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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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there was some sort of spray used of perhaps a pepper spray or some sort of gas. and again, this is unconfirmed, but it's most of the information that's come out so far from people who were at that ball that evening. so far the police have said that they are investigating they have forensic experts on seen. and as you mentioned there, they are doing pace to determine whether there was some sort of poisoning or get further shed some light on exactly what happened. but the families who are morning, the 21, people who were killed at least 17 of them were found dead at that bar. as soon as police arrived a full, others died later at hospital. and it seems that they are still civil bodies that they haven't been identified. so they still appears to be a significant amount of confusion around what happened. and essentially, people are waiting for police to explain the events that took place in the early hours of sunday morning. ah,
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there at least a whole robin in the hall. reminder of all stories g 7 need as a pledge solidarity with ukraine. as long as it takes, they say they'll continue their financial military and diplomatic support to keep, and they're planning to impose more sanctions on russia. they've been discussing the war in ukraine and it's global repercussions during the summer. in germany, nathan is working on plans to boost trip numbers for its rapid response forces along its eastern flank. secretary general, insulted books as troops may get up to more than 300000 nathan book will have members of the military lines at a summit in madrid. from wednesday, sir lanka is sending government ministers to both russia and castle to negotiate. the fuel of petrol pumps run dry. the few stations left with pat delano selling the last of their supplies through lancaster is facing a serious lack of foreign reserves leading to shortages of food, fuel and medicine. vanelle flanders has more form. columbus. people are milling
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about, obviously the shed in itself is close the ticket tape across so that you can't have a cause. but these are all maultrie. i've been waiting for days and days in queues . there was one taxi driver who told me that he had been parked for 3 days. if you just look right across from the far corner of the frame towards the back, you will see the beginning of ques for diesel. now that particular bus is a bus is an outpatient bus. $4.00 to $5.00 was playing $45.00 outside colombo, but obviously has come to the capital run out of fuel and needs to q. at least 4 people have been killed and dozens injured in columbia. have to part of an arena collapse during a bullfight, a witness film the moment the sun fell apart in the time, the banal, some bulls run through the streets, injuring several peoples, and relatives of these 21 young people who died in the bar in the south african township,
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a waiting for answers about the course of death. samples from the bodies have been taken for toxicology analysis. they died in the city of east london in the eastern cape province. please say there are no obvious signs of injury. you follow the stories on our website at our service dot kaloni is in half an hour with emily. next, it's inside story with hash harbor until like 5 now ah hunger in the last, after the supreme court strikes done a 50 year old abortion law professor say it's an attack on personal freedom. supporters say it will save lives, but how will this morning impact of the laws and can roe vs wade. the restore. this
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is inside story. ah. hello, welcome to the program. i'm hashem abala. a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy has been one of the most divisive issues around the world. in recent days. france is voting to make it a constitutional right. abortion is legal that up to 14 weeks into the pregnancy, in germany, it's illegal r last. it poses a health risks to the mother. german officials, however, say they plan to change that. but it was the united states that made global headlines with a storage bowling i the
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supreme court on friday decided to strike down bo versus wade if federal ruling that allowed abortion in the 1st 12 weeks of pregnancy, it had below the land for nearly 50 years immediately after the decision came down, dozens of states began to ban or severely restrict the pros, asia is also led to protest, white across the country. on one side, women say they've lost control over their own bodies. while others say the decision was long overdue. i joined because we're just going to go back when i wondered, in these days, don't care about the rights of the women. so we've all just become 2nd class citizen. the systems are one murphy, i just, i not democratic at all. the whole. 2 the weight situation was a lie was built on a lie and people need to know that this abortion is not good for people should
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never be, should never be okay to kill another person. i think it's really important anything we can do to support life and, and to dispel the lie that life is just merely a choice that we can do away with no regard or the sanctity of life. well, bring it in august in a moment. first, let's have a closer look at ro versus wait. it was a 1973 supreme court ruling that said, a woman's why to terminate a pregnancy was protected by the u. s. constitution. it was a $7.00 to $2.00 decision that said the 14th amendment covers the right of privacy, which in turn, protects abortion. it said the government could not regulate abortions at all during the 1st 12 weeks of pregnancy. while in the 2nd part of the pregnancy, the government can regulate it to protect a woman's life. but it said abortion could be regulated and even stopped by the
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government during the last stages of pregnancy. ah lettering in august that all joining us from the united states in burlington birth hardy, a state senator for vermont in atlanta, jill cartwright, whiter organizer, and former campaign lead with southerners on your ground. and in austin, amy o'donnell, director of communications of the texas alliance for life. welcome to the program. ladies, i would like to start by breaking down their significance of their supreme court decision and its impact or on the us. let me start with your birth. you are from vermont a state which still protects abortion, but now do you see yourself on a collision course with the federal system itself?
