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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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at a church in antibodies to reduce them, or rather a fully est memorial with palestinian leaders and foreign diplomats. among the thousands who attended this is al jazeera my from doha. it is 10 hours g m t. a funeral will be held in the coming hours for al jazeera journalist, shaheen black clay, who was killed by israeli forces on wednesday. the service to the church in hockey bodies to richland, follows the state muriel with palestinian leaders in foreign diplomats among the thousands who attended and shall be in was shot in the head while ready forces in the occupied west bank. on wednesday, president mackwood abbas has promised to seek justice at the international criminal court at sharon's body as being moved from the mortuary, where it has lain overnight, ready for the funeral service, which will begin within the next hour. now does hear as imminent. com is near the
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church in the occupied, in occupied east jerusalem, where that funeral will be held. iran just want us through what's due to happen today. while the church is just down that street. it's a very teacher because at church, the greek patriarch, a church, very important church here in occupied east jerusalem, where the body is currently in the morgue, is about a half hour, 45 minute walk from where i'm standing right now. that's where the procession will begin. they'll come here, they'll be a funeral service inside that church, and then they'll move to mount zion, which is where sharina body will be finally laid to rest. but let me just show him is going to go the way so he can see of that strength. you'll see a flags of sharina there are just placed in the street over there. those flags i see say the well does not end, may serene rest in peace. those flags and pictures of her are all down that street . but in other areas of occupied east jerusalem,
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those pictures i've actually been taken down by the police, the police have not allowed palestinians to show that grief in that manner were also expecting. in another patrice jerusalem occupied east jerusalem in damascus gate. a small protest by local journalists as a memorial service is all to take place. but like i say, all of this is in the next few hours, but there is a heavy police presence and not a visible one. but we are being told that there is a very heavy police operation in the place here in jeff again and occupied east jerusalem. and after denying that its personnel will responsible for shavings murder that on our reports, him run that the israeli army is investigating its soldiers that's why according to a report by the washington post, a anonymous israeli army officials with speaking to their journalist. he says that there is a 3 investigations taking place now. read. 3 soldiers are being investigated,
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their guns, they weapons have been taken away. that anonymous source actually goes on to say that is likely one of those 3 soldiers will be responsible for serene r, barclays, killing. now we reached out to these really are me for comments on that story. so frankly, one of those 3 soldiers will be responsible for serene barclays, killing. now we reached out to these really are me for comment on that story so far . they haven't given us any statement right now. so there's no official confirmation of that. the palestinians however are hanging on to the actual bullets that. busy called sri and they don't trust is really to mount an independent investigation. indeed, as you said before, the palestinians are looking to the international criminal court and for an investigation or also calling for the intellectual community to put pressure on israel and to allow an international investigations take place or for the moment to iran. many thanks indeed, are zeros him on con, there in occupied east jerusalem,
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or not far away from enron is al jazeera, stephanie decker at steph. your at the cemetery, where sharon will be laid to rest, learn a little later. that's right. her body will be taken, as you mentioned, there from the morgue. the hospital going to where im run is the service will be held at the church within the walls of the of the old city and then it will be making its way here. so also shall be lay to rest beside her parents or her mother. knowing here passed away in 1998 her father in 2000. so this in the very early stages of shootings career, they never would have seen just how successful, how loved, how respected she became. she will then be laid to rest here next to her parents. and that'll be her final resting place. we're expecting really thousands and thousands of people ah, to show up adrian the, the outpour of love and respect for sherry,
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not just from her colleagues in the media here. and those of us who knew her about people who been watching her for over 20 years, really feeling this as a, as a deep personal tragedy and a deep personal law. so at the moment this cemetery, very beautiful, very peaceful is empty. but i think within, you know, 2 or 3 hours, this will be absolutely packed as people try to come in to pay their final respects or what are the timing on, on this stuff. what are we expecting all of this to happen today? or? well, the body is expected to move in about, let's say 70 minutes from now making its way from the morgue to the greek patriarch church. the ceremony perhaps taking around an hour or less so and then making its way here. so i would say we will probably see her body arrive here in a couple of hours from now, 2 to 3 hours from now or so it will still take some time. but i do think we're
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going to see tens of thousands of people. everyone i've spoken to that i know who people are working that can't attend, but certainly even people in the hotel or i am staying very moved. everyone, everyone aware about what's happening today and, you know, it's rare that you see the streets here in jerusalem full of people in the sense when there's tensions, you're the only thing really that has the ability to bring mass crowds to the street is tensions over the alexa mos combat and we were discussing with our colleagues today, we think that what we're going to see today in terms of turn out of people on the streets is something that we probably haven't seen in a long time. again, we'll have to wait and see, but from the outpouring of grief and respect and love for her, i think everyone who can will let try and come to pay their respects. all right, stuff, anything. so they don't 0 stephanie deca that live in occupied east jerusalem. this take you not to ramallah? ah, i'm serious. some it said on is there somebody tell us more about them? if we were talking mister fair about this, this outpouring of a brief that has been the sense of shock that that people are still feeling ahead
