tv Witness The Billboard Squad Al Jazeera May 24, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm AST
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the main issue around the council table trying to get hungry to change its mind and pass that 6 package of sanctions. one other issue that did feature in her speech, james, and indeed conference in devil is the client is climate change in the verification away from fossil fuels. she said it's good for the climate, but also for the independence of the energy supplies all sort of tied in together. isn't that what absolutely. it's the same issue of supply chains. she says, yes, we got to move away from fossil fuels. although interestingly, when european nations are moving away from hooton's gas and oil, they are having to temporarily at least rely on fossil fuels a bit more than they planned in some cases. but she says in the long term, green energy is definitely the way for what she says. hydrogen is the new frontier, but she made the point. we've got things like electric cars and batteries and the like. you need lithium, you need to silica new lead role metals. and she said,
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we've got to have supply chains for those that are reliable supply chains with reliable countries providing that rule materials. she said, a strategic partnership, a role material partnership, already done by the you with canada, and she'll be looking for other reliable sources. so there isn't this a supply chain problem we've seen with regard to russia and with regard to the old for fossil fuels of gas and all ok. jane phase for the moment, thanks very much that we will leave off the moment leaf is out. we are expecting nato secretary general getting stolen back to speak at the forum, and we will go back and listening to that speech live as well. well, the strong message has been sent to russia and china on that using force to drive change. this one has come from leaders in the us of the u. s. india is trailer and japan who is a regional talks ukraine war. climate change on china's influence in the,
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in the pacific with some of the issues discussed by the group known as the quad pe . he or she did, we have been able to send off a powerful message of commitment by the, for leaders from tokyo to the whole world, which was extremely valuable. the 4 of us committed that unilateral change of status quo by force will never be allowed in any region, especially the indo pacific. and that the free and open in the pacific is ever more relevant today. got to thought the leaders stopped short of a strong condemnation of russia's invasion of ukraine. mcbride explains from take the shad threats of the 4 quad members that they face in linda pacific. there was a repeat about. busy north korean in north korea's missile testing about cherry, china's territorial moves in the east and south china seas. also reference made to climate change. and also the fact that the indo pacific is prone to natural disasters. it is this of the pacific ring of fire, and that how the 4 members should help themselves when it comes to infrastructure,
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disaster preparedness for their mutual benefit. there was a reference made to russia and about how a country should not be able to determine the status quo. will of a neighbor by force basically sending in the tanks. that would seem to be obliquely a message also sent in the direction of china with regards to its attitudes towards a taiwan. but i think what was interesting, just finally was it was interesting in what they did agree on and could agree on pointing to what they can't agree on. i think that the, the summit members, especially 3 out of all of them, would have liked to at least seen a very strong condemnation of russia for its actions in ukraine. but of course, india was here and because of its tradition of non alignment, it would be unable to sign up to any act strong condemnation. so we got a very wishy washy message at the end saying that the all the members aggrieved in their sovereignty and the, the right of self determination,
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which did seem to be something of a cop out cat. ours emir shake tommy been hammered. albany has called for journalists, lives to be respected, no matter where they come from. observe shaheen black, there was shot dead by israeli forces was on assignment. sheena was a christine, palestine, in american journalist was killed 2 weeks ago in palestine and then robbed of a dignified burial. she was covering the suffering of the palestinian people for decades, and our hearts are broken. her death was just as horrific as the 7 journalists killed in ukraine since march of this year and 18 other journalists killed in palestine since 2000. well, the palestinian foreign ministry says it formerly asked the international criminal court to investigate showings, killing. israel's military prosecutor has called on the army to conduct an in depth
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investigation. but last week, the march, he said it is not going to investigate. neither ever him reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank on how palestinians feel. international criminal court could be the only way to get justice for serene. the posted in foreign ministry has said that it's referred the file of shit in black letters case in killing to the international criminal court. we know that in 2021. the prosecutor of the i. c. c. has said that it's opening an investigation into potential war crimes in the palestinian territory. and palestinians say that the killing of should in a broccoli is a war crime indeed than that has pushed that file and referred to the i. c. c. in addition to dozens of other files that have been filed over the past a year or so, including extra de, she'll killing the indigo as really settlement and a palestinians hope and say that the international criminal court could be the only
