tv Inside Story Al Jazeera June 4, 2022 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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jazz's freedom, it allows you to escape somebody to be free from the blues and leave your worries behind. none whose oh, sounds from the bell, f. o. and the in goni. transport the audience in a musical journey. ah, let me show you the instruments that he has on stage he's been using just before he picked up the guitar of cora, which is a 10 string instrument. and then on stage is also a calabasas which is another traditional west african, it's from in, this is what this festival is about, is to introduce and for jazz to a wider public right here in san luis this is the celebration of music, of love and of the joy it brings to people, no matter where they're from. nicholas hawk al jazeera st. louis synagogue. ah,
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so this is on to 0. these are the top stories and protests have been held in sion as you to denounce are not coming referendum on a new constitution president case. so it has been ruling by decrease since july last year, dissolved parliament and replaced the electoral commission. russia is attacking military and artillery sentence in them, hunt region of east in ukraine. both sides are claiming control of significant parts of the key city, of subvert than that. several people have been detained in hong kong, off to authorities ban public commemorations of the 1999 genamin square massacre. the 3rd straight year rights group say the detentions are an insult to the memory of the victims. an explosion that a chemical factory in northern india has killed at least 8 people. another 20 had been injured some severely place in the state of utter pradesh, say, a boiler has exploded,
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right. you have stayed with the headlines. we got more news coming up here on out to 0, right off the inside story. left. me the what. what do we need to know that on the fish? i don't need to be with them on the mac and i'm going to put them to me. i don't need any of them. you open the home and ya today and we're going to be what we said as well. they didn't put me in. i'm a lot of fun at the book. if you're the one i know, i mean,
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i mean me shooting off the edge of the aah. celebrating the reign of britons. queen elizabeth the 2nd the u. k. puts on an exceptional show to honor her 70 years on the phone of some countries are with thinking that ties with the monarchy. so why do they want to break up with the queen? this is the inside story. ah
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hello and welcome to the program. i am hush am abala. she is britain's longest, raining monarch and the u. k. has gone all out for queen elizabeth the 2nd ah, 4 days of foam and pageantry to mark her historic platinum jubilee. hundreds of thousands of people descended london to be part of the festivities. but even as the 96 year old is celebrated at home, in some countries, this my stone has renewed debate about whether to sever ties with britons, royalty. the queen is had of the common wealth which is made up of $54.00
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independent countries. nearly all of them were once under british rule, as well as the united kingdom. she is also monarch of 14 other countries, including canada and australia, then known as commonwealth realms, 8 or in the caribbean, or are independent and sovereign states, but is recognized as a ceremonial ruler and the head of state, but has no real power. the royal family has long been a source of british sought power and diplomatic influence. several caribbean countries like jamaica and the bahamas, have indicated the want to part ways with the queen. there. consider removing her as their head of state barbados, did that last year, saying it was time to live. it's colonial past. behind by the island is still part of the commonwealth. ah,
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let's bring in our panel or guests from washer philip murphy is director of history and policy, or the institute of historical research from birmingham benny landel is a doctoral researcher in caribbean studies, otherwise, hallway, university of london. her grandparents were part of what's known as the wind rush generation in the u. k. from ne robbie patrick guevara is a political commentator and a journalist. welcome to the program, philip this whole debate. this particular time during this platinum jubilee about the monarchy it's future. whether or not people should care about the celebration and whether the boil extravaganza is any more relevant. could it be an indication of a public shift or a shift in the public sentiment towards a monarchy? think they're different, different things happening elsewhere in the, in the realms. and there's clearly a major shift going on in,
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in the caribbean. and as you suggested, it was parked by barbados, becoming a republic or in november. and that in turn was on the back of arrival in blackledge match movements in, in the united states, following the death of jude floyd controversy of the windrush scandal and the treatment of people of caribbean heritage in the u. k. and a growing movement for reparations. for slavery and colonialism so that there's a strong republican movement in the caribbean. men far less so in the united kingdom and support the monarchy is still relatively high at around 70 percent with, with only a minority but 22 percent supporting a republic on and but even even the u. k. there are differences in that. so the court, the monarchy is less strong in scotland. slight less strong in wales. renee,
