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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2022 11:00am-11:31am AST

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picture examines francis struggle to live up to with self or claimed ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. the men's world help qualifies a new blazing opportunity for countries to secure their support for katara 20, 22 june on al jazeera. how and why did whom become so obsessed? with this law, we were giving them a tool to hold the corrupt individuals and human rights abusers accountable. they're gonna rip this deal apart if they take the white house of 2025. what is the world hearing? what we're talking about by american today, your weekly take on us politics and society, that's the bottom line. ah, it cranes president says his forces are engaged in a difficult and brutal battle and severe donetta and warns a blockade of ports is threatening weld food supplies. ah,
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are there nor kyle, this is al jazeera, alive from dough, also coming up, somalia is integrating. it's new precedent as on shake, muhammad faces several challenges, including restoring security. to date, we stand for lexi and as her voice, we demand action victims and survivors of the mass shooting as a school in texas plea for gun reforms and a warning of dangerous conditions facing thousands of asylum seekers on the move in sat to a better life in the us, ukraine's president says the fight for the eastern city of several don't ask as brutal and tough his want of dire consequences for global food supplies. if russia doesn't end as blockade of ports the eastern affairs, he is now mostly under the control of russian forces. after weeks of fighting that
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the governor of low hands creech and says ukrainian troops are still baffling from the outskirts of the city. he says, combat continues on these streets and its accused russian forces of destroying many buildings that lie images show significant damage and severity don't ask and a neighboring city omnipotence the russian fleet, not the british or any other fleet locked ukraine's black c ports in such a way that the world is on the verge of a terrible food crisis. it's not just a price crisis. we cannot export our wheat corn, seed oil, and other goods, which used to play a stabilizing role on the global market. it means that unfortunately, a real shortage of food may occur in dozens and dozens of countries. millions of people may starve if the russian blockade of the black sea continues. south africa joins us now from bravery on the outskirts of the capital cave and china. time is running out, isn't it for this grain to be export,
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we've got global food suppliers running low as well as a new harvest in ukraine just around the corner. that's right, lower the situation here. dire indeed. where on a farm, northeast of the capital city up until or if you weeks ago, russian forces were positioned in areas around these fields. the week that you see in this field was actually planted before the war started. and bear in mind that the farm, like many farms in this area, many there silos are already full from last year's harvest. this week that you see here is going to be harvested in the next few weeks. farmers here, i basically got no answers whatsoever. they are very concerned indeed because they're silos, as i say, are full. they have no idea what they're going to do with the crops like this in the next few weeks. and as you heard from present zalinski,
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and as we heard from members of the international community, it's crops in feels like this. if they don't get exported, have huge implications for, you know, the house, a hunger of millions of people around the world. what we do know is that there is a plan that is being an attempted to be put together with the mediation of turkey and the un to try and open up these ports that have been blockaded by russia. ports like odessa. now russia has said that it has no problems in an, in these ports opening, but it is up to ukraine to clear the mind feels in these areas. and of course, you can imagine there's been major push back by the ukranian government. they very concerned that if indeed, these minds are clear that would potentially give access to russian forces to attack port cities like an odessa and other challenges with respect to putting a plan together like that. and are they include, for example,
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trying to get the grain trying to get these kind of crops out of the country by different means for example, by rail and to remain and poland for example. but we know that the gauges of the rail tracks in these countries are different to the gauge here in ukraine. so that would involve basically offloading unloading a crops, unloading grains out from, from the trains on the borders. then reloading them onto another train and getting it out, it slows the process down. it's also hugely expensive. this particular farm, for example, they say that they've only managed to export around 10 percent of last year's harvest. and we understand that they used road to do that convoys of trucks, again, very slow and very expensive. so there are huge challenges ahead. turkey is very much at the forefront of trying to, we're trying to negotiate some sort of agreement the ukrainians pushing back those
