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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2022 1:00am-1:31am AST

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bundling filipino workers a being exploited by landlords to make the pay exorbitant prices to leave over crowded b one 0, what a's made the big deal. it exposes the business on al jazeera. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what lucy, al jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you, al jazeera. ah, i can announce parliamentary policy. does have the british prime minister bar, as johnson survives a confidence vote, but big questions remain about his political future.
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ah, i'm surely, angela. this is out there, alive from london, also coming up. the head of the un nuclear watchdog says monitors need an access to a ukrainian nuclear plant. now, under russian control, thousands of people settle part of migrant paradigm that saw the new, the migration issue with streaming relations between the us and mexico. and didn't i, jerry, the hunt for gunman who attacked the church and killed at least 21 wash? ah, forest johnson remains the leader of the u. k. conservative party and british prime minister. but there are serious doubts about his immediate future. johnson won the ballot with 211 votes to a 14841 percent of his own parliamentary party voted against him,
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leaving many to ponder. by the, despite the when this is actually the beginning of the end for boris johnson pool brennan begins our coverage, a victory for the prime minister, but far from convincingly the vote in favor of having confidence embarrass. johnston said it was $211.00 boats and a vote against was a $148.00 votes. and therefore, i can announce to parliamentary policy, does have ah, a rule. his reaction from boris johnson, supporters, where there's no disguising the enormity of the 148 m. p. 's, who voted against their own leader. so convincing result, a decisive result of what it, what it means is that as a, as a government, we can move on and focus on the stuff i think really matters to people think i
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recently, feverish speculation about polish johnson's political future had been relegated somewhat by last week's 4 day national holiday in honor of the crews. platinum, jubilant for the public brewing which greeted the prime minister at friday service of thanksgiving for the queen was an ominous indicator. ah, a random sample of london commuters confirms a certain degree of public disillusionment. subtle, i was so telling actually that he got bold. that was almost like a pack of tenant despite securing a solid atc majority in the general election just 2 and a half years ago for his johnson has enjoyed months of controversy and criticism which have steadily undermined his authority chief among them the party gates saga where johnson, and many of his stuff were found to have flouted covey, lockdown rules at downing street gatherings. johnson became the 1st p. m. judge to
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have broken the law while in office deficient inquiry into those events, criticized the lack of leadership. the british public are fed up set up with a prime minister who promises big, but never delivers. fed up with a prime minister who's presided over a culture of lies. a law breaking at the heart of government fed up with a prime minister, who is utterly unfit for the great office that he holds. it's a victory for boris johnson, but hardly a ringing endorsement of him and his leadership. one commentator on monday said johnson's appeal within the party was a mile wide, but just an inch deep. and so it seems. johnson himself will undoubtedly battle on fighting tooth and nail to retain his grip on power. but his options are rapidly dwindling. the current rules mean it will be at least 12 months before a new confidence vote can be caught. the questions about the prime minister's judgement and credibility remain and precedent shows that surviving
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a confidence vote often represents only a stay of execution for tory leaders. rather than a full reprieve. pull brennan, al jazeera, westminster. well, gina hall is in westminster for us. and jane and johnson, one this fainted, but how secure is his teaching now in 10 daniel street? while you heard him talking there about a decisive convince, convincing victory. but make no mistake, this was no comfortable when football was johnson, he's lost an enormous chunk of his own party, a greater chunk than theresa may lost in similar circumstances in 2018. and with that, in 8 months, she was gone. the opposition parties, a circling, talking about his reputation in tatters. his authority shot. the really big question is, what will those rebels a 148 of them choose to do next, where they simply fall into line behind boris johnson now or will they continue to
