tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera May 11, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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1st parliamentary elections since the country went into economic collapse in 2019 political and security pensions are running high with many lebanese desperately wanting chains and new leadership. but will their votes be enough to change the status quo? special coverage on l 0. ah, ah, it's 1800 hours g m t 9 pm, also in from our line the occupied west bank um, fully battery bo, thank you for being with us on al jazeera, on what has been a difficult day for us as we continue to report on the killing of our colleague al jazeera journalist, sharing apple clay by israeli forces in the occupied west bank. she was shot while covering and he's really raid in the city of jeanine. al jazeera media network has
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called it a blatant murder, violating international laws and norms, jamal a child begins our coverage with this report. oh, don't shoot the messenger unless you're in his really soldier. in that case, you're seemingly okay with shooting a reporter who's clearly identifiable as a journalist and poses no threat. should he in a barclay, is the latest reporter to be killed by the israeli military, which has a long history of targeting journalists and news outlets. particularly al jazeera should in a veteran reporter who spent her life covering events and occupied palestine was among a group of journalists, documents, who knew what was happening in janine early on wednesday. according to our witnesses and video footage, she was wearing a safety breast and helmet, both of which clearly identified her as a member of the press home. despite this or maybe because of its short,
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he was shot and killed. and we were going to filmed is really army operation. and suddenly they shot us without asking us to leave or stopped filming the 1st bullet hit me and the 2nd bullet hit sharina. they killed her in cold blood because they are killers and specialized, and killing only palestinian people. we had no resistance and there was no palestinian resistance at all. at the scene. journalist somebody was also shot and injured in the attack. there was no exchange of fire. so there is no possibility whatsoever. they always use the excuses to cover up the crime, committing against palestinians, including post indian generalist, according to rights groups. israel has killed 50 journalists since 2000 and injured more than 144 in the past 4 years alone.
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this is also not the 1st time israel has intentionally targeted al jazeera. last year, the networks office in garza was bomb to rebel. while journalists divided by it was assorted by israeli forces, whilst reporting on israel's ethnic cleansing of our president in occupied east jerusalem street. the rough neighborhood, israeli authorities say they've launched an investigation of human rights group, say they have little faith in israeli. just particularly with renowned organizations like human rights watch and i'm going to see international accusing israel of implementing a system of apartheid that high off and human rights organizations, for example, like bid zaitlin and israeli human rights organization. and that decided a long time ago that there are no longer going to even interact with the complaint system with invisible eli army because it is not serious. it doesn't find israeli
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soldiers guilty. i thought his foreign ministry, whose country hosts the al jazeera network, issued a statement with senior diplomats load one hot or demanding an end to what she called state sponsored israeli terrorism. the european union and other members of the international community have also condemned the killing. but all these condemnations have fallen short of including any sanctioning or punishment for a crime that threatens the essence of any free society. a free press should in was kill, trying to inform the world of what was happening in her country. the world now knows that in occupied palestine, no one is safe from israel's bullets. not even journalists or my lunch or young. i just 0 on the dunk till carried out the autopsy on to me
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now blackly has been describing her injuries. ryan ali says the bullet that killed shaheen was direct and fatal. last injury was massive and there was a complete laceration in the brain together with a big fracture of the sco the al jazeera media network has put out a statement, offering his condolences and said in a blatant murder, violating international laws and norms. these really occupation forces assassinated in cold blood damages here is correspondent al jazeera media network condenses heinous crime which intense only prevent the media from conducting their duty. al jazeera holds is really government and the occupation forces responsible for the killing of our colleague serene. it also cause an international to e t to condemn and hold these really occupation forces accountable. well, earlier sharina body was brought to al jazeera offices in the occupied westbank.