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if we stay in the u. k, you see that within the younger generation, that is a prevailing sentiment that the monarchy somehow disconnected from reality could be an indication that the monarch itself has one day to reinvent itself to be able to build bridges with the different components of the society. yes, no, you're right. i would say that the younger generations now really considering some of the global issues that are happening and one of them more closely to home being the windrush scandal and how it has affected you knows legacies and, and how it has affected people. even in the u. k. and so i believe that now what we are seeing, we are seeing a shift from the monarchy towards republic on several fronts. but typically, as you are saying with the younger generation, this is a generation where we are not afraid to speak out and,
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and to address our concerns. and as the previous speaker was already said, has already said that the call fort reparations is, is getting louder, and it is significant to me that in 2022 there are people specifically in the caribbean, still waiting for an apology or so even moving away from reparations and getting to action, but to sim, a symbol of apology, and i believe that this jubilee would have been the perfect opportunity. patrick, is it the same sentiment in kenya, which joined the commonwealth in 1963. those about time to rethink ties with the monarchy. well financed year public's ends are 1964. so our mob, the quickly car ties, we have the warning armor are very soon after independence, a asked independence, but that's it. i think there is a movement here though. there is a sentiment out say here that, um, the, the things i went on during alma,
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especially the final days of colonialism, arma, especially during the moment, our conflicts are independence war. i'm out essentially been, ah, he been under the cup or mark you remember that the, the british took off with loss of the documents. they stole lots of the documents. the ah, a wine archives are in the colonial archives. they bind and distorted others and outrage love a long time to hide that he is to the heap, these documents, even from their own courts, armor. and i think for us, the most important thing to begin with is to recover that the truth is to recover that was about what happened. am during colonialism the effect that it had before we can even move into a discussion about operations, i think is really, really important that people start understanding lou lou half generation that have
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grown up, built any knowledge about what happened during colonialism. and this is not just the fault of the british is affordable for your own government that has essentially tried to dump down on the teaching of history was offering as the under loses legitimacy. philip, you spoke earlier about scotland. oh, is it fair to say that this is going to just pay the way for more rip republican sentiment to continue growing in in scotland? i think i think what's really taped away for a renew scottish independence is breaks it. and, um, i, you know, there was that there was an argument what, what is the, what is the benefit of, of scottish independence. well, if an independent squadron could rejoined the european union so that, that would be a very great benefit for, for it. and i think that the problem of the monarchy cards in the u. k. and
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globally is that it tends to do best during what my co periods of consensus and britain at the moment is a deeply divided conscious. m, particularly of the fall out from from breaks it. and it's starting to fracture the united kingdom and, and the world itself is, is deeply divided. i mean the, the movement for recreations is a, is a product of that and a kind of a realization that decades afternoon and those inequality still exist. renee, you spoke about the wind rush candle and how we shape the sentiment among her caribbean people. do you see that this as a, as a pivotal moment that could, or in a way inflow once the, the path that the other carbon countries will take in the near future particular when it comes to dropping? are the queen as head of, of their head of date?
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yes, well, i would say that the, the, the, you know, the, the, the celebrations that are happening bresser is not the same, or quite the same as what's going on in the caribbean. we slow with the world visits with william and kay's visiting several caribbean countries and cling belize and jamaica. they were met with much protest and calls for, as i said before, reparations and even just merely an apology. but the window scandal is again, just another, you know, violence and, and over pro, repetition of imperial violence from the british. that has caused this kind of reckoning within ourselves as, as you know, different generations rising up. i believe that jamaica, jamaica already in talks with, you know, moving towards becoming a republic, following the footsteps of barbados. and there are several and other countries to
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including the bahamas in kitten and ne, this or now, seriously taking this conversation seriously about removing the queen as their head of stay. and i believe that that is in their best interest. of course, we know that with becoming a republic, there are some things that you gain and there, there may be some things that, that you lose and said that's a conversation that they, that they really need to be to be having now and considering and weighing up the balance, patrick attorney severed ties with the mark him on to $6.00 to $4.00 where we made part of the commonwealth. her memories of the atrocities committed against many former, her colonies are still very particular during the war of independence. could this be the moment for a reset of relations between former british colonies in african continent. ah, it could, but i'm to go on as i can, would you believe is