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try and find ways to frustrate his premiership, either by standing of the way of government policy, or by coalescing around a favored candidate in order to try and pressure him to quit. the problem that god is there is no stand out favored candidate and so the prospect looms of government dysfunction of a number 10 downing street machine dedicated less to working for the betterment of the country than to keeping bars. johnson in power journal supporting from weapons or thank you. on the head of the un nuclear watchdog, his res, concerns about the safety of ukrainian nuclear plant under russian control. rafael gross, he says a team is trying to reach this felicia plan to ensure is secure. ukraine says that is a risk. the facility supply chain could be interrupted. the i a, a visited the chernobyl neutral site in april, after rushes, occupation,
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and found trenches dug and contaminated soil. dominic cane has more from berlin. one of the starkest messages coming from mr. grossey, the director general of the i a, a regards the security, the safeguarding and the safety not only of the plant but the staff there. and he says that in the opinion of him and his agency, 5 of the 7 central pillars of nuclear safety are now compromised. and that the ukrainian government has told his agency that they are no longer in a position to be able to provide the details about what's taking place there because it is now in the hands of the russian forces. the interesting thing here is that mr. grossey said that he believes the safety and security and safeguarding off ukraine's nuclear facilities is now one of the most pressing issues that the world faces. and he says that it is of pressing urgency that his agency be able to get
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back into facilities such as at the support issue, to be able to see what has gone wrong and to try to put it right. so quite a stark message from mister grossey. interestingly, in so far as iran is concerned, mr. grosses view was that some of the behavior by the iranian government is making it more difficult to be able to bring some sort of positive statement from his agency v's avi talks. specifically, he cited 3 specific sites in iran, where his agency says it has evidence that enrichment of uranium has taken place. the un says as a human trafficking crisis unfolding in ukraine, more than 100 allegations of sexual violence have been reported in the conflict so far. kristen selina has more from the united nations. the united nations has based
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on past experience, the actual number of sexual assaults in the ukrainian conflict is likely much higher than the 124 that have been reported so far. and given that 90 percent of the 4700000 refugees that have left the country are women and children. there's an added concern about the possibility of human trafficking and sexual violence. the special representative for sexual violence and conflict said in fact that there had been disturbing stories of man hovering around refugee camps and offering rides to women wherever they wanted to go. for put it isn't human traffic goes what is known as raji. it isn't which energy, women and children fleeing the conflict of being targeted for trafficking and exploitation, in some cases facing further exposure to rainbow risks while seeking refuge. the u . n. is calling for better vetting processes for those who offer rides or
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accommodations to refugees, as well as better training for volunteers who are very much needed. but often don't have the training to recognize warning signs. nigerian officials say thus searching for several gunman who attack to church on sunday, killing dozens of people. the shooting took place in the southwestern town of o, as worship has gathered the catholic mass. the attack is identity and motives and not known. i've been address reports from a boucher scores of people came to this church to our 10 boss. the attackers came to kill as many as because those who got out came under fire outside is quite open. believe it that somebody will come on, the intention was to kill everybody in that church. and those running out there will be shot from outside. just wait inside where be shut from inside. the true to die month to blow up the all tucked down to the centauri. this kind of the
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secretion is only be done by legal medical workers fear some of the wounded may not survive, but i yeah. appealing for help. lead blockquote them. how many people die? are we being deals? people in bear with me? should quo my police. i seized nigeria as president, mama to body, and the under state governor have condemned the attack. save those responsible would be brought to justice. what is the price? many is the location of the massacre. the southwest of nigeria suffered little of the valor sweeping the north and the east attacks have killed tens of thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands law in those regions. during the last 10 years, security services have struggled to contain to violence. nigeria is due to all general elections early next year. but with the violence spreading concerns that grow where the polling can be held in every yes was affected by these attacks.
