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tv   News  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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uses coverage on al jazeera, i joined dodge zeros part of the launch team in 2006, purchase the survey for a 1000000 mom march. in that time i recovered wars revolutions, elections, of military coups, from the preventers of characters. so the battle fields around most of our job is to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. ah ah sh. you watching al jazeera ly from my headquarters in doha. i'm fully betty, but thank you for joining us. as we continue to report on the killing of our colleague al jazeera journal is sharing abruptly by israeli forces in the occupied westbank. she was shot while covering and he's really raid in the city of jeanine
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al jazeera media network has called it a blatant murder, violating international laws and norms. jamal o child has this report don't shoot the messenger unless you're in israeli soldier. in that case, you're seemingly ok with shooting a reporter who's clearly identifiable as a journalist and poses no threat. should he and barclays is the latest report or to be killed by the israeli military, which has a long history of targeting journalists and news outlets. particularly al jazeera and sharing a veteran reporter who spent her life covering events and occupied palestine was among a group of journalists documenting what was happening in janine early on wednesday . according to eye witnesses and video footage, she was wearing a safety vest and helmets, both of which clearly identified her as
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a member of the press. despite this or maybe because of it, sure it was shot and killed. and we were going to filmed is really army operation. and suddenly they shot us without asking us to leave or stop filming the 1st bullet hit me. and the 2nd bullet had sharin. they killed her in cold blood because they are killers and specialize and killing only palestinian people. so they claim that some palestinian militants were there. we had no resistance and there was no palestinian resistance at all. at the scene. the journalist ali somebody was also shot and injured in the attack. there was no exchange of fire. so that is not possibility whatsoever. understand? yeah, not the city, not wildly. the army always uses these excuses to cover up the crimes, commuting against palestinians, including post in your journals. according to rights groups. israel has killed 50 journalists since 2000, and injured more than 144 in the past 4 years alone. him hard on. good.
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oh, not good. this is also not the 1st time israel has intentionally targeted al jazeera last year. the networks office in garza was formed to rebel while journalists travadone b did. he was assaulted by israeli forces, whilst reporting on israel's ethnic cleansing of arab residence in occupied east jerusalem street got off neighbourhood. israeli authorities say they've launched an investigation of human rights group, say they have little faith in israeli justice, particularly with renowned organizations like human rights watch and amnesty international, accusing israel of implementing a system of apartheid that i am human rights organizations for example, like bit saved limb and is that a human rights issue and that decided
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a long time ago that they are no longer going to even interact with the complaint system with invisible eli army because it is not serious. it doesn't find israeli soldiers guilty. cut out of foreign ministry whose country hosts the al jazeera network, issued the statements with senior diplomats run hot or demanding an end to what she called state sponsored israeli terrorism. the european union and other members of the international community have also condemned the killing. but all these condemnations have fallen short of including any sanctioning or punishment for a crime that threatens the essence of any free society. a free press should in was kill, trying to inform the world of what was happening in her country. the world now knows that an occupied palestine, no one is safe from israel's bullets. not even journalists
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are my lecture young. i just 0. well, the doctor who carried out the autopsy on shipping abil actually has been describing her injuries. ryan al ali says the bullet that kills serene was direct and fatal, lost the injury was massive, and there was a complete laceration in the brain together with a big fracture of the sco al jazeera media network has put out a statement, offering his condolences and said in a blatant murder of violating international laws and norm c, israeli occupation forces assassinated in cold blood al jazeera is correspondent, al jazeera media network condemns, is heinous crime. which intense only prevent the media from conducting their duty. al jazeera holds these really government and the occupation forces responsible for the killing of our colleagues, sharon. it also calls on the international community to condemn and hold these really occupation forces accountable. let's go to you now. fired. was in gather
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city for as you know, there's been a vigil there for our connie car, are people remembering her yes, holly, this visual that has been held here in on, on the, the site of the rebels of our old building that was bombed by israeli forces on may 2021. this is how the policy in godsa have a decided to remember she read. they have come here. they have lit the candles, they have given out a words and they have said words in her remembrance, in her memory un, commemorating she read about who the person. she was a lots of palestinians here in the gaza strip. remember she read as an icon, a very important a. 9 pillar of journalism, a journalist, and a messenger who has always been transferring and delivering,
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they're showing their suffering to the world. so lots of other also protests sincerely, dairy t with the killing of sherry and condemnations hath been made by different figures, official, and even civilians. that have condemned widely the killing of the she read the targeting of such an expect tional journalist like she read this has definitely been a very painful day for us. a very sad day for everyone in not just in the gaza strip, worried to occupy territory, but also around the world. everyone remembers she read for the human being. she was lots of colleagues. remember how much she wanted to come to the gaza strip, and lots of people talk about how it is a big loss to lose such a person and such a journalist. indeed her death. indeed, a very painful day for all of us. you know,