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of sharon's funeral today. absolutely. and that continues here in ramallah, which is of course in the west bank, very important city in the west bank. it's where the palestinian authorities, government offices are currently seated in a word shock and disbelief. the somberness of the move. you can feel it here. you can might even be able to hear it behind me. you've got the more and then making the traditional run up announcements to friday prayers. but it kind of takes on a special symbolic feeling today because as that call rings out here in echoes, you can also see the picture of sharina barclays on that big screen behind me here in romulus main square. you can see her picture in photos and you talk to
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people and they talk about her. they remember how like a member of the family that screen. let me just tell you what it says. they says good bye to the voice of palestine. that is a nickname that people who used to refer to her by as the voice of palestine. so you can get an understanding of how shocking it was for people to contrast this iconic figure with the image of her lying face down after having been shot. i think it's not an exaggeration to say what we're witnessing here is the transition from an icon a symbol into a legend. i say that he thinks indeed semi zaden that live in ramallah. let's show you once again the live pictures from the hospital where sharon's body lay overnight. it is you, as my colleague, stephanie decker told us a few moments ago to be taken from the mortuary there at the hospital,
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within the next hour or 2 that funeral service of the fortune will be laid to rest in that graveyard. we saw a few moments ago in occupied east jerusalem. israel's carried out more raids and janine in the occupied west bank where she been was killed. 11 people have been injured including 2 who was shot dozens, have been killed during israeli operations in the city since march. israel says that its actions are a response to palestinian attacks. leader abraham is here with the latest. he had been seen a hospice in jeanine at the outskirts of the janine refugee camp. and the ambulance has just brought for palestinians who are injured. these are the more this are standing in the emergency room just trying to check up on the situation of young men that seem to enter the hospital in this hospital. there is also another
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palestinian in critical condition of 40 year old from the baby family. he's a brother of the car. he has a baby who has been very well known here in among the palestinians, specifically after he succeeded to escape from an israeli jail and that he has been captured. there is also news about a house to be rounded by is ready for it. is that the re did the camp early in the morning? we keep hearing gunshots here and there. people are angry and many are telling us that they remember should be. she lost her life years. she was killed, as those people tell us, buyers ready for the fire. she was targeted. we also have seen here in this hospice and i the some movie producers. the journalist has been shot while he was working with. he is still covering his pills, giving us news, line news. what's happening, the little slide he just told me, is that the brother of the man that is really army surrounding his house. it has
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left. but there are talks now with the red cross to get that palestinian out. but we know that these really forces have why you're an anti tank project side at the house. it's new locally heated inertia, the situation a lot of sadness and we are waiting to see about the status of these men. another penis to the end has been shot me. the illegal is where the central of bait l in the occupied west bank. this footage shows is where the soldiers at the scene is ready forces say they're conducting operations in order to arrest. 2 suspects will international, a palestinian media group submitted a formal complaint to the international criminal court last month, accusing israel of war crimes against journalists. the committee to protect journalists says that 18 media workers not including sharon,
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about our play. i've been killed in israel and palestinian occupied territories since 1992 other press freedom advocates report higher numbers. israel systematically targets journalists, including those from al jazeera in 2010. it detained several on board, a humanitarian flotilla, heading to garza last year. israel bomb the building with media offices, including al jazeera in the occupied gaza strip. a berry a month later is ready forces arrested al jazeera journalist. he bought a baterri, a. she covered a demonstration in the shape java neighborhood of occupied east jerusalem. let's bring him out of the, or a senior political analyst at my one machine who joins us now live from london. we must lose sight of the fact. i suppose that that despite this being a very personal tragedy for us here at al jazeera, for the millions of people who knew shaheen, through their t v screens, hers is not an isolated case. nurse,
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absolutely. it's sort of paradoxical adrian, why is read? when it comes to it's jewish majority and it's residence in general, it tends to be quite liberal and terms of press and press freedom. it tends to be tolerant of descent. ah, and sometimes even calls on you know, over its prime minister as not see that we, we've seen it before the assassination of our, the former or believe it's hack robin. so it is a large degree of freedom of the press within israel, but when it comes to occupied by the stand with comes apart, paid in general, israel is very nervous and is almost cowardly in that way. it attacks press freedom because it needs to look at least to the west, to be a democracy, to be humane and liberal, to be within that the addition of western democracies when it's not when it's an
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off, off age state. hence, it has this major antagonism towards any serious reporting of its colonial policies of its that oppression of the various crimes the various effects the reads. the invasions, as we've seen in janine. and that's why adrian, there was something quite how should i put it? quite iconic. not only in what in the way things happened yesterday, but the fact that it happened on jeanine and the genie and refugee camp. and the way it's happening to day, just as sharina is quite iconic and her profession. and she is pa, composite of a long series of june that is being attacked and murdered and saw on almost every report that in jerusalem was attacked. the fact is that happen, and janine are not on janine refugee camp as we see today. it's also quite iconic, in the sense that jeanine refugee camp is part and parcel of a long, you know, series of attacks on refugees. a refugee comes from garza to the west bank and so
