tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 2, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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often break the piece here. i feel for the children they get scared. i tried to calm them down there, but we're scared to. these really are me told them just either that it takes measures to protect civilians during back the sizes. but there's really officers previously said that trainings are used to push palestinians out 48 families once lived in this village called zeek. now, there are only 20 people here, say they have nowhere else to go. so they have to stay out until they're allowed to return to their home after midnight. the military drill will continue for 3 days, which means they'll have to go through this again twice this week. ah, this is al jazeera ah.
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hello lauren taylor, this is the out here news i live from london coming up the kremlin accuses the united states of purposefully adding fuel to the fire by supplying advanced rocket systems to ukraine, capable of striking targets in russia. shanghai springs back to life as the city eases covered 19 restrictions ending a 2 month lockdown that confined millions to their homes. the world's largest sugar producer limits its exports. india says it's to keep local prices in check and i'm heat estimate in dough with your sport. and emotional marg for ukraine in world cup qualifying they beat scotland in their postponed playoff semi final now just one whim from booking a spot at cato. 2022. ah
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russia accusing united states of deliberately adding fuel to the fire by supplying advanced precision guided rocket systems to ukraine. the barton administration is sending its most significant weapons package since the russian invasion began in february. the rocket helicopters and tactical vehicles, a part of $700000000.00 worth of usaid criminal inspection, says they don't trust us assurances that ukraine wouldn't use the missiles to target russian territory. russian forces have reportedly fought their way into the center of the eastern ukrainian city of civil tone. yet after weeks of fierce fighting with ukrainian troops, it's the last major ukrainian stronghold in the lou hadn't squadron, but it's now under at least 70 percent russian control. and estimated to 15000 civilians remain in the city. with some sheltering from russian air strikes in the adult chemical plant. ukraine volt, bolstering its forces in the countries east,
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where it's fighting rush on multiple fronts. moscow is focused, it's offensive on the eastern dom bus region also, failing to advance on keys and other western regions. smoke has been blowing over the city back moot where the sound of artillery has been ringing out. the evacuation of civilians from back move has been halted and regions governance says it's no longer possible to deliver humanitarian aid into the city. famous rog explains, are more weapons from the u. s. could help ukrainian forces on the front line? well that announcement by the united states of sending more critical weapons to the battlefront here and ukraine will no doubt come as very good news. not just to present a lot of resilience. he's office but to his military and to the strategist that are operating the battle fields in the east, on the ground as well as the battlefield commanders who have had to for so many days. see the rush in advance take over and absorb and digest more and more of their country sadly for a place like separate than that, it is likely going to be help that will come to late. the mayor of that city has
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had the unenviable job for the last week to continue to document and report the slow losses that his city is facing. now. the ukrainian government only controls 20 percent of the cities, 60 percent in russian hands. and the rest of it, a no man's land, certainly indicative of how the pace of the russian advance has been. it hasn't just been there. we've seen in care sun for the last 2 days. that city has been completely cut off in terms of communication. there's been no ukrainian or mobile or internet service there for 2 days elsewhere in the den that's region across the board. we've heard reports just in the last few hours of loud explosions being heard in cities in the genetic region and sustained artillery fire going on since this afternoon. that began in spurts last night in nikolai, of loud explosions being heard in the last hour artillery showing very well. so certainly across the board in the east renewed attacks by the russians.
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so what exactly is the system the americans have sent to ukraine or sending the high mas multiple launch rocket system, or m l r. s, consulting in sci fi, multiple precision guided missiles. it's 80 kilometer range is twice that of the m triple 7. how it says already provided to ukrainian forces, the long range version of the miss, all which can reach targets 300 kilometers way isn't being supplied to the cranes. us ministry ready has highmark units in europe, nature, allies, poland, and romania also have them. let's get more of this from. how does your classroom washington, dc? i do. why did president biden change his dance regarding sending these kinds of weapons to ukraine? lauren, as we know the ukrainians have been asking for more u. s. long range weapons for weeks now, and the u. s. has long been concerned that such weaponry could be used to target within russia itself, which would provoke russia had something that biden wants to avoid. will these high
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me, our systems as you, as you said, they are capable of reaching 300 kilometers with the right rocket heads. but those are not the rockets that us is sending to ukraine in this latest shipment. these will reach only 80 kilometer is, which is a deliberate choice, and there are only 4 of the city systems being delivered in the coming weeks. now, president biden, in explaining this new weapons package, he wrote an op ed in the new york times published on tuesday, in which he almost directly speaks to president putin of russia, saying that these weapons are designed to be used just within ukrainians. the crania borders not to be targeting a targets within russia proper. and also saying that the u. s. is not interested in overthrowing the russian government, but rather seeing and independent and free ukraine. i mean, as part of the limitations that you mentioned, isn't there a concern in the u. s. the weapons could end up being used at owner hitting russian
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territory? yes, everyone had missed their still that risk and we heard from the u. s. secretary of state antony blank in today after hosting at nato secretary general here in the us speaking of security assistance for ukraine. and blinking said that the u. s. has received assurances and his words from ukraine's from ukraine that these weapons will not be used to target outside of ukrainian borders into russia. his words were that quote, there is a strong trust bond. he said, between ukraine and the united states. but certainly for russia, those words of assurance have not been enough to appease concerns hearing from russia's foreign minister that he sees this act, the latest weapons package, as quote, a direct provocation aimed at drawing the west into combat. learn how does your customer thank you very much. was nearly
