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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2022 10:30am-11:01am AST

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time of increase tensions in the area. yes. well, it's a tortoise to note here that schuman writes lots an amnesty and is really am palestinian experts have highlighted israel, practicing a crime against humanity of apartheid. and this has been consistent for decades. and it's important to understand that context because currently what has been happening, particularly over the last months since the beginning of ramadan escalated, its attack on palestinian communities has decided to expand some simply transfer hundreds of families from their homes. and so, and public building society has sought with the minimal resources to resist. but this morning was another day in a series of israeli incursions into palestinian towns for the modest homes to arrest individuals including children. and it doesn't seem like this is going to
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end anytime soon until we and, and israel's apart, frederick governing the, the whole region right here. we have heard about the possibility of an investigation. how much confidence do you have in that? to be frank with you, i have over the last 10 years in line with my work open international law and locally and human rights been witness to multiple israeli investigations including children who were killed like lent him the water where the video of his murder and the soldier whom murdered them was captured, live on television by sea and other channels. and not once has israel hell its army accountable because israel wants its army to continue to act with impunity. and it is r me to be frank of bullies and cowards who consistently target children
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over 55 journalists had been killed in the last couple of decades. and not once has there been accountability. and so i would argue and call on journalist across the world here to not hold their breath for an israeli investigation on for justice. if they want justice, they should take action into their own hands, including by putting their governments fee to the fire and pushing for the i. c. c . investigation. not only to this crime, but until all the crimes been committed against the palestinian people. of course, it's not any journalist in the crosshairs, but people just living that normal lives who lose their lives and lose a homes and lose everything around them. and is always these continuing calls for something to be done about it, but nothing seems to change. in fact, tension seemed to spiral what can be done to try and effect the change that's required well within all the darkness and that
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we see there are glimmers of hope and people across palestine and across the world right now are organized and whether that is protested whether that is boy cut the investments and sanctioned campaign. there has been a massive, massive movement that has been gaining momentum and to free palestine and to and the occupation here. now part of the murder of, of should be in is within that context because right now there is an attempt to literally massacre the vocal cords of the palestinian people and, and those supporting them. and so the 1st step i would say in terms of what needs to be done, is that people need to continue to raise their voices and to ensure that if they live in countries where there are candidates running for parliament, for example, that support israel. they should not vote for their candidates if they are journalists are in the media sector, they should not give a free reign. and the loud voices of israeli propagandists, including spokesperson for the israeli government to speak on their channels
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without being challenged. and if we continue to build this movement, if we continue to act on the ground, part of israel's attack to silence us is because there's really a part that government is afraid of. these rising voices is afraid of these movements, and we shouldn't cower or be distracted by their violence. it should make us more resilient and more persistent in our struggles against it. we may be afraid of the rising voices, but those voices often do not come from significant governments in the international community, which you call for a greater response from them. i would call for a greater response from governments, and i would argue as well, particularly for western governments who have mobilized against the war in ukraine and the invasion of ukraine. i would say that by allowing israel to continue to commit these crimes today. and over the last decades they have aided and abetted
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authoritarian. more than one group regimes across the world to cock israel's tactics under. that's through the murder of journalists. whether that's from invading an occupying to other nations. and so i would argue that for governments, not just because it's the moral thing to do, to support the post and in people's rights to feed them and dignity. but if we want a world where peace truly reigns, where if we want a world where human rights come 1st, then israel needs to be held accountable otherwise. and it would be extremely hypocritical for these governments to, to try and criticize or condemn russia or any other actors that launches a war. but the last point i will add here is governments will not act alone. and if we want our governments to act again, people power is required. everyone watching this should look at the candidates that are running in their districts. look at the people they are supporting, look at the companies that they purchase from. and if any of them support israel,
