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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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said that they said globalization going on, but that's beside. so think of it. we globalization, our accomplish speakers from heads of state to business and policy leaders will discuss evolving technology, education, culture, sustainability, and the impact on the economy. we town. ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes us. absolutely a fan and i am power in pasha. we tell your story, we are your voice, your news, your net al jazeera, ah
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and left his former rebel versus a millionaire who calls himself the king of tick tock colombians vote for a new president to me to anger about inflation and inequality. ah hello, i'm emily, ang, gwen. this is al jazeera alive from dough house. so coming up in the final hour of polling in parliamentary elections in france. the president's coalition hopes to hold off the challenge from a new leftist block anger on the streets of tunisia. protest is came up the pressure on the president as he tries to change the constitution and bangladesh is facing its worst funding in more than 100. millions are affected, and ne, in india is also impacted.
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we begin the program in columbia where voters are choosing between a left, his former gorilla fighter, and a millionaire who calls himself the king of tick tock. it seen as the most fiercely contested presidential, one off in recent memory. gustavo petro is a former mayor of the capital bog eta, and would be the country's 1st left wing president if he wins. he's up against business. men were dull fo hernandez. so political outsider has been compared to form a u. s. president. donald trump, he's focused on appealing to voters through their phones, mostly using tick tock for communication. alexandra ramp, yet he is standing by in the book, kara manga the campaign headquarters, ult hernandez. but 1st, let's go to, to raise a bow in the capital budget, sir. hello there, teresa, you're following the picture camps. so we'll, columbia voting a left is late for the 1st time. do you think over
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here the voting process is still ongoing and we're one of the largest polling stations and people have been coming years steadily all morning. so that's a big question. is what we are in columbia ready for a left wing precedent? it's interesting to know and who is going to be through. he's an economist, a former left wing gorilla. he's also the former mayor of all that who promising profound reforms in this country, among them, increasing taxes, rethinking the war on drugs in columbia, rethinking oil and gas exploration, and expectation in this country. some something that crucial for columbia the economy. he's promising to fight hunger and inequality. and this is a discourse that inspires many in columbia today, mostly because of what's been going on in this country in the past years, doing different demick horizon poverty, right, and inequality. but the big challenge that paper of faith is today is that he's
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passed, continues to in a way alley and a to many who cannot forgive his role of being a left wing gorilla country where the left has been, historically ss a been associated with the left wing rella, so we've been talking to some of the people here and many are saying that they're afraid that if federal wins this election, that columbia could become the next to venezuela. and that's a serious concern in this country that has been millions of been if we length flea and the economic crisis that's happening in benefits today. so if it makes it to the presidency, it would be historic because it would be the 1st time that a left wing leader makes it to the president in columbia. in the past to all of those who tried had been killed for the fact that he already got here. it's a historic there go for concern among the people here about the possibility of fraud. this is something that to go double paper has been racing during the campaign. in fact, just a few hours ago,
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he made some comments about the fact that they were not allowed to verify the software are involved in this whole process. also the fact that some of the voting cards had been marked with a blank boat and those cards were being distributed so voting irregularities is a serious concern because of what happened during the legislative elections where many felt hundreds of thousands of both belonging to a better party were not counted at all, and then during the final tally, those votes appeared and they had a crucial role. so there is a major concern that something like this could happen again among many of those who are going to vote for better. however, the government is saying that transparency is guaranteed that there are at least 8 international observers in the country mani during the selections that there's thousands of witnesses distributed across the country. witnesses will belong to both parties that are in many of columbia's remote issue. so we're gonna have to see what happens in today's election, but certainly there is