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a 100 days since president putin launched his worn ukraine. russia failed in its attempt to capture the capital, keith. but since that has made substantial gains in the east, liam collins is the executive director of madison policy form is also former u. s. army colonel and was a defense adviser to ukraine. he joins us novice zoom from wisconsin. thanks very much. indeed for, for being with us. so for us, for how much of a game changer do you think these are new weapon systems will be in the worn ukraine? they'll definitely be home for me. it's hard. last by a single weapon system is game changing, but without a doubt it'll assist ukrainians. who can doubt range russian are showing that previously they couldn't range with any kind of or chillers as they're going engaged from the years. without a doubt, it is a weapon system that the current ins definitely. recently we've seen russia making gains in the dumbass region. how significant is it if i see so severe donates, which i seem to be kind of close to doing and, and how do you expect the tactics to change in the weeks ahead? yeah, i mean, keep in mind, i mean, this is
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a city that has really no tactic or strategic objective in terms of the conflict, right? it's just simply some additional territory. they're taking as overly focus, i think across the board on some of the territorial b rations and made in the past week or 2 in the east. at the same time. they're losing train up around harkey, ukrainians of carfax, and the in the ukrainians are counter attacking occurs on a blast as well. if you look at it that way, right, russia? so everything that had pulled back from, from the northeast, from the south, just to make some limit again in the east. while the same time ukraine's been able to make some gains in those locations. so this is by no means strategic at all. what about to morale? i mean is that there's some suggestion that morale is low with russian troops because they've had severe losses. how much of a difference does that make an institutional if yahoo, with out of the a, this is not going to raise the russian route, russia significantly to make some minor gains again. i mean, throughout the war,
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right? they meet against words even got pushed back against her. harkey got pushed back. you got your poorly trained and poorly led soldiers, which is endemic of the, of the human rights violations that they've committed. so it's, it's, it's not gonna really significantly change them around the russian troops were, which are extremely low because they've never been told why they're fighting this war in the 1st place. and how long do you see this coming on? i mean, i see the war lasting for 4 months or years. i mean, if you look at what, what, what will it take to get a negotiated settlement for this? you know, there's no overlap between the minimum, the ukrainians will take what the russian takes. so it's going to take months to get to some were one side fuels like they have to accept an agreement at some time . and it was as we see, another kind of package of fir weaponry being sent by the u. s. we that way. that was one of page in the new york times just on tuesday a day ago saying that the warden ukraine may be impossible to stop was the title and the u. s. deserves much of the blame. and as part of it,
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they also said in our state is trying to maintain the fiction arming ones. allies is not the same as participating in conflict to think there is a, an element in which that they can prolong it with the kids can. with this escalation in, whispering this being sent without a doubt, if longing it, la, la, emmy, late that in the conflict, that's what we want. we want the ukrainians to winter. right. keep in mind, right? it's a much smaller military, right? much lower case against the much larger russian north here. right. more weapon systems, more force is right in. so it's a much better trained force against the poorly trade. busy leisure force, so as your weapon systems, your ammunition treated the absolute ukrainians need that replaced if you want ukrainians to losing and you what, you know, a sovereign nation to completely lose its ability as a nation to just be absorbed by russia. then by all means that we don't wanna, you know, you wouldn't want to lengthen the conflict, but if you believe in people fighting for their independence, then you want to like from the carpet because you want them to win and to be able to have an independent nation and in terms of escalation risk or what,
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what you think of that? i mean, this is russian rhetoric, right? this is no different russian and doing this for years when we 1st provided javelins to ukrainians back in 2017. the russian said this, we ask the tory in some way. and again, if you cranes, russia wants to go, the fight is completely non ukrainian soil to providing you know, rocket systems for ukraine that can range russia. that makes absolute sense, right? maybe rushes that absorbs out of this pain for the war, and they're on their own territory. right. is your weapon system design purely for ukrainian defense of their nation? there's absolutely no fear of russia, ukraine invading russia, right? there's bill desire that they don't, they keep doing that they need to fight a war and i have some of those limitations i am calling to thank you very much indeed. taffeta especially, i think you a more head on the out there and use our rescue efforts. continue in the southern mexico to hearken. agatha or dozens of people
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still missing fall, as the french politician on shore says he will tackle soaring gas and oil prices ahead of legislative action. and later in sport, the world's best female tennis that continues amazing winning streak. ah, denmark luc set to join the european union's common defense policy. exit polls suggest more than 2 thirds of voters want them not to stop opting out of the scheme . for the 1st time in 30 years, danish officials could get involved in the use defense to fit decisions and send troops to military operations. referendum was cool following russia invasion of ukraine, which is also lead sweden and finland to end the tradition of neutrality and apply for nature. membership in russia has cut off natural gas supplies to denmark, because it's refused to pay roubles. president vladimir putin had signed