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i think you very much human science live there in city. now earlier, today's daily police toward the family home of charade need occupied east jerusalem as mourners spade their respect, their relatives, friends, and supporters of the journalist killed protested against the police action. stephanie deca has more from outside to reins home in occupied eastern people have been coming out throughout the day. the numbers increasing as slightly now we've also had a bishop come to pay his respects to the family at the moment. you have some uncles and aunts and niece as well. we're expecting sharon's brother to arrive back this evening. and another nice arriving to morrow. incredible sadness here in shock at the funeral will be held in baton in this area occupied east jerusalem. on friday. we expect numbers to be big, but tomorrow her body will be taken to the mcarthur in that are my lower parent
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present mahmoud abbas will be to where he will, you know, hold to service for her and then yes. and then on friday her funeral be here. in a church and then she will be buried and beaten enough. the funeral will be big. will there potentially be clashes after the funeral? maybe? you know, it's difficult to say what it's done, i think, is again highlighted very much something that is a daily occurrence in the sense of, you know, whether it's journalists being targeted during covering different, you know, different stories here in east jerusalem. often you have protest, why? because of forced evictions of homes or home demolitions or you have, you know, in the occupied west bank. you have raids and arrests and protests, or in garza, we've seen, you know, the border protest over the years. again, the army using heavy force using sniper fire on earlier sharing a black, his body was brought to the al jazeera headquarters in the occupied west. spank. ah,
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a large crowd had gathered outside the building in ramallah to pay their respects and express their anger over the killing. a greeting, colleagues and friends prayed over her remains before serene spotty was carried through the streets of the city. abraham has more from ramallah. we know city is a very well respected journalist, but it's still a very hard thing to see. people who don't know her personally, people who just came because they seen her on tv for years covering and telling their stories. so they were here. they were crying. we've also seen our colleagues who have been in jeanine since the early morning, some of them who are with her when she was shot injured, taken that the hospital were shouting at her, asking her to wake up. they were in shock, so others went in the morning when they heard the news to janine. and then all of them brought the body here, put on the law to al josie had as building one of the places she loved and spent
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a lot of time. and we've seen their colleagues hugging each other, even the people that i've been seeing throughout this morning, holding up trying to be strong, pushing through. i've seen them break down a difficult seeing the we can say that palestine is morning one of her kind female journalists, the building towards the hospital where she inst, buddy is gonna stay for the night ahead of the preparations for the a burial ceremony. we've seen people here go in there as continuous protest, walk in the streets of drama, la, remembering city and chanting slogans. i remembered in her so we are expecting the body to be taken to morrow to the presidential headquarters
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where there is going to be an official ceremony held by the palestinian president til honor. she did. and we are expecting the by to the berries, to live on friday. well, here's what we know about the killing of our colleagues so far. sharina barkley was reporting on is really raised in gene in the occupied westbank near daily res. have been carried out thereafter. a series of deadly attacks inside israel. she was shot in the head despite wearing her press best doctors say she was killed instantly and couldn't have been saved. even if she had reached hospital. a body has been carried to the al jazeera bureau in ramallah, as you saw, and on thursday, it'll be taken to the palestinian presidential compound them a cutter or reaction has been coming in from around the world from the biden administration as well. let's go to our white house correspondent,
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kimberly hoc it from on that. kimberly, what are we hearing from the white house? the deputy white house press secretary carrine, jean pierre has spoken to reporters aboard air force one. she said we strongly condemn the killing of al jazeera journalist and american citizen sharina abba clay in janine today. and we sent our deepest condolences to her family. we call for a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances of her death. investigating attacks on independent media prosecuting, those responsible are of paramount importance. we will continue to promote media freedom and protect journalists ability to do their jobs without fear of violence threats to their lives, or safety or unjust detention. so this is a statement that is the white house, the by the administration says is of paramount importance to the president. now in terms of the president visiting the region, he does have a,
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a scheduled visit to israel next month. the white house or deputy white house press secretary, was asked about that. whether there can be any more detailed given about that trip in the context of the killing of sharina. barclays, the deputy white house press secretary would not offer any details, nor would she confirm or deny whether or not the president would be making any plan calls to the israeli government. now we should point out in all of this, the underscoring in this statement is the desire to promote media freedom and the desire to prosecute those who are responsible for this killing. it is important to note that the international federation of journalists last month filed a case to the international criminal court. because of course, the targeting of journalists is a violation of international law. something that has been repeated on our network for out our coverage. i and the reason that this case was filed last month was for
