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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm AST

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and, and get rid of the threat. the slow pace of this work means that it is taking longer for people to return to their homes and towns and cities that have been re taken by the ukrainian government. this, as russian forces that have re mobilized from areas like this one to the east and the south continue to gain ground and population centers. other towns and cities continue to fall to the russian advance. to 7 climates and energy ministers have released a statement condemning the boy and ukraine. they say it's causing widespread shortages of energy and food. now the ministers gathered germany's capital berlin, discussing climate change. the earth in germany have signed an agreement on hydrogen power and expanding off shore wind power. the indian author or an indian author has won the international book apprise for the 1st time jolly series novel team of sand was originally written in hindi. the watershed with the books in this translated, daisy rockwell. it's a story of an unconventional and adventurous widow in her eighties.
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ah, there, lisa whole rom, the reminder of our top stories. a group of lawyers is announced that will take the case of the killing of their agenda, sharing up to the international criminal court. dream was shot in the head by israeli forces while on assignment to the occupied with the bank. on may, the 11th, please involve a texas, have been accused of acting too slowly to stop the government. behind tuesday school shooting 19 children, 2 teachers were killed. officials in beijing or accusing washington's top diplomat of smearing china after secretary of state. and the blinking said the u. s. doesn't want to new cold war, but the beijing poses a threat to the international order. fighting between government false isn't rebels and democratic republic of congo has forced almost 40000 people from the homes. and just for days, many cong liaison seeking refuge in neighboring uganda. those were the headlines.
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the more news with kerry and the news are in half an hour. next, it's the stream to stay with us. oh no, no, no. what was known as we need to know that on the fish i don't need to be here with me when you look and i'm just going to put him him and yet to me and also to mention the disconnect if you need a message, can you open that at the home and ya today, and we're going to give you what we said, that's why they sent me a lot of money out of them at the hospital gave me when i know, i mean,
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i mean i shooting off the edge of the ah, the state is set for one of the most significant elections in columbia recent history . a 3rd becket does mostly conservative rule, well, columbia elect, through left the toward a 1st time in history. follow the story of the 0. hi, anthony arcadia watching the stream on sunday. the people of lebanon turned out to vote in what turned out to be historic parliamentary elections. what difference
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could a new group of independent and pete? how can a country that is already suffering and kinda coat with multiple places? we saw the stream with remy curry, the lebanese parliamentary elections, and created a slightly revised reality in the country. the dominant force of hedge below still there, they maintained all their basic seats. they and their allies do not dominate parliament like they used to go on their own. they have to make deals now to get the policies they want and they can block other people's policies. are christians are more fragmented. the sundays are pretty much out of the picture temporarily and the parliament, they are very weak and the procedure in members of parliament, many of them have lost. and the most significant thing are the 16 members of parliament to identify with the reform movement and the protest movement. altogether, the parliament has to focus on stabilizing the economy, fixing the lead on exchange rates, restoring electricity, and restoring
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a sense of normalcy and hope. in the country. oh i. so what should talk about in this show? let's meet our panel verbena. bead korean. nice to have you or here on the screen. marina, please introduce yourself to international audience. hello, thank you for having us. so my name is that in a l m e n. i am a lawyer and they would burn association. i'm a political activist and i run for the parliamentary elections of 2022 as the youngest candidate and met in suburb. okay, verena, how did you do? don't keep us all and tend to tell the audience, how did you day, how did you fare in the elections? i think this elections were historic made in terms of the emp is. that's where that's where raising from the emerging political parties from the heart of october, 17 pricing. and i think there was one for the 1st time there wasn't
