tv The Stream Al Jazeera June 3, 2022 7:30am-8:01am AST
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like the way women are portrayed and how african objects, when used by a man in the west are seen as genius. what i see in picasso are the objects and masks of my culture that were robbed, exposed, but to void of meaning. a genius or a thief, a new generation of african artists, are challenging the status quo for young public, eager to break from the past and see because so in a new light, nicholas hawk al jazeera de car. more than 3500 beacons being left across the u. k. and it's overseas territories to mark the queen's platinum jubilee quill is with the 2nd trigger. the 1st beacon from her home at windsor castle, it illuminated a large trees sculpture covered in lights at buckingham palace in london. beacons will also be let in the capital cities of all commonwealth countries. ah,
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no without zera. these are all top stories. he was present, joe biden has delivered an impassioned address to the nation on gun control after a series of mass shootings. he called on congress to restore limits on the sale of assault style weapons and raised the minimum age to buy guns. u. s. media is reporting the president joe biden wolf as it saudi arabia. these reports come after reared agreed to increase oil production on thursday. the increase will compensate for a drop in supply from russia. rival sides in yemen, civil war have agreed to extend a truce for another 2 months hours before it was about to expire. you and on the u . s. of welcome the move for during encouraging a permanent p. still ukraine's president's as russia now occupies a 5th of his country, ukrainian troops, a log in intense battles with the russian army, with frontline stretching more than a 1000 kilometers. those are headlines were back quick. another bulletin of news on
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a shooting abuto to the talk to al jazeera, we ask, can you be more specific? how many folks are you asking for and what kind of military equipment we listen, asked the people of cuba in the street. if there is a difference between donald trump and white for them, it's the same. we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the store restock matter on al jazeera, i hi on semi ok, al jazeera has been covering the treatment of the week. people in china for many
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years to down the stream. we're going to look at 2 new developments, the release of police documents detailing what happens to week as in detention photographs and documents. and also a recent visit of the un high commissioner for human rights and michelle batch lay to china. could this be what we get activists are looking for to stop the persecution of their communities in china? ah, it's good to have back here on the screen. ryan is sophia mama, john. they are experts when we're looking at the week people and the treatment of the week, people in china are a and welcome back. please remind our audience, who you are and what you do. hi, how are you? good to be with you. i'm him. i swear and he'll follow at the mom. sophie, welcome back to the stream. please introduce yourself to our international viewers . i mean for to present to be back. i'm human rights watches,
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china director and mama john, welcome back to the street. please introduce yourself, dr. u as watching on tv. i don't know. thank you very much for having us. and i mentioned you, i work for radio free asia as a deputy director with your service. what has so many questions from our audience when we talk about this subject? when we started on the stream many years ago, we had to explain who the week of paper where, where they live. now i know you know that information. so what more do you want to know about the current situation? the comment section is live. please utilize it. i am surrounded mama john in the studio by some of the photographs that we'll need from the police. don't comments about what was happening. shandra young. some of these pictures go back to 2018. i know that you've been looking at the pictures you've been trying to find out who they are. what happened to them? what can you tell us about this, this link packet of documents and photographs that you didn't know before because
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we have been talking about bad treatment, poor treatment, torture of the weekends. now we can see it. yes. we have been talking about this ongoing genocide over the past 5 years and we have had a lot of leak documents before, but this one is more powerful because we got at least 5000 pictures in this league document. and i'm out about 3000 with them are identified. and when you look at them, you see gears defiance confusion and this may or just blankness in their eyes. and when you look at the ages, one of them are the youngest, one of 15. her name is that she should have been in middle school at this moment and unfortunately, she is rounded up as a terrorist for someone to be educated in the chinese terms. and the oldest one would be 10 years, 10 to 3 years old. and when you look at them, you can see the all works,
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the lives and the regular people and their living conditions are bonham abominable and not like the chinese communist party described as schools or educational locational training centers, but fully functioning prison with machine gun down watching them on the watching color, which is, which is horrible and it for the 1st time these pictures gave him and paid to the ongoing atrocity rail. and i'm just looking at a website here so our audience can actually go to it as well. she jang police files dot org. and you can see some of the documents. some of the pictures, the treatment of week is in detention or in prison. what difference does it make? now that there are just pages, it's written that is very clear. what is happening,
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that solid evidence that you already knew? but now everyone can see, right? yeah, send me a picture, speak 1000 wars. i think i did it. this is a watershed moment for the week of crisis. because not only we have names of those individuals who are trying to fight it, taking their taking the most difficult situation. but it will be also have a strong evidence in refutable evidence that would only add to the extensive body of evidence that to investigative journalism uncovered, as well as satellite images and testimony and family members testimony have been accumulated over the years. but to me, i think one thing that really stood out is the extent to which the cookie deployed in these can be, or talked about torture. but it's very confront patients you're seeing in your eyes . you see that baton,