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a lot of tension because there's a lot of fe, columbia has been a right arising inequality. there's a deep social problems that need to be addressed and that's why today's election, this crucial for many other people here is going to be fascinating, say how it plays out. thank you very much. to raise a bow live for us in bogota. let's bring in alexander ramp yeti now, who's at the appalling station in will car, a monger, alexandra, your following hernandez, who's an outside chance to win? what's been his campaign strategy? well and, and then this campaign has been one of the most surprising successes and one of the most disruptive and the recent history of columbia. just a little over a month ago, a few people knew who he was. the others thought that he was just sort of an oddball outsider, with little chance to actually become president there, or even to be able to cross to run off any said he came in as
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a pricing 2nd and campaign that was essentially based on one issue that i'm getting rid of corruption and that that mostly was done on social media in particular on tick tock. he is that his health, the claire king of pick talk also on the ground. he had the square key be the with reg, it's own music where he was the doing exercise is or, or sure last with, with a chain around is neck, promising to go after the leaves, promising to get rid of all corrupt politicians. and somehow that has work not only here and look at where people are obviously very excited that the idea of having one of their own as presidents, but across much of the country, he got 28 percent of the vote in the 1st round. but then the traditional
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establishment has been that quick to back him against the fear of what a possible, a true less the power could do in columbia. some of the things that i bought was talking about in her intervention. now people are also of course creepy sizing. a lot of the elements of his campaign though, the fact in particular that while they have been powerful on, on an emotional level, he has given very little details of a lot of the policies that he would try to put in place. if indeed he became a president, the and the people here will tell you that they don't care though if she doesn't know very much about how to govern the country at national level. his campaign strategy, she has said that putting on this is more men of wisdom and not so much about knowledge about that. that's not important. but i think that the key issue here is that there are a lot of people in cologne gap. there are disgusted by traditional politicians.
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they want to see somebody new a power, but are afraid of the becoming the presidents. and so are backing those put this just because she's not fatal and he's not part of that lead. the big question here though, is that now that we know that essentially the traditional conservative parties are supporting him at least that implicitly, p. if that might make some of his both there's the side effects to go for pets. so that's something that spectrum is fasting, hold on. one thing that is clear and that everybody agrees on is that the country is deeply divided on this issue a bit. dorothy wants change, but they are divided on what that means. and that this could be a very, very close election, possibly among the type the results that we've seen in decades in the country shirtless and no shirt lesson wearing zone chinese certainly
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a lasting memory. thank you very much. alexandra ram, p s e. with that update from car amanda. let's head to france now, and it's the last hour of voting across the country. in the 2nd round of parliamentary elections, the 1st round showed president to menu microns. central coalition. just ahead in a tight rice with a newly formed left wing alliance is actually butler is following development for us from paris. hello, natasha. it looks like voted turn out has been low for this election just as it was in the previous poll. yes, voter turnout, pretty much the same is sir 2nd and final round of the parliamentary elections as it was in the 1st round a week ago. and that is a low less than the half of those eligible to actually cast their ballots. have done soon as something that we've seen a trend in france in elections in the last few years. people are increasingly disengaged from the political process. they feel fed up of politics and politicians
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and increasing number of people saying that she just wants to go out and vote. however, of course, there are many who have chosen to vote, and they are concerned by a whole range of things, inflation. the rising cost of living, of course, has been fueled by the war in ukraine, but also climate change education, the health and social justice. not that point of social justice. i'd like to bring in our our guests to suffer benet jessie joins us. she is a, an increase in inclusive, 80, and diversity expert. thank you very much. deed for joining us. suffer emanuel macro has said that he wants his 2nd term. one of the founding aspects of his 2nd term to be about equality between women and men. but his campaign has been somewhat overshadowed of the last a week or so because a couple of ministers in his government have been accused of rape. he says though, that of course justice should prevail. and there is a presumption of innocence. but do you think that's really affected this campaign?
