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tv   News  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2022 3:00am-3:31am AST

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ah ah ah ah, i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents. and this is mean fighting both isis and of the 2nd of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father, the son and the jihad. cartoon on al jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what moves you with the news and current for that matter to you,
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ah, accumulates he now held together by grief where live in new valley in texas, where parents, pupils and community leaders gather to more than those who were killed tuesday school shoot. ah, 11 o'clock, this is out 0 life and also coming up least confront protested in pakistan as ousted leader in run con, calls on his supports us to help bring down the gold plus we follow the meteoric rise of a vice presidential candidate in columbia was give me a voice to the voiceless. ah
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said there is a shock, anger and grief in the town of you felt in texas after a teenager open foreign killed 19 children and 2 teachers on tuesday. vigils are now taking place across the state for those who died. it was the worst school shooting in the united states in the decade. it's still unclear what the 18 year old guns, motivations were. a big job by good evening. as again said he's sick and tired of gun carnage in the country. he called on politicians to get to stand up to re powerful firearms lobby and save lives. the idea 19 year old can walk into a store and buy weapons, a war designed and marketed to kill is i think, just wrong. just violet common sense, even the manufacture, the inventor of that weapon, thought that as well. you know,
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where's the backbone? where's the courage to stand up to a very powerful lobby. what don hendern is at the scene of the shooting in new valden, texas joins me now and john, so vigils taking place for those who died. that's right, we're seeing people trickle into this building. the you validate county arena, where people are marking this event with candlelight and prayer, vigil as police are piecing together exactly what happened in this shooting yesterday. and what we have learned is that this young man, salvador ramos, shortly after his 18th birthday, bought to a r 15 style assault weapons. and that before coming to the school, he shot his grandmother in the face. and then on social media told a friend about that. then drove to the school crashed his car,
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forced to way past an armed security guard. this is all according to police and other authorities here. and then burst into this school where for an hour he held that school hostage in one room with a large number of people. he continually fired police. it was, it was hundreds of shots in, in the and 17 children. and 2 teachers were dead. that much authorities say they know what they don't know is what exactly motivated this young man to pick that school. they have some clues. he was apparently bullied for years in school for speaking with a lisp that might have had something to do with it and had been complaining about his grandmother to a friend. but what exactly sparked that incident and drove him to that particular school. that's what police are trying to piece together right now. it is, it was a terrible, terrible trouble for the community. you what's in place to try and help to the
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bereaved. and also people have been through this will right now that school people aren't allowed to go there. it's she'll be treated as a truck crime scene, so police have blocked it off. they're picking up all of the spent cartridges and everything. but meanwhile, you have events like this where people are going to come together and be with each other. there will be of course, therapy for those who are, who were in the school at the time. this all happened. and what you have, after all of these shootings is just a massive amount of grief. and mostly people will turn to each other to try to deal with that. but there will be professional help available as well. all right, john, i'll leave that for the mentor. john henry reporting that from you. thanks very much for that. well, it's headed out from the white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare who has more on some of the obstacles facing significant change
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to gun control. what's confusing at all this is that often what we see in the case of gun legislation is that it will pass in the house of representatives. but then it gets to the outer chamber, which is the u. s. senate and that's where it seems to stall, largely because there are many republicans in the u. s. senate who are beholden to the national rifle association, or the largest gun lobby in the united states. as many of them have received donations for their campaigns to be elected, and as a result will vote against this legislation because they have been directed to do so by the national rifle association. so that's why this happens. but you also have to remember that these legislators are put into the senate by. 6 americans who support these actions and hold very dear the right to bear arms, which is entrenched in the 2nd amendment of the us constitution. so, oh, well, often these legislators are blamed and they really are representative of
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a larger body of americans that the support the ideals of the national rifle association. so this is part of the problem that many democrats and the president is battling when news broke of the texas shooting, the online reaction was immediate. and to lexia for on police say the shooting began at 11 32 in the morning when the hours that followed anxious parents gathered outside desperate for news of their children local reportedly wold when tweeted, we just heard screams inside the civic center. yet another family hearing the worst news possible. her colleague dylan calia shared a picture of one of the victims 10 year old xavier lopez. those scenes, at reminiscence of the sandy hook shooting and connecticut. 10 years ago, a gunman shot dead 20 children aged 6 and 76 adult staff brecker bama. describe that shooting is one of the darkest days of his presidency back then he called for