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you see motor tries offices deployed just to subdue one man. and i think that just goes to show the extent to a chinese government would go to engage an assault against the week or miss they identity of that when you get people. so if it has a quote here that i want to share with you, if trainees it. so my laptop now, if trainees fail to comply the arms, police officers can fire warning shots. if the trainees refused to obey orders and continue to escalate the situation to escape or try to snatch weapons, the police officers who carry guns shoot that sofa. is that enough material here? for a case case. i mean, it's not just that there's enough material here. there's been enough material for years now. you know, we have names, we have dates, we have facilities, you know, and by we, i mean, there are many individuals and organizations, journalist researchers, scholars, you know,
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who contributed an enormous amount of information to a hypothetical prosecutor's file. and this latest week only makes that file even thicker. there's plenty of here to prosecute. the question is whether, you know, anybody has the courage politically, to challenge the chinese government. i also just want to add one quick reflection about the photograph, which should stop at any human being in their tracks. and i look at them and think, you know, these are, these are our friends and our allies, family members. you know, these are people, brothers and mothers, siblings, and to not respond in that way to the very real images of john said fear and distress and to hold the people who are responsible for putting the people in these
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positions are fear accountable to fail to do that is to capitulate to tortures because when we talk about family members among this recently leak documents, there are some legal documents as well. going to be leaked again, i think and they found out my own brother's name and they took a picture of that database line intended to me. and my brother's name was there and his crime was talking to porton nationals, which could have been me and it was detained for that was the high school teacher much and your money is very established lighter. and his sentence for 14 years and the police told us that he had some sensitive documents books in his home. and what, and leave the document told us that it was detained because he was talking to national. and it is very personal, it's heartbreaking,
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overwhelming. and my brother was held in exactly the same police, i mean a detention center because they ration camp where this leak document is located, which is overwhelming language. and i have many friends who have identified their friend classmates, as well as well as their cousin and their relatives. i want to share something else with you, and this is from amnesty international. they, they track missing and detain people from china. and this is, can i up and at the moment he is a assume to be in prison. he suspected, for he was arrested because he was in contact with his family member abroad, like your brother. that was the reason why he was detained jude to be a threat. we spoke earlier to his brother about the elite
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files and how we found out what happened to his missing loved one. let's have a listen. let's have a look. this young police fire broke my heart because it tell me about my experience in chinese dishes and there are 415 mum i haven't experienced those are live. i haven't had it on a pilot chair and the laws polices beacon me and those polices use that to stick to sign me and document also mention in my older brother. he sentenced 14 years and also mentioned my niece. she died in detention center. we are important and that the all the documents tell them of my friends, my child who the teacher is and my community so as this information is coming out,
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it's basically corroborating what you were already telling the world, ma'am at jack ryan. so see, this is mason comes out while michele partially new and human rights commissioner is in china. i do not think this is a coincidence. this is a come by. somebody is thinking that this is my theory. somebody's thinking michelle brush is in china. let us show the world what is happening to the week people at the same time. i do not think it's a coincidence, sophie thoughts? oh, i think the, the release that was with absolutely intentional to coincide with her visit, as was some shocking new information about forcing tibetan children and young as for into boarding schools where they are forced to learn only in chinese and separated from their parents. their culture, their religion, their language, it would be nice to think that this had influenced the high commissioners thinking
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. it does not appear to have her remarks, particularly about human rights violations in the week or region started from precisely the premise. the chinese government wanted her to start from not about 50 years of rampant racism and discrimination and repression, but essentially repeating line. very similar to the chinese government that the problems in the region are one of extremism and terror. she offered no evidence to support that perspective. she oh, who offered no evidence in repeating that the government has assured her that math arbitrary detention facility if have been close, there is no reason to believe that. and the fact that she essentially ratified the chinese government's perspective on these issues is a politan thing. rare, ryan, your expectations and much on your your expectations must have been very high
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because the un high commissioner for human right hasn't been in china for 17 years . until i think this is what michelle ashley said in a statement, i should state from the outset what this visit was and what it was it, this is it was not an investigation. ryan, what were your expectations? well, you know, leading up to this moment, there was a lack of transparency people around the world look up to her role and as well as the majesty of that office as a beacon of hope for documenting. and as the last issue, finding apache is can modify their behaviors. when she said, after 17 years, we have the 1st time you will high commissioner stepping foot in china to conduct investigation on time and human rights becket. she says like, we should not expect that. and what else should we expect that millions of people are suffering found?
