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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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internationally known for hannibal facilities and so they know that it city and but as soon as christian and they mistakenly stake nearly thought that killing her would not anger the but a senior public, which is largely and was them with a swiss young minority. and since they believe and the claim that that but a senior people out of grooves of fund them into lists, estimates and, and that humans, they thought that the, but a senior public will not be an give if their victim was a christian, they were mistaken. for they know that he is an american citizen, but they assumed that this would force the u. s. a. to help them in securing the truth, as had happened with the mother of america and to shell coolie by and with those
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guys in the 16th of march, 2200. see 5th, the mother city in the city. and thinking that this will verify either journalist from covering their hideous guns. now after bay and this heavy bryce. what i hear from my colleagues is the exact opposite. and instead of stopping their crimes, the if your vision is broke, the middle that reflects the lightness of the behavior. that is, that if you're bishop positions and it's bravo, gander, they changed their story 7 times within 2 days after they can initially. the 1st was as of a bubbling the 1st story, it was active in 45. in the morning of wednesday, the 1st statement was issued in hebrew. then they showed that in english,
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and they telling that the statement was issued 5 minutes after city and was executed. it stated that join the military forces from the israeli army. and the general security and border control had been activated during the bus to few hours in the refugee camp in jeanine. in the course of their activities they became, and the player which they responded to and injured where reported. and that they were inspecting that injury of female journalist in between where there is a website belong to the settlers. it's, it's our website which takes its information from the israeli army, published in new stating that our forces have shut. and one did a number of it was in jeanine,
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a journalist from jersey about was killed is ideal is what it is. and media outlets continue to promote that story until the next day when they elected the story to state that investigation directed by the central regional command over the confirm that the divine army unit fire, tens of bullets engineers of huge come it was hard to publish this is the attack on the course of a funeral burleson and the sounds as if a french hospital this i want to mention, and i will do this. ok if we have but every thing i have just said, aside with your permission to say that there are doubt that he got being the
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identity of who committed the crime against city. and how can we then explain this? is that the forces storm into the hospital yard? why more than others? where bidding to begin city and journey towards her final and this thing a place a listing place. and they almost brought the cup and down to the go. how can a person cutting the gasket with both hands, be able to get violent against the if your vision on soldiers and bodies, men who wear beating them up? if we were to assume that there was actual violence would, which did not happen as i am and an eye witness myself, how can we explain this video, the inside of evidence,
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the so does inside the evidence is the host with nobody can. it's been this at all the last thing i just want to mention. and this quotation that ignition it's michelle to for about a scene and it shows, francisca barnes said, and the response to the execution of city and on may 22nd 2020. we demand transparent international investigation and to the mazda of city in a black. it is the international community that has allowed to evade the case of banishment for its crimes against the but a seniors i call for the dismantling of the about hi regina. imposed by is on the about a seniors and the implementation of international law as in your claim. thank you.
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thank you. that was really helpful. insight into this exactly what happened to sharin and the situation in the past in territories. and what's clear from our own investigation sorry, what's, what's clear from our own investigation, as well as the detailed analysis that will lead presented, is that when i say it again, evidence in these cases is not the issue. we have evidence, there are so many cameras, thanks to the journalist, work in the area. thanks for the adventure of the mobile telephone camera. there are so there is so much live evidence about what happens there is so much evidence about the perpetrators. there's so much evidence which compels you to a suspect, but what happened was a targeted killing in most if not all of these cases that we've investigated and presented already in special criminal court, is the political will that's lacking. it's the fact that israel is gifted impunity,
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it's the fact that israel is allowed to continue a symmetric relationship with a policy and people without any accountability whatsoever for been. so that the former i see, see, prosecutor took a historic step in dealing with the complaint from the policy authority in a noble way, in a, in a honest way. she, she took the complaint and referred it to the pre trial chamber. and the pre trial chamber ruled, as i said in my opening, that the i c, c has jurisdiction over these crimes since 2014, to the present day for been. so does investigation also concluded that crimes will continue. and we've seen that in the last few days and weeks that crimes are still continuing in that region. it's now in the hands of karen kong who's a new i. c. c. prosecutor. and we've seen how important the rule of law and accountability is with regard to ukraine when the international community and you actually see, want to move. they can move enormously enormously quickly and prevent further loss
