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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2022 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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walking, we have all the passengers, including the go, or we have to stop already the search and rescue operations. and we just probably proceed to the sean. this company has another incident in sometime in 2017. at least 6 other vessels help the coast guards, search and rescue operations. the vessel is being towed towards bellucci island in 2017. another vessel owned by the same company was carrying more than 250 passengers. when it kept sized in the same region. 5 people were killed. the philippines is an archipelago, more than $7000.00 islands, often battered by frequent storms and poor enforcement of safety rules, which have led to several maritime disasters. in recent years, jamal ali dog and al jazeera and miller, ah
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carry johnston with the headlines now here on, i'll just hear. a russian soldier has been sentenced to life in prison by ukrainian court for war crimes. 21 year old about him, she, she married, admitted killing an unarmed civilian northeastern sumi region. he says he was following orders addressing a gathering or the global political and business, and the 10 diverse ukraine's president has asked for more financial aid. mess lensky says ukraine. these at least $5000000000.00 a month to rebuild after rushes invasion. palestinian foreign ministry says a case has been filed at the international criminal court of the killing of sri and claim israeli forces shot the al jazeera journalist was on assignment in jeanine early this month as well. military prosecutor has called on the army,
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conduct an in depth investigation. those are the headlines and news continues here in algeria off the inside story, stay with us. the walk was good to know that on this we don't need to be active in the mac, and i'm just going to put them on the new home and ya today. and i'm going to give you what we said as well. they didn't put me on them. a lot of them at the football game when i know, i mean,
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i mean i shooting them off the edge of the ah a record 100000000 people forcibly displaced. the un says the warring ukraine has pushed the well into the staggering milestone. but will this be the wake up call to resolve other conflicts? this is inside story.
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ah hello, welcome to the program over hashem abala. it's being called a record that should never have been set. the lands refugee agency says more than a 100000000 people have been forcibly the space around the world. the figure was wish, after the war in ukraine, pushed at least 14000000 people from their homes. why the owner, you and i see our praise the international response to help you craniums, it's urging the same level of compassion for other conflicts and crises. weiss groups have criticize western nations for failing to welcome the vast majority of displaced people from africa, the middle east, and asia. the winds high commissioner for refugees as the figure is a way cap call to resolve global conflicts. there is not just ukraine that we
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should not forget all the rest. first of all, because ukraine has an impact on many other fragile situations, making it more for making them more fragile food security, energy crises, price increases in stability. and then this in turn can cause more displacement. if you have countries are getting into undressed and into a political, the fragility you, we may see more displacement. so it is very important as we respond to ukraine. and we will continue to, to also be adequate attention to crisis in africa. crises in the middle east, crisis in latin america, crises in asia and so forth. let's take a closer look of the numbers. by the end of last year, at least 90000000 people were dis, based mainly coming from ethiopia, burkina faso,
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myanmar, nigeria, afghanistan, and the democratic republic of congo and ukraine this year. and they mostly want when 2 countries like turkey, jordan, uganda, pakistan, lebanon, germany, sedan, bangladesh, iran and ethiopia. the major causes are still conflict, violence and persecution, followed by natural disasters. but weather related events like stores, floods, wild fires, droughts and extreme temperatures are becoming a growing trend. ah leather bring in our gas in nairobi and as a name was sheree, senior analyst for climate and security in africa of the international crisis group in up salus. we then yes, per barnison senior researcher of the nordic africa institute and the london of what in i a professor of migration studies as queen mary university of london.