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these are separated. and you know, as much as i said these. and sophie said, these are human beings, course life torn apart. and for me, i thought that, you know, she would rise to the occasion. she would be the hero. that role expecting. and there's some sort of like a plot if you will, that you know, that she, she would rise to the occasion. and toby surprised but not only her awards for short, but her entire stance on this issue, threw out as well as even today, really undermine the credibility of that office. and i think the many weeks around the develop ultimate child. let's have michelle ashley and how was this is her debriefing press conference, virtual press conference from last week. moment john, have a listen and then i would like your response immediately. as soon as the video ends his michelle ashley in the field, what can i was region?
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i have a question about the application of counseling session measures, role application. i think back on the rise a we must be my know to those who have me appealed, asking me to re cases in the pony i have your mattress. i basically was going to need to race and of pacific statements, and i was confused to follow her on a sustaining a yes, like sophie and her comments and her statement is total the trail and as well as the total failure of mandate. and there is no any the extra mitigation
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or direct position campaign is going on in the region to speak off because like she said, there is no but we didn't have any vacation training centers. they are all fully functional prisoners because because the china didn't close it up because their prison, their prison prison. so they're just taking prisoners as well as dictation temps. the location of schools that she had mentioned, there is no additional school before. and these are markup just some costs realistic to show to international media. so when china called, they closed in the vacation, all training centers, which is the law because didn't have it before they had they had a detention center. and because interesting camp and she just parroted chinese
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communist party line that the treatment of wiggers are just great and they didn't have any human rights violations. but what they're doing is just a di radicalization as well as and teachers and measures. but we didn't have one terrorist in china, we didn't have a 15 year old terrorists. like in that, you know, they're all light. basically, they just became a propaganda tool for the coming part. it rang ahead so i can add one thing. it's one thing to to say for the un high commissioner, i heard you, i heard your kill. what are you going to do about it? and what she did is she provided the her think it's been and talking point for the chinese government to say the best and what that's exactly the words of the chinese
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government to say that the real sion janet, that she saw contests to the work, the rest and media has been describing what i am incredibly rewarding it is. it's not just, you know, what has unfolded in the past few days. the far reaching consequences of course statements and her action in china. i think i'm boy, that the chinese government would take this as some sort of implicit endorsement as to such hostility and even in bold and to continue to commit crimes against humanity. yes, there is no, there was no sense of urgency. there was no sense of the scope and scale of human rights violations. she said almost nothing would her call to any concern to chinese authorities or made them feel anxious. we're worried that there might be some sort of accountability and that the, that the outcomes of this visit are a working group and some sort of special exchange mechanism. when let's be clear
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what the world should do in the face of crimes against humanity is investigate and prosecute. and that does not appear to be on her agenda. and while she was in china, and in fact again today to the security council, she had the nerve to suggest that impunity and older the abusers and the denial victim of justice to which you want to say, ma'am, commissioner, if you want to end the impunity, you've got some work to do with respect to not just prosecuting these atrocity crimes against, you know, as perpetrated by the 2nd most powerful government in the world. so you've got a lot of work to do in protecting the international human rights architecture, which you just sold out. basically what i feel that i was watching and hearing from you show ashley was diplomacy. she is in china champ. the humor right. with commissioner, i'm hearing diplomacy, is there
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a possibility that the fact that she was even having a conversation, the weakest in the diaspora had asked her to pass on these messages and say, where are family members? is there any chance that despite some cynicism, something may happen from that visit? is that possible? i suppose it's possible fanny, but you know, what should have happened was that she should have in advance of the visit release to report that her office has already assembled based on remote monitoring and interviews, which would have given her the strong, factual basis to challenge the authorities, she may still release that were all calling on her to do that, but very little in her performance. well, she was there a suggest that she has the stomach for, or really even the interest in the battle and to show up today and, and talk curity counsel about the importance of impunity when she is just seemingly