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of life that we've seen already in the ukraine. war crimes, prosecution supported by the international community. we've seen nothing the regards to journalists or any other civilians in the occupied palestinian territories. the important question is why is that this difference? what makes the situation difference? because the allegations are similar. the deaths are similar. the wrong is the same and i'd like to open the floor for some questions. we have some questions coming through. i am on the platform as well. but i'll 1st of all ask anybody in the room if they have a question. if you could please am for your hand up, i'll select you, introduce your organization and ask the question, and we'll decide who to answer that. thank you, please. i
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you said the evidence is not a sure which is making clear. you have enough evidence, as you say, is recorded by the camera. so i see, see, why doesn't make any moves visually. we heard about 50 journalist cale since 2000 in palestine. i mean, this is the, i'll say with question, this is a point of our, our complaint is that we see a prolong system of attacks on journalists and civilians in the region. and the, it's only, it's only actually very recently that the i c, c is accepted, fatness jurisdiction, covers the situation, the posts in territories, even. that's too long actually. but we're hoping very much now, i mean, like i said, this is a real possibility for the actually see to open a historic chapter of this story and actually hold people in the region accountable for the in special crimes of the commit. we know already that israel can't do it
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won't do it, refuses to do it, provide this information about the allegations even even as recently as yesterday. but he got his explanation about acceptance about what, what potentially happened is covered in spin and disinformation misinformation. and so it's important that an investigation that's done is done by an independent institution such as in special criminal court. and from where i'm sitting today, i can see no reason why the i c c would not proceed with an investigation and potential prosecutions. in these cases, something yeah, the challenge because if there is no accountability and punishment at this time should be and will not be the last bell std and journalist to be executed by the is it your vision then? because that we need the protection guarantees for ballasting and, and out of journalist. and in the same time,
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an international is essential through an international commission to guarantees his protection for unto accountability and punished all the cra, early criminals. who did thank you on a really great we just did have some limited time. so if i could just direct the questions, i'll be i'd be grateful. ok. thank you. chris says he has no accountable to some accountable to add justice. i. i knew, i knew you mentioned the something the political wing from who and are you concerned that some of the members of the international community i would get involved suck rest, such a case with you because well only, and it has been historically and that one of the
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cases i and journalists, organization and have been in out trying to get a truce that sometimes there, there are a intervention from states already recently in the case of sharyn or we had boys, johnson or any kind of interfering via by or even ahead of the i c, c are making a some comments that are, are not necessarily the position of the british government, but the precisely, to derail. we know what may be happening. that is how you could be interpreted. but i think at the end of the day when really talk about evidence is not case about one person or a, or a particular person. is the case. what's been happening over over this years. i
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mentioned james miller, james. mila is sir. is our colleagues, is, is neglige journalist and he was killed quite a while ago and his parents, it was his parent, not the british government in a who made a huge effort try to bring the 3rd, the people who killed him to justice at the end of the day it was the coroner saint pancras does down the road who took up the case and they declared after a lot of hearing and maybe not the kind of sophisticated evidence that we've got now that he was directly shot by israeli journalist. and the british government didn't lift a finger a mistake. you said a change in? no, sorry. yeah. no. so the, you know, that they have been, they have been case. i'll just come back to the point that jennifer made about her
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other journalists that haven't got a bigger guys as she behind him. that doesn't so many. if you look at the evidence that the policy and gerald is syndicate gather in the vast majority of these people, their normal journalist to have gotten organization behind the photographers that camera crews. you know, so it happened to them that they haven't got the strengths. they haven't got the political strength, you know, you know, the kind of to pursue it. yes, we can focus on one person that sibling magic and day is good. if you manage enough to get it to the court, is the question about all the others among the 4 people that we have. we have taken up, none of them have got an international organization behind them, you know, to push the case and to agitate among kind of big government, you know, to try to say enough. it is enough and the case should be taken up. and if a politician, you asked if the social committee, my interference, if