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are say very concerned about potentially d mining those areas and exposing that co slant to attacks by russian forces. and they also warning turkey yesterday, a warning, the international community warning russia that any agreement being put together has to have the full cooperation of full involvement of kia, of ukraine, the ukrainians at the moment. not feeling as if that they are fully involved in any kind of plan to try and get these crops to try and get these harvey's sat, which as i say, has huge implications for millions of people around the world. indeed, it does tell us sat front reporting that just outside came in ukraine from them. thanks very much. now somali present hassan shake. muhammad is being integrated. insomnia in mogadishu. mohammed made history last month. i becoming the 1st president to be elected twice in a landslide victory against the incumbent mohammed abdullah heath. i'm a j, a new president will have to tackle security threats, rising inflation,
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severe drought, and conflict. malcolm. when i put my ready related from turkey, rain and several from this region, notably the president of kenya who kenyatta, who follows the deterioration of relations between kenya, somalia, on the unsafe treat assessor president form of president mohammed abdulla. he saw my relations between the 2 countries and sour dotted negatively affected trade and security cooperation. there was a maritime board, a dispute over offshore oil resources at the heart of it. but it looks like we can to present the present at the inauguration that those relations a back on track. also interesting, the prime minister to be is that he had a, a good relationship with the form of president pharma. joe looks like even though powers change the morbid issue i'll be, seems to be seeking to continue that relationship with some of the americas is
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underway in los angeles us present. joe biden is hoping to use the event to address the root causes of migration from some latin american countries is trying to engage regional leaders. but a boycott by some has overshadowed the event that angry that washington refused to invite cuba, venezuela, and nicole q. a rental has more from los angeles in a speech opening the summit of the americas here in los angeles, president joe biden challenge the participants here to work together on a long list of initiative. everything from improving health care in the region to ensuring food security, disrupting criminal gangs, and ensuring up democracies in the region. by far, of course, the top issue here is migration. there's record numbers of people seeking to go into the united states, fleeing problems in central america and elsewhere in the region. here's some of
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what biden had to say about that safe and orderly migration is good for all of our economies, including the united states. it can be a catalyst for sustainable grow. what all law, lawful migration is not acceptable. we will enforce our borders, including your innovative coordinated action with our regional partners. we've come a long way together says united states hosted the 1st summit of the americas 20 years ago. there is no reason why the western hemisphere shouldn't be secure, prosperous and democratic from canada's northernmost ridges to the southern chips of july. now this summit meeting is overshadowed by the fact that several leaders from mexico, from honduras, guatemala el salvador and elsewhere are countries that are actually essential to figuring out the a solution to the migration problem. boycotted the summit that they sent their form
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foreign ministers instead nets because the by the ministration did not invite the leaders of cuba, nicaragua, and venezuela. nevertheless, biden said that the people who are here, the leaders who are here will by the end of this summit of this week sign what he called the los angeles declaration. that is a attempt to manage in an orderly way. he said that the flows of refugees and to increase opportunities for safe and orderly migration, while at the same time, a disrupting gangs of criminal traffickers. human traffickers who pray on desperate people. algerian bank association says, a ban on all imports from spain has started off to algeria ended its 20 year friendship treaty on wednesday. spain's backing of morocco on a dispute attached in the western sahara desert has angered algeria laced backs that police aria independence movement at jack's morocco's annexation of western sahara. spain's foreign minister has cooled the decision regrettable. cilla has
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hair on al jazeera, deeper grat, but belgium's king full short of sang, sorry for a brutal colonial pass. ah, he has begun. the the full world cup is on its way to catherine. your travel package today. it's thursday, june the 9th. here's your update for europe in africa, every one they're sweating it out in southern sections of spain. temperatures are close in, in on 40 degrees will put the colors on dark, the red, the higher the temperature. and to give you an idea of just how hot and dry it's been in malaga province in spain, a wildfire has erupted there at 200 firefighters trying to tame the flames. meantime, a batch of rain is moving west to east across central portions of europe. we're gonna get into some pretty good grounds of rain around the adrie attic. see we've