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i don't think that he really affected diskin pain in the fact that it was not really damaging to his campaign. it mostly served the position. so they used this tool and are used to numbers and starts to gather more votes to gather more electors. but to him, people still elected him. and even when we asked them why they left him, they never talked about gender equality than ever praise him. for like making things happen and that's the problem. and even when we ask the opposition, even when we ask people why they don't like emmanuel medicine, they still answer about the war in crane. refugees, europe, but they never speak about gender equality. so no, it doesn't mean it's not really damaging to complain and even government. so what would you say that micro future government would have to make up? all that is should do for equality between men and women. i think that
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there is true like 3 main points that we should talk about more. the 1st one is education. of course we have to talk with children. we have to talk to the future generations about what gender violence is, what gender equality is. and also about the l g b t q plus rights because it's also a question of a gender. we also have to develop more equality and workplace. we need to reduce the pay got, we need to give more money, more resources to women so they can evolving society to a point where they're equal with men. we need to take we need to make companies be accountable for their recruitment processes. that should be more transparent. the sorrow salaries that also should be more transparent. so yeah,
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and last point is that we need to vote for people that are going to change d p. how the government is now functioning. we need to give more responsibility to more power to women inside the government and not to just put them in very stereotypical places. so yeah, we've spoken to people here, they've been coming to vote and not one of them has talked about gender equality has been one of the concerns besides that disappointing. it's absolutely disappointing. we, under the 1st presidential term, we talk about 622 from the sides. that huge. we're talking about 54 fem aside. and when you say famous i do you mean women who have been killed by that partners with their husbands in killed because they are women? and that's the important thing. so we're talking about $54.00 from the sides since the beginning of 2022. and i knew in my point,
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is not really working on the deepest part of the problem. she's working on the very shallow missile. he's developing measures about how teenagers should wear clothes that are repeating or not. and not talking about trends for piano, not talking about gender violence, not talking about domestic violence in off or gender quality. one of the issues that you feel that has been perhaps overlooked or overshadowed in this campaign. we'll have to see what happens once we get results suffer, but i just thank you very much indeed for joining us. an experts, as i said in include 50 and diversity embarrass and the results will have estimated projections in just under an hour here in raleigh matches when balance stations cross country close. okay. no doubt we will cross back to you when that happens. thank you very much. for the update, it's actually about live for us in paris. still ahead on al jazeera threatened by melting glass is nicole considered a relocating man ever base camp. a tiny country with
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a tiny port is having big problems with ship traffic. why began struggles with inputs matter to the entire region. ah, well the winds have died down the atmosphere is a little bit less dusty than to the go for the lack of prevailing breeze tends to mean this rather warm water give you a much more humid feel. so particularly nissan service, department, doha, it'll feel quite humid by day and even more. so at night, the average temperature, doha, is about $42.00, sometimes are above average, misty mornings. humid noise is given that timely of tick, the july and august where it can be said to be rather unpleasant, that the on shore breeze keeps things much cooler in the levant. and once again,
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we got shows in turkey. another thing that might pull your eye is what's happening over here. northern pakistan, afghanistan, and further north that this is colder than usual by quite a few degrees. for example, cobble should be around about 30 markets down to 20. was rain for these next couple of days in between the 2. it's hot and dry. of course, the most part that extends down to the horn of africa tries, we writes, is hard to get very much read somali or kenya. or indeed, ethiopia that are still a few showers, but a change as well as probably to be noticed further south in the western and especially the northern cape, where this rate is becoming persistent and temperatures with it dropping cor significantly. ah gotcha, one of the fastest growing nations in the world, ah, the contract needed to oakland and develop it into national shipping company to
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become a penny, middle east and co trade and money skillfully mapped out $3.00 key areas of develop who filling a prominence, connecting the world connecting to the future. while need. cato. gatos gateway to whoa trade. lou ah, ah, hello, are you watching out 0? i'm emily ang, when he's a reminder of that top stories his alum, colombians are voting in what's seen as the most fiercely contested presidential runoff in recent memory. former gorilla fighter, gustavo petro weighs up against a millionaire, businessman rodolfo and, and is while in france,