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a politician or any other person interferes in the u. k, for example, with an investigation by a law enforcement authority, there is a, is a set of words used to describe that and it's a crime caught in the course of justice, which is imprisoned ball. and i am, as our group will be looking very carefully at individual politicians, and that might seek to interfere with the international criminal court jurisdiction investigations and, and to look at very carefully if action can be brought against those individuals as well. just go to the side there. i have one question with the falls 1st is can you tell us about the time scale for the investigation and, and also about the perpetrator. all these suspicious perpetrators does that include senior amended the radio unreasonable with senior politicians. and for the whole of us know that the is lady careless about the international though. i mean does that
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case? will determine is wrote to us, hold a palestinian more germans. thank you, jennifer. if you'd like figured. thank you for your question. at 1st on timeline, we will be updating our i c c complaint. as soon as possible. we've started gathering the evidence that has very helpfully been put together by various media organizations and buy it from our colleagues on the ground. the p g. s. once that information is submitted, we'll continue, she advocacy to the i, c. c prosecutor to take the case up and opened an investigation. and if there is a future prosecution and we hope there will be, we will be seeking to formerly represent our clients in that prosecution. as their victim representatives in any future hearing, but the time lines are so far at this point, unclear, but we will be pressing hard for it to move ahead as quickly as possible. as the identity of the peptide is that will be an ongoing manner full investigation is, but he just will
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oh, look into jennifer and tire the ice cubes are linked to open this investigation after submission or not a my questions will lead in view of the decision to take the streets 5 until i see . do you expect more of all scholars again as your renewal notice to corporate coverage in palestine by the israeli occupation? of course. thank you jennifer. i shall with respect to the i. c. c. prosecutor. he has a discretion to open the investigation and we say that he ought to exercise that discretion on the grounds that this is a wide spread and systematic problem. and we've had from jim about how many palestinian journalists have been killed in the past decade, let alone this year let alone last year. and that these cases are emblematic of the broader problem. so it would be right improper for the prosecutor to open the
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investigation and important that he does. what do you expect and only with the food gold is we have all the time and there we expect even escalation that but the, the heavy bryce, we beat and we will continue doing our job to so the back gentleman in the yes you nadine bob from al jazeera, a question for tire really and how hopeful are you that the i see see, can down the line achieve any kind of justice that she read and other palestinian journalists given the fact that israel is not pointing to the i. c. c, given his track record of, of not investigation. i mean, i have to be as confident as the pre, a pre trial chamber ruling. and the pre trial chamber ruling is very clear. the i c
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says jurisdiction, criminal jurisdiction extends over the territories that we're speaking about. and that means that the i, c, c, prosecutor can issue a warrant for the arrest of perpetrators. whether that, if the, if the action or the crime took place in that territory and restriction, and then that has severe consequences for the individual perpetrator. whether they inside israel or not at you, you may well be aware that many countries have reciprocal legislation. so for example, the united kingdom has legislation, which means that it's also obliged to prosecute people under the rome statute in our jurisdiction. and also in some circumstances, hand people over to the i see, see where the prosecution is. is likely to happen. now i don't see any reason why if the rules are applied and no interfered with why
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perpetrators from israel will not be prosecutors or questions. ok, thanks very much for your time. and that concludes our press conference. thank you . it's 20 minutes past 10, g and t o watching all their life and how there was a press conference lie from london on activists law is representing palestinian journalists across the occupied territories. and the chronological and methodical order in which they will proceed to bring an icpc complaint to the judges there and see what happens as we go forward. because lawyers and unrepresentative, they're hoping that they will be able to add the name val just their agenda showing up actually to the ongoing case of the i. c. c, sharing was shot in the head by israeli forces while on assignment in janine on may
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the 11th. so the on there network, as you heard that by the bureau chief speaking i said that they will of course, continue in their efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice. and the lawyers say that the need for legal action against israel can be seen in just the numbers. at least 50 journalists have been killed by israeli armed forces since 2000 and, and no one has been held accountable. israel, they say is a bad faith investigator and has enjoyed devastating impunity as bring in saw son as a here she is a human rights lawyer, board member at salon. joyce, me now from hi for good to have you with us on the program and thank you for your patience. you also listening into that press conference which lasted well over an hour. can i just begin with asking you, having seen the organizations involved in putting forward their case to the international audience or watching that press conference?