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way to get justice for serene and other is really crimes. now these really military prosecutor has said that it is ready i. we should be conducting an investigation urging one this. does it mean that the investigation would be open or that it has already been opened? this only means that the circles within b, israeli army are talking about the potential of opening an investigation from our experience. it's been very rare that these really military opens investigations into killings of palestinians. and in their rare cases it does. it almost never leads to an indictment and when it does lead to an indictment, the light at the sentence is usually light and palestinians say it's this proportionate to the crime. that's why they're hoping to get justice from the international criminal court. cilla has hair on al jazeera, a virus, those coming under closer scrutiny. why vaccine use to eradicate small pulse could
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make a comeback? double detention, we'll hear about the guns in opposition. take arrested twice in a week, protesting against the rising cost of living. ah, that we focus and as you why that the atmosphere of the rain that's coming in the monsoon at the moment, which is really affected me, a mom at your western talent. but there are plenty of other areas in southeast asia where the orange suggests, the showers are so pretty heavy. once more we're talking about bornea, particularly the south is coming back into su, marshlin. sherry stuffing up into singapore called lumper. throughout the philippines, west, papua, and silhouette, is he not maybe as heavy rain wise as the last 4 days or so, but it could be anywhere. the 10th, the focus tends to wander around. it's a bit more settled in australia, patton, at least. and then we got
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a cold front sweeping through south australia. usually that means the weather behind is going to be colder, but not significantly, not just yet. that's next week. when a real blast to winter could be coming your way. but for the immediate future, shall we ran into adelaide, heading towards melbourne ahead of that's a sunny day at 19 degrees. the day after doubt about 17th. there hasn't been a big shift as you can see. but the feed on shore from northern new south wales up through brisbin looks a bit dodgy. now, given that this is the area it suffered flooding 2 or 3 times. so far in the last month or 2, you might want to see what's going on here. doesn't look as bad as it suggests, maybe a few showers, little wind, not bad looking whether you didn't doing fine. ah, ah, you're watching out, is there a reminder of our top story? is this, our fighting is raging on an eastern ukraine as russia invasion reaches the 3 month
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mark. european commission president of on the line has told business leaders in doubles the key must win the war, making it a strategic failure from president who 10 head back now to devils where nato secrete general again. stilton bag is speaking at the world economic forum trip. the world economic forum has brought the global community together to extinguish the us insides on the solutions, on some of the roles most important to difficult problems. today we need the spirit of the voice even more through the preston, 30 or war on ukraine, has shut to the peace in europe. it is really
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a game changer, not just for european security, but for a global order. made the last 2 fundamental tasks in there is false to rush of aggression, providing support to ukraine and preventing the war from escalating for many years. natal, i'm a followers how to support did ukraine in particular, the united states, canada, united kingdom and also turkey. providing equipments and training with finance, so thousands of ukrainian soldiers. we see the difference that is making every day on the battlefield. since rush of the nation, we are significantly started off our support with billions of dollars, weapons, and other assistance to help ukraine of all,
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it's right to self defense and shrine in the u. m. shorter naples. main responsibility is to protect us and prevent this war from escalating, causing even greater death and destruction. we may have been shocked by russia's brutal innovation. but we should not be surprised if this invasion was wrong, although the best predictor the acts of military aggression ever in they thought we shared intelligence and made the intelligence public for men in the most to warn about putin is france. russia's attack on ukraine is part of a ton of many years where moscow uses military force to achieve
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its political gains, ace, the destruction of grossman, the invasion of georgia, dan like section of chromium, the bombing of a level. and now the war in ukraine. since the 1st invasion of ukraine in 2014 named dorothy that, that thing ons prevailing will increase the fence felony and investors in mobile capabilities. we the throw in combat the buggers in the eastern part of alliance for the 1st time in our history. we increased the readiness of forces and astonished in the fence domains including space and cyber space. when russia invaded the ukraine again,
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this year, natal was ready. we deployed additional forces to the east saw reliance. today we have over 40000 troops and the dialect. nato command back by significant air and naval assets. we doubled the number of multinational back loops from the bowl dig to the black sea. and we had a 100000 troops on high alert, ready to respond to any of your machine and to defend every inch on natal territory . this is that terence to the moon. any rules for misunderstanding or lease calculation in moscow not to provoke a conflict, but to prevent the conflict and preserve peace. love,