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change. can we truly say as a nation that we're meeting our obligations? can we honestly say that we're doing enough to keep our children all of them say from our since then efforts to change. got policies in any significant way have repeatedly failed after tuesday shooting and takes us obama tweak that he grieved for the families. but that he was also angry for them saying that the us is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby and a political party that has shown no willingness to act on the subject of lobby groups. the star tribune newspaper based in minneapolis, she had this by one of its cartoonists, withdrawn after the sandy hook shooting. you can see the police tape on the lower image showing that one of the barriers to gun control in the us is the power of the gun lobby. and particularly the in our re or the national rifle association. takes
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us republican ted cruz is one senator who's received financial support from gun lobbyists. the website open secret says he was given the most money all in $300000.00. out of all senate candidates in the 2018 election cycle. more recently, the brady center to prevent gun violence has paid, prove not quite at the top is number 26, but still featured among senators who received most from the in our re. what's interesting though is the number in the bottom right. $3159.00, the average number of gun dixon takes us per year by far the highest on the list. after the shooting crews tweeted that he and his wife, when lifting up and prayer, the children and families involved. he also dismissed any suggestion there is a need for strict gun laws, you know, inevitably when there's a murder of this kind, you see politicians try to politicize. you see democrats and
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a lot of folks in the media who's immediate felicia, is to try to restrict how social rights of law abiding citizens that doesn't work. it's not affected online. there are lots of opinions from both sides of the gun control debate about money, politics and freedom, but journalist philip the franco, also wrapped up one of the other common things, helplessness he twisted the uniquely american feeling, saying, news about a mash shooting of kids and knowing literally nothing is going to change to stop it from happening again. is the one i hate, the most movie on the united states is still dealing with a severe shortage of infant formula for weeks. grocery stores have been running out and manufacturers and government agencies say they're working to tackle the problem . pay co hain as the latest more palate maybe formula arriving in the u. s. on military plains, from overseas. this landing, watched by the 1st lady joe biden, trying to signal to an angry population that the administration is doing something
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about it. but on capitol hill, the focuses on how did it happen in the 1st place? only 4 companies produce most of the baby formula in the us. one was shut down after 4 babies got sick, 2 died. the company denies its formula is responsible. but on capitol hill in apology. the current infant formula shortage is heartbreaking. on behalf of everyone and added, i want to express are extraordinary disappointment. about the shortage. we are deeply, deeply sorry, but there are other questions about how this company was regulated. a whistleblower res concerns last october that there were problems in the factory notified the food and drug administration, which didn't tour the facility for another 4 months. frankly, the inspection results were shocking. we knew that facing plant operations would create supply problems, but we had no choice given the unsanitary conditions. there are things congress could do to try and prevent this from happening again. they could change the way
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the program works against formula to low income families, likely increasing competition. but it isn't clear that they intend to even try to do that. or if it's even past the polarized congress. but even that will help with the immediate problems, panic parents, and empty shells. but there are those trying to find an immediate solution. this volunteer group usually distributes diapers, but now they're focusing on formula of a volunteer can find it. they'll donated to families who can't or simply can't afford to bite themselves. i catch myself thinking, it's unbelievable that we're in the u. s. and there are babies that can't be said. i mean, every can of formula we give out. i think wow, at least the baby will be fed for a few more days, but you do not expect something like this year. a crisis for parents and a country. pettengill hain, l g 0, washington. a black female social activist has been announced as a running mate in columbia. his presidential election campaign frontier markers was
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little know, not side the upper columbia community until this year. she's now aiming for the vice presidency alongside the left. a sen, gustavo petra, and it's under amputee as this report leading vice presidential candidate, france jamarkis doesn't look like, nor has the resume of a traditional colombian politician. yet she has become a political phenomenon, giving a voice to the country's marginalized communities. i didn't ask to be in politics, but politics messed with us and now we mess with it. and we're messing with politics because they always told us, it wasn't for us. that politics was for others. mark as rice has been meteoric as a black woman and environmentalists, her message and candid language propelled her to the 3rd place in the country's march presidential primary, compelling, the leading presidential candidates gustavo pedro to choose her as her running mate . okay, columbia law said thank you, i'm be a can't accept