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a monopoly of a presentation from the traditional political party. and that was impressive. in my opinion, there are a lot of obstacles and a lot of a lot of us to be done. but it's, it's a good step that brought hope to many lab and a smile on the face of a guest who's on a show, talking about lebanon. i love that would be welcome to the screen. welcome back, get. have you, please remind our audience who you are and what you day? hi, my name is b baton. i'm a journalist and i've been covering lebanon's and less problems for the last 20 years. but there are some good stuff as well. get to hattie and kareem. nice to happen, please introduce yourself to the st. louis. yeah, thanks for having us for me. my name is kevin british and i'm a researcher and writer also silicon on the employer affairs long. all right, i'm going to bring in a newly elected member of parliament. that's happened. listen, let's see what she has to say had been. come and meet any of the back of her. is
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her optimism warranted? let's take a miss cut out upon what people decided this time. they have hope they are crying, they're happy. they can't believe it. there are people who wanted to leave and told us we won't travel. we hope now they're saying we have hope with all their hearts who had hope in the state before in m. p. 's were ministers, we are planting hope and god willing we will harbor change, shall i keep them last? well, i would say in charlotte, that's a big show right there because you know it, democracy has been very impressive and loving on, i guess, relatively speaking. i think we have a lot to be grateful for that. we pretty much did that election without anybody being killed. that's quite a feat in lebanon, at least any, any major battles were not had. and i think, you know, these parties came out of nowhere. and it's really impressive for any political system on earth for. ready parties who are not in the government to just come in
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and have a big number of seats upsetting people have been doing this for decades. so it's been a very impressive one. however, i would say that democracy is not the only thing a country needs one and it isn't a deep economic disaster. and i'm not always sure that you know, countries will be rescued by democracy and the parliament is a very mixed molly. crew of people who are not really going to agree on many things and we need at this time more than ever an agreement to salvage this country. we're in a deep, deep financial one of the worst the world has ever seen. so how can we have a fragmented parliament and fix those problems? you know, we have fundamental conflicts in this country that's not going to change is because basis change, although it is a great opportunity. and hopefully in the long term, i'm optimistic and i think that will pave the way for a lot of people who never saw themselves in politics, is they, it's possible. but there's a big challenge ahead and i don't know if we're going to face any differently.
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we've made the last challenges of the last decade and love on just never had a moment to rest and actually grow right now for it. i'm just looking at some of your campaign materials on my laptop politics over coffee with candidate verena. our meal. did you change the way that you campaigned because you were younger cuz you are younger because i'm good. and how may i draw a line from 2019 to we're we are now with these new independent mpg, these reformist mpg. does it connect? i read a back to people getting on to the streets 11. am saying this is not good enough. we want more, verena. i think concerning my campaign. i want that to be just a simple and just like us, our generation. and i think for the 1st time maybe we're, i think if we go back to the pricing or our voices were heard, we were frontline,
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there is. and after the bill last month on august for we were the one on the street trying to clean up the street when when the state was absent at that time. and after the economic crisis where the youth were forced to leave them. because there was no possibilities, no job opportunities, the jaded it has risen drastically. so it's the biggest economical crisis never has since since 150 years. and i wanted to show that yes, we can still have some possibilities here. we can still change the political scene, and i'm staying in lebanon is still a possibility. and i wanted to break the stereotype of the politician as a lot of money with big networks of clients who is older than 50 years old male.
