tv Inside Story Al Jazeera June 19, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST
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in an old fashioned way, really. but he was also very much on the cutting edge of what constituted a good performance when i was making service was split. what constituted subtlety? all these things we see in the godfather, the new, the remastered godfather, was 1st released in theaters here in the u. s. in february with robust box office results. it's now playing here at tre, becca, in new york city, but will soon travel to other film festivals throughout the world. because the godfather trilogy was, and still is an international phenomenon, seen by hundreds of millions of people in dozens of countries. it has global appeal . and i think one of the reasons for that is because it's actually about family, you know, my older brother and i love you, no matter where you are. you can relate to these characters. but don't ever take sides with anyone against the family. 50 years after was made, it's
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a film just as poignant now as it was then. then there was gabriel's on don't leave the guy just either all the new york ah hello again. the headlines on al jazeera police in brazil have confirmed that human remained found in the amazon or those of indigenous expert, bruno pereira and british journalist on phillips, they went missing 11 days ago. autopsy results show. they were shot with a firearm. used for hunting monica cameras in rio de janeiro was more on the police finding dom phillip was shut, one in the chest area and bruno peter was shot twice in the chest and also the head. so it was a very brutal killing. they were ambushed, they suspected that this was tied to money laundering from drug cartels because as
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i said, it's a very, it's the border with colombia and peru where a lot of drug trafficking in arms trafficking goes on. so yes sir, suspicions that this is part of something bigger and not just petty crime that happened in an isolated area. massive floods of ravaged bangladesh leaving millions of homes under water. at least 25 people have died in the flooding caused by heavy rain. neighboring parts of northeastern india are also effected. at least 2 people have been killed incapable after an attack on a sea of temple. it's the latest in a string of attacks targeting religious minority groups in afghanistan, ukraine's presidents as inspected reconstruction efforts in the port city of a desktop. it's been under heavy bombardment by russian forces, ukraine's inability to use its deep seaports has contributed to a jump in global food prices. there was health officials have officially approved
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covered $900.00 vaccines for children as young as 6 months. the last remaining age group doses will be available starting next week. a memorial service has been held for al jazeera journalist, shitty and barclay, who was killed in the occupied westbank last month is really forces shot her in the heads while on assignments engineering. members of the international community have condemned her killing and continue to call for an independent investigation. those are the headlines on al jazeera next it's inside story, bye bye. discover a world of difference, determination. i'm examining a doubt when iep, we are moving freedom with chance. so just on the 16th people with corruption and compassion, al jazeera world, a selection of the best films from across our network of channels.
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ukraine takes another step towards joining the european union. the brought me to say cave should be granted candidate status along with moldova. for membership towards could take is. so what happens now? this is inside story ah. out of there and welcome to the program. i'm nick clark. ukrainians are ready to die for the european perspective. that's according to leaders of the european union . the executive arm of the 27 member block is recommending candidate status for ukraine, along with moldova, russia's invasion has made the issue evermore urgent, but all members of the you will have to approve the candidacy at a summit in brussels next week. the leaders of france, germany and italy say they will back ukraine's bid. once approved,
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cape will begin membership talks, which could take years to finalize. the european commission president says that keeps candidacy is conditional on implementing reforms, including tackling corruption in the view of the commission. ukraine has clearly demonstrated the country's aspiration and the country's determination to live up to european values and standards ukraine before the war had already embarked on its way towards the european union. for 8 years now, it had already been gradually moving closer to ours union. ukraine's president bonum had zalinski called it a historic achievement. was she lashes at his nikki, either his knee? now we are only one step away from fully fledged integration into the e. u. we have a positive assessment from the european commission concerning candidate status for ukraine, and it is a historic achievement for all who work for our country. we just have to wait for