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a decree that foreign buzz needed to pay for gas and rubles from april, because of western sanctions. but then mark's biggest energy company refused saying it proves that the you need to stop depending on russian energy. danish officials say cutting off supplies weren't have much of an impact or shows already turned off the top to finland, poland, bulgaria, and benevolence or russia is vowing to find other bought buyers for its oil. after your opinion, leaders agreed to ban more than 2 thirds of russian oil imports. by the end of the year. russia is this world's 3rd largest oil producer with around $11000000.00 barrels per day. the international energy agency says russia and around $20000000000.00 a month in oil sales before the war, 60 percent of it tech sports went to europe. but since then, the u. s. u k and e. u of all 7 ties in some way. and russia has turned to asia instead. india and china both increased their imports of russian oil. since
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february, i'm going to say, aging imported nearly $2000000.00 barrels of russian or per day in may. global energy supplies are major topic for discussion between russia's foreign minister and his counterparts in the gulf. saudi arabia hosted gala roof and foreign ministers from cut out the united arab emirates, oman kuwait and bahrain. the gulf corporation council members, also hearing from you cranes foreign minister ahead of an open meeting on thursday . speaking off of those talks liberal hit out at your opinion for banning most oil imports from russia. russia top to promote also accused the us of instigating the you move your politically. she thought as a chair, to the situation is such that any group of countries should not be allowed to dominate the international arena. and to put their own priorities and establish one singular polar world. some of the countries are not hiding their true intentions. they don't allow any alternative thought to pretty quickly. first,
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the chief executive officer of macro advisory and a global energy specialist. he explains the possible outcomes of europe's ban on rational import. what we will see over the day, the next 6 months in europe reduces russian imports, will increase purchases perhaps in the middle east. and then those customers that were previously bought, middle eastern oil will probably buy russian oil. and of course, russia is offering a significant discount to, to acquire those customers. 25 to 33 percent discounts are being, report isn't. hence, we see big volumes going to countries like, like india and sue other asian countries. and for russia, that's not a bad deal. because of course, with the current high o price, which we say is caused by the uncertainty, russia can afford to offer a $25.00 to $30.00 cent discount and still earn the same amount of money as it was getting last year or double the year before. so financially, russia is still in a good position, the problem for you, or would be product rather than crude,
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because europe ports about 2000000 barrels a day of russia. cruise will reduce that to, to maybe a half a 1000000 or 60000 bows. it will easily be able to find that additional one to nap and the truth, but russia exports $2400000.00 barrels of refined products, gasoline, heating, oil, petrol, et cetera. we know there is no spare refinery capacity in the world. europe will not be easily able to find that product, either from its own refineries or from the, from opec countries or anywhere else. so the big problem for europe will be possibly a shortage of refined products in gas stations coming in next winter. and russia, of course, also will have to find customers for its product, the horse fueling a global food crisis. western leaders have blamed russia for holding the well to ransom by blockading ukrainian ports. the head of the roman catholic church is called for more to be done to free up much needed grain export this thir on the
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approval. but suny, the blocking of exports of wheat from ukraine is very worrying because the lives of millions of people depend on it, especially in poor countries. i make a heartfelt appeal so that every effort is made to resolve this problem to guarantee the universal right to nutrition. please do not use wheat to a basic foodstuffs as a weapon of war. and another better blow, india has announced its restricting sugar exports. and many countries were already alarmed after india band. we tech sports a few weeks ago suddenly to our reports from to pradesh on our local farmers are feeling the impact ah, after being packed and see this batch of sugars headed to the port. india has already exported a record 7 and a half 1000000 tons the season. now the government has kept shipments to ensure there is enough left over for domestic consumption. get you look in our local amps, company has been refining sugar for 90 years and he says the new rules could affect
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farmers incomes. the sugar season starts in november and the government would always like a minimum stock in the country of about 2 months. consumption or 2 and a half months conduct, which is somewhere around $6000000.00 tons. it's been a bumper ha, best for the world's top sugar producer. international demand is high sparking fears of domestic shortage during the festive season. later this year, when high global prices and a strong dollar have opened up business opportunities for farmers and traders, soaring inflation and concerns about food security back home had prompted the government to implement protective measures including restricting wheat exports, wheat farmers such as angie party, i hope to cash in on a favorable international market. prices rose after rush as invasion, cut supply from the black sea region, but a scorching heat wave in india, threatened output,
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and the government ban most exports to control domestic crisis. that's affected farmers profit. so got to get to that the government price was higher last year, so we saw them more. this time the rates are lower, read, production is much lower. it kept dreaming, and there was war to login to which impacted the harvest. economists say these restrictions do, little to reduce inflation in just credibility as a reliable exporter of primary commodities is going to be seriously damaged at this. i don't see this as a good signal. al jazeera osburg government comment, but we didn't get a reply. many countries have urged in debt to lift its ban on we exports. governmentally to say they want, relax a bad, but to wind consider requests from vulnerable countries part in the middle. i'll just see what the british in northern india, malaysia has become the latest nation to scramble to secure domestic stocks. by