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the 2nd round of parliamentary elections is underway. their president emmanuel mccaul, needs a majority to pushed her, his plans to rise. there were time and age and cut taxes. protest is in tennessee or a back on the straits to oppose the president's plans for a constitutional referendum next month. the main opposition party say thou boycott the vote. as victoria gayton, b reports o position politicians, lee protest the gates president high. sie in the capital tunis. they accuse side of corrupting democratic institutions and wanting absolute power and control over to his ear. it is still phenomena. this new constitution of k site has been written and secretly, we don't recognize it. premier constitutions that's been agreed to by the people, not a constitution written by people who support him. side, suspended parliament and assumed executive power last year and dissolved it in
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march. he's also sacked, dozens of judges. he wants the referendum next month to change. gene is he is constitution. a draft version is due to be published on monday in char law and been her lesson god willing on the 20th of the month. i will, according to the law, submit the draft constitution to the president. this being the maximum date for the submitting of this draft site has banned polls and political advertising and told international election observers. they're not welcome turn out in the referendum is expected to be low. you know, these are one of these years known as the black decade of the years during which chinese you wrote it's greatest constitution and established institutions, including supreme judiciary council and the independent national $34.00 elections. the institutions built by the revolution and built by the martyrs or to day threatened by kai saeed. and his group,
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oh, these protest is say they won't give up. they don't believe the vote in july will be free. oh, fair. they say site has too much power and democracy is in danger. victoria, gate, and be al zera and memorial has been held in honor of al jazeera journal as sharina of acclaim. in mark's 40 days since she was killed when his rally forces shot her in the head while she was on a simon engine ain in the occupied west bank. abraham, was there a kind, humble and strong woman with an infectious smile. these are some of the qualities people here say they remember about shooting abruptly. now have you come in an official ceremony marking 40 days since is there any forces killed her palace? tinian say they lost a member of their own family at present, they came familiar with in the past 25 years, a highly respected journalist who never thought she was to senior for any story. i
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think there is no other choice except like and love to you because she was honest. celine was diary, so ian was everything good in this b, o, the palestinian official read the speech on behalf of president would i, bass. he said shitty and her reporting exposed truth and irritated the occupation. ah, there is no doubt among palestinians here as to who killed should in many have signed a petition demanding her killers, be held accountable. they want the international criminal court to investigate who lana fix be him. we rejected a joint investigation. we did not give them the bullet, but we urged that the rifle that killed abo o'clock be submitted to the i c. c, because the city is killing shocked many people across the middle east and beyond. at home. it's almost impossible to miss the impact she had or even from inside this ready jails, palestinian prisoners managed to smuggle drawings they painted for shooting. oh,
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should he never live to see palestine liberated from these radio occupation? the palestinian government spokesperson said she will be remembered in history books. she leaves the legacy of a journalist. many heresy will remain in their hearts and minds in her life and in death. the daughter of palestine has been a unifying figure to palestinians. across the political spectrum, neither he elisha zita, ramallah de occupied westbank. at least 4 people have been killed in a blast in the african capital and explosive he to vehicle carrying civilians in a district in northern cobble. if not clay, who's behind the attack, it comes after a sick temple was found on saturday, killing to pay for bangladesh is suffering its worst flooding in more than a century. northeast in india is also impacted and doesn't have died across the
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regions since the storm started. millions are still stranded or have lost their homes. have me middle rural ingles, northeast is under water. once again, continues, rainfall has caused heavy flooding, impacting millions of people on the list called water logging has created issues for everyone. no one is able to get out of their homes and they can go to the office. my shop is filled with water and it's damaging a lot of equipment inside a som state is the worst effected. heavy p mountain storms cause flooding in april non stop rain over the past few days has inundated dozens of district. evacuations are underway and the military has been caused to assist more than a 150000. people have been moved to temporary camp. the physician had been a little dream because they had been, have it in for us. and the whole of our farm is in, under the quantum depend it varies from place to place. it also floods in
