tv Inside Story Al Jazeera May 28, 2022 10:30am-11:01am AST
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this is al jazeera, these, your top stories, at least in texas, say they made the wrong decision and not immediately entering a classroom to stop cheese day shooting. and val day 19 children and 2 teachers were killed. iran says it sees to greek oil tankers for violations. athens accuses teheran of piracy and happened after greek officials assisted the u . s. and seizing an iranian vessel in the mediterranean outrage has spread across brazil, off to mentally ill. black man was suffocated to death by the police protest against police violence and racism happened held in the g pay unsound palo. another is scheduled for saturday in rio de janeiro. 3 of the 4 main candidates running for president in columbia house faced off in a final debate. polls place gustavo petro as the clay front runner ahead of
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mm hm. shooting abuto to the oh, space is set for one of the most significant electron thanks for long b. as the recent history, a mostly conservative rule, well columbia leg through last year for the 1st time and it's history of the story of the 0. is china, the most serious challenge to the international order? the u. s. accuses badging of undermining global security. as the secretary of state unveiled washington strategy to compete with china, but is the criticism justified? this is inside sort ah
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much m job china poses the most serious long term challenge to the international order. that's the assessment of the u. s. secretary of state antony blanket said that as he unveiled the biden administration strategy to compete with china's rise as a global superpower, he insisted washington doesn't want a new conflict. but he said under president, she jam ping, the chinese communist party is becoming more repressive at home and more aggressive abroad. blake, and gave examples including territorial disputes in the south china sea and accused beijing of standing with russia on its invasion of ukraine. we don't seek to block china from its role as a major power, nor to stop china or any other country for that matter, from growing their economy or advancing the interests of their people. but we will
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defend and strengthen the international law agreements, principles, institutions that maintain peace and security, protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and make it possible for all kinds, including the united states and china, to co exist and cooperate. china is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international water. and increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it. visions vision would move us away from the universal values that have sustained so much of the world's progress over the past 75 years. china's foreign ministry denounced lincoln's remarks as typical disinformation denigrating beijing. would you rather her, would you, the international order and international rules have clear definitions? china proposes that all country should uphold the un centered international system of safeguard the international order based on international law and the basic norms
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governing international relations underpinned by the principal of the un charter, china is committed to upholding all of this was to accuse china of posing the most serious long term challenge to the international order. if that's not dis information than what is level, she don't hear all that comes as china's foreign minister is on a 10 day tour of 8 pacific island nations. one year is expected to push a region wide deal to deepen security and tre, cooperation. the u. s. and regional allies like australia say that would fuel tension. president jo biden's, recent comments on taiwan have also angered beijing on tuesday. he said the us would respond militarily if the island was attacked. the white house later walked back his comments and china's human rights record is undermining relations with western countries. they've repeatedly criticized beijing's crackdown on descent and hong kong and alleged abuses in san jay. ah,
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all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guests from only in maryland, michael d swain, director of the east asia program at the quincy institute for responsible statecraft . from london, martin jack, author of the book when china rules the world and from beijing, henry, we are one founder of the center for china and globalization thing tank a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story. henry, let me start with you today in this address, secretary of said blank and said put simply, united states and china have to deal with each other for the foreseeable future. that's why this is one of the most complex and consequential relationships of any that we have in the world today. first of all, how does china feel about the relationship with the u. s. and secondly, was china expecting this speech from secretary of se blanket? yes, thank you. i think that the actually suckers with last night was, was kind of expected, but also quite, most of the surprising. wow,
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because we were thinking after a binary decision, you know, year and a half that he's on the station. we should be making some progress on this most about what about a relations in the war, but abundance still, you know what we expect that her brain can actually made in china. and the number one, you know, aren't, you know, major rivalry for you as and also post china as a threat to the google system, which i think is a correct because china is really a charms rise. really good for the global economy and also go on the system just being contradict over one 3rd of which is big roles. china and lots trading is, was $1.00 to $30.00 countries. and john is actually literally going to be there on the property. it's the, you know, these channels, the success is really
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a critical issue, but also so i think, you know, you as the child should be on that as a corporation. but of course we have the competition. now really making it as a rat, make it as a alley and make it as a button 2nd to break and put it, you know, sort of alliance and then compete. and they invest in kind of allies to compete. and that is not. so what we expect, i think, but of course imaginable you know, climate change and that many other areas jonathan, us do can. i mean, i think we should go more than not just the, you know, on, on the, on the, on are you looks rivalry of each other, michael so so as we heard from secretary of tape lincoln, as he was unveiling washington strategy to compete with china. he was also accusing beijing of undermining global security from your perspective, is that criticism justified?
