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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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public enemy number one is drug abuse, and the launch and the international war on drugs, drug trafficking, politics and power, age, drug notes on al jazeera. the heart wrenching goodbyes, loved ones, not knowing when they will unite again. women and children heading west to relative safety, often leaving men behind among them. foreigners also trying to get out train rise of a free, but it's on a 1st come, 1st serve basis here at the bus station there only a few rides available and that's only due to surrounding villages. so people like for me in rose, now need to find another way to get out of the city. but for now they, like many others, would have to reach in hope. hoping tomorrow is a better day. ah
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. outrage in parts of asia, thousands, dom and the rest of a suspended member of india's governing party. after comments about the prophet mohammed ah tugs how robin watching all of their life, my headquarters hearing doha, also coming up u. s. inflation reaches its high level 40. yes. fueled by the rising cost of energy and other services. taking the u. k to court human rights groups seek an injunction to stop the government from sending asylum seekers to lawanda. plus, i'm only found that i'm get you in the columbia an amazon where deforestation is rising at an alarming rate, putting at risk the world's most important rain forest. ah,
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welcome to the program protest as in india, pakistan and bunger that should amending the arrest of a former spokeswoman for india's governing b. j. p. no push asthma was suspended on sunday after making comments about the prop hammett under many consider that offensive victoria gate, the reports in various cities from the deli oh, til ohio to deco to dakota. i was in worship is gathered as to friday. prayers to voice that opposition to comments made by an indian politician, yet not real, protesting as an indian woman made bad comments about the character of our beloved prophet, muhammad. so we are here. nepal sharma is the target of their anger. the former spokeswoman for india's governing b. j. p. made comments about the prophet mohammed during a tv debate. the many say we're derogatory. protest is want her arrested for hate
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speech. we don't numbers, i'm your, you body, gabriella. one ball only one police complaint has been laws against poor sharma, and despite that she has not been arrested let if she should be arrested as soon as possible and stringent action should be taken against her sharma has been suspended while the parties media head in new delhi naveen qu margin dow has been expelled. he's also accused of making insulting remarks. the b j. p says it's strongly denounces insults against any religion sect to ideology, but the backlash is growing. the prime minister of india a should thumb all and address the nation. i would say a particularly the 200000000 muslims, and i tried to assure them that they will divide and freedoms will be protected in india as guaranteed by the constitution. countries in the gulf region including cattle and iran, have summoned india's envoys and demanded a public apology. but these protest is wont more. they want to push armor,
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arrested, charged, and prosecuted. the comments they say are offensive to islam victoria gate and be al jazeera. well, in the neighboring pakistan, large crowds took to the streets to demand the government. several diplomatic ties with new deli, while hider has more from some about our goal was given a cross pakistan for people to come out of broad day. again, the bgp leadership remark, parent bug a standard considerable anger, people hare warned action they've been shouting slogans against the mo, the government ah, the budget on the government of god. i today ignored the fact that they did growing and gay growth budget on and particularly rented gun dodie profit of islam that darrow gated a mark against him are unacceptable. they didn't, did a deeply emotional issue. and despite the fact that the brewing dog people have
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come out and drain in order to lodge there, rotate. the inflation in the united states says that a 40 year high consumer prices jumped 8.6 percent in may compared to last year, even more than economists had expected. soaring petrol prices could be blamed with the demand colliding with persistence. supply shortages array tries is expected to come next week and response and again in july. but even more pressure on us households, less cars over to our white house correspond. kimberly, how could he standing by? he just really isn't good. knees to marry american householders who are already feeling the pinch. yeah, that's because the wages in the united states are not keeping up with inflation. in other words, people's paychecks are getting smaller and smaller. essentially they're getting pay cuts because they're essentially getting paid the same amount, but they're now not able to buy as much as they used to be able to because the