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december, president trenton presented an ultimatum to nato. he them, on a legally binding a treaty to rewrite the security architecture in europe to re establish affairs of influence to force may go to withdraw from an eastern part to our lines. and to end make 2 and lodgings. he warmed a less named door on his borders and launched a war. now he's getting more needle on his borders and more members, fillum and sweden's decision to apply for nate, the membership is historic. it demonstrates that european security will
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not be dictated by violence and intimidation. all eyes agree that in a large amount has been a great success spreading freedom and democracy across europe. so i'm confident that we will be able to find a way to address all our loss security concerns and welcome home, making those closest partners into our family all free nations. in the meantime, makers vigilance in the baltic sea region, allies have increased their presence. we are set up exercises and the programs and for the 1st time ever a youth abuse read,
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the group has been placed under natal command financing. mentorship would also strengthen the close ball between the nato and the european union. european security and transatlantic security. deed leaking to taunt today close to 600000000 europeans live in a country. and 93 percent of the population is protected by nato. the ever closer coordination between nato and the the opinion has been critical for dealing with the current crisis. and also just heard from also from the lion named allies and the european union have imposed on president the sanctions. all 2 things, one machine countries from switzerland to south korea have joined loss and also
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applied sanctions. and hundreds of international companies have pulled out of russia. these massive sanctions, reminders of one of them important lessons from this conflict. that we should not trade long term security needs for short term economic interests. the war in ukraine. then we'll see how i can lonely creations with all that italian regimes can create vulnerabilities over reliance on the import of t, commodities like energy, lease creative bike sporting advanced technologies like artificial
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intelligence. and reagan resilience caused by foreign control over critical infrastructure life 5, g. this is about russia, but also about trying another over the tiny machine that does cheryl values and other undermines the rule space in national order is national trade. hass undoubtedly brought great prosperity i and many of us here today including but give it a low. how were hard to promote a more globalized economy, but we must recognize that our economic choices have consequences for our security. freedom is more
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important than a free trade. the protection or values is more important than the profit at the national summit in madrid next month, natalee. this will make bold decisions to continue to strengthen and adopts our lives for this is more dangerous and competitive world. the conflict in ukraine as on the line, the importance of beautiful north america standing together in needham. and i work with like minded partners around the world to defend the use and promote peace and prosperity in the spirit of divorce. i count on you too. thank you
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there we were missing tyranny says that the general yen seldom bags. speaking at the world economic forum, he was saying we may have been shocked by putin's brutal invasion, but we should not be surprised thinks they can go to the mosque as james bays at the world economic forum. these also the listening in to the speech by the sultan back. another interesting point i thought he made that was freedom is more important than free trade protection of values more important than profit. yes. and that's because he's addressing this audience and sitting in the room are not just political figures that he normally addresses. but business leaders, and i think he does need the business community on the side. because clearly the whole issue of trading with russia is part of how he and others are the western
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leaders hope to pressure the putin a government. and certainly we've seen unprecedented sanctions coming from western nations from the you from the u. s. the u. k. and others interesting that we heard from him saying a line that i've heard many times before. because in the last nearly 3 months, i've been listening to a very great number of speeches by mister stolt, him back as what his press conferences and interviews. he said the putin wanted less nato, but he ended up getting more nato, referring to that, all the extra bashful groups that nato is poured into the areas around russia and ukraine to the east of the lions. but also referring to the fact that sweden and finland trying now to become the members. they put the letters in the other week in brussels and they want to start that process. now, that's where nato, the 2nd general, how to do the problem. because one nato nation,
