tv News Al Jazeera June 6, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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generations, this indigenous community has lived off of what the vain forest provides. but when we discovered that their territory was being invaded by gold mining projects all along their river, community brought a lawsuit against a po to us government. you've won you while the unprecedented ruling obliges the state to consult communities over oil and mining projects that impact their land and to seek their consent. the tiny, seemingly community has won a huge battle battery that may not necessarily have the last word. since the court ruling does leave room for exceptions in the name of overriding national interests . ah, another test for the british prime ministers, leadership members have his own party, get ready to hold a vote of no confidence. ah,
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11 o'clock, this is al desert life. the also coming up, the global nuclear watchdog raises concerns about a ukrainian nuclear plants and russian control. no invite for cuba, nicaragua and venezuela. the summits of america's will still go ahead, but questions over what can be achieved without all key players present tensions rise between lebanon and israel ever maritime area. that both want to top for gas ah say a test of survival for boris johnson, the u. k. prime minister, facing, and confidence vote from his own party. later on monday, the challenge to his leadership, it's been triggered by discontent. within the conservatives, a johnson has phase calls to resign it for a series of scandals. it included a number of policies held in and around dawning street during the height of the you
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case, crone of our smoke balance. the threshold all 15 percent of the parliamentary policy seeking a vote of confidence in the prime minister has been passed. therefore, vote of confidence will take place within the rules of the united states do committee that vote will take place this evening in the house of commons between 6 and 8 o'clock and we will announce the result shortly thereafter, there will be arrangements for proxy votes for any colleagues who can't be present in person in westminster, and we'll notify colleagues of those arrangements in the near future. so we been hearing from some, in johnson's cabinet defending him ahead of the vote. through the post on noble and difficult challenge. our economy opened up faster than other comparable companies, particularly the vaccine roll out. he has shown himself to be a good, strong leader. he gets a big decision, right. and he has
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a mandate from the british people. i think it would be arrogant, concession, n p prime minister, strong reason safety in war the whole time also speaks really good advocate. let's be to re challenge. i want to joins live now from london. and roy, just take us through what the possibilities here are the possibilities are pretty simple either he wins this votes of confidence or he loses it. but of course, with those 2 stock choices, there are many different possible event to ality. i think what is likely to come downtown are going to make predictions, but most people who are looking at this are saying that boris johnson is on an old zone going to survive this vital competence book. he seems to think so. most observers seem to think that as well,
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that does not mean that he's by any stretch out of the woods, because if he squeezes through just by a few votes, he has to get 180. at least of his conservative m p 's backing him. then there is still going to be severe damage done to him. he could limp on them for a few months, more possibly a year or 2. but there is a view that i think a 2nd around the country that far as johnson is damaged goods and perhaps to damage loss significantly longer as the conservative party leader. remember back in 7018 to resume for johnson's predecessor, also had a vice of confidence. again, she won that, but within about 6 months she was out of the office. so just because he, when such a thing does not mean that you're in the clear, and if you look at the polling in a moment, the late system by savannah comrades, the poly organization. so it's a 3 out of 5 voters,
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think the borrowers johnson should go 3 out to 5 think that he's no longer an asset to the conservative party. and so we and p is going to be looking at things like that and they are going to be trying to weigh up whether having boris johnson as a leader is going to cost them the next election. and that's what they're going to be thinking about when they go into vote. in about an hour's time. whatever happens, we're given the, the strong position that jones moves in after the last election. it's pretty incredible that we're not in this position. what company is on it certainly is, i mean he was considered to be teflon, it is considered sir. a vote when a par excellence, not since margaret thatcher, have the conservatives had such a sure fire boat went up bots that shine has come off in a serious way. i mean, you can see why when you listen to people like jacob re smoke or i think we're
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going to get some sound coming in for. i wanted to protest his over there. i'll try to keep talking, but he remind me of it. oh, when 3 small was talking about all of a really going to get rid of a leader over kate, you can see why people might be annoyed because it was never about. or the brush closes. it was certainly never allowed just k. so any one who couldn't go in say goodbye. so loved one who was dying in hospital in while forest johnson and his, his civil servant sense. but a politician in damage street, we're having parties that just really rankled. and you can see why people are annoyed. what are rory you kept going despite noises off, we might say, and thanks very much dates for returns there at westminster. now the head of the you and nuclear watchdog has raised concerns about the safety