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they should begun boycotting them and not support them anymore. friday, thanks for that to. if i take her on the speaking to us, he's an activist at the campaign group of ross speaking just from ramallah. well, we've heard from another journalist who is at the scene, but unheard, smudge ahead. al sadi described how the situation unfolded. and what happened was we were waiting for our colleagues to enter the refugee camp at the point where the israeli army was present. we chose a point that did not have any confrontations between the youth and the militants. when we got to a point where we waited for shirley and put on all her safety gear. she then reached us. when we moved to meet her, we made ourselves clear to the army on the passage by indicating the we are the press. then within seconds there was the 1st chart. i told him that we are being targeted. here i've been shot off. i turned and found serene on the ground. i found sharper, shielding herself by a tree and screaming i turned and found serene on the ground in the 1st few seconds
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with the shooting. we were telling each other, but we were being shot up. the shooting continued for more than 3 minutes on the teams that were there. he was injured, he was able to cross the street and get to a point of safety and the shoes and continued. i took refuge on the staircase in the cement factory and the shooting continued. the shooting was targeting south us the last person, but this microsoft was taking refuge under a tree or colleague sharper and i show the shooting towards her continued while she was standing under the tree. and we could not provide 1st day to shirley in the youth came to us, the ones that are in the street are trying to pull cheering out. we're also shelf out whenever anyone move forward, they were shot up and that's similar to his study. he was at the scene when my colleague rob madison spoke with our service managing director, giles trundle here in the studio, and he called for accountability for the killing st. as the managing director of a channel like this, does this give you?
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is it necessary for you to, to stop and consider the circumstances under which journalists who are covering concepts like this and work to a way to try to improve them to make them safer? is a really very much you can do when the circumstances are, as we see them in these, in this particular region, we do as much as we possibly can of the safety. the health and safety of our journalists is, is of paramount importance to us. we have all the necessary protocols for providing the equipment, providing security, providing procedures, safety procedures. we do everything we can to protect our journalists, but we have to recognize that is a dangerous world out there. and there are some states players as well as other players who do target journalists and increasingly, unfortunately in this world today, the media is increasingly coming on the file in all sorts of different ways,
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whether it be physical attack or online attack, or any all sorts of other attacks and intimidation and threats, and as well as al jazeera, another went along with other media. we have to face this, this reality, this depressing reality. but we cannot allow it to sign up for us to stop us from doing what we do because the world needs to know what's happening more than ever in this world. and i think in now past history, it's 25 years of, of algebra history. something like 11, i think it's 11 of our journalists, have been killed. this will now will slowly increase that number. we have had a tough experience of the sort of thing, but we have to carry on. i say to all my colleagues that we do a great job, we are, we've won great awards. we don't do this for win awards. we do this because we believe that we are doing something that is important to do. but our journalism is recognised as and it's important that we carry on doing that because the world we need to know what is happening. is there any anything that i'll just as an
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organization can do with regards to representations to the israeli military, israeli government or indeed to the palestinian authority in the, in the event of something like this? yes, we, we, we will make the necessary communications and with, with all those that we can to try and find out what has happened. i'm sure there will be lots of calls from around the world. we get a lot of support from human rights organizations, governments who will be looking at what happened here, and why a journalist has been shot that journalists killing journalists shooting the messenger is equivalent to a war crime. so we need to know what has happened. the world needs to know what happens. well, cutters, this is for a ministers put out a tweet saying, israeli occupation killed al jazeera journalists, shreed by shooting her in the face while wearing the processed and the helmet. she was covering their attack and janine refugee camp. this state sponsored israeli
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terrorism must stop and unconditional support to israel must end. let's say now from india, and it's about who's a human rights law and professor of international law at al could university. he says there are few ways the israeli army can be held to account. she's a journalist who i am, you know, every, you know, everybody who follows al jazeera and follows media, has known for several years. and it's such a sock to learn of her being part of it had been this way and it's very sad. unfortunately, over the past we've learned that the israeli investigations on, on such a good killings or the, or whatever they might put mistakes have never been serious. mm hm.