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how much input has your organization had into what we've just heard? good afternoon, everyone, and thanks for the invitation to comment. i think this was a very important press conference, exposing, not only in fact, but the biggest strategies are that a lot of people are questioning about that there have been several human rights actually organizations that have been involved and expose and not the only evidence with regards to the assassination of shooting of a rock, like for example, they sell an organization which in the 1st 2 or 3 hours have provided the alternative narrative and the exact point of the shooting, which basically contradicted immediately the narrative of the israeli a army, but also on the other hand, other human rights organizations,
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such as i database. and i mean, i'm based in does or who have been submitting throughout the last 2 years. evidences and legal arguments about one very important thing that was not illustrate to the press conference. i think this is what i would like to to mention . now it is true that we're talking about widespread and systematic attacks, deliberate attacks, not only on journalist, but also on the wider palestinian civilians, civilian population and the west bank and gaza. which, you know, a, basically a grant to prove a war crime based on the status but was not to mention is that there is also a systematic lack of accountability. i'm systematic, impunity that has been provided by the israeli investigation
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system, but not also that, but also even by the israeli supreme court. and this is very important because once a legal team gets to the i, c, c and one curry con. as the prosecutor wants to open one of the 1st questions that, that he or the i c c port will examine is what has is well done in order to investigate what are the kinds of investigation they did. what are the results and how that is where a supreme court deal with it. and throughout the years we see not only that, the investigation system that have that, that were opened. if since that and cast lead 2009, for example, or in b 12 in gaza, 2014 in guys a 2018 and you just name it including even to the case of shooting of rocky is that investigations are being closed. now the one thing that i want to in a straight is that secret about that evidence do count. because one of the problems
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that we face as lawyers, when we try to demand the opening of krista, of criminal investigation and by the army is that they say and claim that the investigations are closed and best secret the evidence are secret. so one of the things that they refuse to a to, to provide to lawyers to victims and to the i. c. c is evidence claiming that they are secret evidence and this is why the other and the 4 cases of the journalist that were included in the complaint in april 2022. and that's your evidence. and should this case are very important miss. the next thing that i would agree, sorry, must say, i do agree that i want to bring in that isn't that then the point that was illustrated very much in that press conference and questions were posed by the journalist. there is that, that needs to be a higher level of engagement of the political level, and they were alluding,
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perhaps, i think, to the european union into the united states. supporters certainly of israel, who could pressure israel into making sure this evidence that is supposed to be close, as you say, when it happens when it's investigated, could be available to the i see, see that there is a catch 22 situation, isn't it? when israel doesn't acknowledge and is not a member of the i c c. why should it give any information to them anyway? when it says we are dealing with this issue without within our own sovereign borders? yeah. was just of all israel isn't off you occupying powers since 1967 and all occupied territories in the west bank and gaza and it does have an obligation. so investigate and it does have an obligation to basically collaborate with international community. second of all, it was mentioned in the press conference,
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the free trial, a decision at the, at the i c. c, a, regarding the jurisdiction of and i c. c. in the occupied territories including in east jerusalem was very clear that the i c. c does have the jurisdiction to open investigation. now the question now is whether the prosecutor will also. * a decide on its own due to the white bread and systematic attacks against a journalist, if they will decide exactly like what he did in you. right? so open criminal investigation, but it's threshold as you, as that's put in your question, has been solved by the i c c itself. now regarding the political or, you know, having it on a higher level, of course, it's true. you need political, will you need the intervention of the international community, especially by the us having it as
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a i haven't seen the 1st of all as a us citizen and having it as an ally of israel who can therefore pressure the israelis. but let us not forget it, i see is one of the lead tools to bring justice, which i must also remind that the primary a primary mode or motive of their own status is to bring justice and bring interest of the victims. then this also, she should be concluded, that does not mean that there should be, was well, well, from having more and more pressure pressure on the international community, on a political advocacy with the international community or with any other un inquiry these. but on the other hand, well, like we know what happens on the international uh, a pressure level, we have seen that throughout the years,
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israel has never agreed to participate and collaborate with any you an inquiry committee that has been a recommending the opening of a war crimes and does that for all the years and the u. s. have never pressured israel to collaborate. so this doesn't need that. nothing should be done. i guess this means that there should be more pressure. and i think that the case of should be an awfully with the crystal clear evidence with the law, a covenants of her assassination should be our role model. unfortunately, in order to provide justice, not only for sharing, but for all journalists, including those that don't include that their fires. don't know, crystal clear evidence a and, and they are, they have been closed. their investigation has been closed with the argument of
