be done, particularly, and to be able to try and move away from all and to do certain line. i mean, i think i would agree with greece with you, that there isn't a strong case to be made, but then let me, let me ask you a different question. do you think that the indian authorities are up to this challenge? is there the political will to do so? i think that definitely a political will do increase the new book. that can be, i think, some harder decisions that need to be made on the extent of all that is that in the
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sector and particularly when, when the new i fly under construction by pre construction pipeline, i think that is particularly that's something that needs to be the look that given the level of view that guessing even with high above the mind of projections, i think investing in cleaner pollution would be much better that are a lot of policies in place that are looking at it. but that are also still mixed signals. so i think there will be, and you can really look at some of these policy decision. i'm hopefully back on keynote and let's go line future roxy. so, you know, with a rapid growing population and as we've been saying, an economy that's heavily dependent on coal emissions in india are, are set to climb quite high. what's at stake? do you think of action is not taken to curve them? so the discussion so far has been one mitigation, of course the mitigation is the most important factor here because or whenever you
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in the car where you how carbon emissions the back is for mostly on the tropical regions, especially on the one of our like readings like sound tissue and one of the way to work on it is on local, are titian, and how do we work on local, on that issue to early warning systems. so if you look at the mortalities due to heat waves during the last several decades, the heat various how increased and so how the modalities. but if you look at the last few years since 2017, the model using the india pakistan region, how actually one down this is from the most recent report from the organization, the w. and one of the reasons is they have incorporated that early warning systems and the heat wave work us just been coming out frequently since 2017 north 2015 and
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incorporated them in the national disaster management plans. so some of the states, i would say some of the states kid action plan or this march april may or early june period where they have policies to know why bulletins, bulletins on sheet based on temperature forecasts. yeah. so disconcerting. maybe 3 or 5 years ahead of that heat ribs, that is coming out. and there are 2 actions, few pictures, but we should, it's not going to skip fixes of course, forecast or improve, but we cannot do it logged in the 4 days of forecast. we cannot be for every year, for forecast to come and act accordingly, 14 days or place because there are many other things you stace, for example, if you don't have policies in place, the number of working hours is loss. many farmers,
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or even stopping bit donovan, people's work together, they lose their working hours. they lose their arctic culture, agricultural food. so we need a so just for the sake of time, i'll jump in there. what you're talking about right now is more how india adapts to the issues of climate change over to mom by and let me bring in a room for the final word from you talk to us about what you've seen in terms of adaptability and has india done done enough so far. i know he lives in terms of not listed as a disaster, which means that by that a lot of states cannot get centrally fun, especially in heated back to the areas. only a point of view conditions can actually play them as local disaster. so there in terms of being able to adapt to it or 2nd place to sort of plans. yes, there are states and there are cities that have their own action plans. but since
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i'm about, but these are all to cities that seem like a vast amount of deforestation within them and she's been gotten better or what is got. so yes, there is definitely a need for instance, i live in bond b, which has the one heat island effect isn't dense because it is so much build up area. and so little green space that people are pushed and have very few options. people like making into their cells by having a living and high rise. but this is definitely something that now my has its own climate change action plan. and we, it's up to state leaders to see how they actually implement the vital to putting off, you know, massive development and construction projects at the same time. there's also a need, i mean like most of the many stories point out to how only 10 percent of actually deleted that's get to what it is. the strokes now that something as well as looking at creating the sort of public health infrastructure to deal with both of them
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are definitely increasing. so there is much, much more to be done, especially in terms of protecting cleaner as well as lou infrastructure cities and otherwise, and at the same time, not failing $74.00 and my apologies. 20 seconds to madura. is this a wake up call? do you think for india it is something that we need to now take into account. these are not anomaly. this is going to be more frequent. going ahead, right? and hence it is important but us, we'll see how we can then shift from with again. ok, thank you so much for joining us. are not chad chandra, sac and roxy, matthew colon, madeira jace. thanks for joining us. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion. you can always go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story, join the conversation on twitter handle is a james. i story for myself in the whole team here in delphi. thanks for watching.
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bye for know. ah, ah. short films of hope and inspiration. a series of short puzzles, stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. ah,
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al jazeera selects from the front blind al jazeera correspondence continue to report every angle of the war in ukraine. we've been given access to this special unit, making sure there's no threats behind those front lines. there's almost nic complete, destructive fighting back, a russian assault holding background forces. the scale of disruption is just now being revealed as we arrive in me calliah. there is panic. a russian war plane is suspected of being close by stay with al jazeera for the latest developments. where temperatures reach minus 35 degrees celsius and mountain roads become barely possible. one small media serves as a lifeline for a community facing environmental and cultural change. ah, is there a well joined the regulars on board techies?
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shin chi abbas analogies, iran ah, showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on how to sierra. ah, you're watching all to 0 with me. so robin doha, reminder of our top stories, russian, ukraine, se 20 civilians have been evacuated from the as of stall steelworks and mary paul, including women and children. that believe to be her as many as 2000 people living in the network of tunnels and bunkers i to manage, but the report is older, puts a wallace level of the entire night enemy artillery was shelling the plot which led to more rubble and destruction. the silence was supposed to begin at 6 am, but only began at 11 am. it's true now.


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