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got weather alerts and play across northern parts of italy, eastern portions into the balkans as well. and it's rain stretches all the way up into polar. and so some lively showers and bursts of rain to be expected for warsaw bases. some jolts and bolts in its stumble, 26 degrees. but i think for the most part thursday's going to be a dry day. it's a gloomy day for the northwest. so for the islands of ireland, britain right through into the low countries got some on and off again, showers, and after africa we go. storms lighting up across the gulf of guinea, a slug of rain along the border with nigeria and cameroon. and as we dipped toward the south up, much going on here, plenty of sunshine, but we do have some showers plaguing northern portions of mozambique on thursday. that's it for me, susan, take care. i saw a visual airline of the journey. join the debate. wonderful as it is that the poor magic language, it really means nothing on the ground, on air or online at your voice. the queen is be removed as head of state because
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she has done absolutely nothing. what these country white man wears the progress i haven't seen in operations do. sports journalist, i look like me. you need to listen to those voice perspective even where it's hard it, when it challenges some of our foundational thinking. this dream on al jazeera. ah ah, again, you're watching out, is there a has reminder of our top stories this our ukraine's president says the fight for the eastern city of savannah don't ask is brutal and tough is also warned of dire consequences for global food supplies. if russia doesn't end it's blockade of ports
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. somali protestant her son shake. mamma is being nor greater the ceremony in mogadishu. muhammad made the history last month by becoming the 1st president to be elected twice and he was present. joe biden is planning to address the issue of migration at the summit of the americas, but some of boycott at the event off to washington refuse to invite cuba, venezuela, and nic curriculum. an 11 year old girl in the u. s. has described how she smeared herself with classmates blood to avoid being killed during a mast shooting 19 children and 2 teachers were shot dead at her school in vall, day texas. last month, the attack was the worst in a series of recent gun massacres. mike, hannah reports from washington. lawmakers on capitol hill, hearing emotional 1st hand accounts of the devastating human impact of gun violence in the u. s. t. i n a i n
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i e g o cover when i oh, off to her record a testimony, the father of the 11 year old school shooting survivor told members of congress that the family is now dealing with the subsequent trauma. oh, good. today. i come because that girl of my baby girl she's that same little girl that i used to play with ingram with and do everything cuz she was that is little girl. i don't know what to do cuz i would think i would have lost my baby girl. she's everything not only for me, but her siblings and her mother. but i wish something will change, not only for kids,
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but every single kid in the world. schools are not safe anymore. another parent, the mother up a 21 year old, who was severely injured in the buffalo, new york shooting last month, issued a direct appeal to lawmakers. you are elected because you had been chosen and our trust it to protect us. but let me say to you here today, i do not feel protected. no citizen needs an air 15. these weapons are designed to do the most harm in the least amount of time. and on saturday may 14th. it's it a domestic terrorist, just 2 minutes to shoot and killed and people and injured 3 others can still see her walking windows toward the exit. this mother called for a ban on the type of assault rifle used to kill her 10 year old daughter in you vall, the texas. so at this moment, we ask for primers, we seek to raise the age to purchase these weapons from 18 to 21 years of age.
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basic red flag loss, stronger background checks. we also want to repeal gun manufacturers liability and unity. why these are measures supported by democrats in congress and echoed by several members during the hearing. no civilian needs, an assault rifle, and the 2nd amendment does not protect the right to own a weapon of war. it's time that we banned assault rifles from our streets, from our communities, from our homes. but even on an occasion like this, the partisan divide is old to clear. republicans wary of what they call an assault on the right to bear arms, calling full added security in schools rather than new gun control legislation. too often tragedies are politicized for partisan gang. and we have seen many seek to leverage these crimes and their victims to push for light radical left wing
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policies or to beatrice. their campaigns to get elected a division reflected in the senate to where 9 republican votes would be needed to pass any meaningful legislation. votes that are unlikely to be forthcoming on anything other than the most tepid of measures. mike hannah outages, era, washington of the u. s. house of representatives has passed a sweeping package of gun control measures. but the bill does have little hope of being approved in the senate posse. calhane has more from washington late on wednesday, the us house of representatives past what is easily the most aggressive gun control legislation in years if not in decades. some of the things that the house passed basically raised the age for someone to be able to buy an assault weapon from 18 as it is now to $21.00. they want to band the sale of large capacity magazines. basically, if a clip can hold a 15 bullets or more,
