tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 7, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST
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by his ha, cristella is nothing of the early life in the republic of congo. la, after 40 years living in switzerland, cristella follows a fascinating paper trail that leads from his adopted home to the country of his birth. oh, and the most unexpected re union witness in earlier on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah. hello there, i'm laura kyle. this is the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60
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minutes. we're going to bash old. oh, we have a huge agenda. i want to get a dog. u. k prime minister barak johnson tries to move on after surviving a major leadership task that weakens his grip on power. united nations, his allegations of human drafting and sexual exploitation of women and children in ukraine. a major setback for israel's coalition government after it fails to pass a bill. protecting seth rosamille complied westbank, and to a wealthy brothers accuse of profiting from their close links. the former south african president jacob summa are detained in dubai. alan's board, american golfer, dustin johnson, has resigned from the pga tour to play in the 1st event. a saudi arabian backed golf series plus australia face united arab emirates and a playoff in doha with the winner getting closer to reaching the world cup finals.
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ah, now the u. k. prime minister has told his cabinet to get home with the job hours after facing a test of his leadership. first, johnson survived a confidence boat held by his own party on monday, calling the outcome a convincing and decisive results. his supporters celebrated the vote, but the scale of the rebellion is raising questions about his future. 40 percent of the prime minister's colleagues refused to back him. earlier we heard from a member of parliament and one of johnson's most vocal cricket critics. of everybody was gob smacked by the number of tory and peas that voted against the prime minister last night and just was reflecting on that 140 tory empties with no confidence in their leader. it's a pretty big thing for a member of any party at parliament to come out and see that the they have no
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confidence in the leader. so i, i thank them for that. from the bottom of our house this morning that the prime minister needs to reflect on the fact that 40 percent, that is m p 's plus, but perhaps even more significantly, 2 thirds of the government backed ventures voted against for us johnson. now of course we've seen motions of no confidence in previous conserved to leaders, margaret thatcher. teresa, me, in the end, we can't run away from this kind of result that we saw last night. voters johnston will have to recognize that he doesn't have the trust of his old parliamentarians. he certainly doesn't have the trust of parliament. well is going to replace him. nobody's gonna replace it. nobody stepped off is all right in our rebels, you know, under 48 of them voted against the prime minister. it was for the head above and been brave enough to say i want to this country here. my policy is nobody. so until that person steps, old mans up, or woman's woman says, i'll go, this is, is my policy, this is what i want to do. and i'll support the prime minister as can live. now, to our correspondent in london, laurie challenz, and very far as johnson may well want to draw,
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relied on to this. but can he is david cameron, who once famously describe horace johnson as like a grease pig, little for his ability to wriggle his way out of even the tightest spot. well, he's in a real tight spot. now a real pickle he's gonna have to empty a bottle of all over his head or spare himself from top to toe in large. i think to wriggle out of this one. yes, he's put a go on his bravest face, his smile in front of his cabinet colleagues. he was having a meeting with them earlier on today. but i wonder whether he was looking any of them around the table and trying to work out how they voted last night. are they really loyal or any of them secret traits is because he is in a very top position, as we heard then from in black votes, the westminster leader of the scottish national parks. a he has to try and turn this around in some way. what can he do? what are the mechanisms that he might have at his disposal?
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well, i think we can look for a flurry of policies in the next few days and weeks designs to win over. the ne says in his party, that might well be a cabinet, re shuffle to make him look as orthor additive as possible. and there is an outside chance is very slim, that there could be a snap election calls, but he has real problems coming down the road. there is a, there are 2 by elections coming up that that tories could well lose. and the cost of living a crisis is really signs of by heart in this country bite normal voters, if there are any big resignations for him, his team in the next few days, he can bet that this scenario, this whole problem is gonna flare up and turn pyrotechnic once again for lawrence johnson. absolutely. i mean, what dangers are there for the conservative party hanging on to a leader that's lost so much public support?