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price is for ordinary consumer goods are getting so high. for example, in new york city, we're now seeing this week that the median average for an apartment to rent an apartment is now $4000.00 a month. that is astronomical. that is like a, a mortgage payment. and when you talking about mortgage payments, as we talk about these interest rates rising, as the federal reserve is trying to kind of counterbalance this rising inflation, they're raising interest rates. but what that's doing is squeezing many americans out of the ability to buy a home or apply for a mortgage. but also those americans who have been relying on credit cards to kind of offset the lack of a paycheck or their paycheck not going far enough. are seeing the rates of those credit cards in the cost of that debt rising, so they're getting further and deeper into debt. and so what we're seeing are a number of spill over a fax. not only our americans having trouble meeting their basic needs when it
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comes to the price of gasoline to fill up their cars to get to work or to pay for groceries. but we're also seeing a spike in crime because what's happening is that some ordinary goods, for example, of the detergent to washer clothing, for example, is become so costly. people are now stealing it and they're selling it on a black market. so it's almost creating this kind of parallel economy. and so this is a problem for, for not just the federal government, but all now. so also now local governments that are seeing the spin offs sort of spike and crime as a result of these rising prices. and spike and inflation that we've not seen for 40 years. local government is trying to find creative ways of encouraging foreign currency into the country of the focusing of the moment it seems on travellers. yeah. and, and one of the ways they're doing that is by relaxing a requirement that we've had in place since early 2021. and that is the requirement
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that all a non vaccinated travelers, that would be americans. but then all travelers in general needed to show a negative covey task to come into the united states, vaccinated or not. that is going to be relaxed as of midnight on sunday. and the reason that this is being done is because of the loss of travel dollars, the airline industry, the transport industry has been lobbying. the centers for disease control in the biden administration for months saying look at we are losing money, we need these travel dollars to inject into our economy. and the we've got the busy summer travel season ahead of us. please let this expire. the cdc seems to be listening. it's going to expire again as of this weekend. but what we're hearing is the cdc says it's going to monitor this for about 90 days. if it sees that there's an uptick in cases a spike uncovered cases as a result of
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a risk or relaxing of this restriction. because you have to remember, millions of americans are not vaccinated. they say they will put it back in place. but given the fact that the economy is in trouble right now in the united states, they're willing to give this a shot. kimberly elk is our white house correspondent in washington d. c. thanks kimberly. or china's defense minister way thing says beijing will not hesitate to start a war. if taiwan declares independence. he's been missing us defense. secretary lloyd austin navea says the 1st face to face talks focused on the island, which china views as a breakaway province. jessica washington reports not from single pole in singapore, highly anticipated gathering came to a close speaking after meeting with the u. s. secretary of defense, the chinese minister of defense, general waif, encore told reporters, it went smoothly. he said, the talks were honest and sincere for defense. secretary lloyd austin said they
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covered global and regional issues. al jazeera understands it included discussion of the war in ukraine, as well as some of the regional flush points, including taiwan and the south china sea. or what we've seen on the south china sea is that despite that pandemic um, problematic actions in the south china sea have continued. these include number one ah, chinese encroachments upon the excuse of economic zones of various coastal states. the defense chiefs met on the sidelines of the shangri la dialogue. most significant security summit in the region. organizers say the importance of the 3 day conference is mostly about what happens behind closed doors. if you're one of the more than 2 dozen defense ministers that come to the shangri la dialogue, you're coming not just to speak, but in order to have a range of bilateral meetings. secretary austin also met with defense officials from southeast asia as the u. s. seeks to reassure countries of its commitment to
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the region, while beijing's influence continues to rise. time is engagement on the economic france. it has been sustained, not just john, in the last year or 2, but it's been sustained over decades. and in terms of its trade engagement with the region, while most of the world's attention will be on the u. s. and china for the countries in the region for summit is also a chance to re establish their defense priorities and connect with their peers. japanese prime minister for mucous shita told delegates his country wants to contribute to peace in the asia pacific. we must not repeat the scourge of nuclear weapons. the threat nuclear weapons let alone the use should never be tolerated. as the prime minister of the only country that has suffered the devastation of atomic bombings, i strongly appear for this. this young girl, a dialogue is taking place after a 2 year hiatus, and with growing concerns about the regions stability. experts say it's