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and human rights organizations, for example, like a human rights organization. and that decided that a long time ago that they are no longer going to even interact with the complaint system within the army because it is not serious. it doesn't find is that a disorders guilty and it doesn't hold anybody accountable. and, and that's why, unfortunately, it's not surprising that an event like that is happening despite of course, the shock of learning about the victims and, but, but it's not surprising and i do not expect accountability from that as an alias. but what i don't expect is that the, well, shouldn't that have been, you know, i, let's bring in our correspondence, stephanie tucker, who's in west rue slim at steph putnam at this point. if you would, just to recap on what we know about the circumstances,
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while the circumstances i this is this is the key, right? you're gay. basically our team saying that she got out of the car in the janine refugee camp were shot by these really army. and in the, the facial area and they've been playing video showing her line on the ground. i've seen video also showed extensive injuries to her face. these radios have been issuing multiple statements. we 1st heard it from the army where they said that they were looking into what they believed was potentially palestinian gunmen having shot shooting and, and other palestinian journalist, the israeli prime minister. naturally, bennett has now also put out a statement. i'll read it to you also and reaction to policy and present mahmoud abbas who's of course, also absolutely condemned this and accusing these ready army of killing,
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of killing shooting. so definitely balancing according to the data we have at the moment. there's a good chance that our palestinians, who fired wildly are the ones who led to the unfortunate death of the journalist. so we're now in a game of back and forth if you will, in this tragic unnecessary death. as i said, what we do know the team was sleeping in jeanine covering the ongoing rate that in the refugee camp. and this morning was no larger rate than what we've seen over the last couple of days or so. there has been talk here within these really establishment of perhaps could carry out another large scale raid on the refugee camp targeting gunman in the camp. but that hasn't solidified as of yet. and this happened tragically, in the early hours between i think, 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning. she was shot in the facial area. another colleague
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shot in the back. he seems to be in a stable condition, but certainly soon after pronounced dead very, very tragic and surreal. indeed, her body has been then take it through the streets of janine, her press jacket is a video of that to play sta on her body. and we do understand that our funeral will probably be taking place tomorrow. at serene was a very, very prominent journalist in the region. any news of the wider reaction to her death? yes, i mean everyone is reacting when you're hearing, you know, the highest levels of government cutter has condemned it accusing are these really are me of deliberately targeting her? you've got is ready, prime minister reacting to that to this, just to say like, as we were saying earlier, you know, palestinian journalists have been killed in the past or maimed or seriously injured . shooting is a very prominent journalist. al jazeera is
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a very prominent network backed by cutter. so you are seeing this at the highest levels. we have condemnation through the u. s. ambassador here as a cooling for a full investigation. you have major media networks. now picking this up, asking for our correspondence to be interviewed in reaction to this, this is gaining major international attention. on a diplomatic level. on the media level, you have the, the un special envoy to the region to or venice land also to the middle east. peace process tweeting, condemning quoting for an investigation because of course, you know, forensically and is everything as to what happened here. there is no question from our palestinian colleagues or teams on the ground that she was targeted by the israeli army. and it is, you know, often always accused of using excessive force when it comes to dealing with the media in many occasions. but these really narrative at the moment is that they believe that they've got their initial preliminary look into it. is that it was
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potentially done in a back and forth with palestinian government. so, you know, this is the situation is the facts that we know at the moment, but certainly no doubt from our teams as to who, who shot and culturally, indeed a lot back and forth. you know, one sort accusing the other. but we have a lot, it's a good resolution for god's bolivian investigation that will be widely readable. well, i think widely agreed upon, i don't know, i think because of the high profile nature of this. and because of, you know, this is now also a diplomatic incident, if you will, and there will be an investigation, they will look into it. accountability is another issue. but at the moment, like you say, we're hearing back and forth the teams on the ground. they're there that the story that they described is it, she was shot at by israeli army who were there and the israelis are saying that their initial assessment is that potentially this was done in the crossfire with
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policy in government. there is a video that's been treated by the israeli foreign ministry, showing palestinian gunmen in the camp, firing dead down a narrow alleyway and then saying we hit a soldier, israel to say that no soldiers been hit. so you're now getting into real details which are of course, crucial. but again, you know, when i talk about what we're hearing for our team on the ground who was there, they very much a certain that she was, you know, shot by these ready. i mean, but certainties radius will be, look, they are looking into it because you have all these calls. and again, you know, one of your guess mentioned at their earlier, international pressure at can sometimes lead to something. not always. and because many times these things go passed without incident, because the people affected the journalists affected or the activists affected or the civilians affected are simply not as high profile. and as, as shitty in,
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you know, as al jazeera, as us, that has the potential to, to shine the spotlight on what you know does happen here. it's not, it's not an unusual event. it's a tragic event. it's a senseless event. it's shocking. it's still, i don't think it's really filtered down to any of us, but yeah, it's something that does that does happen here. or it's there, thanks to it, the future to reporting well, let's just recap. veteran the al serra gen listerine actually has been killed, binds really forces in the occupied westbank is what we know so far. serene was reporting on israeli raids in janine and the occupied west bank daily rates there alter a series of deadly attacks inside israel. she was shot in the face despite wearing her precipice, and was declared dead in hospital crowds who carried her body from the hospital through the streets of genie in a procession to want to her details about her funeral. at present. not yet clear.