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stick with evidence to the lack of a desire, basically, or an intention to open investigation. and all of these cases, i guess i must say this one up by the israeli supreme court. and we shall see certainly what happens. i mean, someone say it's always good to speak to you and certainly on a day like this good to really get out of a corner, logical. and before the cool way of analyzing what's ahead for this investigation on for the i c. c, thanks so much for joining us from heifer. thank you very much. have a nice day. well, we had a short time ago from that group of lawyers saved announced they will take the case of the out their agenda, sri number actually killed by israeli forces to the international criminal court, the international center for justice, the palestinian said sharina, somebody gave permission for the legal action, they're representing palestinian journalists, who they say were systematically targeted by israeli forces. our correspondent in baba was at the press conference. he asked how hopeful the lawyers are that the i
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see can achieve. i see can achieve justice for sharing and other palestinian journalists. i have to be as confident as the pre, a pre trial chamber ruling. and the pre trial chamber ruling is very clear. the, i see serious diction criminal jurisdiction extends over the territories that we're speaking about. and that means that the i, c, c, prosecutor can issue a warrant for the arrest of perpetrators. whether that, if the, if the action or the crime took place in that territory and restriction, and then that has severe consequences for the individual perpetrator. whether that inside israel or not, you may well be aware that at many countries have reciprocal legislation. so for example, the united kingdom has legislation, which means that it's also obliged to prosecute people under the rom statute in our jurisdiction. and also in some circumstances, hand people over to the i see, see where the prosecution is. is likely to happen. now i,
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i don't see any reason why if the rules are applied and interfered with, why perpetrators from israel will not be prosecutors, lester nadine baba, he was at that press conference in london and the team a very impassioned and methodical as while press conference by the speakers there and certainly it gave everyone food for thought as to how al jazeera on the and various journalist organizations will proceed now towards the i c. c. i mean, that's right. i mean, the, the speakers himself didn't need to be impassioned because the most, the strongest term presentation here was the videos which showed various palestinian journalists. she'd been killed or made by members of these ready armed forces while doing their jobs while clearly marked as so press. we heard from
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little emory, the bureau chief, the jerusalem bureau chief about syrup, talking us through the peripheral events of that day when he found out that his colleagues, sharina had been killed. hovering events in jeanine. it's been pointed out that she was unusual and, but she was such a celebrity in the arab world, but there are dozens of other cases of journalists in the occupied palestinian territory. it's been deliberately targeted by israeli forces over the years. so now this case that's being taken to the i c. c is going to involve sharina kelly, as well as the injury of her colleague earlier. so moody in the same incident, but it had started in april of this year. i am going by covering other cases and i'm joined now by jennifer robinson, a lawyer who's involved in the case which being taken, jennifer,
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can you explain to me what originally the file contains and how she reads killing merges into that. thank you. so we filed the complaint, april this year in relation to for k says of the killing of naming it of palestinian generalists by the israeli forces in those named journalists were emblematic and chosen because of the nature of the top of the agenda in region. since sure enough, a lot of his killing, obviously the international and global attention to this issue. and we're grateful to accept the instructions from her family to now add her case. and those of the journalists with her to these i c se, compliant. it's certainly as weight and strength to the complaint and we hope the icy prosecute will not open an investigation into all the fedex. we've seen al jazeera also announced that it's got its own case that it wants to take to specifically accusing these radio authorities of, of targeting each journalists because of what they do. is that a common theme,
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but you would, so it applies to all of the other journalists. is it your contention that israel has tried to silence palestinian josh? this is precisely why we are bringing the icey se complaint for too long. palestinian journalists have going to target precisely because, as i explained earlier, it is a long time to deliberately target journalists. and it is a war going to cover all of the war car. it is to stop and to silence your objective reporting on the ground documentation of human rights. that's why general time. hm. and that's why we say this case is so serious, i mean, on to see or to be looking at the targeting of journalists in particular, as opposed to other civilian decks. now, we are alleging that it amounts not just to a war product, but that the widespread is systematic target policy to manage on al jazeera, of the media web is on the ground, is a crime against humanity to be prosecuted by the us. you know, we've just heard briefly from, from tie up from the international sense of justice with palestinians about why
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it's possible for the i c c to go forward in the absence of his radio, co operation for you. does that creates a problem or no, it's not create any problems. it may well create a problem. but the key issue is the i c. c has itself found jurisdiction over the territories in which we are talking about palestinian characters. that is where these type of betty slavin, generally flat, deliberately targeted and made these cases are within the jurisdiction. fiance say the i c. c prosecutor has the power to invest today, and we say that what time and those who are responsible to be prosecuting, how criminally responsible for their acts. jennifer robinson. thank you very much for your time. thank you. well, ito murray, who was mentioning before the jerusalem bureau, she pointed out that it's not just al jazeera, making these accusations. but there have been a whole range of media organizations, including the associated press and cnn which have done their own investigations.