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a woman that the elite c as that housemaid. we were limited to one role and she's changed that showing us and our daughters, that we can be what we want. even president aurora as a single mother. she worked as a housemaid, but managed to get a law degree and was awarded the goldman price in 2018. the world's most important prize for environmental activists. i thought i had thought of, she has survived that temps in her life after confronting illegal gold mining mafias in the conflict rhythm region around her hometown or for assistance there. now, the asians of columbia social disparity, this part that almost unprecedented national conversation about race and class, exposing deep and longstanding room in the backlash as means way and social media in the streets. she has in the target of racist attacks. a well known colombian singer called her king kong, she has even had to cancel campaign events,
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fun during a rally, and she was targeted with the laser and forced to leave. the sage isn't late yet. her success has convinced other presidential candidates to select africa. colombians, as running mates with you, better moody, you're running for century said here for hire. the says it's about time to start dealing with colombia, the history of racism and bigotry people. there's an entire legacy of structural racism that is denied from the start our existence, dignity and humanity. people ask me why i always wear a suit and tie. i don't like ties. but when i don't use them, i am racially profiled harassed, including by the police to a segment of colombians who are claiming for change and for more diverse with presentation marcus is their champion, even if only as a vice president. the question is whether the rest of the country is ready for her
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. allison yeti. as you observe, media network continues to demand a rapid and independent and transparent investigation into the kidney with janice from the occupied west bank through now back lower shot in the head by israeli forces. while she was on assignment in jimmy of the day for funeral israeli forces storm, the procession started beating mourners, causing pull bearers to almost drop her casket. i didn't stop thousands of palestinians from march through or can fight east jerusalem to take part in her funeral and burial members of the international community have condemned to killing and continue to call for an investigation. i've worked with with al jazeera for 25 years, covering the story of the israeli occupation. she was known as the voice of palestine so that there are not 0 trouble at the till why 40 percent of britney's a pay more getting less ah,
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the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to catherine book. your travel package today. rather plum rains, and that is what they are called a schuman sells in southern china between the yangtze and the pearl released the south coast just about affecting hong kong. some more construct rain in taiwan, the induced shower that were honshu, and keg or she mchugh shoe. they're also like to be fairly big in it. significant rain seems like go through tokyo during friday, but were left behind was pretty war conditions. 6th grade to 8 degrees above average from shanghai northwards underneath that sunshine. and that's not the 1st time it happens. been surprisingly warm. south of all this and the southern philippines bits born in that's still a way to look to cli wet. that's also true or southern thailand, cambodia, maybe vietnam certainly allows and the cost of me and mar where the monsoon trough is sitting at the moment. now doesn't look too obvious. the monsoon rain is just
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showing tough in carola, so lanka. and over here in the northeast, but most of it in the other season, increasing cloud is still the hot and dry dusty stuff, particularly in the northern plains. that dust is really quite persistent but attempts to come down as a result. same is true in pakistan without the showers to cool things down is lumber up to 40 middle forties, further south. and that breeze again carries dust with it. casa air weight, official airline of the journey to young women in morocco, staying with local families. morocco really woke me up and it definitely changed my life in a good way. american students learning to live in north africa. i'm getting better at haggling and shopping in morocco. knowledge, is there a world photos there, journeys of cultural emotion, leading to some surprising consequences? an american in my home on al jazeera
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oh a how do i get your watching al jazeera, your mind about top stories, a saw and visuals are taking place across texas for those who died and was now the worst school shooting in the u. s. in a decade is still unclear what the 18 year old gunman, motivations were. the teenager open fire killing 19 children, and 2 teachers on choose. you as president joe biden has again said he is sick and tired of gun carnage in the country. he's called on politicians to stand up to the powerful farms lobby and save lives. life plans to travel to develop b as the weekend. well, johnny is now from you. brody is john larry, who was
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a democratic candidate for us at congress at mr. lira. welcome to the program, the sad occasion at your bed, i believe in you val. d, where the original is taking place. it must be very hard to say that means for people to deal with. yes, thank you mr. clark for having me on. on the show today. and you're absolutely right, you know, in small towns like this, the school districts in the schools are really the heart of the community. this is where everybody has been through. everybody had the same math teacher. everybody knows everybody to the school. and as you can imagine, the school has been really, really impacted. so in a small town like this, in a small community, the magnitude is magnified. give us a sense of how people are, how the community is and how it can process this. yeah, you know, we came up here immediately yesterday, you know, and the emotions were still very raw. you know, you can feel the heaviness within the community and nobody was saying much,