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let's say now from mister bog gucci, who's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative, and he describes the impunity with which these ready army acts in occupied tartarus . she didn't go out, they will mark as a journalist. she showed she was dress, she was good either in the car will you will mark i was in which was being invaded at the same time by the army. there was no exchange of fire. so there is no possibility whatsoever. and they always use the excuses to cover up the crime, committing against, including posting agenda, and then another job was also shopped in the same incident by the army and all indications that shooting and was shot by on his night vision to cover the vision of the camp the question is the context in which things have happened. the context
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is that we are we not. this is not a conflict between 2 equal type. we have to buy his bill, which is what you find in bathing quality, patient life, and crimes. they have good so far 50 in the beginning of this year. some of them were really like i was a mother of 6 children and was almost completely blind when she, when she was shot, to die on the ground bleeding to death. we don't touch the stations, this is all come up approach to cover that reality here, which is the crime has been committed journalist for no reason whatsoever. and let me say that we only live in a system of your vision. we also live in a system of the worst type type according to the national human rights,
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which so there is no way you can quit and nobody should allow us to cover up this crime. actually, ranch would be heading back down to the not only for killing city and, but also all the other dentist, they have killed. one of my colleagues was provide a job and she was 3 people when she was shocked by the army in the house. and it does not say that and yet, no investigation to live. i might be witness similar to tuition in 1996 when i was in my law while i was embedded and i was struck by night life in my back and nothing happened nor investigation. nobody was held accountable. and that's happening constantly on the clock. and also that reaction coming in the us ambassador to israel for one is tweeted about the killing of st. claire 2 nights
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tweeted and a quote. very sad to learn of the death of american and palestinian journalists sharina of al jazeera. i encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of death and the injury of at least one of the journalist today in jeanine, said the us ambassador to israel tom. well let's hear from you matt patel who's palestine. news director for monday, ice news website focusing on palestinian issues. she says she doesn't believe israel will face accountability, you know, time and time again. it has been shown that you know, israeli forces kill palestinians including palestinian journalists without cause in the occupied territory. and it's very ex, extremely rare that israeli soldiers, captains, or military officials are ever held accountable for their action. you know, is after high profile killing like this or for example,
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the killing of children that often get more significant media attention. it's not uncommon for israeli officials to say that they will investigate to express quote unquote sadness and say that they will investigate these killings. but time and time again, almost without fail, the investigation lead. nowhere, it's ironic that the foreign minister says that journalists must be protected when, when you're talking about journalism in palestine, is the biggest perpetrator of crimes against journalists in, in the west bank. and so, you know, since 95786 palestinian journalists have been killed, those numbers are from the palestinian journalists, indicate, and since 2000 it's estimated that around 50 policy means have been killed. i talked to a representative from the journalist syndicate this morning. he said that just in the past 2 years, the palestinian journalists were killed in the west bank and gaza. hundreds have been injured. i mean, over the years and according to to bait. which is israel leading human human rights
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organization. the use of lethal for by israeli forces to the west bank is a crucial element in israel. ability maintain its control over millions of palestinians. and unfortunately, journalists are often to target as they are. the ones who are, are covering israel crimes and attacks in the occupied territory. unfortunately, again, i would have to say there's little to no confidence in foreign governments and 3rd party states at this point when it comes to putting pressure on israel for its crime. there needs to be a political, but unfortunately when it comes to israel, there is no political well in terms of holding israel accountable for its crimes. and to tax on the journalist in press, you know, time and time again, when palestinian journalists are killed. when children are killed, when unarmed women are killed, when anyone is tell them the webpage is maybe, you know, oftentimes you'll see the sort of statement from us or european officials. but