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turkey currently is opposing that. he said on that i'm confident will find a way to address all allies security concerns. but certainly that is the focus of intense diplomacy at the moment going on behind the scenes. because what they plan to do is to fast track the membership of those 2 nations. they want to make the procedures that normally happen for jordan. nato go really, really very fast. and indeed, because sweden and finland have military interoperability with nato, they were very, very closely together. both in the balkans and in going to san finland in sweden served with nato. so they were hoping to fast track all list by and they to summit in madrid. what they hope to have them sitting around the table as inviting nations . they will certainly be there in madrid, but whether they will get that status is not clear at this stage. and i think nato really wants to, wants to speed this up. and i think behind the scenes there's a lot of talk going on with turkey to try and address to concerns jones. also,
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he said that there was ever close a corporation between nato and the e. u to that corporation not really exist before know that comes to come to the corporation has existed in the past because many of the countries all the same nations and obviously now that you've got finland and sweden trying to join the club, you got even more of the nato nations, who are you nations, but sometimes is a little bit of, of competition as well. e d. u has its own foreign policy and the e. u has carried out various military missions, for example, one they've had to move forward at the moment. that training mission in molly, because of the molly and government really turning against the west, turning against france, telling against the e u. that's not now operating, but not just an example of the you doing things on its own separate from nato. and sometimes there's been some tension between the 2 organizations. but as the memberships get more unified, the countries,
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because they're all nato and you become almost the same, i suspect they'll be even more unity can say 20 from from the same now the biden administration says it will appeal against a recent court decision that allowed us border authorities to carry out nearly 2000000 deportations. human rights advocates will in the truck. the error policy is harming tens of thousands of asylum seekers on a rapid reports from the mexican border city of tatiana. ah, the look of disappointment on the faces of migrants near mexico's border with the united states. many of them like ronnie freight, a haitian migrant who has been stuck in mexico for more than a year. we're hoping monday would mark an end to title $42.00, append demik era policy that has prevented thousands of migrants from seeking asylum in the us. thought of the us, your story, a committee, and on the 5th. yeah,
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i watch every day to see how things might improve for us. the truth is, i was hoping title 42 would any, because i'm afraid of returning to haiti or of being deported. little florida, across the border in the united states. conservative politicians have defended the decision by us district court to block the bided administration from ending title 42, calling it a vital element for managing the crisis on the border level of local um, we're doing everything we possibly can to prevent people from coming across the border and instead of texas. oh, in tijuana, migrants rights advocates have held demonstrations in recent days. pleading for u. s. officials to end title 42, calling you to xena phobic policy that is suspended the processing of asylum applications. before title 42 was put in place 2 years ago, migrants could come right up to this gate. this is the border between mexico and the united states. and they could request
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a silent but under the guise of the coven. 19 health emergency border authorities are able to turn away asylum seekers. human rights observers say this violates both us and international law. though it's unknown how long title 42 will remain in place. it doesn't mean all asylum cases will remain suspended. after 10 months of waiting on the border, just beth, a migrant fling, cartel violence in southern mexico has been granted humanitarian parole and will soon be crossing into the us legally non government. there's of in i heard title 42 was going to continue and wondered when will it be removed? all i said was god, you know what i've been through, i trust in you, and i know some day i'll make it across. and that day has finally arrived, given the amendment that the, the white house, along with the u. s. department of justice have announced plans to appeal the
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court's decision to extend that title 42. ah, until then, tens of thousands of migrants along the length of the us mexico border will have to wait indefinitely to have their asylum cases heard. manuel rap, hello al jazeera, tiquana, mexico. while you can find much more on our website as plenty on ukraine as we mock 3 months since the russian invasion began. also as choice from diverse way ukraine is again dominating the agenda at the world economic forum. we've been home from yen stilton berg and us up bung to lime this our that's it for me laura. kyle and associates. hey, i saw that. hey, i will be here for the news hour in just a few moments time. ah, no, not a from
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mm. pool away. official and line of the journey, new generations. this indigenous community has lived off of what the rain forest provides, but when they discovered that their territory was being invaded by gold mining projects all along their river, community board a lawsuit against a po to us government. you've won, you want the unprecedented ruling obliges the state to consult communities over oil and mining projects that impact their lead and to seek their consent. the tiny, seen on the way community has won a huge battle, but it may not necessarily have the last word since the court ruling does leave room for exceptions in the name of overriding national interests.
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