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a large crowd had gathered outside the building in remind led to pay their respects and express their anger over the killing a greeting. colleagues and friends freed over her remains before serene spotty was carried through the streets of the city. neither abraham was therefore us. we know city is a very well respected journalist, but it's still a very hard thing to see. people who don't know her personally, people who just came because they seen her on tv for years covering and telling their stories. so they were here. they were crying. we've also seen our colleagues who have been in jeanine since the early morning, some of them who are with her when she was shot injured, taken that the hospital were shouting at her, asking her to wake up. they were in shock, so others went in the morning when they heard the news to janine. and then all of
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them brought the body here, took them along to l. just it as a building, one of the places she loved and spent a lot of time, and we've seen their colleagues hugging each other, even the people that i've been seeing throughout this morning holding up trying to be strong, pushing through. i've seen them break down a difficult seeing the we can say that palestine is morning one of her kind female journalists. they're building towards the hospital. where should inst, body is gonna say for the night ahead of the preparations for the burial ceremony. we've seen people here go in a continuous protest, walk in the streets of drama, la, remembering city chanting slogans. i remembered in her so
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we are expecting the buddy to be taken tomorrow to the presidential headquarters where there is going to be an official ceremony held by the palestinian president. so honor, she did and we are expecting the body to be buried in 2 weeks to live on friday. and earlier this afternoon is rainy. police stormed the family home in occupied east jerusalem. the family home of serene as people pay their respects, their relatives friends, and supporters of the journeys caled protested against the police faction. lisco live to stephanie deca, who is dean, occupied east jerusalem outside of sharina family home. you've been there for a few hours now and i see lots of people still trying to get there. yes sir, the numbers of people who are here offering their condolences also. you've had some
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childs by some of the young men there. you can see them starting yet now waving the palestinian flag, calling for revenge for her death holding for unity also among the palestinians. ah, honda, basically people arriving here, family, friends, neighbors. just anyone wanting to pay respect to some of the family members inside the home at the moment. you have the sister in law of shitty in here. her brother who's inoperable, be arriving tonight. and her niece will be arriving tomorrow. you mentioned that we've been here for most of the day. 3 israeli police offices arriving here, entering the house. people were outrage extremely angry, telling them to stop the patriotic song that they were playing, speakers just outside and i went inside when it happened and people were yelling for them to get out. her sister in law was in tears extremely traumatic. they did leave in the end, they did also turned down the patriotic songs that were being played. but it just
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gives you indication people are extremely angry saying how, you know, completely unnecessary disrespectful. it was for them to enter the home. and the family is in severe morning still in shock as to i did as to what has happened. a lot of anger, you say stephanie sharina, of course, was a household name in palestine. and her death has happened against the backdrop of, of systematic violence against palestinians which you have been covering in the last few weeks. what reaction can we expect from the palestinian streets in the coming days? oh, there is a lot of anger and i think there's also again, the reminder that there is never any accountability when you do have these kinds of incidence. that happened in the happened all the time is mentioning earlier. funny she read is incredibly high profile. she's extremely well known as a household name there as a very powerful network. it is backed by a powerful country that you know has relations with israel in the sense of dealing
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with the gaza, dealing with mass dealing with trying to calm the ground at time. so you have a complex web here, or i've allegiances in the sense that this is now being highlighted. i've covered funerals of journalists, palestinian journalists that would never make international headlines that would never be discussed with united nations. that would never have the state department condemnation pulling a proper investigation. so you know, i think there is anger. i think a funeral. we will see a large, large presence at the funeral on friday. that's going to be taking place here in jerusalem. i to impossible to predict is going to ignite the ground. it is already quite a 10 situation near valley over the last 2 months or so with various factors that play, but certainly this, again, the highlighting the impunity or the dangers also of doing the job here as a journalist, protected the palestinian journalist and you know, as we mentioned as well, this is a team that you the ground extremely well. they've been covering, janine,
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they've been covering the occupied west bank for decades for years. they know how to operate. right. so yeah, still very much, very much in shock. everyone. you've covered this story, these really palestinian conflicts for a number of years now. stephanie and you've worked alongside them very brave palestinian journalists, as you mentioned, what do you think this will do to the resolve of palestinian journalists, who have been covering the occupation a while having spoken to my friends and colleagues was there's extreme sadness is extreme outrage. no one has said that they're going to stop doing that job. in fact, it's only given the more, you know, resolve the spotlight again has been shut on something that really doesn't often get judged on. on what is almost many people will tell you, has become the norm. you see arab countries normalizing relations in a way. with israel, you see less international pressure when it comes to finding
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a solution. to this, we're going to see the escalation ebbs and flows of tensions here of conflict unless you address the underlying issue, which is the occupation i've been? yes, you mentioned i've been, i've been come here since around 2006. i've covered the gods awards. i was here when the last piece talks were happening and they weren't even piece talk funny. they were tool to starting to talk 2014. this was the last time that happened and they didn't achieve anything. and if you look at the ground, if you look at any potential for future palestinian stage, which what the $967.00 lions is the occupied west bank, gaza, and occupied east jerusalem as their capital over the years, the land has been going. settlement expansion has been going home definitions in east organizations take it so it's very difficult for palestinians to see that there is an end in sight of actually getting a palestinian state. the result remains that, but there is international pressure has pretty much dissipated. what people will