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so i wanted to change this every time i get some highlights, knew how to use much, but you didn't get a negative or you now put off, or you put like use my to stereotype you would if really matter if you had, if we were talking to you as a new m p. right? not a cache, not another. and a yeah, i think district where i was running was really the 1st time where the position groups are present or the eternity of faces are present. my list, the what the list. i was 88 votes away from securing it's it's, it's the list where there was 60 percent of women. a lot of you are presentation. i think we're in that. we're, we're in that for i think we're close. i think we, we reached there was something that had changed and met them at district this list
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. everyone was saying when we started it, we'll get only 252023000 votes for more than 11 and 5 and you still so my name is either brian. yeah, i can tell you you're happy with how you did. all right, so to me i want to bring in a lean here because i am wondering we had a bit of a shake up. but can this new mix get the job done? earlier we spoke to alice lynn. this is what i had to say and then can you come off to remove the back of your thoughts about the challenges that this new parliament. once it all gets together, we'll have his alley the yeah, that's how the, how the your faces until the other month. however, the, by the method, it blocks a mean very that's all it and effect month which was definitely lead to more attention. i'm all established for let's good policies and a new emotion groups. and the problem is also the policy analysis of or some people
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who are accused of being she is support. it is it and my, some established political parties and leaders. and i assume also the economists and the dissolution of the currency and the fee for we are experiencing the results and more political to the mall and a performance of any cabinet formation, at least for the next few weeks. go ahead. so, i mean, despite the fact that there were so many violations documented by despite the fact that i agree with it in other days, elections are truly historic to some extent, because for perhaps the 1st time you're republic history, we do have a sizable block of non sectarian parliamentarians who do want to challenge some facets of the system. i'm not going to talk too much about the fragmentation within
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the traditional elite to dominate the parliament. but with this block of opposition and peace, there is a main fault, i think, over the causes of the financial crisis. so while some keys do believe that the banks have to pay their fair share of the burden their fair share on the financial losses. because the banks and the brooding, the political leads are the same by those, you know, the one in the same, some other fees, despite the fact that they might have socially progressive views, they might be in favor of civil marriage. they might be in favor of women empowerment a quarter for women in parliament or whatnot. they might not have the same views when it comes to how to solve the financial crisis. i think this is august on right now as when it comes to the opposition and piece because we can't expect watch from the traditional sectarian parties. at least we have these empties that do represent
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a sizable segment of the population. they're the ones that we have to pressure to, to at least make sure that the banks in love on pay, their fair share and don't get away with the crime that they and the politicians. one of the same have committed, have been got pick up, go ahead and share that. i mean, we have to be are full with the term secular independent. because what really matters right now is what's your economic policy? and we don't know what the economic policy lot of people are, people are, you know, coming from the same system. you know, some of them are business men, some of them are back by millionaires. and we have a problem with the capitalism of lebanon. it's, it's very unforgiving, it doesn't tax the rich, nobody, the government doesn't get any revenue because it's a very regressive system. so how can we even have a state functioning if we don't have any, any kind of accountability for those who make the most money in the country. our last 2 prime ministers were billionaires and countries who are making $20.00
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a month minimum wage. so there's a deep economic schism in the country. unfortunately, this election was mainly about politics, was mainly about, you know, the kind of cold war between the united states and iran who is better, who is the better guys we want to really run like a really nice state. but we didn't really tackle the problem of we're in a country that makes almost nothing. we also have no industry in the country. there's no support. so we have this really hyper capitalist system in the country that very few are actually taking a position on. and the one part of that actually had a platform didn't win and he elections. and so most of those who won actually had almost no platform and we have it's a mystery to us. what's going to happen, how are they going to vote? and again, this is the time when we need to have not a debate and parliament believe have a solid team effort to rescue a country. that's where the worst crisis is. that the, you know, major organizations have ever seen like the world bank. and so how are we going to do that with my time for showmanship, and debate, and who's and who's corrupt and who's gleam, that kind of thing. and these kind of,
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you know, demagoguery acquisition, we actually need to have kind of call it seem if you don't seem extraordinary politicians as can take a student, a politician to be able to do that in a political system that is very fragmented. let me add something else. i don't know yet. is headline view gasper. this is for audience watching internationally lebanon currency hit new low off to vote. crisis deepens, happy. what does that mean to the lebanese currency that you have in your pocket today? what does that mean? what can you stand it on? like, it's like a hot, it's like a hot potato. having currency in your pocket, you just gotta go and spend it on like is it can be worthless. you know, whatever you exchanged within an hour or 2. and today i was running around trying to get gas. i'm watching my water tank all day. there's no water in my tank. i'm hoping and praying the water will come off the by water and the water would be more expensive now because the gas is more expensive. the gas issue was close to there was a last car to get gas today. so again, we kind of talk about level, like it's