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a missed opportunity is on. there is lots awful curse on the porch on the celebration armor and kind of the arm at se, ah, the white washing, if you will, all the go on, you'll pass working on her history. so there's lots of talk about how on, for example, i'm a little bit i sent that to the throne while she was on a trip in kenya. this is from mine to science still of how she went up a tree as a princess and descended as a queen. but it's not again contextualize because at the time that she was here is a wendy, the a, the structural sheet on was going on in our ama and in half last years. her reign of our 70 lorraine, the british local meeting, really terrible atrocities are my here which the offers walk knowledge. ah, when not lawsuit by abnormal veterans. so i think there is
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a lost opportunity to have an honest one position. a nice conversation about what happened. but what the british did little dinner though, would then mean that we can contextualize, you know, things like that you believe. what should it mean to people like us are mom. we're here who are watching the celebration, you know, ah, what tills being included in this, in our ama and, and his are suffering being reflected in the discussion that are being hired in a lot of this oral. i'm celebration of the porters that comes and seems to me to be just a throwback sort of the flip feed at glory of empire. it or i'll but a refusal. right. knowledge that it's really committed to really terrible things to . lot of people are on the lunch, asking philip historians say that when it comes to the commonwealth realms, the queen is just holds a theory morial role as a head of state. how would you explain the decision by the australian prime minister antonio? but as it all points,
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the country's 1st assistant minister for the republic. do you see just a symbolic move, something that could have far reaching geopolitical consequences for the standing of the, of the, of britain itself. and well, i mean it's really a question for the people in australia, this of the people of any of the rooms. and it's worth saying that the palace has never tried to fight or got action to preserve the realms. the important thing for the queen and for the palace is that those conscious remained in the commonwealth and the most common countries are republics anyway, so it wouldn't affect the commonwealth. and in that way that the point about what's happening in australia is because the was a referendum back in 1999 in australia. and the republican cause lost largely because the strategies didn't like the form of presidency that was on offers as a in,
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in place of the monarchy. and that's the problem. when you get into these debates, there is probably a majority in australia at the moment, cruel, or the principal of a republic. but the question is what, what sort of republic? so that's why i think the new administration in australia is doing some preparatory work, probably thinking about how, how that might be done, or whether you have a referendum on the principal of a republic, and then move on to think about what form the new constitution should take would be to it all in one girl and it's also risk a new government because it will need a referendum if australia's to is to become a republic. and, and we know near stallions know that those are unpredictable things and, and governments goals of them lose them. renee with at least 6 caribbean countries saying that they will like to follow suit with barbados when it comes to several
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ties with the monarchy that decision. izzy, how do you see it? retaliatory act because of identity because of history was just a message to the monarchy that you know what it's about time for us to come up our own destiny. yes, i wouldn't even say it's about time. i will say that it's long overdue, the shadow of slavery, or rather the legacies of slavery, which is a things that we're still fighting and seeing today i'm in terms of poverty in terms of inadequate health care, a low enrollment into education. these are all, you know, consequences or implications of slavery. and i believe now that these 6 co being being countries and who are now, you know, really taking seriously this conversation of really now considering everything that
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they could possibly gain by becoming a republic. some may say that removing the, the, you know, removing the crown or the crown itself is just symbolic. but i argue that even symbolic power is power because symbols give out messages to the, well, what we communicating and, and what do we believe in? and this is really, really important when you're thinking about, you know, a civic engagement, when you're thinking about liberty and you're thinking about just laws. and so for these 6 countries who are now having these discussions, it will be an opportunity to think about, you know, how can we benefit and way up, as i said before, against the things that they may lose. of course, you know, we can expect that the tourist industry, for example, or a mayor may face a particular or further decline. you know, british tourists may now decide that they don't want to holiday in barbados anymore
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. and there's also also a question about government in insufficiency is this person fit for this purpose? but there are many benefits to becoming a republic, alyssa, before increased liberty and just laws. it's an opportunity for, or rather an opportunity to rebalance power between government and its people. and so are removing the crown as had a state. just as barbados has done, will be something where the rest of the these caribbean countries can have their own true independence because we know that they've had independence before. but true independence where they can show the world who they want to be and reshape themselves. patrick, what are the advantages of for, for kenya to stay in the commonwealth is if the platform, the financial incentives? or do you think that perhaps because of this growing core for concrete is to stay