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yeah. will in many ways for the opposition, having a dead man walking prime minister as own be prime minister. elaine dot prime minister choose choose your metrical is the best outcome for them because essentially what they're looking at is a when did man a wounded leader of his party, who essentially it's become so talk 6. i was unpopular in the eyes of the electorate that he is dragging down his party with him and the tory politicians, that the m p 's. they're going to be looking at the same poles that are being done the labor party is looking at as well. and the whole just a 3 out of 5 in the country, one or is johnson gone? 3 out of 5. both says that think that he is bad at for his party. so they will be talking amongst themselves. they will be examining their own in a conferences, and they were thinking,
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who actually is the best person to leave this party going into the next general elections and some of them, not majority yet, but some of them have decided that it's not, or as johnson, because they all fearing for their jobs. having said that, the conservative party is the most successful political force in this country, and it has been for many, many years. it wins elections. that's what it's, it's, it's designed to do with centuries. what is best that tory parties conserved policies in the past to be pretty good at getting rid of election, winning leaders when they start to smell that those leaders past the best past. they're used by dates that taking a long time and coming to that conclusion for bar johnson, but don't put it possible to make that decision at some point in the future. and also leaving john don't put a pass for us. johnson. the greeks picked to find some way of wriggling his way out
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of this one ori. helen's thanks very much indeed for those thoughts from london of intent to rhonda, taken his direct sense of politics and government at king's college in london and joined life from oxford. so the policy that margaret, we've had teresa made both residing off the narrowly winning back confidence. thought it doesn't really feel as if johnson's going to fully suit others. no, i don't. because one of the things it's characterized for johnson's leadership style and his politics in general is his willingness to push through these kinds of issues, these kinds of troubles. i think of any of the outcomes the might play out over the next few months, perhaps year. rezani is probably one of the least likely absolutely. there. what might he do next? what does he need to do next to win the confidence both of his policy and the
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country? well, i think is your correspondence said the line for another 10 allies is very much one or drawing a line on the question that is leadership and moving on. we can expect to see a rock, the policy proposals over the next few days, weeks. we can expect to see boss on the exec, new leadership shuffle is certainly on horizon whether those will have any play. we're going to probably make it and don't forget that most of the, most of those people within his own pos you have to read. leadership has not just posted against him in the culture. and suppose that's much more broadly spreads within the elementary part. he will make public and private attempts to reach out to those people that convince them whether he's going to be successful all the time with help. if part of his success at staying in this position, the fact that there is no real clear candidate for anyone to succeed him. a
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yellow certainly the case. what we saw was, i think and organize a rebellion around one candidate. there is nobody really put their head about the parent, but no obvious success that we can say, although there are many, many who couldn't, and will fill the role vailable. i think the issue abortions really is that his volleyball was his, his floor. he's been accepted by commentary in certain areas because he's been popular large because he's been successful being elected. he's got lazy, think the jar, so you don't want to be the ones that starts going think he's going to be in need more trouble. yeah, it would be very interesting when to to see if the party agrees that he is the best leader to lead the into the next election. yeah, i think so. don't get on paper,
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at least. johnson is not like my leaves your challenge for another year. that he's only on paper, i think that's very real chance that except the department will push for another lease over the next some me another fight over the next next few months, particularly off that the coming by elections those badly as all signs in like well i think we can expect to see another switch conference folks came the saga continues, rod they come thanks very much for taking time to join us from the the united nation has heard accusations of human trafficking and exploitation in that ukraine. diplomats, i perpetrated to taking advantage of the war you and special representative on sexual violence in conflict address the security council. so place it is
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a new line. traffic is war is not a tragedy. it isn't which energy, women and children fleeing the conflict, are being targeted for trafficking and exploitation. in some cases facing further exposure to ramp up the risk while seeking refuge. there been multiple reports from survivors of russia. soldiers breaking down doors to basements, where women were sheltering and raping them. these terrible acts were done in front of their children, and they were filmed by the russian soldiers. these are bone chilling accounts. let us go through the ratchet enough accusations of russian service personnel committing crimes of his sexual nature. since the very beginning of our special military operation in ukraine has become a favorite tactic of the key regime and our western colleagues christensen, amy, reporting from the un says it's difficult to know just how bad things are. they're
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worried that the actual number of women and children who've been sexually assaulted is much higher than the 124 cases that they have documented so far. given that 90 percent of refugees leaving ukraine are women and children. there's also grave concern that they're subject to human trafficking and sexual predators. course the outpouring of support for these refugees from european countries has been greatly appreciated. but the special representative, worried that predators were taking advantage of the situation and shared some disturbing stories of questionable people who had been circulating around these camps, offering rides to women and girls, and so on that could easily be preyed on in that situation. they say there's not a lot of vetting of the people who are coming to help in some of these instances