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on, so forth. but this is an iconic camp. it's residence residents of the camp . are there since 70 years. and you know, in couple of days we're going to be celebrating the neck. uh huh. right. commemorating venica as i would be. so everything independence day. but that number led to, you know, the, the, the, the, the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. and now those who lived was upon a time in haifa. high from the academy area of high for today are refugees 70 years later than not by that that i had the continues from haifa to the janine. and what is so incredible about this uni refugee camp is that it's been resisting occupation for over. so over 50 years was a while sharin, a unique journalist was covering a unique refugee camp that for some reason,
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this is rain is sadism of continued brains and invasions and we invasions in killings and assassinations of its residents. when it's policy makers, the hedge of its security. and adrian, i just finished the book by one of its heads of its intelligence, secured by the name of ireland, a major character in the history of reserve security and so called fight against terrorism. he tells us about that refugee about the attacks on jeanine. he tells us about the so called counter better, that it does not lead to as good results for his or it leads to less security is rainy's. now that's what they're doing. and ginny, and what they're doing against journalists is not serving israeli security interest if anything was seen last several weeks. is that, is there any is, are now a thing in their own cities in philip, even they live in jerusalem and other places that this sort of attacks on journalism and attacks on refugees does not serve security. it undermines security
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and certainly on the mind the security of medicine, the symbolism of the fact that but that should be ins. funeral hasn't even happened yet. and yet is ready. forces again rated janine in the occupied westbank early on on friday. i mean, is that deliberate? do you think is the, is that them deliberately look up? i'm not sure i'm supposed to say things like that, but and electrically analytically speaking, it's stupid and the lead, thickly speaking it's foolish. so i'm not really just expressing some personal frustration or anything. i think it's foolish for the israelis who just killed sharina in the morning to rain her house in the afternoon. it makes no sense. i mean, you have to be crazy, said this dick. mind to kill a journalist in the morning and read to her house and effingham took in our journalists, which now become a crime scene for the entire world to see and then rated the next day. as you
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said, not even waiting for the funeral to and then the world understands that jeanine is a crime scene that the journalist was killed in cold blood. and yet as you say, it continues the next day. but with some app obsession or sword, some st is on saw some foolishness of sort. settling does not serves israel's interest that we may know that for a fact there's a good appointed point for out. but not even that i will. i will look even one step forward and because the i've been listening to our reports on some of your discussions and so on so forth. i think the fact that they are afraid of a flag, a nuclear state, probably the most important military power in the middle east is afraid of a palestinian flag in the house of a kill journalist. explain that to me. analyze that for me. why would the state was
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such prowess, which such capacity occupying and other people be afraid of a flag, the symbol of another people under occupation? and why would not, why would that flag not be allowed in a funeral? why would it be allowed at the home of the kill journalist it's mind boggling. what do you think is going to come out of these attempts to to get both sides to, to share the findings in to any investigation said that the palestinians say that they don't want any israeli involvement into any investigation into shootings, death and, and the ad yet as you say that the world is watching right now people, people want answers, but i hope at least one lesson is being learnt. and i was hoping it was learned several, several months ago when, when another colleague of ours was effect in east jerusalem. and it was to be made
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clear through these early is that al jazeera is not there. now some mom, some insignificant out to be you know, to be hit and beaten and intimidated that, that i want a microphone is louder than their thanks. that our, our microphone, our outreach is bigger than theirs. and that, that we could reached international public opinion. annisa should not be intimidating and killing, and assassinating, and imprisoning our people. certainly not our journalist that this is not an easy thing for them. and now for them to hide behind a ploy that we are ready to investigate well liquid to investigate their own soldiers. i mean the palestinians, i'm not going to be able to investigate. is there any soldier? wouldn't of this rate is unless they get their soldiers because it's clear from human rights organizations in israel and those who are the mapped out how the configuration of the conflict was happening. is that this was his radius only that
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what capable of shooting at our colleagues, our cutting, so them shooting at them as we've heard their testimony. but even putting all of that aside, adrian putting all that aside. i personally don't care who built the trigger cuz this is not the, you know, something about i picked a criminal, a, you know, getting a crime in some bad neighborhood. this is a soldier of a state who takes orders. those soldiers or bonded to go take orders from some one . so those who are capable, i'm not those who simply pulled the trigger. but those who gave the orders. those who divide the policies. as you said, those who, carrying the decision in the defense ministry to carry it another invasion of jenny to burn a house to attack a neighborhood. those are the people who are responsible on those, but we don't need an independent or any sort of investigation to, to, to do,
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you know, the signal to single out that they are responsible for the occupation. and for that getting a moral colleague. those who ordered those who devise the policies are responsible for the kid in the lower calling l 0 senior political analyst, my one bashar that life in london. my. when many thanks. indeed. as you heard me saying to my one there, the u. s. is pushing both sides to share the findings of any investigations into shavings deaf, saying that washington is willing to help palestinian leaders, though have refused any joint investigation with israel is our white house correspondent, kimberly alcott. president biden is said to host king abdullah of jordan and his son in the oval office on friday. it's an effort to promote stability between is re lease and palestinians in the midst of escalating tensions that includes the killing of journalists, serene abu, our clay. here's what the white house press,