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the decision of the european council next week. i think ukraine made everything possible for this decision to be positive. so what about russia's precedence? well, he says it's ukraine's choice if it wants to join the e. u. but warns cave risks becoming what he called a semi colony. believe you skin below. conversely, certain us to pay them and we've seen the value is not a military alliance, unlike nato. but that's why we've always said our position here is consistent and clear, and we have nothing against that. it's a sovereign decision of any country to join an economic alliance or not. and it's up to this economic union to accept new member states or not. but anyway, all right, let's take a closer look at the process to join the european union. countries 1st have to submit a membership application to the e you council. it then assesses their ability to meet the so called copenhagen criteria. and this includes of functioning market economy, a stable democracy, and the rule of law,
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as well as the acceptance of all you legislation and the euro. if the commission's opinion is positive, the council then begins to negotiate membership, often on a subject by subject basis which can take years. 5 nations currently have e u candidacy. status, albania, north macedonia, montenegro serbia, and turkey, which has been on the list for more than 20 years. ah. all right, let's bring in august and cave. we have alexander schubert who's a former ukranian ambassador to austria in bratislava. elaina could sco director at the globe say a policy institute and in brussels, piet, the clipper and editor at brussels report dot e u, a website dedicated to european union policy, a warm welcome to each of you, etc. if i could start with you, 1st of all, this recommendation of course still has to be signed off by other member states. many doubt that it will get through actually, i think there's
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a good chance now that it will, will get true denmark, which was, let's say, one of the greatest opponents to ukrainian accession has a signal that it supports ukrainian candidates status. and also the netherlands has done so, which is also let's say in the more skeptic camp, of course, has been pointed out. you know, this is only the very 1st step, you know, and other stuff this letter to open, actual accessing accession negotiations. and then, you know, actual accession is a very long way off. there's many conditions to be attached to that. and this is also something that you leaders will discuss this week. all right, atlanta, do you think we would even be discussing this candidacy right now? if it was not for the russian invasion, i don't think so, as you can see in the case of the best can balkan,
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the accession negotiations with many countries have been effectively called that are for years for reasons that are connected with the reform dynamics in the countries themselves, but also with the fact that the e u is increasingly low court about the enlargement policy. but definitely the war has changed. the jo, political perspective on the european union, and a lot of countries, even though they have been skeptical for many years, are now on the pressure to be certain about what you want to do and about what you can do and so neighborhood. ok. and alexander from the ukrainian point of view, how important is it that this recommendation comes out this time when ukraine is that war with russia? well, we frame huge. very morning. i just remind you that he hundreds of thousands. so he went to college
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men and it wouldn't find the association with european union is just you have to show you how critical, how important is for us. what kinds of bites we are ready to take it back to where you are. it's huge. yeah. so you're saying that the people have ukraine, the vast majority of them anyway, wanted membership of the european union before this war happened. was, have been out about the meet the members of brittany, but they were never gone about. so you should go great. all this is
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to to pass in front of or rush bowlens and pull on to russia and just simple as just once. and we don't want to be company like roger. your president, alexander. he says that this recommendation and again, it is only a recommendation. actual membership could take, you know, several years it could take decades. he says it will bring victory closer. will it. and how this whole war is about. it's about determination. and it's not only our determination, it's also about, you know, the spirit of the outside world of europe. that seems to be a way can now years of this so close, you know, policy of pregnancy,
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which i think very open color or, or grief or foolish. now finally, not only ukraine is changing europe in europe, seeing what, what this means to really take it seriously. europe fees. the thought that was worth i think, who are out there or not was bailey like, unfortunately they were in your last couple of special in love. so i. 2 understand that i understand it, but it's just coming back to a simple point that way. presidents lensky says that this will, this recommendation will bring victory closer. i'm just wondering, you know, logistically physically, how can that happen?