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and they called for more vetting to ensure that trafficking is, is kept to a minimum ross's ambassador to the you and walked out of a security council meeting after moscow was accused of causing a global food crisis with its invasion of ukraine. lastly nevins, via left of european council president shaw mitchell, addressed a 15 member body. looked due to the hot. you has no sanctions. audrey church shall sitter in russia 0 and even our sanctions on russian transport sector not to draw beyond our you borders. you may leave the room. maybe it's easier not to listen to the truth. the ambassador and u. s. federal judge has authorized the seizure of 2 private planes owned by russian businessman roman i bron vetch. the court issued the warrant saying that were used in violation of u. s. export restrictions imposed after russia's invasion of ukraine. the plains
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are valued at more than $400000000.00 above it was forced to sell the english football club. chelsea after being sanctioned by the british government plenty boston had her on this new south, including molly's military rulers, propose a new timeline for return to civilian rule. regional leaders are not happy and we joined a group of asylum seekers and mexico headed towards the u. s. as regional leaders discussed solutions to migrant crisis and his court, colorado a heading to the stanley cup finals the 1st time in 2 decades. those details coming up later. ah us as warning of what it calls a forceful and swift response. if north korea pursues a nuclear test, deputy secretary of state, wendy sherman, made the comments in south korea where she's meeting the senior officials. diplomat
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say there are signs pyongyang is preparing for its 1st nuclear tests. as 2017 sherman's visit comes a day off to south korea, and the u. s. 58 ballistic missiles in response to a similar launch by north korea a day earlier. any nuclear tests would be in complete violation of un security council resolutions. there would be a swift and forceful response to such a test, because as the international atomic energy agency itself has said, there is concern that they may conduct a nuclear test. this would be very d, stabilizing to the world security. and i believe that not only the r, okay, in the united states and japan, but the entire world will respond in a strong and clear manner. shoreline ker is looking for $6000000000.00, an international financial aid to keep its economy afloat and south industrial
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monetary fun for loans to help tackle the worst economic crisis in decades. the items 22000000 people have faced mumps of blackouts and shortages of fuel, fuel, food and medicine. it's also short on international currency, which is affecting its ability to import what it needs. israel's coalition government has suffered. a major setback has failed to pass a bill protecting his rainy settlers in the occupied west bank emergency regulations which expire at the end of the month of been in place for decades. they allow israelis living in illegal settlements to enjoy the benefits of systems ship while it's palestinians live under military rule. from west jerusalem emron con, explains what this vote means for the israeli government. this should have been a simple procedural vote. it happens every 5 years since 1967, and it's always been passed without a hitch. this time around my was a hitch and it didn't pass. the reason for that is because natalia bennett
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a presides over a very fragile coalition, the prime minister himself rules over a party or is and part of a party that includes is really palestinian. m. kay's also includes far right m kay's as well. the only real reason that coalition came together is because they all agreed that they wanted benjamin netanyahu out, and that's why they came together after these railey palestinian em case voting for this law would have been voting for a continuation of the occupation. not simply something that they couldn't do it thrown the government into a complete tailspin. now there are 3 likely scenarios. the 1st one least likely is that the government simply staggers on until the end of the summer recess, hoping that something might change. that's the least likely visible scenario. the 2nd scenario is that there is a vote of no confidence in the government that could come as early as wednesday. meaning that they'll be early elections again in israel. i is also in a number of elections because of this coalition. building, we will,
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over the last 3 years, but elections are unpopular with the electron. i've seen for too many of them in 40 shorter space. so it could well be that under the current can asset a new coalition could be formed not paved the way for somebody like benjamin netanyahu to come in and actually become part of the government. once again, daniel levy is president of the middle u. s. middle east projects and a former israeli negotiates, i get to have you, whether it's fast. let's take a look at this law because if it's not pastor and there will be another attempt heinz dam to get it through parliament. but if it's not past, how will it then affect the lives of israeli settlers in the west bank? well, let, let start with this laura. as you note, there is every likelihood that they will get this through or find another roundabout way of ensuring that the separate and unequal system of which
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this law is a crucial pillar. so the jewish israeli settlers live, according to one set of laws, palestinians under occupation, live according to another set of laws. that's what this is about. to ensure that that remains in place because otherwise, well, the occupation and the illegal settlements suddenly become something of a problem. gosh, these re settlers would, theoretically, this is not going to happen. i want to caution your viewers. would theoretically have to live under the same legal system as the palestinians or return to actual sovereign israeli territory. and this law is so important because it is one of the pillars of war. the international human rights community is increasingly defining and recognizing as legally meeting the threshold of an apartheid regime. that's partly why human rights watch an amnesty of followed the palestinian example and bet salomon others in making that designation or a sense