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tell you what is happening today is that you are seeing a level of dialogue and pressure, at least from damnation that we haven't seen for a while. and, and also just briefly, buddy. you know, the killing of a palestinian journalist. you've had these ready for him and said he is ready. defense mentions wait, 5 minutes to talk about it in parliament just never happens. it never gets to this level. and yes, because of the spotlight, of course, my investigation is heated. my colleagues on the ground at our colleagues are searching, but there is no debate into what happened this morning. and you need to choose targeted by the israeli military. the israel initially were saying that perhaps according to their information that could have been policy and government, but we've now even had the chief of staff backtrack in the last 2 hours and saying that it was not clear what it was to hardy to tell. they could not establish which side fire. so again, according to her colleagues, according to policies, there is no debate. what happened in once again,
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i think it is important that this is now being talked about because this is something that happens on a daily basis. new. thank you very much, stephanie decker reporting that live outside the home of a late colleague serene in occupied east. jerusalem and una outside is in garza where people have also been paying tribute to chevy and ab walking in the gaza strip. a visual has been held to commemorate the memory of serene above candles had been lighted. here at the rebels of our old building, a 0 building that was bombed last me. why do you really forces? this is a way that policy is in the gaza strip. had shown to express their support, silly dairy t and condolences to city and to remember her name and to pay tribute to her memory who they consider an icon and a unique journalist who has always been delivering their messages on their
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suffering to the world. while there's been reaction from around the world to the killing of a colleague, let's go to our white house correspondent, kimberly how kit in washington. kimberly tell us about what the biden administration has been say. that's right, the white house deputy press secretary corrina, john pierre has spoken to reporters on board air force while as the president was traveling to the american mid west, i'll read the statement. it is lengthy, but i think it deserves to read in its entirety. she says we strongly condemned the killing of al jazeera journalist and we should note american citizen sherry and abba clay in janine today, and we extend our deepest consort dolan says to her family, we call for a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances of her death. investigating a tax on independent media prosecuting those responsible are of paramount importance. we will continue to promote media freedom and protect journalists ability to do their jobs without fear, violence threats to their lives,
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or safety or unjust detention. and we should go on to point out the she added that the u. s. president. well, there were questions about him, potentially traveling to the region, specifically israel next month. she would not address the trip, or whether or not the u. s. president would be making any phone calls to the israeli government about this incident, but certainly there are very loud calls for an investigation coming. not just from members of the biden administration, but also from members of congress who are outraged by this killing, including by the member of congress, receded to leave, who is a palestinian american. she represents love from a city in the us state of michigan who has said that the a world is standing by as a part of israel is continuing to murder torture and commit war crimes. and she alleges that to sharon was murdered by government that receives unconditional
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funding by a country or by our country. meaning the united states with 0 accountability. she's referring to the fact that the united states gives israel billions of dollars every year and has for decades. and the writing and all of this is that potentially one of those weapons paid for by american taxpayers has now killed an american so well, there are disputes about how this killing occurred. as certainly there are many who have already made their minds up, including at least one member of congress, and that is for she to, to leave. now we should point out in the midst of all of this, there is significant amount of morning that is taking place, not just in the region, but this starting to grow here in the united states as well. not only has the press club here in the united states is the washington press club, been issuing statements, but many of the foreign journalists say here at the white house and in washington are shocked by this news. are talking about it, some are crying. i and many just can't believe that once again,
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one of their old has been killed doing their job. in fact, this is something that the u. s. president talked about the dangers, the growing dangers and the need to protect press freedom. in fact, he talked about it a recent white house correspondents association dinner, saying that to what journalists do is guard the truth, that journalists or guardians of the truth. this is something that he believes needs to be upheld. now we should point out one work calendar item that is on the president scheduled happens this friday. he was already scheduled to meet with the king of jordan, king of dela, no doubt. this is something that is going to register on b items of agenda that will need to be discussed as these 2 men meet on friday in the oval office. kimberly thank you very much for that update. kimberly how kit lie for us there at the white house. will let you now speak to. i'm a i was night who's the executive director of the u. s. campaign for palestinian. right? he's joining us live from washington. all eyes has been on,
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on washington today for reaction and the biden administration. the killing of our colleague is happening, of course, against the backdrop of systematic violence on palestinians. there's a larger practice as you know, taking place here. i want to ask you 1st, what you would like to see and hear from the biden administration besides the usual condemnation and the calls so investigations. well, the 1st of all, thank you for having me and you know, may she rest in peace. clearly you're seeing angst and anger all across the globe. and what we're all looking for is justice. it's very simple. these thorough investigations have to be independent because we cannot depend on the israelis to investigate themselves. this is a investigation that has led to 0 results over 70 years. when you talk about the countless palestinians that have lost their lives over 50 palestinians, just this calendar year. and as far as the biden administration,
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i would think that the biden administration could do more than words when a us citizen is gone down abroad. bobbing protected by a press, vest clearly delineating that they should be protected, that they are there to cover and offer truth to the entire world about what is happening on the ground in palestine. and so they bought an administration has their work cut out for them in terms of an investigation. we've heard lots of statements and reactions that are calling for an independent investigation. who should be responsible you think for leading investigation? the palestinian people have for some time now looked to the international criminal court. we have not been able to begin the process of holding a case of the inner international criminal court. but the thought is that as palestinians were currently a stateless people in the us, government is clearly unwilling to protect the palestinians and palestinian americans. and so if the palestinian authority cannot protect us and the u. s.