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secretary gen saki had to say. we encourage both parties to do so thoroughly and transparently, and to share their findings, to ensure that all evidence in this case is available and fully assessed. we stand ready to assist either party in any way that we can neither side as ask for our assistance at this time, and such a request would require in order for us to do so. president biden is scheduled to visit israel next month. the details of the trip have not been released, and it's unclear of the white house, or we'll use the visit to press israel for accountability in the death of serene abu, our clay. as we mentioned earlier, the palestinian prisoners is taking the case to the instructional criminal court. it's not the 1st time but it's been asked to investigate the targeting of journalists, bias really forces i want to see was pulled, brennan explains from the hague. after years of wrangling over jurisdiction, the scope of such an investigation, the icpc here in the hague,
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began looking at what he calls the situation in palestine. in march of 2021. looking at incidence, both by israeli forces and by palestinian groups stating all the way back to 2014. but it was just last month that journalist groups brought evidence to the i. c. c for investigation alleging that israeli forces were systematically targeting journalists and furthermore, that israelis, we're not investigating those incidents properly. now, what they are alleging is that that amounts to a breach of international law and may even amount to a war crime. and the death, the killing of serene clay is now going to be at the forefront of that case what the palestinian authority wants and what the journalist groups is to add her to the existing names that are already listed in front of the i c. c. so that the people responsible for killing sheree and potentially are brought here to the have
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. now there is an issue in a sense that israel doesn't recognize the jurisdiction of the i c c. and also they will not cooperate with any investigation. but the fact is that if it is really official, or even a government minister has an arrest warrant issued against them by this court here, they will faith the risk of arrest in any one of more than 120 i. c c members. and that could mean senior israeli officials coming here to the hague, not as visitors, but it's defendants. just wanna show you some live pictures here from the french hospital and occupied the east jerusalem. that's where our colleague should be in our class body lay overnight. head of the funeral, her body is to, to be moved to the church where a funeral service will be held before she is laid to rest in the coming hours. ah, this is a another angle. further down on the ground, there's people gather, obviously to accompany our showings. caskets are through the streets of occupied
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east jerusalem to the church. also wanna show you some pictures and we can briefly of the alex almost compound where someone has climbed. as you can see above the compound and is sir, is waiting a flank ah, the the spring announces here is im, ron con, who's in occupied east ruffian. ah, iran took us through these pictures we're seeing now from the french hospital there in occupied east jerusalem. and what's due to happened over the coming hours as a large crowd there waiting for serene set casket. and before it begins its journey . that's right. are those people have been gathering over the last half an hour? what we're hearing is there is some discussion going on between the mourners who want to walk from the french hospital down to where i am right now,
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where the memorial service will take place just down that road over there. the funeral service will take place. the police haven't decided whether that will. busy be allowed to happen, that there was some talk that they would be coming by a car to this point. but now the, the mourners would like to walk. it's about a 45 minute walk from where they are right now and occupied easter islam. you go down through sake draw into solid isadine street and then on to where damascus gate is or where the alex a mosque compound main entrance is. and then down here to jeff again. well, the walk into about that's what they'd like to do, but it's not sure whether the police will allow them. there's a very heavy security presence down at that hospital a lot of the mornings, or even wondering whether they'll be allowed to even just be able to walk. i few meters down the hill whether the ve allows or walk the entire way here where i am right now, like i said, just tell met. is that where the judge them is going to get out the way seen get
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a better look. the police are put up barriers right now. that would be for crowd control reasons. as you see, this is a busy thoroughfare for the chest. the only sample kara, is a few meters away from where i'm standing, says very busy tourist area as well as up here. the police presence, you can see b, you can also see those a little flags over that. those flags, all the serene, a blacklight, the flag, save the world is no stop. that's a reference to the fact that the reporting will continue, and they wish her body to lay in rest. once they finish tech agent, they'll go to my colleague stephanie decker is and she'll be, she'll be showing you the final resting place on mount zion. that's where the graveyard is, where i should be laid to rest or with her parents. and you toners, lily. i know you can't see these pictures where you, you are standing out on the street when you told us earlier that there would be a perhaps protested to damascus gate. and the actual most compact looks like
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brought back protests for the pictures we're seeing him on has already begun. that's why there's a bunch of journalists who have arrived there. they'll be supported by people who are in mourning over screen a black lay. the key term that keeps coming out is she is a daughter of jerusalem. everybody that i've spoken to people. indeed when they find out i worked out a 0, have offered that condolences has been hanging, has been grief, and that has stretched to the journey. i took in to come here through jordan through the alan b, a bridge crossing into the occupied west bank. everybody who found our eyes worked out 0, offered that condolences. a death has sent shock waves throughout occupied eastern eastland, but internationally as well. and she was a very beloved figure, she had been report on this regent for 20 years. that presence was keenly felt. so it's a lot to journalism. and that's why those journalists are now at the alex mos compound