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why does it make it? so give us this sense of direction, answer be understood at the peer to if i can come to you, what's your view about this? what difference to the current battle? does this recommendation make you think? is it about the symbolism of the you? is good for ukraine. well, there's 22 aspects of it. first of all, indeed, it's sort of a moral expression of support for ukraine. you know, we all know that on the short term this, this means very little, you know, even in terms of money, the european union is sending lots of money to ukraine anyway. so, so it's mostly a strong political signal, but signals are important to ukraine. but secondly, it's also a signal to russia that, you know, we will be the once deciding whether we want to, you know,
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welcome countries into our club of democracies. whatever you may think of that. so you could say that there's a little bit of a risk involved in that. but then russia has been making clear that it's mostly concerned about nato membership or ukraine, which i think will not be forthcoming at least for now. things may change even on that front, but russia signal that it would be less worried about you membership so, so i think it's, it's all know it's a good decision to main downside is that, you know, if the war stops and if ukraine then, you know, tries to improve and is being rebuilt, it may prove very hard for ukraine to comply with the condition so. so i think the
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european countries need to be very clear not to give false hopes to ukraine. i think they already know it's important to say, look, we definitely want you in our club, but this is going to take a long time, given how much, you know work. you still need to do all exams. i can see you're shaking your head. what's your view about this, this points that makes about giving full hope. oh, we have been hearing this, let's not give her your grateful old school years. and i was hoping that finally stops now. because if you grant it was not worth it or being in the european family that is defending so courageously right now from this rosters and insane dictator and then who is and if you, for europe the same thing, absolutely, cranes corruption, them probably you should look at it so because ukraine was saying,
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telling you are on many, many years. what is, what does your roster do they just brush it all or continue doing, michael, this very transparent deal was to do so in a way you're all ukraine because your client was warning the world. you are on many, many years. instead of the europe was feeling, oh good, every possible on my madison every possible way to get ready for the or we are saying he is getting ready for the war and your made this war partly possible. so let's not, let's not a little bad. indeed, it elena, when the president putin says it, ukraine is in danger of becoming a semi colony. what do you think he means by that? she repeated this thing stats and she says a trip id to lay that ukraine is not
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a sovereign country because supposedly it's controlled from washington that war from the european union and so on. but he's been saying that about countries in europe all along. he doesn't think that in europe is an independence consonant and no country in europe is supposed to, into fans and according to him, because they are alive with the united states. but what is interesting in your korean case is that, of course, he's trying to use this, transfer it to justify his invasion and deny the legitimacy of ukraine. but this is exactly why european union is making the move right now in trying to make sure that you can actually use a sovereign country. ukraine has a choice and each citizens are allowed to make a choice, whether they choose the european pass or whether they choose the path of going with russia within doesn't like the choice of ukrainians and making. so of course, his try to deliver to mind the choices of ukrainians. is there a danger that this, that the recommendation eleanor will, will make putin more entrenched?
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what it is trying to say that everything that that was done is an adventure for ukraine's prospects to blind weapons for ukraine is a danger provide an any help to ukraine is adventure. but actually that means that the, you would, should not be able to provide any help to ukraine, which has definitely nothing fairies about it. and this is definitely not helping us to restore the rule of law in the neighborhood. so the bottom language to put in doesn't this, and there is to clear messages and the messages of our he also said before that, say if you insist on military neutrality of ukraine, the russians were saying that, ok, european membership is something that they would accept. so this is also the way for you, crow, for european union to pull russian blocks once again, and make sure that ukraine has been that the candidacy all for a place on the table before any even potential discussions or negotiations with
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russia can start ra, a peak, at the moment, of course, we don't even know what shape what, what the geography of ukraine will look like. by the time the membership is, is finally granted as well. and if, when it is that, that in itself, that kind of territorial unknown is going to slow, the process off is not yeah, that's indeed to major concern. now, what i think is more important is what we were discussing earlier. because you know, any serious talk of your ukraine membership is only gonna, is going to happen when the war is over, hopefully soon of course. and then indeed, we will know the actual territorial shape of ukraine. now i do, i do understand the ukraine concerns about, you know, false or not false hope. and this is often used as an excuse for european countries that are afraid of such a big country entering the e o given all the power,
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it would have the fact that it would shift the balance of power to the east. now actually recently french president macro has been coming up with an interesting initiative to think a bit more profoundly of some kind of a you know, not, not current if you membership, but a bigger association that is more much more lighter that could serve as a waking chamber for countries that want to enter your p unit, but that are not yet ready or for countries like united kingdom that's are not happy with the sort of the great powers and european union hass and you know, perhaps we already have an organization like that at schools, the european free trade association, f. stop. so, i mean, i think that's something especially ukraine should seriously consider to,
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to sort of reform to make it awaiting chamber for western bulk and 6 and for ukraine and to have the united kingdom. and i think that would definitely reassure and put that on the in key what's, what's your thought about that concept? we're kinda waiting chamber doesn't some good waiting chamber. and you should think about the matter name 1st. and 2nd go, i mean, again, this is what we heard in the last couple of weeks from the countries who were on the boat. so opening a frame, finding out all kinds of, you know, an active under. so not to do that instead of you know, embracing your brain and seeing your brain for it is a family. what if it really is a member at work or family all the sudden europe. so