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a given the importance of this law. are you surprised that the coalition government has allowed it to drop all be it may be temporarily simply for political games not so much precisely for that reason that this is part all a political game. this is also part of what feels like the accelerating disintegration of what was a very hybrid coalition, as your reporter shared with us. the glue that holds it together is not wanting nat and yahoo as prime minister, being half people from the right, including the prime minister himself as well as people who are more centrist or in his la missed party, which is decided to get on board with this coalition, so yes, it's a big deal, but it's more of a big deal in the political signal that descends in
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terms of coalition fragility, than in terms of this representing this constituting some kind of new insurmountable challenge to his re occupation israeli violations of international law. and that unequal system, what chance is that that benjamin netanyahu will be returning immediately? indeed, that is the question i, i would say that it is something one should certainly take seriously. look, this government has more than 3 years to run. i think one can confidently bet ouse . all that not happening. it's a question. i think most people to day would wake up and say is it's a question of weeks perhaps months. definitely not years. the transition from one
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prime minister to another bennett to this foreign minister guy law id is, i was categorically say it's not going to happen that you next year. not on yahoo. still, polls higher than anyone else with the public in terms of who would you like to see is mr. he's him as a leader of really good. that party still holds higher than any other party. it tends to come down to what we're talking about today. these coalition machinations so whether not in yahoo, either in the current parliament or after an election can cobble this magical 61 together is an open question. but it is absolutely a possibility. and let's just recognize and remember that it's not that this new government has represented a dramatic shift to see change in terms of its approach on the palestinian question . sadly, it really has no, but it's been more or continuity change. absolutely. and david, the levy, thank you very much for taking the time for joining daniel levy. i apologize. thank you for taking the time to join us. my pleasure. out is there,
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a media network continues to demand a rapid, independent and transparent investigation and the killing of its journalist and the occupied at west bank showing a black that was shot in the head by israeli forces. whilst on assignment in janine, on the day of her funeral is ready forces storm. the procession started beating mourners, calling pul barriers to almost drop her casket that didn't stop thousands of palestinians from marching through, occupies is jerusalem to take part in her funeral and burial members. of the international community have condemned killing and continue to call for an investigation. actor was with out there for 25 years, covering the story of israeli occupation. she was known as the voice of palestine. so africa says the united arab emirates has detained 2 brothers who faced corruption charges, businessman rogers and otto gupta, who were originally from india, fled from south africa in 2018. they are accused of using their relationship with
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former president jacob, zoom to profit financially and influence government appointments and policy. and depaul issued a red notice requesting their detention last year for me to mila has more from johannesburg. it may take some time before the brothers, the extradited to south africa. they is an extradition treaty in place between the u. e and south africa that was only ratified toward the end of last year. and now the south african government has to apply for their extradition. but we also know that the group 2 brothers previously had been requested to return to south africa to appear before a commission of inquiry into corruption. and they refused to do that or only on specific terms and conditions, which the inquiry wouldn't accept. and so they didn't return to south africa. so certainly the assumption is the group to brothers would have absolutely no interest in returning to south africa, especially considering that they're facing corruption and ford charges related to
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a government project that was meant to assist farmers in the free state province. but instead, money was that allegedly siphoned off into companies owned by the family and their associates. hatcher emoji, as a political edge to business day, a national daily newspaper in south africa. she says it's a significant milestone in the push to root out and demik corruption. this is the most significant arrests we've had with regard to states capture and former president jacob's image removal from office in 2018. as you all know, under zoom are corruption, went on a boat, and it seemed as though the political executive, as well as his plans, in this case to matt and the group as well, a law unto themselves. so it's an important moment because they've captured cost trillions, and much of it happened with absolute impunity. the big problem that to as state to
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state security agencies have in south africa is getting people to turn state witness. so they can give them a pop up, a solid case going into trial. it's a big moment of african agencies. and they've also promised more common interests in the months to come as to whether or not africans are excited. they certainly on social media, they certainly in political corridors, this certainly excitement, but we're only know once we go to a ballot and the next general election happens only in 2020 whole. we know that corruption is a scourge in south africa and south africans actually, for the lack of a better word, pool of corruption, which is why we've seen the n c sharply decline in terms of its electron majority. it is on track to lose the election in 2024. if electro chains i anything to go by
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. meaning that will be the ultimate test of whether or not this government delivers and corrections corruption investigations, and changes the image of the governing and see international investigations have been trying to locate the good. so brothers who relocated from india to south africa in 1993 as it began opening up after the end of a part 8. and while their business empire grew there. so did that influence back in indian income tax officials. they're rated their homes and offices multiple times for allegations of money laundering. at least 3 state owned indian banks have been investigated for their dealings with like got to brothers marley's military rule to propose a 2 year timeline for a return to civilian government. as part of negotiations with west african block eco us to lift economic sanctions. but the organization wants molly's military rulers, to review its transition period and had promised to hold elections in february,