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the gathering in number. we heard it was going to be a small gathering, but it looks like any gathering fishery right now is going to get larger numbers. the day goes on. all righty, ma'am, for the moment many thanks. deed him on connor occupied east jerusalem has got to ramallah at once again. my colleague, sammy said anna is there for picking up on on what him, ron was just saying. it is quite remarkable, isn't it about that the sense of shock and grief, not just there in the palestinian territory, but, but right around the world in reaction to charlene's murder. indeed, a dream that reaction has been coming in globally from different figures. international figures, offering their condolences, we've, we've heard and seen officials from the u. s. the e u, from international organizations and figures like agnes coloma. this is an event that it has touched everybody here as well. ramallah is the seat of the palestinian
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authorities headquarters. it's one of the important cities in the west by and you can just take a look over my shoulder and see that big screen in the main square of ramallah. sharon's picture sits there with the words good bye to the voice of palestine. her poster hangs over many buildings. that's kind of a reference. really let me explain what, what that is. it's a reference to a nickname that people referred to. i'm. i'm grew up as im, ron said 20 years as an entire generation that grew up. knowing her and you go from that sort of image, this iconic figure, a symbol. as people saw her, of a free press, an icon of the journalist who tirelessly struggled to seek truth to those images. we saw her lying face down on the ground after she'd been shot. it's difficult to put into words the sense of shock and disbelief that people carry in their hearts
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the day i was speaking to people who knew how people had worked with her saying how they still can't get it through their minds that she's gone. she was this larger than life figure and remembered for her. not only her work is as a journalist, but as a kind hearted human being and i had to go in such a way think has impacted many people. we can't lose sight of the fact that that is tragic as her death is for, for us in the, the al jazeera family and for the millions of people who knew her through her. through that the t. v. screens. sammy should means death is, is not an isolated incident. absolutely, and you only have to look at the statements being issued by international journalists on the occasion of sherry and tragic death, where the international federation of journalist, for example, they've spoken about the deliberate targeting of journalists in this part of the
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world. they've solve that. fourty 6 journalists having been killed since 2000. you look at the statement put out by agnes callum, all the secretary general of amnesty international who's asking people to look at this as a deadly reminder of the situation that prevails here, which she describes as the israeli system. that kills palestinians right and left with impunity. there's usually no accountability for this kind of killing. of course, israel is ready, official say they do not deliberately target journalists. they would point to these radio basic laws which respect press freedom. israel does have a vibrant press. many international organizations will point out with situations a bit different when you're a journalist, having these ready palestinian struggle and particularly new in the occupied territories. yona makes him look at what human rights watch put out and say, we have to understand the killing of chevy in the context of the killings of many palestinian journalists to just a very high profile victim. sadly,
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but it is definitely lawful isolated case adrian. i calling sunnyside and reporting like that from a ramallah. let's go back to walk. he buddies jerusalem. then i remember saying a few moments ago when we spoke to him, but our colleagues, stephanie deca, would be at the cemetery where shaheen is laid to rest, a will be laid to rest a little later. she's with a sat now live at all. looks fairly quiet. and peaceful as you'd expect a graveyard to be right now. uh but we're expecting that to be thousands of people there within the coming hours. me of difficult. yes sir. that's right. she will be laid to rest, stood next to her parents. the grave at the far end of the cemetery, and you can see the placards of her parents. her mother died in 1998 her father in 2000. so this gives you a sense that they died very soon after she started her career. they never would have seen just how successful and how loved she became. so at the moment,
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as you mentioned, things still very quiet here. but we expect the procession to arrive here at about 23 hours from now. and then she will be later as we do expect at that point, this area to be pat. but because again, just by the, by the reactions that we've had personally on our phones on social media and from everyone here across all works of life. just how personally she touched people, adrian and again, you know, i've said this before, it's not any journalist who has, who has this effect on people she managed to connect intimately with the viewers being genuine, having empathy for the people reporting without ego. this is how people see her yesterday. we spoke to a gentleman outside the condolence area where her family was receiving condolences . there was a back and forth with his ready police to remove the flag in a very unnecessary move if you will. and he said to me, i asked him,
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what does she really mean to you? he said everything. she went to every household in palestine. she went in nablus, she went to janine, she went to hebron, she went to jerusalem and she told the stories. and i think this is what's important, not just to palestinians, but everybody across the middle east as well. she would tell the the day to day life stories that the international media doesn't report on. people come here and they report on big conflicts on escalations, on a garza war. but she read and certainly al jazeera, but she was very well known for going into talking to people for being very personal. i think this is what touched them so much and being so genuine about it. steph, i just wanted to show our viewers pictures that we've got here of of the scenes outside the hospital where sharon's body laid in rest overnight. these are is really soldiers look, well they're wearing helmets. it looks like bryant good to me outside with that huge crowd has gathered, ah,
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ready to accompany sharon's casket that said to the church and, and they said to, to the cemetery, what are we to make of that stuff. ready why can't see the pictures, but this sounds to me like business as usual really, this is going to be a massive crowd. it is a challenge for these ready forces. of course it's occupied. he's jerusalem yesterday. just to give you an example, when we were reporting from inside the hole where the family was receiving condolences, the brother assurance brother who flew in wednesday night from africa was summoned . he, when we reported lie from inside in our last live, i noticed he was in there. well, he'd been summoned by the israeli police to discuss the funeral to discuss what can and cannot happen. so what i'm assuming you're seeing, i'm not seeing those pictures, is the israeli. a police border parties on the ground. they will be trying to make sure, according to them that nothing at escalates if you will, but certainly their presence just simply their presence is seen as a master provocation. i was at the hospital yesterday with our team,