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a state that needs to be fixed and my view. it's not even a state if you can't provide power. if you can provide water. if there is no idea who's in charge, we have this constant battle between malicious. it's a war that never ended and it, and if there's no victory, you know, we're living in this course. but you know, we can bring me superman and batman to parliament, but they're not gonna change anything. if you know the whole system is so fragmented, and you have this cold war, don't forget, it's not just the lebanese no saturday, they put money in this lecture, america, but mine is election the, okay. these are, you are not, are still actually a stable lebanon. they're interested in a lebanon that they can control manipulate, and that's a big challenge to fight those big world powers at any country with no military. i do financial no collect or 3rd, i would just say i just wanted to say that what's, what's, what's good this time with the new m p 's who are in the game. i want to call it
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that way is that they aren't part of these people are, is asian if you want. i think they are. most of them are from normal people who just want to serve the people who have no interest with the system. who want to abolish the system and in my opinion, having 10 m p 's, now they can present and they can present in front of the constitutional counsel and for, for the, for the 1st time in my opinion, i think since they are from the heart of the rising, there will still be people who put the pressure on the streets. they will put the pressure in parliament, they will try to lobby and change some legislation that would change the face of the system that would lobby for better legislations concerning the economic crisis. the capital control, et cetera. i think that's, that's what's,
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what's interesting in the change of the, of the political scene right now after the elections, in my opinion, go ahead. so i just click on this, agree with the points. how did was make it, i want to add a bit on what comes to the currency because for 2 months before the election, suddenly a national currency was stable or unstable rate. and all of a sudden assumes dimensions and the currency long. and so for what, what happens is that the central 9 over 10019 yeah, i mean our currency has become completely worthless but has lost or they don't make it right after the elections. basically the currency lost a lot of value. what exactly happens is that the central bank governor was pumping dollars from the foreign currency reserves in the central bank into the market just
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to try to keep things stable until election so that the discourse, the public discourse, can be about either has all those weapons or so called sovereignty, even though nobody of the traditional idiots has any idea what they mean by sovereignty. and unfortunately, economic issues, bread and butter issues, the financial crisis was large, absent from the public discourse. so the central bank governor who is currently under judicial investigation and i believe 7 european jurisdictions and a lot of evidence about his corruption has been made public by le been used during lists and normally been used to. busy lists so this, this man is part and parcel of the system is pardon, part of the financial collapse. so to remember something. yeah. let me, let me share this because alleys is watching right now this conversation. he says, how come that the near has lost so much? is it of its value since the end of the ally kids that are for switches? question, it seems to me says ari that so find
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a selection of the more harm than good, despite the new faith kareem to one a very quick, great comment on that very quickly. i don't think it's useful to say whether it did more harm than good. it's too early to judge and that story to judge, the opposition on people got elected, but that i was seeing the central bank governor was pumping dollars into the country or into the market. and these dollars rather than being used for, you know, productive purposes like supporting local industries or whatever remains of them like he was saying because we don't have industries or sectors in our economy that can export and bring in dollars into the country or hard currencies. what ended up happening is that these dollars off the central bank been pumped into the market just to keep this rate slightly stable. now the directions are over. we have a new parliament. ok. they stop though. if you want to a tab and the dollars barely any dollars remaining of the central bank anyway. so that's why the currency is, has suddenly lost so much for your last 2 days. notice people 11 and they know that
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they've seen as i'm going to bring in a new voice here i be, would you comment on this for me? this is has, will a sector general am he was talking as the election results came out. interesting to see his take. and what has buller plans to do? his have a listen at best of luck and more power. mar. what will a follow her. the resistance and its allies have a wide presence in the new parliament. it is a fact that no one can argue in jetta monrovia though in ish hash melissa mademoiselle deville ballard. no group is able to handle the issues we are facing, even if they obtain a majority given the scale of the financial monetary in economic crises. in addition, there are the daily life problems, the lack of electricity, medications, and foods and employments. believer losing its value against the dollar, which has had an impact on salaries and price also. play pay in mill affect. my, you don't have it. if you were saying that not even super heroes can get the job