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am thank you. in vermont, we are very fortunate that our right to abortion has been protected due to the hard work of the legislature here on in 2019 we passed a law codifying the practice and protection of reproductive health care, including abortion. so that women across vermont will continue to have access to abortion. and this year in 2022, we have on our ballot a constitutional amendment that will guarantee a reproductive autonomy for all vermonters. so we are fortunate in vermont that we acted quickly and proactively to protect the rights of all people in vermont. so they have access to reproductive health care. unfortunately, that's not true for millions and millions of americans, and this is been a devastating court decision for millions of people across our country. jill, what's next? full women of low income and women of color are likely to bear the brunt of this
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decision. so right now it's is unfathomable. i must say that we are in a period where we are returning to ushering back an error of forced pregnancy. ah, as you know, this is something that was widespread and prevalent most during the, the period of slavery on. and even as we saw on in 2019 of the 4 sterilizations in georgia immigration center detention center, this is something that has been happening in prisons and jails. but now this is leaking out into the public arena. and so black and brown working and poor women are the ones who have to contend with that, right, we're the ones who bear the brunt of these kind of egregious an unfair policies. and so right now, it's a matter of making back a matter of looking around at each other and being able to show it for each other
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in a way that allows for us to care for ourselves and to be able to care for children . right outside of the c, 60 percent of women who go to have abortions across the board. are people who already have children in their lives. re, abortion is a necessary right? because it allows us to be able to care for the children that we already have or the children that we may want to have in the future. and so right now for black and brown, working people who are able to have children or may have been a city from abortion. now it's a matter of understanding ok. what are these laws actually saying? at what point can i abort right at what point can i bought my pregnancy? at what point do i need to see a medical doctor and so on. so it's, it's a really rough time amy, the people in the us, women in particular grappling with this massive shift in the legal landscape.
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particular, when it comes to the issue of abortion, the supreme court is saying that we are handing over the control about the issue of abortion to the states to decide people think this is something that has been taken away a fundamental right from us. how do you said, it's interesting that you say women across the united states are grappling with this decision. i, along with many women are celebrating this decision that the supreme court has rendered stating that there is no constitutional right to abortion. that that was erroneous. lee decided previously and that the power to legislate, abortion should re, again return to the state and to the rotors to allow their voices to vote in elected official fuel well represent their values and bring forth those values and allows of their state in texas. i and many women are celebrating the fact that life is now protected from conception to birth with our human life protection act which passed in the 87th legislative session. in 2021. that law goes into effect 30 days
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after the final judgement is rendered, and i am so thrilled to say that life is now protected in our state booth. can you explain to us what happens next? particularly when in a place like vermont, you're seeing an influx of women trying to have abortion in your own state. now, you have to provide them with protection. by the same time, there is another concern which is basically push back against prosecution. if they decide to take that decision, if people come to vermont to have an abortion, it is safe and legal to do so in vermont. and we will be looking next session at legislation to ensure the protection of people from other states coming here as well as health care provide readers and, and that's something i really wanna underscore abortion and reproductive um, health care is health care. it is vital health care,
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and that is something that is being denied now to millions of women and people across the united states. it is health care fundamental health care. and it is something that is completely necessary for, for people who may or may not want to carry pregnancy to term, including people who are carrying a pregnancy to term and may have complications. and those people are no longer protected in the states that have trigger bands that have now outlawed abortion. it is fundamentally dangerous in many states, to be a woman of reproductive age because these laws are denying women the right to vital health care. and i also want to underscore that the, the ability to vote in elected officials that will protect that health care is being fundamentally dismantled and many of the same states with denying
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by vital protections for voters and in, and gerrymandering. a legislative seats making it very, very difficult to vote in people who are attacked this by on health care. jill, quite interesting, that in a place like the united says of america women under some sort of a limbo, they are yet to understand what happens next. when the take the decision to travel to another state for a bushel, what happens to the, the risk for repercussions and being prosecuted by their own states. they the looking for many answers before taking the decision. yes, and i want to speak to a this false honestly, this falsehood, that abortion banning abortion is protecting life. um, because i think that when use when you make a statement like that, the question follows of what lies you're talking about,