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with sammy and me, me when the body was brought in, it was rather chaotic, but initially is ready, police entered and at some point we will. so there's going to be a confrontation right around her kolscott. they laugh. a very soon after, but also again, i've been reporting on this from the beginning when we were you heard matawan refer to this earlier. 3 police officers entered her home on the day or on the wednesday . they killed her in the morning. they were receiving condolences, 3 police officers walked into the house, the mourners where they're very angry. there was a back and forth with the family. basically they were there to tell the family to stop playing patriotic songs which are being played from a speaker outside the house, the people inside getting at them to leave. they laughed. there was no confrontation, if you will. the songs were switched off and then again yesterday, and you know, i've been reporting here for years. there was no reason that i can see personally for this to have happened. there were 2 small palestinian flags flying on the gate of the church, where the family were receiving condolences. the parties came very aggressively. it
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also depends on who you encounter when it comes to this ready forces. they came very aggressively. they removed the flags, they pushed a friends of hers around, they pushed us around for no reason. and again, people were telling us why, why are they doing this? they could just not be here. and so again, i think we're going to have to wait and see how this day unfolds, because you're going to see so many people. there is a possibility at some point, particularly after the service after she's later asked that there could be confrontations with her, you know, particularly the palestinians were very angry at what has happened and is ready for so. but again, i think, you know, we'll have to wait and see how the day unfolds. i was going into to, to say to you with so many people who, who turned out to simply to pay their respects and to mourn the passing of a highly respected individual, some one whom most people felt that they, they knew personally, even though they only knew her through that their tv screens with, with that kind of person sort of with feelings wanting so high. i mean, it, it could spill over into some sort of some sort of trouble, couldn't it?
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absolutely. i mean, even just to give you an example of how things work her yesterday after you had that altercation with the police outside the church where the family was receiving condolences. you had a car pause that had an israeli flag on it. some of the young youths that mean i don't think the child was more than 12 years old, through water on the car. the driver got out. he had a pistol on him and there started to be a bit of a stand off then the israeli police were a bit further came to try and calm things down. finally, the driver got into the car, then another young boy threw a stone at the car. then at these rated got out again and there was a stand up. things have the capability, this is just a minute sense of, of, of the tensions on the ground of, of how personal things are becoming these days. so i think of course, it's a possibility that you're going to have confrontations later on, particularly if the palestinians feel that police are trying to you know, really organize things too much personal or be to provocative. you know,
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i don't want to predict anything, but because there is this anger because people are outraged and what is happen because they're taking it so personally because she read as we've said, it's been, become very clear off to her dad. just how loved and how personally people feel that they know her how they feel that she has been a representative of a voice that they believe has been discarded. they say they've been forgotten by the international community. you have arab states, basically making deals with israel. so we're at this point in the story here, we're palestinians will tell you and it's many saying we've been abandoned by the world. and she really was a voice that kept telling those stories. and even let's say the mundane day to day stories, enough occupation that has been normalized if you will by the international community . so i think of course, there is a very, a potential for confrontations with israeli forces on the ground later, especially if some numbers turn out that we are expecting that we haven't seen here
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in years. so i think that's why see, but it, it is, it is a very real possibility that's for sure of step before we move on. just just remind our viewers once again what it is that we're looking at right now that the french hospital, unoccupied, east jerusalem of wants due to happen over the next coming hours were of course we will have full live coverage here on out 0. yes. so the coffin that's carrying terean's body, a lay overnight in the morgue at the hospital and occupied his truth mid arrive there yesterday in the afternoon after receiving a state service in that i'm a law hosted by the posting and present mahmoud abbas the prime minister was there she had a military salute, very poignant, certainly her colleagues were accompanied inconsolable um, just at finding it very difficult to comprehend. her body made its way through the streets of the occupied west bank through the columbia boy,
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the columbia checkpoint thousands coming out then a to salute her to give her their final respects. and then she crossed it to the hospital where you're probably watching those live images now. so what we expect in let me just check the watch. so in about half an hour from now, we expect the bodies to start moving from there to where my colleague cameron con, is just inside jaffa gate. in the old city, the service will take place inside the greek patriarch church, there for possibly about an hour. her family will be there, her colleagues will be there. and then anyone who wants to pay respects will be around that area. then her coffin will be carried. it's not that far. it's very close actually, to be honest, but will probably take me about 15 minutes to walk from jaffa gate to zion hill, where we are mount zion and then to the cemetery here. now the grave where her parents lie again, i think i mentioned earlier, her mother died in 1998 her father and 2000 at the far end of the cemetery. so you