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a timely return. jessica washington out 0 singapore for well cilla had here on al jazeera were in south africa where a money laundering scandalous, put the president under growing pressure, and president trump summoned the mob assembled the mob and lit the flame at this attack. he has congressional committee described luster's attack on capitol hill as an attempt at cooper ah, the journey has begun. the 3 full world camp is on its way to cattle. your cattle package today. bit of it. so start out of the game for our monsoon range. hello everyone, so it's below average rainfall so far across that west coast of india. but here's the thing, the rains will pick up next week. let's put this for toward tuesday. the trough now enters maharaj. stress stayed so some lively downpours in mood. but let's go back
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to the here and now it's been days of steady rain for the far northeast of india, we're talking about our natural br dash and some states where there is a heavy rainfall warning in play. could see bursts of about 200 millimeters of rain over a short period of time could give us some flooding place we have seen flooding is southern china and hunan province, a land sides. there is, while nearly 300000 people force from their homes and thousands of homes destroy. now the plum rains are out over the east, china's sea, and just going to graze eastern portions of q shoe. and i think con shoes. so look at this coming in to tokyo, late saturday into sunday. that's something we'll watch. and then we've got a friend to weather maker moving across beijing. so some thunder downpours there, or the next 48 hours will end in southeast asia concentrate. it rained the dang south for the island of sumatra, and also western areas of java, west borneo, some jolts and bolts. ginger carter on saturday with a hive 32 degrees, enjoy your weekend. official airline of the john
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african narratives from african perspectives now, but they're gonna, we're about his big daily my shift for the short documentary by african filmmakers from the democratic republic of congo. and wanda, there was never going to be letting an obstacle just stand in front of you euclidean. what major intimate connection between myself is dwanda. dick is and mentioned, and faculty africa direct on al jazeera. ah ah, talk about what you have to say with me. so he'll rovner reminder of our top
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stories, protest as an india pakistan and bangladesh are demanding the rest of the suspended spokeswoman for the governing b. j. p. nipple sharma was suspended on sunday after making comments about the prophet mohammed, but many considered offensive inflation in the united states as had a 40 year high consumer prices jumped 8.6 percent in may compared to the same time last year. not soaring, petrol and food prices have been blamed on china's defense minister way. thank her . said that beijing will not hesitate to start war over taiwan. during a meeting with the u. s. defense secretary lloyd austin, washington is calling on beijing to refrain from further destabilizing actions. now, south africa's president says, due process must be followed after the latest allegations of corruption and bribery, sir. all rom, oppose, or is accused of trying to cover up a robbery at his game farm in february involving millions of dollars. he says the funds are private and not public money, and that he won't be responding to insults or speculation. i will do all these
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matters consideration against the backdrop of the advice i have. but this mentor should be ventilated in the proper inappropriate forms. and i repeat that the law must take its course and due process should be the order of the day in this. and as a result, i will not right now be responding to all these matters that have been raised me. the miller has more from janice back. all this goes back to the alleged criminal activity at his farm in limpopo province back in 2020. and the main concerns really around that is that allegedly are based on a criminal complaint laid by author frayza. he's the former intelligence, bossier,
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in south africa. he has said that between $4.00 and $8000000.00 was stolen from the president's home impala. paula, this was not reported, or when it should have been given this sum of money that was allegedly stolen. and not only that, but also members of the presidential protection unit tracked down, the thieves and tara gay to them, potentially tortured them and then paid them off to keep quiet. and so now opposition parties, south africans in general, are wanting answers from the president. because of that large sum of money and how he may potentially be implicated in money laundering. it's really needed to be understood by many you're why the president had so much money at his home. and if that a theft happened and, and, and what the implications are of not reporting it to the police. he has admitted the theft did indeed take place. but that he can account for all of that money in his home. it was due to the sale of game off opal,
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and that he had declared that to parliament at the time. the president though, has maintained this line for out this latest scandal in that he will not answer specific questions at this time. but he's also prepared to stand before the african national congress. that's his party's ethics committee to answer whatever questions they might have. the u. k. government plan to said asylum seekers to wander is facing a legal challenge. london's high court has hearing arguments from human rights groups, which say the policy is unlawful. now, they're calling for a court injunction to stop the 1st slides from the u. k to 2 under shuttle's for next week. georgia donna is a professor of force migration and refugee studies at the university of east london . she says the policy is unlawful. anybody will be across the board. does it under 2 man team? i just the 1st of january and most refugees will come to the country. i've seen countries of war. so i put in some of them don't even when they apply for the 593