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ahmed edris al jazeera, appalachia, nigeria. so that for this governance, as the united arab emirates is arrested, the good 2 brothers who face a string of charges of political corruption under form president jacob zuber rogers and i tool are accused of using connections with summa to win contracts, mis appropriate state assets, influence cabinet appointments in siphon of state funds both deny wrong doing. the indian born brothers left south africa off to zebra was ousted in 2018, but the u. s. e in south africa ratified in extradition, treaty and april last year, and move the current president. several ram opposed to government hopes would lead to their return. still to come on al jazeera, we're at the scene of bangladesh is devastating chemical explosion. investigate is trying to work out how the deadly fire began, and plans to this drilling of gas provide further fuel to maritime bought
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a dispute. ah hello once again, welcome to another look at the international forecast or a proper rattling of wintry weather into the southeast of australia to see the speckled shower cloud. they're just rolling up across service toria, southern parts of new south wales, totally packed ice, abbas very strong waves, potentially damaging winds, just pushing those showers, some of them wintery, certainly over the high ground around the southern alps. other parts of the great dividing range could still see a few flurries of snow struggling to get to a level celsius in melbourne, not making it into double figures. therefore, how about an assembly pictures you go on in to where to stay. but by wednesday, that wet or weather, that windy weather started to push across towards the ceiling, march of australia will be fine at this stage of a few showers up around the cape york peninsula. charles's sum range is pushing
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into w a at this state. we'll see that weather weather coming in the cross perth as we go on through thursday and nothing a little further east, which and by then maybe go with that where to weather coming to western parts of news in it with some pretty strong winds. horizontal rain coming through here, where it's m windy weather to into a good part. so for japan, central air is seeing more live the showers, showers along the spells of rain there across the korean peninsula. the seasonal rains continue across southern parts of china with a risk of flooding. ah, what is the ocean's witness? plainness, witness differences. witness? change. witness, happiness. with witness. sunlight. witness? not witness. loss. witness. charity. witness. you witness. clarity, witness. family,
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witness. friends. witness the beginning. witness. the and witness life with ah ah, a reminder, the tub stories here on al jazeera boris johnson has survived a challenge to his position as you k prime minister, 211 conservative m. p. 's voted in favor of him. continuing is party leader, 148 voted against him. the head of the u. a nuclear watchdog has raised concerns about the safety of a ukrainian nuclear plant on the russian control. rafael grossey says the team is trying to reach the jap, reach o'clock to ensure it is secure. investigators in bangladesh trying to
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establish the cause of a major fi at a container depot that kills at least 14 people. the blaze triggered several explosions when ignited chemicals stored at the facility in such a condo, in the southeast in port city of chatham fight as have brought largely under control. but their off is a further blas if the flames spread to nearby containers. hundreds of people are injured, many of them in a critical condition. time their child has more from chatter, gram, various volunteer agencies that set up books right across the medical hospital. now they're providing free food clothings medicine for the victims family as well as for the victims in the hospitals. many of the patients relatives are anxiously waiting. yeah. some people are waiting to know about the condition of their family members. offers a reading because their patients are already booked there in the burn unit. it is
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quite a long medical college hospital. the facilities are inadequate. just too much can already and it's almost chaotic over here. and as you can see, some of the people waiting here wants to know about their missing relative. many of them, what is have not been identified because they're charged so bad. now the criminal investigation division is collecting dna to match their family members. so people are anxious to know if in post or outside which posted family members speak. just saying that they're missing a lot is still on, accounted for. they want to know whether the family members or dad or they're missing. we still have to find out. and inquiring the police and other authorities to know what is the condition of their family members, whether they in the hospital or that actually missing. and that body is still not found. how does their immediate network continues to demand a rapid, independent and transparent and specification into the killing of its journalist in the occupied west bank?
