tv News Al Jazeera May 2, 2022 1:00am-1:21am AST
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ah pleasure, amina martin, i represent a while burial. my april, y'all, please y l e m is under siege in the digital age surveillance threatens to study full price with the 2022. ah, hello, i'm sorry, i'm the mozy in london, you're watching algae 0. so coming up on the program, after a 6 day march shall anchors opposition parties rally managed to rescue more than 100 people, civilians, women, and children who were hiding it as of style. to morrow morning, 100 of the rescued people are supposed to come trapping thousands of civilians and ukrainian fighters inside. alexey o'brien has more on this flanked by you in
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officials and rush. she's the highest ranking american leader to visit ukraine since the start of the war. a commitment used to be there when you until 5, a gentle retirement, and stayed there contemplating a very different future with the liberators. the russians have carmen, have free. well, according to vienna, we are not expecting any civilians to arrive here by end of day today may be to morrow. ah, it did well for what i did it up to 20 of them. we don't have any figures about how many did come out today. if any at all, do you and at this point is not a few days, we probably at some point going to start seeing buses arriving here in the upper region about a 3 hour drive under normal circumstances. at the moment. seen things seem to be going as smooth as it's possible in a battle ground will. ukraine's army is saying russian forces are intensifying
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their attacks in the east of the country areas while back from the front line of being increasingly hits from the town of debris. pia out there as charl strattman. ludmilla has lived here in the eastern tailed gopro pillow for more than 50 years. moved by him after sin, i live here alone. so there was the che, you, why did the hit here? this is a resident, shall apartment block why for what are the attempts to what have moved, villas, destroyed when those are the residents throw the ribs of their belongings on the pavement below. only 7 people suffered boy who created all b. could keep russian forces burg. she doesn't know what she will do if they told charles drove it, al jazeera, the little pillar, each to new crude. further west, the russian military is released these images which are said to show a position rocket strike on the airport in the black sea ports of odessa. it says,
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hang a containing weapons from the u. s. in europe was targeted. ukraine did confirm on saturday that a newly constructed runway was destroyed and a far awry series of flies and explosions at russian military bases has re suspicions of sabotage or ukrainian attacks. ah, ports from colombo. so many shall anchors of traditional workers, d o. mediate this year, was all about getting rid of the roger pucks, a government. thousands of people joined a 6 day march from candy to colombo, organized by the mean opposition. some luggage on about a vega baby, isn't it? but i'm going to struggling to make ends meet since the price of food medicine, fuel and cooking guess increase between $30.00 and a 100 percent. shortages are common either because of supply issues or hoarding by some traders. inflation he 30 percent in april. the main opposition says the big me
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bite very much. it can be done, a reb, executive president. think about it, and you're going to a parliamentary 6 about becoming the says can be addressed. protested. will have surrounded the president's office for more than 20 days, say successive government since independence. heavily to the they're demanding the raj, epoxy brothers and the government resign and insist they won't be fooled by the government's attempts to avoid solving the crisis. mina fernandez, audra, 0, colombo and al jazeera life from london. or phil to tell you about the program crying for justice in the occupied by bank. why palestinian children feel forced except p deals to stay out of prison. a new covered restrictions closed restaurants in beijing, but china capital s get back from the point of view of visualization. the one in calvin's,
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not exactly on the cold. sorry, really. the tail end of it gives a bit of rains to, than sam pharmacist, tuesdays forecast. so again, it's not exactly coherent and you should be enjoying the sunshine for the most part, with average temperatures. we have seen more significant rain north the equator, particularly around viet nam vows, cambodia, and thailand. this is left a legacy of a months worth of rain in these 2 places. constantly just in one day and is more to come. i think born the north and the south. we see the orange tops go right back towards me and more stretched and stupid. it's your malays, your sumatra and the western side of java. laurel blue here are quite a few shares, a davy event course for most of it, easier malaysia anyway. and this breeze coming out to the bay bengal is going to prompt a pretty big shower. dangerous shares, i have to say in bangladesh and north east india. otherwise, he is the story. ah,
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the, from the al jazeera london broker center to people in thoughtful conversation lard cannot be easily erased a by, by the superpower with no haste, and no limitation. what matter the note was to be radical. how can the thing that's radical be for sale, part one and highway and denise, your call is not about wanting to sell it out of the messaging studio b unscripted on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back. look at the main stories now. around a 100 civilians have been able to leave the as of style still works in the past,
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each city of mary paul are expected to each ukrainian control. it was upper region by monday in while ukraine's army says russian forces and anchors ended in columbia with a rally, demanding political change. according to the resignation of the president and his brother, the prime minister, over the handling of the countries economic crisis. when around the world, people have been taking part in events mocking may day. hundreds of thousands of cubans turned out for the traditional march there. despite their acute economic crisis in shortages of everything from food to transportation, a latin america and is have you seen human reports from the capital? havana? long before daybreak, cubans began walking to the plaza of the revolution. after a 2 year hiatus, put on by the pandemic, who was communist party and government spared no effort to make this annual may day march. one to remember healthcare workers lived the parade in front of