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government, the greatest financier are the greatest supporter of israel is not willing to protect us. we may need to look at body such as the international criminal court. but the i, c. c doesn't have that jury jurisdiction to deal with individual cases like that's right. and therein lies again, the problem here that apparently, palestine and palestinians exist with in a black hole, internation, violations of intern, to lash international law that occur in other nations can be held to account. however, if these atrocities occur within the palestinians or territories were simply told, i see see, doesn't have jurisdiction. palestinian authority is on equipped, and the israelis as always, find no fault of their own. and so what happens now? what happens next in your view? what happens is the palestinian people continue to fight for justice and continued to resistance to liberation. and those of us all across the world and solidarity
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will do what we can specifically those of those of us in the united states have to demand on our elected officials. that we cannot continue to support the israeli state as it's currently switchable. we cannot continue to support israel with weapons and bullets that are going to be gunning down is innocent people and members of the press. you say palestinians should continue to fight, fight by any means necessary. absolutely, absolutely. you see that people don't understand the incredible violence that we face on the day to day basis with the occupation, the checkpoints, the, the blockades on gaza. the shooting and targeting of journalists just a year ago, we saw an entire building in nevada housing media from across the globe, the bomb. and so what do we say when our government is more worried about the iron, don't protecting israeli citizens? what about the protection of palestinians? even journalists are not safe, and so who is to protect these people? thank you for talking to us and sharing your views. i'm at opposite executive
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director of the us campaign for palestinian mikes. we appreciate your time. thank you for less now. bring in our senior political analyst, my one becerra who is life from london, m r. and before we get into the politics i, i want to get your reaction to the killing of a colleague because i read a very moving piece. you wrote today for our web site. how do you want the well to remember shaheen. shillinger presented what her, you know, what a definition of an honest journalist is. and she definitely went beyond the call of duty as someone who gover their own beloved homeland. that's been under occupation since before she was born. and yet despite the intensity, despite the violence, despite the bloodshed, despite the fact that this was biscuit, an open crime scene for her whole life, her whole career. and yet she was able to be cool and collected. she was or be able
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to be measured, passionate, yet factual. so, you know, in an era where news is driven and shaved by by populists in basements on twitter and facebook. here you have the real deal. you have a real journalist who spent 25 years recklessly, unflinchingly searching for the facts, reporting the facts and hoping to be that voice for the voice as victims in palestine. this was not a one off event. my one is railey forces, have systematically use force against journalist israeli forces have shot at palestinian journalist knowing who they were. israel has bombed our offices in gaza, a given the eye witness accounts of what's happened and the prominence of shaheen
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as a journalist to various reactions we've heard today from international governments like the united states to european union. do you think things something could change after this? could this mark a turning point? well, clearly the israel is, are nervous. and you know, as we all know, unlike north korea or say the us or the regime syria or may and mar, they're, israel is closer themself. what of the west are already in are dependent on the west, and hence they have to keep appearances of being some sort of a human democracy when they are in fact than opp or fade state. so when something like this happened was when things get out of control on they are unable to control the narrative. and when they ought head to head with someone like, or something like al jazeera, which is not, you know, a local news organization, they can be press and close their own and burned down, and so on, so forth. you know, this is a hydra and a we reach out to millions and millions of people around the world and we are
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respected around the world. and as i was just saying, are what journalists and bernstein are some of the most professional in therefore fashion. so differently these read is our words and they must keep up appearances. and as this talk about investigations, although we know that they're only doing it to keep up appearances with the west. the responsibility of course, of all this lies with israel, but i do want to ask you about the role of some countries in this region. the palestinian cause as we know, has united the ab world in the past, the are people the ab street. and yet in the last year, my one last year is so we've seen some arab countries normalize relations with israel. what role do you think that has spades into the impunity receipt? that's, that's a very important question that i would say the following. they have not simply normalized with israel. what today tells us folly is that they have normalized with
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the israeli occupation of palestine. so this was not simply an interstate, you know, normalization of trade and, and, and tourism and so on, so forth. some out of countries have normalize relations with the israeli occupation with an apostate state that every day there is something of or another that reflects the nature of the violin. blood, the aspect of its policies controlling another people, another nation. and hence, that is basically every day an embarrassment for those capitals, some of them repress their own people and how they could care less, whether is read versus the palestinians. i don't think we have too many out of democracies, the normalized inclinations with israel if that counts. but i wanna, i would like to take it for even further, but you know, very short. and in some, if you will, you and i and, and the network has been covering 2 main stories the last few years. and i've got
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to stand and ukraine. the taliban give, give no dan of international law. he might have a low public opinion. and so, so forth. and the one there war against the united states, the world's most important superpower. ukraine, on the other hand, is part and parcel in the west, and is supported by the west. and it is doing rather well against, against russia. again, a world superpower. so what are the pedestal to learn from these 2 lessons? they are trying to reach out to their can i support the government and to the, at a public opinion. they're trying to reach out to a humanitarian, international organization and to the you on forums and so on, so forth. and in their turn, they're getting basically silence indifference. arab regimes are turning their back, the west standing. it's back, which means that more and more by the seniors would find themselves with only violence at hand. more stabbings, more attacks, and the likes. and that will means civil war is not going to be
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a classic conventional war with the maximum distance between any but a spin you and any israeli jew to be something like a 7 miles. this could only be an opportunity that leads to civil strife to conflict between jews and better sinners. and that will spin only only bloodshed and instability, war for palestinians and his rates. my one, thank you very much for the moment. we'll be speaking to you a little later. of course marin michelle is our senior political analyst. now we've also heard reaction from the us ambassador to the united nations as calling for a transparent investigation into the killing of a colleague. i just want to express my sincere condolences over ah, the law serve the palestinian american. ah journalists, alger journalists who scotia ring. ah, it was a really, really, ah, horrifying. she's well respected. she was doing her job,
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the jobs that you all do every single day. and i, i just want to express my condolences to her family, her friends, her colleagues, are in fact all of us for, for her loss of the situation of her killing is being investigated. and we call for a transparent investigation labs. the christian salumi as to the united nations voice our talk us through some of the reactions there. kristin, right, will the secretary general, the high commissioner for human rights suspension envoy for the middle east, or all calling for an independent investigation. when i asked linda thomas greenfield, what the united states is saying to israel, she said that the message was to get to the bottom of what happened here. and she
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said the message was for an investigation in which both sides participate. since she made that comment, we have gotten a statement from israels ambassador to the united nations just recently, and i'd like to read it to you. i the, the statement from ambassador galani ardon says protecting freedom of the press is of critical importance to israel. algiers reporters, serene avo. aqua was killed in jeanine where many of the palestinian terrorists who recently murdered 19 israelis came from. she was killed during a counter terror operation and we express sorrow for her loss. the palestinian authority rushed to blame israel without even the ability to know the facts. that is why we called on the palestinian authority to be transparent and agree to a joint investigation. they have refused this again from israel's ambassador.