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welcome to the program. nothing in a star g ring mice turn. we're talking about 100000000 people displaced more than one percent of the global population. let's talk globally before we move to different parts of the world. why is this staggering increase of the number of displacement? i think there are a number of reasons for this displacement, and i think as he mentioned that conflicts, of course, is a major driver here. i'm in africa in the democratic republic of congo in ethiopia. am in the horn region. we have a major conflicts ongoing, and that is a major driver, but there are other drivers to m. as you mentioned, there climates in terms of climate stress, is the extremes. that the weather that we're seeing, the, the ongoing prolong drought here in the horn region. we're seeing
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a major weather disasters as well. storms, cyclones flooding in parts of the world. those are also major factors which are leading to the staggering figure. you have to remember as well that a lot of these people have been displaced, time and time again. so those figures are staggering, that many people have been displaced and a moving eva eva internally within their and countries. for example, here in, in south sea, down here in the horn, or moving across, forges as well. yes, per 38000000 internally displaced, people reported in 202114 1000000 ukrainians. displaced to getting a sense that this is showing no signs of abating at all. well, to some extent, i agree with that. unfortunately, we've seen an ever increasing number of displaced people globally. and i think
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i agree with natalie that we have to look at the drive is up displacement and really focus on what is what is forcing people on the move under those conditions. and there, i would also emphasize that there's been a complete, more or less complete failure in, in the whole thing, because i work mainly in west africa. and we've seen rather the opposite, the escalation of conflict with displacement as a major consequence of these armed conflicts. so yes, those are sort of worrying trends and worrying figures, but i would also just want to mention that we, we rely a lot them off of our understanding of displacement dynamics and they do some testing job, not just an interventions, but also in collecting data. but there is this tendency also that as a charity based organization, they do need to emphasize this ever increasing number. they would look good, you know, towards donors, to say that the trend is actually reversing. so i just want to caution against the
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narrative that also really pushes this idea of an escalating and on and being crisis. ok, parvati, do we have to spend more time now focusing on the drivers or the triggers when they combine? because we have was complex or talk or see climate change and you get a sense sometimes that the international committee is doing nothing to try to tackle this issue. thank you. thank you for this question. i think her, you know, it is not exactly true to say that the international community is doing nothing in 2018. we had, you know, 2 major global comebacks which are not binding legal agreements. but nevertheless, you know, sort of commitments by countries to both address questions of safe, orderly and migration,
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and also the question of cooperation around refugees. but i think that these contacts and agreements are good as they are, are taking 2nd place or 3rd place, even in international priorities. and i think this is the problem. i do think that or it's, it's good to have a good understanding of drivers and triggers. but to talk in terms of drivers and triggers alone is not enough. i think the international community, and particularly the wealthy countries of the world, the global north, if you like, has a responsibility to really look at the way in which development is being propagated across the world globally. and to really have a much more people centered and planet centered approach. and that is vital if we're actually going to find a way for it, because today it's a 100000000. and that means you know, one out of 100 people maybe in the world. but that means also that to morrow it will be you, me and everyone else. we know. so i think it's very,
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very important to have a very different, a systemic approach to the question of human displaced because those approaches and as an in, when you look at somalia and you see because of the ongoing conflict, the number over the space has been on the rise of the same time in the future because of the conflicts integrate. but then the african union, the international community have not really been able to step in, in a way or another that not only would put an end to the, those problems by bring about a permanent solution to those possible conflicts. you know, i think access is a big issue and also the fact that when you're talking about these, these are disasters, i guess the focus is on immediate humanitarian aid. and it's not often on sustainable solutions or which could be brought about by building resilience, you know, to climate issues. for example, in parts of these country, countries that access in into grey as you know, is a real issue,
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access in areas large sway to somalia. a controlled by ash barb in the south in central part of the country to how can you even access those areas? how can you build sustainability when you are in not in any dialogue, a tool with, with armed groups like al chabad. so that is part of the problem. yes, but when you look of a war in ukraine and the global attention, you just move forward to places like western africa or the sir how region where the the challenges are massive. we're talking about a vast territory larger than europe on its own, and with the increase of instability. we're talking about a potential for millions and millions of people to be affected in the, in the future. however, you don't get that same sense of urgency and attention as far as international committee is concerned. i would agree with other surveys,
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and i think the ukraine and credit crisis has brought out something that is not new . and not particularly surprising, which is that europe prioritizes people closest to its own borders, but also people who are closer to sort of europe's own vision of itself if you want . so there is a racial aspect there. there's a cultural aspect, there was an existing aspect. so it seems much easier for your p. m. public opinion to sympathize with ukrainian this place than for example, with people from molly or but you know, fossil and i think that's something we have to acknowledge. and i also think that that europe has perhaps, have, i mean i, europe is an important donor region in the world. but i think europe has had too much of a say in the global conversation around refugee protection for example. and that is actually not really in line with the realities are on the ground. i mean more than 80 percent of the world's space people are actually posted in the,