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well, i think that criticism like with many criticisms that are leveled by both china and the united states of each other. there is an element of truth ahead, but it is inflated and distorted and exaggerated in ways that i think are not healthy. and that really just reinforced the kind of 0. so i'm thinking that both sides increasingly have towards the other. china is a concern to the united states and to other countries in certain ways. but the biggest concern, as i often tell people, is not of specifically china's threat to the west or other countries. it's the threat posed by the kind of interactive worst case in 0, some dynamic that is increasingly coming to the 4 in interactions in relation between china and the united states and some countries of west. it's that dynamic is driven by these kinds of grows large,
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simplistic narratives that don't account for the different complex and cross cutting interest of the countries face. it's that kind of narrative, that's really the threat to the goal or martin in this speech that was delivered by secretary of state blank. and he outlined washington the grievances with bay jane. he said that china has become more repressive at home and more aggressive abroad under president. she's in ping. why deliver this speech now? how significant is it and what does it do to this relationship between the u. s. and china? that is already really yet at a record low point. i think this is a speech we've been expecting for some time if it's a bit belated, actually, which is the burden administration setting out his position on china and or so. so i think that in that sense we, we could, we could see coming. and so what, what, what does it suggest?
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i think it suggest that you know, that now the key question for the u. s. government is the relationship with china, which it sees us arrival. and i think that the problem is the subtext of this speech is how it is america. hold on to its numero uno position in the world. can it sustain that position? and it, the whole burden of the argument is, are in various fields. how does america do this? because of the tone of it in places is actually, i think quite a welcome, particularly in the back end of the speech where he is a being can suggest areas where they can cooperate. but really this, the heart of it is about, ah, china's challenge to the position of the united states. i just like to endorse one
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point the henry made, which is that, you know, this is a, this is a caricature actually, of china's relationship with the international system. because everything ever since dunc shopping, china has, are absolutely committed itself to the international system seeking in the 1st in the join it. and when it is joined, it has been a very strong proponent of it and has always changed in a, in a, in a very reasonable way that it's been a great beneficiary of it. so this is really not an accurate present ation of the situation. what i would add to that though is the of course, let's be realistic about this, that when you get the rise of a country, the size of china and the speed with that transition transformation has taken place . it is bound to change the world in profound ways and no one can do anything about
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that. that's not. that is a reality. that's a historic, the great historic trend of our time. and it will continue into the future. henry, one of the ways in which this of speech is being interpreted is that the u. s. is essentially saying that while we want china to, to rise, we also want to make sure that china is doing so within the parameters that the u. s. has, has said, and if we could extrapolate that a little bit more than one example would be, you know, china has invested heavily in the asia pacific region. whereas western nations haven't been investing as heavily does china see it as arrogant that other countries are saying they don't want china encroaching on those territories or the or that other countries are saying? we want to see china do well, but only if it conforms to our standards of what they should be doing. well, i think he body reflect that. that's correct. and the actually liar, you rely to actually real situation on it all, those don't the members of
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a framework that you had just recruited and most of them are labors of china. and most of them imagine the matcher. almost all them, a lot of china channel is there longer stream monitors. so how can you come out of the blue? i mean, other words can really say, hey, look guys, let's get together and then not allow the biggest or, you know, kind of in the region. be part of it, just like it was, you know, you as you so you know, bottoms designed where is also have that similar function but then challenge them. that's what was it the, let's john it, let's work together and the us back all of that. so these are, you know, how long i you can go, i don't know. what i'm saying is that if that has been a warden build up all those, the security me to realizes and drive on every country really budget little level nato expansion. we have 15 my we have us, south korea, china,
