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tv   Witness The Billboard Squad  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2022 8:30am-9:01am AST

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mcbride, al jazeera, tokyo, and effector one of the founding members of the iconic british electronic ban. depeche mode has died. ah, fletcher was the group keyboard for more than 40 years, and has been remembered as apply an air of synth music. fellow musician said he influenced the direction of john was like techno and electronica. a person close to the group said he died of natural causes at his home in the u. k. he was 60 years old. an indian author has won the international booker prize for the 1st time, eat and jolly trees. novel tomb of sand was originally written in hindi, the water shirt, with the books, english translator, daisy rockwell. that tells the story of an unconventional and adventurous widow, aged in her eighties. the judge's said, although it tackled serious issues, the work is exuberant and playful. ah.
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without dessert, these are our top stories. a palestinian attorney general says israeli forces deliberately targeted veteran al jazeera porter, sri nebo, are clear with armor piercing bullets. akram al cottage has investigators concluded a sniper intended to kill her. and those who tried to help her the policy of ambassador to the united nations has given an emotional address at the security council. we had man sorres' calling for justice for all palestinians who have suffered under the israeli occupation, including showing up our clear police and validates access are being accused of acting too slowly to stop the gunman. behind tuesday, schools shooting 19 children and 2 teachers were killed. china and russia veto de un resolution put forth by the u. s. to impose tougher sanctions on north korea. the counsels 13 other members voted in favor of reducing the amount of oil
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pyongyang can import. those aren't you headlines? i'll be back with more news on al jazeera, after witness ah, a lease with the know that on the fish, i don't need to be here with him yet to me. and honestly, i'm using it. if it's right. yeah. most of us, the new awesome to say that the home and i ya today, and i saw in the middle east with other bill gonna give you what reseller to what the hell that the pull up with me on that one is the de la, multi, infinitely media obama possible booking for this this week? i know you're the one i don't deposit in. i will see bobby
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house out of that was a shooting abuto to the 2 young women in morocco staying with local families. morocco really woke me up and it's definitely changed my life in a good way. american students learning to live in north africa and getting better at haggling in shopping and morocco. al jazeera world photos, that journeys of cultural emotion leading to some surprising consequences. an american in my home on alger 0, a
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companies have access to radio ads and tv ads and online newspapers with the one space that is supposed to be sacred li, ours, belonging to the public for the public by the public is as the name implies, public space there's something about them that has always seemed grotesque to me and just so out of place. i don't think that billboards have any appropriate function in a public space. this is the corner here. we're here. we're on burnside drive right now. a beautiful side street. in toronto, and this believe it or not is number 25, burnside. but then you've got, these are so big. they're just so big. it's like i like the way
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donald trump tweets in all caps. going to go up on one. i think this can be turned into a little cafe up here. it's really, really nice meeting there be a conveyor belt. will copy with this company right here. beautiful view. i actually took the time to ask the city if these billboards even had proper permits, like are they allowed to be there? and the city wrote back and said no, these billboards aren't supposed to be there. we're going to have them removed. this is a mistake that was 15 years ago with a if these billboards don't have proper permits, then technically there are actually pieces of corporate garbage just round, in which case i think it's our duty as citizens to clean up that garbage
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with in i started doing elliptical activism in my late teens. i have a lot of archives down here from like, decades of activist projects rank ballot campaign. this is the b c referendum on voting reform. city i had all this is, this is original trauma, public space committee, stuff from 20 years ago. here we go. this is 15 years ago. i think it's such an important issue. and i think the way we communicate with each other visually in our own neighborhoods really affects people, sense of belonging and importance and empowerment. but for people who get involved with politics and activism, and you've got poverty, and you've got a pandemic happening and you've got housing issues and you've got issues around