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sharina black, i was shot in the head by israeli forces while she was on assignment in jeanine on the day of a funeral, israeli forces storm the procession and started beating mourners, causing pul buyers to almost drop her casket. that didn't stop thousands of palestinians marching through occupied ease to re slim to take part in the funeral and burial members of the international community of condemned to kenning and continue to cool for an investigation. a black la was without dessert for 25 years, covering the story of the israeli occupation. she was known as the voice of palestine. this week, some of the americas in los angeles is tackling an unprecedented migration. crisis . up to being seen for years is only a problem for the united states. the issue has now spread throughout the region. nissan newman reports for santiago, chile ah, 28 year olds, lancaster flemish is more than 7000 kilometers from home. with 10 month old maria in tow, she sells suites for coins so that she can feed her baby and hopefully gather
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enough to rent a room to night to ha, work that way. they won't have to sleep out doors in the freezing, cold valley. 6 she arrived from venezuela 2 weeks ago after crossing the, at the camp desert and entered chile as an undocumented migrant, like hundreds of thousands of her compatriots. ah, what do you mean? bolivian guy helped us cross the border at night. we had to crawl, so no one would see us. we passed fences and trenches. we couldn't make noise. the children couldn't cry so the police wouldn't parents know in a william land. full. yeah, francesca is among hundreds of thousands of travel to chile seeking a better light family while tens of thousands of central american haitian and cuban migrants attempt to cross into the united states every day. but the migration crisis in the americas no longer flows exclusively from south to north. according
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to united nations, nearly 6000000 venezuelans have migrated to escape hardships at home with the majority heading south, especially to columbia peru, argentina, and chilly into regional migration has increased by 66 percent in the last decade, impacting public services and resources in the recipient. countries own up and, but they are gonna be, but they're that they have those to them at right and their responsibility to guarantee stability and conditions their create well being for migrants to ensure that the irregular influx of migrants does not produce poverty. a human trafficking, an exploitation vehicle near bang am i am, but i got a social of in pine chiles. former foreign minister says it's now a major regional challenge, sharing the burden. i think it is fundamental that happened in europe. it was uneasy and they arrived assistant mo, code us of o a migrant. and i think something similar could, could be explored,
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at least in the america. ah, do you? and she can only commission for latin america and the caribbean has presented a martial plan for central america. that requires funding, especially from the united states. u. s. president joe biden had offered $4000000000.00 to create better jobs and safety. but so far the money has only trickled in, you know, whether it was important that we can't confront migration only with block borders, severe laws or wall and police. we need well being only security and peace in the countries were migration originate, order us policy us ha. it's hoped that regional cooperation to tackle the phenomena will be the main theme at the upcoming summit of the americas in los angeles. even with the priorities of the united states now focused elsewhere, you see in human al jazeera santiago. meanwhile, thousands of frustrated migrants in southern mexico has set off on foot towards the
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us border. the group has time, the journey to coincide with the summit of the americas in a bid to draw attention to that slight and migrant say that tired of waiting to normalize a status in the region with little work or government support. manuel rapids was with the kind of near the mexico guatemala border. one thing that's very different from this migrant care of and as opposed to others that we've seen others that we've covered in previous years, is the homogeneity of it. there's just an overwhelming number of venezuelans that have that, that are taking part in this migrant care of and once again a care event that's coinciding with the start of the summit of the americas taking place this week in los angeles in the united states. but like other caravans that we'd seen, it's more or less a result of a policy of containment here in southern mexico. where there's a sort of bottleneck effect where the police and immigration authorities will contain migrants prevent them from moving north towards the united states. creating
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a pile up, stretching the limits of resources available to the government, reaching a point where there's really no other option other than for them to come together for these care events and then head north. the vast majority that we've spoken to says that there's really nothing that's going to stand in their way. their objective is to reach the u. s. southern border. new york state is tightened. god knows also a series of high profile mass shootings across the us. the new laws raise the age for buying a sole style farms and restrict the purchase of body armor to learn. foresman democratic governor cathy hooker has called on other states to follow new york lead . it's just keeps happening. shots ring out flags come down and nothing ever changes. except here in new york, we're tightening the red flag laws to keep guns away from dangerous people. and we're raising the age of semi automatic weapon,