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right. so when we been abortions across the board on such as in the 13 states that have trigger bands and total bands on abortion that go into effect. following this ruling, we're talking about hundreds of women pre rove, pre roe, v wade. hundreds, hundreds of women. and people died yearly from unsafe abortion because they could not get a safe and fair and accessible portion. but they also could not bear their child for whatever reason, they could not afford to have a child because they were a domestic violence situation, abortions, the absence of abortion heightens domestic violence situation were women pregnant women who often cannot find work and often are in need of care or forced to stay in situations where they are housed with someone who is violent, who may not be caring for them. who may not allow them to see the care that they need. and so basic domestic violence then leads to death is, well, i think there's
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a number of ways that we can protect life, right? but life is nuanced in it does not just come down to one single um, situation where someone might be carrying a baby or a fetus. right. or someone might have been fertilizer, there, contraception did not work. and that's what i think is scary about this is because a lot of these abortion laws do not have that wants to understand what actually is an abortion women were having miscarriages, right? women who have miscarriages and people who are pregnant, that have miscarriages, often need to have a doctor's assistance to finish the miscarriage. so that bill do not die or they do not have health health impacts. and so that is in character as, as an abortion, or as life saving procedures are being character, as, as abortions, that means i were criminalizing all pregnant people for wanting to essentially say their own life. he cannot talk about my ish and protecting life is
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a blanket statement when it comes to abortion. when in a lot of these situations, the abortion is what stands between death and someone's life. amy, yes, her dear. among many women who are celebrating the decision, because this is a some things that are respects life. and then when you talk into the women who are expressing their concerns as we speaking in the united states of america, how do you see moving forward against the backdrop of this device? if political reality in the analysis of america, people are divided about every single aspect of their own daily lives, including abortion. one thing that i think is highly important is that we address and the information that is being perpetuated. and 970 dr. bernard nathan, been somewhere during that time, but for erroneous information stating that there were numerous women that died from
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abortion before. roe v wade. and so with that information that have been perpetuated through time, we have seen those live carried for which he, in fact even came out after the transition from being an abortion doctor to being pro life. he even came out and said that was not true. it was made up statistics, but we still hear those made up statistics perpetuated. and so i just want to say that we need to be careful there. you make sure that we're sharing factual back up a little information and also things such as miscarriage, care, a topic, pregnancy, tara, and a lot of information about their and concern out there. that treatment for these very real conditions is not going to be possible. now the reality is that in texas, every abortion law has medical emergency exceptions, covers a topic pregnancy covers anything that could potentially take or heavily impact the life of the mother. and then miss carriage care is not abortion care when
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a body naturally carries a baby that care that help the mother's body expel all of the fragments of that pregnancy as not considered abortion. and the medications that are available to help with that are still available to help with that. and so we feel a lot of fear. we see a lot of misinformation what i want to tell women, especially when they know that we have a back story to help you not say that this is miss really on the to any effort under the existence or rosie we have been able to actually ask and talked to people who are having abortions about their experiences about what's happening because those people were protected because they did not fear that if a, if they told the truth about what was happening,
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they will go to jail. that is the reality of estimate then for america, not so this is about, this is as i say, movies while, while we're talking about this, this polarization which is crippling a debate in the united states of america about how to move forward. i have different angles to cover here. let me go to ruth. people talk a lot about roe vs wade by the forget that are the same time there were there were there's a tradition of century old laws criminalizing abortion at state levels. and they were widely considered as dormant, and people are pretty much concerned that these laws cook now, i guess the backdrop of this last a recent decision could be triggered once again. what does it mean for the you, for, for, for the issue of abortion. yeah you're, you're absolutely right. m, as an example in one state, wisconsin, there was a law on the books from 1849 that was triggered by the supreme court case on friday
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. and now abortion is mostly illegal in the state of wisconsin because of this 170 year old law. that was in that state that the legislature failed to get rid of after roe v wade. so it is very, very important that state legislatures be vigilant, especially in states where there are trying to protect the right of people to access reproductive health care in abortion, and making sure that they put in pro active laws like we did here in vermont to protect that right to vital health care. and i do want to say that there were, there were many women who died from illegal abortions prior to roe v wade. and that is not not a lie. that is true. and that will happen again because when, when people are desperate,
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they take desperate measures and we need to make sure that they have vital access to health care. and also there are, there are some, there is testimony from medical providers themselves, from doctors in texas and other states talking about the fear that they have for providing health care. in the case of necessity, necessary abortions in the case of miscarriages. that is true. health care providers themselves are afraid of providing this health care in these states, jill, it's going to be just a matter of days before the trigger laws come into effect. though, do you think that pro abortion activists will have to wait for the pendulum to swing left before this reality changes once again. so what i have known and what i've always known as an organizer,