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race and equality. it's unlikely that the issue around billboards will go to the top of anyone's agenda. but i think it should be there. i think it affects all those other issues. you know, you can say it's sad to look back and realize we're still fighting the same fights we were in the ninety's. that's life, that's politics. these fights never end. and clearly, i hoard things with this is the monthly meeting of the toronto public space committee. fair. thank you . i'm always curious if the billboard company is really showing up at these meetings. some is looking at the names, but i don't know to see what you might be watching performance and then i had a billboard company send enough people to
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a meeting to out vote me and they put forward a motion to cancel our campaign against them. okay, we'll move on to an update from dave on the billboard. i have 2 questions to ask you guys right now. one is that there's some locations where we need to actually go on the ground and do triangulation and figure out who is property. it's on any just hands up if anyone's interested in. oh, i see a i see a thumbs up from eagle. mm. mm. this parking lot is private property right here. this is part of the green outline on the map that is part of the hydro, right? of way, and as far as i can tell, the billboard literally crosses the line we look for property
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markers just anywhere, anything i mean, if anything like, essentially, everywhere here, you didn't bring a machete right out of the mouth. i've never felt so attacked by nature. i'm in the, in the city should be doing this work anyways. so i could ask the city like, can you guys figure this out? i'll regret this tomorrow. that slows things down. it's better if we can show them evidence that we've already figured it out in spectrum. as lynn is not impressed with what i'm saying. so i was hoping we could say it's on this property. is there a permit or not? but i, i really can't tell i would bet this was put up without any permit to matter, proving it. and then convincing staff to enforce the rules. why don't we put some signs on them like notice of that page as the gay? why did that leave? the gears the people who definitely putting a pin up here, the fees go,
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boards are now under investigation for the turn up on the claims committee. me aside from asking city staff to look into the 20 year. so billboards that we're looking at. i also filed a freedom of information request and any citizen can file one of these and it's a way to get information from the government that usually wouldn't be able to get. that's not our website. it's not in a flyer, but, but it's technically public information. i applied a few weeks ago, i said, does the city have a list of all the billboards and any cross reference data about whether they have permits or not? so i got a response. the decision is accessed is granted in full to the records provided for review. i have to pay a $10.00 fee for
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a usb stick. with an expect the that the records, the rec, the records will be mailed to you after we receive a check or money order. i love the government makes it as hard as possible. i can do this by paper how i can do by e transfer. i had to send them a check or a money order. it's so frustrating. the government is like so. committed to being stuck in the dark ages. ah, ah, great 150. and the other. her lovely bird. activism doesn't pay the bills. so got his new side get going with my kid. we're fabricating uninstalling like racks. so people can lock bicycles in front of their house.
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you don't have to make the beeping south k go other way. oh, radiate id left, lucy little more and stop. i started doing like political activism in my late teens. there's an addictive nature to it. the pressures and expectations of being seen as a leader can be a really heavy weight. ah and i, it can create some serious mental health issues. so i've gone through a few major depressive episodes related to burn out and depression . for me,
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every breakdown i had triggered an identity crisis. you put everything into a campaign. all you've got for months. when you lose it can just you can just feel like such an idiot like a failure. i was worried that my activism was killing me. and the only way i could survive was to drop politics and activism entirely. but i also knew that political work is so embedded in my dna, and that's part of who i am. i really struggle with trying to understand where my life was going. what is it 20 year old activists turn into? and then i met euchre. me. ah, you know, because he was a full time activist. he lived and breathed activism. it wasn't like something he did. it was something he, he was he was smart,
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he was clever. he knew how to take an issue and get on the front page. i like theater and gramma and agree and humor to put forward ideas about what are the year 2010 is to share that nobody goes bad. my re let everybody has a roof above their heads. i don't remember to current any context other than activism, so i don't really have memories of him just as a friend me. i want to be like him. but i'm also don't want, i want to diverge from his journey. took him me. i oh, i ok. so essentially i