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percent of their being rented asylum. so they can be from any country in the world and they will be deported. took place where they don't know. busy the language because of where they don't want to go, and some of that was, collections would be paid. so they'd be in a way that even if they have a family, they explained to the basic cation that may be by the pharmacy. the government claims that this is a way to deter smarter than traffic comes from the from and i think people across the board. but we know from be such that usually people are free countries of coffee will not be deterred by such policies and the u. k. government has already been in the range. busy of what had been described as host telling bottom and policies toward my assigning seekers. and these said now that people come across the board and on the contrary, reducing the goals for, for cleaning upside them,
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increases the document you goals because people don't have the opportunity to apply to the 2nd program, cetera, et cetera. and so they would try and whatever way they can to seek safety. a group of thousands of asylum seekers in migrants traveling towards the united states through mexico has been brought to a halt. many spending days waiting for humanitarian. these as it would allow them to trans, freely by nor rapidly repulsed from ship of state. the most of the cries of desperation from migrants in week's lum, mexico, there calling on authorities to grant them humanitarian transit visas. after waiting for days, this family from venezuela had finally had their paperwork approve the documents, allow them to move freely through mexico and make their way toward the us southern border and the same on that guy. and like,
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it's only after almost 3 weeks. this represents one less obstacle, at least now we have a permit to transit country. now we need to figure out how to get the money for bus tickets and try to look for work. most of these people arrived here as part of a migrant caravan that left the city of cuppa schuler. near mexico's border with guatemala. on monday the massive people marching on the road seemed endless. frustrated with the slow pace, some moved on ahead. other people chose to wait for their transit visas and in just a few days, what was once a caravan of thousands, mostly cease to exist? medea and o scott also from venezuela, have decided to make their way toward mexico city by bus, along with their young daughter and about a dozen other migrants they are exhausted but optimistic that their
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hardships will soon be over. the truth is, this has been very difficult. we cross the jungle, there were many people who died, others who couldn't go any further. i don't wish what we've been through on any one . we've experienced hunger and thirst. but we have many hopes and dreams of arriving at our destination. it's a long road toward the mexican capital. once there, they'll only be a few days away from arriving on the doorstep of the united states. with their transit visas in hand, many migrants will continue north aboard buses like the one we're on. now. those traveling without the necessary paperwork, run the risk of being detained and sent back to southern mexico to start their journey again. madrid up a little al jazeera chiapas, mexico attempted coo and a brazen attend to overthrow the government. that's how us congressional committee has described. last year's attack on capitol hill. the hearing is also
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investigating, dulled from continuing denial that he lost the 2020 presidential election. i did your castro report style from washington d. c. i. this is what police saw on january 6th, 2021, when they were overwhelmed by a mob trying to overturn president donald trump election, defeat capital police officer carol. and edward was the 1st of many officers to be injured. there were officers on the ground, you know, they were bleeding, they were throwing up. they were, you know, they had, i mean, i saw friends with blood all over their faces. i was slipping in people's blood while riders vandalized the capital and threatened to kill members of congress. trump was watching it all unfold on t v from the white house. according to committee, investigators trump ignored please from advisors and trapped members of congress to
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call off the riders the where of the rioters chance to hang mike pence. the president responded with this sentiment quote, maybe our supporters have the right idea. mike pence quote, deserves it. committee investigators also argued that a trump tweet in december was the impetus for far right groups to plan the insurrection. showing videotape depositions of writers, confirming their motives. he personally ask for us to come to the see that. and i thought for everything he's known for us, that was the only thing he'd go after me. i'll do it all of us here today. then there was the ongoing effort led by trump to falsely claim the election had been stolen. the committee showed video of then attorney general bill bar testifying that the claim was in fact a lie. i made it clear. i did not agree with the idea of saying the election was