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but you could absolutely read the heaviness and the sorrow that was on their minds . you know, shocked, you know, they cannot imagine in a small town like this, one of their own would do this to their own children. so, you know, a lot of disbelief, a lot of questions are on answered still, you know, that's going to take time to process all of this. you know, when these people are demanding answers, they want solutions. they want to make sure not only that their little ones are not forgotten, but that no other loved ones have to mourn the way they are grieving today. support will be very much needed going forwards, especially for the breathed, of course. but those children, adults who experiences and witnessed, you know, unspeakable horrors. and that's a hard break of, you know, one to a visual last night that a local local pasture of the church was holding. he just opened up his doors and invited the community to come in and sure enough, a large community did come in to talk about their feelings and how this made them
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feel and to express, you know, their sorrows and, and condolences. what's, what's a hard thing is a lot of these kids were getting out of school for summer. so a lot of the counseling services that may have regularly been available through the school district are letting out for the summer. so we're fighting to make sure that those mental health and these guidance counselors and these, these grievance counselors are still available for these young children as they make their way into summer break. where do we go from here? we have this endless leap of these kind of events in the united states. it's really heartbreaking. i think this is what happens when you create a culture that champions the possession of firearms over public education over health care. you know, we've here and checks is not only made guns easy to access and also for people to carry them wherever they want. but there's also a lot of rhetoric that's criticizing teachers and saying that our,
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our school districts are indoctrinating our children. so the school system has very is come very politicized here in texas, and here in america as well. so with access to firearms and a very hyper little politicized climate for our school districts and our teachers. you know, it's really not surprising. i mean, this is, i think, the 6th shooting that has happened mass shooting in america. that has happened within the last 6 days. this cannot be the trend. here americans are demanding action commonsense actions the chief firearms, out of the folks out of the hands of the folks who intend to do harm and the mentally unstable done. we appreciate your time and perspective. thanks very much. indeed for that to john narrow democratic candidate for the us congress. thank i'll said pack us on prime minister ranken has arrived in the capital. islam above with a convoy of thousands of porters for a major rally lea, a police fire gas, and use back against the support. the interior minister says nearly 1700 people
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have been arrested. con has cooled on their faces to stay just sitting in his i'm about to demand you election high to as more now from dad's been heavy. dear guys saying ad de square, which is the revenue of the property. now tens of thousands of people had gathered . but the to get the fortune decided to shell displayed despite the fact that they were women and children president died. now m, ron han had been moving where they've gone from the type of bookstore was proven all along the way they have set up barricade. people have been battling against the police forces. they've had to clear all the barricade. despite the heavy shelley, the mood guards defiance. emotionally, st george crowd, heading towards lama bought the former prime minister. ron, pon heard that this is a corrupt government which has to go. and despite the fact that the court had
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ordered none of the protest, i should be arrested. hundreds of papers have been rounded up. the leadership, how did have been read it? and all the interior minister, i would like to tell you that enron had just a couple of 1000 people read. we have been able to witness tens of thousands of people coming just from the city of a tom abad and robert penn date. right now, did it take with you guys, but their determination is strong and they said they committed a lot, which had been battling the police. they come in today's boring, then did a shilling. their redraw and their self gotcha had been going on for quite a while by day ron ready be reaching the board very soon. and he will make a point that a cross bug is gone to enjoy the tremendous board. in fact, ever since he was removed from power surge, popularity, head guy rocket aid,
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the un security council will vote on a resolution aimed at toughening sanctions against north korea. on thursday, the u. s. called for the vote after the nor find 3 ballistic missiles, south korea, and the us of also carried out life fire drill. it started ours off the president, joe biden flew home from meeting south chris, you president unit. so you're at the weekend both agreed to hold large military exercises on a regular basis. rescue teams and searching for dozens of people who are missing often overcrowded boat sank off the coast. cheesier. the vessel went down near the city as facts. 24 people have been rescued, but one person has died and at least 76 others are unaccounted for. the boat was sailing from the libyan city of water. when it capsized president, she's paying has defended china's record to the un high commissioner for human rights. we shall bustle, 8 is on a 6 day visit to china. it coincides with the leaking of thousands of photographs.