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in the global south. so i think that the european understanding of who is worthy of solidarity and protection shouldn't be the only voice in that conversation. parvati, how to move. busy forward because you get a sense that the international community is having an issue, particularly when it comes to impunity. you look at places like yemen, like syria, other places, millions of people were killed, hundreds of thousands of people displaced them. ultimately, the international committee is not doing what should to prevent those atrocities from being done again and again. i absolutely, i would agree with you, i think and i agree also, you know, with what has been said just now about the fact you know that the, the ukrainian displacement, horrible and tragic as it is, it is nevertheless, actually only what is the a recent tip if you like to this massive iceberg,
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and you know, the vast majority of displaced people are in what you know, in developing countries. and many are in, of course africa, but also not in america. we have been as well. and we have, you know, cubans, we have large number of people in the move in latin america in asia. of course, the ranger crisis has been existing prolonged long time. so we know wherever you go now, there is that there is the presence of the refugee, the internally displaced the migrant. but there is been a distinct prioritization, which is of course racial as well as to do with european identities a particularly here in the u. k. for example, it's very interesting that the u. k. government has, on the one hand, open up a channel whereby, you know, you k citizens can offer a home to ukrainians. but at the same time, they are working on a deal with rwanda to us and across mainly those who have been coming across or may
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come across from the channel or from france. and of course, we know that many of them are from conflict conflict or post conflict zones from africa, from iraq, et cetera. so we see a very clear distinction and i think that that honesty is absolutely necessary on the table. and yes, i also agree that a lot of the measures have been responsive or in reaction to rather than really tackling what is a global phenomena, doesn't in international, hey, we're wise organizations and years operating all the ground. the raise, the, this issue for the, for, for a particular reason, they wanted to come to an end a little while to see a repeat of it. but some times the urge didn't need is for donations for donors to step in to provide assistance. tackle what the, the can tackle. now when it comes to inviting people to look of the root causes of a problem. thus where people say, you know, this is really going to take ages and ages to solve. yeah,
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i think that's definitely a huge issue and, and i concur with what was said on the painful contrast between and the way that some ukrainian refugees and have been treated. and the way that refugees say from somalia or syria had been treated. and i think one of the issues that hasn't been res possibly is the fact that what is happening in ukraine and is having a massive impact on, or the potential for that aid as desperately needed a right now. and here in the horn where i am and also calls in this a hell region as well. and if we just take somalia, for example, somalia is really reliant on our wheat from russia and ukraine even before the war . heavily dependent on imported rice, vegetable oil, sugar fuel. and this has had a major impact on price as i think the prices have increased by more than 140
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percent in somalia, but which is extreme. so when you look at the aid that's needed to help people who have been displaced and the cost of the aid, the figures don't adopt, it's impossible to really know how that gap will be felt. and i think this is a huge, huge issue and a big, big worry for people who are trying to help the vulnerable communities have been impacted by these many issues right now. yes, person that says doesn't raise the issue of the global there mansion of the conflict in the ukraine. now, if this continues the potential for because you cruise one of the biggest exporters of grain to other turbo world, if it continues and the disruptions continue, we're likely to see a war instability, violence under hunger in, in africa, for example. and then the potential for more displacement to happen,
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it seems that this is going to invite us to rethink the way we deal with crisis, particularly those with a global dimension. well, i definitely think that both the unfortunate milestone of 100000000 displaced people and the war in the ukraine is giving us another occasion to reassess the way international interventions and responses are modeled. and i do think that that there is a need for molly seeking approach to displacement crisis. i think we've, we've already mentioned the sensuality of the drivers behind the displacement. 11 thing i would like to emphasize both in terms of conflict, conflict prevention and the terms of responses to displacement is the immense capacities of local communities in the areas that are experiencing this placement to actually host the space people and sort of make to outside the purview of
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state intervention or the presence of international organizations. so i think that in terms of the broader approach to, to responding to these issues, i think there's a need for acknowledgement of the immense resources and sort of efforts made locally very close to the displacement situations around the world. where were local communities are actually receiving people. housing then providing them with opportunities. and i think that broadening the view to also include development efforts to strengthen those communities is a way to make these responses more sustainable over time. parvati a milestone is a number 100000000, remains a figure, a number. in fact, we're talking about 100000000 stories shutter lies, shutter dreams, stories of death, of it, or of eviction and dispossession. yet yet, once again, you get a sense of the world cares more above figures,
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not the stories of the people who are the most vulnerable. you are right, and it is a problem. we live in a world where there are many instrumental approaches and priorities and numbers somehow fitting better than stories. i just want to say one thing. yes, it's a hun, you know, we're talking about a 100000000 lives and stories of displacement and despair. but those 100000000 lives as long as they're alive or also 100000000 lives of hope. and i think it is absolutely fundamental and i thank you for flooding up the humanity that is at stake. and the great loss for all of us across the planet. if we do not invested governments do not invest more attention, more funds, more resources, more support for these 100000000 lives that our lives of great promise and future.