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they want to get rid of that. they also want to create safe storage requirements for people who keep firearms in their homes. the legislation would also ban ghost guns. those are basically guns that can be made from kits. they're pretty much untraceable, and they want to ban bumps stocks. those are tools that can turn basically a rifle into what appears more to be a machine gun. the vote was fairly partisan. 5 republicans voted with democrats. 2 democrats voted against it, so it easily passed the house of representatives, but it is not going to become law the vast majority. if not all the republicans in the senate have said that they are opposed to this kind of strict gun control legislation. so it will, it pass the house. it will not pass the senate and it will not make it to the president for his signature. a man has been charged with the attempted murder of u. s. supreme court. justice brett cavanaugh, 26 rode, was arrested near cavanaugh home in the state of maryland. on wednesday, he was armed with a gun and a knife. he told police he planned to kill covina,
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and that he was motivated by the justice, his views on gun control and abortion rights. over crowding and extreme heat on creating dangerous conditions for thousands of asylum seekers making their way towards the u. s. through mexico and arapahoe reports from the southern chap has states the public gymnasium in southern mexico has been temporarily transformed to house thousands of migrants and asylum seekers . it's crowded and many people here are starting to get sick. medics from a humanitarian group say they're treating hundreds of people every day, but they can't tend to every one northeast and it's not enough. the flow of migrants is constant and it's big. we always need more support, more hands, more resources. conditions at the camp are also unsanitary. the risk is especially high for children. observers from unicef. see the situation here is
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extremely precarious. embed game what's happening. you can see there are money people here, money, boys and girls are sick. they have fevers, their bodies covered with insect bites, and the heat is affecting small babies in particular. migrants rights, advocates organized this caravan to coincide with the summit of the americas taking place this week in los angeles. hoping to call attention to the plight of thousands of migrants who have been stuck in southern mexico for months. while most people here seem unaware of the political motivations of the caravans organizers, many or hope for the u. s. government will open its doors when they eventually arrive at the us border. hello, fame, dental hygiene. we're asking them to help us to be allowed to pass without so many obstacles without having to spend so many days sleeping on the floor. we would do
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anything for them to help us. there is rain on the horizon. adding to the worries that more people at the camp could also become ill. the day is coming to an end here in southern mexico and migrants are starting to look for space among the crowd to get some rest. but there are simply too many people here and not enough room to accommodate them all. it looks like many others will be forced to spend another night without a roof over their heads. though hundreds of migrants have broken away from the caravan and continued north on their own, it could be several weeks before this group reaches the us border. organizers have asked them not to grow desperate and leave on their own, adding that there are worse dangers in mexico than getting sick. manuel rap alone al jazeera we sla mexico u. s. congressional committee is to begin public hearings into the capitol hill attack on thursday. and january last year, supporters of them president donald trump stormed the building. encouraged by his
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false claims the election head loss was stolen. i did your castro reports. ah, a congressional panel led by democrats has been investigating the january 6th right now, after conducting nearly a 1000 interviews and collecting 250 terabytes of data, the panel will finally begin to reveal its findings to the public. trump was prepared to seize the presidency and likely to invoke the insurrection act and declare martial law. so we're going to tell the whole story of everything that happens. here's jane will be the 1st of several public hearings. they'll features my witnesses in previously unseen videos from january 6. i think people would want to see some new information. and particularly new striking information about tom said, call met, videotape depositions of trump's daughter and son in law may be shown at the hearings, but trump himself is not expected to testify. we fight like hell,
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and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country any more. last year he was impeached for inciting insurrection, but was not convicted among the answers that may be revealed. what trump was doing as the supporters storm the capital and why he waited 3 hours to call them off. you have to go home. now. we have to have peace. trump has not faced criminal charges or whether that changes after these public hearings is uncertain. the hearings will also del further into security failures in the days ahead of january, 6th, and efforts by trump and his aides to overturn the election. january 6th was a very dark day in america's history. i think it's important to have a full accounting of what happened and making sure that through these hearings we ensure that it doesn't happen again. oh, republicans call the democrat lead investigation,