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did a freedom of information request to the city saying, what have you guys got in terms of a database of existing signs and whether or not you have permits and will know right away hopefully which which sites have permits. okay, check your mouse. don't open that yet. the ready? yeah. you're ready. you're ready. big list in it. yeah, they did a good job. i think the big okay. i'm opening it. invoice stage. ah, it's done by the tax amount. so is 1570. what is almost 10000000 annually? well that's we're up against where does the part about? whereas the part of our permit, i don't see anything here about permit. so i think we need to follow up. this does not have the data i asked for them when it comes to advocacy. we're up against
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these companies who have multi $1000000.00 budgets. they can hire the best lobby is the best p r people. so we need to try every tactic. we can i miss your assistant today. i'm going to put, madame, or you, i have your table. it's a nice table. i will go over to the grass. okay. yeah. they won't bring any flowers. no, you know this, these are, these are earthworms. there. there is no reason to be intimidated by me whatsoever . i guarantee you. okay. you're the one actually with the power. you're asking me questions so i don't know what's coming. good point. yeah. the billboards are burns . i billboards. they've been there for quite a while and there they could be distracting, as there's a lot of drivers near there. and not only just because it's an ad or a billboard, but because it's so sudden in the middle of all these trees and things that i'm looking at. it's just, i think they're emails concerning the billboards from quite
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a while ago. this is dated 2006. it's set, there is something about new information which none of us were really sure of what it was. she just heard that there was new information that ended up having them remain, but they never divulged what that was. yeah. how would you like to work together to look into if they're allowed to be there? and let's follow up and have a discussion. sure, thank you. me . she's really strong, early, focused and creative, productive, and just mellow. i wrote this last year on an airplane in the middle of burn out. so it says you are here and, and then it's got all these paths forward of different projects i could be working
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on. so this is the billboard thing i decided and this is a hobby. it will never be funded. i don't want it to be funded. i want it to be a hobby. it's when you start getting really hyper excited about the work. and when you're being fueled on adrenalin, that you risk burning out here, sylvia. look at us and our matching hoodies with a squad man, billboard squad. so look at, i have it might be exciting. it might be nothing either they've, they're just sending us the same garbage again or they caved and sent us what i know they have. okay, here with that or be different to most us be the cities
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logo on it. okay, i'm scared to look at and you look at it, tell me what you see. i want permits. i want something. give us something. if they gave us a 2nd, this numbers permit number is the science permit number. nice. i'm just scrolling down when you get to like the 800, there's a bunch that say no permit records have been located. there are 662 entries that say no permanent records have been located. this is great. this is the 1st time i've ever seen this data 25, burnside, no permit. records have been located ah, the mailing just give you what we do now with all this. this is amazing. now we see you're from american say, according to your records, it seems like these don't have permit,
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right. can you confirm right? either? have them removed or have them get permits or can call me all right, bye. everyone have a great weekend and thanks for helping out with in some ways we revere the most famous activists in history and martin luther king gandhi. everyone was a good activist, but no one wants our kids to go down that route. so when i was in my twenties, everyone i grew up with was in university, launching careers, and i'm marching the streets with artis. i never had anyone to turn to in the one guy who i did jumped off a bridge is our my past goes, does my path inevitably lead to taking my own life? and this is a place you were before i've been there before. i've been there 3 times now. each
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time i felt like i probably wasn't going to come out of it. i might have had stress like anyone does. but i was coping. and then suddenly i'm just crying like a baby for months. and i started to fear myself more than anything. i feel like it's all coming back to sucker now because that was the 1st time that you had that burnout was after he died. one of the question my head was like, can you be an, an activist in your thirty's forty's. and the only answer i could find really was to her. when he stepped off the bridge, this anchor that i had emotionally attached myself to suddenly was gone. and it put everything i had done in question me in. so
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you're at the meeting. so i did it freedom of information request. so this includes the burnside information that they've had for like 15 years and would never thought they should share. they did get a notice of violation saying that you've never had assign permit and nothing in here suggest otherwise. feel like they're throwing everything. they cannot get something to stag because they never have the fact that they've done all this digging and haven't found anything with the word permit in it. i think that be really powerful to be able to say in these 47 pages, you sent us the word term. it doesn't appear one me i just want to thinking 1st, getting out of school a little bit early, but i didn't even,