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john 8 on sundays. we're, we have on coast folks on nuclear summary. we have a form. so, so we're trying, i think it's great, you know, we should pursue this economic organization about on row, you know, and the us, the, the largest recruitment, c, b, the part you know, high, you know, good china, european investment treaty. and john, african corporations don't less more economical, you know, corporation if you are still not willing to do that, but not really trying to build up with circles. and then, you know, preventing of blocking certain countries like china, which is already the largest in the region panels. the one of the rising copper taking over us over to your side. michael, we know that the u. s. has not been happy with china's stance when it comes to
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russia's invasion of ukraine. how much does china's reaction to that invasion, and how much does china's close relationship to russia play into all of this? well, i think that the ukraine war and russia's attack on crane has reinforced the notion that the framing of the global order today should be democracy versus authoritarianism. because here we have an examples of, of an aggressive authoritarian state threatening a democratic or quiz or democratic stage. and that this is just harming are things to com. and so people then look at china and say, well, china is an authoritarian state to tie, was a democracy and trying to has designs on taiwan. so trying to attack taiwan, just like russia, ukraine. so you get this deeper the sense of this alarming threat
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of hose by these types of states. when in fact the calculations the, the stakes involved, the interests involved in these 2 cases are quite different. and it is a gross simplification and a distortion of the reality to simply apply what's going on in ukraine to what the chinese can do today to taiwan. now, it has, of course, in some ways, reinforced the image of china and russia being aligned with each other, which they are in certain respects. china has not come out and full throated li, endorsed the western and nato position about the nature of the war. even though china, very much opposes invasions of sovereign countries by other countries. and china, however, does not want to openly reject russia. but it does not also want to
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come out and fully endorse what russia has done, support russia, and try to prevent the west from pressuring russia. henry michael, they're brought up a taiwan. of course, this is playing a role right now when it comes to the u. s is relationship with china, you had president biden in his recent comments on taiwan. those comments angered beijing on tuesday. he said that the u. s. would respond militarily, if the island was attacked. the white house later walked back those comments. but how much has that upset aging? well, i think the meeting will cause the ship broken by and has been talking on quite a few times. and every time president, by the way, we respect china on to 6th judge diagnostic allies against china. we were really, we were a big by one china policy, but every time that's why he's on to other people. he sounds different. so that's
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really, you know, made china kind of difficult to do and then, but also i think that you, great thing has really started as will reminder to the people of all the hello, when the nato usa rashi will try you see why one sovereignty and turns her in turn, that is why it is that that's really good because international condemnation and, and criticism and highways recognized by 16070 countries auto china. that's the conditional issue is done. the diplomatic ties with john is paul john. so john, on national sovereignty and territories that we should be respected, same as you claim. so i think china, you know, a hold of principal, you will, you should hold on, please will not against ukraine for those. so should really buy that. i was the tree she recycles already and sounds are in jeopardy of china, which i think, you know, yours is not really doing well on that really cause a lot of offset and also could you send them on the international phone as well.
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martin, i know that you touched on this a little bit in your previous answer, but is what we're hearing currently from the biden administration. whether it's this address from secretary of state blinkin, or whether it's a president biden's remarks with regards to taiwan. does that signal a new policy toward china or where are things really more or less the same? i mean, is the stance that the by the ministration is taking toward china right now close to the stance that the trump administration was taking toward china? yes, i think this, the simple answer that is, yes, of course, there are certain differences of emphasis and, and tone. but basically what's been striking about the burden administration is the extent to which it's more or less inherited. the trump position on china, it's less on bostic. it doesn't exaggerate quite the same way the trump did.