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but failed. i've been to military coups that since august 2020. nicholas hark has more from decker about 6 months ago, the military jente announced that they were going to stay in power for 5 years. and there, there was economic and financial attentions put in place by neighboring countries over the weekend. the heads of the west african countries gathered that there was hope that those sanctions would be lifted. they weren't, remember those sanctions the cause of the effect that was the effect of the sanction, the population means that the price of basic necessitating whether it be cooking oil or sugar has doubled and the state coffers has just enough to pay civil servants for the next couple of months so they're really feeling the effect of those sanction. now there's been negotiations between the president upto the emissary of the west african body. echo was the former president of nature. good luck,
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jonathan. with the military agenda. we spoke to the foreign minister abilene job, who explained to us that the hopes with this announcement that there will be returned to civilian rule in the next 2 years by may 2024. well that the sanctions would be lifted in. the next echo was the west african summit that's going to take place in the month of july. and there's been growing criticism in the country itself by know, by, by the most influential e mom, mom depot, who said in the statement that the mountain people were taken hostage both by the western community and neighboring countries, but also by the arrogance of the maryan government. at the time now for all the weather and has evident hello, we have seen some very heavy rain fall into our japan recently on places say things will improve over the next couple of days that you go send i with around a 112 millimeters of re all tied in with a seasonal front, you can see how that
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a line of cloud and brave stretches all way down across taiwan into southern parts of china. and the big dow pause will continue here. but the driving force behind that, that area flow pressure is in the process of pulling away, follow that cloud right down as a northern parts of vietnam, even wetter here. actually, 149 millimeters afraid in 24 hours a nice big downpours are set to continue as we go through wednesday on into thursday. as i said, seasonal raising not a little further north was as we go on through thursday, but further spells of heavy and funny down pause. our lighting was big hail and some localized flooding lobby showers to across southeast asia. we will see quite a rash, a shower there, into the philippines, usual showers there, across some militia, down into indonesia. so pretty much as it should be, and things about as i shall be the monsoon rays. of course, a little ahead of schedule across parts of india, more heavy downpours among the western gas,
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ne and india still seeing some very heavy ray and the heat continues for the northwest and pakistan. cilla had hair on out. there are no cost. airline ryanair provides anger. i written inquiring u. k. bands out african passengers to prove who they are. i take your language test and, and make or break moment millions of chinese students at the national university entrance test on the pandemic restrictions class in sports. 2 teams with hopes of winning this year's world cup get ready to renew their rivalry details. coming up. ah, one of the filipino workers with a big explosion by landlords to make them, hey, golden appliances to leave overcrowded. one 0, what a's made the big deal? it exposes the beat on al jazeera. ah,
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anyway, i'll just eat with it. when you're from a neighbourhood known as a hot bed of radicalism, you have to fight to define stereotypes. i am going to shop join the stories we don't often hear. told by the people who live them with no money showing what ludwig they make that reservation which i know some of the buck seth, this is year on al jazeera lou .
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ah, again, you're watching out, is there a his reminder of our top story? is this our, you k prime minister boys, johnson has survived a confidence vote around 40 percent of his own. m. p. 's voted against him. despite this johnston's called it a decisive result and says it's time to move on. the united nations has heard accusations of human trafficking and exploitation in ukraine about say, conflict, late related, sexual violence is prevalent, and perpetrators are taking advantage of the war. and israel's coalition. government has failed to pass a bill protecting israelis f as in the occupied west bank. emergency regulations allow the settlers to enjoy the benefits of citizenship of palestinians live. under military rule, mexico's president has followed through with a threat to boycott. the u. s. hosted summit of the americas this week. under his manual lopez overtures skipping the event because cuba, venezuela,
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and nicaragua have been excluded. washington says it understands lopez over door position, but it won't include countries, it considers undemocratic. mexico will send its foreign minister in the president's place in up, when will it last i made it. there cannot be a summit of the americans if all the countries of the americans do not participate will they can be. but we consider that this as a continuation of the old approach on summit and los angeles and to address how to reduce migration of the us mexico border. on monday, another group of refugees and migrant set off from southern mexico headed north. they time that departure to coincide with the summit, my no rapid low is traveling with the group referred to as a caravan, near the mexico guatemala border. the thousands of migrants set out from the city of dub schuler in the early hours of monday. many are mothers
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with young children who despite the heavy rain push to keep pace with the rest of the crowd. oh, there is numerous nationalities among them. but the vast majority or from venice will. 2 0 yeah, all one to reach the united states will not leave me, but i left my country in search of a better future with god's help. if he permits, i will reach the us border and find new opportunities and help my family. its already been a long and difficult journey for most and many are now finding that mexico has its own challenges for this elderly woman. the inclement weather is too much. fortunately, paramedics are close by. her daughter says they're desperate for the nightmare to be over. 8 that morning if they don't look, i know they love ease up on fall or what amy and we're hoping they'll give us use visa. there are many of us migrants here. we need help. i just like this woman. there are many people here,