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the alleged like targeting a palestinian journalist. there is the point being may, that as there has been widespread coverage in the western media of the targeting of journalists covering the war and ukraine by the russian military. that in many ways this is no different. and yet, it doesn't seem to get the same media coverage of as a result. this is a case that is once again, getting the spotlight. now terms of the biden administration, the media, freedom and press freedom is something that is of importance. is the something that the president has talked about repeatedly. he calls this something that the journalists or guardians of truth. he will be speaking about this on friday when he meets with king of dollar of jordan. this is something that now of course is going to become a lot more complicated in the context of this killing. indeed, kimberly, thank you for that. kimberly how katie's on white house correspondent as you've
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been hearing, a sharina colleague was not just palestinian, but she was also american usa department spokesman ned prize has commented on our killing saying we're heart broken by and strongly condemned the killing of american journalist trevino o'clock in the west bank, the investigation must be immediate and thorough, and those responsible must be held accountable. her death is an affront to media freedom everywhere. or the international center of justice for palestinians has demanded an investigation into the systematic targeting of journalist by israel independent organization, which works to protect the rights of palestinians to the law said sharina dedicated her life to one of the most important principles in a democracy. freedom of speech, journalists like sharina, crucial in holding governments that violate international law to account. israel's belligerent and excessive use of force has led to irreversible damage, and the killing of innocent journalists. this can no longer be allowed to continue
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. while joining me now is sheriff monsoon, who's a middle east in north africa program coordinator for the committee to protect journalists, says joining us from washington. thank you so much for being with us. it's not the 1st time that israel has targeted al jazeera, not the 1st time that palestinian jonas are deliberately targeted by israel. what is your reaction 1st? where of course, shock the so one of those things immediately came out of us is that we want to hear and comprehensive investigation and to what happened to her. and i think more than anything pining this caution is because happening exactly a year after that you have asked for a pool into 3 or 4. it is actions against at least 20 media outlets last year and gloating kitting one drone on us last year. and in some ways, the next month, we will see the 1st,
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the findings of the commendation about it. and we're hoping that this case will inform the un report, but also will encourage them to read these issues directly with them and jointly and un human rights council and un general assembly sessions in september to the by did administration specifically has an obligation here not just on the moral support for the principle of freedom, but also as the representative for the interest of a family, unheard of interest as a us citizen, as well and justice. so we're hoping that when a president biden visits the region next month, this will be a review. what more can you tell us sheriff about the treatment of palestinian
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general by israeli forces who has been documented the least 18 cases since 1992 of jonas being killed in a city. and i, myself, i've led through a few guys though, documented, for example, in 2018. our tucson lists were killed by a lady snipers while covering a protest. and in 20142012. when there was because the war we so $7.00 should be killed. and it's just the fact that there was no justice in all of the cases, not even investigation. and most of these cases hold anyone accountable in israel or in the city and kind of tories as a reason why it's important that you all should be the focus and should be
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the way we can seek accountability a u. n. prov. you say, can anything more be done to make things easier and safer for journalists working in these kinds of areas and not just in, in, in this region. as you've said, it's very difficult. but in places like mexico as well. whether you seen another journalist killed this week, laser unit is a long time, and we have to commit to is have documented 1400, at least the skin because of the work. and unfortunately, only 80 percent or so of those cases. we can see distribution or any we're going to see any indictment of the trade, let alone master miles down the we have seen some progress and some democratic governments,
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but the issue remains large in the middle east. not just because of the chemicals on the solar covering dangerous assignments or military zones, but also targeted murder right, was wrong. so war corruption or even walk into walk. so it's a long story. in this case, i think we have enough international attention now to make those recommendations on the ground to see accountability, speaking of international intention. sure. if there was a communication filed with the international criminal court recently in relation to for the journalists who were targeted for the palestinian journalist, do you think the killing of a colleague will lend more wind? we'll put more weights to the case that's on the desk of the i see, right. i think they were investigating that this,
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the killing, but also all sort of tax again is on. and i think we have seen sure, you know aqua reporting for 25 years of what happened and including a journalist or covering the situation there. and we don't wanna exclude just the cases that like shooting and gets in attention. we want also local john was full journalist. those who do not even have an institutional support for him. and i would just like a cedar to speak on their behalf to be counted and assaults against them are also, and it should not go unpunished. and this is why i think it's important that this is an issue to be re, is individually by western capitals, but also collectively in the un system. and in the only human rights council and
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you, in general and them. thank you so much for talking to us sheriff man. so from the committee to protect channels. joining us from washington. thank you for your time . thank you for having our there's been a lot of reaction around the wealthy us ambassador to the un has called for a transparent investigation into the killing. i just want to express my sincere condolences over ah, the law serve, the palestinian american. ah journalist alger journalists, who sco sharing, ah, it was really, really ah, horrifying. she's well respected. she was doing her job, the jobs that you all do every single day. and i, i just want to express my condolences to her family, her friends, her colleagues are in fact all of us for, for her loss of the situation of her killing is being i investigated and we