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it is a great tragedy because many of these are young people. they are the future of this plant, answered absolutely fundamental that we humanize the, the refugee and displacement story. i also completely agree that we need local authorities to be taken into account and deals. questions of place. it's the low, it's on the ground, in particular, localities and places and regions that you know, the actual support and our resilience is happening. and so it's absolutely fundamental to take into account that meeting point if you like, of people on the move and places that welcome. and there are some good examples of this. for example, in italy where we had mayor's making, you know, arrangements amongst one another. when the government was going off in a completely different direction. so i think there is a potential that needs to be paid attention to and tapped into another name or
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climate change is definitely going to become a big a bigger issue in the upcoming years. more scarcity of water foot, particularly in the african continent, could this be the moment to change or shift priorities, at least as far as the african unit is concerned, because they talk about a deadline to silence guns. what i think now it could be their moment to think about how to tackle climate change and it's repercussions. absolutely. and we've been waiting for a she is now the african union to appoints a climates emvoy um and they haven't done that. yes. and this year is really significant for the african continent, for example, because koch $27.00 will be, are in egypt, and many a say that it is going to be an african cops. so it's a pretty important time anna, key time for africans to have their voices heard. but as looking at climate change
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and climate stresses, and when we talk about migration in the sa hello, here in the horn, and it's, it's been a long beth ha way of life for people here. migratory movements across borders and have been the norm particularly for herders. but what we've seen in terms of the impact on climate, on these movements is the droughts in particular that we've seen and recurring droughts, and reduce the ability of these populations to move oven because they're left without the resources necessary to move. and miss is a huge, huge issue. the people who live a semi nomadic way of life amendment longer troy seizes, we're seeing an increased pressure of water and land. we're seeing a shift in those movements. and that is going to be a huge issue in terms of bringing people into potential situations where they could end up in conflict. yes, but the, the issue of draws long cycles of draws hobbins strain and relations with will hurt
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as on farmers, ethnic groups in africa. but it's also creating problem for host nations in different parts of the world. like give you an example in measure for example, has his own problems and then it's flooded with a huge number, an influx of refill over a futures on displaced people or people are saying we cannot handle those problems anymore. that's true. i had the, as i said before, i mean the majority of the wells to face people are hosted in the global south. and many of those regions and communities are also highly vulnerable among, among other reasons because of sort of environmental degradation, for example, through jobs. and i do just want to emphasize that despite that, but an ability people are still sort of stepping up to that challenge and we've read, i mean we do see some conflicts arising from the arrival of displaced people. but
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we also see a lot of solidarity on the ground. and i just want to emphasize one more thing, which is that in, in sort of thinking about the narrative around refugees globally. i think the key issue in the solidarity we've seen around people this paste from from the view claim now is that they are not only offered asylum, they're also offered the opportunity to work. and what we see, for example, in relation to the syrian refugee crisis, which has been going on for years, is that fairly well off people with the sudden think you have education kept waiting in a silent procedures for years without being able to work or contribute on their own, which is what most people in the world, what to do. so i think that in terms of the responses we need to think about whether it's in the hell or in europe. we do need to think about how we can sort of encourage systems that make that allow for people to create their own lives under these new condition. and we'll definitely continue talking about this particular
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issue in the near future, at least hoping that one day that stock number of people have been evicted from their homes will decrease. nathan in was shitty. yes. barbie anson, parvati and i, and i really appreciate your insight. thank you. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a jane size story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. 100 is add a jane size $44.00. mm hm. and the entire team here, they'll have, bye for now. ah
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