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walked away from one of the most pressing human rights crises, that should be, you know, yielding investigations, gathering evidence, starting to take testimony from witnesses. imagining how you would put in place a mechanism to actually prosecute people. you know, there's, there seems to be no interest in that. and in fact, when you read to other kinds of diplomatic exchanges that yielded no progress on human rights for 30 years. and in fact, emboldened the chinese government to commit even worse violations because they are pretty confident they're going to get away with it. i'm going to be one more thought about michelle ashley visit and then i'm going to move on to you chief, because on youtube, some thoughts about how do you get some change? how you use these to moments to actually push forward for some change. but 1st, this is russian abass we haven't calling for
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the you any investigation of genocide and also a visit for years now. and while being very cautious, we never, ever expected, bashed a to repeat the china's narrative. now china has the un stamp of approval to continue. it's just say the policies and china set out to white wash. they are genocide and bessie is responsible for it. so guess we have so many questions and thoughts for you. i'm gonna throw them out to you. i'm going to ask you to answer them very briefly in less than 30 seconds so we can get a lot in. as one says that one of history's biggest ever genocides is happening right now, but the world is silent. sophie, i think the world isn't silent. the challenge is that the entities that have power
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to act governments in the un to, to investigate and prosecute as a deterrent to current and future abuses, hasn't yet happened. and that's where we need to see action now at the human rights council's good place to start in about 10 years. i'm so glad that this finally evidence moment john has been evidence for a long time. so i'm going to ask you this one from another. one of our view is on you tube. what can the rest of the world western world do to change things in china? mammogram that western world has been doing a lot in the united states and 8 countries around the world and their power parliament called what's going on. and we're region genocide and crimes against humanity in the united states as well. so to kind of get a government call that human rights for crimes against humanity as well as genocide and united states introduced many laws and also introduce in introducing log and
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implementing laws to prevent of course labor products from china. and basically what not happening is that international institutions like united nation, the field take action because they are compromise. so the western world, basically the, they're doing enough and they are doing what they can right now with the commission as well as introduce laws to, to come to china as well as sanction training officials are responsible in the area . we spoke to rymer, mom, it and that question about what can we do? we have seen the documents, we're seeing. the image is, michelle battery has been to china. she's come back now what to be doing? well, this is all right. hey, my told us we demanded that governments around the world must be acknowledged that we are facing genocide and act on their responsibilities as
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a result. to hold the china responsible governments need to cut all connections to the genocide a through heckling force lay by in their supply chains. reaping surveillance pack used in concentration camps, reading links with institutions, sanction officials, and a black police of entities carrying out all profiting from these atrocities. finally, we wanted those perpetrators to be tried in international court for crimes against humanity and genocide. owns this episode of the strain. ray and sophie, ma'am at jam. thanks for joining us. i see you next time. i to be radical and the founder of african cinema. out in the world tells the story of the more italian direct a making the style for that he made a breakthrough. a friend, the word to me is
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a med was a fighter. his weapons were his mind and his intelligence. med honda, rebel african. tell me on how frank assessments it sounds like you don't expect anything to change the problem. a lebanon, it's actually structural lebanon needs, and you also contract in order for it to solve this problem informed opinions. it's not your communities on the goal is to create a government knowledge in depth analysis of the data global headlines. this is going to be very hard to explain to the public that instead of pushing back, no, it's actually got 2 members inside story on al jazeera in australia, snowy mountains, thousands of wild horses graze on alpine plains, living spine, poetry books and films creating an epic me about these intelligent creatures and their place in australian culture. but today they're at the heart of
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a bit of battle by say it from the perspective of the country and they're not meant to be they. they're hard, hoofed invasive species. they're not endangered. there's 90 percent of strides to have a $99.00. i have one in the national time, special ecologist on the circle brumby horse has gone saying they decimating a pristine environment, including the habitats of endangered native animals. but horse activists are lobbying hard to keep them arguing that their communities, lifestyle, and cultural identity is under threat. ah, they'd one message for all of us do something just do something for god
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