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banning chicken exports. of course panic and singapore, which gets more than 30 percent of its poultry from malaysia. and where chicken rice is, a national dish for city reports from canada and an important source of income for chicken farmers in malaysia has been cut off after an export band came into effect on wednesday. it's a fresh blow to an industry that's already reeling from rising costs. if we fit what then? seeing up all, i don't mean you know, by me, any country that way i, what do they, can you switch to another country for player? so it's really hard to get them back to buy, but with, with the, in the future. so this export men will definitely be simple to re temporary solution. but we have a lot of them headed. the price of chicken feed has sought with shortages caused by the war in ukraine and a heat wave blamed on the climate crisis. malaysia is not the only country cutting
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back on food exports. we've seen similar actions by other governments such as india and indonesia to restrict certain exports of food items in order to contain rising domestic should inflation pressures. because for developing countries, food accounts for a larger part of measurement of inflation and retail price inflation . it isn't just about price stability. the export band is also meant to ensure the local market has enough chicken. it's consumers outside of malaysia will feel the benz impact. neighboring singapore import at 34 percent of its chicken supply from malaysia last year. almost all of that live, the singapore government says it's looking for new suppliers and has urged consumers to switch to alternative meets. but food sellers is specialize in a popular dish known as chicken rice. say it won't be easy to find
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a substitute for a key ingredient. they're concerned about a dip in business. more seeker, i thought he's not 100 percent up to the rice, not all you. fresh chicken rice recently bought a life slaughter thought the bed would mean we are no longer able to sell. is lemon gone off in norberg or maybe coca cola buckle. the malaysian government hasn't said how long the export band will last. but officials say they hope supply and chicken prices are stabilized within a month. florence louis al jazeera while william point trinity is president. gabriel burridge has delivered his 1st state of the union address and had continued protests and escalating violence in the country. or it has been in office her less than 3 months, but the approval rating of chill, his youngest ever president has already fallen, is facing an escalating armed conflict with indigenous map. put j groups, anger,
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soaring inflation, as well as student protests, demanding food subsidies and public school improvements. in mexico, at least 11 people have been killed and another 33 a missing in the wake of harken agatha, agatha made history as they strongest harken, ever recorded to hit mexico's pacific coast in the month of may and her official reports flood waters have begun to recede on the coast of war, haka in southern mexico. residents, however, are still reeling from the impact of hurricane agatha. let me not only do i have nothing left, nothing to 8. now gone to say what i can find, but nobody has anything left faggot though, was a powerful category to hurricane when it made landfall late monday evening. and authorities say the death toll is likely to rise, while the search for those missing continues a much de my law decision. based on the reports, we proceed to lead,
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make the decision to provide services to the most affected areas as most importantly the coast of war haka day. the challenges faced by those emergency teams are daunting. heavy rainfall from agatha caused widespread flooding and mud slides, state and federal authorities. se efforts remain underway to clear roads and provide desperately needed aid to thousands of people affected was entered into sula though you were ya. bolona, what is duddy? and we don't have anything to drink, but they're waiting for support. we at least water food or whatever they can give us because you've lost everything you. we don't have anything. the clothes and dishes are wet, everything was lost. he not the nameless though hurricane agatha has mostly dissipated over the mountains of southern mexico, weather forecasters board, the remaining thunderstorms could regroup into a tropical depression or even a tropical storm. if so, agatha, his name would change to alex,
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becoming the 1st named storm of the 2022 atlantic hurricane season, potentially bringing heavy rain and wind to the us state of florida. by the end of the week when welded upolu al jazeera, a jury has ruled mostly in favor of american actor, johnny depp in a defamation lawsuit against his ex wife, amber heard. both accused the other of abuse. the trial was televised for weeks capturing the attention of years and social media users around the world. dep sued his ex wife, over her 1000000000 piece. she wrote in 2018, where she called herself a public figure representing domestic abuse. herd counter sued out a depth lawyer said she made up the claims, heard testified that she was physically and sexually assaulted, which dep denied saying she was the one who abused him. that was awarded $15000000.00 in damages. but the jury also ruled partly in favor of herd, saying she should receive $2000000.00 in watching out 0 live from london,
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still ahead aid groups warner, the democratic republic of congo is the world's most neglected displacement crisis . for the 3rd time in 5 years. glass on dominant came in berlin with the new ticket to ride for just 9 years. i can travel pretty much anywhere in germany and in the sport. one of golf biggest stars defects from the pga tour to join a rival series backed by saudi arabia. ah. that has started june's going to disappoint in a few places, scandinavia with that swirl of clad and probably porch go with the next one. i mean there's those 2 systems. you don't want to see the rest. well, most of europe is fairly settled, is not a cloud around temperatures are reasonable. there are a few showers around as you can see, this line
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a particular extent to the outs. but the stormy weather probably is that her over sweden and briefly in norway will, i think slowly improves, will just go up. close is here fridays forecast. the wind is gone. the still lot of cloud a rainbow sweet and i have to admit further west where we're celebrating the platinum jubilee of the queen. the breeze is getting up so far. london specifically it'll be kind of breezy 2 or 3 days, increasingly. so i think with temperatures just hovering about 20 mach, but to be a few shows to. now the warmer weather is to the south of that same line that runs across the pyrenees and the owls and lot of france and germany could see cloudy, overcast conditions. and same is true, the northwest of spain and portugal, otherwise it's quite warm. it's still warm to the east bit of breeze answer the g in, but they t day time shares indicate that won't in turkey quite a wind in north africa, particularly north west africa. look at this, the sand is up to some degree and the wind is strong.