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of a ukrainian nuclear plant under russian control for fail. grossey says a team is trying to reach these upper h a plant to insure it secure. ukraine says there is a risk. the facility supply chain could be interrupted. the i. e. a visited the chernobyl site in april after rushes occupation and found trenches dug it in contaminated soil. dominic cane has more now from pearl. one of the starkest messages coming from mr. grossey, the director general of the i a, a regards the security, the safeguarding and the safety not only of the plant but the staff there. and he says that in the opinion of him and his agency, 5 of the 7 central pillars of nuclear safety are now compromised. and that the ukrainian government has told his agency that they are no longer in a position to be able to provide the details about what's taking place there because it is now in the hands of the russian forces. the interesting thing here is that mr. grossey said that he believes the safety and security and safeguarding off
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ukraine's nuclear facilities is now one of the most pressing issues that the world faces. and he says that it is of pressing urgency that his agency be able to get back into facilities such as at as a procedure to be able to see what has gone wrong and to try to put it right. so quite a stark message from mister grossey. interestingly, in so far as iran is concerned, mr. grosses view was that some of the behavior by the iranian government is making it more difficult to be able to bring some sort of positive statement from his agency v's avi talks. specifically, he cited 3 specific sites in iran, where his agency says it has evidence. that enrichment of uranium has taken place. russia's foreign minister has denounced the european countries for blocking his
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plane from entering the air space, calling it an unthinkable and unprecedented move. so gala rove was due to visit serbia on monday, but was forced to cancel a guerria north. macedonia, and montenegro refused to last plane to pass through their skies. lebron says he now has invited his serbian counterpart to moscow should i should only see we're new them. we've got a lot of questions from media about unprecedented decisions which were made by some member states of nato. this act by these countries impeded the visit of the russian foreign minister to the republic of serbia. of course, the unthinkable happened to me to come back to you anyway. these relations won't disappear. we invited foreign minister nicholas seller, covert to visit moscow in a short time. i hope that his plane will not be disgracefully sanctioned by shameless brussels and its clients as well as news of the cancelled visit emerged. a group of pro ukraine demonstrated, celebrated outside the official belgrade residence of the serbian president, alexander if you could reach it. and they held banners,
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thanking neighboring countries or blocking levels with it and saying to the hague. not belgrade donna said it be a image today, serbia has reason to celebrate because the representative of war crimes propaganda, the representative of aggression to the sovereign country of ukraine hasn't arrived in bel. great, thanks to the support that neighboring friendly countries offering to the free people of serbia. it would have been shamefully laughter off came to belgrade because he would have discredited this country. this country would have shown that crime committed in ukraine are acceptable as a disputed maritime borders, causing tension between israel and lebanon. israeli media reports the navy is deploying a version of its on doom anti missile system to the contested waters in the mediterranean. but lebanon is warning against what it described as israeli aggression set hunters in beirut, and has the latest israel is hoping this drilling ship will help boost its off shore gas output. energy and power company aims to bring the career field online
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later this year. something long time enemy and neighbor, lebanon, opposes officials say these are contested waters and any development will be considered a provocation and hostile act. because for these readings and for the, for the us, this is not in this to the zone at this far away from the district. the zone, because for these read is that avenue board. those are weird lines. 23 is located and according to what number on has 11 to the u. n. and 11 on those total confusion and contradiction in statements and in positions. israel in lebanon, have been indirectly negotiating about the 860 square kilometer patch of sea. but in recent months, lebanon expanded its claim increasing the zone by 1430 square meters, which included the courage gas field. this lead the talks to break down. webinar has never legally laid claim to the line $29.00 boundary president michelle lown
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didn't sign a decree to rectify a map submitted to the united nations, which would have affected israel's ability to move ahead with the operation will help warmer has the law is the most powerful actor in the country and has fought wars with israel in the past. a few weeks ago, it didn't just express opposition to negotiations with israel over the dispute. its leader house on the stella was confident, no international firm would dare come to cut each or anywhere else in the disputed area. if hezbollah issues a clear and serious threat so far, none has been made. this is gonna be a way for it has been allowed to gain as much as possible leverage to improve its position and government, the formation and my selection of law forthcoming president. so if has been lawford instant, i looked the way around. instead of starting