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will probably see this filled with mourners in about 2 or 3 hours from now. so that is pretty much the plan from what we understand her for her. her brother here, her sister in law, her nieces uncles and aunts as she wasn't married, she didn't have children. and also, you know, we talked to wiley dot comedy, he was the alger bureau chief here. he was just talking about what an incredible professional. she was, adrian, this is a very difficult job. at times it consumes your life. you know, it, it, it, any phone call can come at any time of day. whatever you may have planned, it doesn't matter. you give everything up to work. he said that she never complained when there is a big story here or it, it really consumes fits over 2022 hour days under very difficult circumstances, as you've seen here on the ground. and he said that she was someone that actually shocked him sometimes in terms of how she approached her work. she was due to go and holiday it soon. now with one of her other colleagues, one of the other al jazeera correspondence. so she was finally going to take her as
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i was talking to another one of our elders, her english colleagues, natasha her name. who is here recently saying that she remembered how tired she was because the escalation here has been going on. i've been flo for weeks and she has been constantly tirelessly covering these things on the ground. so i various i day really for every one. and these and 0 stephanie deca reporting live from occupied east jerusalem. many thanks indeed for the moment stuff. we'll see a much more. are you a little later on? let's go back to london. i was a serious senior political analyst, mullen, sharra husband watching and listening to to all of this, this massive crowd that's building their unoccupied east jerusalem. waiting to accompany the casket through the funeral service and that police presence building as well outside of the hospital. yes and you know, our observed couple of things that i think probably our viewers are on the world on
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a bit mystified and we are, those are 0. we're not receive it like it's a normality, but i would like to address it and that is the whole religious aspect of this thing . you know, we are at the 0, we have christians and muslims, and jews, and, and buddhists, and, and seeks and, and, and i ignore fixing on everything and no one knows what the other person's over the other colleagues. religion is. i thought you see it off were religious blind if you were to the identify the under the face of what this study was. she question was she most of them no one, no one the are among my colleagues and london knows for example, right. and in palestine we have something of a similar situations, worked by the city of questions and policy and muslims. and the way you see them, whether it's alex a mosque addressing sharon as a christian or the christians. and by the sign in special in jerusalem that there is this unity and land, and the absence of sectarian has him that has bugged and crippled the arab world.
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in ben stein you would see no no more of our conciliation, more of a co existence, more of a unity among palestinians christians and muslims in jerusalem and bethlehem. busy where shooting hales from and, and to go even a bit further. because again, we are talking to international audience in here and europe, of course, with a lot of europe with it's christian majority interested in the so called holly land . it really birds mentioning that should in when it tells from a christian family and she was more in jerusalem that christians in jerusalem before the state of israel were 50 percent of the population 50 to live. there are 50 percent of the population. there's almost an inc direct ethnic cleansing of questions from jerusalem. christians in palestine and historic about us that before 48th, what about 20 percent of the population?
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today, they are less than one and a half percent of the population. again, indirect ethnic, cleansing of palestinians and a lot of their own villages within palestine, even in israel proper to they had been destroyed and they're not allowed back into the so there is an aspect to that as well. as i said, we are there just yet. we are blind to the whole issue of religion and whose belongs to what faith. and in so many ways they are in palestine, but not in israel. it's a jewish state. right. and if this has on his program where jews are not meant to figure to hire in the hierarchy than but a seniors where they are, christians and muslims. and that brings the christians and mostly but it seems together. so when you have a funeral like this, a christian funeral for a palestinian christian, you see better sinews, whether they are in their mosques or churches where that it's orthodox church, or catholic church. as we've heard earlier from our colleagues is that now all the
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churches in jerusalem, whether they are orthodox, anglican catholic, roman catholic and so on, so forth. they are all ringing their bills. trolls because they all feel that this is that not that of palestine that was a victim of repression. and once again, the sun and out at the is enormous among all mana, i just want to interrupt you that the body, the casket to coming out calling serene, has now been brought out of the hospital. or whether you can see the pictures or in the studio that said that you're sitting in right now, but cham ah, a huge crowd there in that said that haunted little, come panama. hundreds of city and flags being duping way too often draped in it. and a palestinian flag as well as my transcript begins its journey at valley to the church where there will be
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a funeral service before she is laid to rest in a cemetery and occupied to east jerusalem at mall. and what you can, you may not be able to, i don't know whether you can see it or not, but you could certainly here is her, right? that what, what do you make of that crowd and of what that chanting and, and of the passion that we're seeing here, the outpouring of grief, what we're seeing and i am seeing along with you on our, he was around the world. what we are seeing is at people on. busy i'm a journalist the way she on not them for basically had entire life her and buy it was like she or not them by they can go suffering, sharing it and, and reporting on it and, and taking it to the rest of the world. and now they're basically paying in their respects and, and paying her back with a sim on out on the same respect such deserves for having on that. and then yeah,
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all, i was here moment, sorry to interrupt you as you see that the police there that this, this is already some trouble that beating the crowd back here. uh huh. while the cost kit has been taken through the gates that are holding back a large numbers of the crowd, but i'm not sure what much what's going on here. you can see these pictures, 21, no one speaking. we don't hear anything on the 2nd one i think we could hear, you know, i have never seen security forces attack a funeral with such a thing with such hotspot. the way in this scene is evolving right now in front of us. they are trying to carry it and they're trying to bury one of their own and the police is there as if there is an enemy ahead of them. it's their own victim being