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a sham. a recent nbc news paul shows the percentage of americans who believe trump was responsible for the riot has dropped to 45 percent. and it's unclear how many people will june into this round of hearing's law. the democrats are hoping for another chance at a public reckoning that may help the party in november's mid term elections. how did your castro al jazeera washington and donald trump and 2 of his adult children have agreed to testify in a civil investigation into his business practices? after losing a court appeal, york state's attorney general says her inquiry has found evidence the trump organization, which managers, hotels, and golf courses miss reported the value of its assets to receive benefits including loans and tax breaks. the person in foreign minister has just arrived to the international criminal court in the hague, where he's delivering the findings of an investigation into the death of sri and apple eichler. the al jazeera journalist was shot dead by israeli forces last month
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while covering raids and jeanine in the occupied west bank. sure, his case was submitted to the court 2 weeks later, but this will be the 1st visit by minister red mckee to the i. c. c. that's bringing steadfast and she is at the i c. c at the hague forest and said, what is the palestinian for him is wanting to achieve her yeah, minister of a molecule has just entered the building. he has his 1st meeting with the new prosecutor here at the i c. c cut him can and he will also meet the president of the court. basically, what he wants to achieve is to put more pressure as to sad that the case has been filed. 2 weeks ago, it's now coming up to one month after the killing of for sharon, about our clay. and no justice has been done. the investigation is not going anywhere. so the minister is bringing new files,
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new evidence obtained by the palestinian prosecutor to the i. c, c, to put more pressure and these files and evidence showed that osha rain was deliberately targeted and killed by an israeli of soldier. as our investigations have also shown that there was a bullet. that was armada that was going through armada. clothing a was a use of 5456 millimeter a bullet and that she was actually trying to escape that she was ducking away from the shooting. so these new one findings will be presented to the i c. c. and he who really hopes and the frustration is actually mounting, that there hasn't been any or any investigation seriously done into the killing of the journalist who was clearly wearing press on her press when the killing happened . or what are the chances said that the i c c will actually bring those responsible
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for sharon's killing to court? well, that's a very good question. the i see seen only last year decided that it has jurisdiction in the palestinian territories despite the fact that there is no official recognition of a sovereign palestine, a palestinian state. the investigation immediately started into alleged war crimes happening against palestinian people. but so far the investigation hasn't gone anywhere, and this is now an additional fact a journalist being deliberately targeted in the west bank. so there is a lot of frustration, especially because the same i. c. c has now put the most effort and resources into investigating a war crimes allege war crimes and ukraine. so there's a lot of frustration on the side of the palestinian authority. and that's why they're here today to make that clear, set bass and brand the latest lines that from the hey,
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thanks so much that while i was there, a media network continues to demand a rapid, independent, and transparent investigation into the killing of its journalists. in the occupied westbank showing that black her was shot in the head by israeli forces, whilst on assignment and jeanine. on the day of her funeral israeli forces storm the procession and started beating mourners, causing pall bearers to almost drop her casket. that didn't stop thousands of palestinians from marching through occupied east jerusalem to take part in her funeral and burial. members of institutional community have condemned her killing and continue to call for an investigation of black that was without reserve for 25 years. covering the story of the israeli occupation, she was known as the voice of palestine. belgium's king has repeated that he profoundly regrets his country's colonial past. in what is now the democratic republic of congo. king felipe and queen mathilde attended a wreath laying ceremony in the capital kinshasa. it's the 1st time a belgian monarch has travelled there in more than
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a decade. millions of congolese were killed or mutilated under the colonial ray jim . it's a busy soup, lexmark, su, colonial power the way it was, was based on exploitation and domination. this institution was based on an unequal relationship that we can't justify. mark by paternalism, discrimination and racism, donnelly's lebanon, this power generates extractions and humiliation is in me for my 1st trip in congo . here is on facing the congolese people. go to those who today are still suffering from it. i want to reaffirm my most deepest regrets for these past woman's ah, this is our 0. these are the top stories. ukraine's president says the fight for the eastern ukrainian city of savannah. don't ask as brittle and tough as it is now, mostly under the control of russian force.


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