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a new confrontation with israel and i saw them bordered the israeli navy has been sent to protect the rig. but lebanon's leaders have called for a u. s. envoy to return, so that the parties can resume talking. it's a sign of de escalation that appears to have been the result of back door negotiations center for their elders. eda pe routes out 0. media network continues to wander rapid independent and transparent investigation into the kilowatts journalist and the occupied west. back sharina barkley was shot in the head by israeli forces while she was on assignment and jeanine of the day for funeral is ready forces storm. the procession started beating mortars, causing poll barris to nearly dropped her coffin, and didn't stop thousands of palestinians from marching through occupied east jerusalem to take part in her funeral and burial. members of the international community have condemned to killing and continued to court for an investigation of workload was without a 0 for 25 years. covering the story of the israeli occupation. she was known as the voice of palestine. phil ahead. heron out,
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sir. undocumented migration in the americas no longer flows exclusively from south to north. i'm to see a newland in santiago, chile, and coming up i'll explain why it's become a problem for every one. ah . the journey has begun. the 34 world copies on its way to catherine book, your travel package today. hello. they will start in south asia and extreme heat across northern areas of india is leading to water shortages. those hot and dry conditions. continuing from any northern states, we have got heat wave alerts out on it's a similar story for pakistan, temperatures here, touching up into the high forty's, we are expecting those heat wave conditions to last for at least 5 days. now for the south of this, and you deli, was seeing some blustery hot winds blowing in,
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but no relief in terms of rainfall for that we have to head further south. we're going to see some intense thunderstorms roll into maharajah. by the time we get into tuesday, the monsoon rains picking up, but much of the wet weather is going to be concentrated around the bay of bengal and the north east. as some has got a thunderstorm, what shot some of that rain tricking down into bangladesh. lots of rain edging further east for me in my and thailand, and as we movies, we're going to see more rain for southern areas of china. fia thunderstorms, in hong kong, the humidity on the up here. it's a similar story for taiwan. lots of what, whether it's an improving picture. however, further west for japan, the temperature in tokyo, slightly dipping down as that wet weather moves for the east. however, but lots of sunshine in shanghai that to weather update. i saw a job on counseling because the world bank was a global recession. so is the inevitable. the british government takes aim at
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storing energy bills will at ease the cost of living. crisis i'm focused on economy is on the brink of collapse. how the new government look back out through the coast on al jazeera ah, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on al jazeera lou. ah, well again, you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories and the u. k. prime minister will face a conference vote from his own conservative party in the coming house. it was triggered when 15 percent of the parties, members of parliament formerly requested the ballot. the head of the un nuclear
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watchdog is raised concerns about the safety of ukrainian nuclear plant under russian control. ukraine says there's a risk the facility supply chain could be interrupted. russia's foreign minister has denounced several european countries who blocking his plane from entering the air space. call it an unthinkable move. so leverett was due to visit serbia on monday. it was forced to cancel the trip. now, mexican president, under jose manuel lopez over the door says he won't attend the upcoming summit of the americas. he said to his foreign minister instead as a protest, because not all countries of the region have been invited, amazing aims to tackle an unprecedented migration crisis spread through the region or to being seen for years as only a problem. the united states is here, new reports now from santiago and shirley 28 year old frank caskey flemish is more than 7000 kilometers from home with 10 month old maria in
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tow. she sells sweeps for coins so that she can feed her baby and hopefully gather enough to rent a room to night to her. what's that way? they won't have to sleep out doors in the freezing cold. 6 she arrived from that israel, 2 weeks ago after crossing the, at the climate desert, an antique chile, as an undocumented migrate, like hundreds of thousands of her compatriots. ah, what do you mean? oblivion guy helped us cross the border at night. we had to cross and no one would see us. we passed fences and trenches and we couldn't make noise. the children couldn't cry said the police wouldn't hear us. yamaha landominium full. yeah. francesca is among hundreds of thousands who travel to chile seeking a better life family. while tens of thousands of central american haitian and cuban migrants attempt to cross into the united states every day. but the migration crisis in the americas no longer flows exclusively from south to north. according