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buried. and here they are, was such with such an incredible, incredible rudeness. again, i mean i have, i have reported i have analyze, i've looked at news throughout the world for decades and i've never seen a c like just look at that. i think innocent people carrying a test. i don't know what to say. i don't know what to say and what, what are they expecting now? this is unbelievable. unbelievable. what's that? oh my god. since this is when the dead on for those who are morning, the dead. not a special live alive and notice for the people that
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a tell us how these people a trying to warn one of their own dead. how is that the security i always got just told them, why does that require this front of a question? this kind of violence on the part of the brain. and again, these people on the organ, the god, he's such an attack. these people don't attack from their own. they have been ordered to do this and the world is watching the world as he watches a bromley. there will be sport and get to mortal comes up better than i want to
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know. how is this a secure with how is a server to be attacking innocent people? civilian trying to mourn. one of it only a victim or reserve occupation, one person and i finally put it in human a this is the so called the one in order to democracy live in the in the middle of jerusalem. the honda city when a julian is kill yesterday is being honored by her own community by have family and
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fans being disrupted by israeli security forces following your forces on her go on see before unprecedented a. this is a, this is a time for, for international foot outside power intervene. but a thing people need to do need protection. oh, it would be good time for that. you wanted to really woods woods, fairly low, and an astonishing scenes here from, from occupied east jerusalem. and i just wanted to, i work out what, what actually happened here. i think we thought we could show you some, some pictures of wrote happened a few moments ago. that you can see them on the,
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on that the right hand side of your screen, where the police, i don't know what these police thought they were trying to do at this point. there is no one threatening them whether they were trying to hold a crowd back to stop them leaving the soldiers. not police. i don't know whether they were trying to hold the crowd back to stroke them. i'm following the coffin as it was taken out of that compact. i don't i, i can't work out what they, what, what they were doing. do you have it? did you do you have any idea my one from what you can see that i, i think they probably thought that whatever orders they gave, whatever, presumably understanding that they had that what the funeral the supposed to be like and who's supposed to will out and, and and we're supposed to honor showing whatever they haven't been to mind, nothing excuses, nothing justifies nothing, justifies an attack or innocent people carrying a coffin, trying to on
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a trying to battery one of their own. absolutely, nothing justifies but nothing, excuses us. those security forces are not supposed to be in a courtyard. what are they doing in the courtyard where no one is being threatened? you know, we try to, we tried to me, i was russian or human being tried to understand. we try to reach some sort of reasonable from fusion, but this image adrian has no, it's been this is madness. how do you explain madness? i'll be justified madness. i'm sure they, i mean you want to investigate, investigate here. you have. okay. it's right there. it's clear for the whole world to see no one, many thanks to the for stay wouldn't stay with us. i just want to go to live, talk about east jerusalem. my colleague in montana is, is on the,
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at the procession roots, not far from the church where the funeral services due to happen a little later iran. what are you hearing about about what's going on here? late wold going on is there was some pushing and shoving between the israeli army and the people who wanted to take serena's body. all colleague to where i'm standing right now. they wanted to walk with her body. they didn't want to go in the kazi is really army. she just said that they were only allowed to take up my car. that was intense negotiations going on. indeed, all bureau chief of out there arabic for jerusalem will lead on murray was surrounded by people. they were asking him to try and intervene. of course he couldn't do anything. and then that we saw the israeli forces enter the courtyard using stung grenades. use a smoke, right? and that's why we think that seems that all taking place right now. all of this is
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happening because is rainy as well. not allow them to walk. it's a 45 minute walk from where they are to where we are a would have been at, hey, so walk, but now things i'll escalate. this is got a delay, everything's significantly below, so don't be big problems within the areas within the areas help his shake jaw, you may remember protests taking place in shape. draw over the last year where is raised forcibly evicted palestinian families already a source of quite big attention. a lot of those families are bad to show their support. full serene a block. like i said earlier, she's known here as the daughter of jerusalem. this outpouring of emotion now is turned violent, and that's because these railey alby israeli soldiers entered in to the cold, chilled, say, now a hus has been reversed to the back of the hospital where she reads cross. good to
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is right now. i'm iran, as you, as you said, it seems that, that the security forces abroad their way that they're not allowing any sort of procession to walk to which means cost to walk to the church where the funeral services to be held. it appears from what we're seeing now. the casket will be driven to the church. that's right. well, that's what we're here on when are so that crowd isn't going to really back down the it wants to be able to make the walk and i'm just going to get out the way a show you the scene, a hail he's ready soldiers, he's ready. police while that have actually barricaded off the entrance into the church, they're allowed residents to go in and people who want to go to the funeral service . but we've already been told by people who have approached us. these railey police, not she often whether you're christian or muslim demo.


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