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call for a transparent investigation. kristen salumi is live at the united nations christian . tell us more about the reaction sand. well secretary general antonio gutierrez, the high commissioner for human rights. michelle bash lay and the special envoy for the middle east tor venison have all called for an independent investigation into the death of our colleagues during avo o'clock. they are saying that this is a, a basic freedom that must be protected the right of the media to do their job. and we are getting a quick response from the middle east on by tore venice land. he was quick to condemn the shooting and call for accountability. he said media workers should never be targeted. of course, united nations has actually been sounding the alarm over the past month about rising tensions in the occupied territories. and in particular,
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in old jerusalem where the high commissioner for human rights office talked about the, the a parent wide spread unnecessary and indiscriminate use of force against palestinians, and called for a international response to ease tensions there. lest the violence get more serious, that international response from the security council never came. so i think it's significant that we're hearing from u. s. officials like linda thomas greenfield here at the united nations coming out and calling for that independent investigation. greenfield talked about sharina and the fact that she was interviewed by her just this past november. she said that her killing was quote, horrifying. she was well respected, she was doing her job. she said that she left her interview with her with a respect and a great respect for the job that she had done and the work that she was doing there
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. so when i pressed her on what the united states message would be to israel, she said it would be for this transparent investigation investigation that both sides take part in. and that is not a small request given the lack of trust between the sides. in this conflict, but certainly the, the death of this woman is getting a lot of attention here at the international at the, the, in the international spotlight. and it, thank you for that, christine christine salome life for us at the united nations. let's get european reaction now with nadeem baba in london, nadeem. while fully there has been a wide spread reaction from numerous sources across the continent. the are you kays ambassador to israel tweeted that he was deeply saddened by sharina killing and in his words, i urge a rapid, thorough and transparent investigation,
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but didn't say who should carry that investigation out the. busy french foreign ministry put out a statement saying that she reads death as it called. it was deeply shocking saying that france condemns it and sang a transparent investigation should begin as soon as possible with a european union. actually put out a statement, going slightly further, saying that term there should be an independent investigation. kyra carried out into sharon's killing or and am pointing out that she was and she was killed as she was own reporting on her operations by the israeli forces in jeanine in the occupied west bank. slight differences in tone there, but no detail about who should carry out any suppose it investigation. and then there is, as you've heard from guests again and again been condemnation words expressing
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concern. and so. busy for many years, and after it even deaths and targeting of foreign journalists let alone palestinian journalists rarely has there been any accountability actually delivered. and human rights organizations have also been reacting. nettie. yes, amnesty international. i had prepared estatements calling on his rail to do something to reduce what it called the unlawful killings of palestinians and particular children, which it said had gone up in the last year. but now it's amended that statement or to talk about tertiary not a blacklight saying that this killing was quote, a bloody reminder of the deadly system in which israel locked palestinians. israel is killing palestinians, left and right with impunity. it goes all to call for accountability. the national
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union of journalists here in the u. k, has called an appalling act of violence and said butcher one other group, the i f j who's taking a israel to the i. c. c is trying to add this case to their complaint. and im thank you for that. madeline barber live there in london. while earlier we heard from her samsung lot was the palestinian ambassador to the united kingdom and a personal friend of she now blackly. he said israel is trying to stifle the truth . she is not the 1st and regrettably, might not be the last honest. the new job list will be murder assassinated by those li occupation. it's not only killing the body or should it's filling. the spirit offered him the message or should he the idea? actually, it is telling the truth, this occupation is after the truth that they want to us to submit the truth. there was a silly journalism. they want to be sure that the committee, the crimes,
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but without that being reported, it's that cover. so the, the bullet that head her head, a brilliant sparnhead was a bullet targeted at the truth targeted at the international community called targeted at the profession of press and journalism. targeted everybody who wants to reveal the truth. and also this is linked to the lack of accountability is what has been doing this for a long, long time. 74 years. jordan, us medics, teachers bypasses what have you children. and there is no accountability. all what we hear from the international community. i mean here, government, including the u. k. government are statements of concern with no action when in fact, such at the level it targeted killing of a journalist minutes an immediate international criminal investigation by the i. c . c and immediate or imposition of sanctions on the occupying state. that is as
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well. and when we follow what the west, the western countries are doing.


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