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suggesting at the very least that sharina our clip was killed by an israeli sniper and that there was no other violence occurring in the area. at the time. all of the speakers have again and again said that there is no shortage of evidence given the footage and so on. not just in sharina killing, i'm a mascot. but in various other instances, including those protests on the garza israel border in 2018. they refer to the attacks by israeli forces on the pole bears at sharina funeral as well, something which again was well documented. so in their eyes, the dossier is solid. the evidence is clear. what they are now hoping the international community will do is stop making excuses and start launching a legal action. as we've heard from our guest,
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it's quite within the remit of the i c. c, to actually start to looking to assure enough black police killing whether or not they do so. could have a big implication, as we've heard from our guests, as to how safely journalists in palestine including palestinian generalists, but foreign journalists as well how safety they cannot do their job with the bubble . the 4th and lead to thanksgiving. let's go over to the new nurse, have i? he's a professor of international law. how could university enjoys been often occupied these teresa professor, thanks so much for joining us on al jazeera. we heard from the team this question to the panel at that press conference about how far they expect the action to go in terms of all of the credible evidence that's been gathered. and the fact that israel is not a signatory to the i. c. c. it doesn't recognize it, and generally, as we had from a previous speaker, always says that any investigations into the depths of palestinians or palestinian journalists are closed. and that's the end of the matter. how much traction,
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or how far do you think this particular action by al jazeera, by those journalists, groups, and lawyers will proceed when it comes to stating that case, to the i, c. c. as a human rights defender working in palestine and working on palestinian human rights are natalie, i'm actually quite happy and grateful for the event that angelina has conducted today. not only because al jazeera is organizing its own lawyers, as well as working with and collaborating with a number of lawyers and who are going to work on the case of city and out of a broccoli as well as other journalists in palestine. but also because, because it has actually conducted this bricks conference today. and the reason behind what i'm saying is that the international criminal court has actually confirmed that students diction. as mentioned at more than
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a year ago in the occupied palestinian territory in the territory of the status. but however, the international criminal court, i should explain is different from many other courts that people are used to observe it. it's not to stay, it's not a court. where that is a plain defend a defendant. it's not a court where states can find cases against each other. it's actually a court that has a gate keeper and this gatekeeper is the international criminal court prosecutor. currently mr. cunningham, and i am the only person who can actually start and i q is a person of award crime. what a crime against humanity is that as the national criminal court prosecuted at palestinian civil society as well as many other organizations, human rights organizations have been providing bent or national criminal court with a lot of information on em. you know,
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all kinds of crimes against humanity that have taken place in the okay. but, but assuming that authority since 2014 the year in which that was the action of the court stars. however, until today, we haven't seen and the international criminal court starting seriously with, with filing cases and accusing individuals of war crimes. while we watch simultaneously, that the international criminal court has moved much more quickly in other fights and the word am. and this is because in many cases, the international criminal court is one of the size. unfortunately, i just jump into that how, you know, how easy is it going to be for the i c c to ask israel to basically play ball and give them the evidence that they want. because yes, as you say that the i c c is the gate keeper. but and, and it has a certain amount of evidence that is going to be presented in front of it from one
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side of this case i. e, media groups, journalist organizations that we've just heard from, but it also needs israel to cooperate and israel does not recognize the i c c. so the question is how difficult it's going to be for them. and for korean con, to get to speak to israel on that level for that information. yeah, i mean a, the prosecutor of the i c. c can certainly communicate with israel and asked for cooperation and evidence if isn't and decided to cooperate than that's wonderful. and however, we don't want that is it, it, it does not accept the jurisdiction of the international criminal court on the state of palestine. it does not accept that this, that, but it's done is actually a state. and there are many other countries in the one that also follow at the example isn't in this case and also deny the fact that there, but it's done as a state. however, from the point of view of the international command was but as done as a state and the fact that is that it is not the member of the i c, c,
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it's totally irrelevant. and the fact that when it's done as a state is the reason why the court has jurisdiction over palestine because by the standard twisted this jurisdiction. so regardless of whether that is not, it is the site to cooperate with the court order, decide not to corporate. this is not an elephant. actually. what is relevant is the fact that for the international criminal court deciding to dig this case as well as many other cases, you know, the case of settlements, the cases of affordable displacement in the occupied palestinian military and torture. and many other cases that have been already f file that clinic the punishment on garza, the minutes operations and gaza. all of these cases and, and information has been filed and we are still waiting for the international criminal court prosecutor to start a has action. now, suddenly, the an international criminal court,
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it has complimentary tourist diction. this means that they need to know that i, that of a thieves that are relevant to a specific violation or what a crime are unwilling or unable to conduct a specific, an investigation and prosecution in cases of for crimes. but we have lent over the history beth, is it, and is unwilling to prosecute good eminence when it comes to what crimes conducted in bel could bite. but as tinian could injury, and we also know that the state of palestine is unable to prosecute the ailey at what clement ends, because it is under occupation. it does, that is a governance off is about really a lot me it's yeah. and indeed, just very briefly, sir, in terms of timeline, when would you think all of this might actually start to build up traction? and what should we look out for in terms of a timeline?
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i connected it, unfortunately. i mean, i would, one of the international criminal court prosecutors to stop working today, right? however, i did this, it's very important. and that's why i am happy that that is this press conference today. and that, that is this action. it's very important not only to lobby the prosecutor himself, but also the assembly of states that are members to them. but national criminal court, their own statute that we need pressure on the international criminal court and on the prosecutor to take action. he good, you know, not dick action and we could wait for another, you know, a year or 2 or 10 years, or 100 years with no action. and he could take action in all within, within days, right? it depends on his will to start investigating palestine and we know for sure that i don't have trump in his times beside the cable.