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to united nations, nearly 6000000 venezuelans have migrated to escape hardships at home with the majority heading south, especially to columbia peru, argentina, and chilly into regional migration has increased by 66 percent in the last decade, impacting public services and resources in the recipient. countries, i don't know, but, but the, we're gonna, but they're that they have the gym at right and their responsibility to guarantee stability and conditions their create well being for migrants to ensure that the irregular influx of migrants doesn't produce poverty. human trafficking, an exploitation from yes ma'am. i am, but i thought he says he'll often pine chillies, former foreign minister says it's now a major regional challenge. hearing the burden, i think, is so fundamental that happened in europe. he was uneasy and they arrived on assisting mo code of, of o or migrant. and i think something similar could,
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could be explored, or at least in the america, ah, do you? and he can only commission for latin america and the caribbean has presented a martial plan for central america. that requires funding, especially from the united states. u. s. president joe biden had offered $4000000000.00 to create better jobs and safety. but so far the money has only trickled in no, well, then was important that we can't confront migration only with block borders, severe laws or wall and police. we need well being only security and peace in the countries where migration original orders the police. yes. it is hoped that regional cooperation to tackle the phenomena will be the main theme at the upcoming summit of the americas in los angeles. even with the priorities of the united states now focused elsewhere. you see in human al jazeera santiago,
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well, it is my, we'll get the latest on the summit of the americas from our white house correspondent, kimberly how kits. but 1st, let's go to money right below in the misconceived top. a jeweler that's near the guatemalan border where a new caravan of micro to setting off the u. s. a. specifically to coincide with the summit. so money take a 3 way you are and what's happening, what you think? well, we arrived late sunday evening in the city of upper shula where there was word that a large migrate caravan would be departing. the city heading north toward the u. s . southern border on monday. sure enough, that's the case. we've now been walking for several hours north of that, but schuler with several 1000 migrants. what you see behind us, as many of them have now, take it a bit of a break because the rain has stopped, so they're drawing their clothes in the sun. many of them are taking a break from the sun itself. it is quite hot here in southern mexico. and it's our understanding that the reason that we're seeing such a mass mobilization, yet again, here in the southern part of mexico is precisely because of
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a policy that continues to be enforced. a policy that was, that began during the trump administration, which is a policy of containment, mexico. essentially mexico southern border essentially acting as the u. s. southern border containing as many migrants as possible, preventing them from leaving north toward the united states. we've seen this in the past, we've seen with central american migrants that arrived in south shula, which in the southern part of mexico, acts like a sort of bottleneck effect for migrants piling them up until resources are stretched thin until there really is nowhere else to go nowhere else to sleep, so they form these large caravans and start to move together as a group. the strategy there being that there is safety in numbers. and again, we've seen this with patient migrants just last year. and we're announcing this play out with a majority of the people that are out here right now, be from venezuela migration key elements prompts the elements of the summer to the americas, but no mexican president will be that was impacts will have to think the
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mexican president of president, this one, i love it. so what i thought announced on monday that he would be touring the state of hockey, which was recently hit by a hurricane. so in other words, confirming that he will not be attending the summit of the americas taking place in los angeles. now, superficially, the impact or, or the way that this could be seen will, will hear more from kimberly in a 2nd. but the could be seen as embarrassing for us president joe biden, but more beneath the surface, the strategic logic or the reasoning behind the mexico, the mexican president, threatening to not attend this summit. not only because the united states was not inviting countries like because our been as well and cuba, but because this larger migrant crisis taking place in the region requires a multilateral solution. and if not everyone is invited to the table, that's not a solution that is for lack of a better term,
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attainable or money. thanks for that money, roughly reporting that as you were saying, the u. s. is how she was so much in los angeles. and let's speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how it gets it. so company, no, showing from the mexican president's house, applied to ministration reactions was bought the vitamin ministration so far it is acting sort of business as usual. even though the, one of the headliners of this event will not be in attendance, and that is a major embarrassment for this white house. in fact, it was really trying to dodge the issue of the messy guest list as recently as just a few days ago. reporters here at the white house were asking the press secretary yeah. what, when will this final guest list be released? it's only a few days away now and we still don't have the names in the numbers. and this is something that the white house has been dodging, referring to instead focus on the issues saying that what's important to note here