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so no 18 year old can walk in on their birthday. and walk out of the day are 50. those days are over. on his vast bilateral visit since being sworn in australia's new prime minister says he'll work to strengthen ties with se asia, antony abernathy pledge, stronger cooperation during his trip to indonesia. but he warned beijing is also seeking to expand its influence in the indo pacific. jessica washington reports from jakarta, places off helmets. on this diplomacy, indonesian styled president joker widow or to cooey invited the new prime minister of australia to join him for a ride. about the 4 gearing up for more serious discussions or indonesia is on track to be one, all the world's 5 largest economies. very broad lodging. i tried an investment relationship is a priority for my government to hear open thine to nation president says economic
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collaboration dominated the talks, alicia stamina with this is the 1st bilateral visit for australia's new prime minister and is a clear signal from albanese that he intends to revive the country's regional diplomacy, but to focus on strength and relations, but its neighbors and saudis, asia, and the pacific prime minister, albany, he is joined on this trip by several senior ministers. this is the 1st by lateral visit for his trailer, as a new prime minister. it is a clear signal from anthony of uneasy that he intends to revive the countries regional diplomacy with the focus on se asia and the pacific. it comes as cambra and bay gene compete for influence in the region. we do have strategic competition in the region. need to make sure that it's managed in a way that doesn't have catastrophic consequences. awful. the rate to the prime minister has offered support for major infrastructure projects, such as indonesia plans to build a new capital city. and has reiterated
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a $338000000.00 pledge to invest in development in southeast asia as part of efforts to revive relationships which his government says have been neglected. recently, the relationship between his trying to asia where we are to close neighbors, but do not deal with each other enough. albany. he says he will attend the g 20 summit hosted by indonesia in november, despite controversy over the russian president's purported plans to attend as well into himself while beauty is on focus on sitting with president with data not sitting with prison, the prime minister and his delegation will visit the island of so the way see, next, seeking to prove australia is serious about engaging with its neighbors. in the north, jessica washington al jazeera chicata fix our position activists in charge of being put on trial for their role in protest. last month. there being accused of
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disturbing public order during anti french rally, protested the angered by the presence of french troops and chad and fraud. his support for the ruling millage winter judges into nicea going on strike for a week off to president k c i. e dismissed 57 of their colleagues. the national judges association has cooled on its members to take part in citizens at the judicial headquarters. so you'd accuse the justices of corruption, but opponent say it's another move in his bid to consolidate power. a dispute and maritime borders, causing tension between israel and lebanon. israeli media reports the navy is deploying a version of its iron dome, anti missile system to the contested waters in the mediterranean. but lebanon is warning against what it described as aggression in the area. then the harder has more from beirut. israel is hoping this drilling ship will help boost its off shore gas output, energy and power company aims to bring the career field online later this year.
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something long time enemy and neighbor, lebanon, opposes. officials say these are contested waters and any development will be considered a provocation and hostile act. because for these readings and for the, for the us, this is not in this to the zone at this far away from the district. the zone because for these read is that avenue board, those are weird lines. 23 is located and according to what number on has something 1011 to the u. n. 11 on those total confusion and contradiction in statements and in positions. israel in lebanon, have been indirectly negotiating about the 860 square kilometer patch of sea. but in recent months, lebanon expanded its claim increasing the zone by 1430 square meters, which included the courage gas field. this led the talks to break down. webinar has never legally laid claim to the line $29.00 boundary president michelle on didn't sign a decree to rectify a map submitted to the united nations,
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which would have effected israel's ability to move ahead with the operations to hezbollah. is the most powerful actor in the country and has fought wars with israel in the past. a few weeks ago, it didn't just express opposition to negotiations with israel over the dispute. it's leader, how semester was confident. no international firm would dare come to charisse or anywhere else in the disputed area. if hezbollah issues a clear and serious threat so far, none has been made. this is going to be way for has been allowed to gain as much as possible. leverage to improve its position and government formation and selection of ford coming president. so if has been and since i looked the way around, instead of starting a new confrontation with israel on us all the border,
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the israeli navy has been sent to protect the rig. but lebanon's leaders have called for a u. s. envoy to return, so that the parties can resume talking. it's a sign of de escalation that appears to have been the result of back door negotiations center there else rosita pe, route. the chinese city of shanghai is emerging for a month long corona virus lockdown. high school students are being allowed to return to school after almost 3 months. they have to show a negative anti jan test and pass through a thermal detective before entering. shanghai is lifted, it's locked down last week with restrictions, slowly easing throughout the city. and you can find much more on our website. the address for that is al jazeera dot com. ah, reminder, the top stories on al jazeera forest johnson has survived.


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