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revolutionary leader. and i will castro, the still influential former president and his chosen successor miguel diaz cornell standing side by side as a symbol of continuity there with a familiar chance of loyalty to deceased leader fidel castro and against the u. s. government decades, wrong economic embargo against cuba. little so we will defend our socialism as we have for 61 years for fidel and raoul was one of the 100 the in the world. and that's no mark the international workers day like this. but make no mistake. there's very little for the average salary worker in this country to celebrate right now because this countries with no more speaker nomic depression to in it history, intensified u. s. economic sanctions. the pandemic and monetary reform that has sharply reduced
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worker's purchasing power had led to soaring inflation and unleashed the largest exodus of cubans since 1980. you see this year look alike, but i saw socially that by the communist party continues to say that the state controlled sector will say the economy. and it's not true. the young people all want to leave a blast all hope, bye, like the cubans are expected to take part from the may day march and are generally brought here from their place of work. but like any bix, there are those who say they still believe in cooper's system. i either because i am convinced that this is the country that i want to defend. that's why i'm here to support my leadership and my people. and doing these hard times, this march clearly aimed to send a message to domestic and foreign opponents. the cuban government is still able to mobilize large numbers of its peak. you see a newman, al jazeera havana,
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the afghan taliban supreme leader is made a republic appearance. his 2nd in 6 years, 2 days after a bomb tor, for a mosque and cobble in battle, arkansas. they told people celebrating each that security in afghanistan has improved. this is the 1st eats as the taliban take over. many afghans of poor them before and can't afford to mark the holiday in the middle of humanitarian crisis. sorry, high right reports. it's not a holiday for afghans waiting by the roadside hoping to be given a job. 40 years of war, economic decline, severe poverty, and the worst drought in decades has force many afghans on to the streets, not knowing where their next meal will be. oh, wrong them has been without work for months. the bricklayers resorted to begging out of desperation, while his children tried to sell plastic bags or what i got them by good guy gardener. i used to in good money,
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but now there's no work. the change of governments made the situation a lot worse. when we go door to door, asking to help with kicked out, but sometimes i'm just looking for a piece of bread. while our comfortable clinically the taliban takeover of afghanistan last august, force nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 people from their homes. you ins. refugee agency says the country is facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis. enemy go mac, but i you to his line to the pockets of the occupiers, the us and politicians for more than 20 years. and now the aid they're giving like a sack of flour or 5 kilo's of oil, can't cure the pine of our country. we want them to assist by providing job opportunities and economic relations. afghans are drowning in the oceans to get to europe and dying in the snowy mountains of turkey, just to find work. oh, the united nations estimates that more than half the population,
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24000000 afghans are facing acute food shortages. that's a 30 percent increase from last year and one step away from famine. you know, when you meet people like i have one, i'm out across the country that have tell that tell me that they have never had to come to job yet p before for food assistance, their lives have just been devastated with the loss of jobs. ah, you know, unable to feed their children, i've never seen the situ ation deteriorate as quickly. and as up the scale that i witnessed over the last it to 9 months last month, you and launched the largest aid appeal ever for a country of more than $5000000000.00. and un appealed last week to the united states and its freeze on afghan foreign asset aid agencies say if they don't receive international support soon in afghanistan, hunger crisis, we'll go from bad to worse, and then they'll have to choose between who gets one loaf of bread or 2 soda hydro
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i'll jazeera will. now to denise here the, the president is saying his country will have a new constitution within days cry. so he gave a televised address on sunday when his government would form a committee to write the constitution, what he called a new republic zahid sacked, the government last year, suspended parliament and took emergency powers actions. his opponents labeled occur family of a 14 year old palestinian boyle is jailed by israel, has spoken to al jazeera about his ordeal. every year israel arrest and detains hundreds of palestinian children in rights. organizations say they're sometimes abused or denied lawyers accusations. israel denies that abraham reports from the occupied west bank. ah, a melody of love for the homeland is how these young palestinians see their protesting against the arrest of their friends. offended as it is rarely,
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soldiers detained. the 14 year old and mid apron. he was charged with throwing stones at the army near bethlehem and the occupied west bank. but his father denies the charges. big soldiers on me, i am scared. so he is a skeleton. if i really only saw a fellow couple of times from a distance in the court, he was not able to make my conduct in case he will acquire and you know him, our coming to to call it. so weakness point law client is a strength point. and so this is the feeling we have been suffering, lack of sleep as he is like no sleep when we, if we start thinking we've gone off a fell, is eating. soon after the protest at al was released on bail. he's breaking their amazon fast with his family and says the soldiers that beat him up, a gun theat half hour dare will hold. yeah, i was shaking out of fear the interrogators asked if i was cold. i said no. they asked if i was scared by sid. i was a strong person a while ago. what changed that they wanted me to confess to doing something. i