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is that this will be about solving the issues of inclusivity and prosperity in the hemisphere. but that's not what reporters are focusing on. so already this is a bit of a failure for the white house before it's even started that the issues it was to talk about are not capturing the headlights. but there's another big problem here. and that is one that is going to continue to plague this white house. and that is the reason behind the fact that it is not inviting cuban nicaragua, and venezuela. they argue this white house says that there is concern about human rights in all of those nations. this is what led to mexico's president saying that he would not be coming. but there's a problem because as the white house was saying this, it is also preparing to potentially visit saudi arabia and the coming weeks where the u. s. president has labeled back kingdom as a problem with human rights in the past, a colleague, pri estate. so this is sort of
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a foreign policy that seems to be all over the place and talking out of both sides of its mouth. and that is going to be difficult for this white house or can we, thanks to that, can we? how could reporting that from the white house investigators in bangladesh trying to establish the cause of major fire at a container depot is killed at least 49 people. the place bought an explosion when it ignited chemicals stored in some of the containers at a port in the southeastern city of chatter, graham firefighters, who responded to the emergency or among the victims. hundreds of people are injured, many them in a critical condition. tanveer charl tree has the latest from the container facility in city conduct. talking to the assistant director training a fire. he told me that is cleared danger there. still because lot of the containers do have chemicals and they're said exposure to heat. and if there is film inside, it could very well explode, so they don't want anybody nearby. but we still get a lot along lookers on spectators here, which really hampers a clearing operation. now, the units of our military and naval spatial operations broke. they're helping the
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fire fighters who've been relentlessly working since last 38 hours. i mean, he really got to give it to dine in this heat. they're still trying to diffuse many of the films inside the container. now we also know from medical sources that some of the bodies still can't be identified because they're just charged beyond recognition. so specialty id team is trying to collect sample for dna identification. lot of loved ones are still waiting to know if any of their relatives among the victims of many of them still are missing. people who don't know where they are. now one of the question i asked was, what is, is that any particular haines, like what caused the fire? the assistant director told me a file that he'd things on the team, things that the hydrogen peroxide when is exposed to oxygen and hid. it could very well spark a fire. that could be one of the reason. and then the container exploded, but that's not totally yet determined. they're still investigating that 3 member,
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a separate 3 prob comedy has been found to find out exactly what's going on. on his 1st bilateral visit since being sworn in australia's new prime minister says he'll work to strength and ties without se, asia in indonesia, hand to be opened, easy pled stronger co operation. jessica washington reports not from jakarta. places of helmets. on this is diplomacy, indonesian style president joker widow or to kui invited the new prime minister of australia to join him for a ride before gearing up for more serious discussions or indonesia is on track to be one all the world 5 largest economies, revitalizing i tried an investment relationship is a priority for my government to hear open. the intonation president says economic collaboration dominated the talk. seizure family with this is the 1st bilateral visit for australia's new prime minister, and is
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a clear signal from albanese that he intends to revive the countries regional diplomacy, but to focus on strength and relations, but its neighbors and saudis, asia, and the pacific prime minister, albany he is joined on this trip by several senior ministers. this is the 1st by lateral visit for his trailer as a new prime minister. it is a clear signal from anthony of uneasy that he intends to revive the countries regional diplomacy with the focus on se asia and the pacific. it comes as cambra and bay gene compete for influence in the region. we do have strategic competition in the region. we need to make sure that it's managed in a way that doesn't have catastrophic consequences. awful. the rate to the prime minister has offered support for major infrastructure projects, such as indonesia plans to build a new capital city. and has reiterated a $338000000.00 pledge to invest in development in southeast asia as part of efforts to revive relationships which his government says have been neglected
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recently. the relationship between us trying to asia we, we have, we are to close neighbors that do not deal with each other enough. albany. he says he will attend the g 20 summit hosted by indonesia in november, despite controversy over the russian president's purported plans to attend as well into themselves while b is se on focus on sitting with president, with data. not sitting with president clinton, the prime minister and his delegation will visit the island of so the way see, next, seeking to prove australia is serious about engaging with its neighbors. in the north, jessica washington al jazeera chicata. ah, so this is out there, these are the top stories in the u. k. prime minister will face a new confidence.
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