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done in his as well as saying, no one group can deal with all of these problems. so what happens? yeah, i mean, they're a very pragmatic organization. they're going to try to play politics and figure out something. i don't know how they can make their life because now they have to make . now the biggest 2nd party is a more extreme part. it's like the christian hug bala and you know, they have like a crucifix that they come out with with a dagger on it. so them civil war participant, a lot of people's nightmares. have them in them. so how it has been going to deal with kind of arch nemesis now was kind of more of a watered down them as this, but now it's got this to deal with. so it's going to be very difficult for husband even to manage. it seems and but you know, he's right. i mean, we are facing this daily life problems and cream was right that to bring up the banks. you know, i can't get money. i can't get my money out of the bank lost their whole life saving. and the bank is giving us small amounts of money at a 80 percent a haircut. so imagine go to the bank $800.00, you get $20.00 in return. so again,
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it's nice to talk about, you know, demo democracy and young people and youth. but you know, i feel like this whole conversation is a big distraction from the fundamental problems in the fundamental conflicts that love on faces. and it's been going on for 100 years now every decade. there's a war in love and what have one doesn't, doesn't. and if you need the other, we can, we can talk about that woman woman representation and talk about the economy and the fundamental changes we don't know. you can make policies. we don't know what the economic policies are, a lot of the candidates, so we're not talking about the economy. we're talking mainly about big rhetorical issues. that what are the big right or the big guess how big between venue elected empties? and that's what being discussed at the moment on the table v, the economical plan that they will try to adopt and that's, and that's the own,
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that's the most important point that they will construct their coalition upon it. so i think they know that that's the main thing or the how to stop the court or the the, the most urgent topic. and i think they are on the right track, debating it right now and, and just setting their alliance with them. but the problem is that the people don't know what they're debating, it's still a closed door debate, so we don't know how these 2 are going to come together again. some of them have come from big money. some of them are kind of like the old school politics, businessman and politics, and i know that some parties do get a lot of money from other parties. summer again, civil emerge, summer homophobic, some or no, i think right now if eve is i, i am done with politics, verena, thank goodness we have some positivity in the room right now. on mute you,
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we are being asked, what kind of change do you expect to see? this is going to be very brief because that's an entire shout that we could do or just on that one question by itself. kareem your thought here in a sentence, the kind of change it you expect, because we still have a, a long process of having to pick a prime minister and then a link to president. so there's, there's a while to go of uncertainty, but about what this parliament will even look like. but in a sentence, what's the change or expecting to see? i mean, i'm very sorry to say, but i expect the changes to be much more negative in the very near future. because right now we have a government voice. we don't have a, we don't have a government that some caretaker mode later prevents literally carrying windshield elections. and we don't know if these elections will even take place, or it will even have a presidential void gazoomba venue politics. it's really difficult for all of these different functions to get to get actually enact policies or to do something for
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the so i very pessimistic how get look at the end of the pessimistic. no, thank you so much crime a b i appreciate you, verena. thank you. for being part of the shy, i feel comments or questions on you chip, appreciate you. at the lebanese story is not over yet. i know we will return to it, but for now, thanks for watching phoenix time. ah . do on al jazeera, as watches, invasion of ukraine approaches the 100 day mark. we bring you the latest from on the ground and the wars global impact. and you 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, plundered by colonialism, and still housed in european museums. today. the g 7 m, nato,
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hold key summits with the water, ukraine, and the growing global food and the cost of living crises. this much to discuss as the influence of far right. politics grows. the big picture examines francis struggle to live up to the self proclaimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualifies. i'm male biting opportunity for countries to secure their spot for cut our 2020 to june on al jazeera frank assessments. what are the political risks of batting russian oil? a gas for western leaders will sanctions on russian energy exports such informed opinions. france is not abandoning to fight against jedi, still resumed media. they're going to be teaching from leisure and from child critical debate. could china actually help in rushes, invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera? how do states control information in china local go?
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if you try to search the war tenement, we find it is trying to make the whole country forget how did the narrative improve public opinion. they had live died and that allowed the children to continue to die to how is this just in gen, listen, we framing the story. i am here to duck you man, the war crimes committed by what did, and he is resumed. the listening post dissects the media on al jazeera ah, revealing eco friendly solutions to come back threats to our planet on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera, ah.


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