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we know that we will be hearing from the palestinian ambassador to the united nations in just a short time before the top of the hour. he is expected to address the media here at the united nations as well. but i have seen a letter that has been sent to the security council from the palestinians. again, calling for accountability a, calling this a murder and cold blood and pointing out that just 2 weeks ago. there was an appeal made to the international criminal court to prosecute israel for violations against journalists. that was made by the national federation of journalists, palestinian journalist syndicate, and the international center for justice, for palestinians. they point out that some 46 journalists in the palestinian territories have been killed by israeli forces since 2000. they are calling this the systematic targeting of journalists. so we have that back and forth happening
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here at the united nations. i think it's significant that the united states did call for a transparent investigation. but clearly israel and palestinian officials have a different concept of what that investigation might look like and who might be responsible for it. and that is going to be the issue going forward and one, but that certainly the palestinians are asking the maternity counsel to weigh. and kristen, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but we're going to go to washington now. and the us state department spokesman net price. right now about the killing of a colleague listed as being essential to inclusive and tolerant societies. it is heart wrenching to see the killing of another journalist just one week. later, we call for an immediate and thorough investigation and full accountability. investigating attacks on independent media and prosecuting those responsible are paramount importance. we will continue to promote media, freedom and protect journalists ability to do their jobs without fear of violence,
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threats to their lives, or safety, or unjust attention, or death is a tragic loss and an affront to media freedom everywhere. with that, i'll take the questions. thanks matt. i see you have a mind or when you're today. i'm very like, well, yes. uh huh. no, that's it. we'll talk later today. yes, i'm on this. this situation when you called for an immediate thorough investigation . who exactly do you want to do? we, it is important to us that those who are responsible for her death be held responsible at full accountability be ensured in this case. but my question is not my question is, who you think incredible investigation into that would be accepted by all parties including you know, well, let's get. i'm not going to prejudge where any investigation may go. we've seen,
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of course, that israel and forces have already announced that there is an investigation underway. we welcome that announcement is important to us. it is important to the world that that investigation be thorough, that it be comprehensive. it'd be transparent. and importantly, that investigations end with full accountability and those responsible for her death being held responsible for their actions. ok, but i mean you want to be involved in the idea has announced an investigation that's b i d f, correct? i standing for israel, that's pro. what about names are awesome israel or the palestinians to take part in what, what is it? i'm sure the palestinians will do their own review as well. we've heard statements from israeli and palestinian over the course of the day. what is important to us is
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that those responsible for this killing be held accountable for their actions. all right, so one more thing and that not preferred, but are you confident that you are not as investigation hasn't been done? it doesn't appear to you. children dispenses right now as you note that she was targeted because she was the germans. i'm not going to prejudge an investigation. that's precisely why we're calling for an investigation. we've heard the statements that she was clearly. she was wearing a toner and it was clearly marked her as a journalist, but we're going to wait for the investigation to go where it goes. we're going to wait to hear where the fax lead, in this case and importantly at the cd accountability that is mounted in the aftermath of that investigation. once, even at 20 years,
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only your trust and i'm back to you would say these are the results and you know, in january, i know you said you talked in and you said you said that you are waiting on and then you will have to. so do you track those ratings investigating these really is have the wherewithal and the capabilities to conduct a thorough comprehensive investigation. let me give you an example because you asked the question in june of 2020 israeli police in jerusalem. the old city fatally shot and you are familiar with this case ill yet hallmark a palestinian resident with autism after he allegedly failed to stop in to obey orders about a year later in june of 2021. the ministry of justice department for investigations of police officers. d i. p. o filed and indicted with the jerusalem district court against the border police officer who shot and killed. clearly israeli authorities
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have the wherewithal to conduct a thorough offer him some investigation. that is what we expect in this case. in this case, we expect that the perpetrators, those responsible for the death of serene, who by the way, was a very close contact of our post someone, our people, someone presumably many of you knew quite well. with this rule, it is important to what it is important to us that her legacy be honored, be protected with accountability for those who senselessly took her life for you know, on this please case that you cited. just bear with me. i know this is, it is i, you know, the israel is char east and maybe 10 bars i'm off. i don't want to let go. but you talk about breastfeeding last week, recipe them day. you know, you never mentioned that house in general or 50 out in, in dallas,
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in prison. they're out there. as we said, eric zucker, danny, which means firstly and malevolent. they're been held there this year after year. they are disallowed from conducting their work from doing their work. good colleague, my how my so i wanted to respond to that. you talked about other things, which is lot, which is great. talk about with joining us face new, clean out of place. but you never mentioned what passed in john's face saying we know what many palestinian journals have faced, and we've commented quite a bit on that. you well, remember what we said in the aftermath of the strike last year against the associated press building against the alta 0 building. in garza, we had an opportunity to speak to that publicly secretary blinking had an opportunity to speak to the editor in chief of the associated press. in the aftermath of that strike, we've spoken vociferously about the rights to a free press around the world. the fact that reporters should not be targeted