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children and disabled people who get tired. many people died in the jungle on our way here, pregnant woman children. they are children who fated just behind us, and it's the largest migrant care van to set out from southern mexico this year. but for a group this size to stay together, frequent rest are needed, especially for families traveling with young children. after several hours of walking, the group has taken a break from the punishing heat of southern mexico. they're tired, you can see the exhaustion on many of their faces, but just about every one we've spoken to says they're also committed to continuing their journey to the u. s. southern border with more rain forecast. the decision has been made for the group to stay put. they'll rest for now, but the plan is to take to the road again after midnight, and make it as far as they can before the heat sets in. once again, manuel did upolu al jazeera, she up us mexico, a cabinet minister and the dominican republic has been shot dead in his office,
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orlando ho gay barrow was the minister of environment and natural resources. his families as suspected gunman who is in custody was maris child had friend, a man who's tried and failed to become kenya's president 4 times as running again this time there. right. and anger has the backing of the political establishment, which has worked against him in the past. from my robi malcolm lab reports on was changed. ah, it selection season in kenya? riley. dingo has run for president for time as before. he launched his manifesto at an event in the capital, nairobi will nuclear corruption, a threat to national security. and as douglas as little as departments, the secure judges for corruption surveillance. this michelle do within our past 100 days in office. right has been involved in politics since the
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1980s, mostly in opposition. he's never been declared the winner of an election with many believe he's been rig doubt of victories before this time. some things have changed is the 1st time the royal or a danger zone to learning with the support of the incumbent, outgoing president to harry kenyata with the support of the families that have dominated canyon politics on business. ever since independence of the british colonial rule, nearly 60 years ago. the 1st time that these the chosen candidate of the historically dominant political establishment is to kind of backing that his main rival william rito had once hoped for. he's been deputy president in the last 2 governments. 10 years ago retail teamed up with a hero kenyatta. at the time, both were facing charges at the international criminal court for orchestrating
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crimes against humanity in the violence that followed the previous election in 2007 . the charges were later dropped off the witnesses retracted their statement. who in return relationship seems deteriorated? come on, man, give it to retire, running without the support of his former ally, in spite of being in government for 9 years. and he's now promising change she day or 2. they're not. our problem is inequality. our economy model in the last 5 deacon has been taken down, which has only benefit that the few creating have them have not who i just how we have to change these economic mod kenya's past elections have been mod by irregularities, allegations of rigging and sometimes violent this time, allegiance his of shifted and factions re aligned kenyans due to vote on the 9th of august, malcolm web al jazeera nairobi kenya. locust costa airline is being accused
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of racism for asking south africans to proof of nationality by taking a language test. run f says it's trying to prevent passengers with fake passports from entering the u. k. of julian wolf explains only a minority of the population and speaks african ryan air stepping into hot waters. after forcing south african citizens to take a test in a language associated with the part height. brian, i should be careful. language is a sensitive issue. they may well end up in front of the human rights commission with us. the airline says it asked passengers to write an offer cards to prove their passports on fake. but the move is causing widespread condemnation. it's not on fe, it's. it's just discriminating. it's in fairly old.
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south africa has 11 official languages with africans used by less than 14 percent of the population offers zulu and closer but offer cards was the language of segregation during white minority rule when black citizens were told where they could live, work attempts, school, and own land roughly 20 percent to the population of south africa. understand africans, but the rest don't. so you sitting was roughly 50000000 people who do not understand africans. so i might as well have taken zulu, which is the biggest language in south africa and used that if i really wanted to use one of the bigger languages while not a british government requirement, ryan air has so far refused to say if it will withdraw the test join wolf al jazeera. the state of new york has heightened its gun laws after a series of high profile mass shootings across the u. s. new laws raised the age to
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21 for buying salt style firearms and restrict the sale of body alma to laura enforcement. he was state already has some of the strongest gun knoll control laws in the nation. the former leader of the right when proud boys group is facing a new charge in connection with the january 2021 attack on the u. s. capitol on rico, tato, and other members of the group are accused of flossing the riot and encouraging others to take part. they wanted to prevent congress from certifying president jo biden's election when a new charge against them called seditious conspiracy is rarely used and carries up to 20 days in prison. mike, hannah has more from washington d. c. upping the ante. it would appear by the justice department as it continues this investigation. and now these conspiracy to sedition charges were also brought against a nother right wing group earlier this year. the oath keepers add that to be a lead of that group together with 10 of his live tenants was charged with the
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specific charge. now you've got the lead of the prod, boys with 4 of his live tenants facing the same charge. but to put this into a context more than 80 people have been sentenced a connection to the events on january, the 6th, a, some 30 have been subject to prison sentences. however, the charges in these cases ranges from felony to trespass. but the key conspiracy charge is far more serious carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years. but no to be as well. it indicates that the justice department is widening its investigation into those events attempting now to put together a case which creates a conspiracy and intent to overthrow the government, forcefully or to forcefully interfere with the execution of the federal judicial system. so very much an uptick in terms of the justice department activities with regard to the events of january. the 6th, the canadian province of quebec has begun offering monkey pox vaccines as he's been