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ah, al jazeera correspondence bring you the latest development on the war in ukraine to take cover. this is what's happening on a daily basis. the medics is a, he is incredibly lucky. those coming down the line a no, no man's land where one of the few to gain access to this embattled town. they take us to their basement where we find other sheltering from the shelling. please evacuation now. 3 days. journey devastated buildings are now a grim reminder that the russians were here. cutter, one of the fastest growing nations in the money needed to open, develop it international shipping company to become a key middle eastern trade and learning skillfully mapped out. 3 key is about filling a prominence of connecting the world, connecting the future while the cost cutters gateway to whoa trade.
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lou ah, the top stories here analogy 0. russia is accusing united states have deliberately adding fuel to the fire by supplying advanced precision guided rocket systems to ukraine. the part of a $700000000.00 weapons package. it also includes helicopters and tactical vehicles . brushing forces of reportedly fought their way into the centre. the eastern city of several donetta, it's the last major ukrainian stronghold in the $200.00 screeching rushes cut off natural gas flies to denmark,
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because it's refused to pain roubles than marks biggest energy company. so that proves that the you need to stop depending on russian energy. france is far left leader, shanghai marshall has told voters this month's parliamentary polls are really a 3rd round of april presidential election. he leads a new left wing alliance hopes to win a majority in the national assembly and install. men are shown as prime minister smith reports from paris. after finishing 3rd in the presidential election, john luke melon, john has now set his sights on the prime minister's job. the veteran fall at leader is behind a new electoral alliance that along with communists includes socialists and greens . manage on calls this the 3rd round of the presidential election. many of his supporters back to manual macro in the 2nd round. just to keep out the fall rights marine on the french people have understood the call that is being
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made to them saying is the 3rd round. it's not an abuse of language in the previous presidential election. we didn't decide anything. we had a default hurt reaching out to everyone, and there again it start again. all the alliance pledges to fix the price of petrol and gas to introduce price controls on basic goods to lower the retirement age from $62.00 to $60.00, and to move from nuclear to renewable energy and melancholy wants to take franz out of nato. i could either, i support the environmental measures been proposed because we are 3 years is on the planet. also the fixing of prices because a large part of the french population lives in poverty. that the potential is to is to persuade. those people who are against biker on to actually come out to vote, francis center left was all but wiped out in the presidential election, creating the space that melanie sean and his alliance has moved into new. yeah, yeah, no, sure, the one will be we need to mobilize that is of the left,
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but also convinced those who are fed up with politics and for too long they had been forgotten by politician. let's be turning out. the vote is the challenge in france. momentum usually stays with whoever wins the presidency. supporters of losing candidates are more likely to stay at home if forced to share power with melanie, sean microns plans to liberalize the french economy and reform pensions would be threatened at a later fall for just the re manual micron coalition center could lose. it's a dorothy in the national assembly, but could remain one single largest far too long for them. they might try and form eliasis is smaller conserves with parties to keep out. john luke maza, o bernard smith, i'm 0 paris a 2 months k with 19 knocked down in china's biggest city has finally ended. most of shanghai is 25000000 residence and our free to leave home while businesses will gradually resume operations. katrina, you reports from the capital,
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beijing y restrictions imposed under china as 0 k with strategy. i've also been eased. oh williams. the people in shanghai counted down to midnight on wednesday, celebrating the end of a strict to month pandemic looked down. there were scenes of joy and excitement as people socialized outdoors and drew their cars for the 1st time in weeks. st barricades had moved supermarkets, restaurants and parks are reopening. public transport has resumed. china's biggest city and commercial center is slowly coming back to life. after being shut down at the end of march, more than $600000.00 korea. laura's infections were recorded in what was the country's worst outbreak since the pandemic began artist. soon sean was visiting the city and became stuck at his hotel, an initial 5 de lockdown, stretched to more than 60 days. he is relieved, it's over,
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but remains distrustful of the government government the older. so they tell people all the 5 days. so i think by better, you know, the government always lied to people more. busy and more and more longer and the longer and the longer and no, andy, no people, when it's finished, there was widespread anger along with confusion of food shortages and a lack of access to emergency medical care lockdown, also crippled supply chains and slowed the economy. properties, car sales, the service sector and retail consumption all plummeted in april and saved recovery won't be quick, easy after the initial phase or there might be more disappointments because the reality is the consumer confidence is dampens. property market is still weak, although the weakness, the other part of the economy was due there and not address. and on top of that
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income growth has flowed significantly. so after the left of all the restrictions, i think there is a lot of work has to be done. shanghai authorities say the city has achieved a milestone in its battle against the virus in a letter. they thanked residents for their patients and apologized for the inconveniences caused people in shanghai may be celebrating for now. but the memory of this one walk down won't easily be got. china's leaders refused to live with the corona virus, and any new outbreak can result in the lives of millions be offended without nurse . katrina you al jazeera aging commercial flights of resume between the yemen, the capital santa, and the egyptian capital cairo. for the 1st time since 2016, but to un broke a truce between the yemeni government and whose rebels is hours away from expiring and talks to renew it of trouble and groups. a warning renewed fighting would