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didn't do. a 1000 release follows a pleaded lawyer say it's often the only way to get young palestinians out of jail as fast as possible without a plea. deal court proceedings could be lengthy, as is often hard to prove innocence in military courts. this is why 99 percent of cases ending convictions. there are 2 legal systems that occupied westbank. palestinians are tried in military courts while israeli settlers stand in sybil court in 2009, israel established juvenile military records. just like this one behind this. but lawyers say it's done very little to protect the rights of children. these really army has told al jazeera, all the rights of under its defendants are protected throughout the arrest investigation, prosecution and sentencing. but the human rights organizations disagree. children as young as 12 him can be convicted in his records, but i mean if you have
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a credit for going from referring because of a lengthy rust takes place at night without the presence of parents or legal counsel me, the interrogation is done in a volatile environment that doesn't allow children to be safe. if you, after the confession the child is taken to a military court to extend the arrest without a lawyer. f l says his eager to get back to his violin classes and palestinian folk dancing. he wants to escape reality, even if it's for a short while. but he knows he'll never escape that experience me. that abraham elijah's eda occupied westbank the family of a man whose life inspired the hollywood film hotel. rwanda is suing the government, pull it says a beginner is credited with saving more than a 1000 people during the night. 94 genocide is relative. sarah wind alert him from his taxes. home took a galley where he was jailed and tortured. victoria gazing behalf more who was a beginner seen hearing caught him, or when the last year is serving 25 years in jail,
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for terrorism rights groups and observe his say, his trial was a sham. now his family is suing the ruins and government in the united states for $400000000.00. the way that a want and government has tried to discredit his, his work and his name and all the great things he has done with the war over the years has hurt us and all a lot. and we've done everything that we can to continue to stand up for him to continue to advocate for him and to bring more people to add their voices to this campaign. recess of again i was living in exile in texas, when his lawyers say he was lured back home against his will. 2 years ago, rwanda's government admitted he was deceived into boarding the plane. his lawyer says he was kidnapped last february. there one, an attorney general johnson, the ca admitted that the one the government did this, that it didn't paid for the plan that was used in the kidnapping. and in the united states, sovereign countries, laquoanda and immune from sue's,
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when they engage in acts like torture. and who says a beginner was made famous by the hollywood film hotel, ruined without that shelter, every one of them would almost surely have been killed during those weeks. and much of a merciless turn, he told the story of how he saved hundreds of lives in the hotel manager during 11994 genocide. he then fled into exile and became a vocal critic of ruined. as president polk ami, setting up a foreign based opposition group, the government has not commented on the lawsuit. but despite the civil case, the 67 year old is likely to spend the rest of his life in prison. victoria gave him be al jazeera and al, rescuers had pulled her 7th survivor alive from the ruins of a residential building which collapsed in china. on friday earlier, they also rescued a woman who had been stuck between a fridge and a wall for more than 2 days. 16 people is still trapped in the rumble of the ice
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toy building and chang shao, which is the capital of her non province. she 9 others still missing. meanwhile, shanghai is let more of its 25000000 residents venture outside after reporting a 2nd day of 0 code infections beyond quarantine areas. meanwhile, china's capital is tightening code restrictions, closing entertainment venues and restaurants as it battles and outbreak. people in beijing also have to show a negative test before visiting public spaces and using public transport is that he is registered $350.00 local cases since april 22nd, after conducting mass tests, leaving the streets quiet just as the labor day holiday begins. opera restrictions in beijing are very severe. i can't even go anywhere to eat. i feel oppressed, i did the p c r test every day and i know i'm not sick. i did not get infected, but i still feel caged like i was sick. these restrictions are excessive. they make people agitated because barret, room, murder,
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we're definitely selling less than before. customers can't get into the restaurant and not as many people order food. we are definitely affected by the situation and losing money or now the annual white house correspondents association. dinner was back on saturday after 2 year hiatus because of the pandemic journalists, government officials and celebrities attended the event. and it was the 1st time in 6 years. the president accepted an invitation to attend as well, after it was shunned by donald trump. i know your questions about whether we should gather your note because you told me, well, we're here to show or talk to you that we're getting through the spread dammit. but everyone had to prove there are 4 racks with her and busted her. what do you want to know how to do that? just contact your favorite watch news with border rural here,
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vaccinated ambushed oh carnival season has ended in spectacular style in rio de janeiro. 6 top brazilian sombre schools performed in typically extravagant and colorful outfits dances, won prizes for their costumes, their presentation, and their music. it was the 1st carnival since 2020, because of the current of ours and demick, and they enjoyed it. ah, look at the main developments the sour no, an operation is under way to evacuate civilians from the as off still still works. the besieged city of mario paul, around a 100 civilians are expected to reach ukrainian controls parisha by monday.
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