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punish length of the national criminal court. and because of it's partly because of it's india investigation is very indian. we shall see what happens. i will keep up of see if i place on on the story for the moment. professor, thanks so much for joining us. many and most buy from occupied the streets. and thank you, sir. let's go over to rob baths. no correspondent to sir, waiting for us at damascus gate and occupy these jerusalem. obviously you've had a lot of analysis that rob, about what the experts think is going to happen and could happen in the next few days and weeks. but really, there's been an outpouring as we know of anger and grief over the murder of our colleague assuring our clay. but it certainly added really to the frustration of many palestinians who want to see firm results. that's the big question mark, isn't it? what are people they're saying to you as they said to arrive for friday prize? so hell, i think this, the best way to sum it up is to say that there are hopeful, but they're not really optimistic. i mean, is we, we've heard this is by no means our standard,
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this kind of incident has happened is by no means that the prosecutions have been attempted to be brought to try to find somebody responsible. but throughout all that process for the company in the past, nobody ultimately has had a successful prosecution. nobody has been identified. and nobody has been brought to justice as far as the palestinians are concerned, that as a safe place they might be optimistic or at least hopeful that this case might get somewhere with the i c. c. particularly because of the fame of showing ob lockley in this particular case, there's no sense that people actually believe that this process may even begin their very, very cautious about. let me give you just a little bit of a background as to the kind of what's happening here in person as far as the investigations are concerned. the palestinian authority, for example, has held its own investigation and it has to included that. and israeli soldier fired the bullet that killed sharon ogle. actually it says that it is, it is me in possession of that bullet. now,
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the israeli military is holding its own internal investigation always does. in cases like this, we israeli military, police say that they're not going to bring our criminal case a criminal investigation because they don't believe that there was a criminal case. wrongs of his rallies. forgive me, the palestinians rif use to hand over the bullet to the israel, is because as they say, they simply don't trust the israel is to be transparent about an investigation. and in many ways, that is the level of distrust that palestinians have been dealing with. here, over the years when ever there has been a case that has been brought like now as we've had before from your previous guests, that the i, c. c has now agreed that it's jurisdiction spreads to this particular area. it says in the article, 8 or of its own charter says that i'm killing or naming journalists in war zones. occupied areas is technically a war crime. but as far as the palestinians are concerned,
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they're just waiting to see how far if, if i told this prosecution this case actually moves forward with the i see. see what is important, however, is as some of your guess already alluded to in white times, and certainly in terms of future prosecutions in this region. this is going to be a test for the international criminal court court. 48 level of influence on the authority that it wields in this region. and in many ways, palestinians are looking at that as well. because the if the i c c, they say, does not stand up and be counted and take this case and hear it properly. it's good to lose all authority or what little authority it thinks it has in this region. robertson forest, i will keep bodies, jerusalem, thanks rob. me to africa now. we're fighting in the democratic republic of congo has force, almost 40000 people from their homes in full days. government forces are battling rebels from the m 23 group, not many commonly involved seeking refuge and neighboring uganda. a government
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official law says results of the stretch to a breaking point. kenny was due to have talks between rebel lead us under the president. but those meetings have been delayed. for more than that, sir joined malcolm where he is reporting from the kenyan capital nairobi, malcolm, what will you tell us about? certainly the gangs fighting and those that have been displaced. in a few days, the $23.00 rebel group is fighters, took control of several small towns and an army barracks. in the east, the colonies army launched a counter offensive, and on thursday night they read took an army barracks and that fighting right now to retake the town of cable, which is strategic is on the main road from the regional capital of goma to the border with you gotten that now the communist government claims were wonder. it says rwanda is backing beyond group says providing weapons and personnel to support them. m $23.00 is widely perceived to be
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a proxy of one in east and congress. but rwanda way denies it. and the fighting in the last few days has sent the un says 70000 civilians on the run. some of them fled to neighboring uganda. as you mentioned, some of them displaced within congo. and the un says it deeply, deeply concerned about an escalating humanitarian crisis resulting from this violence. indeed, there was supposed to be talks whitney between the rebels and the government. what seems to have happened the who is important to understand that this conflict is very much a regional conflict, and it's a chapter the begun in the 990 when you've gotten, the rwanda invaded congo that prompted to to was that drew in to the african continent and rwanda and gone to being accused of meddling in eastern congo, backing rebel great looting minerals ever since. there was an attempt to talk here in ny ruby last month. president 70 of you gotten became president chickadee of
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congo here, but no progress was made. but we do understand that the growing pressure now from the u. n. and the international community to get these heads of states that representatives together to try and this current round of fight a welcome force that in i robi, thanks very much for the update. now 21 funerals are being planned and evolved, texas falling the school, shooting on tuesday along with the grief there are questions over the actions of police parents. they offices could and should have done more if been revealed. no one confronted the government as he entered the school, 200 is in the valley. he spoke to some of the young students who were there during the massacre. it was supposed to be the last day of school for the children of rob elementary. instead on the lawn, lea, a line of crosses, marked with the names of the 19 children and 2 teachers gun down on tuesday.