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as someone who has always tried to be on the right side of history, right? is that whether or not the political pendulum, wherever it swings communities, especially marginalized communities, the people who are most impacted by discriminatory rulings like this one have always remain grounded in solidarity with each other and being willing to do what it takes to make sure that our people are so are safe to make sure that people who want abortions and people who want to be able to make decisions about their own bodies in their own lives are unable to do so. and so there is no waiting. we cannot wait. if we wait for actually a, this week, a couple weeks. so we, we just celebrated right emancipation and the ending of chattel slavery with the johnson holiday, which is a federal holiday. now, we have the holiday because even with the centuries of slavery that was happening
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in the us, people, some people had to wait to be freed. right? it was, oh, it was fully legal for like like people and slate, who tends to be free. and some of them did not know, but others did not wait. owners found their freedom or it was legally justified. and that's something that we still have to do now is to still understand that just because the supreme court an illegitimate supreme court. i might say this. ringback eyes that abortion is not a human right, does not make it so even though we wilkinson protect our yeah, i mean, how this question for you, if you don't mind, which is basically the, the, the justices. but he's the decision or an interpretation, a conservative interpretation of history and traditional. when justice clarence thomas says in his can hurrying an opinion that other issues are likely to be
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revisited, particularly people talking about contraception and same sex relationships. are you value? do you think they should, the descent should extend to those other issues? important to know that just is thomas is concurrent has no baring on the actual decision. it just is the leader very clearly that in his decision that pertains to abortion and abortion alone, it does not impact or burger fell. it does not impact contraceptives. it does not impact same sex unions. and he, in that passage, i believe it's on page $79.00. of the breed way, if i don't know how we could be more clear now the concurrence that thomas rose called data and lawyer terms. it's basically his side. and he is in the minority on the court with his belief about due process and the 14th amendment. but he is one of all the justices that lands there and he is allowed to put forth his opinion in
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his concurrence. and so that is where he stands. that is where the court as a whole band, nor is that where the decision itself stands. bruce, do you think that it's about time to restructure or to reform the supreme court because widely seeing as biased po, to rise by many people are angry and who are saying the president or the congress has to look for ways to expand it. yeah, i think this decision has clearly shown that this court is a political court. it is not a court that is based on the rule of law or the the constitution as a living document. this court is a political court that is making political decisions, which is not what the united states supreme court is supposed to be. there are also some questions about the ethical on the ethical functioning of this court that i think needs to be looked and into. and the majority of the appointees to this court
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were appointed by presidents who did not win the popular vote. so there's clearly a case to be made that this court needs to be reformed. and unfortunately, i don't think we have the congress that has that it would be willing and able to do so. we need to be making sure that we have a supreme court. that is the legitimate supreme court. that is, that is looking at our constitution in the 21st century and at, for the best for the best health and welfare of the current population of the united states. most americans believe 80 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal and this court has thrown a decision in their face. so we do need to look at reforming the, the supreme court and, and protecting americans from a politicized court that it is not working in their best interest. fortunately, we're running out of time both hauled it till cartwright. they mail done
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a really appreciate you insight looking forward to talking to you in the future. thank you and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al jazeera dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha, inside saudi can also join the conversation on twitter. our hand, it is at a j in size 40 for me. hash i bottle, and the entire team here in bo huh. bye for now. ah and al jazeera correspondence bring you the latest developments on the war in ukraine.
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we had to take cover cases of happening on any basis. the medics here say he is incredibly lucky. those coming out last across the lines of no, no man's land where one of the few to gain access to this embattled town. they take us to their basement, where we find others sheltering from the shelling. please about 2 weeks now by say, 3 days journey devastated buildings cornell, a grim reminder that the russians were here on counts or the cost central banks take decisive action and bring in aggressive rate hikes to try and bring sore, and consumer prices under control. but what more can be done last we take a look at what's in store for the aviation industry following the global pines, evan, counting the costs on al jazeera. the health of humanity is at stake. a global pandemic requires a global response. w h o is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people,
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uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests, treatments, and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground. in the world and in the lab. now more than ever, the world needs w h l. making a healthy a world for you. for every one, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media cast right on al jazeera government shut off access to social media. ah hello, i mainly anglin in auto headquarters. these are the top stories on al jazeera.


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