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out from the commonwealth? why the sinners on a corner stick that could decide the it's facing the future. i think i'm in. the commoner has been an institution that's been there for of binding his guns is together. arm are funding in many cases are mark commonality is common values. you know, i'm, i think i'm put pressure on ah, 30 on the gym for example. ah moderate their ways or to change their ways, you know, so that there are benefits to be in bottles ah, of the commonwealth. however, i do is really that i'm the symbolism of it is square, problematic, and i think there is a case to be made does ah, the, the more like he and the common or eyes, the 2 shots that are my symbol. i still are a world where are it that is dominated, if you will find british in our ah,
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and i think last name will as in this way we want to remember the monarchy is just the tip of the iceberg. i'm in color, lose him was an entire system and lot. so what are the, the, what it ran on still remains. they know they're most off the whether it's how be trained ah, what we are allowed to explore. generally, do you see all of these things? i'm stealing me, you know, so, um, when we're talking about or the mechanical model, good to understand a must part of our system. and i think that until we can actually have a conversation about what that system is, what it has done that the problem does reeked in our cross country, is renee mentioned about our under the legacy of slavery. which is similar to the legacy of colonialism in or where you have these countries that have one group economies in or i'm that can't seem to get out of a policy trap. lesson shaneesa it up as
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a routing enterprise is where the bridge and that has never changed. and until can have these discussions, then we can actually start moving on and asking, why do we need this symbols of essentially, british power, british control, such as the commonwealth and the one. okay. philippine you mentioned earlier, briggs it and its impact on particularly the rise of and dependent independence sentiment in scotland reg, that itself, to what extent has, has it played a role in the wide noun rift between britain and its former colonies? i don't know whether it's had very much, very much impact to law. and i mean, there was a, there was a slight expectation in some court since that with bricks that the commonwealth become more important to, to the u. k. but it's not really the the case, and it's not really clear why, why that should be. i mean, the, the british had done a wanted to symbolic trade deals with commonwealth countries with, with australia,
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for example. but it really hasn't been clear to british governments for 60 years now, how they could really make the commonwealth work to, to britain's advantage. and, and it's still not clear. and i think, you know, you've seen a british prime minister or as johnson being chairman office of the commonwealth of the last few years. not really doing anything with the organization at all. so i mean, i think that's probably from a british colonies like much the rest of the world show a certain amount of amusement about this sort of active. so harm britain has inflicted on it. but i think it certainly hasn't come. he hasn't some strength and relations in any way. renee, in times of crisis, the royal family has always been standing. it is popular members to build bridges
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when the hearts and minds of a people in the former colonies. could it still work in places like jamaica? no, i don't believe it can because when you consider not even the history, because when we talk about slavering colonialism it, we speak very temporal, but we have to be conscious of its legacies. that the things that we're still seeing today, you know, near colonialism if you want to call it that. and so, as i said before, even if it is just symbolic, that is still power only sends a very strong message. and in the case of barbados, for example, having a, a barbados head of state is part of that process of d colonization, which is so necessary to move forward so that we're not having the same conversations or that so that history isn't repeating itself, which it so often does, and so no,
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i don't believe that it can operate or should operate in the way has been of course, you know, in this country the queen is much beloved, but i feel like i'm one of the previous speakers spoke about this so, so wonderfully. i feel like when we just celebrate merely to celebrate where we're often continuing be erasure of our britons involvement, not only in slavery, but in, in colonialism and the tin. you'd imperial, imperial violence. but by britain we spoke a lot about canyon, and most people aren't even conscious of the fact that concentration comes in kenya was only in the fifty's, is not that long ago. and so, and these were all of the, all of these treacherous ags were all during the queen's reign and her predecessors who want to go as far back that far back. so i believe it's in the best interest for the anglo phone caribbean to become a republic. it may be
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a scary thought standing on your own when you've been so dependent in a way foot for so long. but it's about re shaping now even for a better global ecology to thinking about climate change. when we talk about preparations, we don't really consider climate change. climate wrap, this part, this conversation and it benefits us all. and as you said earlier, even if it was a debate about symbol symbols still carry away historical. wait, philip murphy, bonnie london. patrick, thank you very much indeed and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion. got our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha insights for you can also join the conversation on twitter. our hand is at 8 in size. 44, we have about the entire team here. bye for now. ah,
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