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reporter should not be the objects of violence or suppression or repression anywhere around the world. whether that country is an autocracy, a democracy, whether that country is a friend or whether that country is a forward competitor. when you just saw on it how jones and jones, when there is no question like this, there's really more about a strong engineer refugee camp. they go by including the group that of the she, when someone was they went by weight that were standing right out there. and they said we're going right there in this morning, we're going to go right there. so they knew it, jackie, who was there are clearly marked these people are. so i'll give you if that if ever the investigation shows the guilty should that guilty? pardon, be prosecuted to the law those responsible for sharon's killing should be prosecuted
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to the fullest extent of the law man. sorry, just really briefly since you, since you brought up the bombing of the p and the houses are office and gaza there . did you guys ever given explanation from israelis that was satisfactory? we were in contact with the israelis and they shared with us some of the information regarding that is frightening. those a legit sch, product. clearly the fact that there were the offices of at least 2 independent media organizations made it highly concerning haile, troubling to us. i. but beyond the answers go problem early we're we're concerned result it is, it is. it's been almost literally that happened on may 15th of last year. and now what may loan it is not assessment. that assessment has not changed. so good, so you're still in trouble, but other words, the explanation is really gave you, is not, we did not we. we voiced our concern by the fact that journalists were at risk that
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their offices came under kim, under assault, but it's been a year. so i just want to know if these really explanation has satisfied those concerns or no, you don't have those. those concerns still exist. you send someone to the service, i will, i will check the post as i know i relate to you. she was a close contact of posts. they were in regular contact with her. they valued her work and they valued in some cases, a personal friendship and relationship with her. and if we have anything to say regarding representation of election or jessica has certificate very spoken to many needs rel, are side about the sun just on the record at do you have any or the assessment or understanding of that? we're not going to prejudge investigation. we've heard various statements throughout the day. some of those statements have shifted. that's why we've called
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for a thorough, comprehensive investigation ending and accountability. there have been a number of conversations by senior officials in this building, senior officials that are embassy in jerusalem, a to about israeli and palestinian counterparts conveying many of the same messages i conveyed to you just now. yes. can i briefly ask about home, comment, taiwan, or something on, on showing one more question on on this and not going back tonight. many jo, breasts and human rights organizations are calling for international and to contend observation and balance because they condemned. ah, israeli. before that they are not gonna thoroughly investigate themselves. are you willing to support such efforts to turn this into a nationalist? israel has the wherewithal and the capability to conduct
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a thorough comprehensive investigation. they've done it before and we expect they'll do so in this case. yes, do you intend to go to the wrong investigation or at least participates in as a day or college? she is an american person because because that i her shoulder investigation on those kind of answer. and so i wonder if you get into little less the issue, our role every time an american citizen is a passes overseas. whether that individual or however, that individuals to comes is to provide appropriate counselor support will be providing any necessary counselor support in this case. but what we are calling for is an investigation, a comprehensive us thorough investigation that ends with accountability. it's
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a hong kong. do you have anything on the arrest? and some like, hardly know joseph is in an separately if i may. if he just joining us on al jazeera, we've been listening there to the u. s. department spokesperson and net price, who has been reacting to the killing of our colleagues. shaheen. abil, actually, he said this is a tragic loss in an affront to media freedom around the world. he said the us culturally mediates and thorough investigation and we will continue to promote freedom of speech and the press. he said those responsible for the killing of shaheen should face the full extent of the law. let spring in she have a tansy who's at the state department for is quite a heated press briefing. there she had and it's because of the precedence that we all we are also aware of that's in the main israeli investigations into their own conduct into alleged war crimes go no there was,
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there was a pretty substantial report in the israeli newspaper harass just last year. end of last year, which traced investigations, it's true that prices as a, as a capital repeating israelis have the wherewithal and capability to investigate. but do they do this? then nat price pointed to one example. a very rare example, when a palestinian man with special needs was shot at at a checkpoint last year and offer a great deal of pressure. yes, charges were finally brought against a member of the security forces a year later. but that is so rare. that's why it was so, so no trouble we, we know that in the main what happens is, is raise always very quick to open an investigation, but then they tend to languish for months and months of months. and then when the cameras are off and no one's really paying attention that quietly closed in some bureaucratic corner of the, of the israeli system at clearly when we're going to let that happen. but any that, that this is this led to that sort of skepticism from the journalistic paw here at