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fernando rodriguez was among the students hunker down as the gunman fired 233 rounds. now at the age of 9, he's the survivor of a school massacre. lower she was over a $100.00 lucia mclean. it's brave of you to come back here and to give flowers to other people who love it. you know, some of those if you miss them i'm, i'm so sorry, had to go through that. this boy was also inside, returning to day to bring flowers to his fallen classmates. i feel free for now. this rural town of 16000 people is a profile in mourning the front page of the local paper black. but for the date of the massacre crosses, filling the town square. shane raymond came to write a farewell message to 8 year old hughes. i a garcia. another victim in the shooting,
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and one of the latest of americas decades long epidemic give gun violence. mazing kid definitely didn't deserve the. on the day, parents came to retrieve the bodies of children who were gun down 2 days ago. more flowers have arrived here at rob elementary school, and more questions have arisen about what exactly happened here. some, here's a police acted too slowly to stop the monmouth who was locked inside the school for an hour before border patrol agents found a key to the classroom. he was in and killed him in this video circulating on social media as the shooting was going on, parents urge police to go inside. may i can't be like that man. yeah. okay. be like that. wonderful. yes i do. you got it right. you know that there are kids right now . okay. i didn't know how to defend himself. wow. asked why it took so long. police on thursday had no answers. we want to give you the why that that's, that's our job. so give us time. at a tear filled vigil,
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senator ted cruz and governor greg abbott mourned the loss yet both continued to oppose gun control legislation. 6 ah, as another town in america joins the long list of places whose names are synonymous with tragic john henderson, al jazeera, you volunteered texas. police and canada have shot and killed a man who was carrying a gun near a school on the shooting in toronto. prompted 5 locked downs nearby office to say the gunman was in his late teens, early twenties and was short after the confrontation. now the you and school counselors fell to agree on imposing tougher sanctions on north korea. after china and russia oppose the move. the counsels 13 other members voted in favor of a resolution put forth by the u. s. the penalties sought to reduce the amount of oil north korea can import in response to it firing missiles recently. but beijing and moscow called foot renewed dialogue with pyongyang. we will not allow this vote
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to be set back, however, we will not stay silent. we will not ignore these threats just as we will not ignore the horrific human rights violations and abuses happening in the dpr k, including the abduction issue. finland's prime minister has visited ukraine, where he said russia has lost the trust of the world for generations. son, martin met ukraine's present in keith, then visited boucher and it's been by prosecutors are investigating civilian massacres. midland has joined sweden in applying to join nato, following russia's invasion in buckets on petrol. prices are increased overnight and that's after the government ended fuel subsidies. fuel prices have risen 20 percent, they know major issue and talk to the international monetary fund. now the i m f wanted pakistan to reduce that before resuming a payment. as part of a 2019,
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do you have a watching al jazeera homeless, 10 g news? just a reminder of our top stories that news conference in london of human rights organizations, journalists, as well as all just they are now sending legal submissions to the international criminal court concerning for palestinians and the death of all colleague more on that in the next program. to stay with us. ah no, no, no, no, no, no. we need to know that on this we don't need to be here with nuclear. they're looking to mrs. me about how to put them on. you can also reach any of them you open the home and yeah, today and we're going to be what we said as
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well. they didn't put me in. i'm a lot of people gave me yeah. when i know, i mean, i mean, i shooting them off and just ah, with
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ju, on al jazeera, as washes invasion as a frame. the coaches, the $100.00 day mark, we bring you the latest from on the ground and the wars global employer. and you 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, plundered by colonialism, and still housed in european museums today. the g 7 and nato hold key summits with the water, ukraine, and the growing global food and cost of living crises. this much to discuss as the influence of far right politics grows. the big picture examines francis struggle to live up to the self proclaimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualify by mail blazing opportunity for countries to secure their spot for cut out 2022. june on al jazeera, a ambition, artistry adventure short documentary by african filmmakers from beneath kenya and algeria in the alley minium village throttle queen.
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this is when we get to let her head down and the cane africa direct on al jazeera. i also was in arabic. my name is how i was abducted by the cia in 2004. a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by garcia with them, led me into interpretation. a new documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 world who in the life of an innocent b o mastery case on al jazeera, ah, noise and activists ask the international criminal court to investigate the killing of.


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