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threatened humanitarian gains. christian salumi has more from the united nation. the truce has provided some rare moments of relative calm for yemenis, after more than 7 years of war. a war that has unleashed what the un describes as the world's worst humanitarian crisis. the resumption of commercial flights between the 9 cairo offers some normalcy for the country. the special envoy for yemen. hans greenberg has been working intensely to extend the ceasefire according to the united nations. but while they say preliminary indications from the parties are positive, many yemenis are still suffering. despite the good used to day on the cairo flights and the improve humanitarian situation, the truces delivered over the last 2 months. we must be clear that the humanitarian needs for yemen, remain high. some 19000000 people will go hungry this year, including more than a 160000 who will face famine like conditions. more than 4000000 people have been
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displaced since the war started. severe needs persist across all sectors and food isn't the only issue. many other needs persist and the u ends. humanitarian relief plan is only a quarter funded is where any forces have killed a palestinian man in the occupied west bank. the man was shot in the town of yeah, bud. where these ready army says it was conducting an operation to demolish home palestinian health ministry says the man was hit multiple times by live bullets and died in hospital in geneva. out here, a media network continues to demand a rapid, independent, and transparent investigation into the killing of its journalist in the occupied west bank, showing a work li was shot in the head by his reading forces while she was on assignment in janine and the day for funeral is really forces storm the procession started beating. mourners going pull, whereas was to drop her casket. members of the international community have condemned her killing and continue to call for an investigation. a worker was
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without a 0 for 25 years, covering the story of these ready occupation. she was known as the voice of palestine. doesn't know which a refugee council says the world is paying too little attention to mass displacements of people across africa. for the 1st time, 10 of the most neglected crises are on the continent. the democratic republic of congo tops the list for the 3rd time in 5 years have been, morgan has more close to 6000000 congo lease force from their homes. a 3rd of the population going hungry and all after decades of conflict. but the democratic republic of congo is top of the most neglected crises, worldwide. according to the new region, refugee council, the 8 organization lists 10 countries. all of them in africa would have displacement crises that don't get enough media attention. the countries include for kina fossil maroon, the cameroon, chad nigeria and molly south for them is number 4 on the list. the was the youngest
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country faced conflict just 2 years after independence in 2011. a 3rd of its 12000000 people were forced from their homes, fighting largely ended when a peace deal was signed in 2018. since then flood had displaced nearly a 1000000 more. in so much insomnia, i, camp was established 2 years ago and we killed from the north by the here we have humanitarian on issues. there is no food, no access to farming and no education. sudan is also on the left. more than 2000000 have been displaced in the western region of dar for since fighting vest started in 2003 hundreds of thousands remain in camp. despite the peace deal signed 2 years ago. in may fighting in west r for force around 35000 families from their homes when we were attacked and forced to leave our homes with nothing. now we have nothing to eat and
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a thing out in the open, under the sun than a region refugee council says the lack of media attention to the crisis has contributed to less humanitarian and political response. when the d r c is getting so little attention in the global media, it also leads to less a money going that compared to ukraine and other crisis that are in the limelight constantly. but also to reduce political diplomatic attention and initiatives to sort of the deep crisis in the, in, in the congo. so we're in a desperate situation as human, terence on the ground. we're not getting the attention not, not the funding, nor help to solve the crisis. and as the world's attention remains elsewhere, most of the funding appeals to respond to the crises in the countries on the list remain low. 8 organizations that need to change to improve the lives of millions of people, morgan, algebra, m. and he has launched
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a transport scheme meant to combat inflation and the high cost a few. the 3 months people have unlimited access to public transport. for just $10.00 a month. the dominant came reports from berlin. some say the policy doesn't go far enough whether by tram train or bus over the next 3 months, journeys with these are much cheaper. for $10.00 or 9 years a month, passengers can now get unlimited local and regional travel around the country. we have prepared a bunch of bon as good as possible, for example, with additional train 250 train every day in our network in germany. and we have additional person out on the train and also in the, in the railway station. so we're trying to best to be prepared at a time when inflation is higher than it has been for
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a long time. ministers hope this policy will ease some of the financial pain caused by rising prices. this is what the package a get prevent. 9 euro ticket to ride anywhere in this country, which can be bought in the paper version on a small fund. alms with one of the beef. theoretically, i can take most of the trains, tramadol buses, the stop at the station. but most people who use this unlikely to be, can you so what do they make of it? i just thought it is great because i used to pay 86 and now it's night. and i have to go to work every day. so it was the biggest press i use public transport a lot in different cities, unique, cologne, berlin. so it's very convenient by making public transport much more affordable if only for 3 months. this is a green policy. so the theory goes, but some people say it doesn't go far enough. we need to invest a lot more,
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especially in our real systems. and that's not something that you can do overnight . also not something that is done in 3 months, so we need more trains. we need longer train. we need to build more train tracks. we need more buses. these are all things that take take time. the cheapest season ticket has been introduced to coincide with a cut in fuel costs for motorists. the price of petrol at the pump has risen sharply since the war in ukraine. but 1st glance on wednesday, prices do seem now to be dropping. so taken together, the politicians in charge believe what they're introducing will make a difference. the next 3 months will tell us where the most germans agree. donate came al jazeera berlin still had an hour 0, preparing to st party buquet gears up to celebrate queen elizabeth platinum jubilee . and the latest from the french open, where a grand slam, when it is proving he still has what it takes.