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i don't even have a culture now. okay, and you're, you're welcome. so just what you learned. so the long and short of it is, is that the advice that i'm getting from the city staff is that they, they aren't convinced that they have. busy the tools they need in the toolbox to effectively get rid of these signs. so to see it very plainly whatever, whatever the city or i would do. ready they see it ending up in court where they are not convinced that the company would be successful and really not willing to try. they don't know. so there are always thing that they're avoiding trying even trying to defend their own bias out of the year of lot of losing it would not be like, not played a baseball game because you might know when i said the verbatim. that's funny. i
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use the exact same example, it's pathetic by it, and i don't that's reasonable. i find it kind of sad that the city's own lawyers are caving on this. you have not seen any information that would lead you to believe that a that a permit exist for the site? no. okay. me. it's easy to get really emotionally attach. i've, i've done that. like your campaign becomes like, like a child. and then when you lose a campaign, it's like it's so crushing me now we usually lose campaigns because of the stupid 3 of them just because someone's trying to make a block it's always like walk in a spine line you want to play by the rules,
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but you have to be prepared to push the envelope of a letter that you wrote. dear activist, it's another strange day for me. i lived breed and focused on activism. it kept me thinking, inspired, interested, and alive, but also allowed me to ignore other things in life that now suddenly i realize i never developed. and now i find myself in a dark and confusing labyrinth trying to feel my way back to sanity and calm me. i think i've been in a place that was as dark as he was that day. me, the scariest thing for me was worrying that i would make the same mistake took her
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to me. i was able to maintain enough faith to believe that the nightmare with me and took her didn't get back from me. the particular was missing and the part that i've learned how to do really well, i think at this point is just loving my cell. oh, and not feeling bad about that. mm. he wouldn't want is crying over him and he'd be like, sorry guys, no, sorry, i had to do that, but like, don't let it distract you from your activism. you gotta go see the world do for at the end of the day, for me it's all about power. why don't we have power and i'm not thrilled with how the city has acted. i feel like there's a bit of negligence on their part to regular work day for the trauma,
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public space committee by law citizen enforcement unit, someone's gotta do it. and this city bureaucracy will never be a leader in reform. there's always going to be a private interest that interferes with the needs of the community and the community doesn't stand up for themselves. they'll get travel with. we've been pretty lucky with rain so far with a little hard. this is really when you're ready to go inspired me by making me realize that sometimes you have to be a little theatrical, not uniform. absolutely gorgeous. i love laughing. the human species has improved that
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fell through millions of tiny vectoring people in their own way at their own pace and trying to make a difference. and all these changes happen, not because of anyone here. it's because thousands and thousands of laws against something that was wrong and i'm a part of in i'm tired and i need a milkshake. lou and communist rattle only to be disappeared. her family's tragedy entwined
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with a violent chapter in the country's history. when you see the blood uses are going to be my blood on that one to a lifelong search for answers and closer findings. salon witness on al jazeera, you on al jazeera, as watches, invasion of ukraine approaches the 100 day mark. we bring you the latest from on the ground and the wars global impact. and you, 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, plundered by colonialism and still housed in europe in museums today. the g 7 m. nato hold key summits with the water ukraine on the growing global food and the cost of living crises. this much to discuss as the influence of far right. politics grows. the big picture examines francis struggle to live up to with self proclaimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualifies
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a male blazing opportunity for countries to secure their spot. for cut our 2020 to june on al jazeera every year in china, an estimated 80000 children are abducted by one of their parents. one 0, one east. follow some mothers desperately trying to re unite with their children on al jazeera. ah morning common al jazeera as a you know, the. ready and i nora kyle and i took stories on al jazeera of how to send me an attorney general says israeli for.


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