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unfortunately they're often just empty statements that followed up by you know, lack of action. it's one thing to say, oh, you know, we condemn this killing and we, you know, at that house in the journalist or the rights of journalists should be protected. but if the us were to come out with that sort of statement, but then immediately after continue funding israel and continue funding israel military as it has been for years, sort of without any real consequences then, then i don't believe that that the situation will change my check here is israel and palestine director of human rights watch. he says international action must be taken to hold israel accountable for the systematic and deliberate targeting of palestinian civilians and journalists. there have been up taken killings of palestinians of violence across his or on palestine in recent weeks. that story, whenever there are reports of killing so often isn't told. and sharyn woke up in the early morning to go tell that story and was killed while doing that. and i
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think it's absolutely horrific. ah, it's of course not a one off event. you know, we know that israeli forces systematically have used excessive force. the un commission of inquiry investigated those events and documented on the israeli forces shots at journalists knowing who they were. so this is an event that needs to be understood in the context of the systematic practice and the killings of many other palestinian journalists. so human rights watch is still investigating the specifics of what took place. you've heard that i witnessed testimonies of other palestinians who have been there who talked about being in close proximity to israeli, of forces there being no palestinian resistance in the area. but i think it's important to understand this in the context of the systematic practice of excessive force by israeli forces. israeli investigations are white, white,
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white wash mechanism. that is the assessment that's been reached by human rights organizations, including israel's premier human rights organization. but selim human rights watch has a similar diagnosis. israeli forces regularly when news, you know, of their crimes are reported say they'll investigate. those are routinely leading to a white washing mechanism, no accountability. these kinds of killings highlights the necessity of the international criminal court. moving forward, you know, with it's a formal prob, into serious crimes committed in palestine because the reality is there is no accountability for these sorts of abuses when it comes to actions by the israeli authorities. we have a long record that states back decades of, of palestinian journalists being detained, arrested for their, for their reporting. human rights watch is documented on these incidents and of
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course is really forces regularly use excessive force and, and other means that, that go far beyond international law authorizes in the way of polices demonstrations in the surrounding areas. and we've seen journalist shot at killed, including, you know, yes, for example, yasser, but it says gen garza during the gaza march of return. and as noted, the un investigated those events, the commission of inquiry form to look into these events and made a clear point of noting that their conclusion was that israeli forces fired at those journalists, knowing full well who they are. it is a gym team. we bring in use as a veteran now does or a journalist has been killed by it's written forces in the occupied west bank, serene eclip was shot in the head well covering an israeli rate on the janine refugee. come out is there a says she was clearly wearing a press jacket. she was declared dead at a nearby hospital. serene was one about zera's 1st feel correspondence joining the channel back in 1997 out 0. media network has put out a statement,
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offering its condolences and said in a blatant murder, violating international laws and norms. the israeli occupation forces assassinated in cold blood out the zeros correspondent out 0 media network condemns is humans crime which intends to only prevent the media from conducting their duty. out 0 holds the as rarely government to the occupation forces responsible for the killing of the late colleague serene. it also calls on the international community to condemn and hold the israeli occupation forces accountable. while another journalist was injured at the scene, but is in a stable condition and he was asked about what to place while in hospital. or am i gonna, we were going to filmed is really army operation. and suddenly they shot us without asking us to leave or stop filming the 1st bullet hit me and the 2nd bullet had sharyn. they killed her in cold blood because they are killers and specialize and killing only palestinian people. so they claim.


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