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the state department. but how can you, how could you possibly hold on to this idea off an investigation which will be substantive and lead to accountability from the israelis to sales. and then we heard the a p correspond to their talking about the bombing off the out 0 and a p offices in garza almost to the day this year this time last year. and so we're, you know, price so no, they're always very concerned about that. they expressed there was, there were troubled by what happened. they were, they asked israelis for accountability and investigation. so when the a p reporter in the briefing this, it will, so did you get those elses? we satisfied, we answered all that price could say was, well, those concerns still exist and that adds to that sense of incredulity. that after all of the experience we've had over the years, that the u. s. when one of its own citizens, by the way, it's shot dead by an israeli sniper, a quite prepared for these rallies to might be investigation themselves. and again,
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the u. s. is not a bystander, and as it's an american citizen who has been killed are carly yearian. and also clearly us gives $4000000.00 a year to as well. $3800000.00 a year, which underwrites the occupation forces who killed assuring she ab. thank you for the moment she abra tansy ly, for his se at the state department in washington. that ain't national center of justice for palestinians has demanded an investigation into the systematic targeting of journalists by israel. the independent organisation which works to protect the right of palestinians through the law, said sharina dedicated her life to one of the most important principles in a democracy. freedom of speech journalists lecturing are crucial in holding governments that violate international law to account. israel's belligerent and excessive use of force has led to irreversible damage and the killing of innocent journalists. this can no longer be allowed to continue. or joining us now is down.
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good tom, who is a journalist and former deputy chair of the international press institute, his joining us from amman and jordan. thank you very much for being with us. i believe you were able to hear some of the comments made by the usa department spokesperson there when he was pressed by journalists about what the us would do. what did you make of what he had to say? well as always, then the warranty will go and the problem is action the, whether the words it was said have teeth behind them. you know, we're still are in a situation where the us is a giving a lot of money to israel, that is totally of 4. there's no conditionality to which there is no way that this would be a control. busy if israel and carry out whatever it promises and the structure of the building was just to one other example. but there has been so many examples. and so many areas are promised to do an investigation. they haven't done it, but i want to take even further because i think what most people don't understand
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is that it does not recognize the existence of a simian professional journalist. there are journalists who work for international agencies like the p or a 0, but that's there are only given an accreditation because they work for a be not 0. nobody working for a palestinian even recognize we don't, there is read doesn't even issue press cards or accreditation to by the student journalist is really don't even recognize them. they, they can deal with them like if they do with other policies and b combatants of some kind. and so we have a real problem in the israel and use that service. obviously when the germans worked for a to z or happens to be an american, you know all a sudden you know that even these. busy really narrative was changing and i found this, you know, it's about there. and then i was suddenly changed their narrative because they realized this was just not that other journalist, but this double standard is not coming just from israel. unfortunately, is that,
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i mean it's, it's coming from, from every way around the world when you look at the, the reaction from the international community. yes. how colleague was american and palestinian. she is working for a major network, but there are lots of other policy engine is who are targeted on a regular basis. and the reaction, unfortunately, not the same. absolutely are absolutely right. and the problem is that, unlike most other countries, you know, russians kill that american journalist. ok. the russians are the, you know, they're not the friends of the us. but israel is a friend and being supportive financially in the veto power is used to support and defend israel. the article 7 of the punishment in the on is not allowed to abuse again. so we're not dealing with iran over the country that is opposed to the you were dealing with a strong ally of the u. s. and continues to lie, needs to claim that they are going to investigate the need to investigate. they gave the orders a sniper who had supported right below. busy the helmet and above the flank has to
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be a really good sniper and snipers don't shoot somebody unless they get orders or somebody ordered this either to kill this woman. this palestinian woman, or you know, turns out to be an american, but that's not the case. the case is they didn't want anybody to film because they will come in early in the morning. they want to do whatever they want to do and you need and then you want anybody to record that you don't. and that's why she was killed. do you think mr. khattab, anything more can be done to make things easier and safer for journalists who are working in these kinds of areas in palestine, in occupied israeli territories. on the larger sense we need to end the occupation . but on the specific question that you asked, we need the state of israel to be bound by international law in recognizing palestinian german city journalist, working for international breast,
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the 100 of our senior journalists, who work about a student and we, yeah, you know, i mean sure. we have the courage and the support to actually be there. most other journalists wouldn't even be closer or they want to be immediately taken out. so need to have recognition journalists in journalism profession has to be recognized . and that has to be really serious with how to deal with the journalists, how to make sure that they're protected. and how there has to be some kind of a memorandum of understanding between the occupiers and the by the senior journalist. you need to organize how they can work in a safe environment. we don't have any of that. the read the fine press association every now and then talks to the radio. but basically these. busy these carry out in the farthest out of from jerusalem and even jinny. that's where all the crimes happened in need and garza and far away places because they know there isn't anybody watching this time. they got caught red handed and they got caught killing