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in contact with confirmed cases are eligible to receive the jap, canada as one of around 30 countries to have reported outbreaks. and most of the cases are in quebec. monkey pock spread through coast close to contact causing body stores and fever that is rarely fatal. nearly 12000000 students across china assessing their university entrance exams. the government 0 tolerance of co cove at 19 at restrictions are causing additional stress as students already under pressure. katrina gue reports from bay jane. these teenagers are about to take exams, which many believe will make or break their future. chinese university entrance assessments called the gao cow are among the toughest and the walt, almost $12000000.00 students are sitting them this year. and the pandemic has created some of the most stressful conditions in the exams. history. temperatures are checked upon entry. both with fevers are immediately isolated. but there are
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other challenges. 18 year old charlotte song has been studying at home for 13 hours a day. current of hours, restrictions and aging forced all classes on line adding to the pressure says her mother feel her joy ali version to physically going to school is very important, is for meeting peers, teachers, and relieving stress passings. a protest being an outbreak in beijing and she's been able to go to school again. this time for the critical period leading up to the cow cow or the exam results are considered crucial for a good career. and competition and chinese job market has intensified in recent years. the unemployment rate for university graduates has soared since the beginning of the pandemic. among some employers, a see that no, they will look at your gal how school they'll look at universe. you went through and that's how they'll filter when they get lost. not so i think definitely among more traditional employers like the government or like stay on dent prizes is
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a really huge factor in whether or not you're going to get an interview for adults . so it does matter is hugely important. critics of the exam, se, wealth gaps unfairly advantage those living and biggest cities. others say they give those in poorer areas an equal opportunity to improve that prospects. these national exams are taken place from tuesday until friday, and they're so important that authorities have blocked off all of the roads surrounding schools and testing venues to ensure that students aren't disturbed by noisy traffic. but not all eligible students are sitting the cow cow this week. in shanghai they've been postponed to next month. the financial center is exiting a brutal 2 month virus lockdown students. they're endured food shortages and constant virus testing. in addition to isolation, one jungle relieve the same measures weren't in person beijing, so that waller city has a daughter that the children from my generation only have one child b, i an ordinary family. if our daughter fails,
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lose exams. how can they help her find a good job or futile would be very hard to put on cl it songs exam results will be out in a few weeks. meanwhile, she is planning to celebrate their completion with her favorite food. katrina, you out a 0 paging. the family of the writer whose aust cullen spies the movie top gum is suing film studio paramount pictures for copyright infringement. they say the studio did not have the rights to echoed janese 1983 story before it released the sequel top gun. maverick last month. velma's and only half a $1000000000.00 at the box office and it's 1st 10 days. you'll never forgive yourself till ahead here on out. there was holes and a quite spectacular achievement by this major, major league baseball player is diesels coming up. ah
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full ah ah aah! as time now for all the sport and his laura laura thank you so much to tom major champion, dustin johnson has resigned from the pga tour to play in the 1st event of a saudi arabian back to call series. american will feature in the $25000000.00 event at the centurion club in england, cheese off on thursday, leading golf competitions in north america and europe have warned those who take part in the brick way tour could face sanctions quitting. the pga tour means the 37 year old won't be able to represent his country at the rider cab. johnson is reportedly being paid a $150000000.00 to take part in the series. you know,
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obviously the ryder cup is unbelievable. and it's, you know, something is definitely been a lot to me in, yelled, proud to to say that i played and represented my country in your hopefully, of, you know, get a chance to do that again. but, you know, i don't make the rules. so inevitably, people say, you know, social media and even in here that you've chosen many of your country, what would be your reply to that? um i chose was best for me and my family a total of $48.00 players will compete in the tournament, including 6 time major champion. phil mickelson, the 51 year old hasn't played since february after making what he described as reckless comments about saudi arabia. he released this statement on social media. i've made mistakes in my career and some of the things i have said and done, taking time away and self reflecting has been very humbling. i fully realised and respect. some may disagree with this decision, have strong opinions and i empathize with that's a one team will take
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a step closer to qualifying for the world cup in qatar on tuesday, strictly face united arab emirates in a playoff in doha. but as joanna gaz rosco reports, there's still more work to be done for whichever team comes out on top. decisive do or die. a lost chance. this well cut play of match between the u. e and australia has been labeled many things. but while that's true for the loses, who will be sent home for the winners is just step one of 2 to make it to the finals. whichever team wins on tuesday goes on to face peru in an inter continental play off next week. for the ultimate goal of a place at our 2022 australia is reputation is one of the power houses of asian football is at stake. here is our crews aiming for 5th straight well cub appearance, but they've struggled in qualifying this time around. this one, when from their last 7 matches, saw them clinched 3rd place in their group. and they're no strangers to playoffs,