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the pictures report leesha week of people in so called re education camps. china is also accused of issuing shoot to kill orders for escape attempts. aging has repeatedly denied detaining a 1000000 muslims and other ethnic minorities inching. james province global fee prices of hit an all time record high in recent months that being driven upwards by the war and ukraine, the pandemic, and by climate change. it comes on top of surging energy prices and high inflation . new palka has this report now from london, trouble at the tills, the price of staple foods, his sword in recent months, with as many as to in every 5 britons now buying less to eat. and for the 1st time in 40 years, inflation, the gradual increase of the cost of goods and services across a year, rose to 9 percent. with the governor of the bank of england warning, of apocalyptic food price hikes. further back the supply chain,
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the middleman a trying their best to absorb the rising costs. this is london's biggest wholesale food market where the industry's experiencing a perfect storm of problems from the pandemic to breaks it. a more recently the war in ukraine, the crisis go on in ukraine. ah, with the floods going on in spain, diverse marketing costs, fuel costs breaks as an alps as well, in terms of all the, the extra effort as be done, who knows, was around the corner. if the war continues, isn't to get worse. the winters may a worse look, look over looking at an hour. yeah. the, the cost of heating, the cost of electricity, is all going up and up and up. russia and ukraine. some of the world's largest producers of cooking oils fertilizes and grains uses everything from bread to animal feed. for the conflict means goods are stuck in ports or rotting in fields, produces and sellers are used to dealing with unpredictable situations from low yields to economic pressures to supply chain problems,
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but rarely have the issues come this thick and fast, leaving no time for companies to recover leaving everybody from feel to fork, counting the cost. and what's a worry for wealthy western consumers is potentially catastrophic to some of the world's poorest in somalia, already crippled by drought. the war new cranes push fuel and fertilizer prices up by 40 percent. while in india, a decision to ban grain exports to protect domestic supplies, seconds to push global we price is even higher. in the u. k. the national dish fish and chips is the canary, the coal mine oil is gone, pets has gone up, they've gone. it will adds on everything and jo public's paying for it will pay for it. and how much more can we pay for the cost of cooking oils increase 30 percent in 3 months and caught and had it becoming more expensive as global warming, striving fish stocks per the new hosting fisherman to spend longer at sea and now
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russian fish is disappeared. from the market, industry bosses be a 3rd of the u. case patient chip shops could close in the next 9 months. as the world bounces back from the pandemic. it's now out of the frying pan and into the fire. ne palka al jazeera london senior leaders in british prime minister bras. johnson's office of being blamed for a legal parties at the height of the terrain of our slow downs is comes after civil servants who grace, $37.00 page reports, each of what's known as party gate. johnson has apologizing, who takes full responsibility for breach in lockdown rooms. mexico seen a huge rise in the number of monarch butterflies spending the winter. their officials say that my great re insects covered about 28000 square meters of land compared to about 20000 last year upon flies. traditionally arrive in mexico and late october and spend the.


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