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and well known. how for them, you know, i mean, i don't know how much you know, but everybody in the arab oil grows every day, every night, the watch cheery and she's like, household name. everybody loves her very quiet, very to the point. she doesn't do gossip, she doesn't get emotional. you the information she was appropriate generally. i mean, she was a professional journalist, a huge problem is a huge loss for all of us. she was indeed known as the voice of palestine. thank you so very much mister todd for joining us. our cook top joining us there for me. i'm on a jordan jordan. well, let's discuss now the role of social media in all this and disinformation misinformation. with mark owen, who's a assistant professor of milly, studies at ham, had been hunting for university where his recent work is focused on the way social media has been used to spread this information. thank you so much for being with us . mark or is really for says issued
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a video earlier today which they said showed an armed palestinian firing when our colleague was killed. we know that this is not true. of course talkers. talk us through the israeli narrative on this and what you've seen unfold on social media today. ok, well i think what's happening is a classic attempt at propaganda. the israeli states is very used to managing these crisis situations in which the kill palestinians citizens or journalists. so what they've done is they've already had a narrative, and that narrative is that there was an ambiguity about the killing of sri. and in this case, there was a possibility that it could've been palestinians. we know this is very implausible . however, this narrative was put up very early. the video in question was published by the ministry of foreign affairs, which as a track record and using social media to disseminate falsehood. if you remember recently when amnesty international released in a port accusing it, israeli state or apartheid minister of foreign affairs took out an ad on google
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accusing amnesty of anti semitism. so we know that they have these strategies in the pipeline with regards to sherry, and they obviously want to use at this time because this time is crucial. and i can't emphasize this enough. this is the moment where there's going to be the most outpouring of outrage and grief about the killing of terrain. so if they can cast doubt, if they can muddy waters around the death sharina by possibly getting newspapers in the international fair to suggest that she was killed by a palestinian, they have been successful. and in reality, this is what happened. the got a newspaper and you can b, b, c. i've already been very clear about putting disraeli version of events very high up on, in their reporting event. and so this is a huge, huge problem. and it's a deliberate strategy i would say from the israeli p. r team to obviously to try and muddy the waters. i was going to ask, in fact, whether the strategy was working. we seen, as you said, international news organizations like the guardian free posting some of some of
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these videos and the narratives. anyway, are people buying this and how do we fight it? i think a lot of people on buying it, but i think what is crucial is that in any case, i think you asked your previous guess about how we change these things. we need to change public opinion for the most part, if you have international claimed and refutable newspapers, pudding below the headline, the israeli version of offense, which is very implausible. then i think there's a case to be made that people will be influenced by this. and that they will think that's credibility, the israeli side of the story. so i think that's a massive question here for integrity reporting. how much credibility doesn't entity such as these ready state, have to lose through its repeated violations of international being in applied state before jen? this realized that they can't just report the narrative published by the israeli government. this is a huge issue and that really needs to be a lot of soul searching in the journalistic industry about how they know right. the events happening under the occupation soul searching in the journalistic industry.
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but what about the role of social media entities like twitter is a assess, but we already know from, from what happened last year. and because the bombing that social media companies tend to have a strong relationship with the israeli state when it comes to palestine, attempts to be more sense oral about pro palestinian content. and they tend to use certain rules and regulations get kind of statements. for example, they might census kind of thing in content based on the fact it's glory. well, this is because it's really launching bomb attacks against palestinians. of course it's going to be gory. do you want to see the reality of war this fave as the person launching? the boy indicates that isn't part of that. so social media companies need to do more and tackling this information when an emanates from the israeli states. but as i mentioned earlier, we've already seen, for example, google taking ads out or allowing the ministry of foreign affairs and israel to take ads criticizing a human rights organization of m semitism which actually violates google's policy.
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so we do see this biased towards israel from amongst american big tech companies, which haps isn't surprising when we consider american pro israel relationship, marco and john a marco, and sorry, thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for your insight, marco and his assistant professor of middle east studies that have been highly for university hearing to thank you for your time. ah, thank you for joining us on al jazeera in 1900. i was gmc, i'm fully back people with continuing coverage here on al jazeera of the killing of our colleague, journalists, sri i will actually by israeli forces in the occupied westbank. earlier this wednesday, shaheen was shot while covering and he's really raid in the city of jeanine al jazeera media network has called it a blatant matter, violating international laws and norms, jamal a child has report oh,
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