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i don't think chamber if the ukrainians leaving now and answer quite frankly about the point that was made before a you know, i idea, i think we are well that's why i'm is bishop of real life long ago. what was, what was clear for your friend long time ago that thornton was getting ready for this war for years. it's not the case. and this is the last imperial war. it just brings to call me back. it's not about you. it's not about me. it's just about bringing back. she has this insane idea about the great russian nation that consists on great russian, small russia, ukraine, yellow and white russia, a bill or below. and he wants to create this new soviet union. this is what this
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war is about. your perspective is absolutely marginal in behalf of this insane dictator. ok. only just like to ask, how hard do you think it will be for ukraine once this war is over to, to honor those reforms, those requirements of the e for membership, you know, the rule of law reducing the part of the oligarchy, said human rights and tackling corruption and so forth. or italy different. so world war everybody is talking about that the new friend that was the worst or we shouldn't rebuild the country. we should build a new country because because all this stands for we sure. yeah, absolutely. and where are they? they should be gone, we should deal with them and 1st of all garage 2nd of all, oh,
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we should be more tolerant. we should be more embracing, embracing minorities, new grandeur. indeed, the whole work is there, big long. but believe me, the more in the population, if 1st we win this war, 2nd a we'll, we will get down to building. you will help. oh, you're in that identity. wanted to comment to that, but it also, i'd like to ask you the question, do you think there should be a fast track accession for ukraine in this process to leap frog those others we were talking about earlier. the new commission has settled where the man at times, and this is echoing the positions of the member states that the accession process will be marian base that ukraine will need to go through the reforms. if you pray and managers to go very fast for them, of course ukraine can join in a few years and that would be very desirable by everybody. but the reforms will need to be made. and we need to be also very honest here on the european sized
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aside, the enlargement is not just about ukraine or any other kind of the country. it's also about the european union. one of the concerns, one why people are a bit uncertain about whether they want you members and also is about whether you are can union can absorb them, including whether the european union can be efficient if we keep in margin. currently, european union makes most of the decision by unanimity or consensus and which if we keep adding more in one members, it's very clear whether the you will not become something dysfunctional and unable to move forward. so part of this homework is also on the you side to, to see what we can do. but also the discussion that was started about this special wakened chamber. there is no consensus about how he would book and what it would mean. there is consensus that the entire process takes very long and the risk consensus was that there shouldn't be any exceptions in terms of waving countries
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through without them making the nest to refer us. but one of the ideas that social circulation is how to make this accession in a way state. for example, if you print complete the reforms, let's say on a digital services, why don't fletcher crane be a full fledged member of some digital market? or if there is a completion of certain of reforms in the area of the energy portfolio, let's full integrate ukraine in this demand that would also help citizens to feel that there's something tangible had that happens over all this years. even before you crank and warren, the foreman, let me put that to peer to clippers. what do you think about but this kind of incremental approach? i think it's a very interesting avenue to, to explore. and i think you could integrate with, with sort of my idea of, of, of using f t r again as what it has always been meant for us to sort of associate with countries that are not a member of the you. i do think ukrainian should appreciate you as
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a club. that is very powerful. you know, that is, is deciding a lot of the regulations according to estimates are 2 thirds of the impact of all regulations in the european union. there's also massive financial transfers within the u. so, so what are they like or not the true this, that many current member states are wary to allow new commerce into the club. so, so that's why i think we have to be more realistic and indeed sort of incremental opening for ukraine to the markets. sort of methods like that. ok. because we're just running out of time and i just want to throw it back to forgive me. but i want to write by toilet xander in about 30 seconds and said you meet next week, what would be your message to them? my message would be a very simple if i were you please the ones we are doing and appreciate
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and also admit this warning if you're doing to thank you so much all of you for joining us or we could talk for many more minutes and hours and d, but thanks. in the meantime to alexander share, belinda could go and piazza clippy. thank you so much and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website dot 0 dot com. and for further discussion, just go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. and you can also join the conversation on twitter. i'll handle is at a j inside story for me, clark entire team here in doha. it's we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across to wow sentimental handley take, it will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. the latest news,
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as it breaks the committee plans another half a dozen public hearings to connect the election lies with the violence of january 6th, with detailed coverage. a lot of if i will begin the journey to a poor navia, a journey that can take 3 months from around the world. each family has a small piece of land with the gold tops to eat or sell, but they still struggle to make ends meet. one day i might be covering politics or in the next. i might be a rabbi process from serbia hungry to what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here at al jazeera, we believe every one has a story worth hearing. halfway between tokyo and nagoya, she looked was then relatively sleepy place, not
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