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oh and what official ally of the journey ah ah ah, final preparations are underway in the u. k for queen elizabeth's platinum, jubilee celebrations. tens of thousands are expected at events in london as well as straight parties up and down the country to mock 70 years since she became queen ne voc alex back at the enduring popularity of britain's longest saving. monarch. queen elizabeth looms large over the british capital, seemingly every street a wash with flags and bunting for weeks,
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soldiers from household cavalry task with guarding the bullock have been rehearsing their steps. the platinum jubilee is as much a celebration of british traditions as it is 96 year old queen elizabeth's long reign. ah, but the 70 years and she became queen a coronation. a year later, the queen and country have profoundly changed back then. many of europe cities was scarred by the horrors of the 2nd world war. and the british empire, the once ruled, a 3rd of the world was melting away. queen elizabeth would help shape britain's new historic purpose not as the queen of an empire, but of a common wealth of multi national, multi racial states. and also as head of the royal family. the word and the coming years become the focus of intense media attention. as a family grew, so to the challenges the death of princess diana in a car crash in 1997 provoked public anger,
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that the queen was publicly morning her death while millions were forcing her to break protocol and join the crowds. more recently, the royal sufficed intense criticism over the handling of racism allegations by the queen's grandson, prince harry and wife megan, while sexual assault claims against prince andrew forced queen elizabeth to strip her son was touted as her favorite child of his royal titles. over the decades, presidents and prime ministers have been and gone. some of the most iconic figures of the past century. queen elizabeth consistently doing her duty. i think she played very well exactly the role because she's the one she's the most charismatic . so the photograph, most famous women, the wild, but she's also very enigmatic. we hardly know her, and i think being able to stay above politics, but seen as relevant and respected has been really important here in the twilight
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of queen elizabeth's reign, a gentle reduction of royal duties after the death of her husband of 73 years. prince philip, in the midst of the pandemic, a time when queen elizabeth's words to the nation, i have scarcely matted more. we'll be with our friends again. we will be with our families again. we will meet again, even as more more people question the role and the purpose of a royal family and a modern democracy. there is something of a coziness of familiarity to her long reign and genuine public affection for women and a queen who ties past and present generations together. nay, faulk al jazeera, london time for sport, now his peter learn. thank you very much. we'll start with the world cup qualifying and ukraine have beaten, scoffing 31 in a playoff semi final. it's going to pull rece now, who is in gloss, go for as poor, good to see you. would you in the stands for the match, talk us through it?
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well, incredible atmosphere, peter, as you'll have seen, but i think we would all have been expecting ye crane to be a bit rusty, not having played a competitive much as a team at this year at all. in fact, that domestic players haven't even played a competitive club games, but that really wasn't the case. scotland had some early possession, but ukraine created the early chances and they got the breakthrough just after the half hour mark had shipped the ball through. scott is the french should have dealt with it really, but andre ya malenko. i put it over craig gordon to make it one mill and discuss his funds. not happy at half time, and really very unhappy. 4 minutes later when roman yarn, chuck rose for an astonishingly easy header at the back post, really to put ukraine, tune up and scotland then should have gone just to on down john mcginn, missing
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a city really. but calla mcgregor. i got one back for scotland and at that point it seemed that the tide might, might turn gold keeping error. it might cost you crane, but it wasn't the case and light at the end at the substitutes are 10 doors beat, i apologize for my pronunciation, race 3 on drift through ball. make it 3 ones he crane, and i don't think i've ever seen a celebration like it from any team. the ukraine seemed just really sinking to their knees in relief, knowing they haven't gone one step closer to the welcome to gold perspective. there's been a lot of support global support for ukraine. was there a lot of goodwill from the scottish fans towards the ukranian players? absolutely fe to say that in their straight to glasgow the last couple of days we school the ssl has gotten fans trying to sing along to a phonetic version. they had of the ukrainian national anthem, but certainly giving the ukrainian national anthem
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a big round of applause. i think the scotland fans comprehend that they can't comprehend what the ukrainians are going through. and you know, really, really sympathize. but as soon as it was as soon as the man kicked off that was over and, and indeed scotland funds were pretty furious that their team had gone out, missed the chance to reach a 1st welcome in 24 years that having said just a few stragglers have just left behind me some scotland funds and ukrainian funds have been singing to the end of the night here in glasgow. and then finally, paul, on sunday ukraine will now play wales for the right to play at concert 2022. is it fair to say that whales are afore tougher opponent there's only a tougher opponent fought for. i'm not sure if scotland were on an 8 game and beaten run, they have been in good form. but wales have been qualifying for major tournaments in the past decade. they've got a big star garrath bailey, until today was