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stolen and putting out the stuff which i told the president was both. and i, you know, i didn't want to be a part of it. investigators say trump didn't listen, but his daughter e vancho told them she did. i respect attorney general bar. so a accepted what he sent was sent, according to the committee chairman, taken as a whole, the riot and the efforts to overturn the election was nothing short of a coup attempt. a 1st in american history, january 6, was the culmination of an attempted cou. a brazen attempt as one right to put it shortly after january 6 to overthrow the government. then republican leaders in congress remain the former president's defenders. in fact, it is the most political and least legitimate committee in american history. it is used congressional subpoenas to attack republicans violate due process
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and infringe on the political speech a private citizen. this was just the explosive beginning to a half dozen more public hearing scheduled for his mind. there promised a feature more testimony from former trump aides were threatened to resign. and believe tramp was too dangerous to leave by himself. in the waning days of his presidency. heidi joe castro al jazeera washington. 10 human rights groups have criticized to his years president for sacking dozens of judges last week. judges and lawyers and to nancy are on strike and say that process will continue for a 2nd week. present pies signed $557.00 judges accusing them of corruption. now the rights group say the move is a deep below to judicial independence. they were meeting at work continues to demand a rapid independence in transparent investigation into the killing of his
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journalist and the occupied westbank. serena barclay was short in a hurry by israeli forces while she was on assignment in janine, on the day of her funeral, is ready forces storm the procession and started beating mourners, causing pulled barriers to almost drop her casket. that didn't stop thousands of palestinians from marching through occupied east jerusalem to take part in her funeral and burial members of the international community of condemned to killing and continue to call for an investigation. she was with al jazeera for 25 years, covering the story of the israeli occupation. and she was known as the voice of palestine. deforestation and fires in columbia as amazon rain forest destroying hundreds of thousands of fact as of jungle every year to make space for cattle. ranching, mining and drug trafficking last year, more than $170000.00 heck tests were lost. that's more than double the size of the u. s. city of new york. and the 1st of 2 reports out there is on a sunday ramp, yet he flies over the amazon to assess the damage and illegal road cats through
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what used to be priest. the rain forest around the cemetery of centuries, old trees reduced to dust. look, those are big patches and most likely for cocoa fields or cattle ranching, which will definitely disconnect this area of data rent and n g o that protects the colombian amazon. he brought us on a 5 hour long flight across 5 national parks and supposedly protected indigent flames. none or intact criminal hands, or grabbing lands and burning trees for intensive agriculture, cattle ranching, your coca farming, la magnet to elaine. the magnitude and the intensity of the destruction that we are able to see over 5 national parks on the most bio diverse area of colombia in the middle of the fragile transition between the andes and the amazon. that is a warning call not only for columbia, but for humanity as a whole. the colombian amazon is lost over
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a 1000000 actors of rain forests in the last 5 years. and the area larger than the island of cyprus, rodrigo says, a complex web of interest are to blame, pre medicate, all i knew. first of all, this has to do with the international conglomerate. interested in cheap land for the world agro commodities market. more than a 1000000 heads of cattle have been introduced in this area, surrounding the cheery be kept a national park alone. that is because it is also a way to launder money from drug trafficking and illegal mining. the level of deforestation accelerated after the government signed a piece deal with 5 rebels in 2000 and to day huge ranches extend for as far as the i can see. one of the 1st things you notice as you walk through the spurn patches of the jungle is the silence. gone are the sounds of the animals, the birds, the in 6 that live in the forest. all that amazing biodiversity turned into ashes.
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colombian president, divan. duke a pledge to cut deforestation by half by the end of his term in august and virtually optimistic promise. and yet the military entitled for his station initiative and new laws targeting those, causing environmental devastation or starting to pay dividends mostly middle tanya . this open at the 1st years of this operation, have been questionable because the military exclusively went after the core people logging and not the master. we also had an outdated legal framework because believe it or not grabbing land wasn't a crime here, but under pressure internationally, things have started to change in recent months. a major land robber and to local mares were ready for the changes that offer a glimmer of hope that things could improve before it's too late for all allison. and yet the just some quicker than godaddy. and in the 2nd report from the amazon, we visit a community working to conserve the more sensitive and most important areas of the rain forest by supporting other ways to make money in the region. and you can catch
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that report on.


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