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either strategy or pretty much used to doing it the hard way. and you know, she said well, if it's on there with edi i through playoffs, and so it's an experience that we're used to. so physically we're in great shape mentally. the boys were in great spirits, sir. and i believe with that mental asi strength that we will come through. right. $68.00 in the world, $26.00 places blow australia, united arab emirates, the outsiders. but they upset south korea in there last qualified to make it this far to more winds with end of 32, you wait for a while, cut return. of course we respect australia, but we do not fear mom. you know, we're coming to think we prepared very well for the, for the match and gov. it's going to be a very tough match. you know, it's going to be the soda in the details. we're ready to go. the game we have, we know what we represent her or country or colors. are you,
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are you people with just over 5 months ago? and so a cattle 2022. this match and the inter continental play of serve as a test for the teams, but also for the hosts and their stadiums. before 1000000 fans are expected to arrive for the 1st woke up in the middle east. joining us raska al jazeera though ha, canada's players are back in training after refusing to play a friendly with panama. the team are in a dispute with the countries football association over there, contract the team on a bigger share of broke up prize money canada heading to the finals for the 1st time since 1986 juice. i'd say they met on sunday and will continue negotiations. they're due to play curacao and the court conquered half nations league on thursday for a repeat of the 2018 world cup final has finished all square. a late penalty for croatia secured a 11 draw against france, emanations, league white fielding under strength team. france took the lead address. rubio, with the goal early in the 2nd half of both teams had suffered defeats in their
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previous games. for asia had lost 3. no against austria, but they hit back late in this game. the penalty from andre cra for match is ensuring the game a finished level. on tuesday, jeremy take on england and munich. the 2 teams are meeting for the 1st time since 0 . 2020. when england claimed a to know when in the last 16, germany drew their group opener with italy, while england lost a hungry one of the challenges a couple of years ago of the team was we've got to a well cup, semi final, but could we win against the bigger teams and since that we've won in spain, we beat belgium, wembley, and we beat germany. so we're starting to get those results. and we've got to continue to do that. ali lakers new head coach, darvin ham says he's not feeling the pressure even though there are big expectations on him to deliver next season. 48 year old is the successor to frank vogel was fired after lakers wrapped up a hugely disappointing season,
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which they didn't even make the playoffs that they'd be these guys. you know, they've been a great by mistake and they want to be able to do some, i know all of them feel this way. they want to be able to do some collectively. that's great. put another banner in this building and it starts right now. so that's, that's just a child's desk. la pressure, i've seen real pressure light. so to me this is fine. the colorado avalanche are heading to the stanley cup finals for the 1st time since 2001 in the house. the edmonton oilers, $65.00 to complete a 4 game sweep in clench the western conference title will face either the new york rangers or 2 time defending champions, tampa bay lightning, and the final i was a special night in san diego for one major league baseball star edwardo escobar, of the new york mats became the team's 1st player to hit for the cycle and a decade. it's an accomplishment when a batter makes all 4 types of hits in the same game. and the 33 year old venezuelan
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is only the 11th matter to pull off the feat. escobar efforts helping the map be the pod, raised $11.00 to $5.00. okay, and that is all your support for now or back to you. all right, thanks very much. and that's it for me, for this news up, but i will be back in just a moment with more of the day's news for you. i do stay with us if you kept oh no, not a from with us. and also to mention it, if you don't have you streaming most of us to use for those. and we said at the home and a view to what you said or to, well, the home, the put up with me
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. oh, the guy multiplicity. yeah. obama possible booking for the week. i know you're the one i don't get called in. i will see, bobby, how shout out and walk a shooting . abuto to look. ah, there's more than 12000 migrants, mostly haitians in the camp that sprung up in their real texas. over the last 2 weeks. they want asylum. b, u. s. authorities are overwhelmed. this is just the latest flash point in a months long serge of people illegally crossing the border. and as little in the camp for them. we can see the time frame to time has stopped paying,
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getting back in for the coming up that they went across to maybe get through the site because there isn't enough for them to be there in the car. we met nicholas on the mexican bank to the river, searching for food, a medicine for his family. he hadn't realized until we asked him about it. the us authorities rules are now flying haitians back home. there is no president crime as high students can't go to school, there is no work. the economy is down, people can't put up with deportation, is not good for us. al jazeera wells meets to arabs both built successful life support pirate scholars have made enormous contributions to size such as a mathematics, astronomy and medicine, and cutting edge stuck to formulate a new h i. b drug treatments in south africa. and especially in engineering, science is changing lives in malazan villages, i purify polluted water and turn them to drinking water. arabs abroad the
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pharmacologist on the sign on al jazeera. the 1st episode of this series expose the imperial origins of the drug trade. commerce was good. i'm higher and higher was good for the former. so these things very much want to go and opens passage from the far east to europe and the united states. guns need money. only money in these mountains is open drug trafficking, politics and power. the era of empires on al jazeera. ah, we're going to bashful. oh, we have a huge agenda. i want to get it done. okay, prime minister boys, johnson puts on a brave face off vibing, a major leadership test that weakened his grip on power.
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