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but basically, i think we were seeing a consent show shift in american politics towards a new ah, a new antagonism towards china. i don't think we're in a new cold war year, but certainly go aspects of that. and as michael said earlier on, you know, the danger of this kind of situation is that the, the, the, the more extreme, different situation subject can suggest more extreme views, extreme conflicts and you get this slippage. and i think we witnessed this in a number of ways. so for slippage towards a greater antagonism between the 2 countries. i mean, i think we set, you know, i'm afraid to say this, but i think this is going to go on for a long time. and, and in fact, in some ways, one of the interesting things about the state and of course it's not new. but one
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of the interesting thing about the statement is the america is sort of preparing itself for the long hold in relationship to this appendix. for example, the emphasis on the importance of improving american competitors, american economic capacities, in lots of different areas. the truth is that america, you know, savagely neglected these kinds of questions for a long time. and so any long term strategy the america has, i think this has to be the heart of the matter because basically, you know, china has been taking the rest of the cleaners when it comes to this kind of thing . over the last 20 years, michael, i saw you nodding along to quite a bit of what the martin was saying. it looked like you want to jump in, so please go ahead and make a point good for the trump administration. i think that from ministrations policy towards china was chaotic. i'm, you had different messages being said by different people at different times. and then of course, president trump just riffs as he wishes. so
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a policy was really not very clear in many ways, except it did have a heavy, illogical tinge to it and had a very heavy hire trade balance tinge to it was based on very simplistic understanding of global trade. but it also wasn't very strategic. and i think we're, the, we're, the administration has, all of that approach is they've become more organized, i wouldn't say fully strategic, but they become more organized in that they are looking for coalitions and groups of other countries to strengthen their relations with other countries, allies and others in order to develop a broader kind of strategy for connor in china, of a problem with that, is it underneath all this as others have eluted is the assumption and you've seen it and blink and speech. that there really isn't much point in engaging the child. we know what the chinese are and that's defined in very start terms as a threat,
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almost an existential threat in almost every area. yes, we can cooperate with them on areas where there's a strong common interest. like climate change, when, if you're, if you're really 0, some relationship with the chinese of intense confrontational competition, it can but influence greatly areas where you need to cooperate plus plus what, this statement, what this outlook suggest is that because you can talk to the chinese because it doesn't serve any purpose because the chinese won't really respond in good faith. you therefore, you can't really engage directly with the chinese truly device editions. you just sort of discount that as a basis for conversation with the chinese and work on trying to shape convert contain the chinese. that's the problem with the bikes, roach. henry michael just touched on something that you mentioned in a, in a previous answer in that that's the fact that secretary of state blinking did say
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in his remarks that there are areas where the 2 country should work together, including climate crisis, including combating coping 19 from your perspective, where are there some other areas that the 2 countries feel they can actually work together constructively right now? yes, i think that i agree with the one just mike with the positive narrative is going on . those countries really are damages relation and probably also happened to confidence to incorporate the future. but i think there's a tremendous amount was so much to collaborate. i mean, you didn't want microsoft on climate change and others, i think on the infrastructure, for example, you know, china is the leading country of the last 4 decades. john, as you know, transformed the whole country channel. now as 2 thirds of the go, both feed really turn logic continue, report upholds now some of the money china and 10 out of 56000045, just those across the country and one being smart from users. so that infrastructure not become a consensus. we think that, you know,
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a person by the proposed one point to true infrastructure plan, and you has announced the global gateway 300000000000 worlds of putting of that. so i know, you know, we want to get to like what i talked to laura summers. you know, last time certainly would be one of the bags replenished. we're back, let's get a i, b r in action. let's get a d h d into my mom back. let's go to the wrong bank. we're share the same language to work together to tackle good. a sort of manager will be conscious equally to do one conscious. oh so absolutely. yeah. no, no, we're going to have to post dynamic and post. you create a new lawsuit planned on the infrastructure to help them that so let's find something to work together to so that we can really not obsessed with all differences and exactly, and then really, you know, brought out all the proposing and that we don't really have to fight on yet, so that's where thank you. all right,
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well we have run out of time. we're going to have to leave our conversation there today. thank you so much. all of our guests, michael swain, martin, jock and henry. we are one. and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, algebra dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha. inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at 8 inside story. mean how much i'm doing the whole team here. bye for now. do on al jazeera as wash as invasion, if you bring the coaches the 100 day mark, we bring you the latest from on the ground and the wars global impact. and you 3 part series describes the struggle for the return of african art, plundered by colonialism, and still housed in european museums. today. the g 7 m, nato, hold key summits with the water ukraine on the growing global food and the cost of
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