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a rail rail, madrid play, and they're desperate to reach their 1st woke up since 1958. on the other hand, we've seen ukraine not just playing on their emotions playing cool, calm. tactically, they really got the job done here in glasgow, and i think they'll be confident they'll get the job done in count if after they're showing pull, reese in laws. good. thank you very much. always good. talking to you argentina. one, the 1st contest between the champions of europe and south america held in 29 years of the beating italy, 3 no ad wembley. the match was dubbed the fire lists. emma thinner la tyler martinez school will be opening, go full argentina before and held the maria double. the advantage on the stroke of our farm had a wriggle. holiday bala added a 3rd later on this contest between the 2 continental champions, has been held on 2 previous occasions. france defeated europe by in 1985 and argentina b denmark in 1992. so in that sense,
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the origin times have successfully defended their title. at the french open world number one eager fiance stormed into the semi finals after beating american jessica. peggy ruler in straight sets, extending her current hot street for 33 consecutive winds. post match the 21 year old was asked about the lack of women. these matches during might sessions at roland garris tournament director. emily more asthma has come under fire saying the men's rule provides more attraction. well, he does a bit disappointing and surprising cuz she was also integrity. ah, but you know, well, the thing is from my point of view are it's for every player is more convenient to play at normal hour, but for sure i want to entertain. and they also want to, you know, show my best tennis she on zach or played earlier casa kina for
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a spot in the final the world number 20 beat fellow russian, veronica qu, that met over in straight sets. casa keena is through to her 1st grand slam, semi final. she's made she antic 3 times this year, losing heavily on each occasion. amended and physically i feel the best day a little worse, which is good because it means that i'm improving. ah, i know that i don't feel safe, not because when you are in the comfort zone, it means that something wrong in the main section correlation marin schilling is also hitting to the semi finals running gas. so the 1st time home us open champion needed 5 fits to get possible. number 7, andre rib live should achieve just the 5th axis player to reach the savings of all 4 grand slams. the others you may have heard of them federal and adel jock, of which, and then the mary fresh, me forfeit when would level another chunk of its 13 time french open champion ref adele was back on the practice called on wednesday that became jock,
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of which an american 4 hour match that went into the early hours of the morning. next up, the spaniard must take on germany's alexander that if, if the 21 time grand slam champion can win that contest, he will play in sunday final ad road and get ross. now to, to big football, the cautious 1st for barbara is leaving majesty united on a free transfer. at the end of this month, the french woke up with a re sign for the club back in 2016 of the leaving you ventures for then record fee of $116000000.00. but united have been a team in decline since they are finishing 6 in the premier league the season for believes as new manager eric to take over now to another form a record funding garrath bay. oh is confirmed. he's leaving around madrid often. 9 years at the club, the 32 year old wales captain says it has been an incredible experience since joining from talk them in 2013 for $131000000.00 is 106 goals.
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13 spanish titles, as well as 5 champions lead crowns. now, so a shock in the golf world form will number one, dust and johnson has defied the u. s. p. j to her to enter arrival series, backed by saudi arabia. johnson who previously said he would stick with the pga now intends to play in the 1st love invitational tournament in england, where the winner will get $4000000.00. the 2 tom major winner is the highest rank player in the field through the n h l. playoffs. there in the colorado avalanche, i've taken an early lead in the western conference while against the edmonton oilers. they won game one by 8 goals to 6 with 2 of them. school by j t. comfort game 2 of the beth of 7 series is on thursday. that's what we'll leave it for now most both these are play through here now to 0. lauren back to london. better. thank you. now, scientists have discovered the world's largest plant. genetic analysis is found
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that the secret meadow australia is actually a single organism, covering a 180 square kilometers, santa se cloned itself over 4 and a half 1000 years. great. the most widespread known clone on earth, but a 10th of its area as already been lost because of psych loans and rising asian temperatures linked to climate change. that's it for me learn taylor for snoozer. i'll be hearing amendment with more of a destiny is actually much watching. ah ah
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ah, yes, it was an arabic. my name is held. i was abducted by the cia in 2004. a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the sea. i came up with handcuffs, led me into interpretation. a new documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 world ruin the life of an innocent deal mastery case on al jazeera ah, from mother to daughter, an ancient croft kept alive by a bustling matriarchy news from start to finish. all traditions intertwined with new designs, making this families place unique and twenties. yes, rich tapestry. the threat on al jazeera
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you just under use time catalyst al bait stadium will house the opening match of the 2022 world cup. the official opening of the stadium came on day one of the arab cup, but many friends were already counting down to the big kickoff next november. see you back. those 1022 as vis tournaments unfolds over the coming days. it will play a key role. organize is getting ready to host the middle east's biggest ever sporting event next year, and for the castle national. same as i get used to playing in front of expected home crowds. now hoping to convince both the fans and themselves that they really are ready to take on the world. i the criminal accuses the united states of purposefully.
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