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landslides, in the neighboring makalya. and through our seats, while in bangladesh, more than a dozen people have died. and at least $4000000.00 of those off handed. continuous rainfall is hampering relief efforts. and both countries have drafted in the army to help authorities in india, one several river could bus that bang, whether folk off to say the rain could ease nita this week, bringing temporary respite party. mr. i'll just the roster deli napoleon preparing to move everest base camp because global warming and increased human activity is making it unsafe. sorry, hi, ross, ripple. every year people arrive at base camp in nepal to fulfill a long life dream to climb the highest peak in the world. mount everest. what was once only achievable by lea mountain is, has now become accessible to thousands of tourists and climbing from around the
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world. and that's part of the problem. human activity coupled with global warming, is having a detrimental effects on every ecosystem, making the ascent on safe as an altitude of 5364 meters above sea level base camp lies on the kimball glazier sciences. the warning, the lacy is melting and alarming rates by as much as one me to every year, especially the issue of melting glass year and the car basses as a big warning that maybe in 10 years, you know, we did normal glass, you go by climbing shops, his se cracks and crevices appear over nights and it's putting their lives at risk, melted ice and also causing rockford and can trigger avalanches in the himalayas in an attempt to protect the natural environment. benevolent government has decided to move every base camp to a new location, and that's roughly 200 to 400 meters low up where there is no year round. dice, said kennedy, this is the right time to advocate and read the boys together. and not only talk
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over the boys, we need to. so do you doubt. so. yeah. jim has been very congested and every year, but definitely more than 1500 people shows the human ways has been polluted around 4000 lead to the year and has dumped that base camp every day. and because climate spend weeks on the peak adjusting to the altitude, they generate several kilos of waste, most of which is left on the mountain from fuel use for cooking and heating to empty oxygen cylinders and the bands and camping equipment. all this has created a moral and an environmental debate on the human obsession to scale the tallest mountain in the world. thought a height of, i'll just 0. the daughter of your pain president rodrigo did. her thing has been sworn in as the new vice president sour to, to it's i will assume office in less than 2 weeks
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a long time. president elect finance. busy finance, ferdinand, brother bung bone my cause. he's the son of former later ferdinand michael. the pe one a landslide victory and last month's elections. rodrigo did her taste presidency has been marked by a violent and he drugs campaign with thousands of suspects killed by security forces. work is at an apple store in the united states have voted to form the tech chimes 1st union in the country, 2 thirds of employees that the shop in towson in maryland voted in favor. it follows as soon i'm move it to unionize that other companies, including amazon and starbucks. the gammy is port was once the preferred destination for cargo heading to many west african countries by the lack of investment has left it short of space and losing hundreds of millions of dollars every year. ahmed interests reports from banjo. you are,
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after days of waiting a ship, offloads is cargo or the port up by june of u kilometers offshore. other bristles all waiting that turn as much as 80 percent of the cargo that arrives here is exported to other countries including begun be as far like geneva seneca, but like of modernization and expansion means that tiny country can't handle increased traffic and is struggling to maintain existing volumes, the portal by new law has a coolant of 400 meters and 5 for, but this is her where we bring ships alongside. so the min business is the context of her lunch and access to this. her budget, when little andy terminal areas are so constricted in the sense that there's 63000 square meters of storage unit as of ill importers. an export to say doing business here is becoming more expensive of we should say as much as 20 percent of the cargo meant for the gambia is being diverted to our, the west african ports. if you ask gum in businessman,
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they're rather have their containers come through neighboring ports for cost, timeliness and things of that sort. but as i keep seeing, the abilene gumby and customer, we lose job opportunities and the taxes that we supposed to pay for the taxman in 20. 19 the portal, approaching a loss of succeeded $200000000.00. and while no recent figures are publicly available, economy say that amount has only increased the is prashant one to import. the government wants to open another the south of the country to south park. so synagogue and lun locked my label. neither countries not ports development is expected to have cargo delivery times, but that could cause the country up to $500000000.00 money the country can't afford at the moment. senegal is currently building new ports and upgrading its transport infrastructure. this analysts say could undermine the gumby us efforts to attract investment. but when you port official say that despite aggressive expansion in the
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region, the gambia.


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